Ice (TV Series 2016–2018) Poster


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deboraheden28 December 2018
This was a random series I found and I'm glad I did lots of violence but the blood diamond theme was something different.

Very good cast was good to to see Jeremy Sista (six feet under) in a gritty role again. Donald Sutherland is great and Ray Whitestone was too.

Shame it only went for 2 seasons.
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Bring ice back
mary-0103322 October 2020
This show is great & suspenseful I enjoyed it but was very disappointed to find out I won't see a ending to it, I'm so sick of watching shows that u get into for wks & watch it all just to find out there's no ending can u pls continue the show or at least put a end to them. Thank u.
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Season 1, Great Season 2, not so much
bls13386 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show started out with such promise. The cast, the storyline, it was very good. Season one went well, then we get to season two and wow, it just went downhill very, very fast. You have two Americans wandering aimlessly through the Amazon, being chased by a Cartel boss, then they end up killing said boss and all his men by creating a slight diversion with some explosives. Crazy thing is, you never even hear about the cartel again, like they killed the boss so everyone just said, OK, you guys are good. It just never really recovered for me. It would have been lower but the 7 stars reflect the goodness of season 1.
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Cam Gigandet is Underrated.
ap-40139-198552 November 2021
My first ever review on IMDB and I just have to say: This show is REALLY great! It starts out slow, but grows into the drama that you can't stop binge-watching. (This is not a fake review, btw, like others have said about positive reviews, I guess you either love it or hate it. And I love it!)

Cam Gigandet, in particular, really surprised me in this one - he loves playing bad guys/douchebags in general, but in 'Ice' he's different - so real, so mature and a truly great actor; I wish he had more roles like this! All the other actors have done a terrific job as well, especially Judith Shekoni (who reminds me of Uma Thurman because they have similar facial features and gracefulness). It's almost like watching real life and real people and that's what grabbed my attention. One of the best scenes is the escalation between the two brothers at the funeral - the fight scene was hot!! (However, Cam seems to have forgotten all of his fight training from 'Never Back Down'. Lol. JUST KIDDING).

So, all in all, a really great show and Cam deserves a special round of applause for growing as an actor! I have a hard time starting to watch new shows, but this one I don't regret and will be re-watching again in the future for sure. Recommend.
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Good Mafia Soprano Style Show with Diamonds
virginiacottrell13 April 2018
Really glad they renewed this show for the second season as I loved the first one. There are too many boring crime dramas/thrillers out there and not enough shows like this.

The story line is not completely new but I have definitely learnt a few things about the diamond business I didn't know and its good entertainment that keeps you hooked and waiting for the next episode. The characters are strong enough to carry it, the female gangster is a bit much I have to say but its all part of the showmanship. The younger son is a cutie and his older brother is a junkie, nothing new but the story works in different ways than you would imagine as after all we are talking about diamonds! Fascinating how the diamond industry works and how the police track diamond smugglers.

I've watched season 1 and just about to watch season 2 so hope that it is as as the first.
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Started off well. Went downhill fast
GaelinW19 July 2022
Started off with great potential. The story wasn't unique. Screw up brother who is the parent's real favorite. Smart, successful brother who has to spend his life cleaning up after him. Cleaning up a new mess that pits them against a very dangerous Queenpin is what launches the story.

Story is moving along fine. One point for the brothers. One point for Lady Rah. Then Lady Rah's sociopath boss shows up, humanizing her - a good thing. But it also turns everyone stupid. Each subsequent action is worse than the last. All the cleverness and street smarts, staying a step ahead go out the window.

Season 2 is worse out of the gate.

Part of me thinks this was done so as not to be cliched. Well, it just made them annoying.
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Started with a bang....
Nazcar03569 June 2018
First season had a good storyline and some great characters and just enough to keep you wanting a second season but then came the second. I mean really, bodies were dropping like flies, and that seems a little excessive. But the finale of the second season was what really turned me off. I won't be a spoiler but the Finale really left me laughing !!! Just at the writers, they really were way off base. So if you stick it out, remember this review while your laughing through it.
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Excellent television! Happy for a 2nd season after a long wait!
travlinround12 April 2018
I love this program.From story line to great casting. Thank God they changed the opening music! Keep the good stuff coming.
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Ratings confusion
Osmiumos25 September 2020
I watched 3 episodes and that was more than enough for me. How is is possible for some to rate this 1 or 2 stars and others to rate it 9 or 10 stars. IMDB is being corrupted by disingenuous reviews. There are more TV shows than ever being made, but there are still very few quality shows. IMO this is not a quality show.
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lorirashad5 August 2021
What a different tour of story involving diamonds. The first episode was outstanding with the hyhenas had me throwing my legs up on the couch lol.
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I tried
Headturner1123 January 2022
I always say I've run out of things to watch but it's literally true this time! I must of turned off 20 tings the last few nights! I saw Jeremy Renner was in this ( and he's been pretty good in everything) especially six feet under but..... This is awful! The main brother is horrific, even the Scott! T's like they focused so much on the filming to make it look good because they knew the writing etc was so bad! Oh and the lady ? Forgot her name. Was she meant to be scary??? Hahaha! She came off as a parody. I could never tell any of the characters real intentions. When the're meant to act scary ur was just funny , when I thought they were going to commit suicide or something they went and smashed something, The directing must have been awful because I know some of the cast are actually decent actors. I can't watch a show about gemstone cartel when none of the characters can tie their own shoes.
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Very good
nsutton-6420719 September 2020
Great show, found it by accident. Definitely should be a season 3
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Really like this show.
sarahc211316 May 2022
This show mixes business, crime and family. I think the characters are interesting and evolve as the story moves along. I really wish that there were more seasons.
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Hope this is the end
pgooden1 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So we have Willow - a teen - who looks to be about 25 cussing and swearing like a sailor Ava shooting bullet into the bad guy who backs up to the railing and turns and jumps 2 feet onto it and then over ( really bad stuntsmanship)

WE have a LA cop taking charge os a SWAT team in So Africa

  • our hero fighting like a Gladiator or Steven Segal

and the f word without which there would probably be about 2 pages of dialogue for the whole episode

a real insult to the viewer
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Strong series want more
getitartist5 March 2022
Please bring more of this series! Why do all the good shows get canceled? Decent drama, great characters , just enough sexy, the story is fantastic. Character development was just getting better! Come on stop leaving us high and dry. Great TV is a rarity! This is one of those series that deserves more!

More of the brothers. Please.
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What a Shame
roxmewild8 August 2020
Considering the big names in this show I expected a lot more!

I am sure both Donald Sunderland and Ray Winstone won't be adding this ion any resume as an indication of their accomplishments ,

The story jumps around quite a bit to the point I was convinced the network had mixed up the episodes? Ending of one episode sees that dad get taken off life support start of next episode jumps past funeral and will Starts with a robbery?ending with Freddy Being injected with overdose of heroin! Next episode shows family at will and Freddy is there WTF?

Have no idea still if this was meant either way it is so badly written and scripted that if it was meant to go back and forth in time it is done so badly it makes zero sense making the whole story hard to follow. Also bizarrely the FBI are investigating yet the only think G you see them do is talk in their office and listen to recordings off a bug they put in one office even at the end of season 1 on the final episode they sit listening while guns are pulled on people etc it is soo laughable

All in all a crock of sh** testified by the fact only 9-10 people on IMDb bothered to review this show!

Deffo one to miss!
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watertrippin6 August 2018
Great acting scenes great cast and interesting plot.
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Too much crime, too little family
drjgardner27 November 2016
Films about family have been a staple of TV ever since the very beginnings ("I Remember Mama", "I Love Lucy", "Father Knows Best") where the original focus was on the domestic life. This was equally true of daytime TV ("Search for Tomorrow"). The shows broadened out to include the impact of the business world on the domestic family life ("The Donna Reed Show") and sometimes the "business" was an equal focus ("Bonanza", "The Andy Griffith Show", Dick van Dyke Show", "Steptoe and Son").

TV moved from the family focus to the business end of the family but there was always room for the domestic shows ("Waltons"). With few exceptions ("Adams Family", "Dukes of Hazard") the families were relatively normal ("Happy Days", "Little House on the Prairie", "Jeffersons", "Eight is Enough").

"I Claudius" (1976) is probably the first TV show to focus on a dysfunctional family, although this was a BBC mini-series and not a regular prime-time show. A few series were clearly featuring families with problems ("Married with Children", "All in the Family") but these were comedies, and as late as the 1990s most families were relatively wholesome ("Cosby Show", "Home Improvement", "Wonder Years", "Fresh Prince").

"The Sopranos" (1999) gave us our first family from a different point of view and series like "Dexter" (2006), "Breaking Bad" (2008), "Sons of Anarchy" (2008), "Bates Motel" (2013), and Ray Donovan (2013) continued the trend. In the new breed of family crime shows the crime elements far outweigh the family elements.

"Ice" is about a family involved in the jewelry business, but most of their time is spent beating people up or being beaten, killing people, having sex, using drugs, and roaming around Los Angeles. Jeremy Sisto plays the guy who gets in trouble and Cam Gigandet is the brother who bails him out. Neither one seem suited for their role. Ray Winstone mumbles his way through the scenes trying to help his nephews, and Raymond J Barry spends most of his time unconscious. Judith Shekoni is outstanding, but not for this series, and she seems out of place. The production values are excellent and the music is good. Photography is excellent.

I prefer my crime family series (or films) to be as much about the family dynamics as they are about the crime. It's why I enjoy "Ray Donovan" or "Breaking Bad" or even "I Claudius". When you focus too much on the crime you may as well make a crime film/series and take out the family element. It's a delicate mix and the mix in "Ice" doesn't work for me. By the end of the first two episodes there isn't much to want to get me to come back and watch more.
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Very Underrated
poetrygirl-891462 March 2019
When I ran into this show, I was mad I had not found it sooner. Great cast, the show is just so damn good!!!!! If you haven't seen it yet, please do yourself a favor and watch it. You will not be sorry!!!!
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Watchable, but Barely
june-sasser22 June 2022
I thought this was going to show inner workings of the diamond trade. I got some adolescent male fantasy directed by a Michael Mann wannabe. The director makes this actually annoying and at times hard to watch. The whole Lady Rah thing is just stupid. They have petite women holing shotguns that would knock them on their posteriors should they discharge them.
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First Season Great. Second Season Don't Bother
thrasymaacus14 December 2023
First let me say something about signing up for a new account here -- a stupidly absurd "pick the rope" game that I failed 8 times before they finally sent me a code to use to finish registration. This isn't entry into the vault of Fort Knox, it's a stupid movie review site.

Now, on to ICE. The first season was very well executed, with Donald Sutherland carrying every scene he is in. Most of the season was quite believable but got a bit over the top as it moved along. Still, it left me wanting to watch the second season, which was a HUGE disappointment. The denouement was way over the top with unbelievable action scenes and a very high "you've got to be kidding me" quotient, stretching credibility far past the breaking point. Five stars for the first season, one star for the second.
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sha-4617 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stumbled across this and liked the first season. Second season unfortunately was one that attempted to really stretch the imagination.
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Plot holes, moral chaos, and convenient stupidity
dbeaton-0799610 December 2023
It started out well, with a catastrophe that caused a lot of scrambling, putting well-meaning people under great stress. Then the plot drifted into the cliched world of gangs, blackmail and extortion. The plot slows way down with overlong explorations into feelings; like a bad soap opera, people stop acting rationally to advance the plot; crazy coincidences and casual murder seem normal; there are plot holes everywhere; and by the end, I didn't care very much who lived or died. It's bad when the drug addict that started the whole mess is the most sympathetic character, and virtually everyone has betrayed others -- often more than once.
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