
26 Reviews
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Atypical (2017–2021)
If Sheldon were a teenager....
22 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Big Bang and was sad when it finished but had Young Sheldon to ease the loss which I also really enjoyed. Atypical was described to me by a friend as if Sam were a teenage Sheldon and I agreed until I really got into the show.

Whilst the other shows focused on showing the behaviour that can be portrayed, this show takes you on a journey with Sam. The clever editing and writing shows you how and why noise affects Autistic people as it does, the education I received watching the show filled me with empathy and a level of understanding I had not felt before.

If that was not enough Sams support cast are outstandingly individual making me want a Paige and a Casey and a Zahid. The young cast really steal the show and it's VERY hard to do that when you have such big shoes to fill in the like of Michael Rappaport and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Honestly, I find the show an absolute delight and was so gutted it only ran 4 seasons. Well done to all involved and hats off to Sam who fulfilled his character so much I'm grieving the loss of a friend.
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Nyad (2023)
Epic adventure 35 years in the making
7 January 2024
The performances of the cast were absolutely outstanding. You could feel the love, frustration and strength of bond between them all. Having Jodie on screen again after so long was the reason I watched the film but crikey, they all excelled, Annette just shone and even the support team were a delight to watch. No nonsense, tough it out, full of grit and character it made me all emotional to watch. This is a true story and I had to keep reminding myself of that whilst watching as it was pretty unbelievable!!! I had not heard of Nyad the woman before, I am from the UK and was not privy to her previous accomplishments but one thing is for sure, I certainly will not forget her (or Bonnie the bestie)
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Blindspot (2023– )
Couldn't bear to watch the last 3 episodes
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The main character has a phone yet doesn't seem able to use it to call for help on any occasion even when trapped in a lift, behind a bin or whilst fleeing in a wheelchair from a strapping bloke who for some reason can't outrun her.

I don't care how bad a copper may be but if someone reports a body in a bin they are going to look in it. Same with CCTV, ooooo a murderer on CCTV, no sorry too busy to look at that .....really?!!

The cameras that were put in after a murder don't point at the one place the murder took place, why on earth?!!

Little things like a cleaner with a dog that you don't like in your house, why employ them?!

So many questions, so little care to ask.

Lazy writing and the main character was rude and unlikeable. The only character I liked was her best mate who had an amazing amount of tolerance but as for the rest, awful.
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Malpractice (2023)
Missed chances for a 10 star
16 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was very good I thought and the interactions between the staff were well written, making them seem like an actual team. I also liked the storyline and would have given it a much higher rating if it wasn't for that fact that a hospital continuing an investigation that quite clearly should have been handed over to police after people have been killed was stupid. Additional characters could have taken over the plot here and made it more believable rather than trying to turn the medical teams into Miss Marple. I love a whodunit but was annoyed at the off when 1 character gets hit by a car in a busy street with dozens of witnesses and yet no investigation by police into that either?! Made me question the writing.
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Mammals (2022)
Self indulgent narcissistic nonsense
6 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The first epidode pulled me in, I mean, who doesn't love a bit of Tom Jones. Then it got weird and pointless. There is literally nothing to like about any of the characters. Not one thing. I either wanted to slap them or shake them. To be clear, I'm not talking about the performers, I have enjoyed them in other things, but the people they portray are so insipid.

I finished the series because I'm a completist, I don't like loose ends but it got no better at all. Save yourselves and go watch literally ANYTHING else. Now, if someone could just tell me where the holiday cottage was that they filmed in, that may pacify me a smidge.....
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Could have been so good
19 June 2022
Save yourself the effort. Bruce is barely in it. The young girl was really good, the cop was OK too, the killer was pretty creepy but please ffs, if you are going to cast the very beautiful Megan Fox as a sidekick cop who has been through the night she had, lose the make up, lashes, hair extensions etc. The editing was absolutely awful, really choppy in places and left the film feeling like a disjointed, made for TV movie.
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Before We Die (2021– )
This series needs help...
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Some great acting from the main cast but honestly some of the supporting cast seemed dubbed or wooden. The writing just doesn't translate to a UK setting. Honestly police officers running around the woods with firearms, illicit operations, undercover relatives it's just so far fetched it made me want to break the TV.
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The Vanished (2020)
Don't waste your time...
28 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Things I would not do if my daughter was missing.....

1. Watch a movie 2. Make smores 3. Have sex 4. Watch neighbours have sex 5. Sit down and have a normal meal (really)?!!

6. Go to bed and not search for daughter

Absolute twaddle.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Utter nonsense
15 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So the cunning financial whizkid takes on the many holes. This film has a serious split personality problem. Black comedy? Nope. Thriller. Nope. It tries to be like Oceans 11 but so many plot holes and dumb moves that become infuriating. I gave 1 star for Dianne West as I just love her acting and another for the premise which was interesting but the execution was poor and the writing questionable at best.
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Devs (2020)
Could have been so much better
7 May 2020
I liked the cinematography and the story was interesting but that's about as good as it gets. Some of the acting is atrocious which is very off-putting but the most annoying thing that I just could not get past was the soundtrack. It drove me nuts. The humming, the choir, the electronic synth sounds were inappropiately placed and constant. It was obviously deliberate to match the surreal and futuristic styling of the show but quite honestly, it just made me want to turn it off.
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Made me sooooooo mad!
14 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I shall keep it quite simple. I need resolution in life. I really don't like a cliffhanger ending. I like things tied up in nice little boxes with bows and ribbons on top and after dedicating countless hours to this TV show which I had really enjoyed, I was deeply disappointed. There is not even going to be a 2nd series so we shall forever be wondering what the heck happened to....... You know what. There were so many loose ends it would take me an hour to write them all down. I refuse to give this show any more of my precious time.
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Wild (I) (2014)
A thoughtful movie for quiet reflection
9 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Quite simply, if you want jaw dropping action or revelations then this movie is not for you. I walked with her. Through the entire film. I was there. I saw her pain and felt it. It didn't have me sobbing into my hanky because it was not a pityfest. It was plain and simple. This woman wanted to change or die. I wanted her to make it. I watched her suffer and rage and fall to pieces. Then i watched her get up, dust off and take on another day. I was this woman and I wanted to make it to. Reese Witherspoon as always gave it her all. The only reason it dropped a point was some of the writing was far too small and squiggly for me to read so I had to pause it to check what it said. If you are feeling a bit lost or displaced or at a crossroads in life, give this a watch and see her STRYDE
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Containment (2016)
There are better things to watch
21 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A virus in released causing part of Atlanta to be on full lock- down.... I do love a good disaster series, when it's done right that is. The premise of the story is good and some of the acting is excellent. The problem is the writing is so far fetched it spoils the storyline. Nothing is allowed in or out. So they send in drone but can't airdrop medication?! Hmmmmm that's not very realistic. Choose to stay at a hospital riddled with infected and bodies rather than a hotel, some mother! People robbing stores for food well why not just drop them food off?! No army personnel in sight when its a chemical disaster?! One cop having to do protection, body burning, med collection out of 4000 people?!!! I don't know but these sorts of details drive me nuts and spoil the overall feel of the show. I am 5 episodes in so let's see where it goes but at the moment I am not loving it.
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No Escape (I) (2015)
Chewed my nails to the quick!
2 August 2016
I really feel that this film has slipped under the radar. Probably because the openers are very cheesy and the titles look so old fashioned. I likened them to an eighties horror movie!! I imagine many people watched a few minutes and then turned it off. More fool them. The plot was very good and the pace was brilliant. Pierce was a bit of an odd choice, not sure he fit his role so well but the family unit were really believable. In particular, the kids acting was a real coup, watch out for those two. I couldn't help but liken it to all the current atrocities going on in the world which is likely why it resonated with me. I would watch this again.
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There are better supernatural shows to watch
26 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I found the show incredibly disjointed. I was more than happy with the time periods which definitely held my interest but the story lines just did not fit together well. It was all a bit thin for my liking. I did find the acting brilliant and the soundtrack was appropriately eerie but it just wasn't enough. I didn't understand the ending at all, were they on about the first wife and if so how come nobody else had mentioned it?!!! The twist was good but again didn't make sense as in the present day there would be mention of this strange machine found back in the 1800s. All in all if you have nothing better to do then give it a go with low expectation and then you may enjoy it.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Magnificent misery!
12 January 2016
I have really enjoyed this drama series. I had little knowledge of the era and found myself scouring the internet to see what actually happened to king Alfred as I was curious. It's not often something peaks my interest so greatly hence the review. I particularly like the way the scenes are shot. The Baron wastelands, the marshes and fields look so cold and dreary you actually feel transported back to the dark ages. There are very few effects so the actors look like they worked hard for their money. I particularly liked the way Alfred was portrayed, flawed but contemplative. The main character is handsome enough without looking like a male model, rugged and fiery but scarred too which made him more interesting. I was really pleased at the inferance of a second series, I have high expectations.
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Such a shame, could really go places if only.....
9 July 2015
I started so I will finish. I gave it two episodes and now I want to know what happens so I will watch it until it finishes. I am annoyed with myself for wasting my time on it though. It is a frustrating show. I like the premise and the storyline, the problem is the editing and some of the cast. There is a lot of overacting particularly by the two bosses, I mean really, you don't have to be bursting with anger in ALL your scenes! Also, how come the new guy ends of practically running things straight off?! Some of the supporting cast are brilliant but you are left confused about who to like. They are all so miserable and grumpy it's like watching eastenders. Basically, the show is trying to be Luther but fails miserably!
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No Offence (I) (2015–2018)
Dark and twisted humour is delightful
17 May 2015
I get REALLY cross when people who have a regular sense of humour watch sardonic humour and get all bent out of shape. If you do not understand original British humour, turn it OFF! No one is making you watch it! Right. The show itself is like a fly on the wall drama, much like Happy Valley. It contains the same bitching, moaning and competitiveness that is in the real world. It also shows how relationships and friendships in the workplace grow and how you come to rely on all sorts of people you come into contact with. The storyline is actually quiet dark and gripping thrown in with some absolutely CLASSIC humour such as the cleaners on the phones with their feet up! I can just imagine that happening in darkened offices everywhere! I love it and hope the show continues in exactly the same vein. The characters remind me of people I actually know, because they are real not some shiny gorgeous eye candy who cannot act. Keep them coming folks 😀
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Funny funny funny!
3 January 2015
I absolutely loved this film!

It was so colourful and cheery which any Christmas film should be but i just LOVED the writing! The storyline is completely brilliant with Santa and his elves being turned into a military operation.

The dynamic between Santa and his own family mirroring the actual lives of many families today. The game board scene squabbling was so reminiscent of my own family that i found it hilarious.

The portrayal of Mrs Claus was ace, reminding me of our very own queen Elizabeth was particularly dry witted and the little determined elf just was the icing on the cake.

Watch this movie, even as an adult, it was delightful
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Fascinating look at how mankind can stoop so low
1 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film. It made me feel good about myself! It is, quite frankly like slopping around in a bowl of human filth. It made me feel dirty and superior watching the gradual decline of Russo's moral conscience. Following Jake's slippery slope, i found her performance compelling, the older executive, desperate to cling on to her dwindling power. His performance can be likened to De Nero in taxi driver. Obviously a fragmented being, detached from society seeking out and relishing in the pain of others. It was well written and had me gasp out loud at one point at how low he stoops and i liked the ending too, sometimes bad guys do win.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Why do people like this so much?!
1 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I gave this film five because the acting was really good. I liked the plot twists. I am not a fan of Ben affleck (except for the brilliant dogma performance) but in this he played an unlikeable prat and he played it well. None of the characters were particularly likable and i found the casting of the twin sister odd as they looked nothing alike and she looks about ten years younger than him (i looked because it bugged me and she is actually nine years younger so this is really poor casting). I was getting infuriated by the old slipping out of the back doors without anyone noticing, i mean, really, twenty news trucks out the front door and not one thinks to sit out back, come on people! What really stuck the knife in for me was the ending. I was engrossed in the plot and then it just ended. Literally. Ended. No resolution. No conclusion. If you like everything tied up in a neat old bow then do not watch as you will be disappointed. I am one of those people so this ruined the film for me. Maybe alternate endings could be filmed so we can choose the one we like best....interesting thought no?!
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Angels Sing (2013)
Cheesy load of gubbins
3 December 2014
Yes, i know. Why rate a load of gubbins a SEVEN?! Well, let me tell you. The storyline is a bit patchy, well, a lot patchy. It is also really, really cheesy. I mean, seriously, my cheesy nachos covered in cheese sauce has less cheese. I quite simply do not care. The amount of musicians in this movie is gob smacking! Legends i say! Willie nelson, harry conick, lyle lovatt. All crooning and warbling to their hearts content. Something about these peoples love of music shines through the rest of the awfulness! If you love country music, then this is movie for you. If you love sickening xmas movies, this is also for you. Other than that, avoid like the plague. I myself, well, i liked it. It made me feel gooey xx
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
So depressing. So awesome!
25 November 2014
This show is fantastic. I do not feel the need to write more but guidelines say i must so here goes. The acting is beyond brilliant. Raquel from corrie just kicks butt as a seen it all copper who takes no messing.

It was so bizarre seeing so many usual comedy actors taking on such gritty roles. The enraged pathetic father was not much of a stray from his benidorm character except for his gainful employment but his ever cheery wife switching to a recovering drug addict was a complete shocker! The savage effects of drugs, the unusual scenic background and the hard core British bobby bot taking no for an answer really got my blood racing. As soon as i hear the music i am straight back there in the village wanting a cup of tea and a fag on the doorstop with them all. If you are into rainbows and fairies and happy endings this is not the show for you. If you like a bit of slap you around the face dirty gritty drama then pull up a chair, you will not want to move until its finished! Second series PLEASE!
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The Missing (2014–2016)
Emotionally provoking
25 November 2014
This is a very slow, drawn out drama. I emphasise that because so many people give the thought provoking long drama negative reviews. Just not enough fast paced explosions for people. If that is what you like go to channel five or Hollywood. The BBC make gritty, real life dramas for the intelligent person who do not need fuel filled, jaw dropping moments to keep them interested. This programme is about people, relationships, how a moment can change your life forever. How people react so differently to situations and how it affects them. The actors take you on a journey, tony, so blinded by guilt and rage that at times you have no empathy for him whatsoever until you reflect on his loss and wonder how you yourself would react. I find the acting brilliant and i like the time skips, if at times, if you have blinked it gets a little confusing as to what era you are looking at particularly when the young french man goes to the UK. I was confused as to what era I was watching at one point. Besides that i am avidly waiting for the next episode, particularly after the 'jaw dropping' twist of the last episode with the boat incident (you see what i did there)?! Watch and enjoy and if you cannot sit still for a drawn out programme, go watch x factor!
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Intruders (2014)
Heats up as you persevere
25 November 2014
Its starts a little slowly and weird. i was worried it was going to go a bit under the dome ridiculous. After the third episode i was hooked. The little girl is quite frankly, frighteningly good! I found myself needing to know what on earth was going on. I liked the ending too, which was satisfying, a little carrot dangle for a possible future series. There were a few loopholes that had my nose wrinkling but i forgave all and moved on. Some of the acting was also a little ropey but i do like john Simms so again, i got over it pretty quickly. A good Friday night whilst having a curry sort of show. I didn't play on the ipad whilst i watched it so it held my attention more than most!
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