Justice League: Doom (Video 2012) Poster

(2012 Video)

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A good adaption with a weak ending. Not for newcomers to the DC Universe
AviCoolChatt24 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
PROS 1.Voice Acting 2.Emotional resonance 3.The Villains 4.Cyborg CONS 1.The plans 2.How they 'saved the day' 3.You need to know the back stories.

**Read on for more details and SPOILERS **

First of, this is an adaption of Mark Waid's famous 'Tower of Babel' storyline in which Ra's Al Ghul, Extremist nature lover, desires to destroy humanity or at least most of it so that the world is a better place.In this movie, Vandal Savage( I think they wanted this to tie in with Young Justice where he is the primary antagonist for season 1) wan't to destroy 2/3rds of humanity with a solar flare so he can rule over the rest.

Problem: The Justice League

Solution: Steal Batman's files on how to deal with the Justice League.

Now the main plot is out of the way, I'll get straight to the pros and cons.


1.Yes, they're back.Conroy is THE BATMAN and Fillion has made Hal Jordan his own.The rest are good enough but the Flash sound more like wally than Barry.Overall,it's great.The villains are also done well with special mention to Bane and Savage.

2.Batman's love for his dead parents, Superman's desire to help others, Martian Manhunter's need to socialize, Flash's need to protect his family, Wonder Woman's fighting instinct and Green Lantern's concern over wielding the most powerful weapon in the galaxy all come through naturally enough to be their downfall. Through Lantern's plan was the most confusing, Fillion made it the most poignant of them all.

3.Bane for Batman(with a little of Knightfall 'I broke the bat' put in), Metallo with Superman and Star Saphire/ Carol Ferris for Green Lantern - all great choices. I think Circe may have been a better match for Wonder Woman. But all in all, if you read comics and know your heroes, you will love the pairings.

4.Cyborg was a great addition. Someone with technological knowledge better than batman is always welcome and I loved how he was the flaw in the plans along with batman being alive. An he seemed to be fitting in nicely with the story, and did not stick out like a sore thumb.


1.The plans: While Batman's and Martian Manhunter's were copied, the rest left me somewhat flummoxed. Especially Green Lantern's. Yes it all sounded great in Batman's mouth, but how could all that had happened be orchestrated?Why use robots?And those rebels and hostages - were they robots or real people who died?AARGH!Wonder woman ripping off Cyborg's arm was nice though. And who made the modifications to the plans? Some seemed Savage's and some seemed like the respective villains(You demoralize Green Lantern and bury Batman?YOU DON'T KILL THEM).Real confusing. Flash's bomb goes off if you slow down and Wonder Woman's hallucinations to keep her fighting were both derived from the comics.

2.Ra's plans in the book involved robbing speech and using germ warfare. That was stoppable. Here? The sun kills the earth! HOW THE HELL CAN U STOP THAT?Easy make the earth transparent.Huh?In 8 minutes, they managed to power up the villains transparent layer using the WatchTower and rendered the earth transparent.Huh?Earth saved?A resolution for resolution's sake.

3.Now the major problem.YOU WILL NOT GET THE MOVIE IF YOU DON'T READ THE COMICS.The pairings are the major points of this movie.If you know the heroes and the villains, you will enjoy almost 90% of the movie. And if you know nothing or are a basic reader, you will be lost for the majority of the film. Only Savage is given a back story. For the rest, read the comics and then watch.

In all, a good solid DC movie that could have been better, given the great source material.
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Not a spectacular Justice League animated movie, but good enough
KineticSeoul16 February 2015
This was a fun animated superheroes movie that has something for kids and adults to enjoy. It isn't too kid like for adults, but it isn't too dark to the point the kids may get scared. It's one of the really good Justice League movie despite few plot-holes and corny bits then and there. And yeah, the villain's plan in this does come off pretty dumb in certain areas. But overall, it's a fairly entertaining and well designed animated Justice League movie. They really got the Justice League persona down in this movie. And it was kinda cool to see the right villains fight against the heroes, where the story and fight sequences actually really works. The story isn't all that amazing nor is it a spectacular DC animated movie. But like I said, it's still a fun watch. If it didn't feel so rushed, it would have been a better movie though.

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Not the best but still entertaining
TheLittleSongbird30 August 2012
I do consider Crisis on Two Earths, despite its flaws, better as a Justice League movie. Justice League: Doom was still good though. I did think the ending was not gripping enough and ended far too abruptly, the villains were under-characterised in terms of depth and such and the plans didn't really ring true and could easily have been done differently. The story is also rather standard and rather uneven, the parts with Batman and Superman were fine but again the villains' plans and the ending needed more development. With a longer length and more time to breathe these problems could have been rectified. On the plus side, apart from the non-threatening character design of Metallo, the animation is very good, detailed and colourful and with fluidity. There is also an atmospherically haunting score, good pairings between the characters, compelling and well-choreographed action and sharp writing. The best asset was the voice acting, Kevin Conroy IS Batman, and Nathan Fillion, Susan Eisenberg and Tim Daly are just as top notch. All in all, Justice League: Doom may not be perfect and there are better animated superhero movies out there, but it is still worth seeing. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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'Doom' is in fact the Justice League's victory!!!
sanddragon93924 February 2012
'Tower of Babel' was one of the earliest JLA story arcs I'd read and as such I was especially interested in how this story would translate to animation. The premise of the story is both simple and yet intriguing- Batman has secretly devised stratagems to neutralize his fellow Justice League members in case any of them turned rogue. When his files are stolen however and used against his teammates, the League is forced to confront the fact that the architect of their near-destruction is in fact one of their own...It's a compelling story which has serious ethical dimensions to it as well (not to mention some great action and character moments!)

While 'JL:Doom' is a loose adaptation, it remains faithful to the spirit of the story. Replacing Ras al Ghul with Vandal Savage, as the main villain, was a great move IMO, as I think Ras works much better as a purely Batman villain. The Legion of Doom was a great nod to the old Superfriends cartoons (kudos to them for including an arch-nemesis to Martian Manhunter, who normally gets left it in this particular area!) I was also glad they found a way to include Cyborg without making it seem contrived or making him feel like a token minority character! The other characterisations were all great (Flash came across far too much like Wally West, than like Barry Allen...but I guess than can be excused given that the voice actor is the one who played Wally in JLU). If there is one gripe I had, its that I felt there could have been more discussion of the ethical implications of Batman's actions among the League, but I guess that wouldn't have fit within the alloted run- time...

On the whole, a great addition to the animated DTV's stable...looking forward to the next one!
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They got everything almost perfect except the animation itself
xamtaro27 February 2012
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are finally seeing actual story and art continuity in the DC animated movies! Yes SUPERMAN/BATMAN: APOCALYPSE was the follow-up to SUPERMAN/BATMAN: PUBLIC ENEMIES, but they looked so different that you would think they were unrelated. JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM feels and looks like an actual "episode 2" following "JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRISIS ON TWO EARTHS". Same writer, same voices, same art style, same music, same character we used to know and love. Loved by all, except their enemies.

The enemies of the Justice League, led by the immortal Vandal Savage have formulated a clandestine plan to eliminate the superheroes. One by one, they manage to turn the heroes' strengths against themselves, prey on their physical and psychological weaknesses, and effectively put them out of commission. Even worse is the revelation that this plan was initially concocted by one of the League's own members. It does not stop here however. Vandal Savage, convinced that humanity is its own virus, intends to wipe out half the population of earth and return the world to a new stone age. He and his allies would then rule the survivors and bring order to the planet. But nobody counted on the last minute intervention by Cyborg, an up and coming superhero most would remember as one of the Teen Titans.

Loosely adapted from Mark Waid's "JLA: Tower of Babel" story arc, JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM really gets into the minds of our favorite heroes. In its short run time, we get to experience our heroes' insecurities, weaknesses, fears, but also get to see how they overcome those limitations individually and as a team. That is what separates heroes from just people with superpowers! Voice acting is awesome as usual and as always it is a treat to hear most of the cast of the Justice League animated series in their respective roles again. So memorable are the performances of Kevin Conroy, Tim Daley, Susan Eisenberg, Carl Lumbly and Michael rosenbaum that whenever most people open a comic book, it is their voices they hear as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Flash respectively. Nathan Fillon reprises his Green Lantern role from Emerald Knights, another refreshing attempt at a continuity nod. One funny thing though, Tim Daley's voice seems to have deepened to the level of Kevin Conroy's 90s era Batman voice.

Snappy, naturally flowing dialogue complements the terrific cast chemistry. With a brisk pace that never lets up on the tension, Justice League: Doom could have been a near perfect score. Something HAS to ruin that and sadly in this case, it is the art and animation.

Animation is a little bit disappointing, looking more like a high budget TV series than a movie standard. Aside from a few outstanding scenes, particularly the battle sequences, the animation is nowhere near the fluidity of, say, Batman Year One or All Star Superman. The Japanese anime-ish style is strongest now more thanks to Telecom Animation Film, a Japanese anime company who's credits include BRAVE STORY, TIDE LINE BLUE and, believe it or not, later episodes of INUYASHA.

Not that its bad, in fact it is good. The characters look really hot but sometimes you get anime-styled facial expressions creeping in and that just looks..........weird. Designs aside, the level of detail in the artwork is just one big let down. Other than tights, there is no reason why civilian clothing or even capes have no folds in them at all. Even worse is how weapons and cybernetics are drawn. Many of Cyborg's robot parts, particularly his face plating, looks like face paint.

One gets the feeling that most time and effort went into this year's BATMAN YEAR ONE and JUSTICE LEAGUE: DOOM was produced merely as a "side project" since they had Dwayne McDuffie's exceptional script lying around. No point of it going to waste. Anyhow, should Warner Premiere decide to create an entire Justice League movie series, pumping just a bit more money and effort into the animation production would help things a lot. They already have top notch writing and acting talent, veteran producers and directors who respect the DC comics. No point mucking things up with mediocre technicalities.

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A movie to own
lagudafuad20 February 2012
Justice League: Doom, could as well be tagged Justice League: Contingency plan, because literally that was what it was all about.

What justice league is complete without the Bat, being totally involved? This wasn't an exception as it was all based on the contingency plan of the Bat falling into the wrong hands.

Mark Waid-penned JLA story arc, "JLA: Tower of Babel" where the Legion of Doom is formed to eliminate the Justice League using protocols created by Batman to take down the group should any member ever go rogue.

The movie was adapted and written by Dwayne McDuffie whose notably works include Ben 10, Static Shock, writing and producing the animated series Justice League Unlimited. Dwayne wrote this adaptation shortly before his death in February 2011 at age 48.

Directed by Lauren Montgomery, who also directed the animated version of Wonder woman, Green Lantern: First Flight, Superman/Batman: Apocalypse.

Lauren took the Dwayne adaptation of tower of Babel, and brought about JL: Doom, which I have to add is one of the best, Direct to DVD movies DC has released (behind Superman and Batman: Public Enemies of course).

But what else can I add without spoiling the movie for you, let's see…..

Voice acting:

The voice actors were from the old series (Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited and Green Lantern: Emerald Knights) all reprising their roles, from Tim Daly as Superman, Kevin Conroy as Batman, Susan Eisenberg as Wonder Woman but to say a few, this made you feel at home and comfortable. By DC using former voice actors you don't feel alienated by any of the characters.

I believe DC went all the way to make sure the movie was perfect.

Phil Morris played the voice acting for the villain Vandal Savage, who was tired of the world and her ways and decided to end it all, and be the ruler of what is remaining. Wonder when villains will try something else other than take over the world. But no matter how much they try, it never gets old to see the Bat and Sup, take them down.


The animation and art style is, exquisite and you get to enjoy it.

All in all in this short review, all I can say is buy and watch this whether you are a fan of the DC comics or not, a fan of cartoons or not, this is a movie made for everyone. it gets my 7.
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Balances characters well for a quick but entertaining film
bob the moo2 February 2013
I'm not a massive fan of comic books but I have found myself reading more of those considered "classics" as I have had more access to them than before and it has made me more interested in the genre. This has also led to occasionally checking out some of the animated films featuring the characters and brought me to this film. I don't think I've read much featuring the Justice League together as an entity and when I started watching I was a little bit put off that it included characters that I didn't particularly care for (mostly, in fairness, because I've never given them much of a chance, don't know them or have decided that based on rubbish film versions of them).

Once it got going though the film was actually pretty enjoyable. It spread the load across all the characters, giving each enough action and time to fill but not too much to overload anyone or make any of them stand out as the lead. The plot is relatively straightforward but it does produce plenty of events and action and I found it pretty entertaining for what it was. The animation is colorful and accessible – personally I prefer it darker and with more menace, but again it worked for what it was. The voice cast are strong throughout – Conroy as ever but I really enjoyed Fillion, Lumby, Rosenbaum, Black, Blackthorne and many others in there, not only are they good nods to other things but they are good here.

This is still an animated superhero film though and as such it is bright, full of action and fairly simple in terms of plotting and delivery; it does work though and I found it entertaining and enjoyable throughout the short running time.
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best Justice League animated movie
wilsonsjanm19 February 2012
i am going to try and give a summary of this movie of why i loved it. with out giving spoilers this movie. this movie is outstanding in just every way. the story is very well thought out and is not slow.its still good even being loosely based on The Tower of Babel. the voice acting is top notch couldn't ask for anything better. the music is fantastic. the art style is done very well how they drew the characters. overall i couldn't ask for anything better from this movie. Dwayne McDuffie you well always be remembered for your fantastic story's you write. i would highly recommended anyone seeing this who hasn't read the Tower of Babel. or if you get over the fact that its not a direct adaptation of the graphic novel.
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Justice League Doom: Great story, average delivery
Platypuschow2 January 2018
Justice League: Doom has one of the best storylines of any DC animated movie I've seen thus far and that makes it stand out from the rest.

It tells the story of a congregation of super villians who mastermind a plan to steal Batmans files on the Justice League in order to pick them off. Those files being the secret ones he holds on each members weaknesses and his plans to take them down should they turn bad.

With the excellent Kevin Conroy as Batman, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern and the sultry voice of Claudia Black as Cheetah the cast is top notch.

The story plays out well though the finale returns to the usual tropes. This could have benefitted from additional time, perhaps even up to another 30 minutes.

Regardless this is a good effort though I still think the DC animated movies should become a "Universe" like the live action and retain a bit of consistency.

The Good:

Fantastic voice talent

Excellent plot

The Bad:

Why does Bane look so weird in these things?

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Explosions kill but leave no marks, even when it's practically going off in a persons face

I still can't take the name Legion Of Doom seriously

I agree with Batman
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A good movie overall, but...
kunal_onfire9 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
*****Spoiler****** Instead of describing the whole pros and cons, I just wanted to ask if anybody noted a technical error in the movie.

In the final phase of the movie, it was said that the destroyer rays would come to earth with a speed of light so it would take 8 minutes for it to reach earth and definitely so(Light takes 8 min to reach Earth from Sun). But, how in this world did Superman reached earth(from Sun) in just 1 min and informed everybody that they have 7 minutes? Not unless he flies 8 times faster than speed of light.

Another point that I want to make is: you can never see anything that is coming at the speed of light towards yourself(there is a logical reason), still everybody was easily able to see the beam of light coming towards them(this is impossible in real life).
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its good, but its not DCAU's best
rumasuk24 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
i was a fan of the crisis in two earths, it was kind of stupid in some parts but i thought it was brilliant (spoilers OWLMAN WAS AWESOME). This movie was good but i thought it could have been much better. The villains could have killed the whole league and i would have liked to see the plans done better. The plan to kill the league was good but very poor executed. It would have been awesome to see the league fighting a real real threat. anyway I'm just nitpicking, it was good fun. but i want to see more under the red hood material, not just because of the dark theme, but the writing was better too. thats it

Spoilers!!! The legion of doom sucks, bane was a pussy, what did he expected when he chose not to kill batman? star fire could have killed green lantern but she pussied out, cheetah didn't wait to see if wonder woman died? NOBODY waited to see what happened to the members of the league, only mirror master did good but he could have done it better...
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One Of The Best DC Animation Films
P3n-E-W1s37 May 2017
This has to one of the best DC Stories of all time as it shows the Justice League has faults.

Here we have the ultimate bad guy Vandal Savage recruiting his crime syndicate to help him with his plan to defeat the Justice League so he can reign over the human race. So who will help him to defeat the superhero team?

None other than Batman.

The story helps to give depth to The Batman as he's devised strategies to render the other members of the Justice League powerless, should they end up on the dark side, this is how far ahead the Dark Knight thinks.

The story is strong as DeWayne McDuffie has done a great adaptation of the comic book and Lauren Montgomery directs it just as strongly, keeping the pace fast and entertaining while allowing the characters to shine.

To be honest, there's not much wrong with this film. I love the fact they decided to go with the known voices of Kevin Conroy as Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern, who are the voices of the main characters who had their own series, then the rest of the voices are the actors from the original Justice League series; Susan Eisenberg as Wonder Woman, Carl Lumbly as The Martian Manhunter, and Michael Rosenbaum as The Flash, so right from the get-go you're in familiar territory. This is one of the reasons the movie is so good.

If you like the DC Superhero's then this is one film you need to watch.
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Workhorse plot and animation, great voice acting and cast
tjmorrisiv5 March 2012
Bottom line, this is an workhorse story and animation with great voice acting. Kids will enjoy it, adults might if they shut their brain off a bit.

Andrea Romano once again assembles the A-list of voice actors - most of the original Justice League cast is back, and for that I'm thankful - the exception is a Nathan Fillion voiced Green Lantern (probably trying to tie in with the recent movie spin offs). He does a good job. Also, Cyborg is added to the mix (perhaps to promote his new role in the comic?).

The character design is solid, unlike some of the other DCAU entries (I'm looking at you Death of Superman).

Unless I am mistaken, they reused the theme from "Crisis on 2 Earths" for the opening sequence - this is kind of a quibble, as I'd say it's the most epic theme ever written for any of the DCAU titles - but seriously, give this composer more work, he is awesome.

I hesitate to call this "bad" but the story is a bit "meh". The Legion of Doom is assembled of mostly C-list villains, headed by Vandal Savage. I don't have a problem with pulling some of the more obscure DC characters out, but none of these villains is particularly well characterized (this is a criticism of the script NOT the voice acting, which is well done). The strength of the story comes in the grudging relationship between Batman and the Justice League and also his relationship with Superman. It is a bit weak in the transition to the 3rd act, making the villains look remarkably short sighted, this could have been handled better. It seems a bit dumb to make these DCAU titles PG 13, having the villains threaten and kill people occasionally, but have their evil plans strictly G rated.

I'm not sure if it's a function of the story-boarding or direction, but the scenes are kind of workhorse, lacking the incredible dynamism demonstrated in "Shazam and Superman: Return of Black Adam" and the accompanying shorts, directed by Joaquim Dos Santos It would be nice if these animated "movies" felt more like movies - bigger, better action than we get from typical animated TV shows. Bruce Timm and company set a pretty high bar years ago, if all else fails, get Dos Santos to consult.

While this is not horrible, a similar story was done before in the Justice League TV show, and I would say it was done better in Season 1, "Injustice for All" and especially in Season 2, "Secret Society", which I think was also written better, with better action.

Overall, it's great to hear the original (perfect) voice cast back, just wish this entry brought a little more "boom" with them.
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How is this so highly rated?
norsebaldur6 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The art and voice acting were good I guess. That said, this has got to be the worst super hero movie I have ever seen. There were so many characters that the movie was basically 2 group fight scenes, fallowed by 6 individual fights, culminating in one last group fight. All centered around a plot with the WORST plan I could possibly imagine. When the movie gets to the ultimate plan my 7 yr old looks at me and says "how did the rocket get to the sun so fast". In in era of comic book story lines that stretch reality just enough to make it believable, or at least try to explain away the glaringly obvious parts, this is a HUGE set back
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Entertaining watch
Milk_Tray_Guy28 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Vandal Savage masterminds a plot to steal Batman's contingency plans for neutralising each member of the JL in the event of them going rogue. When those plans are then used to take down the League, it's up to Batman (who's having his own problems) and a visiting Cyborg to save the day. Some fan-favourite voice casting (Kevin Conroy as Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, Susan Eisenberg as Wonder Woman, Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Michael Rosenbaum as Flash (Barry Allen) and Carl Lumbly as J'onn J'onzz) helps make this an enjoyable watch. Character designs are nice, although some animation is a bit '1970s Saturday morning TV'. Some of the contingency plans are admittedly a bit questionable.... To give just one example, During a fight Cheetah infects Wonder Woman with nanomachines that cause her to perceive everyone around her as Cheetah. Since Wonder Woman will never quit a fight, she will then attack each and every innocent person she encounters (seeing them as Cheetah) until she finally collapses from exhaustion, or even a stress-induced heart attack. So, the plan to stop Wonder Woman, should she become a threat to humanity, is to have her perceive every member of the public as one of her greatest and most dangerous foes, and severely injure or (given the level of force she's likely to use) kill them... ... but you just have to look past that! And some of the plans are actually pretty badass. There are some great character moments, a fair bit of humour, and some food for thought around ethics and trust (shame the runtime couldn't be longer to delve into this more deeply). Plus, Batman shows exactly why he is 'master of prep'! 8/10.
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Why Batman is the GOAT
shakedatjunk11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall a very solid Justice League movie with some great dipping into the character of Batman. There are also some very tense scenes like when we think Clark may die and the entire third act with the Earth almost getting wrecked. The ending of this movie was done very well.

The animation and art is very nice and there's some very pretty moments such as when Hal is blocking the light beams coming for Earth. Batman's cowl is my only complain. The ears are fine but the rest of the cowl looks bad kinda like The Batman series.

The action was overall very well done and animated especially some of the Lantern and Flash sequences but the hand to hand fighting this movie was pretty lacking. Wish the fight choreography could've been better.

The interactions between characters and character moments for the JLA members were all very enjoyable to watch. The voice acting this movie is great and has a few of the regulars.

This movie displays Batman's intelligence and why he is arguably the best superhero.
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utgard1411 May 2014
Vandal Savage steals Batman's files on his Justice League teammates and uses them to learn the weaknesses of the heroes. He then sends the Legion of Doom to take out the Justice League one by one. Entertaining animated DC movie adapted from the comic book story "Tower of Babel." Some things were changed, of course. For instance, Hal Jordan and Cyborg were shoehorned into things because DC wants them to be a big deal these days. Most importantly, in the comic it was Batman villain Ra's Al Ghul behind everything. Here it's Vandal Savage and the Legion of Doom.

The voicework is mostly good. It's great to see Kevin Conroy, Susan Eisenberg, and Tim Daly back, as well as some of the other actors from the Justice League series. I've been unimpressed by the stunt casting of the DCAU movies from the late '00s to today. The animation is fine. The movie's not without flaws. As is often the case with these movies adapted from comic stories, they seem to take for granted the audience is familiar with the mythology and history behind the various characters and stories. This doesn't bother me specifically because I am generally familiar with the source material, but it could be a problem for viewers who don't read the comics or haven't watched many of the animated movies or the TV series. There's something to be said for making these stories accessible to both fans and new viewers. If you're a viewer familiar with the material, you should definitely like this. If you're new to it, I still think you will be able to enjoy it. You might not get every little detail but you won't be lost in the plot, I'm sure.
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great film
mchollandmatthew2 September 2012
what an excellent justice league film from the DC animated original movies series with batman superman wonder women green lantern mars ion man hunter and cyborg with lots of action and awesome story.the story is about after the justice league battled the royal flush gang batman returns to the bat cave and vandal savage sent mirror master to receive information from the bat computer and learns all of the justice league members weaknesses and uses them against the justice league and the villains are bane vandal savage like i said as well as mirror master metal lo starshaphier cheetah and the other one cant spell overall this has load's of action and is an awesome movie for all the DC fans 10/10
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A good Justice League story for young and old!
j-huijsse7 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
'Justice Leage: Doom' is a well written story about the Justice League fighting Vandal Savage's League of Doom. This means each member of the Justice League battles one of his or her villain counterparts in this film. Me being a DC Animated Universe fan, I always like a good Justice League vs. League of Doom battle if it's done right. And in 'Justice League: Doom' I think it's done fairly right!

The script makes sense and the story tells a lot about Batman and his relationship to the Justice League as a whole. Of course the voice acting of Kevin Conroy always helps to bring an animated Batman to life although I thougt it was not one of his best performences I have ever seen. Overall, the voice acting in this animated movie is proper, good 8 stars. Fight scenes are mostly epic and during the story you do wonder how the Justice League is going to save the day this time? The playful yet classic artwork really helps with this, although it lacked a bit of a clean finish with some effects at the end.

This, together with the fact that the script also seemed a bit rushed makes it 7 stars for me. A nice animated film by DC about the Justice League that's enjoyable for both young and old.
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An interesting movie
JoeB1314 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
plot is simple enough. Vandal Savage wants to take over the world, but needs to eliminate the Justice League to do it. So he hacks into the contingency plans Batman came up with in case any of them ever went rogue. The film is full of some great fight scenes and a bit of over the top goodness.

Back are the voice actors from the original DC Justice League series, Kevin Conroy as Batman, Tim Daly as Superman, with Nathan Fillion playing the Hal Jordan Green Lantern. Oddly, the Barry Allen Flash has the same voice as Wally West. Some of the villain voicework is quite good as well, definitely worth watching.

The animation was done in Japan, but it isn't really over the top with that "anime" style.

The villain choices were interesting enough. Cheetah against Wonder Woman, and Star Sapphire against GL. Okay, I get those picks. Metallo and Bane? Meh, not so much. Although I guess they couldn't have thrown in Joker and Lex Luthor without it being real obvious.
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A fitting coda for Dwayne McDuffie Warning: Spoilers
Dwayne McDuffie, the writer of this film, sadly passed away while it was being made and it is dedicated to him. McDuffie wrote some of the greatest episodes of Justice League, one of the finest superheroes ever made. (In my opinion the first 2 seasons are THE very best with McDuffie's episodes being the finest of all).

It must be said that Doom is not among the best of his work on JL, possibly because it is based on comic-book original with some shaky aspects to the plot. The changes made to turn it into a film have made matters worse. In the comic, it is plausible that Ra's Al-Ghul(the original villain) would know that Batman would store data on how to subdue his team mates, but why would Vandal Savage?

Batman states that his original plans were to incapacitate the JL and that they were somehow changed to make them lethal. But they all seem lethal in their conception and its hard to see what changes were made. For instance, Superman is shot with a Kryptonite bullet- what was the original non-lethal version of that? Some of the legion of Doom seem strangely chosen for their tasks.

The huge robot Metallo was able to disguise himself as a human somehow- wouldn't an actual shape shifter have been a better choice?

Cyborg did not appear in the original comic, and it shows. In all ways he seems superfluous to requirements. The omission of the Legion of Doom (or indeed Batman) to deal with him is a serious oversight but not one that has much bearing on the plot. Batman escapes his trap by himself and then organises the escapes of others, with Cyborg offering only minor assistance to Wonder Woman which, one imagines, Batman could have also sorted out.

Having said this, this remains an enjoyable adventure.
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Perhaps the worst day of the Justice League.
tankace9 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is loose adaptation of the story of the same name and I have to say this is one of the best Justice League story-lines around for it shows two things: one that when the villains can coordinate their attacks they are a force to be record with and the paranoia of Batman is a both his best weapon as he has a plan for everything and as it was shown here a weakness as it doesn't allow him to work well with others.

As for the title of this review, well the team has faced a lot of crazy and dangerous event over the years ,but none of that was made with the precision of a surgeon to kill them. That is why this is maybe the worst day of the core members of the Justice League for never in their career they didn't face such a attack on them.

In general the film it very fast pace, and it keeps you in interested all the way. I ,honesty, don't expect the Justice League film of this autumn to be a good as this one.

In general it is a very well made story, great animation and in my point of view the best model for Metallo ever put in a video movie ,or a TV series animated or live action.

If you want to see an old-fashion Justice League story ,like those from the Hustice League and Justice League Unlimited, then this a flick for you
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Definitely watchable, but probably won't meet your expectations
ekbatani1419 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I originally saw the cast for this movie I was extremely excited since its tie to the Justice League show that aired for 6 years. This movie, however, seemed like just another average episode from the show. The dialogue was incredibly weak, there was not as much character development, and the story line was too cheesy. Kevin Conroy was excellent voicing Batman as usual, but even his great voice could not help make this movie above average. My main problem was the choice of characters. The original plot of the story was that Ra's Al Ghul would steal information from Batman's computer that could destroy the Justice League. He would then hire each of the Justice League's greatest enemies to destroy them. This movie honored this storyline in every way except for the most important part, they did not use Ra's Al Ghul but instead some cheesy character named Vandal Savage whose apparently been alive for over 50,000 years. I think many would agree that any plot with Ra's in it is bound to be at least above average. Even then, the characters that were hired to destroy the league were poorly chosen. Star Sapphire vs Green Lantern..really? It was almost worse than Wonder Woman vs the Cheetah, do not even get me started on that. The only reason why I gave this movie a 6/10 was because of the climax. Anytime you see a band of well-known superheroes get defeated in their most vulnerable times it always ends up being gripping. After that whole scene ended, the movie just suddenly ends and the all so immortal Vandal Savage goes to jail for life. I do recommend watching this movie if you are a true superhero fan, but if your not that person don't waste your time.
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Over hyped
strikeninga600015 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Despite hearing such great things about this movie, the story itself was a letdown to me. This was just a movie to show that the terrible villains were more terrible than we thought. I mean because of the plans, multiple superheros "should" have died, but no they lived not because of the plans or mistakes, they lived because of the villains' stupidity. I mean shoot Superman in the brain or something, don't give the hero a chance to recover. Another was break batman's back before burying him. Or Flash, why didn't mirror master have a manual detonator or even a time detonator of like 3 minutes or something? Why did he have to be goddamn truthful? Seriously, whoever thought of this story didn't think things through. All this plot was another show of how stupid and great lack of logic DC villains have. Otherwise I agree with other reviews in that the animation and voice acting was well done, but the logic and intelligence behind the bad guys was nonexistent.
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it was great , i have to say , but still there is a lot of thing that is unbelievable
wasemtheking2 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
getting to the point directly : first of all why the villain didn't finish them , they were had the advantage , OK with superman and wonder woman it may be accepted but with batman and green lantern , it is different , they could kill them , the time issue must say , i mean the 8 min thing and how much did they take to make something up green lantern face the sun flame , that unacceptable too OK what happened to the rest of villain but in general i really love it, the most good thing is the quota in this movie , like :"your will is the source of your power and the fear is the enemy of will " it was great, actually there is nothing more to say about than just i recommended this movie
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