Grey Lady (2017) Poster


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Nantucket Nightmare or Greek Tragedy?
lavatch1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The so-called Grey Lady hovers over the superstitious characters and the surreal world of this direct-to-consumer video release. In historic Cape Cod, the supernatural presence of the Grey Lady comforted the wives as they awaited the safe return of their seafaring menfolk. But in the film, she would appear to place a curse on the victims more than to provide a safe haven for members of the Doyle clan.

The protagonist is James "Jimmy" Doyle, a decent hard-working Boston detective, whose sister and fiancée are murdered in what appears to be a string of cult killings dominated by the symbols of the "crown" and the "rose." Doyle follows the clues to picturesque Nantucket Island where in the sleepy community, two psychopathic members of the Doyle family continue their killing spree.

Starting at the Crown and Rose pub, Doyle discovers the whereabouts of his long-lost auntie Lola who has taken up residence on the island. Lola alone knows the deep, dark secrets of the Doyles when young Jimmy's father was caught in flagrante delicto in bed with his aunt Lola at the unfortunate moment in which Jimmy's uncle Tim surprised them. A fight ensued, and the enraged Uncle Tim was stabbed to death.

Little Jimmy always believed erroneously that his dad was the killer of his own brother. The brother-and-sister team of little Perry and Eli (Beth) never knew the truth either. But that didn't stop them from slashing their way through the Doyle family in a spate of revenge murders much like Orestes and Electra team up to murder their mother Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus in Greek mythology.

While the performances were good and the Nantucket scenery was beautiful, the film unfortunately lacked credibility. The tawdry nature of the family secrets, the incompetent police investigative work, and the overall sense of lawlessness both in Boston and Nantucket were extremely unpleasant features of this film.

In 1931, American playwright Eugene O'Neill attempted to modernize Aeschylus' tragedy "The Oresteia" in a lengthy play entitled "Mourning Becomes Electra," placed in a New England setting. The filmmakers of "Grey Lady" are attempting to channel O'Neill, but the film lacked O'Neill's psychological depth.

Early in the film, Detective Doyle comes across a line of poetry that reads, "In our sleep, pain which cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart." Another quote suggests that the only way to achieve wisdom is through suffering. Of course, these lines are from the Greek tragic playwright Aeschylus in the opening play of his trilogy, the "Oresteia." His fifth-century B.C. play chronicles the dysfunctional family of the House of Atreus and the killing of the husband Agamemnon by his wife Clytemnestra. In this modern nightmare on Nantucket, Tim and Lola do not quite measure up to either the larger-than-life figures of Greek tragedy or their post-Civil War counterparts as devised by Eugene O'Neill.
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Somewhat confusing, but also somewhat watchable
rutzelb1 July 2017
A Boston Detective Doyle (Eric Dane) and his partner-wife Maggie (Rebecca Gayheart) respond to a break-in at an art gallery and Doyle figures out this is an ambush. Both are subdued and Maggie is shot and killed with Doyle's gun and Doyle is shot with Maggie's gun. Before dying Maggie whispers clues to Doyle: Crown and Rose. Doyle is suspended and he goes to Nantucket to a restaurant called the Crown and Rose. Doyle grew up in Nantucket and hopes that some family members there will help him discover the reason for the killing. At this point he is not aware that he is the real target.

This is very slow going and much information the audience needs is hard to come by. I gave up some things above that would take forever before the Director lets them known. You are welcome. But for you to enjoy this story you needed to know some things. Enter Eli Morrison (Carolyn Stotesbery) and Perry Morrison (Chris Meyer) two psychopaths and we are not sure what their role is in here. There are many things we are not privy to and we find ourselves learning about characters who just decide to show up. What do they know? Doyle needs to find out. The acting all around is good even though much isn't revealed by this cast. Ha!

The real mystery in here is why the audience is kept from good information and they (we) sometimes become so confused we almost shut this down. Yes, yes, all information will be revealed at the end. Yeaaaaah! This would have been a better cat and mouse mystery if Doyle knew or suspected who the killers were, but not that he would know he was the ultimate target. Well, that is until the very end. There is a twist that even God didn't see coming. Honest.

Notables: Natalie Zea as Melissa, the love interest for Doyle and she has looks that closely resemble Maggie, his dead wife; Amy Madigan as Lola and Doyle's aunt and is the real key to everything; Adrian Lester as Detective Johnson who helps Doyle and also is there to keep an eye on him; and John Shea as police Chief Maguire who also wrote this somewhat confusing story.

FYI: Eric Dane was a regular on TV show Grey's Anatomy and he is currently in The Last Ship.

Who is the Grey Lady? Why Nantucket itself, which we see in fogs, dreary, and lifeless ways, much like this story. (5/10)

Violence; Yes. Sex: No. Nudity: No. Language: Yes, but not much.
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Not great
kaz19821 July 2018
The premise interested me. I really enjoy a good murder mystery. This was just muddled. The acting/script really weren't that great and just made it all incredibly cheesy.

Spent half of the time wondering what was happening and hoping for a pay off that was at least worth it. It wasn't.
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a big mess
cdcrb4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
remember in "the fugitive" when the train derails and flies off into the woods, for what seems a long time, well here the movie goes off the rails and never stops. sadly, the movie just keeps getting worse. it makes no sense, was confusing to me and the acting is non existent. it's supposed to be a murder mystery. I'm not familiar with eric danes' work, but he doesn't offer much here. Nantucket, a beautiful island, even in the rain and fog, offers nothing. I cannot remember giving a 1 rating before, but I am not alone. proceed at your own risk.
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Badly, written, directed and acted
billboyd127 June 2017
It seems that poor movies are propped up initially by gushing reviews from those associated with the movie and their friends, family and associates. So from someone who has not reviewed a movie before on IMDb and who is not linked to the movie in any way I need to say something.

Nantucket is the stand out character in this movie and it is wet, grey, dull and lifeless - everyone and everything else fails to live up to this standard including the direction, writing, script and acting.
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No, just no
ellerywilson29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was so bad that I created a profile on IMDb just to warn you about it. There was little to no character development and it almost seemed as if the whole movie moved in slow motion. There were so many long pauses in between dialogue that served nothing more than to elongate the pain of watching this film. The love interest was boring, the whole "cop/law enforcement" routine was not believable in any way, and there was too little explanation as to why people were actually being killed. Law and Order from the 70s, go watch some re-runs because they make way more sense.

How, I repeat HOW does anymore make Nantucket look dull and boring? This producer has achieved the impossible. There is so much beauty to see on the island and yet somehow the best this film has to offer are glimpses out foggy windows with particular focus on a rather large puddles in the road.

The story is confusing and there seems to be a few implied sub-stories that are never explained. Further, the story is predictable and boring. Again, I'm not a movie critic, but it was THAT BAD. Save your time.
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laurapacino12 June 2018
Don't waste your time with this rubbish. How do films like this ever get made...just awful!
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jeffm20916 July 2017
You know that feeling you get when you watch someone doing something foolish? That embarrassed-for-them feeling. Well. This movie does that. No character development of any depth. It was shot in one of the most beautiful locations in the world, yet, no location development. This movie had the production value of a made-for-TV movie.
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People who give films a 1 star rating are idiots
smunden-142872 November 2018
If you like engaging slow burners are in for a treat. I just cannot understand how anyone can give this 1 star , there are really low budget poorly made and badly acted films out there but this film is not one of them and for people to give this film such a low rating has no right leaving reviews
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Farfetched off Cape Cod
shakercoola8 July 2018
An American drama; A story about a Boston homicide detective who searches for clues about a serial killer that murdered both his sister and his partner which leads him to Nantucket, an island where he uncovers secrets about his family's past. The main problem with the film is it doesn't spend enough time on character development before launching into overwrought plotting. The pacing fails because of a sketchy main character. Although it is absorbing as a whodunnit, with such crude methods of viciousness and so many plot turns it felt forced and hard to engage with. It boasts a lovely setting and all the technical elements are tick-boxed for a modern drama.
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donwest-411921 July 2017
As a first time reviewer, I have to disagree. Nantucket is grey and beautiful and used sparingly. The cast is solid and engaging. Eric Dane is always watchable. And good to see Laila Robins, however briefly. The movie itself is at turns gentle and gripping. Yes, its not Citizen Kane. But it is nicely played and directed and the plot has enough reveals to keep the pace moving.
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Confusing Mystery
kirbylee70-599-52617916 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A great mystery will provide you clues to assist in solving the puzzle as it moves forward. There have been a number of these made over the many decades movies have been around. A good mystery provides some of the information you need but not enough to aid you and in the end can either be satisfying in how the story is told or in the resolution. Most movie mysteries fall into this category, falling just a tad shy of being great. GREY LADY falls into that category.

Doyle (Eric Dane) is a Boston police detective who is romantically involved with his partner Maggie (Rebecca Gayheart). So much so that she is now pregnant, a fact she discovers just before they head out to work. On the way they receive a 911 distress call, a woman claiming she is being attacked. They answer the call only to find that it was a trap set up for them. Doyle is shot in the shoulder and Maggie is killed, an incision left in the back of her neck.

Fast forward to months later. Doyle is officially off the case and on leave. He's headed to Nantucket, a place he once visited with his family as a child and the Grey Lady of the title, a name the islanders have to the island. Before she died in his arms Maggie gave him a clue, the heart and crown. That clue has led him here to a pub of that name, the only link that he can come up with. On the ferry to the Nantucket he meets a few others heading that way, a young woman named Eli (Carolyn Stotesberry) and a somewhat eccentric lady named The Duchess (Laila Robbins), the owner of an art gallery on Nantucket.

When the boat docks Doyle is greeted by Johnson (Adrian Lester), a local detective sent to take him to speak to police chief Maguire (John Shea). Doyle had phoned ahead seeking help and Johnson is there to assist him. While Johnson has no problems helping him, Doyle is not an easy nut to crack. He's surly and not forthcoming with information. The locals continue to help Doyle even after his boss back in Boston tells him on the phone he is off the case and pending dismissal of he pursues it.

Here is where things first begin to get murky. We know the set up, we know why Doyle is here…but that's all. The amount of evidence that would lead him here is minute at best. And yet here he is, chasing down small bits and pieces that we as viewers are not privy to. This is where we deviate from a great to a good mystery. How can we understand all that's happening when we have no clues to decipher? The plot moves forward and sifting through the bits and pieces we gather we begin to see where it's going. More murders occur on the island. It appears the killer has followed Doyle and for some reason has set his sights on anyone close to him. As Doyle makes friends some find themselves deceased. He grows close to an artist on the island named Melissa (Natalie Zea) to the point they may become an item. It's a slow attraction the two build over time and not one where he abandons his past love to jump in bed with a new woman, something nice and new in a movie.

The film moves forward to an inevitable conclusion where Doyle will face off against a killer he now can identify. What takes it up a notch is the story beneath the story. Is there a secret Doyle must discover in his search for the killer that involves him and his family personally or was it random? And if there is something else going on how can we figure out what that is if we are not presented with any information? By the end of the film all is revealed and the bits and pieces we were given become more obvious.

The movie is well crafted with a great look at Nantucket that relies less on the tried and true vacation hot spots and more on what the locals would see. The cinematography is well done capturing what appears to be a non-stop fog that rolls across the island most of the time. The acting on all counts is wonderful with each character portrayed as believable no matter what the circumstances.

In the end I enjoyed watching the movie from start to finish. Some will find themselves frustrated with the lack of clues and information, confused when there really was no reason to have things portrayed this way. But if you stick it out to the end you'll find a satisfying ending that closes the circle and makes it all apparent.
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Bad. So very bad.
movielover555510 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The lead actors are not TERRIBLE, I'll say that. But everything else- supporting cast, story, dialogue- is godawful. The editing is the worst part- it just jumps around with no rhyme or reason, as if entire chunks have been cut out randomly. It actually kept reminding me of "The Room", lol.

And the love interest looking exactly like his dead girlfriend was just SO unnecessary and creepy.
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Crazy story.
susan_warr19 February 2020
I was hoping for a good story and mystery but this didn't even come close.
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There was once a movie from Nantucket
ltzand-386144 February 2020
There are some movies that after you finish watching, you ask yourself why? Why this movie was made? The movie was a car wreck, bad writing, acting direction, even the island looked fake, The Grey lady looked like Staten Island rather than herself! Do yourself a favor watch anything else but this!
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Two movies for the price of one
laplante-co-672-29785619 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The lead, Eric Dane, walks around with a constipated look. He's seems as confused as we are watching him. The initial set-up is a good start. The movie then abruptly shifts from Boston(?) to Nantucket, and we are dumped into the middle of a different movie. It's as if some essential scenes or dialogue were cut from the movie, leaving the viewer to try to make sense of it all. There's also two scenes that hint at the supernatural that amounts to exactly nothing AFAIK. Awful...
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Sister? Partner?
dochito31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There is a big confusion in this film about the death of the sister of is pretty confusing, who was that sister? the only one killed was his partner as far as I know.... Was his partner his sister too? All the movie is pretty one moment I thought it was all about vampires..... The only thing I enjoyed about the movie was the role of Eric Dane, hope to see him in a better movie.
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What in the world???
snktrss9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know if this was a crime-thriller, supernatural or drama. It was mish-mash of it all. The musical score was terrible in almost every scene. Writing and directing there are no words. John Shea is definitely not a director or writer I'd ever watch again. Then he had to appear in it as well smh Dane needs to stick to TV or needs a better script. I wonder if this caused this divorce between him and Gayheart
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It isn't that bad as the reviews
katiazur28 December 2020
It kept me focused all the way trough. I liked it. Yes the acting of some of them could of been better and seriously the killer could of killed much sooner but hey
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Just Have to Connect the Dots
nogodnomasters26 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
James (Eric Dane) dreams about his family playing on the beach of Nantucket in slow motion. He is known a cop in Boston. When is partner is murdered, James thinks it is connected to a family murder. He goes back to Nantucket in search of answers and sets off the fireworks as the body count continues.

We get to know killer about half way through the film and the basic motive. We get more information in a flashback and later a twist is told to us in the church, not a big deal for us. Eric Dane wasn't charismatic in any way shape or form. In fact they joke about him smiling at the end. It is not that they didn't create characters, but the interesting ones keep getting killed off, sort of like "Walking Dead" but without zombies.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity
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Atmospheric, solid thriller - ignore the haters
asage1913 April 2020
It is a solid thriller, good pace, maybe founders a little bit at the end. OTOH, the end is the place for resolution, and that is accomplished admirably :) Eric Dane and the rest of the cast are great. The setting is used well, the fog referred to in the title is used well. My only complaints would be the music, which I didn't care for, and the celtic flavour tossed in here and there. I found that I didn't need that, in order to enjoy the film, and I don't think the film needed it. Felt like, in that one regard, it was trying too hard. Otherwise, an enjoyable watch, that I would recommend. Ignore the haters. As usual, I have no idea what they're going on about ;>
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Some standout characters in this beautiful film
mypaleoveganlife6 May 2017
Many twists and turns in this beautifully shot film. Natalie Zea brings a breath of fresh air at just the right time to balance some emotionally charged moments. Chris Meyer's transformation is amazing and adds so much depth to volatile scenes. Very interesting to see life on Nantucket that is not usually seen on film!
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excellent mystery thriller
Squirrel-510 July 2017
Having been a longtime summer visitor to the island, I greatly was eager to see a movie filmed there. This film delivers, but would likely be appreciated more by those who have visited the island.

It has a good story, (I will forego a long-winded plot summary as there are a plethora of these already) and the dialogue in the film contains many references to classic poetry and prose. This is a low-budget independent film contains a lot of drama, somewhat of a rarity in Hollywood blockbusters these days so the average film-goer or most people under 40 are not likely to appreciate it.. If you're into Michael Bay style action packed movies or perennial reboots of comic book superhero movies, or revenue generating mainstream films, this is not for you.

The cinematography of the film is excellent which is what I'd expect from a veteran like Andrzej Bartkowiak, who worked alongside the great Sidney Lument.. This is John Shea's second film as a director after his earlier film Southie whom he also had a bit part in.

I seldom go out on a limb to recommend a film but this is one I would suggest watching. Though it still boils down to the Latin idiom my grandmother taught me.. "De gustibus non est disputandum" (No accounting for taste)
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Gripping right from the beginning...
hunterlaroche9 May 2017
I caught this premier in L.A. With the wonderful Chris Meyer who stars in the film I have spent time on Nantucket since the '70's ( summer months ) so two positives are Being friends with Chris Meyer and also being an Advid fan of the island But setting those feelings aside I truly enjoyed the film, it starts off by griping your attention with in moments of the beginning, and then it continues to flow almost like your on the island watching the plot unfold right in front of you! Nantucket is a very special place and the movie hit home in so many ways Eric Dane and Natalie Zae were ( what I think perfect for their character parts ) another note is the part played by Jefferson Cook brings back fond memories as have known him for years meeting way back in the Wild West days of Nantucket in the '70's he was such a fun influence that I have placed him into one of my Nantucket murder mystery novels

( ) I sincerely hope people will take the time and go see this "Thriller" and if you have never visited this wonderful piece of real estate, hopefully our paths will cross over a glass of wine at one of the local watering holes on the island!! Hunter Laroche
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Similar to " Last Train to Vilnius"
caggianogabe22 August 2021
"Grey Lady" proves the late,great Boston theater critic, Elliot Norton, correct on this one salient point: every moment of suspended disbelief takes you on a journey you cannot turn down.

This film has a choppy syntax in the storied tradition of Norwegian films, designed to induce psychological hiccups before setting up the next trauma. The untrained American viewer won't overtly notice this manipulation of emotion, but it will keep you watching until the end. And that pretty much is what we all collectively fear, isn't it......the end?
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