The Late Bloomer (2016) Poster

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Incredible supporting performances that deserved better.
evendir-308-3866645 August 2017
Okay, so here's the thing -- I watched this film over a week ago, and I'm still thinking about it. Why? Because I get riled up over films that are SO CLOSE to being good, but just... aren't.

The Late Bloomer definitely falls into this category. There are bits of dialogue and interactions between characters which are genuinely top-notch comedy, and the supporting cast put in one of the best ensemble performances I've seen in ages. Seriously. Kumail Nanjiani in particular is fantastic, and J.K. Simmons continues to be the best supporting actor in Hollywood right now.

Buuuuuut... there are six writing credits listed, and it's likely that therein lies the problem. The moments of brilliance are almost completely overshadowed by other bits of writing which are, at best, trite, and at worst completely cringe-worthy. The last twenty minutes or so of the film legitimately don't even make sense, and are among the worst I've seen all year. It really feels like something that was cobbled together from different people who had different ideas of what the film should be, and maybe some of those people were... incorrect.

So yeah, I wish this film was as good as it could have been. A lot of inspired performances and great dialogue that deserved better than what this ends up being.
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Failure to Bloom
solojere13 November 2020
First off, let me state that I don't like movies like this. The only reason I watched this movie was because I saw Brittany Snow was in it. And honestly, she killed it. I loved her character as Michelle. She was so sweet, and her performance, along with the great J.k. Simmons, really carried this film.

However, the rest of the film left a lot to be desired. The film's premise was interesting enough (And supposedly, the movie is loosely based on the life of Ken Baker. Baker told his son that a third was pure fiction, a third was partially true, and a third was straight out of his life). An adult going through puberty could be funny. But honestly, it felt like they forced all the sexual jokes, which is sad because I thought the start of the film was really sweet. Also, going through puberty doesn't make you a jerk. The main character is a straight jerk. But then again, all the men in this movie are selfish jerks.

I didn't have high hopes for this film going to end, and I left disappointed. But if you have nothing else to do, give it a watch if only for Brittany Snow.
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late bloomer
MaxHaydon199413 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
When this film became available on Netflix, i was sure it was just another crass comedy about sex that would provide next to no laughs for anyone over the age of 12. I was wrong. The Late Bloomer is 'as you would think', about a man who has never had sex, nor 'as you might not think', experienced puberty. The fact the film is based on a true story makes it all the more entertaining, I found it intriguing from beginning to end.

I found Johnny Simmons performance as Peter to be a particular highlight, his awkward comic delivery was a breath of fresh air. Don't get me wrong this was never going to be a blockbuster, nor was it going to be a cult classic. But The Late Bloomer delivers everything you need from a comedy film. i'd rate this film a 6/10 at worst.
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Fell for the trailer. Don't let the trailer rob you.
meterlongkingkongdong29 December 2016
Epic failure. The movie's premise had so much potential. I cringe just thinking how the end result turned out to be.

If you are looking for a comedy, this is not it. I didn't laugh once the entire movie. Poor performances, except for J.K Simmons, lame and generic screenplay. Jokes are not funny. This movie is trash. Please do not watch it. Wish I could give a zero, no option on this site though. Not exaggerating.

I have noticed a common trend in movies like this, Neighbors 2, Bad Moms, Horrible Bosses 2, Mike and David Need Wedding Dates, is that they rely heavily on dick jokes, overuse cringe comedy, awkward situations and characters, seriously who are the writers and directors, I want to throw tomatoes at them. Crap after crap after crap. This movie was the last straw.

Seriously guys, this is garbage. I regret watching this. Only good thing about this movie is J.K Simmons, everything else is trash.
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I don't understand all the negative reviews.
lilianamarcal12 August 2017
I came on here before watching The Late Bloomer and came across mostly negative comments but went ahead and thought id watch the film as i thought it has comedy potential. I am glad i watched it as i did laugh a couple of times and thought the actors were very well played. the plot was interesting as its not something ordinary. In my opinion this is a funny, quirky film.
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I didn't laugh once...and it doesn't take much to make me laugh.
joshfanguy14 October 2016
First of all I love "stupid" sort of funny stoner types of movies. I can appreciate raunchy sort of humor. The problem with this movie is it just doesn't deliver. I'm a Kevin Pollak fan... and I think he was going for some sort of "American Pie" type of humor here...but it just misses the mark. Lot's of potential and a pretty good premise but just failed to make me actually laugh. I thought the lead actor was sort of meh in it...he did an OK job but wasn't very likable.... and had they done a few things differently I think it could've been funny. Some people probably will say this movie would only be funny to a certain type of person...but I'm that type of person...and it literally didn't even induce a smile. It's not that it wasn't well acted...because it was (kinda)...but they just didn't push the envelope far enough with this one. This is one movie that could've really used some extra raunch to make it funny. The relationship between the main character and his friends doesn't have any chemistry...the guy who is supposed to be the comic relief is just...not funny.... there is nobody likable in this film and that's sort of a problem in a movie where you're supposed to be pulling for the lovable loser...he isn't lovable... he is most certainly a loser...but ...I dunno this movie had a cool enough premise to be funny...they just failed miserably at making it funny in the slightest. Waste of a good cast. :-/
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Gordon-1127 November 2016
This film tells the story of a doctor who educates on diverting people's sexual energy into some other aspects of life, and create success as a result. It turns out that he never underwent puberty, and hence has no sexual desire. When his condition is treated, he goes through puberty with hilarious results.

"The Late Bloomer" is really quite funny! The idea of someone supposedly grown up going through puberty is funny, and the story is funny too. The two sidekick friends provide good support to the story and to Peter, the main character. He learns how to deal with his mood swings, his sexual urges and basically learns to have a new place in the world. It is actually what all adolescents go through, but it is funny to see it happen in an adult. Because of the universality of the adolescent experience, people can relate to the story. I liked watching it.
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Offensive (?)
kosmasp1 May 2019
The movie gives it to you straight. From the opening when there is quite a rude conversation (or rather horny one) you should know what to expect. The dialog is not safe for work - unless your job is to listen to those people telling you about their sex addiction and you have to help them. And he is cool as ice. The first scene alone some might question his non-reaction especially those in puberty but also others.

Other than that there is nudity and as already hinted at swearing. But there is also a sweet side. While the mixture is not always working the movie sort of works around those scenes. Not perfect by a long shot, but with an engaging cast and some funny dialog (if you are not offended easily of course) this can be entertaining to watch
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Pollak good actor, not so good as a director
romneymeredith9 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to give it 1 star but decided that J.K. Simmon's appearance was worth another star - he does a fine job as the father. I also like Maria Bello but her character as the mother was just too strange to like (some kind of new age hippie, and a later scene with her boy was just creepy).

As another viewer said, I was expecting this kind of movie to be more like 'American Pie' - even something like 'The 40 Year Old Virgin' would have been nice, but Pollak seemed to get stranded between those and some stupid coming-of-age teenage flick. Based on the promising opening, I got fooled into watching the rest of this pedestrian comedy that really, really tried to get it up but at the end tried too 'hard' and just became a flaccid mess - pun intended. His friends were at the level of children and it was hard to believe a doctor would still be friends with such tools, much less let them have free access to his apartment. Here's a clue your friend is stupid: if all he ever talks about is his boner, then he's stupid. And I don't know about what kind of friends other guys have but I personally have never had any that openly talk about masturbating all the time - that's ridiculous. We certainly do it but we don't advertise it to everyone like a neon billboard at a stripper's joint! I think I snickered once or twice during the movie, and I was hoping for the last third of the movie to redeem the rest of it and I was sorely mistaken. I don't watch chick flicks and thought this was safely out of that category and I am sad to say it isn't. At least for chicks who are profane and enjoy stupid dick jokes.

Kevin Pollak - go back to acting, playing poker and doing that great Christopher Walken imitation because this movie was just an oddball, nothing really hung together (another pun). At least it didn't have 'coming' attractions, which was a plus (my final pun).

Skip it and spend the time doing something more enjoyable - like having sex. :-)
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btreakle17 December 2020
This film is okay for adults but no children please. Not really my cup of tea but some really liked it.
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Gross, sexist, unhumorous, horrible
hmbenge4 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I LOATHED this movie. It started out very well. I was into it and excited to finish. It wasn't particularly funny, but i thought it was a pretty good idea. But then.... wow. This was written to be over the top but then, wasn't over the top. Written to be funny, but then, not funny. Not only that but there are some SERIOUS flaws. The main character is a sex therapist- so he has obviously been highly trained and yet, as soon as he "hits puberty" he becomes a sex maniac, sleeps with tons of girls, does a NED talk and announces that everyone should just "f-away". Really? Really? After mocking those with actual sexual addiction and problems he ends up speaking to a whole room of people who could actually benefit, and he just tells them to have sex as much as they can? Fail. There is also a horribly sexist "boys will be boys" talk at the end that is supposed to be emotional and sweet. The dad literally tells his son "it's in our DNA " to be douches, not be able to control sexual desires, and that's why men "mess up so much". Alright, so if that's not enough, I was still at least hopeful that this would end up with a good romantic ending. Instead... he treats the leading woman badly, makes a scene in the restaurant, she finds out he stole his friend's table and is dishonest and untrustworthy, he YELLS at her as she leaves the restaurant... yuck. I am then hoping that he will at least redeem himself. Instead, he shows up opening night at HER restaurant and makes another scene, basically just tells her it was puberty and then she forgives him and they kiss. That's how you apologize for being a d$ckhead? Blame it on hormones? That girl should have run for the hills. No good acting, no good writing, and an ending that made me want to puke. This was only written 3 years ago, when its misogynistic views would be more at place in the 50's.
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Maybe I'm spectacularly childish but I found this hilarious
hjt152 February 2017
The Late Bloomer made me laugh out loud on more than one occasion. Maybe that's because I'm spectacularly childish being as all the humour was of the awkward sexual kind. I don't care, I loved it! I'm surprised by the negative reviews... Maybe I just have a penchant for pre-pubescent 30 year old's because I actually found myself having a crush on Johnny Simmons which made his angsty teenage strops particularly amusing to me. Loved his parents characters, loved his two sidekicks. Didn't find his love interest particularly appealing. But this is a comedy and to me it totally served it's purpose and kept me entertained and amused throughout.
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hgopaul-1327320 November 2018
I don't really get why this movie got so much hate. I almost didn't watch it because of all the negative reviews. I'm not a huge fan of overly stupid humor, but I found this to be quite funny. I compare it to Role Models for the level of humor. I saw at least one other reviewer state that the supporting cast was excellent, and it truly was. It was worth the watch alone for the lead's two best friends. An easy watch, not long or tedious, funny dialogue and banter, some good cameos and supporting cast. IMDB doesn't let me do half star ratings but a solid 6.5/10 for me.
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Made for Juvenile Adults
BlueFairyBlog26 April 2017
There was a lot of potential for this romantic comedy, but it was squashed by a ridiculous set-up, less than stellar jokes, and little to no payoff. Yes, this was based on the true story of rookie hockey player and television personality Kevin Baker, but much of the original story was changed, and the end result is clumsy and half- baked. Instead of really thinking through the emotional and physical extremes of this situation, the writers went for a more juvenile approach and simply threw in all their grossest jokes, hoping that something would stick. What we get is a boring, trite, ungodly mess that could have been a raunchier and more heartfelt film.

The premise of the film finds sex therapist Dr. Peter Newmans trying to understand why people follow their sexual urges when they could get so much more out of life. At the same time he is in love with his neighbor (Snow), who is portrayed as a bland love interest with one characteristic: she likes to cook. His friends are played by Kumail Nanjiani and Beck Bennett, who prove to be the only semi-funny thing about this film, yet are underutilized and characterized as cavemen narcissists. When Peter is hit in the testicles during a pick-up basketball game he is rushed to the hospital, where it is revealed that he has a tumor pushing on his pituitary gland and he hasn't gone through puberty. The rest of the film shows him going through puberty in three weeks, at the age of thirty. While this is an interesting premise it's strange that they make him a sex therapist, when he hasn't had any sex (he isn't able to get an erection) and he hasn't gone through the steps of puberty at all. This choice makes the rest of the film feel unwieldy and downright convoluted.

This is the first fictional effort of comedian Kevin Pollack, best known for his treasure trove of celebrity impressions. There are five writers on this film (including "George Lucas in Love" director Joe Nussbaum) and honestly it feels like it. There is so much testosterone in this film that there isn't much room for dealing with actual emotions, or the complexities of being a teenager in a man's body. Instead of dealing with these issues the film tries its best to be as juvenile and sex minded as possible, including talking extensively about erections, masturbating, acne, and other teenaged qualms. When the film is serious, it's often at other characters' expense.

Honestly I think the movie might have been saved if its lead didn't decide that the way to fix his hormonal issues was to sleep with every woman he finds on Tinder. There's something disgustingly hideous about showing a virginal person suddenly engaging in mass amounts of sex. Though he is a sex therapist (again, why?) it makes little sense that he would immediately throw himself into sex, and with so many different people. It makes the ending that much more ridiculous. And speaking of that ending, why did it need to happen at all? Why was the romantic interest his friend, who he had to win over? Did this film really need a cookie cutter script with a clichéd ending? This was a film about a crazy real life experience that the main character had, and to play it safe seems ridiculous, especially since so much of the original story was changed anyway.
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No target audience?
whitney439717 November 2018
Who the heck was meant to watch this? I dont even know where to start. This movie was just a mess. I gave it 3 stars because the 2 friends made me laugh a couple of times
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"Better Late than Soft"
Kamurai2510 December 2020
Really good watch, would watch again, and can recommend.

It has a fairly unique and wonderful concept. Being able to step away from sex as a part of life, as he's not part of it, he's basically got a super power, be it a gift or a curse.

Launching into him going through puberty late in life is funny enough all on it's own. Throwing in a "in love with the girl next door" trope, and a "my 2 idiot friends", the movie is charged with comedic potential.

The cast is all fantastic, and nail their roles. As long as you're okay with sex as a subject, then you're likely going to find this movie enjoyable.
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why i can't rate 0
abdullah-319-3407701 February 2019
I wanted to rate the movie 0 but unfortunately i couldn't. it was so frustrating to finish the movie
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Jessicanu9411 November 2018
This movie was funny and cute and overall pretty good
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I was better off watching slapstick...
netizen-0602612 November 2016
I found it rather hard to watch...

The problem with people who are not able to enjoy certain movies is the lack of ability to suspend disbelief. I've always thought that I was well-endowed with this ability. I could easily put myself in a movie and view it in the way the people behind it wanted it to be seen. I could enjoy the stupidest premise but, this movie was very difficult for me to watch. Maybe it's the acting or the directing. The film appeared to look too serious for its (for the lack of a better word) stupid premise. The drama factor just didn't mix well. Maybe, in my case, it is because the lead just failed to capture my sympathy. I think silly premises, sex-based jokes, like those found in this movie is better off paired with over-the-top farce than some kind of a "teen" drama.
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movie very blah with laughs at times
ilovemovies201620 November 2018
Slow predictive movie funny at times great concept but poor execution feels like it tries to hard to be funny and feels like a bad version of 40 year old virgin
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Wasted Opporunity
pieterwesselsbiz9 December 2018
This movie had some great elements going for it; for instance, the premise is hilarious. Some members of the cast are stellar actors but the comedy falls flat most of the time due mainly to the writing, editing and direction.

The main actor was a poor choice. He's just not funny and you can tell that he's acting most of the time. Sometimes he's perfectly awkward but most of the time it just doesn't work.
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Any guy can relate
gymel10 June 2021
Puberty has been in my rear view mirror for many semesters.

This movie reminds me of those times when I had one neuron floating in a vat of hormones.

Like all good movies, it tells a story about likeable people, don't be put off by the haters, enjoy.
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The supporting cast saved this form being worse
JRoUKnoShoes26 May 2021
Without the supporting cast I would have given this a 4 or 3 stars. The concept was somewhat original, beats were predictable, leads moved the movie along but almost as instruments to do so not as participants. The duo of Kumail and Beck, honestly, saved the film for me. Would like to seek that pairing again if the stars aligned in the future. Don't expect much and you won't be disappointed. IMO the film is something you would play in the background while doing housework. Which is exactly what I was doing.
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Bobby Flay's appearance was the highlight... and I hate Bobby Flay!
atomicis13 November 2018
Okay, I really kinda like Bobby Flay, but I bet he didn't read the script for this "film" before agreeing to be in it! At one point (several points, really) I actually caught myself shaking my head at the plot line; I can't determine if this movie was written by boys who were in the throes of puberty (in which case it should've been FUNNIER, and faster-moving as well) or just adults who have seriously deficient senses of humor. For some reference, I thought Hot Tub Time Machine was a masterpiece, and Clerks was brilliant. So I can completely "get" the young-adult humor/angst genre. How dreck like this gets financed and produced is beyond me. Just not entertaining, and sloooow to boot!
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Yet another movie that is trying to be funny
Jenn_i24 November 2018
I was looking for an entertaining movie, which would be fun to watch on a Friday night. I have no idea why I chose this one, but I did. But I didn't watch it to the end. Maybe the first hour and even that was too much. The plot seemed okay, but the acting was bad. Not the worst though. The actors had no chemistry, the guy acting the leading role had no charisma and he was actually very annoying and stupid, in a wrong way. I have no idea why this movie was made, because it is hard to imagine who could like movie this bad. This movie wasn't funny, entertaining or anything actually, so it is hard to say what would be situation you would want to watch this. So maybe just don't.
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