Underworld: Blood Wars (2016) Poster

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Sad that it didn't live up to its predecessors
mejaflora10 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a HUGE fan of the Udnerworld franchise and have been looking forward to this for so long so I am truly sad that my review is not better than this. Here's what I feel is wrong with this movie.

1. Marius - who is he, where did he come from? The explanation for his power came too late, too little to care and he was not as scary as previous Underworld villains. So is the other vamp chick who is supposed to be power hungry, kind of underwhelming at best.

2. Movie is way too short and too rushed. Everything is introduced too quickly and fits into the puzzle too easily. We have never heard of this Nordic vamps till now. There's no continuity, no cohesion. Its like its trying to bring something new BUT this is no. 5 or no. 6?

3. The white hair vamps. Seriously I thought the elves from LOTR is doing a crossover.

4. Selene went into the water metamorphosis and they didn't even bother to show her experience. Suddenly she's back from the other end of the world so fast and all ready super powered. It doesn't make sense and we don't understand her journey.

5. The CGI is really quite bad.

6. The whole point of the movie is all about finding Eve's blood and they attacked just fine without it. If Eve is not even going to make an appearance then talking about her for more than half a movie just feels like a plot filler.

7. Suddenly that other guy is the heir to the throne. Where did that come from?? I think the writers think this is going to be so cool but not if it likes a pie in the face kind of idea. Shock value goes whoa not huh?

8. Selene was invited to train vamps and I think it barely lasted a few mins of training before the treachery was unearthed. Could they not let the training last maybe a few days before they started juicing her?

9. Semira's right hand man never showed any indication that he might betray her but suddenly he did. Some build up would be great.

10. The elves need more screen time!

Kate Beckinsale and Theo James were still awesome but they could have used some better scenes to instill a better relationship. The movie was fun, entertaining and but it fell flat and it left me feeling all empty inside and for that reason, I am SAD.
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A must-avoid for all Underworld fans
edudejager7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy (good) vampire movies, dark movies, good screenplays, good production, good screenplay, good cinematography and characters like Selene. This means I really enjoyed the first three Underworld movies, provided we ignore the prequel which was no more than acceptable.

It also means that this movie ruined the franchise for me. Production was poor and clearly quite low budget (reuse of the same footage on a few occasions, etc.), the script was inadequate and, while Anna Foerster has put in some credible performances in TV, this was quite poor. Len Wiseman, or even Mårlind and Stein, could conceivably have turned this into a movie worthy of the franchise.

There is also a hole in the plot worthy of a B-grade horror.

SPOILER ALERT. And here comes the spoiler: The very premise of the movie is that Semira's coven is impregnable and Marius would be foolish to attack it without the blood of Selene's daughter. The werewolves specifically state that they "looked for any weaknesses and there are none". Then, later on in the movie, with no such blood, the werewolves walk in there like they own the place and it is clear that they would have taken the coven has it not been for the arrival of a transformed Selene with significant backup. The entire first 80% of the movie is rendered superfluous in one scene. SPOILER ENDS

And so the great Underworld franchise goes out with a whimper. Neither Kate Beckinsale nor the character of Selene deserved this, some heads should be hung in shame.
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5 gone, still good
neil-douglas201023 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Another film about Vampires and Lycans, yawn I hear you say. Even though it's 13 years into the franchise it still has a lot going for it. Mainly the mythology set up in the previous films about Selene and now her daughter Eve, whose blood is of importance to Vamps and Lycans. Luckily for Selene she doesn't know where her daughter is, which leads to the main story of Lycans vs Vampires vs Treacherous Vamps lead by Semira. Selene and David (vampire heir) escape to a Northern fortress where they are helped by another vampire faction, lycans arrive and their leader Marius kills Selene (or so he thinks). Leading to a big battle at Vampire HQ where Semira is killed by Varga, one of her followers. Marius is killed to by Selene and the lycans retreat. The film ends with Daniel as the new leader of the vampires and renewed hope for co-existence with the lycans.
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0U22 February 2020
Mindless boring action flick. Great to see Kate Beckinsale in latex again. The action is supe-choppy and sloppily made film. Watch it if you're REALLy into the series, otherwise skip it
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Better than expected
klemenferjancic20 December 2016
After the disappointment that was Awakening I didn't go see this movie with high expectations, but I came out surprised. The movie is totally fine. Does it have some poor CGI and bad actions scenes? Absolutely. But it also has some quite brutal and "Whoa" moments. What surprised me the most was the story which actually references a lot of the past movies, expands the lore and ties some loose ends nicely. Critics will absolutely destroy this movie but if you are a fan of the series or just want to throw some popcorn in your face watching a fun movie, you should definitely check it out. Did I mention Kate Beckinsale still kicks ass?
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Cry Wolf
SteveResin22 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Underworld movies are not classics, but if you enjoy hammy acting, vampires, werewolves and Kate Beckinsale in skin tight leather kicking ass then they can be a lot of fun.

Blood Wars is an end game of sorts, although it still leaves room for more films if the money men think it worthwhile. It would be a decent ending if they decide to close the chapter on this franchise now.

The plot is quite straightforward, there's some decent action and fight scenes and a few new characters and creatures introduced, and it doesn't drag on too long and outstay its welcome. Charles Dance lends some gravitas to the cast, and Lara Pulver has a lot of fun as the power crazed Semira, while Kate Beckinsale is as youthful and badass as ever.

If you enjoy the Underworld series then I'm sure you'll find this a decent addition.
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Worst Underworld movie
SilentEyes_22 February 2017
These movies were never made for Oscar consideration, I understand that, but the first three at least tried something. Creating some kind of mythology, war between vampires and lycans. Solid concept for the fans of these types of films that offer a bit of story and focus more on action and gore. First Underworld, released back in 2003, is pretty solid action-horror film. Sequel, Underworld: Evolution expanded the origin story for these species, while Underworld: Rise of the Lycans served as prequel, giving us idea how and why the whole grudge between vampires and lycans started. Then came 4th film, Awakening, solid concept but lame execution. Very forgettable film, even for Underworld fans. And now we have Blood Wars, 5th and worst in the franchise. Nothing in this movie works. Action, the strongest point in these types of films, was so poorly edited and is completely boring. Overall, movie is so badly directed and edited, filled with lame dialogue and shameful acting. Even the effects were not that great, with so many cringe worthy moments. Such a disaster.
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Decent enough 'vampire & lycan' action in the fifth instalment of this franchise
Tweekums21 June 2019
Just in case viewers of forgotten what happened in previous instalments, or not watched them all, this film opens with a brief precis of what happened before. This explains how our protagonist, the vampire soldier Selene has had her daughter hidden somewhere even she doesn't know and how both vampires and lycans are determined to find her as they believe it will help them end the war between the two species.

Protagonist Selene is wanted by the lycans, who believe she is the key to finding her daughter and the vampires who what revenge for what she did in a previous film. As the war is going so badly for the vampires she is granted a pardon and invited to help train more vampire soldiers, known as Death Dealers, for the upcoming battle against the lycans who are led by Marius, a smarter than typical lycan. Unfortunately she is betrayed and only survives thanks to the actions of David, the son of a senior vampire... before the film is over they will have to fight both lycans and vampires in a number of battles.

Having enjoyed the first three films, but not seeing the fourth, I was glad of the short but effective recap at the start of the film. The story might not be the greatest but it served the purpose of justifying several really impressive fight scenes both between vampires and lycans and between rival vampires. Some of these were one on one or small scale, others were battles with numerous combatants. All of these scenes were pretty exciting and featured good CGI. Selene continues to be a fine protagonist and David provides good support for her; Kate Beckinsale and Theo James are solid in these roles. Vampire Semira and lycan Marius are decent antagonists played by Lara Pulver and Tobias Menzies. Overall a solid enough supernatural action movie; hardly a must see but a fun way to pass an hour and a half if you like the genre.
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Grey2black7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The trailers already gave me some hints, I simply refused to believe until I saw it. That the Underworld movies are for the better part, dead and buried.

Yes. The action is still there, as is the gore. Betrayals are still alive and kicking. And the old vampire/lycan grudge is also present.

But is Underworld still Underworld...? Unfortunately no. Kate Beckinsale try as she may, she can't carry the movie alone, nor do I believe anyone was expecting her to. I was expecting that they'd finally replace Scott Speedman as Michael, with another one of literally dozens of possible and better choices. And finally bring the whole family together, into the fight.

But to my terrible surprise they simply killed off Michael. The way it was done was terrible to say the least. At the end of Awakening, Eve, is finally able to see through her father eyes. And we know that he simply escaped the facilities. But now in Blood Wars, we were given another (conflicting) take on what happened that makes absolutely no sense. So Michael exits the cryo chamber, severely weakened and finds himself captured by Marius. Taken to another place where Marius then proceeds to seemingly shoot him in the head, and strung him up head down to drain Michael of all his blood. Which he then uses to make himself into more of a Wolf-Man than a Lycan.

So, Michael is dead, and Selene for the most part from being considered an outcast through several events (and movies), she ends up basically where she started. Again a member of the Vampire Coven. Now risen to the degree of Elder together with David.

David (Theo James) try as he might, is no Michael nor do I believe that's his purpose. In fact the story at a certain point seems to try and connect him with maybe one of this movie biggest, if not the only, good surprise. Lena! Lena (Clementine Nicholson) is without a doubt one of this movie greatest assets. And if this was a movie about the next generation, and Michael and Selene daughter, I could see her character portrait as Clementine portrayed hers.

Eve does make an appearance in the end. But the movie had all but basically drained my last ounce of hope. To me without Michael there's no more Underworld. I got to confess. When Selene was giving her usual movie ending speech, I always hoped that we'd see that Eve had found her father, given some of her blood to him, and even killed a bunch of Lycans and placed their bloody bodies on top of Michael, and from that experience, as Selene had been changed/improved by her trials of ice, so too had Michael evolved into a new form. And both father and daughter were on their way to find Selene.

But no. The movie was at its best, mildly entertaining, with some interesting fight scenes, that weren't even that great. We got plots inside plots, and twists inside twists. But the core and heart of the franchise is in my opinion, dead!

So see it if you want to. But don't expect anything outstanding or exhilarating about this movie. In some ways it actually manages to be poorer than Awakening.
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Don't believe the hype
singhlall11 August 2020
I am a horror fan and love the Underworld movies and this was no way near as bad as some of the reviews. Kate Beckinsdale in tight leather, a few plot twists and some good fight sequences. Does what it says on the tin.
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Absolutely dreadful and that's coming from an Underworld fan.
jonesn-727769 February 2017
Lacks everything that made the original and sequels interesting. Poorly cast actors especially Pulver, too much use of guns with lack of physical fight scenes, no gore, bad script, uninteresting dialogue, overall weak story line, irrelevant flashbacks, lack of vampire elders or any character depth in werewolves removes the lore and legend that made the franchise interesting. I did not care who lived or died and honestly feel i am owed an hour and 31 minutes of my life. Maries might of well as been called Mario and adorned himself in a red cap and overalls would of been just as threatening. Absolutely no character depth what so ever which is polar opposite to the first films in this franchise. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME IF YOU LIKE UNDERWORLD YOU ARE BETTER OFF NOT SEEING THIS IT IS A TRAVESTY AND MIGHT AS WELL OF STARRED DANNY DYER.
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Just take it as entertainment
tuanskie22 April 2017
It's Kate Beckinsale again in tight leather! Come on people, pop in the Blu-Ray or stream it and load up the popcorn. Take off the critic's thinking cap for a night. Don't expect too much with a sophisticated plot or story line. Do expect some Lycan ass-kicking from Selene as usual, and enjoy the movie for what it is - a war between vampires and werewolves. The CGI could have been better, but did I not mention Selene/Kate in tight leather?
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There is no beginning, there is no end, there is only the coming
Chalice_Of_Evil30 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I still remember seeing the first Underworld in the theatre and enjoying it very much, though I didn't see any of the subsequent films at the cinema, only on DVD. I re-watched them in preparation for seeing this film and, as it stands, the original's still the best, with Evolution and Rise of the Lycans vying for second and third place, alternating between the two depending on my mood, while Awakening remains my least favourite. I'm afraid Blood Wars isn't much better. Whilst the fourth film felt like it was just non-stop gory action with little to no story, this film seems to have the opposite problem. Gorehounds needn't fear, there's still some quality violence (most of which the Lycans seem to wind up on the receiving end of, like being split in half and having their spines ripped out). The main problem is the vampire politics are brought to the forefront.

The other problem? Super sexy latex-clad vampire Death Dealer, Selene, feels as though she's no longer the focus of her own franchise (though at least she gets some memorable lines/moments). Let's be honest, most people come to see Kate Beckinsale rocking the black latex catsuit like nobody else can. So it remains a mystery as to why the writers appear to be slowly phasing out her character. Please note filmmakers: These films wouldn't be worth continuing without Ms. Beckinsale. Some tend to dismiss her acting ability, but she's what's held this franchise together. So it's disappointing her character is absent for what feels like long stretches. Blood Wars begins like Awakening did, with Kate's/Selene's voice-over (now with added echoing repeating what she's already said!) and clips from the previous films...though, really, if you haven't seen the others, why're you even here? Theo James's David character from Awakening has a much more expanded role this time (now fully replacing Scott Speedman's Michael as the franchise's male lead. Yes, Michael's dead. Barring some future "We only SAID he was dead/were only pretending!" reveal pulled out of the writers' arses, the Smurf is no more). Whether you're a fan of David or not will likely contribute to your enjoyment of the film, as he seems to take over the movie from Selene for significant portions.

I'll miss the Selene/Michael relationship, but am not opposed to David's character helping Selene, though it might rub some the wrong way how his backstory/ancestry's delved into so deeply it almost feels like *he's* the film's main star. Those who paid attention to the first films will appreciate references to a certain character who had minimal screen time, yet plays an important part in this film's storyline, while everyone else will be left wondering, "Who?". The blood of Selene and her daughter, Eve (who's referenced aplenty but only appears in the film's closing seconds), also proves important, as there's much exchanging of said blood between different characters. Other than Selene and David, the only significant returning character is Charles Dance's Thomas. Whilst not as memorable as Bill Nighy's Viktor, an actor of his caliber lends some weight/credibility to proceedings. His relationship with his son and heretofore untold connection with a past long-dead character is given prominence. Playing well off Dance is Lara Pulver, sporting constantly changing hairstyles as Semira. They do what they can with the material they're given. Semira's character also provides a cautionary tale in why you shouldn't treat your henchman/lover like crap, as we see play out between her and Bradley James' Varga.

Outlander's Tobias Menzies, as Lycan Marius, isn't given anywhere near the complexity of his character from that series, as here he's mainly just another complication in an already rather convoluted story. Nor is his relationship with vampire, Alexia, given much depth...though at least Daisy Head is quite striking, so you don't forget her character. Also memorable on account of their physical appearance are the Nordic Coven, the best of which is Lena (resembling a vampire Daenerys Targaryen). She kicks major arse with a sword and shield (apparently the Nordic Coven *do* bring swords to gun fights), plus also possesses a "teleport" ability of sorts. For a newcomer, Clementine Nicholson fares better with what little she's given compared to others who're given more. She also plays an important part in Selene's physical transformation (including her picking up that handy teleportation ability) to becoming 'more' than she already is...which is just as well, as poor Selene's put through the wringer this time around. It pained me seeing our heroine beaten up/knocked down more than ever, but allowed for a triumphant return, stronger/faster/better than ever...and now with white blonde highlights in her jet black hair.

The last couple of films' over-reliance on CGI versus the practical effects for the Lycans of the earlier films is to the movies' detriment, as the CGI creatures just aren't as impressive (and in the case of the Marius man-wolf creature, rather laughable/dredging up bad memories of the Scorpion King from The Mummy Returns...though not quite THAT bad). Note for future movies: Refrain from going half/half, either human or full beast is the way to go. Clearly this isn't intended as the franchise's final film, but assuming another one does indeed happen, that probably *should* be the last. The earlier Underworld films weren't exactly 'high art', but they felt like they had more substance to them than these last two. Given how much time was devoted to Eve previously, it's strange she's mainly absent here (perhaps she'll play a more significant role in the next movie?). I feel the franchise lost something after delving more into the world of men, but at least this one LOOKS more like an Underworld film than Awakening did (though the music/score's sadly lacking Wedard's 'Leidenschaft'). Say what you will about Len Wiseman, but I feel these later films' direction have suffered from his absence. My main hope for the next movie? That the filmmakers remember who this franchise's star is and give Beckinsale/Selene the attention/importance/prominence she deserves.
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The Plot .. Is Not
paradux9 February 2017
In the 2006 film CLICK (a throwback to a strange era when Adam Sandler was considered one of the most bankable stars in Hollywood) a very hammy Chris Walken, playing the Devil, takes a moment to tell Sandler (playing the husband) of Beckinsale, in all seriousness, and with a straight face, "Your wife is smoking hot." Which in a nutshell explains the staying power of Underworld I, a film I have seen perhaps 8 times so far. It combined a kickass script with great action sequences and featured Kate as perhaps the sexiest vampire in film history.

Flash forward through several sequels (too many) and we still have Kate ... but little else. One of the worse scripts in recent memory, so bad it verily fails the late Roger Ebert's "20 minute test" (if a film fails to hook up in the first 20 minutes, leave the theatre).

Horrible story, horrible characters, and overall a pretty rotten movie.

Advice -- go see the first one all over again. You'll thank me in the morning,
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underworld blood war
matselby-639268 March 2017
I had to watch this one twice as first viewing I thought The movie was not cool at all.my 2nd viewing always like to see films twice see if I missed anything,what I missed was this is a v good additional movie to the franchise,Kate Beckinsale was her awesome best being the death dealer she is.don't expect much Change but there are a few surprises she gets to have a few different powers and the great coven of vampires got some good characters in it with a few twists all in all if you like these films there is not much to complain about so sit back and enjoy underworld blood wars,if like me you cant get enough of Selene dealing death to Lycans.
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Kate Beckinsale black hair with blonde ombré. Nuff said.
rooprect10 December 2019
Seriously. If my title isn't enough for you to rush out and watch this film then nothing is. I'm a dude which means my haircare knowledge extends from Head N Shoulders to baseball cap, but in that climactic scene when Kate appears with her new 'do, I swear I went full tilt hairdresser and renewed my subscription to Cosmo. The point being, Underworld is, has, and always shall be, about the eye candy.

Whether "eye candy" comes in the form of slick vinyl body suits, strappy skin-showing mesh, or guns the size of your head, "Underworld: Blood Wars" delivers. But that's not all it delivers. Here in the final Beckinsale chapter of the franchise (according to her), we see a welcome return to the twisty turny plot intrigue that defined the original. Sure it begins with the same ole same ole: Selene (Kate) is being hunted by Lycans, Vampires and everyone short of a mob of duck hunters in Iowa. We think this is just going to be another mindless action romp except with A-list fashion designers. But stick around past the halfway mark when things get interesting, loyalties criss-cross, and this film becomes worthy of being the final Underworld chapter.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. The plot is about Selene on the run because both Lycans and vampires want to find the location of her daughter from part 4 "Awakening". With an interesting spin though, we realize in the first scene that Selene herself doesn't even know where her daughter is. Thus everyone is chasing her for nothing, and Selene herself doesn't even see the point in running. This is a subtle shift in Selene's character where, in earlier films, she was driven by a strong desire to fight. But here in the final chapter, she is at her most nihilistic: faithless, apathetic and downright suicidal. It adds tremendous depth to her character as we see that she's no longer a stereotypical superhero driven by truth, justice and the American way; but rather, she is reaching rock bottom and wondering what's the point in all these movies.

If that angle appeals to you, I think you'll really dig this flick. Like I said it's subtle, but once you realize what's going on in Selene's head, her character arc takes on an interesting new dimension. I can't help but think of the cool 90s trilogy "The Prophecy" where the archangel Gabriel (Christopher Walken) undergoes a profound evolution from start to finish. Here in Underworld we see Selene undergo a similar transformation as she comes to grips with her own personal story.

Rounding out the tale we have a pair of truly badass adversaries. On the Lycan side is Marius, an intelligent, strategic villain who keeps you guessing as to whether he's a cruel monster or actually someone with a logical, efficient solution to the endless conflict. No one even seems to know where he came from, but that's part of the surprise. On the vampire side is Semira, the coldest, most sinister and sexiest vampire since Ingrid Pitt played Elizabeth Bathory (or for you real old schoolers, how about Amanda Donohoe in "Lair of the White Worm"? homina homina). Thus the film presents one of the greatest 3-way conflicts since The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

That, for my money, was enough to justify watching this flick. But when you throw into the mix the wardrobe and hair departments, I mean... *mic drop*

*picks up mic* Um, in other words, check it out.
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Massively underrated
sittingidol18 September 2020
Just watched this with my partner. I had seen the early films in the Underworld series but lost track around the 3rd or 4th one. My partner had never seen any of them so watched this as a stand alone. We were both very entertained throughout. Great acting all round, stunning visual effects, nice leads and twists along the way within the story line. Would highly recommend this to anyone that likes the vampire/werewolf genre. Don't understand why this wasn't received better? We want more!!
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Writers bringing down this franchise
mts-7868022 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love this series BUT the scriptwriters are making the plots pitiful. Selene is becoming more predictable and considering she's the #1 Lycan Killer she's showing a soft side. I would recommend seeing this ONLY IF you're an avid fan but DON'T pay full price!

Good: Selene continues to show skills and gets some new ones.

Continuity of characters.

Storyline remains consistent.

Bad: Compacting too much of the story-line just too keep action


Inconsistent displays of vampire strength and powers.

Ease of vampire gullibility

At least we can expect at least one more film to give them a chance to bring it up to par, sigh...
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Too bad a sixth one is unlikely to be made.
pulikd5 December 2019
"Blood Wars" does not rely on fighting and shooting a lot. Instead, it focuses on the characters and what happens to them. Even though it ignores certains new and impressive ideas from the previous one, the fifth "Underworld" has its own charms.

It is honestly easy to talk about the weak spots of it. Like some visual effects that leave much to be desired here and there. This werewolf looks great, that one does not. To avoid excessive detail, let's just say the action scenes vary in their quality. Also, the movie does not start well and suffers in certain parts of the third act. Mostly, because of technical problems.

But the cinematography and the story do their job well. Not many movies are so beautiful in spite of happening entirely in darkness. Relaxing, mesmerizing and surprisingly emotional. It's like they hired someone to make an action movie but ended up with a director who cared more about art.

That is not to say that you don't get awesome fighting and shooting. You do. The new villain is calm, prepared and strong. Dealing with him is far from easy. I would also like to praise the humor. Where it is, it works. Can't be easy to have funny moments in perilous situations. But that's exactly what we got here.

Even though it is only one and a half hour long, it has powerful substance and feels rich in important events. With however many CGI problems to damage your experience, it still feels real. It feels true. Quite a few characters with understandable motivation, life and death decisions, inevitable threats and impressive discoveries.
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What a waste of time,and franchise killer.
panayiotisblack17 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So,clearly this has been a cash out. I've seen some bad movies,this doesn't top them,but still.. It was a,somewhat,decent action movie,but not a good fantasy/vampire genre one.

Many scenes top the wtf list,but when in less that a minute they find themselves off a moving train,then suddenly onto horses,and then walking made me burst in laughter for what i was witnessing. Terribly bad acting,really,from each and everyone of the main characters except the protagonist,plot holes so obvious and numerous that made you lost track of what you were watching,the film lacked coherence and the feel of a vampire movie.

I've read it was bad before going to see it,i didn't expect it to be so hideous.

Honestly,who brings the swat in a vampire/werewolf fight,and who bothers to all the trouble getting a gun that can pierce walls inside the building? Like...can't it do that from the outside? Kill as many as you can and make it hard for the enemy to maneuver,before even entering the battle? And that is only the tip of the iceberg. The decisive battle was laughable,and that is said being polite. Waste of time,waste of money,waste of a good franchise.
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More vampire vs werewolf shenanigans
neil-47615 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The 5th film in the Underworld franchise sees the Vampires and Lycans more at odds than ever. Selene is outlawed, everyone wants to find her pure-crossbreed daughter Eve in order to use her blood to establish control, and they think they can do this via Selene (who actually doesn't know where Eve is). The vampires have political machinations going on between rival factions, and the Lycans, led by Marius and having grown strong, are preparing to mount an invasion. Complicated, innit?

Like the previous 4 movies, the distinguishing characteristics of this movie are a) a muted blue/grey colour palette, b) lots of slo-mo cartoon CGI blood spraying all over the place, c) masses of slo-mo violence, b) the odd respected thespian adding a spurious note of gravitas, d) a plot full of complexities which hide a threadbare storyline which can be summed up as "vampires vs werewolves" (see also episodes 1 to 4), and e) Kate Beckinsale in spray-on leather. It must be admitted that, as ever, Kate Beckinsale's bum, lovingly caressed by shiny skin-tight leather, is almost worth the price of a cinema ticket on its own.

There is, thankfully a recap at the start so that those who have forgotten the previous movies are brought back up to speed. This manages to include most of the money shots from the earlier films viz half of Bill Nighy's head sliding off etc.

Otherwise, it suffices only to note that virgin director Anna Foerster, taking the place of Beckinsale's now ex-husband Len Wiseman, satisfactorily delivers the mixture as expected - political shenanigans, blood, bad CGI, and grim atmosphere.

Lara Pulver wears several costumes which reveal rather more Lara Pulver than costume. This is a Good Thing.

Oh, and there is a bloody great unanswered question. I'm not going to say what it is, that would be a spoiler, but you'll be saying exactly what one of the lead characters says - "But I saw...." The ending makes it clear that the answer will be found in the next film. Which leads me to say, "I've been fiddled!"
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christianacostaarq15 February 2017
It's impressive how poorly written and directed this movie is; it unfortunately lacks from any sort of good taste, and beside the characters there's nothing that resembles an underworld movie, hands down the worst of the franchise yet.

It is obvious that the story has no backbone, the direction is at the level of an amateur project, as if the director has no clue what it's doing, making obvious the lack of sensibility to the narrative of the previous installments.
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I liked this film, and yes, I am fan of the saga
I can say this one, is one of the best movies of the saga Underworld, is a good action movie, with a good story. If you have seen all the previous movies of underworld you will love this one, because is like a fresh restart, but without deleting all the past like happened in Terminator Genesys (I hated) and is well written.

This time vampires and werewolves are amazingly organize, and the story continues in a good way. You can go to see this one without any fear, you wont regret it.
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Lots of vampires, guns and action...
paul_haakonsen9 May 2017
"Underworld: Blood Wars" turned out to be a rather enjoyable installment in the "Underworld" franchise, and if you enjoyed any of the previous movies, then you will definitely also like "Underworld: Blood Wars".

The story in "Underworld: Blood Wars" continues on with the raging war between the vampires and the lycans. Selene, the highly-trained vampire death dealer, seeks to end this war that still rages.

There is a good amount of action in the movie. And this action is fast paced, well-choreographed and quite intense. Just as it has been in the previous movies, so it is nice that the movie continues on in the same pace.

The storyline in "Underworld: Blood Wars" was a bit on the simplistic side, as it is not one with many layers, nor one that really innovates the franchise nor the genre as such. But despite its simplicity, it is still an enjoyable movie to watch, just don't expect a grand Shakespearian experience.

"Underworld: Blood Wars" has very good special effects and CGI, just as in the previous movies. Furthermore, there is still amazing detail and designs on the costumes and wardrobes, which is quite unique for the franchise. The sets also have a lot of great details. The make-up on the vampires is good and believable, but the special effects on the lycans (werewolves) is just amazing and it looks so realistic.

This movie also has a good cast ensemble, and it is nice to see that Kate Beckinsale returns to her role. Furthermore, it was also nice to see some good appearances by Charles Dance, James Faulkner and others.

"Underworld: Blood Wars" is definitely a movie worthy to be an installment to the franchise, and it is most certainly a movie that will please fans of the franchise.
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Subterranal & Underwhelming...
Xstal27 August 2022
You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record baby, round, round, running aground.

You and them, them and us, me and you, whatever the meaning of this madness, I've got no clue, except it leaves a little stain, composed mainly of my disdain, wish I could go back to the start, and just eschew.

Frustratingly the opportunity to develop and enhance a story on the basis of equality and diversity has been hopelessly missed since the first venture, instead focusing solely on a perpetually stale tale of rival factions plotting each other's downfall for no rhyme or reason than that conjured between cats and dogs.
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