Small Town Wisconsin (2020) Poster

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Touching story, sad at times
zennith19 June 2022
I just saw this movie and liked it, though it was a bit of a downer at times. It's hard watching someone who can't get their life together even though it means hard consequences will be enforced. Addiction is hard to watch. It was a touching story. Well written, realistic, heartwarming, sad, well executed. You'll go through a spectrum of emotions before the movie ends. Not giving it a 10 because it dragged in parts. Acting was great from everyone. I'm always amazed at the depth of range some child actors can bring to a performance. Being from Wisconsin I liked seeing my state represented. I've driven down lakeshore dr to admire the fancy houses and going to see a brewers game for the first time is an exciting experience. Worth seeing.
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Great or Imitating Great?
WisconsinFilmFed23 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the few films we have seen this year that has been in the festival set in Wisconsin where it actually plays such a large part. The acting, direction by Niels Mueller suggest strong correlation with a brilliant cinematic eye and strong cinematic literacy. However, what needs to be in the background is pushed forcefully and rather unnatural into the foreground. The tone is inconsistent as character written surprisingly naturally like Monica, suddenly spew thematic ideas.
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Awesome Film.
Wewerehere119 November 2020
Was fortunate enough to see "Small Town Wisconsin" at the Red Tock Film Festival in Cedar City, UT.

Absolutely loved it. All of the performances were spot on - not a weak moment in the film. Mueller's deft skills and talents are obvious throughout. Sullivan's performance echoes those of the late Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It's going to be interesting to see his future trajectory. Musical score develops beautifully and impressively - aligned with the mood and tone of script and performance. Nate Goodman's camera too, serves the story. All cinematic elements are in servitude to the collective mosaic. Not an ego in the bunch. Goes to show the power of the collective.
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An amazing film that is worth watching several times
horikawatv18 December 2020
It was my privilege to view this amazing film at the equally amazing Rising Sun International Film Festival held at Brick Hall, a classy venue in Garden Paradise Kitakyushu in November 2020. Everyone present absolutely loved the film and raved about it after the screening.Niels Mueller put together a wonderful cast and crew who gelled perfectly to create what could be called a masterpiece. The movie was perfectly paced and deeply touching. Its scenery and score match the story and script beautifully creating a truly wonderful film to watch on the big screen. Thank you to the creators of this film and the festival that screened it.
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A Puddle That Wants to Be an Ocean
May_Gaiman31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A drama is meant to invoke our empathy or even sympathy for the struggles of our fellow human beings, and that is best gained through authenticity. To tell something trying to be authentic that it's shallow can feel conflicting, for maybe you lack the experiences or empathy to draw you in. This especially so after hearing the director speak about his passion and effort to make it authentically Wisconsin.

While I didn't grow up in Wisconsin or live the same experiences as Wayne, I did feel for the setting as I've visited and have known the often authentic and kind people of these small, countryside towns. Those kind people are portrayed well through the performances, especially that of Wayne, (David Sullivan), and Chuck, (Bill Heck). All the other cast members gave good performances, but only so well due to the lack of material given to them. The themes related to the struggles of alcoholism, parenting, family, and relationships are there, but lack further exploration. One such theme of alcoholism and relationships is portrayed with a fish bowl.

Our main character, Wayne, has a pet fish in a small bowl clouded up with algae and s***. While meaning to clean it, Wayne instead pours in fresh water, attending to clean it later. While ignoring his fish, he spends his weekends with his son. He gives his son life lessons on the fly while intending to be a better father than his own. One such lesson is how not to put out a grease fire. Soon, both responsibilities are broken. Having slept in, Wayne is woken up by the banging and yelling of his wife at the door, Wayne not having taken their son back on time. Not only pissed at him for being late, but also seeing the mess and burnt stove top, she berates him. And before leaving, she passively tells him the fish is dead; floating at the top of the filthy water he never got to cleaning out. After this incident, followed by other acts of irresponsible parenting given to us through exposition, Wayne loses custody. Afterwards, he flushes his fish away and cleans out the now empty bowl. At the end of the film, having accepted his alcoholism, the troubles it caused him, and taking some advice from his friend, he uses the empty bowl as a savings jar; putting in the cash he'd attend to use for beer so he can get a plane ticket to see his son.

If that and/or the film as a whole drew on your heart strings, I'm genuinely happy for you. However, for me, the film is like a puddle; filled with broad themes and meaning, the depth of those things only reaches up to your toes.

Not much to say for the production. While not a cheap looking film, as I said before they got the setting well and dramas typically rely on their scripts to do more of the leg work; this film lacks expressive cinematography and had a, to be forward, bad score. The cinematography goes for a technically well shot film, scenes are conveyed well enough to get the point across with the bare minimum. The score sounds like stock music and often overshadows emotional scenes that, while may have not of connected with me, drown out what could be more gripping scenes from good performers. Overall, the cinematography is bland and the soundtrack is overbearing.

Whether you agree or not, if you want to see a drama that tackles similar themes of alcoholism, family and relationships; I'd highly recommend a personal favorite of mine, Paris, Texas (1984).
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Brilliant film
mjdirocco18 December 2020
I caught this at the Rising Sun International Film Festival in Kitakyushu this past November. It's an incredible film. The story isn't new, but how it's perfectly told is what gives Small Town its brilliance. Excellent writing, perfectly directed and topped off by amazing performances by the entire cast. The audience gave the film a standing ovation!
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Painful and Depressing
mccurdy44431 July 2022
I was hoping for more with this movie but found it to be unbearably depressing. The piano score throughout was terrible, always pensive as if someone was in the last of their days on earth.

Spoiler: No one dies of cancer. All you really have is a drunk who is resigned to his addictive dead-end life, and the pity he inflicts onto all around him, including his kid, best friend, ex-wife, sister, hotel receptionist, and just about everyone he comes into contact with.

This is not to say that the movie had any issues with the writing or acting- Wayne is surrounded by friends that truly seem to care about him, a decent guy trying to do the best with what he has. All the actors do a great job with their characters- in fact, that might be part of the problem. They are so believable as to make the whole movie even more painful. I would happily watch anything else with this same cast.

Ugh- regret paying for this movie, regret watching this movie- next time I want to be this depressed, I'll watch 'The Days of Wine and Roses" again- at least that movie was scored beautifully.
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Heart-wrenching, heartwarming and everything in between
Samanthajpms-3214517 June 2022
You know how you feel when you finish the last page of a beloved book and you're so sad you have to part ways with the characters? That's how you'll feel as the credits roll for Small Town Wisconsin. This beautiful film invites you so personally into the fully relatable lives of each incredibly well-developed character you'll quickly feel you've known them your whole life. Maybe you have? And as you travel across Wisconsin you're emotions are along for the ride including carefully woven and marvelously executed (bravo/brava cast!) and nuanced humor to balance the raw poignancy of this tale. This is one that lingers with you for days until you can't help but re-watch. I'd love to see a sequel...
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Amazing film!
ygsullivan16 June 2022
Amazing job by director Niels Mueller! The film does homage to small mid-western cities and masterfully portrays real life family struggles. Fabulous film!
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Bleh. Tired of "dad's a jerk" movies
firemanbob15 August 2023
This is almost unwatchable. Dad loses custody of this kid because he's a drunken lout and, well, an idiot. The only mystery is why he didn't lose custody of his kid before now.

He's a drunk, irresponsible, and stupid, even if he is well - meaning. He drives drunk, sets his kitchen on fire and almost gets thrown in jail at this child custody hearing. And somehow, we're supposed to feel bad for him, and that somehow he'll redeem himself in the end.

I'm pretty tired of the "dad is a drunken jerk" movies, and this is yet another poor example of how Hollywood sees men.

It's not that there aren't men like this out there. There are far too many, but would it kill Hollywood to portray men, and dads, in a positive light.
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steve_commisso14 June 2022
An honest movie that is extremely moving. Children split from one of their parents, bitter custody battles, depression from being torn away from your kid is a topic that not many movies touch on but is a major problem. If you add alcoholism to the equation things get gloomy and dark. Wont get into the story to avoid spoilers but I have mention Kristen Johnston and the love she shows to her broken brother. Her performance is phenomenal in its simplicity and authenticity and covers an important topic not covered much in that in these gloomy circumstances many times there is support and Kristen Johnston compassion goes right off the screen and into your heart. Cannot say more cause of spoilers but can say WATCH THIS MOVIE and there will be tears and hope as well.
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SAD, but Oh SO TRUE!
mimiybyazphil4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Still desperately seeking something that was not a rerun, I found this moving horror show! In the 1st 6 minutes I knew it was going to be a mess, the cardboard stand up picture of t-rump was a dead giveaway! The movie showcased the kinds of people that support him,low class, trailer dwellers, who profess to love America, but hate anyone who doesn't look, or think like them. The main character was pathetic!! Throughout the ENTIRE movie he drinks beers, mini alcohol bottles and big bottles of the same. He couldn't even keep a goldfish alive! The whole movie is filled with unknown actors ,except for Kirsten Johnston who had gotten as big as a Greyhound bus! The phase "She sure let herself go" is an understatement!

The movie gives you NO ONE to root for, you just feel sorry for the little kid because his father is a drunken loser, who vomits inside a car!
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Loved it
davidcheck-9513220 June 2022
A real setting, with real people, real dialogue, and real complex problems. No easy solutions in this one, either, because that's life! Kudos to filmmaker Niels Mueller and the entire cast and crew.
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aww mygawd, where...
ops-5253527 March 2023
Did that come from? This is comedy drama on socialrealismic realms, a road trip from small town wisconsin to the big city sitting by the ''ocean''-side, and milwaukee its called, as a last attempt or try to revive his own childrens memories, and showing his so ,soon to be taken away from him due to a divorce battle, the glory of hallelujah down the drain of the beerbottle.

This movie are one of the most manic depressive golden nugget of a gemstone riding down the gloryhole, to show his son the biggest games of all , namely a good old ball match. Its such a sad story with so many witty twists, the small cast of actors is just marvelous, the best of them all is the dads buddy chuck, he is doing oscar worthy stuff on the big white carpet.

So if you like socialrealism , alcoholis, custodians, adultry, wake up moments and a whole lot of love from a breezy mindset of a redneck mechanic and his family, watch ''smalltown wisconsin'', the best of its genre this fiscal year. A recommend from the grumpy old man.
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