
3 Reviews
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Hysterical.... Powerful.... Haunting.... Touching....
4 October 1999
I told myself that although I was blown away by this film, I would not voice my opinion on this web-site. Well, after reading 6-7 other comments, and seeing the uncanny resemblances to the way I felt about "American Beauty" I felt I just had to say a few words.

First of all, this movie (as others have said) has renewed my faith in Hollywood and movies in general. I see a lot of movies in my day, and I actually really enjoy a few from time to time. However, the movies seem to be few and far between. The last "real good" movie I saw was "Sixth Sense", and although that movie was just released this summer, it was the first "really good" one that I had seen in years. Before seeing "American Beauty", I feared that I would spend the rest of my life watching ridiculous "MTV" movies about teenagers looking for dates to the prom.

But once I saw this film, my heart rose out of my chest with awe, knowing that there are still good movies being made. Also, another thing I found intruiging when reading the other "imdb members comments", was the mentioning of "Shawshank Redemption" and how it was the last GREAT movie to have come around. I TOTALLY agree "The Shawshank Redemption" happens to be my favorite movie of all time, numero uno! However, "American Beauty" is not far behind at all!

And one last thing. If you're sitting at your computer right now, and you haven't seen this movie (for whatever pitiful reason), get your lazy butt of that chair and GO SEE IT!!!! I mean it, right now... what are you waiting for, stop reading and GO!!!
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Simply known as "The Movie"
6 February 1999
Whenever I talk about this movie with my friends, I do not even refer to it by title, but rather as "The Movie". When I say "The Movie", my friends know exactly what I'm talking about. In fact the main reason that me and my friends don't refer to it by title is because this movie is so great, that we do not feel worthy enough to say it's name in vain! I still remember the first time I saw The Shawshank Redemption. Some friends of mine and I went to see it at one of those "Budget Theaters" over the summer of 1995. None of us really knew anything about the movie, but we had heard that it was pretty good. So, not having any real expectations, we saw it. When the final credits rolled and the lights came on in the theater, all of us just sat there with our jaws hanging down on the floor. I turned my head towards my friend Bob and said "That was the greatest movie I have ever seen in my entire life!" There's really no other way I can put it in words. Every moment of this movie captivated me and inspired me to believe in the one true thing in life...... "HOPE". This movie is sad, uplifting, inspiring, harsh, cold, funny (at the right times), jaw-dropping, and heart-warming all at the same time. I get chills every time I watch this film and this film contains the greatest ending (which takes place over the last 30 minutes or so)in movie history! How it all just "comes together" is so incredible and uplifting. I should also mention the music in this movie is nearly flawless as well, and the soundtrack is a "must buy" for any music fan. The only bad thing about this movie is the fact that I know I will never see a better movie, no matter how many I may see. I've seen many movies over the past few years, many excellent films. However, every time I walk out of the theater, I turn to my friend or family member that I saw it with and I say, "That was a great movie, but it wasn't nearly as good as 'you know what'!" There have been many movies over the past few years that thought would really move me or that I might one day call my "favorite of all time", but they've all fallen far short of "The Shawshank Redemption". So, if you have yet to see this movie, please run to the video store immediately. You're guaranteed to find it in the "employee picks" section. And if it isn't in that section, then you should tell the employees there that there is something seriously wrong with them. If you have seen this movie, go see it again. If you haven't bought your own copy yet, buy one. In fact buy two, and put one in a fire-proof safe, just in case of an emergency. :o) So, you want a 1-10 rating??? I give it a 13!!!!!!
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This ending absolutely floored me...
7 December 1998
After hearing nothing but praise from my friends and family, I made the decision to rent Dead Poets Society. Although it was hyped-up a lot by my friends, I tell you that I was not the least bit disappointed. This film lived up to the hype and then some. I'm not gonna waste my time summarizing this film, cause chances are anyone who is reading this has already seen the film. So instead I'm going to briefly touch on the impact this film had on me as an individual. Carpe Diem (sieze the day). That pretty much sums up the feeling that this film instilled in me after viewing it. It made me realize that there are more important things in life than just following "tradition" and doing what is expected of you. It showed me that I must follow my own path in life, with what makes me truly happy, rather than conform with what is expected of me. Also, I don't think I have ever been so touched by a single scene in a movie like I was with the final scene in this movie. When you could see the guilt in the eyes of the Ethan Hawke character, knowing that he was partially responsible for Mr. Keating's dismissal. You could tell he just wanted to tell Mr Keating how much he meant to all of his friends and him. And you could also see the forgivness in the eyes of Robin Williams, knowing that the boys were not to blame, but rather the "establishment". And when Mr. Keating was just about to leave the classroom for the last time, and Ethan Hawke jumped up on his desk and addressed Mr Keating "Captain, My Captain!"... I literally wept out loud. I have never cried during a movie like I did with this one. I literally bawled that entire scene (when the students stood up on their desks), and didn't stop until half-way through the final credits. Anyone that enjoys being moved and touched by a movie MUST see this one. It will also add two important words to your vocabulary.... CARPE DIEM.
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