Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (TV Movie 2012) Poster

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A Damn Good Prequel to a Great Sci-fi Series
slayerjmk9513 November 2012
For something that was made to air over the internet and be released on disc a few months later, Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome is a spectacular and valiant effort that comes out on top. There isn't much for me to say about the series, besides its great music, astounding visuals, and intense action, but that fans of the series MUST see this! Purchase the full extended cut when it's released in February; it'll be worth it, especially since the series is getting better with every segment released on Machinima.

P.S. To anyone that is or is going to watch this, try to get more viewers to see it because if there are more, then they might greenlight the full series
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A non fan (more balanced) review
jarlian10 January 2013
When I was a kid I watched the old BSG and I watched all the new BSG episodes which I enjoyed (except for a few twists that felt written by the writers who also wrote "Lost"). I skipped Caprica because the storyline sounded to much like a soap opera to me (forgive me if I was wrong).

Blood & Chrome appealed to me and kinda delivered what it was; An enjoyable BSG story, arguably not quite ready for TV. The acting was solid enough and the soundtrack and space battles were even a little even better. I do have some mixed feelings about the general impression it left on me; Although the camera work was sometimes quite similar as 2003 BSG series, it somehow didn't match it's original feel. I think it's the lack of proper CGI, original sets or maybe bad lightening. Sometimes the background seems to be moving in a way which doesn't correspond with the foreground. Sometimes the control sticks in the cockpit looked more like painted computer joysticks.

That doesn't take away that B&C is enjoyable enough to keep watching until the end. If you like BSG, I'm sure you will like this. Just don't expect too much of it and you will be fine.

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Worth Downloading and adding to your Battlestar Box Set.
antoniodiggs12 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the tenth year of the First Cylon War, the series follows a young William Adama (Luke Pasqualino) on a routine mission that quickly turns dangerous. This 10-episode online series from keeps the franchise alive for old fans and may even garner some new ones.

With the same feel as the 2004 TV series, 'BG Blood and Chrome' stands on its own as a well-written SF drama. The CGI at times appears overused in the first twelve-minute episode, by the second installment it blends well enough into the background.

With veteran Battlestar writer Michael Taylor as the executive producer I don't expect any hackneyed scenes or convoluted plot devices that plagued the final season of the TV series. The story is straight-forward hardcore science fiction. See toaster, shoot toaster. Just what the doctor ordered for those needing a deep space fix.
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Quite good
TheLittleSongbird10 March 2013
Battlestar Galactica is a great series and Blood and Chrome is a worthy prequel to it. I won't go as far to say that it's perfect, the dialogue while mostly fine could have done with more polish, it did have some cheesiness, the story does drag a little towards the end and Lili Bordon shows little charisma. However, it is well made, the special effects are generally well-crafted and not too overused, the photography is solid and the interiors are striking. Credit must be made for the attempt to make it true to the series. The music is rousing and atmospheric, while the story is fun, doesn't take itself too seriously and maintains attention throughout(again doing a good job trying to respect the series) and the characters are written into the story well and are interesting. The acting I was very impressed by, Ben Cotton is the best of the lot, very charismatic and successfully bringing maturity to the story. Luke Pasquallino is likable in the lead role. John Pyper-Ferguson is under-utilised but not enough to still make an impression.

All in all, not on the same level as the series but still quite good. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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The form of BG without the substance
dhnyny1 March 2013
Blood and Chrome is the weakest piece of the modern Battlestar Galactica universe. Battlestar Galactica was brilliant because it combined superb acting, writing, direction, cinematography, special effects, and music. It was satisfying both intellectually and emotionally, probing compelling issues while also delivering adrenaline.

Caprica wasn't quite at the same level, or at least not as consistently successful. Like all prequels, it had to be both engaging in its own right and merge neatly with the existing narrative. It set up an intriguing world, populated with a somewhat uneven cast of characters, but the gap between where it began and where it would have to end if it was going to leave off where BG began was too great. That gap might have ultimately been spanned over the course of four or five seasons, but Caprica wasn't strong enough in its own right to be sustained for that long. Given how well any series must do in order to avoid cancellation, the producers of Caprica would have done better to plot out a two- or three-season series that would feel throughout as though it was building momentum toward BG itself. That was a tall order and they didn't manage it. Caprica is worth watching but feels unfinished. (Then again, the last season of BG itself wasn't nearly as good as what came before it.)

Blood and Chrome looks like a member of the BG/Caprica family but only superficially. It's weaker in almost every way, except perhaps visually. As a piece of generic space-based sci fi it's quite average: you've got space ships, good and evil, battle scenes, tension, death and destruction. But it's not actually interesting. It lacks any of the exploration of compelling questions that animated BG and, to a lesser extent, Caprica. BG and Caprica were series that might just appeal to viewers who didn't ordinarily care for sci fi. Not Blood and Chrome. It has nothing to say about the human condition, doesn't ask any questions, doesn't provoke any thought. In short, it lacks the critical core qualities that made Battlestar Galactica unusual and wonderful.
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Good, but in no-way deserving of a 9/10-star rating.
grohner30 January 2017
As a non 'fan-boy' of the series, although having seen the original series several times, I have only seen Razor, The Plan & Blood & Chrome of the new series - B & C being the most recent.

Frankly, I was not impressed, especially when compared to Razor. It suffers from some really juvenile script-writing, in fact the entire plot is a bit silly and unbelievable. On the one hand, we have the Cylon force, although capable of decimating an entire Resistance fleet, is then incapable of downing a single slow-as-hell bucket of a ship - all because of the remarkable flying prowess of our 'hero'. Who incidentally, is annoying as hell! Sure, he's supposed to be cocky, but it comes across as just poor acting.

The 'twist' at the end is equally unbelievable as well.

What really gets my goat is all the 9/10 star-ratings for this poorly written offering. It's pointless rating something like this as deserving 10-stars, as it masks what is truly good from a prospective viewers perspective. For instance, Razor is much better than B & C, yet these inflated reviews would have you believe that they are equally good. Even The Plan is much better than B & C, having a much more thought-provoking script - less CG graphics but a better story line overall.

So, while C & S is not a total loss, it is definitely sub-par in comparison and in no way deserving of 10-star reviews.
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BSG back again and strong
nemod1210 November 2012
First of all i want to say how thrilled i am that they got lift off with this show.

As a fan i am prejudged of course, but the first episode promises very much. It has a good atmosphere around it.

With David Eick and Bear McCreary mixed in the soup in this show, it will be without a question of a doubt very top notch.

The acting is solid, the CGI is staggering. It was a little getting used to, to the new William Adama. That's just personal, because i liked the small role of the old actor who played in the minisodes very much. His eyes in the cockpit of that viper, that one moment(the fans know what scene i mean), they where so very alike those of Edward James Olmos . But after seeing this spin off it's long forgotten.

I am hooked again.

Just one thing. Please don.t cancel this one!!
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Better than I feared and Less than I hoped
SnoopyStyle25 January 2014
It's young William Adama (Luke Pasqualino) in the First Cylon War getting his first assignment on the Battlestar Galactica. He's a young gun, top of his class, and itching to start shooting Cylons. However he's put into a Raptor to transport supplies. On his first mission, he's given an uneventful milk run assignment. His co-pilot Coker (Ben Cotton) is a war weary short timer who's only too happy to have a nothing mission. As they leave BSG, their passenger Dr. Becca Kelly (Lili Bordán) tells them that their mission has changed and it becomes something much more deadly.

It has a lot of CGI space battles in the first half. It looks functional, but not at the same standard as the TV series. The lead Luke Pasqualino doesn't have the same quality as Edward James Olmos. The story is acceptable but not as amazing as I would have wanted. The way it was portrayed in the TV show, I expected much more. Also Luke Pasqualino just doesn't have the same level of power or screen presence even if you add in the age difference. It's a reasonable TV movie, but that's about it.
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A very well done prequel
michael-knighter26 November 2012
Still saw the new Battlestar Galactica series approx. 4 times. And still impressed! Perfect actors, good cgi and a terrific story.

So. Now i was waiting for this new episodes and read all about it. Yesterday i saw now the first 6 episodes. And guess what? Fantastic. Breathtaking. Perfect.

I love the new story. The actors are great and also storyline is very good for a first episode. CGI are a little bit too much. Lensflare as its best. But who cares.

All in all. I would recommend this new series for every Battlestar Galctica Fan.

I've you loved the new Battlestar series you will also love Blood & Chrome.

So say we all....
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Oh well, seen better...
opentoe21 February 2013
I'm a big BSG fan. I've seen the original series, the remade stuff, the new stuff, everything that has come out in TV, the movies, I've seen it multiple, many times. What surprised me on this movie is that it is the same thing that was on You Tube for everyone to see. If you've watched the You Tube series, then you've seen this movie already.

This movie should have been at least 2 hours. Not 90 minutes. They left so much character building out it wasn't really interesting. Then have the main character fly away with another character doesn't give the viewer anyone else to be interested in. There just wasn't much there in my opinion and I suggest just watch the YouTube series and save your $20 on the DVD.

I terribly miss CAPRICA in a big way. I'm still upset that was ever canceled. That was such an awesome way to how it all started and they were taking their time laying down the framework for everything. I think CAPRICA was MUCH better than this, so I doubt this will ever make it into any kind of production. Trust me, I would love to see a new series but this one I don't think is going to make it.
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It's All 'Bout The Flare, 'Bout The Flare, No Plot Line
jabrbi16 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a pilot for a series that was never picked up and, if judged solely on the visuals, then that's a good thing for all people who hate fake lens flares - and that's 99% of the Earth's population.

The director of the film is SO obsessed with lens flare effects that he forgot all about having a sensible plot, decent acting, original characters or otherwise decent visuals. Every single light source in this film creates excessive lens flare, so much so that are moments where there is nothing on screen EXCEPT lens flare. I know this is all JJ Abrams fault with his Star Trek reboot but that doesn't mean that anybody else had to copy his sloppy technique.

With so much flare obscuring the on screen image, you're reduced to having an aural rather than a visual experience and the content of the film just isn't up to making up for a lack of visuals.

If this film were remade without the added lens flare effects then the money saved would be enough to hire a decent script writer, a decent director and some proper actors. THEN you might have a pilot film worth a series.
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Love this, hate SyFy.
compguyinslc2 January 2013
I love this and think it's a fantastic start too what could have been another great series, but wait, enter SyFy so they can over-think it again. I love Caprica, I loved BSG, and I love this and I cannot believe the intellectual void that would not put this on the air, in favor of plenty of wrestling, what does wrestling have to do with Science Fiction anyway? Would someone please help me understand that one.

Anyway, I am rambling, and my review is becoming pointless. Please SyFy, if you have an ounce of intelligence, don't wave this one under our noses like you did Caprica and then yank the carpet out from underneath our feet.
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Reasonably entertaining
grantss21 December 2023
Fresh out of pilot training, a young William Adama joins the aircrew aboard Battlestar Galactica. The First Cylon War is raging and an enthusiastic Adama wants to see action. However, rather than being assigned to a Viper he is assigned to a Raptor, a transport craft. His first mission couldn't be more of a milk run: transport a female scientist to a Colonial base in a safe part of the galaxy.

A prequel, of sorts, to the 2004-2009 TV series Battlestar Galactica. The movie doesn't provide any backstory to anything that occurred in that series, except to describe one of Bill Adama's adventures as a young pilot.

The movie is reasonably entertaining, with some good action scenes and decent special effects. Plot is a bit basic and suffers from the same problem that afflicted the final two seasons of the series: twists for twists' sake. Things happen just because they make for an unexpected change of course. Performances are so-so.

Overall, though, it's watchable.
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What the frack?
quidquopro22 February 2013
If the viewers are into overexposed camera shots, constant lens flaring,and battle scenes with excessive camera and set shaking then maybe this movie is for you. I am sure Pate used all of the camera "techniques" to hide the obvious flaws in the abysmal sets of this film. Acting is mediocre and plot development anticlimactic. "I'm going to have a fracking son"... if you do not want to use the proper dramatic language for tense life experiences don't use them at all-you know whatI fracking mean. I gave it 2 because it is maybe just north of awful...frack!!! This movie is obviously geared for fracking adolescents and it may even disappoint here as well.
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Blood and Chrome 5 reasons it sucked!
deydreamer9 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
IT SUCKED 1. Lens Flares, yeah we all love Andrew Kramer and the Knolls Light Factory but this is overboard. 2. The entire plot revolves around getting the Doctor Lady to the Cylon Relay station. A task that apparently a raptor can do in under an hour when it rescues husker. 3. They are ditched by the other pilot who apparently thinks he can fly home to see his kid even though he is in a Viper, not a raptor. Vipers don't have FTL drives so he is kinda fracked on that account. 4. They Fleet trusts the entire mission to a rookie pilot, a short timer and a known traitor. Ummm bullsh*t! The entire WAR is resting on this mission, why send the tiny ship there to deploy the mission when you have like 4 fracking battle star just playing dead that could go there and ensure it's a success! FRACK just send in that rap-tor at the end, apparently its got the secret back way into the base to ensure it's a success. 5. The love scene is worthless and should have been scrapped in order to progress the other parts of the story along.

frack this reboot.
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Okay for a webseries
p-jonsson12 October 2013
I have to admit that I never really liked the Battlestar Galactica reboot. I also have to admit that I was so put off by some of the early episodes that I stopped watching it so I do not really know if it got any better (from my point of view) than those first episodes. I probably should make the effort some day and watch it in its entirety. Anyway, my oldest son is as much a Science Fiction fan as I am though and I knew he would want to watch it so when I saw this one coming out in "movie format" on Amazon I bought it.

For a webseries I have to say that it was quite okay. Using Blu-ray as a media was rather wasted though. A lot of the scenes are very harsh and seemed overexposed. In the beginning almost every scene is full of flares and blooms from various light spots. Maybe this was intended but I certainly did not like it. It looked like it had been shot using very cheap equipment. The CGI is also not the best but it is a webseries after all so you would not really expect it to be top notch in these areas.

As for the movie itself. It was quite okay. Especially in the beginning when they were actually out in space flying around. In the latter half of the movie the three main characters got stuck down on a planet. This part I was not so thrilled about. On the whole the movie is a nice little action adventure and, luckily, there is not too much of the soap opera style bullshit that I felt had taken over the reboot. Instead it is a simple and straightforward adventure.

Sure there is the usual we-have-to-negotiate person that tries to screw things up. I just do not understand why they just have to put some idiot like that into the movies or episodes all the time? They Cylons have proved time after time that they are out to exterminate the human race and nothing else. Just fight them and be done with it. Anyway, most of the movie is good straightforward adventure and action.
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Nice Sci-Fi movie...
Thanos_Alfie5 November 2013
"Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome" is a nice Sci-Fi TV Movie which has to do with a battle between machines and robots against the humans. I liked this movie because of the special visual effects and for the plot of it.

Luke Pasqualino who plays as William Adama a very good pilot who is getting involved in the First Cylon War. He makes a really nice interpretation and at the start of this movie his acting reminds me a little bit Tom Cruise in the Top Gun movie. I also liked the interpretation of Ben Cotton who plays as Coker Fasjovik the co-pilot of William Adama in the war.

Finally I want to tell you that this movie is a really nice movie to spend your time on it because it makes you feel how is to be in a space war and a pilot on it...
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A well delivered prequel to the TV series
stuart-burns-578-49414410 January 2013
Why on earth this was placed on the back burner behind Caprica must be one of the most idiotic decisions ever.

This is what the fans want to see, it lives up to the original and increases the scope for visuals, suspense, battles and storyline.

I strongly suggest viewing the Web Episodes of this until Syfy broadcast the full pilot, if you enjoyed the excellent reboot of Battle Star Galactic then this will tick all the boxes.

A definite candidate for a full TV series, which if delivered as well as the pilot would definitely have high viewing figures.

Here's hoping SYFY and co get the message!
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Battlestar cliché
faridalvarez2 May 2014
Special effects as usual are outstanding and I don't bother much about several of blue screens, this helps to reduce the movie budget.

The problem I have is with the story and some main actors performance. But I think that over-acting can be corrected by the direction, so I blame on this to the director. Also is his fault that there were so many cliché or expected situations that ruin the whole story. I just can believe the "dead-meat" character! If you saw the movie Hot Shots with Charlie Sheen, there is a character that criticize the cheap trick of some movies of use a character with high and noble goals and then kill it. So guess what they do here...

About the effects, I love the flares and the on purpose not precise camera focus movements, this gives a lot of realism to the movie because it feels like there is a human trying to hold the camera and not the cold computer just rendering.
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very interesting... very nicely done
felipe-ontanilla13 November 2012
So... as I am writing this, Blood and Chrome only exist in a web format.

Basic things you need to know: - Great acting. Not like that teen drama "Caprica". Nope. This is not some overly dramatic, omg i'm so depressed because i'm a cyber robotic teen drama!!! the actors in blood and chrome are, so far, doing their part. Luke Pasquallino, whom until ep 1 of B&C I never heard of, performs a great Husker Adama....young but not naive... just eager to blast some cylons. Cocker, new addition to the Galactica universe, and performed by Cotton, brings a more mature tone to the story.

  • Great sound effects.

  • Story that captures you? Hell yeah!!! Hope they make this into a TV series... a movie would not be sufficient.
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Nice prequel
ivan201217 February 2013
I'm generally not a big fan of prequels because you already know what happens at the end. In this prequel, you already know that young Adama is not going to die no matter how terrible a situation he's in. So that takes away some of the suspense. Young Adama doesn't look much like old Adama. He is taller and much thinner, and he doesn't have the acne scars. But he does display the same commitment to duty as old Adama.

This pilot episode is a little inconsistent. It starts off looking like another great space adventure, but about halfway into the episode (at about the 50-minute mark) it became more like a Resident Evil movie instead of a space adventure. That's what I thought. You might get the same feeling after you watch it.

It doesn't sound like they will get the thumbs up to film the series, but I would definitely be a viewer if they ever make this into a TV series.
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Disappointment and spiritless
DennisLaursen892 May 2015
I would start to say, that if you intent to watch this movie as a standalone, you will probably not get that much out of it. This movie is related to the remake of Battlestar Galactica from 2004, and are best watched after the main show. However, you will, IMO, not get that much out of the movie anyway.

If you, like me, thought that BSG: B&C will be a movie that tells more about the reasons and motives behind the first Cylon war, and will keep the original BSG atmosphere and spirit, you will be greatly disappointed. The movie don't have any from the original crew (actors, writers, directors and such) in the movie, and it seems more like a bad spin off/fan-fiction to BSG, than a worthy prologue. And the movie don't tell anything about the first Cylon war, and the only use this as a setting for a (dull) plot.

The plot in the movie is a young William Adama who are going on a "milk-run", which in short time turns out to be a secret mission. But the plot is bad and full of holes, the characters motivation to do what they do are unresolved, and the movie feels long, in spite of that it last less than 1½ hours.
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Back in space where the series belongs
flatrich12 February 2013
A very impressive pilot (I hope it's a pilot - but a good SyFy movie in any case) for still another addition to the Battlestar Galactica franchise. Creators Michael Taylor and his co-creator David Eick have picked up the saga post-Caprica and pre the 2004-2009 Battlestar Galactica series with a new tale centering on a young Bill Adama. Pasqualino and Cotton were excellent as Adama and Coker and the action filled plot is thankfully nothing like Caprica, which was sort of boring. This time we are back in space where the series belongs, shooting Cylons.

There is still a hint of the philosophical depth in Ronald D. Moore's re-imaging of Glen A. Larson's original series but the Taylor teleplay keeps the politic and morality questions to a minimum and we get treated to a lot of good old fashioned shoot 'em ups along the way. (Taylor and Moore worked DS9 for the Trek Franchise way back when, BTW, and David Eick worked on all the recent BG series.)

My only complaint was too little time for vet character actor John Pyper-Ferguson as a sort of bad guy (no spoilers here because he usually plays a bad guy, although some of us fondly remember him as a very funny bad guy in Brisco County Jr.) If we really do get a new series, maybe he'll be back.

BG fans should be marching for a reboot based on Blood and Chrome. This universe has plenty of room for more episodes.

****UPDATED 23 March 2017****

I just watched the Blu-ray release of Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome and I've added one star as it was even better than I remembered. There is a lot of material that didn't make this, the extended cut, (included in Deleted Scenes) that is worth watching, even though this didn't become the pilot I'd hoped it would be.
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An impressive and overwhelming Sci-Fi adventure of young William Adama in the First Cylon War
ma-cortes4 June 2023
Colorful TV episode in which the crew of a spaceship must battle their robot enemies in an attempt to reach Earth . Straightforward and nostalgic space opera story with breathtaking space battles , grandiose sentiment and lotd of action . This is a prequel episode of the sci-fi TV series in which humanity has reached for the stars and populated twelve planets as colonies of their home planet Kobol in a distant part of the galaxy . Then Robots Cylons made by Humans (in 70's series a reptilian race has created robots with artificial intelligence) rebel against humanity and after a war agree to go their own way. Humanity, consists of the Twelve Colonies of Kobol. A long time back, robot slaves were created called Cylons to do their work. The Cylons eventually revolted and a bloody war ensued ; then an armistice was signed and the Cylons left the Twelve Colonies . Later on , Cylons attack and nuking the twelve colonies , thus killing billions of humans and virtually annihilating human civilization. The only survivors were in space at the time. These survivors band together along with the only surviving warship, Battlestar Galactica, under the aegis of brave pilots and over the next seasons they set out to escape the Cylons and to find the fabled 13th Colony called Earth . The first Cylon war has been raging for 10 years and a young rookie Ensign William Adama (Luke Pasqualino) joins the fleet . He's disappointed not to be assigned to a fighter but to a freighter . His co-pilot, Lt. Coker Fasjovic (Ben Cotton), isn't too keen on having a newcomer flying his aircraft as he has only a short time before he again becomes a civilian. The're assigned by commandant Silas Nash (Brian Markinson) to carry out a dangerous mission . Their cargo is a civilian scientist, Dr. Becca Kelly (Lili Bordán) , but they no sooner leave than she has new orders for them and a new destination to a far location , a frozen planet . She is less than forthcoming about just what her secret mission is but Adama is keen, particularly as it involves going into Cylon controlled space. After the destruction of the Twelve Colonies of Mankind, the last major fighter carrier leads a makeshift fugitive fleet on a desperate search for the legendary planet Earth !. Nothing is as it seems however ! . The Last Battlestar Galactica Leads a Rag Tag Fugitive Fleet on a Lonely Quest for a Shining Planet Known as...Earth !. Special ABC Space Spectacular!. The fight to save humanity rages on !. Where will you stand? Destiny is not what it seems !. The world is over !. The fight has just begun !.

This sensational TV epic adventure is plenty of action , breathtaking battles , spectacular drama and being pretty entertaining . A prequel from the successful American TV series with effects repeated ad nauseam , being shot against green screen and the sets recreated digitally. Similar in plot and costume to the hit series , but at heart a traditional space western with less emphasis on droids and more on dogfighting and shootouts . Some good FX , but with strictly standard scenario , nice performance from a popular cast . Casting was essential for the series to succeed, and producers made an inspired choice, such as Luke Pasqualino who displays a boyish charm, and an ability to make even the most risqué remark seem unoffensive , Ben Cotton , John Pyper-Ferguson , Brian Markinson, Sebastian Spence, Ty Olsson, Zak Santiago, Mike Dopud, among others. Many of the crew members on the Osiris were played by players who performed recurring characters on Battlestar Galactica. Original Battlestar Galactica series was based on an idea called "Adam's Ark" by Glen A. Larson . The movie packs a real sense of wonder and stimulating action set pieces illuminating the full-blown feats of the various protagonists and winding up in overlong confrontation and a stunning finale . As the adventure deals with the good guys : a group of humans , mostly rushing Viper pilots to the launch bays during battle , and , the bad boys : the Cyclons that quickly dominate humanity , wiping out most and forcing thousands of humans to flee in ragtag fleet through space. It contains incredible and state-of-art array of technical visual effects . This TV picture was professionally directed by Jonas Pate . Rating : 7/10 . It is really for genre fans.

The original series "Galactica" (1978) was later released in the theatres . Dealing with the known confrontation between Humans and Cyclons ; when the Cylons, resurface obliterate , attack and destroy the 12 colonies, the crew of Galactica protect a small civilian fleet - the last of humanity - as they journey toward the fabled 13th colony, Earth. It was really re-worked from its original pilot to capitalize on the popularity of "Star Wars", and it employed the same special effects team and the same concept designer. It offered an entertaining mix of adventure , thrills , space dogfighting and brief doses of comedy, with stories that intentionally deliver action , adventure , romance and aerial battles .Besides, the attractive props , atrezzo , gowns from this series were recycled for Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (1979), which Glen A. Larson also produced. This classic series is formed by 21 episodes and there're individual episodes also available that have been exhibided on big screen starred by Lorne Greene , Lew Ayres , Dirk Benedict , Richard Hatch , Herbert Jefferson , Wilfrid Hyde-White , John Colicos, Ray Milland , Ed Begley Jr , Rick Springfield . And a successful reboot : Battlestar Galactica (2004-2009) : Writers: Glen A. Larson, Ronald D. Moore with Edward James Olmos , Mary McDonnel , Jamie Bamber , James Callis , Tricia Helfer , Grace Park , Katee Sackhof. In the classic series Battlestar Galactica (1978) the Cylons were created by a reptilian race. In this series (2004) , the Cylons are created by humans by means of scientific advancement . Richard Hatch as Captain Apollo is the only actor to appear in this series and the reboot Galactica (2004) , however, in the latter, he did not reprise his role of Apollo from the original but instead played a different character. Because this series was based on the 1970's show he created, Glen A. Larson was credited as a consulting producer on every episode of the new series, ensuring that he receives a significant residual income ; however, he had no part in the production whatsoever.
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Bad bad bad...
znake-627-709928 March 2013
This doesn't deserve to wear the Battlestar Galactica badge. Decent cast, trying their damn hardest, but they are working with a poor script and plot line, the direction is questionable, and there is something wrong with the visuals.

The lighting and SFX seems off, doesn't at all look like something that's part of the Battlestar Galactica, whether it's due to a low budget, poor direction, or simply a stupid choice to fit this weird "thriller" themed plot line(which again, doesn't fit in with the Battlestar Galactica theme), I don't know, but I definitely don't like it!
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