About a Boy (TV Series 2014–2015) Poster


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nowego24 February 2014
Like one of the other reviewers mentioned, I to have literally seen almost all of the good shows that have been released of recent times. In fact I have seem almost every good show that has been released in the last 50 years. Am I a TV addict, yep.

Having seen the movie with Hugh Grant many times it was with a bit of trepidation that I decided to watch this show, not being sure what to expect hoping it didn't disappoint. Well it didn't and being only 22 minutes long it was long enough to leave me wanting more. Unfortunately that means having to wait another week to get my fix. The lack of canned laughter was a bonus.

It may not be up there with the really good classics, but it hit the spot for me. It had enough funny points to have me laughing and enough emotional points to feel for some of the characters. The eye candy was nice as well, I am sure both sexes will be satisfied.

If you have seen the movie and really loved it you may be slightly disappointed with this, but keep an open mind and give it a chance, you might get a nice surprise.
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love the actors and their chemistry
SnoopyStyle8 May 2015
Will Freeman (David Walton) is a carefree womanizer living off of the royalties of his one hit song. Weird new-age Fiona (Minnie Driver) and her odd son Marcus move in next door and turn Will's life upside down. Will forms a tight bond with Marcus despite his misgivings. Fiona is horrified at first but grows to see the good in their relationship. Will's best friend Andy (Al Madrigal) is married to bossy lawyer Laurie.

'About a Boy' is a very good movie but it means nothing for a TV adaptation. The story is reasonably set up for a TV sitcom as long as the actors are good. I like all three actors and I love their chemistry. I don't always love Al Madrigal but he's more like a side character. The kid is adorably dorky and Walton is fun. Minnie Driver is a no-brainer. I love the chemistry especially between Walton and the kid.
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Very pleasant surprise
shkanaoy27 March 2014
I'm a Nick Hornby fan, loved the movie, and was shocked to see it come to the US and be made into a TV series. While I thought the source material was geographically re-locatable, I wasn't convinced that the characters would still resonate. Will, especially, is such a great British misanthropic womanizer, I felt sure that that they'd drop the ball with him.

I was really happy to find that my fears were unfounded.

This version of About A Boy retains the laughs and the poignancy of the original. While Hugh Grant was on career best form in the film (and the Badly Drawn Boy music was pitch perfect), David Walton's Will is a well-realized modern man-child with a heart of gold. Minnie Driver is excellent, although she's definitely less out there than Toni Collette's version, and you do get a sense that they may start a "will they/won't they" thing with Will and Fiona, which you always knew was off the table in the novel and movie.

The "boy", Benjamin Stockham, is good, although there are a couple of moments where he seems to strike the wrong notes. But the chemistry between him and Walton is excellent, and that's by far the most important component.

Whenever Al Madrigal and Annie Mumolo show up, they strike a different tone, reminiscent of the Paul Rudd/Leslie Mann combo in Knocked Up. Definitely not a bad thing, and it keeps it from getting too predictable.

They could get a huge amount of mileage out of this show, as Marcus grows up and starts becoming a man. Definitely fertile soil and after the promising start, I'd love to see what these characters get up to.
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Cute and clever sitcom
AnnaShade24 February 2014
I really enjoyed the pilot of this show, which surprised me a little. It was unexpectedly clever and made me chuckle.

I thought all three of the main actors had good screen chemistry with each other, which is hard to find.

While it does have several clichés in it (I dare anyone to find something that doesn't), that doesn't matter because the actors pull it off.

I enjoyed every moment of the pilot, and I have high hopes for the rest of the episodes we get.

My concern is that NBC axes things willynilly sometimes, so I don't have a lot of optimism that they'll keep it on the air (much like Bent, which was hilarious and starred the same man as this show). I'll enjoy it while I can, and you should too. :)
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Heart Touching Premiere
cynicle-507-78766423 February 2014
I watched this show with low intentions. Heck the real reason I watched it is because I've literally seen pretty much every good show released in the last decade. OK it's not Doctor Who or Battlestar Galatica, Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones but despite the budget, the premise and everything I decided to give the show a shot and I'm so glad I did.

This show touched me on many levels. Anyone who feels any sense of entitlement and yet feel lost in a world of so many opportunities will resonate with this show. In fact I think a lot of people can resonate with this show. The show presents and ideology that what we all want, that is people in general just being nicer and warmer to one another. And while this might be a controversial point the fact is since 9/11 American's, especially in the major eastern cities have had a sense of fear instilled in them. Heck from my time in America my opinion was the people were the servants of the Government and not the opposite as it should, and used to, be.

This show may well be in its infancy, but they managed to fit a lot into the devue episode and I think they pulled it off very well. I know a lot of people think the premise for the show has been overused in recent times but I think this show is different enough to break away in future episodes and become truly it's own identity. It's not perfect, but it's good and I highly recommend it to anyone.

As you can see it's not like some of my favourite shows which I listed at the start (all of which have amazing character and storyline development) but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

For those who enjoy this show you may enjoy the slightly darker movie Short Term 12 which has recently come out (about foster children in a short term care house).

I'll finish on that note, which just a quick reminder to not base a show on previous movies but it's own merit. After all a show has opportunities for story and character development which isn't generally available in the Movie time window.

Cheers, Cyn
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Great show that leaves you pleasantly surprised
titasa_913 September 2014
I have never written a review before for any movie or TV series, but I knew I had to write one for this show. I saw it one time being played and decided to watch it since there was nothing else to watch, and I was instantly hooked. I love the relationship between Will and Marcus, which the actors excel in making it feel real, since it isn't the typical kind of relationship you see in TV shows (between a boy and a man who don't have any other interest in the other except to just be friends). I really enjoyed watching the entire season and was thrilled to hear that the second season will happen. It is hard to pinpoint, but the show has something that makes you want more. It definitely has to do with the acting, the plot, and the realness of the whole thing. I really hope people discover this amazing TV show because I know that for me it has been great to watch.
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Amazing - then sucks
admartin-inbox30 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I could not agree more with the other review. The show was amazing in the beginning. Then Dr. Sam leaves and the show just sucks. I used to look forward to watching it. Now I could care less. In the beginning it was funny, sexy, even cute little interactions for how unlikely the relationship is between the main characters. That might be why it was so likable. Then under unbelievable circumstances Dr. Sam leaves the show. She was SO FUN to watch. And they didn't even replace her with other attractive roles. We like watching attractive girls in their underwear. Will is supposed to be this bachelor ladies man and their are no ladies anymore lol.
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mishka-2658114 September 2018
What happened?...Just discovered this show on Netflix...I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!...why was this cancelled?...adorable series, what a shame...GREAT cast, great storyline, I am going to miss this one when I have watched the last episode of season 2!!!
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Very cute I didn't event want to like it but did
xhidden9931 January 2016
I saw this and immediately thought it would be an insufferable rehashing of the movie. It's not. It's better. The timing is good, the casting is excellent and it's truly funny. Having said that women don't come off very well in this show. They're either stupid like all of Will's dates, angry harpies like his best friend's wife, or Fiona. And Fiona's character is a terrible human being and will likely be murdered in her sleep by Marcus someday. Anyway, it's a good show and the fact that it got canceled is probably a good thing because it would have been terrible in a 3rd season like every other show in the history of sitcoms
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piyushdon14 August 2014
Comedy drama centered around the relationship of a boy and his neighbor. The right amount of funny with just a bit of emotion allowing you to really love this show. It is the second adaptation based on the 1998 novel of the same title by Nick Hornby, preceded by the 2002 theatrical film. Reminds one of the relation between jake & charlie in the first few seasons of "Two & A Half Men". Over-all 22 Mins episodes are worth the watch. Premise. Successful songwriter and bachelor Will Freeman lives a carefree life as the "ultimate man-child". His perfect world is turned upside down when single mom Fiona and her 11-year-old son Marcus move in next door.
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... maybe one more
bjarias15 December 2014
The first half-dozen shows are exceptionally good... with writing, cast selection, and acting that is among the best of most all half-hour sit-coms today. Then, after those six shows or so, it kind of slows down a bit, and although still better than most anything else, it looses some steam as the newness wears off. And I'm sorry.. (and Minnie Driver is an all-time favorite).. but cute kid or not, it's difficult to swallow that anyone (especially a guy like Will) would be turning away from the likes of an awesome Adrianne Palicki.. binged.it/12V5vp3 .. no matter where or how far they had to relocate. We all know where the storyline is ultimately heading, and it's hard to imagine milking it for any more than another season.
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chaney2209 August 2020
This show kept me laughing. So sad it got cancelled. The 3 main actors were great. Great chemistry and great jokes.
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Premiere episode just kind of ...ugh
reevesal-235-27953823 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First, they ran so many previews so often you feel like you've already watched most of the episode. And of course, the previews capture the few funny and/or endearing lines of the show. The premise has potential, and Walton (Will) is charming enough, but the plot is both too simplistic and too over-wrought.

The storyline seems condensed, as if two episode plots were badly cut together into one. And everything falls just short of believable, starting with the blonde cellist's rapid acceptance of Will's wild make- believe leukemia-afflicted, African-voodoo-saved son.

Driver's character is grating, pushy, and not appealing or likable, so her son's jokes about dating her fall flat; there is zero chemistry between her and Walton. The blonde cellist is just the opposite, but sadly appears to be a one episode character. The plot is predictable and Walton's rescue of Marcus at the talent show lacks any emotional punch while also being over the top. No one at a middle school talent show would react with such bipolar opposite reactions - from throwing paper wads and insults at Marcus to a standing ovation - to a mediocre rendition of a pop song.

The show is sappy. It lacks depth and sincerity. In short, I will pass on the next episode.
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Great one to watch!
shishirmns16 May 2018
A very different show, 2 seasons, 30 20-minutes episodes - short & simple.
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Worth watching and will tune in again next week
mbv-934-19076326 February 2014
We enjoyed this episode and are looking forward to seeing the next episode.

Interestingly we enjoyed Dakota (Leslie Bibb) and think that her presence in the audience at the Talent Show could set up an interesting return and reconciliation as Will (David Walton) morphs into a better person. His words at the single parent group made me want to smack him. What a jerk, but that's key to the storyline so it was probably appropriate to develop the character and show his need to change.

Similarly, it will be interesting to see if Fiona (Minnie Driver) becomes less shrill and more centered. At present her character is like scraped nails on a blackboard. Annoying right? You just want to smack her too. Well, that sets up the storyline, and little Marcus is destined to be the change agent. It's a formula that works.

We haven't followed many series on NBC for a long time, and perhaps this signals a new path for them? We certainly enjoyed it and are hopeful for the success of About A Boy.
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Fantastic show
margil-16 October 2014
It has been so long since I really enjoyed a new show. I have to say I did not watch on NBC , I watched on Netflix. Could not stop and watched all the episodes one after another. The players are great, I love all of them. The story lines are wonderful and teach a lesson which I like too. I hope this continues for a long time . I also hope it does not change in that it becomes too sex oriented. I know Will has jumped into bed with women he knows for a short time, but at least it was not the main part of the show and was not too sexy. I am sick of the low life people shown on most shows. I want to see people with some character and morals who care about each other. Best show so far that I have seen this year. I am behind having missed one season, but looking forward to the premier of season 2.
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Lighten Up!
amcra14 March 2014
OK dude, we're all sad your daughter died however, please lighten up. It's a t.v. show. I didn't see where they were mocking anyone with leukemia. It wasn't even a joke. The character was just using it as a way to get close to a girl. I see nothing wrong with that and I think you are overreacting. I can't begin to feel your grief but with that being said you should be able to detect what's real and what's not. I always find it interesting when people experience loss that are quick to point it out in movies, TV, and media. It's not always fair. But this is a great show and it should not be canceled. I'm sure they'll be sorry you're offended but it's not worth ruining peoples jobs. God Bless you!
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Relationship between sworn bachelor and his neighbors: precocious 11-year old boy and his single mother
g-rowley10 April 2014
The excellent script and acting make this new show a highlight of the week. Our family - two sons ages 14, 11, mom and dad, love to watch it together as it has something for everyone. The relationships that develops between superficial, sworn bachelor Will (David Walton) and his new neighbors - wise, precocious 11 year old Marcus (Benjamin Stockham) and his single, intense, vegan, mother Fiona (Minnie Driver), is funny, filled with life lessons (value of love and friendship) as the three become closer and begin to learn from one another. Secondary characters like Will's friend Andy (Al Madrigal) are also excellent and well cast. Wonderful chemistry and dynamics between the lead characters! Great script!
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First season is amazing
shirinm14 August 2020
From the first episode this show had me. Such a great cast and storyline and every episode builds on the relationships of the main characters until the last episode that comes full circle and ends the first season truly beautifully. Unfortunately I can't say the same about the second season.
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fantastically off-putting sitcom with a truly awful theme song and soundtrack.
xtophercb29 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
there might be spoilers ahead. the show sucks.

if it weren't for David Walton there would be no reason to watch.

Minnie driver playing a saggy-nag-hag shrew of a hippie-dippie single mother. Benjamin stockham as a yet another nerdy, flaming pre-gay, fake asperger syndrome freakazoid. pussy-whipped hipster best friend with an awful see you next Tuesday of a wife. who are these people? they're not even archetypes, let alone resemblances of off-kilter funny folk based in any reality.

give it the big skip-o-Rama. except to watch David Walton. anybody know if he's got a sex tape being leaked?

and that theme song. can somebody please kill that guy before he 'drops' a 6th album (or do folkariffic singer-songwriters 'drop' albums? maybe they carefully nurture them in their man-wombs, and let them suckle at the teat of creativity, until they slowly drift off into the world of their own accord?)
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Very good first season, it ran out of steam in the second one
alv7907 February 2016
It follows the steps of the 2002 Hugh Grant movie. It's not a laugh out loud comedy, but it's endearing, funny and has a lot of heart. Or at least it did in the first season.

In the second season it seems that the writers ran out of things to say, and the situations became too forced and not that funny. It still had its moments, but there were too far between. Rates plummeted and the last season was swiftly canceled, with the last 6 episodes being released months later on video on demand.

The series finale was quite good, although all in all I prefer to keep the memory of the fresher first season.
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Pleasantly surprised
mrocco-17 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
*******This review may contain spoilers*********

I'm not a fan of modern day half hour sit-com. Just not my cup of tea in the post Taxi/Cheers/Seinfeld era, which means I don't usually watch them or review them. But I did love the Movie of the same name. What did I love most about it? That the romance was not between the boy's mother and the lovable but slightly misguided man/child. Somehow it made the relationship between the man and the boy more authentic. No ulterior motives involved.

Because of my love for the movie I gave this series a try and found I absolutely love it. The entire tone of the show hits me in the right way. I love that these two adults, who could not be more opposite, can develop a relationship that is completely based on their mutual love for Marcus. They often disagree but every now and then one will come to realize the other is right. It is a not too sophomoric but is totally feel good. Is it a 10 compared to an Oscar winning movie? No, but it is an 8 for me when judging as a sit-com in the year 2014.

To the reviewer who wrote such blistering criticism towards Minnie Driver, saying how can we possibly buy into the young hot Will ever being with ugly old Fiona, what are you talking about? You are entitled to find her old and ugly (which I don't agree with at all) but there is absolutely no romance set up between these two. That was a big part of the original story. I hope that the writers understand how important that we never go in that direction. It would ruin what I consider the heart of the story...a man being there for a fatherless boy, and a boy helping him grow into a better man.
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So amazing .....
sohitmalik5 April 2017
You look at this show's name and think it will be just like the fifty five other shows. But this show is amazing. It's so amazing it made me write my first review ever.. Its not just another sitcom..It has smooth comic punches blended with ups and downs of a socially awkward boy's life. I've gone through the whole first season and half of the second, and the show still holds the magic it did on the pilot episode.
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Superior Show
jenorenotail-721343 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I was told about this show by twenty something friend and so was skeptical about even trying it out. So glad I did. I was immediately hooked on the characters and i love Minnie Driver. David Walton is a super great actor and reminds me of a young James Garner. I hope that he will be very picky about what movie roles he plays because he is Movie Star material. In fact, I loved all the cast members and felt the acting was superior. I loved the script. So thankful I was able to see Will and Fiona kiss before the show was axed. Minnie Driver, Al Madrigal, David Walton, Benjamin Stockham, Annie Mumolo ( Bridesmaids!!)... and the list goes on and on!! How can this show be canceled??
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Quality TV
kartikgurnani22 June 2018
It's sweet but not syrupy. The pilot is so beautifully written and acted that it's difficult to offer any kind of resistance, flaws and all.
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