Death Race 2050 (Video 2017) Poster

(2017 Video)

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Crazy and campy.
MonsterVision9918 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love the original "Death Race 2000", the remake was OK, but I wanted the Death Race series to go back to it's origins, I wanted another death race movie that takes place in a dystopian future, and I got it. "Death Race 2025" it's a very enjoyable modern day grindhouse film, it's quite campy and over-the-top, but that's why its so fun.

The film its a pseudo-remake of the original movie, it follows the same plot, but I guess it takes place 25 years after the original, anyway, the film has a very interesting collection of characters, but my favorite has always been "Frankenstein", I loved him in the first movie and in the other movies he's fine, but they can't compare with the original, here he's played by Manu Bennett, who does a good job at portraying the character, I didn't have too much of a problem with the other performances (that may be because I watched the film with the Spanish dub).

The film biggest problem it's the disjointed editing, but of course it's bad, it was meant to be bad, the only thing I can compare this film to it's to a Troma movie, and I just love Troma movies, so of course I was going to like this one.

It's better than the average campy exploitation film but it doesn't do anything new either, its severely flawed (even if most of it it's intentional), but I found it quite entertaining.

I would recommend the film for those who love campy and trashy films, like Troma movies, but for those who want a genuinely good action film, don't even bother.
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Was this trip necessary? Maybe
JoeB1317 November 2017
I'm not a fan of remakes. If something was good to start with, you don't need to remake it. If it wasn't, you shouldn't try again. This is technically the second remake of Death Race 2000, the first one was a soulless endeavor that missed the point of the original movie.

This one gets a lot closer to the spirit of the original, updated with Virtual Reality and Social Media. So they have a set of alternative racers to try to beat Frankenstein, reflecting modern fears.

Some points- The resistance terrorists in this film aren't as effective as they were in the original, where they did manage to kill several racers. IN this, they manage to kill each other.

Some of the commentary is fun, with Malcolm McDowell playing a Trump-like president and the US being converted into a corporate state.

Where the movie falls down is with Manu Bennett, who has a very limited acting range, which goes between "Brooding" and "Extra- Brooding". Most of the supporting characters are equally weak.

so worth watching? Not so sure. I didn't hate it, but I didn't enjoy it like I enjoyed the original.
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It Isn't What It Is
LongTimeMovieLover10 June 2018
Death Race 2000 was an original cinematic charm. A timeless gem with great casting and raw implementation. This one tries too hard to capture the original magic and fails. Everyone's trying too hard without the same natural charisma. The characters in the first were cast as naturals, but not here, which is the flaw. Loved the original. Perhaps a concept that does not replicate well, but this one's not even close to the original. The first, a classic; this one, forgettable.
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Tries way too hard to entertain
Wizard-825 February 2017
Being a B movie fan, it should come as no surprise that I enjoyed the 1975 Roger Corman production "Death Race 2000". As for the first remake of that movie - the 2008 "Death Race" starring Jason Statham - well, not very much, namely because it took the title of the original movie and not that much else. But when I heard this second remake was out and that it was going to be more faithful to the original movie, I decided to give it a whirl in my Blu-ray player.

It did not take long into watching the movie to realize that the filmmakers had seriously botched things. There are many problems with this movie, ranging from the cheesy special effects to the racing sequences being very poorly directed and edited. But the biggest misstep the movie makes is that it is *extremely* strident in tone. It crams in so many attempts at heavy-handed humor that you'll be wanting some dramatic relief from the comedy.

Actually, had the humor been actually funny, that might not have been a problem. But I counted only three gags that made me smile slightly. The rest of the humor is extremely unsubtle with its writing and execution.

The cast shows signs of talent, but apparently because of director G. J. Echternkamp's command to endlessly mug and shout their dialogue, all the actors come across as thoroughly obnoxious. Not one character in the movie comes across even remotely sympathetic.

The best that can be said of this movie is that it makes the Jason Statham movie look much better in comparison. Needless to say, it makes the 1975 original come across as deserving of multiple Academy Awards.
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beastnbella16 January 2017
I can not for the life of me find any kind words for this movie. This movie is the worst movie ever. what the f, why would anyone put money up to make this god awful movie is beyond me. Crap. Absolute crap. I feel embarrassed for these people who were in it, if I was an actor in this terrible movie I would never tell anyone I was in this movie. Go get run over by a truck, its less painful. I can not waste any more of my time and life on this movie how dare IMDb make us write 10 lines minimum before submitting. I am warning everyone, not like Deathrace with Statham. Very poor movie, terrible acting, if there was a budget of a thousand dollars I would be shocked. Cars look made of cardboard too.
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If you're a fan of really, really bad B movies this is for you.
s_b_07719 January 2017
The original Death Race 2000 was at least somewhat excusable being it was made in 1973 and it was truly a "B" cult style movie. Death Race 2050 movie is so awful it is as though no time has passed and we're still making films in 1973.

It's not funny, not campy, and so childish that there are videos produced by middle school kids with better overall quality. Malcolm McDowell has done some decent work during his career and he should be fighting to get himself removed from the credits on this one it's such an embarrassment.

If you like the concept of a death race then I strongly encourage the reader to watch the Jason Statham and Luke Goss films and avoid this one.
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Did not finish it.
thehatch200221 January 2017
First five minutes I realized that most of this film is done on a green screen with a parked car. I skipped a chunk to middle of the film to see if it was worth to stomach through. Unfortunately I ended the film at this point. Very low budget, poor acting. I have never seen the original death race, but i have seen the last three of them. Little upsetting that this film used there name and was such poor quality. I wish my thirty minutes of my life could be returned to me. If you like the other films, stay far away from this feature. You will not like it at all. This belongs in the mystery science film comedy show, that would make this film enjoyable!
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Beyond Bad
mhorg201829 January 2017
First, even though I do like Manu Bennett from his days on Spartacus and Arrow, I don't usually see a movie or TV show because of whose in it. Seeing that Roger Corman was behind this (the last two remakes/reboots were OK, but just OK), I figured I'd give this a shot. Having watched it I can see why it never got any large release. Absolute trash. Not even the fun kind of trash, but just poor, badly written, directed and acted Trash. I'm sure everyone who was in this mess did it only for the paycheck. Roger certainly isn't the Roger of the old days, not if this is the best he can do. Sitting through this was like getting one's teeth pulled without Novocaine. Avoid this at all costs. Just a waste of cinema.
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horror of movie
slamnati-jeti23 February 2018
This is the worst movie i ever seen. And i seen a lots of movies. I would say nothing if this was a elementery school movie and kids shoot it with old nokia cell. Full of meaningless killing , stupid conversations,...and even car dildo??? what was wrong with director and screenwritter?? where they stoned on job?? scenes are not funny and they are not even close to be scarry like in horror movie...they were only horrible...whole movie didnt make any sence at all...

if you dont watch it you will miss nothing,..even you will spare time...better see some ED Woods film...they are better!
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KOOLAIDBRO22 January 2017
I like Manu Bennett so when I saw he was in this I decided to give it a shot, and I am glad I did. I see people complaining about it being so low budget, and to them I will say duh it's Roger Corman. They obviously are not familiar with him. Low budget usually means terrible, but every once in awhile a gem is released. If you have seen the original and liked it then you will like this one. If you hated the original then you will hate this one. If you have not seen the original, but you like nonsense, campy, and over the top violence then you will like this. If you do not do not watch. I really thought it was going to be just complete crap, but to my surprise it was crap, but it was fantastic. So I give it the honor of being called Craptastic. Not many movies make my list of craptastic, but when they do they are a must see.
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Fake cars and cartoon like
konakeka20 January 2017
I have enough money in my wallet to bankroll this. This reminded me of a Speed Racer show, fake cars coming out the shoot and it got worse. After 10 minutes I was poking myself in the eye. Canned music, Mad Max costume knock offs. This was bad and the acting was worse. How anyone could watch this entire movie was beyond me. Malcolm McDowell must need money very badly to do this. They used Can-Ams with fiberglass kits for the cars. Very low budget and they did have some quality actors in this who took these roles for some unknown reason. I will acknowledge they used green screens to their advantage. This would be a great $10 video game for the Nintendo.
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Much better than the current 3.4 rating.
stratmandude11 January 2017
I saw the original Death race 2000 back in 1977, My Dad was one of the first people to get HBO back then and he let me stay up and watch Blazing saddles with him, He fell asleep then Death race 2000 came on. An R rated movie, I was 11. I loved it. the other death race sequels got it all wrong, the original was a cult B movie with a very dark sense of humor. the two sequels that followed were bad action movies.

If you liked the original Death race 2000, you will love this movie. It is as if no time has passed. It captures the same feeling and has the same wacky humor and blood and guts as the original. this is destined to be another cult classic as it was Intended to be. The acting was better than I expected. it has good cast of characters. It starts off slow but about 20 minutes in I was hooked.
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Massive fun - on two levels!
iantrader7 January 2018
You can watch this in two ways - as a straight-forward (semi)gorefest and/or as a satire on America and the American dream/way of life.

Both work.

It's fast-paced, there's lot of action, but some of the lines just dig between the strata of American society so if you watch it with that in mind you'll get twice as much out of it, assuming you understand irony which may rule out a few million of the people it's aimed at.

Ah well... To those, just watch the heads fly and hope that the good guys win.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Death Race 2050
burlesonjesse522 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Drive drive, kill kill, drive drive". That's a song lyric and/or spoken line from Death Race 2050 (my latest review). Split screens, a game of "chicken", Malcolm McDowell surrounded by topless women wearing a topless toupee, virtual reality as an audience medium, video game likeness. "Race 2050" has it all. Sadly, it's an elevated form of cinematic torture, pure torture.

First off, I wonder what Sylvester Stallone might think of this uninspired, post-dated sequel to 1975's drive-in sensation, Death Race 2000. Currently, it's a straight-to-video release so I'm sure he might have been too busy to check it out.

Anyway, the producer of "Race 2050" is 90-year-old Roger Corman. The days of his Boxcar Bertha are long gone. Now, he really needs to check himself. This film is truly bad camp and frankly, I don't get how it could have any appeal whatsoever. Death Race 2050 starts off 2017 in a lousy way. Call it the nonchalant face of death and destruction. Heck, deem it the bastardized lovechild of The Running Man, the bloodied up version of The Cannonball Run, The Road Warrior for the radically inept, or the more violent, trenchant mirror of something like 1971's 200 Motels. This is hyper satire but not entertainment folks. That's unless you're under the influence of some heavy drugs (I don't endorse that notion just so you know).

Now the characters in Death Race 2050, are remorseless, unfeeling, and brainwashed. They arrive in their automobiles with the B movie techniques of rear projection and bluescreen totally evident. Their acting is hammy and shoddy. The soundtrack to "Race 2050" is I guess, annoying heavy metal rock. Finally, the cars featured (the title has "race" in it so go figure) are pointed and atypical. Within "Race 2050's" plot workings, heads are severed, torsos are cut in half, and blood spattering is cartoon-like. It's all fun and games till someone gets hurt. Oh yeah, everyone gets hurt and dies without so much as a whimper (or empathy for that matter).

Silly, over of the top, and taking place in the year 2050 (duh), Death Race 2050 makes you long for something more akin to 2008's remake of Death Race 2000 simply titled, Death Race. That film wasn't really good to begin with. However, it at least took itself seriously enough to be made for somewhat compelling viewing. "Race 2050'" tries to be compelling in its last half. It even throws around the terms "Resistance" and "rebels". Futile attempt (ha ha). Don't the producers know that this is something already taken from the Star Wars franchise? Natch.

Lack of originality and kookiness aside, "Race 2050's" cast is comprised of Malcolm McDowell playing the same, sadistic monitor that he channeled in last year's 31. And look for Drop Zone's Yancy Butler in a small yet overacted role (it's sad that "Zone" is the last flick I remember her being in). As for the special effects, well they are cheesy and caricaturish and you know what, I think the filmmakers wanted it that way. Ugh.

All in all, the story concerning Death Race 2050, is about planet Earth being post-apocalyptic and overpopulated. America has renamed its 50 states (Arkansas is now called "Walmartinique") and in order to control said population, drivers compete in an annual "Death Race". Basically, they drive across country while killing everyday denizens with their slickly automobiles (they hastily score points too, double ugh). The main trouper is Frankenstein played by New Zealand-born Manu Bennett. He's like Mel Gibson with a big fat frog in his throat. You know what, I'm just gonna refrain from going on and on. Here's my overall rating: 1 and a half stars.
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Attempts to go back to its campy roots
jackmeat11 January 2017
My quick rating - 3.9/10. If you look at my database, you'll notice I kept this. Not because it was good, but because it tried to go back to the schlocky nonsense of the original (1973. of course, the year I was born). So the movie is the same ole, post apocalyptic world where a way to trim the population, even though they don't much bring attention to that, is by allowing drivers to kill people on the roads for sports and ratings. In doing so, this movie also tries to take jabs at the tech and always connected world along with politics. These attempts are slightly amusing but mostly fall flat. The effects are a joke, and the action is choreographed by a blind man (no offense if he/she was actually blind). This is what made the original so great, and what makes this pretty bad. It just needed to take this campy feeling and do something slightly different with it. Back to my original point, the cult classic is just that, and this belongs in the collection just because of its existence. So if you feel that way as well, check this one out. Nods to Mr. Corman for bringing that campiness back.
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Seriously unwatchable.
brianjcavanaugh16 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS. I'm at a loss to see so many 10-star reviews here. Must be from the director/writers/producers, because this film is, without exaggeration, unwatchable.

From the early and zero-climax reveal of Frankenstein, to the endless dialog during endless poorly done green-screen background driving scenes, to the campy and disappointing sped-up shots of car by's, to the very stupid Liberal philosophy strewn throughout the awful script, to the very disturbing scene of parents putting their disabled children in harm's way of the cars just so Frankenstein can score points, it is unbearable to sit through.
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I hope 2050 people will like it.
niaz_islam12 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't get it that why they even bothered to make this film. If they want give away their money then there are lots of charity and philanthropic organizations out there. Maybe the success of Mad Max prompted this amazingly redundant movie.

This movie redefine the word meaningless. The script is the most terrible thing about the movie. It had no story, no sense and neither any logic behind scenes. You will wonder why are the characters doing things. The main character was supposed to be a tough person while he turned out to be a hopeless romantic. The leader of the rebel party is the girlfriend of the ruling party, and their supports kill each other. Does that make any sense to you? And the ending, let's not talk about the ending it was completely bizarre and pointless. The main hero helps to start a mass murder and take the responsibility of repopulating earth. Great story has amazing ending.

I was bit surprised to see Manu Bennett in this film. His acting was okay but script ruined him. Marci Miller also tried to save the movie but script also let her down. Apart from these two all the other actors and actress were terrible with their sloppy and over acting, which made the movie worse.

Final thoughts: do not try to watch this one at home or anywhere.
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Some details about Death Race franchise and Death Race 2050 small review.
brooke_gaylene28 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
OK I just want to try to lessen the confusion about the Death Race movies.

The 1st movie should be watched 4th, the 2nd should be 3rd, the 3rd should be 1st the 4th should be 2nd, the 5th don't bother and the 6th...well...we will see.

OK that didn't help, but this might. ;)

This is supposedly the order they should be watched in:

Death Race 2 (2010)

Death Race Inferno (2013)

Death Race (2008)

Death Race 2000 (1975)

Death Race 2060 (2017)

Death Race Anarchy (2018)

Death Race 2 (2010) This is a prequel to Death Race 2000 with the introduction of the character Frankenstein and the 1st Death Race match. But also includes Sean Bean's character watching the original Death Race movie on TV during this Movie before they decide to invent Death Race.

Death Race Inferno (2013) This is a sequel to Death Race 2 with same actors and characters in the main roles. Also, prequel to Death Race 2000.

Death Race (2008) This was originally been going to be a sequel to Death Race 2000 but due to production costs the ambitious idea they had been scrapped and then some also say it's a remake but also like the previous 2 movies it's more of a that one out lol. Some actors in the above movies were also in this as the same characters. David Carradine is the voice of the Frankenstein character and we see the character Machine Gun Joe for the 1st time played by Tyrese Gibson.

Death Race 2000 (1975) In the time line this is supposed to follow Death Race 2, Death Race Inferno and Death Race (2008) Sort of. You can now see the results from them not making up their mind what to make Death Race (2008) as Machine Gun Joe is white played by some actor called Sylvester Stallone ;) and David Carradine is Frankenstein who's voice we heard as Frankenstein in Death Race (2008) just before the then black Machine Gun Joe played by Tyrese Gibson killed him and was replaced by Jason Statham. Like the end of the 2008 movie they are now out of prison but the relationship between Frankenstein and Joe does not match the 2008 movie. There is also no Goldberg, Coach or Lists character in this. It feels really dated now but does feature lots of breasts. ;)

Death Race 2050 (2017) This was originally advertised as sequel to the other above movies and said to be finally a true sequel to Death Race 2000 Featuring once again Frankenstein character and his co-driver from Death Race 2000 Annie Sullivan. However just before watching it I saw it said sequel or soft reboot. Unfortunately it's the latter as the story does not follow on from Death Race 2000, Annie meets Frank for the 1st time, but they got Married in Death Race 2000. Does not feature Joe and once again features breasts plus some gore but that doesn't save the movie as it's style feels totally outdated. They tried to make this more comedy but none of it is funny. I personally enjoyed the 1st 3 movies in this list the most and this is the worst.

Death Race Anarchy (2018) This looks like this will be back to normal with Lists and Goldberg actors reprising their roles plus there is a Frankenstein character listed but long way down the list.

Whether you watch them in the order they are listed here or watch Death Race 2000 1st followed by Death Race 2050 and then the rest in the above order as a complete reboot is up to you. I would recommend watching them in order above and totally forget Death Race 2050.

By the way:

Deathsport (AKA Death Race 2050) (1978) This claims to be sort of sequel to Death Race 2000 but with motor bikes and also stars David Carradine but not as his Death Race 2000 character.

Cannonball (AKA Carquake) (1976) This one also starring David Carradine, plus uncredited appearance by Sylvester Stallone and directed by same director as Death Race 2000 is believed not to be connected. Neither is The Cannon Ball Run (1981), Cannonball Run II (1984) and Cannonball Fever (AKA Speed Zone) (1989).

The Gumball Rally (1976) This is not connected.

Death Racers (AKA Death Race 3000) (2008) This is another mockbuster movie from Asylum Movie company and is a cash-in on the 2008 Death Race. It features none of the characters from any of the Death Race movies and is bad even for an Asylum movie.

Need for Speed, Cars ;) and Fast & Furious franchises are not connected to the Death Race franchise.

Death Race (1976 video arcade game) This game was inspired by Death Race 2000. The game was remade in 1990.

Carmageddon (1997 video game) This game was also inspired by Death Race 2000.

Maze Death Race (1982 video game) and Deathtrack (video game) These might have also been inspired by Death Race 2000.

Roadwar 2000 (1986 computer game) This game was not inspired by Death Race but more based on Mad Max.

And finally.

In Death Race 2 we hear about a company called Weyland which was also in the Alien film franchise, not sure if there is a connection other than one of the producers and writers of Death Race 2 was also a producer and writer of Alien vs Predator.

Drive carefully now. :)
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Trashy and incredibly cheap; - even for Roger Corman standards!
Coventry26 April 2017
Entertainment, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder… In case you manage to entirely switch off all brain functions as well as your sense for good taste, there's a fair chance you'll find entertainment in "Death Race 2050". If, however, the tiniest bit of intellect remains active, the incompetence and stupidity of the overall production is most likely to quickly overpower the entertainment factor. I'm a big fan of the original "Death Race 2000", and it actually was one of the very first true cult classics I ever watched. It was a uniquely satirical and eccentric adventure, especially for its time, and given its enormous success and cult following it is rather incredible that Roger Corman didn't produce a whole bunch of sequels. He sponsored a handful of imitations (like "Deathsport", "Cannonball!,...) and there was a sort of big-budgeted remake in 2008 (which also spawned two sequels) but for some strange reason it took forty years to come up with a direct sequel. "Death Race 2050" pretends like the Paul W.S. Anderson remake never existed and attempts to reinstall the satire and flamboyance of the almighty Paul Bartel original. But the unknown and inexperienced writer/director G.J. Echternkamp also immediately wants to surpass the original, which basically means that everything about "Death Race 2050" is tremendously over-the-top and ridiculous. In the year 2050, the United States of America turned into the United Corporations of America – with its headquarters located in a new Washington where Dubai used to be – and 99, 3% of the population is unemployed because machines take care of everything. In order to entertain the masses, and simultaneously tackle the problem of overpopulation a bit, the Chairman of the UCA introduced the coast- to-coast Death Race in which the crazed participants also receive points for running over pedestrians. The robust rally pilot and public's favorite Frankenstein has won previous all editions, but this year he has a couple of tough challengers including a genetically engineered racer called Jeb Perfectus and a political spy as his co-pilot.

Roger Corman became legendary as a producer for many reasons, for example because he launched the careers of several brilliant people (Francis Ford Coppola, Jack Nicholson, James Cameron, …) and he gained the nickname "King of the B's" because all his films are extremely low-budgeted. Back in the old days this formed less of a problem because the lack of budget always got widely compensated through imaginative plotting and creative usage of atmosphere, humor and suspense. That was also the case for the original "Death Race 2000", but here the cheapness practically ruins the entire film. "Death Race 2050" truly looks amateurish and pitiable, with lousy editing, uninspired decors and poor computer-generated effects. This movie is supposed to revolve around a hi-tech and futuristic rally, but the participants' cars look like soapboxes with handmade and paper- mâché decorations. Since everything looks so damn fake and phony, the rally as well as the entire film quickly becomes dull and irritating. Manu Bennett tries very hard to act tough and cool, but he clearly knows that he can't hold a candle to David Carradine who depicted Frankenstein in the original film. Marci Miller is a natural beauty and certainly not a bad actress, but her role is a misfit in the overall imbecilic scenario. The action sequences and wannabe controversial themes in "Death Race 2050" are a complete failure. The only things that are more or less entertaining are the exaggeratedly OTT performance by Burt Grinstead (Perfectus) and the more subtle humorist references, like for example the new names for the States. Oh, and perhaps "Death Race 2050" will also be remembered as (one of) the first films to mock the persona of Donald Trump. In 2050, the new big leader is a megalomaniac businessman with a peculiar hairpiece. Hmm, I wonder who he's modeled after...
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A Pointless sequel
madahab22 March 2017
I imagine this had a larger budget than the original but manages to look even cheaper. But what the original Death Race 2000 lacked in budget in made up for in imagination and campy charm. This just wallows in it's excess gore and heavy handed humor. Whereas in the Paul Bartel's cult classic the violence is really kept in a minimum and is quite quick and brutal but without being overly exploitative. There are several elements that are directly referenced from the original. It makes me wish I was watching that than this. It is sad to see Macolm McDowell slumming in such trash. This will probably bring in a few DVD sales but will never be the classic as the original and will ultimately fade into obscurity quickly. Just watch the original.
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bolerus6 May 2017
In true Deathrace style, Death Race 2050 is a low budget gory 90 minutes of entertainment.

The cars are a bit...cardboard and sticky tape ( well the AI one in particular) but don't let that put you off. Enjoy the film for what it is.

And its another chance to see Jonathan Manu Bennett (Crixus from Spartacus) who is pretty decent.

Yo be fair the acting is pretty decent throughout, cliché in abundance, but good fun.
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I've seen better movies in my lifetime
slaylester31 October 2017
I know there is lots of great comments about the movie, but for those people that care about quality, please stay away from this movie! cheap bad effects, horrible storyline. It is heavily offensive to people with cancer. Too much of unnecessary sex, This movie is horrible in many ways.
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Amazing as long as you have the right perspective and have seen the original
videodan3224 January 2017
OK. So it is cheap. The effects are terrible. The acting OK. The music choices vary in quality. Now that I got that out of the way....

This remake was fantastic and amazingly true in tone to the original making many improvements along the way. No spoilers here except to say that the updates made sense, the characters were fun, and everyone seemed to be having a good time making it. Malcolm McDowell did what he does so well playing the villain.

It was episodic, but so was the original. You get the feeling that the director studied the original for what worked, then brought that and a lot more into the remake. Roger Cormen and his daughter produced, so you know it was made by the right people (Cormen produced the original as well)

If you did not like it, you would not have liked the original. It was a worthy remake that reminds us what a lot of imagination can do on a limited budget. Cormen devotees should be thrilled.
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It's no Death Race 2000, but it tries
Smokey_T7 April 2018
It's a sequel/remake of Death Race 2000... and while it's not as good as the original it has a lot of fun, and there are some great moments.

I'm guessing most of the really negative reviews are from people that actually sat through the newer sequels to Statham's Death Race, and would never have enjoyed DR 2000.

The cars look naff, the acting and script is appalling, and the CGI and explosions are terrible. This is Cormanesque cinema at it's best, un-apologetically entertaining trash and unafraid of our seeing the 'wires' where the obvious budget limitations gave way.

Some films you have to have low expectations going in to them to enjoy. Given this is being true to Death Race 2000 and not the modern remakes this film nails the schtick very well.

I gave it a 6 because I love Death Race 2000, but it would be blasphemy to give such a shiny turd anything more than that. But it is fun, and stupid, and entertaining - you just have to get over 'America' being entirely populated with Hispanics, and looking like Mexico... All part of the charm of this dodgy little film.
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Worst Movie Ever
abbassafeer30 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Worst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mintsWorst Movie Ever in my life don't waste your time viewers i waste my 30mints
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