The Tomorrow People (TV Series 2013–2014) Poster


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Easy watch, but not well thought through
spriiix2 January 2016
It is a very easy watch and has an interesting premise. The 3 T's Teteportalion, Telekinesis and Telepathy. However one cannot overlook the glaring plot holes and sci-fi nonsense. I got a feeling while watching this that they came up with the plot as the series were progressing. It was like we need more drama this episode? or which character haven't we endangered yet?

The show did however asks us one simple, interesting and meaningful question, how would society react to a drastic inequality in abilities. Although this question is ultimately lost in meaningless plot twists and was never answered.

Overall, the series were not well-thought through. I would still recommend this show to people looking for an easy watch sci-fi and can overlook plot holes and horseradish science.
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So much potential So many problems
SnoopyStyle9 May 2014
Stephen Jameson (Robbie Amell) is a regular teen. His mother Marla (Sarah Clarke) is raising her two sons all by herself. Then he connects telepathically with Cara Coburn (Peyton List). They are part of a group of people called The Tomorrow People with new mutations that allows them the 3 Ts (telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation). The only drawback is that they suffer great pains if they try to kill. Cara is the leader of a group hiding underground from the evil Ultra organization headed by Jedikiah (Mark Pellegrino). The Tomorrow People either work for him or are strip of their powers.

This sci-fi has so much potential. But this just never overcome some basic plot holes. Like so many of these sci-fi, nobody in the general public ever knows. It's highly questionable. At least in MIB, they have the memory wipey thing. Then there is obvious solution to Cara's group. Ultra teams The Tomorrow People with regular people who can use deadly force. It makes no sense that Cara or anybody in her group can't figure that out. The good parts are that the action is fun and the actors are all pretty. The concept just needed to be worked over a few more times to iron out the kinks.
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A Great Re-make!
kcox2823 December 2013
I must agree with midge719 when i first heard about this i thought "oh no another American re-make disaster" but actually it has been compelling viewing. I own the complete episodes of the original Thames TV series and yes it was done on the cheap with bad special effects but anyone of my age (40+!)it is remembered with fondness. I have to say it this is a superior version and of course advances in visual computer graphic effects have made this a must watch series i hope one of the UK channels pick this up One final point Rodger Price the creator and lead writer on the original series is listed as an exec producer but i wonder how much input he has had in this?
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An update of the 1970s British teen series.
mike-thornbury10 October 2013
I am old enough to remember and have fond memories of The Tomorrow People, the ITV production from 1973 that was the source for this reboot.

The premise is the same - the next evolution of mankind is manifested in these teenagers 'breaking out' with new powers - telepathy, telekinesis and teleportation, in the latest iteration.

They are on the lookout for the agents of 'Ultra' - a governmental agency tasked with rounding up the new breed and turning them to the governments will.

After viewing the pilot episode, the series seems to be a high-quality reboot, with the to-be- expected lowbrow US scriptwriting, full of teen angst and bad guys that whisper. But, I will persist, if only in homage to the original series that was the staple fare for teen sci-fi nerds in the 70s, along with Blakes 7 and Doctor Who.

it isn't a bad start, it remains to see if it stands the test of time - that is if the network doesn't kill it off at the least sign of a dip in ratings, something we in the motherland have never had to endure. We get to see a show mature and grow and thus, grow it's audience.
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Another season?
rrobin-150969 September 2018
I really wish that they had a season 2 because that show was actually was a good show and i think it wouldve survived another few seasons how it ended made me mad because i knew it wouldnt be another one.
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Flimsy Reboot
djgrimx-750-22481510 October 2013
This is a weak reboot of the '73 and '92 series' with a modernized feel. They have stayed true to the original show in some of the aspects, but throw fast paced dizzying special effects at the viewer leaving you with a bad taste of a jumper sequel.

The characters are bland, with no real back story. The plot seems like it wanted to leave hooks every couple minutes to draw the story in multiple directions, but the show feels like it will ultimately hinge on nostalgia from older viewers.

The original shows had been more intent on being for a younger audience and their intent was almost Scooby Doo and the gang mystery solving.

This show leaves me searching for the remote.
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Don't be too quick to judge. :)
ern-ignacio29 March 2014
I have to admit that at the start of the show, I wasn't instantly hooked. The first few episodes seem to drag, the plot a little juvenile and uninteresting. Predictable at times which is a real downer for me. The characters besides being eye-candy don't really stick. Being OK at best. The story feels like something from a comic book. Missing father, son who suddenly discovers he's gifted then thrust into a world where he is unprepared for and unwillingly but then slowly rises to the part and well you know the rest. Not very original. I know it was derived from 2 franchises already but still I expected something more this being the year 2000's already. Plus since I follow this show together with other shows, I vividly remember putting this in the least priority list often being the one I watch when I've finished watching everything else.

That being said though it does have its moments then but they just did not burn to memory as other series did. I was about to drop it really. I mean it's a hassle for me a student to follow it around especially since I couldn't find a real foothold in the storyline to keep me wanting more.

I'm glad I didn't though. I just recently viewed the following episodes I missed starting from episode 10 (I think. I'm now at ep.17 as I write this) and I have to say that the show has improved a lot. Aside from the awesome effects which it never fails to deliver, The plot has grown. I really like it. I have to admit the transition was so fast it caught me off guard. I wonder if the creators, producers changed writers or something because if they did then kudos to them because the storyline has gotten a hell and I mean a HELL LOT BETTER. I literally couldn't stop watching from episodes 11-17 which I finished within the day. The characters are getting better. I like how they get new ones that I really find interesting like Charlotte. Although I still am looking for those tearjerker moments, those lovey-dovey scenes, those fart inducing punchlines that I look for in most series, I have to say that it's really getting there. Plot wise it was a MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR improvement. I really enjoyed all the plot twists honestly. The action scenes are cool. I know its scifi themed but a little of those here and there wouldn't hurt right. I mean Smallville is just themed like it but it did have those elements right? That's my two cents on the matter. Just a little more push and I can say the show can get to top 10. Even number 1.

Reading this I know it wasn't as convincing since I lack facts or "specifics" but trust me. Give the show a chance. It'll definitely grow on you.
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Good acting, poor writing
venana8 February 2014
If I was to base my review solely on the merit of acting, the vote would be closer to 8 out of 10. Most of the cast is convincing, and I find young Jacob Kogan specially expressive. But the writing is really poor, and lets the cast down. There are so many major plot holes that it was excruciating to watch at times. On top of that, the target audience seem to be teens/young adults, and that really comes across in the scripts. As much as I would like to find out how the story develops, the parts that are relatively credible, I'm afraid I'll be giving up on this series. There's too much to watch to be squandering my time.
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The Best Superhero Show on TV in 2013
sunfiretakesit9 October 2013
Sure, it has a lot in common with The X-Men.....but they are only available as animation on TV...or in the movies, so if you want a weekly fix of super-heroics, this is as good as you're going to find on the small screen. The cast is handsome and talented and the special effects are amazing for The CW.....I think they have more amazing effects here than on any episode of Smallville.....So, I'm happy to give it a chance and see how things develop....and if the audience grows, imagine what they could do with a bigger budget.....I just wish TV would stop being afraid giving superheroes costumes!!! I'm getting tired of dark clothes and leather being the apparel worn by all heroes on TV!!!
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Watchable cast of persecuted people with special gifts
phd_travel31 October 2013
This show is about a species of people with special powers three Ts telepathy teleportation telekinesis but they aren't super heroes instead they are a persecuted species. Refreshingly they aren't going around primarily saving people they are trying to survive from a controlling uncle of the main character.

The young cast is watchable and CW attractive. Female lead is played by Peyton List from Mad Men. Robbie Amell (the Arrow's cousin) is a bit old looking for high school. Luke Mitchell is the leader of the bunch. It gets interesting when they go back in time to explain things. Also they are vulnerable and is interesting seeing how they cope.

So far it's watchable. Might need another romantic sub plot to vary things a bit.
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Lazy, lazy writers Plot holes galore NO surprise there
ProfessorMovieMovie2 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin...

You can teleport, but you run from bullets instead of.... teleporting. I don't know... I am thinking completely disappearing from the danger is better than running a few feet away and trying to hide behind a car from it. Where you will then be shot at again. But, you can completely leave the scene in an instant. Um... yeah, OK.

You have the bad guy in a vulnerable position where you can easily and safely get rid of him thus ending most if not all of your problems. But you simply TELL him you are going to kill him and then LET HIM GO.

You see the bad guy doing bad things and telling you he is going to do bad things in bad ways OVER and OVER AGAIN and yet every single time he does something bad you are, for some inexplicable reason, surprised.

You can stop time with a mere thought. Six bombs are about to explode. Instead of stopping time to take care of the issue, which you have demonstrated you can do with no problem at all, you take a huge chance in effing things up by having some other character try to be in 5 places at once so you and he can "cut the wires" on all the bombs at the same time. But if you mess up even a little bit, the bombs will explode killing you and a bunch of innocent violin playing children nearby. But, you can stop time. Yet you choose not to. OK, then.

Time is going to come to an abrupt halt on this hot mess of a teen super hero show if the writers continue producing obviously lazy and contrite work.

Par for the course for American television though. Unlike the hero seeing the same thing over and over again and being taken aback by it, I am not shocked at all.
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Plain and simple: I really like this show
solidworks10 October 2013
I was really impressed to see such good acting from most of the actors. The story line is interesting and flows quickly so you don't feel bored. The special effects are acceptable but they could have done a much better job. I made my wife to watch it too and she is waiting to see the other episodes. Overall, this show is very good compare to some of the garbage out there. I would definitely recommend this to a few of my friends who will enjoy the new sci-fi shows. Normally I don't base my opinion on one episode but this time I can see this show has a great potential to do better as the next episodes roll in and the actors being younger can adapt and perform with a much higher quality. Well done!!
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An enjoyable teen-targeted show with a mixed bag of characters
writerwrong128 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I am a HUGE science fiction fan. I have heard of the original series, but it's a bit before my time, so this is my first exposure to the Tomorrow People. I mention this because I'm seeing this group of characters for the first time, and not as a remake, which certainly influences my decision... There are many good things about this show. It's geared toward teenagers, and that shows -- but that's not a bad thing. It's action-packed, and the special effects aren't too bad for a low-budget TV show. Most of the characters are very diverse and likable, each in their own way. I especially like John, because I see him as a fairly deep and unpredictable (and thus more believable) character. However, there are many places where the show falls short of the mark. I do not like the main character, Stephen, at all. Some of the story lines are a bit far-fetched, and Stephen's interactions with his uncle leave something to be desired. I have yet to understand the importance of the main character or his mom and brother. Also, I feel like maybe the plot is moving too quickly. HUGE events have happened so far, which are more characteristic, in other shows, of later seasons. No, this show isn't perfect. It's not morally compelling or deeply thought-provoking. But it's a fun watch. I would recommend to anyone who wants an easy-to-understand, action-filled TV show.
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i rate this slightly above a "trapped in the closet" out of 10.
tomhg3822 November 2013
Waited a few episodes (currently 7 in) before i gave my opinion of the show. Can now safely point out enough problems with the show to know beyond doubt that the show is happy being at best mediocre and successful amongst a less discerning younger crowd than anyone looking for a show that actually depicted a truthful telling of a world in which people had supernatural abilities.

First of all i instantly had a huge problem with one of the core concepts of the world they created. Apparently these people all had random genetic mutations to turn into the same form of post-human species, and this mutation means that they have telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and potentially more T related mental powers. They also mutated to have DNA markers that forbid them from killing anyone.

In the show there are said post humans on both the "good" and "bad" side of the fence as it is introduced to us. However neither can kill each other, they all use tranq guns and are at a constant disadvantage because they cant actually finish off any of the government agents they fight, simply run and hide. In the first episode one of the T people even grabs the bad guys gun but he cant pull the trigger even to save his life. However in the seventh episode a T person knocks out a character and puts him face down in a stream of water which would have killed him had saviors not appeared at a later date.

How then does this "cannot kill" gene work? Its not based on intent to kill, the Drowner hopes very much that he winds up dead, and then deliberately puts him in a situation that he almost certainly will die. Another breakout T person pushes someone off a roof and again he is only saved by the arrival of a teleporting friend at the last minute, and whilst he wasn't deliberately seeking to murder anyone again we see the potential murder of someone by a T person.

Why not just get a gun, put it to someones head then imagine its a windex bottle and close your eyes as you pull the trigger. The DNA will never know and you can stop running. This plot device is horrendous, makes absolutely no sense to anyone with half a brain and they constantly ruin its continuity, it alone makes the show ridiculous to the point of being trash.

Then there's the protagonist, an untrained teenage boy with no combat experience goes to work for the government agency killing or forcefully drugging and removing the powers of his species. Sees multiple of them be killed or tortured at the hands of this organisation and still isn't sold on them being that bad. This character would fence sit in nazi controlled Germany in 1943. Anyway while hes "finding himself" and endangering the lives of a bunch of people he then walks into a ruthless government organisation killing people like himself and makes some half arsed lie about why he didn't do as he was ordered or why people report seeing other T people helping him, and then the government organisation's head threatens to kill him if he even smells anything fishy but then walks off and lets him keep working against the organisation.

Then finally because having inept scripts and ridiculous plot devices that allow a 16 year old (whose actually 25) to somehow fool a murdering government agency while still attending school and not forgetting to spend time with his family and friends ISN'T quite enough to make teenagers want to watch this with their minds switched off, there's a love triangle, betrayal of friends to be with their girlfriends and best friends that you mindread love you because it wasn't obvious by them spending every waking second around you.

If you came here looking for a show with the honesty and integrity of say breaking bad or the newsroom but focused on supernatural powers and evolution of the human race, you wont get passed the first 10 minutes or so. If you want another show to watch that has "dreamy actors" and don't care that its insulting your intelligence in order to make you feel less lonely and loved, then you'll probably find this review not helpful and watch the hell out of it.
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midge71925 October 2013
I have been watching this, I remember the old UK series and to be honest I am actually enjoying this new version. regardless what others think and disagree.

This series is fantastic, maybe they have never seen the old series or are to young, either way give it a go you may enjoy like i'm doing.

I say this, in all the science fiction series I have seen this is one of the best. I only hope it does not get canceled, like a lot of shows have been in the past.

If you are an avid fan of science fiction, then this is right up your street, the effects are fantastic, acting too, give it a go you will not be disappointed.
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etjomcc10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great introduction to the new Tomorrow People (original in the 70s was a BBC progamme then a reboot in 1990s). I know there are a few back stories developing especially between John and Jedikiah. LOved the twist with Jedikiah being Stephens's uncle. I hate to say this but for this to survive it doesn't need fast. snappy dialog it needs to appeal to the current generation of teenagers like the original did back in the 70s and 90s both of which lasted at least 4 years. Interesting to see Luke Mitchell in a role after Home and Away. I like the dark edge on this reboot.

Hghly recommended.
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Great Idea, Terrible Acting
le9131 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of genetic mutations causing superpowers is common but good. This one gives everyone the same superpowers unlike X-men. And like Dark Angel they have the government coming after them, but unlike Dark Angel the government didn't make them. If you like X-men or Dark Angel you will like this idea.

Great special effects.

However, unfortunately very few people seem to have or use the ability to act in this series. All stony and unbelievable emotional reactions. The best actor seems to be the computer.

If you can overlook the poor acting skills it is very enjoyable, but so far the acting seems to just go down hill every week.
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Loved It! Want more!
jeremyunruh10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Sure it was similar to Heroe's or X-Men but it was separated by the fact that they all have the same abilities vs each individual having an unique ability. Like all new series I give it time as it seems to always need time for the actors to grow into their role. The plot was good for the initial pilot and left me yearning for more when it finished. It's nice to have another super hero style series back on TV.

I thought the twist was good learning how the boy's uncle was running the show at Ultra. It sets up for a good bad vs evil scenario. Some of the special effects were a little over board and could of been simplified.

I also like how they added the fact that violence/killing is a downside to the "special gene" the tomorrow people have. This sets up more plots and twists for upcoming episodes.
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Good series but could've been executed better
snkwane11 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I like the idea of the three T's and so and forth but I'm sorry to say this show has got way too many plot holes.. I swear the writers were lazy at times. It moves a little bit too fast for its own good at times..

For example when Stephen reveals his powers to Astrid. Astrid is nowhere to be found in the next episode.. Where is she? what exactly is her reaction to all this? and again their inability to kill makes no sense.. How come Kurt was able to push Stephen off that building without feeling that pain that the Tomorrow people feel.. He even thought he had killed the guy.

I've only watched the first six episodes and already I can understand why CW decided to cancel it.. Don't get me wrong it is a good show with lots of potential to become better but sadly we wont get to see it grow because of its cancellation.
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This better not get canceled!
rachelk-dow7 December 2013
This is by far my favorite TV show and it's not even done with season 1! Too many people think that it's a copy of older shows, but if it's done better then I don't care! It's the best show ever and more people need to watch it. It came out the same time as Almost human, so I'm afraid that not enough people are watching it. Give this show a chance before you let other people tell you what it's like. I personally think the way the protest everything is done so well, the supernatural powers of the characters are done very well and realistically. The plot is exciting and will leave you on the edge of your seat every time. I am waiting for the mid-season finale at the moment and just the promo has me shaking! This is a must watch for anyone who enjoys superheroes and/or being with supernatural abilities. It does an excellent job at making it a real-life struggle for a teenage boy. I'm not very good at writing reviews, but that is all I have to say. Awesome awesome show. Please don't get canceled!

Watch it! Review positively please!
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Why steal?
mariantambe10 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Okay these people can use telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation and had a "great" leader who brought them together for a better tomorrow and they steal everything they want/ need? Why not poof peokple to a remote location and start a farm or try to build a sustainable community with morals. Even if we just see trial and error, give me some heroes to root for. These kids are just common theives who have no mind to try to change that aspect of their lives.
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Evolution causes humans to become dumb people with powers!
anantharamnv11 October 2014
I am a big sci-fi fan and i love anything remotely related to super powers, but even i cannot stand this horribly written show whose aim seems to be only to hire super models and show off their flesh! What would you do if you had the power to teleport anywhere, move anything with your mind, telepathy and the power to stop time? - The answer is to fight with your fists!!! As weird as it may seem, that is the logic the writers use in this very badly written show! Even in many situations were they can use their powers, they are stupid enough to not to use them. Even if they do, they use it in the most unimaginative way possible to teleport sideways and use their fists again! If their aim is to just run for their lives, wouldn't it be a better option to just teleport far off from where the fight is going on? That is something for think about when you watch this most illogically written show for dumb people. I feel bad for wasting hours watching this show, it is no wonder they cancelled it!
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Amazing Show
keithbentley82-3-806281 August 2019
Why was this show cancelled? Its awesome. Its definitely one I could binge for days.
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Another promising CW show bites the dust.
Shopaholic3531 May 2014
I am so disappointed that The Tomorrow People has been cancelled. Another decent CW teen show bites the dust. I'm not sure what their definition of a successful show is but if they keep intending to cancel all their young adult shows after only one season then why do they keep making them!

Look honestly this show was not perfect but there was room to develop and grow. It is entertaining and intriguing enough to pull you back in week after week. My one hope is that they finish the show properly and don't leave it on a cliffhanger. Another thing the CW network is known for. I'm sick of getting invested only to have a major loose thread remain.

The Tomorrow People is definitely worth watching but resist the urge to get involved, you will only be disappointed when it ends.
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Looking for an intelligent, original superhero show? Keep looking
matthewmalpeli9 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
With all the dialog clichés, American apple pie cast and unoriginal ideas permeating this unremarkable X-men clone I found myself groaning far more than cheering. There's such a clear line between good and evil in this show that it could only really appeal to children. Don't anticipate any nuanced character development or complex morality explorations here. Just a lot of pretty people doing very little with a labored script.

The main character, Stephen Jameson, is played with earnest by Robbie Amell who does his best to lay on the tortured soul confused by his latent powers. It's laid on a little thick at times but what else are you going to do with a character with daddy issues? The idea that this stunning looking man would be the object of bullying at school is, to be quite frank, laughable. He's more the quarterback, lunch money extortionist looking type.

Attempts to make the gang of misfits in the New York subway seem pally just come off forced and our villain, played with reasonable effort by Mark Pellegrino, is so far away from being a fascinated evolutionary biologist and it falls into unintentional farce when it's revealed that he's Stephen's long lost uncle.

By this stage my eyes were permanently rolling in my skull and I didn't have the nerve to persevere to the end. If it's airbrush quality young stars you seek with nothing more complex than "good is great and bad is nasty" look no further.
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