Bloodshot (2020) Poster


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Clichés but Entertaining
claudio_carvalho5 April 2020
"Bloodshot" is a poor collection of "Universal Soldier", "Robcop", "Matrix" and 'Memento", among other films, that do not work well. The plot is absolutely predictable and it is possible to the viewer to foresee the story. Despite of the clichés, the viewer that is fan of Vin Diesel will certainly find the movie entertaining. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Bloodshot"
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a bit bland
SnoopyStyle17 April 2020
Ray Garrison (Vin Diesel) is an American special force squad leader. He and his wife Gina are kidnapped and brutally murdered by mercenary Martin Axe. Tech entrepreneur Dr. Emil Harting (Guy Pearce) brings him back to life with new powers. KT (Eiza González) is another one of Harting's projects.

I don't particularly like Diesel at the start of this movie. He has his moments but this is not one of his best. It's not the worst thing in the world. The plot is functional. The action is bombastic but somehow bland. That's the general takeaway. The movie is trying to be a big comic book superhero origin story but it just lacks something memorable other than Psycho Killer. It comes off as a bland second tier comic book movie.
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It's Vin Diesel
DPF_123 February 2021
On one side you have the fanboys who would lick the sweat from his armpits rating this a ten, and the I hate Vin Diesel crowd (who probably didn't bother to watch the movie) giving one star reviews. Despite it's flaws this is an entertaining, slickly produced, mindless sci-fi/action film. Vin Diesel knows what he's good at and he does it pretty well, if you're expecting something else that's your fault.
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Eliza González Was A Joy
slightlymad2211 March 2020
I just got out of Bloodshot

I didn't like it, but I wouldn't say I hated it. It is a very silly film that is seemingly aware (At least I hope it is) of how silly it is. It's pretty tame violence and blood wise, it's pretty much all in the trailers which is disappointing.

It's full of cliche's, it's action is routine and the effects whilst not bad, are not mind blowing either, there isn't much humour, but I have to say it is hard to hate a film that includes a dick joke which takes 20 minutes to pay off.

Of the cast Vin Diesel is a bit bland and Guy Pierce is hamming it up but Eliza González was joy as KT

It features two things I hate in movies, people eating noisily (when they'd never really eat at that moment) and when you see the back of someone's head (Vin Diesel for example) whilst he is talking, but what you can see of the side of his face, clearly does not match what he is saying.

There were 16 other people in my screening. They were mostly 20 or younger and spent a lot of time on their phones. Someone was even checking Facebook during a chase scene.
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I am not familiar with the comic but this film felt very familiar throughout as it seemed to borrow many aspects in visuals and concepts from other recent anti hero films.
gillianronnie8 March 2020
It works on a basic level of action spectacle, but really doesn't offer anything in the story department that we haven't come to know with these revenge anti hero films. Vin Diesel is as standard as he usually is and doesn't make the character interesting either. I'll just sum it up and say this is just a throwaway action film with some cool sequences but overall you will feel like you've seen it already.
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Not worth going to the movie theater
mauricepuhlmann6 March 2020
First of all I have to mention, that I saw the trailer before I saw the movie. Basically I knew exactly what would happen because the trailer spoiled the whole plot. So thank you for that.

They prise the fact that the film is produced by the same people who produced the Fast and Furious series. That should tell enough about that movie:

Lots of action, bad story and full of stereotypes.

Enjoy that one at home, on an evening where you have nothing better to do.
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Someone should tell the director it's 2020
mga-6508811 March 2020
It feels like an early 2000's superhero movie in a bad way like Daredevil or GhostRider
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Surprisingly Decent
OzoFriendly19 March 2021
I watched the first 5 minutes of this movie and turned it off. It was that corny.

Then I forgot that I'd done that and, stuck for something dumb to watch on a a day off sick, I spun this up again.

The movie resumed at the five minute mark and I thought what the hell. At least I don't have to watch the start again, and settled in as i was bathed in cheesy screenwriting and even sketchier acting.

Then came the reveal and I've gotta say I was delighted. The kinetic set pieces were tight and engaging and the CGI was on point. Guy Pierce pitched his bad guy perfectly against Ray's would-be villains. Ray and his supporting characters weren't deep, but they certainly weren't flat and decent acting and direction of the main cast more than made up for some of the peripheral duds.

This movie is straight-up comic-book fare, so if you come to this movie hoping for a sophisticated narrative, you'll just wind up annoying those of your friends who pegged it from the start for the lurid action-fest it is. It's certainly no Bourne Identity, but it punches way higher than the most of the critics would boorishly suggest.

Would watch again. 7/10
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Boring, Predictable and a mess
penguin_holmes7 March 2020
I never saw the trailers, neither did I knew this was based on a comic-book. I just wanted to see a good action movie with Vin Diesel in it. I did not had my exceptions very high, but boy did it even went far beyond that.

This is your run of the mill action movie, even the action seems are uninspired, there is no redeeming quality about this movie, it was very generic and boring. Add that with wooden performances and the script was a total mess, it could be written by any Kid, it was that generic.

This movie does not stand out in any way from the other superhero action movies, it does nothing that distinguishes itself, neither does it do a good job in what it's trying to achieve, just random things happening here and there and you stop caring midway through.

I would say avoid seeing this one, not worth watching in the cinema at all or in general.
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A pretty regular enjoyable film.
anthony_zutt7 February 2021
The story is quite basic, the characters are what you would expect them to be and they perfectly deliver what they are supposed to deliver.

What stood out most for me in this film was the colouring of the shots at times. It used very vivid and light colors, which worked amazingly with some of the darker borders and backgrounds.

Overall a movie you should definitely pick up if you're not into deep storytelling or emotional scenes, but more a fan of action, heroic stories, etc. etc.
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Nothing special
Cer6erus8 March 2020
I love Vin Diesel. But this movie is a Vin Diesel movie like any other. Lots and lots of action and a rather thin story behind it. The movie wasn't bad, but it was very predictable. The story had some good elements which could have made for a great movie. It just seems unfinished. I would not go and see it at the movies, its not worth the money.
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schlangz11 April 2020
I don't get all the hate. It's a great action flick. Unrealistic, yeah definitely, but if I want something social-critic I would watch other stuff.

Give it a chance, much better than everybody is crying around here.
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"It's likely that what you think is real, sometimes ain't."
classicsoncall7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Even as far back as the Nineties, there were rumors of a movie being made based on a character from the Valiant Comics universe. I was a huge Valiant fan and collected all the titles up until the dissolution of Acclaim Entertainment in 2004. Bloodshot wasn't one of my favorites, I preferred 'Archer and Armstrong' for it's humor, and 'Eternal Warrior' for the time travel aspects of it's central character. But I did read 'Bloodshot', and it had an interesting premise with it's nanite technology and it's application for enhanced humans.

With that, I thought the movie was far better than it had any right to be. Not as good as the films in the Marvel franchise, but even Marvel had it's clunkers. Vin Diesel, upon reflection, seemed a decent choice for the title character given his build; another good one would have been Duane 'The Rock' Johnson. I don't remember much about the 'Bloodshot' comics I read, so I don't know if the origin story told here matches up with that of the series, but it seems close enough. I did like the representation of the 'nanites' that formed the blood of Ray Garrison (Diesel) following the operation that brought him back to life. With a completely programmable system, Bloodshot became one in a long line of movie super-soldiers that includes Robo Cop, Wolverine and the Unisols from "Universal Soldier".

Story wise, the movie does have it's predictable moments, so in that regard, it's not entirely original. I do credit the film makers with the CGI that made Bloodshot's healing powers look credible, not to mention creepy looking as well. I'm sure the companies involved would like to spin off this movie with a sequel or an accompanying film from the Valiant stable of comics. Like I mentioned earlier, I had my favorites, but they wouldn't seem to fit in with the concepts introduced by "Bloodshot". 'Harbinger' and 'Rai' would appear to suggest better possibilities, and I'd be all for it. It's too bad this film found release during the season of Covid-19, as that has greatly limited it's exposure to a more general public. But if the film makers find a way, I think this could be a good alternative universe to rival Marvel and DC.
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Win for the worst effects
Clive_W28 March 2020
The special effects in this film are average, the final fight scene was again pretty cool but did feel like an old style video game and the overall content felt weak, the story lacking, the characters rushed and random. I did find the psycho killer scene quite amusing, there were moments of humour throughout the film. At some point during the film I got very confused over location as one moment it was said location (a), then suddenly without explanation was location (b) and (c) in completely different countries within Europe... overall final feeling to the film was that if you want something to not pay attention to or a harmless bit of fun but if you want to engross yourself in the film this is not recommended.
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Would have been better as a limited streaming series
supermario131 January 2021
The 10's are fake or from people who wanted it to be a 10. It's not bad though. There's too much going on in as short as a movie is, and would have been better if the details, twists, and lack of better word 'conspiracy' were given time to develope. Overall pretty good though. Even though it's sci-fi-ish/superhero like, its more believable than the last few Fast & Furious movies 🙂
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Still enjoyable
jordymadueno9 September 2020
I was expecting something terrible and it wasn't that bad. Definitely, it's not good but you can make your peace with that by enjoying the action scenes. I even liked the premise which isn't something new but it's good though. My recommendation with this one is to enjoy what is enjoyable.
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Boring and typical
ajhoskins-0726813 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Bloodshot just didn't feel connected. The movie seemed to jump from scene to scene and introduce character after character with no regards to the story. The action looks okay, passable for modern CGI, but it feels so generic and reminds me of movies like Taken 3, etc. Tack on a generic chase scene in Italy, motorcycle and everything. The pacing in this movie is terrible, jumping from Macedonia, to Italy, to another place in Italy, to a lab, back to Italy, etc. It went from talking to action and back and forth with no regards for plot or development. Think of the typical movie, with exposition, rising action, etc., and this movie does none of it. There's a resolution and action scenes. It feels like they cut out important parts just to get to more action. A further embarrassment is the female representation in this movie. I'm not saying this movie had to have any strong female characters or leads, but this one tried and failed. The only reason his wife existed was to get "killed" and turn him into a soldier, and later was found alive and to have moved on (also this scene immediately and jarringly cuts to an action scene). The female lead has some boring character development no thanks to Vin Diesel's very emotional acting. She is only really there to be hot, look cool in some scenes and complement Vin Diesel's character. There was surprisingly not a forced romance, though it seemed hinted (There was odd scene near the "dead wife" scene where the female lead is swimming in a pool, and they get the typical Hollywood shots of her in her swimsuit. SPOILERS AHEAD The male hacker dude is just there as comedic relief, guards are there just to be stupid cannon fodder. The wife-killers are killed in 5 minutes, and the main baddie is killed in a very generic scene where you think Vin Diesel's going to die, but he pulls out a grenade and kills himself and the main bad guy, but nope, hacker dude resurrects Vin Diesel, making the sacrifice seem meaningless (as if it had any meaning anyway). All humor in this movie just bounces off Vin Diesel. It's like people are making jokes to the audience, not to each other. Hacker dude is the best character in this movie, only because he's a little funny. Overall, I would not go to see this again, I regret seeing it the first time. I had low expectations and was still disappointed at how boring and bad it felt. My favorite scene was when the female lead extends a baton into a merc's face, and that knocks him out.
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Why all the hate??
bryanarmstead30 March 2020
Not the best movie but was good for some action, special effects and a few laughs.. I really enjoyed it ✔
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Gave Diesel a second chance... I was Right all the time
cn-1194114 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I simply run from Vin Diesel movies. F&F, XXX among other from this walking expressionless door they call an actor. Why? Because Vin Diesel's characters are all the same and they dont make any sense at all.

Bloodshot was somekind of Robocop with Dredd... if booth were written by a desfunctional 15 year old boy with drug abuse. Okay, Robocop isn't that reference of perfect plot and development, but it was okay.

This one here, however, we can't take no advantage from. The plot is Just a compilation of Hollywood action movies clichés from start to finish. The redemption of a A-Class American soldier who has no Family, no Friends, no one to miss him, so, thank that he has nothing to loose when te gets enhanced after death by a megalomaniac scientist who controls the movie heroe's every step. I mean...really?? Hollywood screenwriters have nothing left to come up with?? Thats sad at least.

Special and visual effects are full of failures . The CGI is mediocre (to save adjectives). The sound mixing and editing was poorly developed, we dont feel the imerssion we should expect from a high action movie.

Bloodshot saves himself for having a little bit more of 100 minutes length. More than that and I would certainly commmit suicide if Vin Diesel came with another super hero (una) effective quote.

This movie is a total disgrace, please, dont loose your time or Money.
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Calm Down Everybody.
ethaninhk21 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Dr. Emil Harting: "You've got an army inside you."

Random notes:
  • The nanite CGI was so fucking cool. There's a shot where half his face gets blown off and then reaches in slow motion - epic. Oh, and of course when we first witness the healing technology after Dr. Harting cut Ray's palm!

  • I really liked the concept behind KT's breathaliser. It was an especially satisfying payoff when she was smoking the joint that rendered Wilfred unconscious. I was just like YESS when I realised what was going on.

  • The fight scene in the tunnel was so brilliantly done. I was on edge and fully immersed in the phenomenal action sequences.

  • THAT twist was so well-executed. It could have been a sloppy, half-assed attempt at a twist, but was instead quite confronting. The attention to detail and small, little hints were also nice. The foreshadowing was so rewarding in the BIG reveal.

  • A big question that foreshadowed the film was, how long has he been 'dead' for. For me, It was kinda predictable that his relationship with Gina was smoke-and-mirrors. However, she did provide the information that he had been deceived for 5 years! No wonder KT felt bad for him.

  • When the first villain entered and danced to a dramatic song playing in the background, I vividly remember thinking: "Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman!" So when Dr. Harting was criticising the tech-guy for blatantly ripping off every cliche film villain entrance, I couldn't help but chuckle.

  • The movie also gave me some strong "Alita: Battle Angel" vibes! Espeacially during the chase scene with the one guy who had the metal legs and the other who used ocular drones to see.

Quite good / Interesting concept or execution / Evoking
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Even for Vin Diesel this was terrible
abeoyler-1787914 March 2020
Cheesy, super fake, terrible plot, terrible acting. All around awful.
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I enjoyed it
jac-1418117 April 2020
Problem with people these days is they keep comparing movies to other movies. Alone it was a decent action film and I enjoyed it. It's not Marvel or DC. It's not Fast and the Furious. It is its own decent film
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Saved by the second half. decent popcorn violent action/science fiction.unde rated
surfisfun2 March 2021
Acting/direction was so so. story decent. computer effects and graphic's good. expect this to have a sequel soon. another good vehicle for usual diesel style. Underrated at 5.7 now,. second half is more exciting . I wish the direction was better, Pierce is a good actor but as seen at the beginning , it felt out of character.
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I got unfinished business
nogodnomasters7 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ray Garrison (Vin Diesel) is a special ops soldier who dies early in the film. But wait, he's not dead yet. A private company takes his body and with the help of CG nano-blood he is back to life, a lean clean fighting machine. When his memory is triggered he then kills his killer and wife's killer, a man who copied Michal Madsen's dance in "Reservoir Dogs." But wait, there's more! Then we have "Total Recall" and it is game on!

The film has a cliche plot and ending. The feature's main attraction is the destructive CG action. I was disappointed when Vin took a truck to drive considering his F&F past. As always when you have super heroes, you must have super villains.

Guide: F-word. Near sex. Near nudity.
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Great film - spoilt by massive continuity error
tommystec18 November 2020
Not too predictable, great action, but London scenes when clearly not even in England and spoilt it. Different building types, white/wrong number plates even the police car was wrong! You could see it was filmed somewhere different entirely. Not sure why they even bothered with the London reference.
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