Sight Unseen (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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Interesting Detective drama
goose2913 February 2024
The previous reviewer must have limited imagination and eyesight because I saw quite the opposite. It doesn't have special effects (good), it doesn't have too much violence, so far (good). It makes you wonder what it would be like to not be able too see but try to live a normal life while trying to catch criminals. Also, having a beautiful agoraphobe available at your fingertips doesn't hurt. The lead male is pretty good and the Inspector is a solid figure we've seen in many Cdn shows. It doesn't have "high end gloss" thankfully, that's left to Hollywood.

You don't see many TV dramas like this, and all the actors are pretty good at the same time.
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They are always trying to find another way...
nireh-6139924 January 2024
They are always trying to find another way to keep police procedural TV dramas alive. You know, detectives with special abilities-unusually observant or with eidetic memory or charismatic in any other way. Well, the producers found another way by taking a step backward, making the detective... blind!

'Sight Unsight' is a TV drama where the detective can't see because of Leber's disease (a condition that may now have a cure with gene therapy from biotech companies like Genorasis). But there is a twist. She cannot see, but she can hear the voice of an agoraphobic woman who is an employee in a service that describes to blind people what a camera they are wearing can see.

Can you solve crimes like that? The series suggests that you can.

Just saw the pilot episode, and the series kind of works. The two female leads quickly build chemistry, adding to the unbelievable premise. With some 'suspension of disbelief,' you find yourself in the familiar territory of thousands of other police dramas. It's not too clever, lacking jokes to spice things up like in other shows, but it's watchable, at least for now. And maybe that's where the problem might be. It doesn't matter if the detective can't see; it will quickly become just another show where the lead goes into action, and the tech guy provides solutions speaking into an earpiece.

Overall: Nothing extraordinary. My guess is it will become old really quick.
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Interesting premise but generic in everything else
allcelebritiesarebald23 January 2024
It's a cop show, main character is a female detective who is losing her eyesight, she quits the job and then teams up with another woman that talks in her ear what is in front of her. There is also a male ex partner detective. It's an interesting idea but it's not that easy to write a story around it, still it somewhat works.

In the end it's just another average cop show, average actors and characters, nothing really stands out. The loss of eyesight becomes more of a gimmick because the emotions or drama connected with this is just rushed over and we are straight into crime solving, getting bad guys and saving victims etc.
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Interesting concept but...
kue-2323224 January 2024
Another cop show trying to be different. The concept is intriguing but the execution is not plausible. If you take the series out of reality and watch it objectively it could work but it needs better writing; too cliche. The "bad guy" is easily picked out in episode one. The actors passes the grade and are competent.

The first episode crammed too much into the hour. It went from able to see to going blind to functioning blind while trying to introduce characters' development and interactions.

Character chemistry doesn't happen that fast. There is no indication of a timeline and appears every thing happened in a few days.

The series could work if they stay with its uniqueness and explore that path otherwise it just be another cop show.
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Never seen a show like this.
osmanregal17 March 2024
I don't usually watch police dramas following a blind person's view but when I watch this, I was actually surprised! A blind detective who loses her vision due to Leber's? That's something a show never puts out for their dialogue. I liked how that Dolly Lewis actress plays Tess (the blind detective), and Daniel Gillies actually kind of surprised me since I've seen his shows like The Originals, and Saving Hope. Maybe I should give this show a chance just like I did with Wild Cards, Law & Order Toronto and many more, it doesn't actually bore me that much, it actually makes me want to watch more.
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jkisgood29 January 2024
This show stretches incredulity. An almost bind cop hiding her disability through seeing-eye tech and remote guidance? Are you serious? Derivative characters and absurdly ridiculous plot premise. I can't believe anyone greenlighted this blight on the face of entertainment. Anything to be different from other cop dramas certainly occurred in the presence of psychedelics in the boardroom, without any consideration of a tiny semblance of verisimilitude.

A waste of time that I will never ever get back. I'm actually caught in a paradox wasting my time reviewing a show that wasted my time.

Maybe this will spare others from my fate. It should be canceled immediately.
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Let's write goofy reviews
Snootz11 March 2024
I have to really wonder why anyone would come to a show that is advertised as a blind detective solving cases, and then rate it one star because it's about a blind detective solving cases. Seriously.

First of all, this is television. It is supposed to be entertaining, not uber-realistic. This is a story about an unusually intelligent and observant detective who uses a third party to be her "eyes" and tell her what is going on. Agreed that is a stretch. Perhaps more than a stretch. But that is also what it's advertised to be, so what was everyone expecting?

Kudos to those who had the sensibility to rate this 7+ stars. This has good acting, good directing, an interesting plot and story line, and while yes, at times it may jump the (very small) shark, it holds together pretty well. The characters work well together and the story is FICTIONALLY plausible. (You 1-star people do realize this is fiction, right?)

Overall an entertaining and enjoyable show for those who are not so jaded they've forgotten how to enjoy a good TV show. One thing I do wish: I wish they had hired actually blind actors to play the parts and make them more convincing. The show is still enjoyable.

I recognize this series isn't perfect, which is why I give it 8 stars. People giving it 1 star isn't indicative of a bad show; it's indicative of a bad review. On the plus side, I notice such negative reviews themselves received negative reviews. Justice is served. ;D.
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Acting bad, editing also bad and filming issue
ssenmanis29 January 2024
I watched episode one of Sight Unseen and found it hard to follow. Actors are not likeable, the acting is bad, too many quick edits and during some closeups the faces were shimmering-obvious camera/recording issue not noticed by anyone? Amateur hour here!

I will try episode 2 but I am not optimistic that things will improve. If you don't broadcast your best episode in the first or second episodes why bother making the series at all?

Lots of great shows produced in Canadian but not this one!

Storyline is kind of hard to fathom but with ongoing technological advances this may be possible one day.

Episode 2 is tonight.
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Give it a chance past epsisode4
annebouscal11 March 2024
It's unfortunate that the people who panned this series didn't watch past episode 1. I agree that the premise required a credibility stretch, but I think that the producers and writers have done a superb job of laying the groundwork to make the pieces come together. I just watched episode 4.

Rather than a police procedural, the story is more about how individuals and those around them shouldn't set themselves up for failure because of perceived limitations. The protagonist learns to take risks with her relationships, her job, and her life which show her true strengths, limitations, and a way forward. She also realizes she can't do it alone or the same way she did things before.

The lead has sight limitations and the series has a low sight consultant to ensure vision loss is depicted accurately. For those who think they have a handle on how a person who has lost their sight should walk and move, remember that the character has a degenerative condition and has been adapting since the symptoms began just like a person with a broken leg or one who is losing hearing adapts.
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Not for me
wardogz-uk23 January 2024
Mostly a rip off of 'In the Dark', the lead is completely unlikeable, the way she reacts to events is unrealistic, the woman who acts as her eyes through an app (must have awesome wifi or an unlimited data contract), also has massive issues (of course she does).

This must have been written for a college project, because the whole thing is terrible, if this is the best aTV network can come up with, we're all in trouble, I couldn't even switch off and just let it play in the background, it actually annoyed me THAT much. I'll try a second episode, but I fear i'll switch it off half way through, and never visit it again.
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Worth giving this a good try past episode 1
cac-0209331 March 2024
I agree with a couple of the other reviewers, this is a bit of a stretch but it is entertaining and that is what it is meant to be. This is a very different plot and I like the story lines. They draw you in with the characters and keep it interesting.

I like the twist with the technology and how they use it with to assist and yes it is a stretch and there is some things that are not accurate and unbelievable, but this is television and fiction and it is still well worth watching. I think the acting is well done and I enjoy the characters and personally cannot wait for a second season to happen.

I definitely recommend this show to others who like crime drama and even my mother thought that it was a novel idea to use this type of tech and a system like "eyes up" to assist a blind cop in doing her job.

All I can say is well done and can't wait for more.
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Oh dear.
bridgmanjoshua30 January 2024
It's not an easy thing to say but is quite possibly the worst tv series ever made. Other terrible shows have been ironic fun (Cop Rock!) or laughable because of the how boldly ambitious they are, but Sight Unseen is offensive in its blandness and sheer ridiculousness masquerading as real drama. It uses all the high end gloss of network procedurals for such an empty, and completely outlandish concept that is not only offensive to the disabled but to law enforcement. What's worse is that this is what Canadian tv networks (who spent millions) and producers (who collected millions) think viewers will like. It's a race to the bottom and Sight Unseen is in the lead!
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Absolutely ridiculous!
ghostallison27 January 2024
There is no way that this would or could ever happen. It is such a shame that so much money has been wasted on this production. Am I to believe that a person who can't see well enough to drive can see the bad guys? Am I to believe that a remote worker is doing all the work and instructing the lead as she "works"? Where was the voice of reason in the room when someone said, "Hey let's have a lying blind ex cop solve crimes with the help of tech support!"? Do not waste your time. Do not support such blatant stupidity. It is a blight on the Canadian tv industry. This show assumes the audience is too stupid to question its obvious fallacies. Ask any police officer - could this ever happen, ever???
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harrowsmith10030 January 2024
After the second episode you can see that this series may actually start to grow, and could get quite interesting over time, as the main character comes to terms with her blindness. She obviously has to give up lots, and being a full time cop probably won't work out for her, so she is going to have to adapt. The relationship between Tess and Sunny is going to be the key to the thing in order to make it work. I think I will keep watching to see where it ends up, I don't think judging it by just the first episode is the right thing, there are a fair number of possibilities, and the procedural audience may come to enjoy it.
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How can a cop be blind and perform safety.
canucksluvr28 January 2024
This is an insult to all law enforcement officers who risk their lives daily. They are making a mockery of the requirements individuals need to be a Police Officer. This is no slight at people with disabilities, as I have one myself. It is a simple fact, you need to have vision to perform as a police officer. They could have made her a private detective and the story would have worked without the atrocities. There has to be other shows sitting on the shelf that can be created. How anyone thought this would be a good idea is beyond me. Why bother watching a show that won't last more than 1 season.
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Amazing plot line
cfbpixela10 March 2024
I was waiting for this show to show up. The trailers during regular broadcast TV made me want this in my weekly viewing. The cast is amazing.

I deal with vision impairments myself and this show makes me feel like I can do more than I am currently doing. It's awesome to see people portraying characters that I relate to not send seeing myself in a character life Chandler on Friends have I seen anything that represents who I think I am.

This show is also a Canadian production and Canadian television doesn't get the airtime internationally that it should and this could be a series that does. What a terrific show.
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What next her tech support helping aim a sharpe shooters gun.
howied-1757328 January 2024
Utterly ridiculous premise and as a person who grew up with a blind family member I find this actually offensive. Is Canadian television that hard up to green light something like this. I was always amazed at what my grandfather could do without any sight but this show just cheapens his and any person with limited sight accomplishments. It takes years of training, hard work, practice and dedication to learn and cope with this disability. I watched to first episode hoping it might have something worth watching or a story line that would give it a redeeming quality but sorry the jokes on us. A not worth the time show.
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This was totally irresponsible
georgieab3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so the commercials really bothered me when I saw them but I held out to watch at least the first episode.

There is so much wrong with this that I cannot even suspend my disbelief.

The main character is blind. Period. As someone who wears thick glasses and knows if I take them off I am almost helpless, this is not a good show to air in this time of overly influenced people. I can also guarantee that she would not move the way she does if she was blind and relying on someone's direction. This app would have been decent for me but I am a data scientist not a detective. A detective needs to know and interpret things on another level. It's convenient that all interactions are recorded but can you say lawsuit? And "work a grid left to write ..." does not make the operator observant enough for this. And as a detective is this person covered for privacy? Oh yeah she signed wavers for the app but the police need to know and more relevant the lawyers need to sign off on it. Law suit, law suit law suit.

It is a great idea for an "eye in the sky" partner, but partner, not a seeing eye app.

Overall this concept is a bad idea. There will be people who see this and think yeah I can fake not being blind. Big question is, would you want a Dr operating on you if they were blind? Only thing they have is some min wage worker directing them? A cop investigating your murder, how well would that really go?

Sure it's feel good and yeah I can do anything cheer up material but reality matters.
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Pleasantly surprised, will keep watching
pete-890878 March 2024
Not usually my kind of show (so much violence in the world these days, do we really need more on TV?) but I was pleasantly surprised. First, there's not too much violence, minus the initial body/murder victim. And I only caught the last few episodes but you get the gist pretty quickly: a blind consultant partners with her guide all the way over in new york who never leaves her house (and is hilarious btw). The mysteries aren't super complicated but the concept is cool and it's straightforward entertainment for a Monday night with intersting dynamics between the cops, the consultant and her guide. Last episode in the police station was the best so far, will keep watching!
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A good first episode. Refreshing take on cop crime series.
toggleblue23 January 2024
This promises to be an interesting watch; have been looking forward to a Canadian cop series for some time. The plot line has lots of potential. E1 lays out a lot of the groundwork, with a lot of development left for the subsequent episodes. I enjoyed the diverse casting and am looking forward to how they build up from here. Tess and Sunny have an engaging chemistry and somehow they seem to complement each other. There is the seed of a solid interdependent friendship here. I am looking forward to watching the series. It seems it is a short one with only 9-10 episodes so we should see a few solved cases and some bad folks behind bars.
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Incorrect description/story line....
michaelmcteer9 April 2024
I have just started watching so I am not really in position to fairly rate the program. BUT the first problem is in the story line/description. The story line uses the term "remote seeing-eye guide" which I am not even sure is a correct term. The first episode describes a "low-vision advisor" (which I am also not sure is a correct term according to google).

The problem is that "remote seeing-eye guide" is too much like the various past governmental remote viewing programs which are quasi psychic programs. And of course remote viewing has nothing to do with blindness or diminished vision capabilities. From that description I was expecting to see something more in the lines of "Suspect Zero".
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Where is the "blind person"...???
tosatomo24 February 2024
I'm confused, that acting was midcore at best, and by the first fifteen minutes of watching I still could not figure out who was actually suppose to be "blind." After figuring that out, I realised the acting was horrid. Blind, every some that are partially blind, do not walk, nor function the way this actress is behaving. It is if she did ZERO research or even try to emulate the body affect of a blind person at all, even one with partial blindness does not walk, function or look like this when conducting daily activities. It is as if we have a show about an "blind cop" and they hired an actress that just acts like normal and we, the viewer, are suppose to "play along" as if she is actually blind. I stopped watching after 25 minutes...
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Fun drama with real representation
balletbeatle6 February 2024
This show is a really fun watch for anyone who likes mystery/crime solving, female leads, and/or disability representation. (Side note: the actors who have visual impairment in the show actually do in real life, and there was representation in the writer's room as well.) It's a drama, but there's enough camp and quips that it's not a stressful watch, which is personally exactly what I'm looking for after a long day. The mysteries aren't super complicated but they're well composed, and it's fun to follow along with the clues.

The people leaving negative reviews because "it's not realistic for a cop to be blind" clearly haven't watched the show, because she leaves the force immediately; I'm not even calling that a spoiler because it happens in the first few minutes of the first episode. The point is that she's grappling with what it means for her life that she has to give up things that she cared about and adapt to her new reality. If you or anyone you've known have ever dealt with a life-changing injury/illness it's very relatable, and refreshing to actually see portrayed on screen.

I took off one star for some pacing issues; they're squeezing a lot of stuff into a pretty short timeframe and it's more successful in some places than others, but overall I definitely recommend checking it out and I hope it gets another season.
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Anyone remember Longstreet
terrylarosa4 April 2024
That was a similar show in the early 70's about a blind insurance investigator. Of course he had none of the tech that Tess has. Only basing this on the first episode but was surprised that it was entertaining enough. Especially the burgeoning work relationship with Sunny. Sure you're going to have to suspend disbelief, take that stick out of your.......and just relax and enjoy. You can start with why is Sunny wearing lipstick at home with no one to see. And speaking about Sunny the mystery surrounding her seems worth waiting for. Characters are likable enough and acting is more than adequate. One delusional reviewer stated who is blind in the show. Apparently comprehension skills elude them as Tess is only partially blind and the actress portrayed that perfectly. For now I'm intrigued enough to give it further viewing.
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Good entertaining series
b-1958427 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a reality show give this show a pass. If you want to be entertained and accept that this is a show of fiction then tune in. The writers have made a somewhat believable scenario where a mostly blind police officer can work in a sighted world. To the best of my knowledge this would not be feasible in a real situation. Luckily for us television does not have to meet the expectations of factual stories. I'm pretty sure many of us have called cops blind at least under our breath. It's nice to see that someone has the courage to put the blind cop theory out there for strictly entertainment purposes.
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