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Twin Peaks (2017)
There should be a negative rating
13 June 2017
When you are a person who enjoys films and the telly, you eventually discover certain things such as there are things put on television that are bad; that there are things that are put on television that are so bad, they are actually somewhat good; and that there is rubbish such as Twin Peaks 2017, season 3, which defies all comprehension and reason for its existence.
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Some people just don't get it. I do!
13 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(Possible Spoilers ahead)

Listen Up because I,m not going to say this again. American Psycho is not a Horror Film - It is a satirical and Psychological thriller filled with sickly funny dark comedy.

Christian Bale is absolutly amazing in this film. He should have won some kind of 'Best Actor' award for his performance as the 'Psycho' Patrick Bateman. Willem DeFoe, Jared Leto and Chloe Sevigny also play their roles to a good standard.

The biggest complaint that I have read concerning this great film is that some people think "The ending sucked coz it was too confusing".

It was NOT too confusing. I admit that the twist in the end of the movie is perhaps a little more complex than the twists at the ends of 'The Sixth Sense' or 'Fight Club' but come on people, that was the whole friggin point. Bateman is a 'Psycho', in a very big way. But he did NOT kill anyone... Or did he?. That is the point! The story is a narrative as he see's things. He is confused - he does not know if he killed anyone or not therefore we, the viewers, having lived in his mind, do not know either. Dah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excellent movie, Excellent Score- 9.8 out of 10
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Norm (1999–2001)
Amazing. An American sitcom which is actually funny.
4 February 2002
'The Norm Show' (a.k.a Norm) is, without a doubt. One of the funniest, if not the funniest American sitcom I have had the pleasure to witness.

I have found that almost all 1990's American sitcoms have been complete and utter crap (with the possible exception of all the animated ones). One only needs to watch a few episodes of the horrible 'Friends' or the disgustingly dull 'Everyone loves Raymond' to know that the humour in these shows is very thin and the characters are all very easy to hate. Then came Dharma and Greg - Possibly the worst Television show ever conceived. It was looking pretty bad for American T.V.

But, alas. American sitcoms had a saviour and it came in the form of a Canadian. The stylistic wit and sometimes un-p.c japes of Norm MacDonald have given me hope for American TV. If only more sitcoms were like this.

Long live Norm and his Weiner Dog!
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Air Force One (1997)
Its a movie.
2 November 2001
Air Force One was the movie in which two of my favourite actors, Gary Oldman (The Contender) and Harrison Ford (Star Wars), got to duke it out.

Many people seem to bash this movie as it is 'too unrealistic' or 'not deep enough'. Lighten up, this is supposed to be a light hearted action thriller, not another Shawshank Redemption. My only problem is with Glen Close, she sucks. For its entertainment value and the fact it had Gary Oldman in it I would give it 8 out of 10.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Good cast, good movie.
19 October 2001
Sleepy Hollow is without a doubt Tim Burtons best film. He sure as hell ruined the Batman movies but we could almost forgive him for this little gem. Luckily this time Burton 'heads' out with the great old story of the Headless Horse man, a better than average script and, what I believe to be the winning factor, a fantastic cast. Johnny Depp was perfect for the role of Constable Craine and Ms Ricci was above par in her role as the sordid love interest. But forget them. What made this movie great was the fantastic supporting cast. Everywhere I looked I saw the familiar faces of some of my most loved actors:- Jeffrey Jones (Ravenous),Michael Gough (Alfred from Batman), Christopher Lee (Dracula},Miranda Richardson (Blackadder), Christopher Walken (Waynes World 2)and the great Ian McDiarmid (Palpatine from the Star Wars series). It was the characters of these 'supporting actors' who made this film as good as it was (especially Walken and McDiarmid). All in all it was a great film with a great story and a great cast I'd give it 9.5 out of 10.
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Its Star Wars, what more need I say.
19 October 2001
Lets face it, Star Wars is simply the greatest film ever made. Forget your Art house films, forget musicals, forget drama, forget comedy:- when it all boils down, Star Wars is the best film of all time. Now that I think of it 'The Empire strikes Back' was most possibly better but never mind because Star Wars is still choice. SO THERE! 10 out of 10
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Its not as bad as some say.
3 June 2001
Don't let some of the bad reviews for this film put you off watching it. I finally got around to watching it last week and I must say that It was no where near as bad as what some people have said about it. In-fact I thought it was pretty good. It's not the best Star Trek film but it's not the worst either. Some people have criticized it by saying that it looks like an extended television episode- All the films except 'the motion picture' have - what's the point of changing the television look and feel when it is so good? The one time they did try to change it from the episode feel (the motion picture) it was crap. Come on people, this is Star Trek - what were you expecting - this was not meant to be another Shawshank Redemption. I like this film so I'm going to give it 8 out of 10 because I don't care what other people say.
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Re-Animator (1985)
Best Horror movie EVER.
28 May 2001
Up until a few months ago I had only ever heard about how great this classic 80's movie was. Then I stumbled upon the un-cut version at my local video shop, took it home, watched it and held my sides with laughter. Simply put - This is one hell of a GREAT movie. I know that horror movies have a tendency to be crap but from the ashes arise a few gems.

This film would have to be Jeffrey Combs' finest film to date. His role as Herbert West is as memorable if not more memorable than his role as Weyoun in Star Trek Deep Space Nine. Combs' co-star, Bruce Abbott, also puts in a fine performance.

With dark humor through-out, a great script and a great pairing of actors in the form of Combs and Abbott, Re-Animator goes down a real treat. It deserves at least 9 out of 10.
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27 May 2001
This film is great for 3 reasons. 1.) It was directed by Peter Jackson 2.) It was proudly filmed in New Zealand (Very patriotic of me) and 3.) It stars one of the best actors the genre has ever seen - the most talented Jeffrey Combs. I think you will find it is also mildly entertaining. Enough said. 7 out of 10.
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Good stuff.
27 May 2001
"The Voyage Home" (a.k.a Star Trek 4) ranks as my most loved "Original Series" based film. The other Kirk and Co adventures were good but just not as good as this. The comic value of this film is just great and I think that this was what made the film so loved by some and hated by others. For me however, the crazy adventures of the ever aging cast placed a smile on my face and a laugh in my mouth. This deserves at least 7 out of 10.
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27 May 2001
I have found that this movie baffles a great number of people. They dive-in, expecting to be entertained but by the end they are just puzzled. Don't get me wrong, I love Star Trek (in all its various forms) but sadly, this film just did not do it for me. Some people say that this film was not meant to be about action but rather an adventure into logic - I'm afraid that this may be why this movie is just a tad on the boring side. Out of all nine Star Trek movies this would be a hot contender for worst of the pick - at least the other 8 were better. Its O.K but not something you would want to see more than once in one year. I think it deserves about 5 out of 10.
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Ravenous (1999)
A Very Good Film.
2 May 2001
I had never even heard of this film until I saw it one fateful night a few months ago and now I would have to rate it amongst my top 10. The film as a whole is absolutely brilliant - the acting (especially Robert Carlyle)is super, the story-line is interesting, the music score is different in a very good way and the filming locations are breath-taking (In Slovakia at least). I sat captivated throughout the entire film. I would recommend it. It would be worth at least 9/10.
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18 April 2001
This film, The Alamo:Thirteen Days to Glory, is utter rubbish. The acting is awful, it is far too patriotic and its historical accuracy is not always at its best (Historians would have a field day). It does have a few good moments but not enough to keep interest because it is far too long. Rating * out of **********.
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Bottom (1991–1995)
Greatest Situation Comedy ever made.
16 April 2001
Bottom is the best situation comedy ever made. It stars British comedy legends Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson as two low life bums named Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler. They share a flat, although it is quite clear that they hate each other, and this leads to a plethora of adventures involving crude toilet humour and violence. Its so funny I nearly wet my pants. Another great aspect is that Rik Mayall and Ade Edmondson write the whole show themselves. They made a Bottom movie in 1999 called 'Guest House Paradiso' which is just as funny as the TV show. Watch either of them and I'm sure you too will be holding your side with laughter.
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