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Really really bad
11 April 2008
The fact that so many fantasy movies turn out to be unforgivably bad, is something that surprises me every time. It is beyond me how anyone can turn fantasy into total boredom, but it is obvious that there are many people that can do just that. Of course, Gryphon is no exception and it probably is one of the worst fantasy films ever made. Why is it so bad? Let's see: 1. the story is boring and unimaginative. 2. tons of clichés that don't even make sense 3. mediocre - and often bad - acting 4. lousy CGI effects - it reminded me old movies like Jason and the Argonauts, except when they made those movies they had an excuse 5. uninteresting direction 6. the main monster is a ...gryphon? To be honest this should have tipped me off from the start 7. the people that made this film don't know the first thing about fantasy 8. I could go on but what's the point?

So, was there anything good about this film? Well, yes. It ended. All in all, a total waste of my time. Watch it at your own risk. You have been warned. 2/10 for this one.
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Not a very good movie
13 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Reading all these good comments and praise about Tristan + Isolde I began to think that there must be something wrong with me, cause I did not like this film. But try as I might I can not bring myself to find anything that's good about it. So it seems most people don't agree with me, but for what its worth here's my opinion on this movie.

Granted, the production aspects of the film are OK and the acting is decent, sometimes even good. The real problem of Tristan + Isolde is its story and the way it is narrated. It goes for both action and love story and fails in both (although the love story part is better than the action part)to the point where I get the feeling it could have been two separate movies. At one point I got so bored I actually had to fast forward so as not to fall asleep.

I also have several problems with specific parts of the movie, either because the progress of the story did not require such huge sacrifices of realism or because of the fact that scenes that were supposed to be grand and maybe epic were reduced (probably due to budget constraints) to comically smaller scale.

****** SPOILERS******* For example, as far as realism is concerned, the two heroes are caught in the act when everyone in the wedding rides out to honor the full moon tradition. They only see the horsemen when they are right next to them, yet the riders would have been heard from a great distance. Not to mention the fact that riders knew where to find them, when nobody knew for all the time they were seeing each other. While this might not seem enough to spoil the movie, too many such little details can really spoil the mood.

Another good example of what I didn't like about this movie, is the tournament. To put it simply I've been in grander, larger and more impressive tournaments as a kid, playing with my friends. And this was a tournament were all the lords of England were competing for the daughter of the King of Ireland....

*******END OF SPOILERS******** To sum it up, there was a good story somewhere in the film but it was bogged down by bad narration, laziness and clichés. I give it 4 out of 10.
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Surprisingly Good Greek Film
14 February 2005
I kept putting off seeing this film, because there was so much fuss about it, I was sure I was going to be disappointed. Well, I finally watched it last night and I was pleasantly surprised: This film is actually as good as most people say it is. At first glance it seems to be a film about food (which is not bad - hey, I love food), but turns out to be so much more. The reasons I liked it? Well, read on.

First of all, it is a way above average production for Greek film standards. Music, camera-work, photography, CGI, script,acting, everything is very well done. Some people complain about the CGI used, saying that it looks fake, that it looks more like a painting (mostly the shots of Istanbul), that it looks unrealistic. Well, they are probably right: it does look a bit unrealistic, but I think this is intentional. We see someone's memories and memories tend to be polished and larger than life.

Second, it is probably the only Greek film I've seen that, while dealing with a subject that only Greeks and Turks can really relate to, you don't have to be a Greek to enjoy it. It's easy on the eyes, it's touching, it's well written. And, amazingly, it deals with Greek-Turkish relationships without passing blame: it provides the facts but avoids passing judgment (this is actually very rare, as both Greeks and Turks tend to blame each other when these events are mentioned).

Finally, you end up feeling better (and hungry) after watching this film, which is reason enough to watch it. Highly recommended to everyone, I give this film 10 out of 10.
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Could be the beginning of a good series
8 October 2004
I didn't even know this film existed until I saw it on the shelf of the DVD store. The cover said "Quentin Tarantino Presents" so I thought I'd give it a try. Fortunately I was not let down. Of course it is not a great film, but it is good enough for an entertaining evening.

I really liked Modesty's character and all the background info we get to discover about her. The whole movie screams "first of a series" and I really am looking forward to watching the rest. I just hope it doesn't stop on this one.

Only problem was the movie is a bit slow, viewed as a standalone film. But as part of a series of films, this may not be so bad. As a standalone film I give it 6 out of 10. As part of a series I would probably rate it higher.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Decent, mindless entertainment
30 September 2004
Decent, mindless entertainment. That's all I really need to describe Van Helsing, but since I must write ten lines or more I'll try to elaborate.

This movie is, obviously, no masterpiece. But then again I don't thing it was meant to be one. Viewed as an action movie paying homage to old monster movies it provides enough entertainment, so that you don't feel sorry about wasting your money or your time.

On the good side, Jackman and Beckinsale are good enough, there is enough action to keep the movie going, the effects are decent (not too bad not too good) and it's always good to see the classic monsters. On the bad side, this movie has the worst Count Dracula ever (which really hurts the film), the CGI effects are overused and the script is below average.

To sum it up, it's probably worth a viewing, just don't expect too much. I give it 6 out of 10 (mostly because the main villain was laughable).
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Equilibrium (2002)
Matrix meets 1984 meets Fahreneit 451
28 September 2004
While this movie borrows quite a lot from other films or books (both in terms of visual style and story) the final result is decent enough. If one views it as an action film with a bit of sophisticated backstory then it might actually provide some entertainment.

The main flaw of this movie is that it contradicts itself. Throughout the film people show emotion when they are not supposed to, thus making everything hard to believe. Of course all human emotions can not be totally neutralised but an anger outburst such as the one the head of the clerics displays at some point would not be tolerated according to what we see in the film.

And, of course, some scenes being almost identical to some of the Matrix scenes don't help make this film better. All in all, worth renting for an (moderately) entertaining evening. I give it 7 out of 10.
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Gothika (2003)
Why Gothika?
23 September 2004
The first clue that a movie is not very good is when the title has absolutely nothing to do with the movie itself. Of course you won't know that until after watching the movie and then it's too late. Gothika is yet another example of a movie with a good director and very good actors that just doesn't deliver - the outcome is much poorer than one expects it to be.

One the one side you got an accomplished director, good actors (though I have to say this not one of Downey's best performances) and adequate technical execution. On the other side you got a plot full of holes, total predictability and unconvincing special FX. Plus the film is not scary (it's hard to be scary when you're not making any sense).

Sure there is potential here but what it comes down to is that this is a film that you are going to forget as soon as the credits roll. Recommended only if you don't expect too much. I give it 6 out of 10
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Spawn (1997)
Spawn or...yawn?
22 September 2004
I'm a comic book fan and generally try to watch any comic book adaptation to film. Spawn is one of my favorite comic book characters and a movie about him sounded exciting. Unfortunately, this film is a classic case of "great source material, bad execution". The film suffers from a very bad script (idiotic at some points), bad acting and some lousy CGI effects (not all CGI effects in the film are bad, just the parts in Hell). On the plus side the atmosphere of the film is quite good and Spawn's armor is rather good (best part of the film is when Spawn fights using his armor).

What bugs me the most about this movie is that it could have been so much better. Spawn is a great character, a badass anti-hero with some really cool powers (which come from his armor) but in the film he comes out as a weak and not very intelligent man, easily manipulated and led on by almost everyone he meets. I guess the fact that there is no sequel says a lot. Recommended for comic book fans. I give it 5 out of 10.
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Akira (1988)
Great Animation Film
22 September 2004
I only recently watched Akira (though I have heard a lot about it) and I must say I am impressed (so much that I bought the DVD). This is, beyond any doubt, one of the best animated films in existence. Visually impressive, solid direction, with a compelling story (if a little complicated), just the right amount of character development, good and very appropriate soundtrack and an extensively detailed New Tokyo, Akira manages to be as groundbreaking as it was when it was first released.

It's only drawback is that most people (including me) will probably have to watch it again (and again maybe) to completely understand the full story. Highly recommended (especially to anime fans). I give it 8 out of 10.
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Life of Brian (1979)
Classic Monty Python satire
16 September 2004
I first watched this one 15 years ago and it instantly became on of my favourite movies. Having watched it several times since then, I can honestly say that it still manages to make me laugh out loud at some scenes and generally put a smile on my face for it's entire duration. Next to Holy Grail, this is definitely the best Monty Python movie and one of the best satire/parodies ever filmed.

The Monty Pythons crew play a large number of roles, doing an excellent job each and every time. Some scenes are hilarious (like the stoning, or the Biggus Dickus scene) and the rest will put a smile on your face without even realising it. And the best part is that there is more to this movie than just humor.

Highly recommended to everyone (especially Monty Pythons fans). I give it 8 out of 10. An remember: Always look at the bright side of life!!
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King Arthur (2004)
Kind of a let down
14 September 2004
Any movie about King Arthur and his Knights is bound to be great, right? I mean, the legend of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table is on of the most exciting tales around, so a movie about them just has to be great. Especially when it claims to be the "true" story behind the legend. Well, you better think again. This movie somehow manages to take one of the most exciting, interesting and well developed stories that exist and turn it into a bore.

First of all, it is not the "true" story of Arthur, simply because nobody knows what the true story is. There are a number of historical figures that are assumed to have fueled the legend (the film's Roman Arthur is just one of them)and the most probable scenario is that the legend of King Arthur is based on several historic figures and events (and some of the legend's elements were created much later to spice things up). And the movie is not even historically accurate (weapons and things that were invented centuries later, the Saxons invading the wrong part of Britain etc.).

But besides that, is the movie any good? Well, not really. Mediocre acting, inadequate script, some lame dialog, undeveloped characters are some of the films characteristics. The portrayal of Arthur as a goodie-two-shoes Christan made me feel sick. And Xena, the warrior princess - sorry I mean Guinevere - delivers the final blow. But to be fair I have to admit that there were some great fight scenes and, for the most part, very good photography. Had it not been a story about King Arthur I probably would have liked it better. I can't really recommend it to anyone, watch it at your own risk. I give it 5 out of 10.
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More romantic than funny
17 August 2004
Watching the trailer I thought that this would be a very interesting and funny film, but after watching the film I must say I expected it to be better. The story is very good and provides many opportunities for both funny and sad moments. It would probably work very well as a drama but what we have here is a romantic comedy.

It is romantic and sometimes it is a comedy but it doesn't really work as it should. Maybe it should have less crude jokes and concentrate more on the leading couple (Barrymore and Sandler). There were some funny moments but it was not hilarious. I was left with the feeling that it could have been so much better. Still I liked it enough to recommend it, especially for a date. I give it 7 out of 10.
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Good Special Effects, Bad Everything Else
9 August 2004
I went to see this movie knowing that the best part would be the visual effects, but I also expected a decent story. Well, I was right about the first part. The only thing that makes this film watchable are the visual effects. Everything else is below average.

Thai main message of the film (that we don't treat nature as we should and nature will find a way to correct that) is left totally undeveloped and by the end of the film it seems more like an impossibility rather than something that could actually happen if we are not careful. The ecological, political and ethical messages of the film are somewhat naive and instead of adding to the film they detract from it. And the fact that the father and son story takes first place in the film is not good at all.

The film tries to talk about many things at the same time and fails every time. But it is not successful as an action film either. While some scenes (like the flooding of NY City) are spectacular and create some tension, the rest of the film just has too many problems. For example, I could not feel the threat of the climate changes because even though they threatened the entire world, all we saw was the destruction of LA and NYC. And the end was just terrible. All this just passed away and everything will be just ok?

I recommend it only for the excellent visual effects. I give it 6 out of 10 (again for the visual effects).
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Scary Movie (2000)
Funny movie
6 August 2004
Scary movie is not actually a movie. There is no plot, no story with a start and an end. It's just an excuse to throw in a series of gags and jokes taking a shot at scary movies like Scream, I know what you did last summer, The Blair witch project etc. And it is essential to have seen these films (at least the first two) to make any sense of this movie.

Still, it was a funny and entertaining movie. Sure, there were some bad and crude jokes, some scenes that didn't fit in, but most of the time I was laughing. The only problem is that it was funnier the first time I watched it, the film loses it's appeal with each subsequent viewing (unlike airplane or other satire/parody movies).

Worth watching once, you are sure to get a few laughs. I give it 6 out of 10.
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Underworld (2003)
Stylish and Entertaining
4 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Being a fan of White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade I was looking forward to watching this movie. Although there were many elements from the game in the movie (I think White Wolf is going to court for this) it is not based on the game. And in my opinion that would make it a much better movie. Still, it was an entertaining movie that I enjoyed both times I watched it.

The main characteristic of the film is STYLE. Everything was stylish, sometimes even at the expense of other aspects of the film, like the action or the story. The atmosphere was very good, a gothic, underground feeling was apparent through the whole film. The action was good and well choreographed. The music was ok, nothing special. And the story was interesting but I feel it was not used to it's full potential. A little more character development and more attention to the details would have made this a far better film.

******SPOILERS****** There were two major mistakes I noticed. 1)When Selene tells Kraven that the Lycans were after a human, he says that Lucian would never be interested in a human. But Lucian is supposed to be dead (only Kraven knows he is not). Oops! I guess he gave that away. 2)When the captured werewolf tells Selene and Viktor about Lucian's plans he mentions that they need the blood of a descendant of Corvinus that is untainted (meaning that he must not be a vampire or werewolf) for the merging of the two species to work. Yet Michael is bitten early on by Lucian thus becoming a werewolf (and becoming tainted). I guess they forgot about it. *******END OF SPOILERS******

To sum it up, this movie has some problems but it still manages to be entertaining. Let's hope they get it better on the sequel. Recommended for everyone at least once, as long as you don't have high expectations. I give it 7 out of 10.
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Big Fish (2003)
30 July 2004
After this movie Tim Burton is definitely in my top 5 list. I liked many of his other movies, but this one is, in my opinion, his best. Big Fish caught my full attention for it's entire duration and left me with a feeling I had just watched something special when it ended. Everything about it was great.

Great direction and editing. Beautiful images, some very powerful and emotional scenes and fantastic use of flashbacks. Great acting. Every actor in the film delivers a solid and balanced performance. Great story. A beautiful and entertaining story and a very good script to support it. Great effects. Very well done special effects that fitted perfectly with the story.

This movie is interesting, thought provoking, funny and touching at the same time. Not many movies can claim that. I can't recommend it strongly enough. Go watch it now. Or watch it again, I know I will. I give it 10 out 0f 10 (my first 10).
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Secret Window (2004)
Good adaptation of King's story
27 July 2004
I love mystery films, I love Stephen King and I love Johnny Depp. So, I was really looking forward to watching this film. And though it's not as good as other King films (like Green Mile, The Shining or Misery) it still is a good film. Even though I would probably enjoy the film more if I hadn't read the book, it still was very interesting to watch how King's story was transferred to the big screen.

The story is good, if a little predictable (after all the main twist has been used a lot in the last years) and Depp's performance is, as usual, brilliant. Torturro and Hutton also do a pretty good job. And Phillip Glass did an excellent job with the music (a fact that nobody seem to have noticed in the reviews I've read).

All in all, this is a good, solid movie. A must see for fans of Stephen King or Johhny Depp and probably for anyone else as well. I give it 7 out of 10.
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Perfect example of a movie that could have been much better
26 July 2004
After Pirates of the Carribean I was eager to watch this one. Unfortunately there is no comparison between the two films. The Haunted Mansion fails in too many accounts to be a good film. Other than some nicely done CGI effects and some good acting from E. Murphie and T. Stamp there is nothing else that is truly good about it. Oh, and the Mansion is very detailed but hardly utilised in the film.

This movie could have been so much better but a bad story and script just ruin it. The characters are flat and the movie fails to be scary or funny. A younger audience (children under 12 years old) may find it entertaining but older kids and adults will probably be bored.

I give it 6 out of 10 (and I'm being very generous here) because I like ghost stories and E. Murphie and because the DVD has some great extras.
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A bit disappointing
26 July 2004
What can I say about this film? It certainly is not a typical Argento film (and I mean that in a very broad sense - there are some things you expect from an Argento film, like gore, tension and a certain visual style), but is it really bad? Well, it's not a terrible movie but from the man that gave us Suspiria, Deep Red and Tenebrae I expected much more.

First of all it's not giallo but more of a run of the mill detective story. Now, this wouldn't be bad if it was a good detective story, but it's not. The identity of the killer was predictable and some parts of the story did not make any sense. On top of that, the acting was not very good and the music was at best tolerable. And the final scene was just bad and did not make much sense.

The only good things about the movie were some great shots of Rome, and a couple of good, powerful scenes (like the first 2 murders) that reminded me a little of Argento's better films.

It's not a very bad movie, it's just a mediocre one. But since it's an Argento movie I expected much more. I give it 5 out of 10.
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Great film
23 July 2004
If you are a fan of the X-men comic books it is impossible not to like this movie. Some of the best characters from the comic book are here (Professor Xavier, Storm, Rogue, Wolverine) and the adaptation from comic book to film is very successful. But even if you are not a fan of the comic book or you have never heard of the X-men (though this is highly unlikely) this still is a great movie.

It's visually great, the score fits in perfectly, the acting ranges from adequate to very good (Ian McKellen is great as Magneto), it's packed with action and, like any good comic book, raises some issues (like prejudice) which are treated superficially. There is enough character development to actually care for the characters and Singer's changes from the comic book work just fine.

The first movie was pretty good but this one is even better. I recommend it to everyone and give it 8 out of 10.
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A pirates life for me
22 July 2004
I loved this movie the first time I watched (when it was playing in the theaters) and I loved it again when I watched it yesterday. And I bet I'll love it the next time I watch it. It's a fantastic movie. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun watching a movie. Did I mention I loved every minute of it?

This one has everything: good and entertaining story, well written script, fine direction, good acting (excellent acting in the case of J. Depp), great costumes and locations, nice looking effects, humor, cool characters, swordfights, ghosts, romance, great villains. WOW!! In short, this movie is awesome. And besides, pirates are cool!

The best thing about the film is, without a doubt, J. Depp's character: Jack Sparrow (sorry, I mean CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow). Depp delivers an outstanding performance, effectively shadowing everyone else, as the goofy, somewhat crazy pirate captain, proving once again he is a great actor.

If you expect deep ideas and dealing with important issues you won't find it here, but if you just want to be entertained and have a whole lotta fun I strongly recommend Pirates of the Carribean. I give it 9 out of 10 simply because of the fact that it provides 2 hours of great fun no matter how many times you've seen it.
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Alice, boring Alice
22 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've heard a lot about this movie so I bought it on DVD. Fortunately I got it very cheap or I would be very sad right now. I've heard that this is a little horror gem, a good movie with suspense and many twists and that it has a great ending. This couldn't be further from the truth (at least in my opinion).

THE GOOD: The story is interesting and has a lot of potential. This could have been a much better film.

THE BAD: The direction and camerwork are nothing special. Not bad but not really good either. The acting is below average and sometimes comes close to awful. The dialog is stupid. The movie is unbalanced. It starts as a horror movie, it continues as a family drama, then goes back to horror. The characters are flat and undeveloped. The killings are very unoriginal and not at all scary. The effects suck.

THE WORST: *****SPOILERS****** You can tell from the start that Alice didn't kill her sister since the killer is double her size. Duh! There goes the plot's main twist. And even if you overlook that, the killer's identity is revealed halfway through the film rendering Alice irrelevant for the rest of the story. The killer's motives are very thin and she is hardly believable. Some reviewers say that the end and the identity of the killer was unpredictable. Of course it was unpredictable. The bad guy was one of the extras. Who could predict that?

Anyway, I'm tired of saying bad things about this movie so I'll just sum it up in one word: BORING. Skip this one unless you want to check for yourself what's this movie all about. I give it 4 out of 10.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
Funny and entertaining!!!!
21 July 2004
I watched Shrek 2 last night with my girlfriend and we enjoyed every single second. This movie is amazing! We laughed out loud on many occasions. Amazing animation, great humor, tons of references to movies, fantastic characters. Man, this was even better than the first one.

I don't have many things to say about the film, except that it was excellent. One of the best animated movies I've ever seen. I especially enjoyed the fact that almost every character from almost every well known fairytale was mentioned. Pinnochio has two scenes that are hilarious.

Great entertainment for the whole family. Highly recommended for a very pleasant viewing. I give it 8 out of ten.
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Out of Time (I) (2003)
Predictable but fun
19 July 2004
This is a short review since this movie is neither so good nor so bad as to make me want to write many things about it. It's an ok film, nothing special and it's the presence of Denzel Washington that keeps it in an above average level.

The story is mostly predictable, even though it's full of twists. It is also full of inconsistencies and relies heavily on coincidences for the story to keep going. On the plus side, most of the acting is great (Eva Mendes is unconvincing as a detective) and the direction, editing and music are all right.

This movie is nothing special -you wont be running to tell your friends about it- but it makes for a decent watch. It will entertain most people so I recommend it for a relaxing evening. I give it 6 out of 10.
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Worth watching....
19 July 2004
I have heard quite a lot about this movie and I've been wanting to watch for quite some time. Finally, it was released on dvd in Greece and when I saw it on the self of the dvd store I rented it. I was eager to see what all the fuss was about and I put the disc in the dvd player, sat comfortably on the couch and prepared myself to be blown away. Unfortunately, I was extremely disappointed. Not so much from the movie itself, but from the fact that the version I watched must be the most heavily cut version in existence. It was totally butchered, almost every scene was cut. I was left feeling I didn't watch the actual movie, just some selected parts. So, I don't really think I can properly review this movie, but I'll try to anyway.

It is obvious that the budget was very tight and that Craven and Cunningham were not very experienced. The script is sometimes corny and even stupid, the direction and editing fail to impress and the music (composed by D. Hess who plays Krug, the main bad guy) is average at best. The acting, with the exception of D. Hess, is typical B-movie acting, although at some points the 2 girls look really scared. The main story is rather good - as far as revenge flicks go - but it could be better if some more attention was given to it. The cops, obviously meant as a comic relief detract from the movie. On top of all this, the version I watched was deprived of anything shocking, at least visually.

So, with the main attraction of the movie gone, was it any good? Well, I can only speak for myself, but I'd have to say yes. Admittedly it's a badly made film, but I liked it. Even though the version I watched had almost none shocking or violent scenes, I still found it disturbing. Mostly because all the violence comes not from monsters, zombies, or super strong mutated killers, but from real people (from Krug's gang or from the parents). Krug and company do what they do without any motive, just because the can - just for fun, and the parents turn to killers for revenge. It was a strong movie and it stays with you for a while.

As a conclusion, this movie has some flaws and it is definitely not a masterpiece, but as Craven's debut I think it's decent enough. Worth watching at least once, if only to see why it earned cult status.

P.S. I cannot believe that in 2004 a movie gets released in such a heavily censored form. I feel cheated and insulted.
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