
14 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
Just horrible.
30 August 2022
I don't know where to start. The good points, some adequated acting skills by some of the cast. The bad points, too many to include in the available space in this review. Here's a few. Utterly ridiculous scientific principles, all the same cliches, the usual inclusion of irrelevant side stories, inrealistic humour in dire situations. There is so much more.

The movie Idiocracy is now a documentary. This is beyond the Woke garbage that now controls Hollywood. This type of trash started with Independence day, then 2012 and is getting progressively more insulting to our intellence.

When Donald Sutherland says that "this technology is light years ahead of ours", well that says it all, doesn't it.
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Peppermint (2018)
Utter Garbage
12 December 2020
It's bad enough when male leads deliver this puerile cliché infested nonsense, but now Hollywood has new rules. This movie is the real "Equalizer" Women are now in charge. You can be a large population of lifetime street hardened criminals, but you have no chance against a scorned woman, even if she looks like a model. At lease pick a female lead that looks the part. Every part of this film can be predicted. It's more acceptable as a comedy. Just listen to the Clichés at the end. You can say them before they are spoken.
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There is light
13 October 2020
Great start to the season, and quite a turn around for the series. The best episode in my opinion in recent years (FTWD and TWD). Great new characters and acting to support. If you want a new perspective on FTWD and TWD, just watch 10 minutes of The Walking Dead - World beyond. That train wreck of an idea will breath new life in the other two series.
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Amazingly disappointing
10 October 2020
First episode is a really bad start. I'm betting that it won't get better. It's horrible cliché ridden teen drama, and, in keeping with other current series. it is totally dominated by women who out numbered the males two to one in this episode. Equality has really overshot the mark here. I thought that TWD and FTWD were waning before this, but now I look forward to their return, This is garbage.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
3 out of 10..Are you kidding?
13 May 2019
No Spoilers here. Any reviewers who rate this title 6 or above, give them a read. Anything less, especially the 1s & 2s, dismiss. Is this is a truly great episode, who knows? I really liked it.

The most predictable thing with reviewers is that not everyone can be pleased, but there is absolutely no credibility in anyone giving this episode an ultra low rating. Don't waste your time reading them.
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Life (I) (2017)
Really?....this is a bad picture?
16 July 2017
Wow. It amazes me that this has rated under 8. I can't understand why so many people feel the need to compare this to Alien. The bare bones of this is similar to Alien, but beyond that it is refreshingly unique, and unlike Alien, much more plausible. This is not just horror Scifi. This is a genuine thriller with an excellent cast. I love the fact that I didn't have to put up with all the usual stupid clichés that ruin movies like this. Neither did the writers feel the need to include much humour, and this really added to the atmosphere in a similar manner to John Carpenter's "The Thing". What is dumbfounding is the reviewers that think that this film is "illogical, unoriginal and so flawed. It is closer to perfect that virtually every film in this genre. Like "The Thing", it is a masterpiece. Take note of the sound track in the dying seconds before the credits.
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Too much
4 November 2016
I'm fed up with writers insulting my intelligence with their hollow attempts to try and shock me. To be fair, TWD is only one of many shows that does this, but where are the censors?? Apparently the line in the sand is shifting faster now. It's really sad to see people defending this rubbish. What we will be seeing in 10 years from now I shudder to think. The graphic violence is so unnecessary and can easily be backed off without spoiling the show. Without the violence, Negan is only a boring comic book villain anyway so he's quite unimpressive too. TWD generally has a great story line and always has fantastic costume and special effects, but no, they need to stand out in the crowd more. Now we have a new precedent. So to the writers of the show - I'm not shocked, just bored and terribly unimpressed.
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The Office: Garden Party (2011)
Season 8, Episode 4
It just keeps delivering
20 October 2011
For me this was the funniest episode for season 8 so far, in a season that has been quite good considering the departure of Steve Carell. The garden party has plenty of laughs all the way through. Don't miss the scene into the credits. James Spader continues to show that he was an excellent choice to add to the cast. The good aspect is, that he is not over-used, so his screen time is always a highlight. This cast change reminds me of M*A*S*H. When mainstream actors left that series, they didn't attempt to duplicate the characters. They successfully created new characters. In this respect, the Office has reinvented itself a little, and this may add years to its longevity. I can easily see it running to season 11 or 12 now.
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The Thing (I) (2011)
Worth the wait
14 October 2011
Why is it that so many people feel the need to forecast doom by doing comparisons. This film wasn't even released and it was written off by many who think that the 1982 version couldn't be touched. Well they were right, but only in one respect. The 1982 movie was an absolute masterpiece as far as the Sci-fi Genre goes. In fact, to me it's the greatest Sci-fi movie of all time, not because of the special effects or the so-called graphic gore, but because of the complete package - especially the brilliant cast, characters, suspense and the mood created by a great sound track.

If you think the same as I do, then see the 2011 version. This one's not as great, but how could it be? Having said that it's a very good movie, which is surprisingly true to the 1982 version for the most part. Sequels (prequels) are usually a disappointment as they try to raise the bar and fail. This movie doesn't attempt that. It's as many people are saying, "a companion" to the 1982 version. It didn't fall into the trap of adding boring clichés or breaking the suspense with cheap laughs. It didn't try to change the formula too much and that's a good thing. Why re-invent the wheel. just make another interesting one.

The 1982 movie was definitely worthy of it's 8.2 rating. This one's a 7.0.
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Lake Placid 3 (2010 TV Movie)
Don't....just don't
26 February 2011
Think of the worst film that you've ever seen. This is worse. There is nothing good here. The movie starts off reasonably badly, and then declines, almost exponentially. What did they do, hire a 12 year old school boy to write the script? Did they only choose actors and crew that were willing to work for nothing? If it's a profit sharing deal they will have to mortgage their houses. Is Michael Ironside that desperate? Finally, the special effects - they looked like the work of an amateur playing around with freeware - CGI at it's most primitive. I've seen better special effects in a 60s Sinbad movie. I won't go on. The original Lake Placid is worth the hire, but stop there.
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2012 (I) (2009)
The real disaster is the script.
20 March 2010
Just read the review of shakesbeer from Austria (13th Nov 2009). This summary is spot on. I missed it at the cinema, and despite moderate views, I was looking forward to seeing it on DVD. I can't believe how disappointed I was. I didn't expect an 8 out of 10 film, but neither did I think that it would be this far below my expectations. Quite frankly it was rubbish. The special effects are good, but this can't save it. The script was an absolute insult to your intelligence. I do like John Cusack and Danny Glover. It meant nothing here. This film was just loaded with the same tired old clichés and moronic sub stories about peoples personal issues and emotional baggage. Why does the main character always have to come from a broken marriage? Can't they think of something new? You really have to leave all of your brain at the door. *** Spoiler***Just one of the many stupendous exaggerations in this film was a van out running a pyroclastic cloud. A normal volcanic explosion sends these out at 700km per hour. This was a Super Volcano, a catastrophic global event a mere 1000 times bigger, yet our heroes still manage to escape from it despite being right there when it erupted. It's just Indepedence Day all over again - in fact if you liked independence Day, watch this. You'll like it. All I can say is that you're easily pleased.
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The Office (2005–2013)
A pleasant surprise....six years later.
8 March 2010
I am a huge fan of the British version of the Office. I remember looking forward to the American version when it first came out and being disappointed immediately to the point that I refused to watch it after the first episode. Almost 6 years later I gave it another go as people were telling me that it was actually quite good. I took the advice that I should start from season 2. This time around I enjoyed it more and gradually warmed to the characters that were basically copies of the British version. I can't believe that I would ever say this, but this show is as good as the British version. The bonus is that there is a lot more of it. It was certainly a knee-jerk reaction to give up on it so quickly, but it seems that a lot of people did. The Jim/Pam relationship is a clone of Tim and Dawn, but some of the pranks that they play on Dwight(Gareth in British version) are quite brilliant. There are certainly differences between the two versions, but generally the American version stays fairly true to the original.

If you loved the original, definitely give this a go.
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Gran Torino (2008)
31 January 2009
I won't put any spoilers in. Quite simply, I found this film high class and very entertaining. I doubt that Clint Eastwood has surpassed this effort as an actor or a director. It's as good as his last effort, "Million Dollar Baby" at least. I did find some comments by the critics quite amusing. Someone thought that 90% of the people commenting on this film wouldn't know good acting or a good script if they saw it. That is not only laughable to most of the 28000 people voting on this movie (at the time of writing), but it represents a staggering case of self denial. It does present a valid statistic though. Over 90% of a lot of people have rated this 7/10 or better. That is all you need to know. See the film!
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Oh no, not again!
31 December 2006
How can a fine actor like Samuel L. Jackson put his hat in this ring! No chance of spoilers here because I wouldn't waste my time writing much about this farce of a screen play. It's just the same tired old formula. Old clichés, bad special effects and, as usual, portraying animals in a totally different way to reality. Snakes seem to come top of the list when it comes to gross exaggeration. Alright, you're not supposed to take it's tongue in cheek stuff and all that, but this is just plain stupid. The screen writers are cashing in as usual on mindless violence, but even worse, with absolutely no originality. It's all the same old stuff. It's just as pathetic as Anaconda.
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