Breaking (2022) Poster


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Only in America.
deloudelouvain29 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Based on true events you kinda hope this story is just all made up or at least seriously dramatized. If everything really happened like in the movie than we have a melting pot of incredibly stupid people, from the hostages to the hostage taker to the police. That said the movie is well shot, but the best thing about it is the acting. Good job from the entire cast making this an enjoyable movie to watch. The story is sad though, but realistic as we all know the VA is a shame in a country that proclaims itself as the greatest country in the world. The story could and would have been finished in half an hour in any other country by simply giving the man his 892 dollars. But it's the United States, the land of the trigger happy, where killing people is almost a national sport. Hopefully and most likely the sniper will read every single review as that's what vain people do so that he can read what a scumbag he is, he's the only one that should rot in prison for the rest of his days. Killing somebody for 892 dollars, shame on you America.
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the movie delivers
jmccrmck-651725 September 2022
Escalate or diffuse ? Overwhelming force or appropriate response to a human being in crisis ? The reviews here are not that positive ; I disagree.

This is a poignant story rendered capably and one that keeps the story moving and interesting not to mention outstanding acting by all the characters portrayed. That's the point of my review , a movie with a compelling story. If you are up for fantasy and 'cartoon' movies , then look elsewhere. If you up for a real movie , by all means go to see this one. The story is different but it reminds me of the Clint Eastwood produced movie :' Richard Jewel' and , that was, IMO a good movie . And please remember when you see a one star review to click on the link for the user of the the one star review because more often than not it is a one and done user review in other words , a troll posting a bad review and to put it mildly : insincere, sincerely yours an actual person who watched the movie and posted in my imdb blog .
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Not action packed.
Dodge-Zombie17 September 2022
Will this movie appeal to everyone? No it won't.

Does this movie contain huge action packed CGI filled scenes? Again, no , it doesn't.

Car chases? Nope. Nudity? Nope.

A huge cast of actors that try and steel the screen from each other? Not one bit.

So what's good about it? Basically everything I just said. This movie relies on what has been missing from a lot of movies recently and thats straight up good acting. A decent script is also present and it is accompanied by a very good music score.

I'd be lying if I said that it is an amazing movie because it isn't but it's certainly above average and way above the majority of what's come out this year.
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Who doesn't like Discount Denzel?
jaymakak15 September 2022
John Boyega even bears a striking resemblance to Denzel Washington while simulating the borrowed mannerisms and speech patterns he performs with great aplomb.

Michael Kenneth Williams shows one last time why his character artistry is so profoundly missed.

Not the first time this story, or one nearly identicle to it has been told, but the underlying theme bears repeating. And until the very apparatus that was created to care for all Americans who served this country can be reasonably adequate in addressing the problems assocated with modern warfare and combat in general, tragedies like this will continue to occur.
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Should have been a short film.
Top_Dawg_Critic18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When you have a writer, producer and director with only a handful of short-films experience, trying to make a full length 103 min film that can captivate and hold your attention for the entire time, can be a huge undertaking.

This is the case with filmmaker Abi Damaris Corbin, who did great in capturing the tension and suspense, but sadly for a very small part of the film. There's a huge missed opportunity for more much needed narrative and complexity, that instead plays out like a cliched, understated and underwhelming meandering story.

Many scenes are overly dragged out and unnecessary, felling more like filler than substance. If you watch the trailer, then add the last 10 minutes of the ending, you've pretty much watched the entire film. Everything else, especially the narrative with Boyega's character and his daughter, feels like unnecessary filler.

The rest of the film feels thin and distracting of the true elements of conflict that needed a better exposition. Some parts also felt rushed and unfinished; an example is how and why the sniper took the shot. Everyone knows there's a hierarchy before that trigger is pulled, and the subsequent events that follow. Instead, it just randomly happens without cause, justification or explanation, and that just fails the entire narrative of the main conflict.

However, Corbin's cast direction was perfect in capturing the impeccable performances by all cast members, especially Boyega. The cinematography and score were excellent, and although the pacing was very slow, she succeeded in creating a constant suspenseful tone throughout the majority of the film.

If you're patient and can sit through some irrelevant narrative, this film is a decent, albeit forgettable one-time watch. It's a 6/10 from me.
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Injustices Of The VA
stevendbeard27 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Breaking, starring John Boyega-the Star Wars movies, 24:Live Another Day; Nicole Beharie-Sleepy Hollow_tv, 42; Connie Britton-Promising Young Woman, Nashville_tv and Michael Kenneth Williams-Ghostbusters_2016, 12 Years a Slave.

This movie is based on a true story that took place in 2017, and it's about the injustices of dealing with the Veterans Administration. John is the former Marine that is practically homeless due to problems getting his benefits from the VA. After exhausting all of his attempts at getting what is rightfully due him, he goes into a bank and tells the manager, Nicole, that he has a bomb. At first, Nicole thinks it's a robbery but John tells her that he doesn't want the banks' money, just what is his from the VA-and maybe a little respect. He wants his story told so it won't happen to anyone else. John wants news coverage and Connie is the news woman John talks to. Michael is the police negotiator.

It's rated PG-13 for violence and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 43 minutes.

It's an interesting story but not one that I would buy on DVD-once was enough. It would be a good rental.
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That's it?
AfricanBro26 August 2022
It's hard to call a movie based on a true story uninspiring or flat out boring because it's a depiction of the actual events and if it's dramatized it moves towards fiction, away from the truth. But this really was not interesting, and the worst part is John Boyega put out what is probably his best performance yet, and in one of his last performances before his passing, Michael Kenneth Williams also did his character justice... but the story just wasn't good enough. You're thrown into the middle of the plot and without any character development, expected to somehow care about the character. It's a heartbreaking story sure, but it's not captivating enough and pretty predictable especially since you hear all throughout the movie how exactly it's going to end, repeated over and over. Three movies premiered tonight and I couldn't watch all of them 'cause of the timings so I opted for this, and after nearly two hours I regret it; somebody loudly sighed "that's it?" when the credits rolled and the whole theatre mumbled in agreement. It was a realistic take on true events, but it lacked any suspense or thrill to keep you interested, no matter how sad the situation the marine war vet was in. It's sad an important message won't get the delivery it deserves. Also, John Boyega gave me Denzel Washington vibes in this.
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A hard-hitting, classy, true-tale drama - excellently performed & directed
danieljfarthing18 September 2022
In true-tale drama "Breaking" John Boyega superbly channels Denzel Washington as a US Marine vet in Georgia who facing destitution when unfairly denied $793 by Veterans Affairs in 2017, held up a bank to highlight his case. Thru the ensuing tense siege (with hostages Nicole Bahari & Selenis Leyva) Boyega talks with po-po (inc Michael Kenneth Williams & Jeffrey Donovan), press (inc Connie Britton) & family (Olivia Washington & London Covington)... but where's it headed? Excellently performed (esp Boyega & Bahari) and terrifically directed (by Abi Damari Corbin (who also co-wrote it with Kwame Kwei-Armah)) this is a hard-hitting & classy movie indeed.
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892 Review
theredsky26 February 2022
I was privileged enough to see this as part of the 2022 Sundance Film Festival and it was decent. My biggest praise for this film is the performances. All of them are great especially John Boyega. I've only seen him in the sequel trilogy where he doesn't have a lot to do so it was really fun seeing him finally have the spotlight and he does a fantastic job here. Michael K. Williams and Nicole Beharie do a fantastic job as well here. Another big plus here is the message about how we treat veterans when they come home. It's awful how the government treats our veterans and that is what the movie is trying to tell here and it really works at the end. My main issues with this film were its presentation. None of the technical aspects of the film stand out at all. The cinematography and music are fine. The editing is fine. All of it is fine but it could be better. They also had this ugly filter on whenever Michael K. Williams is on screen. The film's tension is pretty good though. There were definitely points especially at the end where I could really feel nervous about the characters. This is based on a true story so most people know what happened but you still feel your heart racing towards the end. There were times though when the film was trying to be tense and it just didn't come through for me. I would recommend checking this out whenever the film hits theaters if you're interested in Boyega or the story this film is based on.
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892 boasts a heartbreaking, shocking story based on true events, but it's a viewing most people won't repeat.
msbreviews21 February 2022
If you enjoy reading my Spoiler-Free thoughts, please follow my blog to read my full review :)

"892 boasts a heartbreaking, shocking story based on true events, proving that real life is so incomprehensible that viewers can no longer distinguish reality from fiction.

John Boyega offers one of his best interpretations ever, giving a genuinely transformative display packed with palpable emotion. Michael K. Williams (last performance) and Nicole Beharie are also outstanding.

Unfortunately, the one-location narrative doesn't hold enough suspense and tension to keep the audience fully captivated during the whole runtime. Even without knowing the outcome beforehand, the build-up to the predictable conclusion - beautifully executed - lacks interesting plot points and impactful character development.

Still shocking, but a viewing most people won't repeat."

Rating: C+
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Based on a true story. Terrific acting performances. Gripping direction. Leaves me behind in silence and awe...
imseeg19 September 2022
Beware: this is NOT an action movie, but a slowburning actor's DRAMA.

The story: An American war veteran (John Boyega) isnt paid the 892 dollars he is entitled to. Desperate for money and suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, he looses his mind and takes hostages at a bank in order to pressure the government to pay him the 892 dollars. And NOT a single dollar more!

Does this story sound too crazy to be true, think again, because this has actually happened for real! We get to hear the real 911 call from the real hostage taker at the very end of the movie during the credits.

This movie is on an entirely different level. I havent been taken a back like this by a movie for a long time...

First of all I must applaud the terrific acting performances by ALL of the actors involved.

John Boyega is probably best known for his comical Star Wars movie role, but in this movie he proofs he can really ACT well in a serious, hardhitting drama.

The direction of this movie is non stop suspenseful from start till finish. I literally sat on the edge of my seat, during the final half hour of this devestating story.

Everything from photography, to sound, to editing is masterfully done as well.

Beware: Not a movie to be recommended for those who seek cheap action packed entertainment, but a movie to be HIHGLY recommended for those who dont shy away from a devastating, true to life DRAMA, with a bleak and depressing moral message inside...

The most earth shattering drama I have witnessed these last couple of months... THIS is why I love the cinema!
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Classy effort
avindugunasinghe6 February 2023
Breaking had a very limited wiggle room yet the heights it reached in standards are amazing. Fitting use of colour tones conjures the tension. Visual effects elaborate the helplessness of our protagonist. Sound effects were complimentary, bringing us closer to Brian's character. A very special performance was put up by John Boyega doing absolute justice to the rest of the team's efforts. The complexities of the characters were staged effortlessly. Especially the sincerity of John's performance in portraying emotions was remarkable. It's not a common thriller but a bold discussion about the tragic reality we all share.
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"History Channel movie/documentary".. NOT Theater-type Motion Picture.
dan_slentz28 August 2022
Reel Tunez Movie Review (8/28/22): "Breaking"

This movie is about a veteran who is seriously wronged by the V. A. Administration and takes matters into his own hands. It's based on a true story.

First the acting was VERY good.. and John Boyege (playing the lead role as Brian Brown-Easley) does a phenomenal job acting the role. His "hostages", played by Nicole Beharie and Selenis Leyva, do an incredible job acting as well. But with that said, it's teased as a "Modern-Day Dog Day Afternoon".. and THAT it's not. It's a sad story of how we treat veterans (full disclosure, I'm former Air Force), and a sadder story of post-traumatic stress and its affect on our military.

The problem with this movie is it feels a lot more like a documentary with little "augmentation" to make it "movie material". It's pretty cut & dry.. though certain tragic and sad. Pacing is slow, and the telling of this story feels very incomplete. Outside of WHY Brian Brown-Easley did what he did, the back-story is barely touched upon.

I don't consider it a good movie, but I do think it's an important story to know. It also should instill in all of us the need to MAKE politicians do the right thing and SUPPORT our veterans to thank them for their service (especially those who saw fighting or affected by their service).

On a 1-10 scale, I'd give the movie a 4.2 (thought the importance of knowing the story a 9). I give the story the 4.2 because the acting was excellent, but the movie incomplete and slow. At a "History Channel" program, I'd have given it a 8.5 for realism and telling the story, but as a "go-to-the-movies motion picture", sorry.. no way.

This MOVIE has higher (10 out of 10??? WTH?!!) reviews on IMDB, but I believe it's because the STORY of what happened is important.. not because the movie was good.

Watch it on a small screen when it comes out for free.. not because the movie was good, but because the story should be told.
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Solid drama with fine performances
gortx10 September 2022
Solid drama based on the true story of an ex-Marine who took over a Georgia bank in 2017 threatening to blow it and a pair employees up with a bomb. The soldier, Brian Brown-Easley, played by John Boyega has been caught up in a dispute with The Veteran's Administration. At wit's end, he decides that making a spectacle will get the attention of the media.

Director and Co-Writer Abi Damaris Corbin sets up the situation in a fairly straightforward manner. The emphasis is clearly on Brown-Easley as the movie methodically shows the hours leading up to the takeover. As the situation escalates, we get more glimpses of his ex-wife and child. The two bank employees provide an element of immediate endangerment. Nicole Beharie is particularly good as the calm but determined manager as is the late Michael K. Williams as the hostage negotiator.

When the movie moves past the immediate hostage situation inside the bank, the script gets a bit more dicey. The point of view and background details get a bit muddled. The acting holds it together, but, a more directed narrative would have tightened the suspense all the more. Brown-Easley's story did all too briefly cast a light on military veterans' plight, but, alas, the moment passed soon after the situation was finalized.

BREAKING is good calling card for Corbin, and Boyega's performance should lead to more opportunities outside the Star Wars/sci-fi universe.
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Great Acting, Not so Gripping
Dcooke8729 September 2023
This is a very good watch, but at the same time wont have you on the edge of your seat.

Its a fantastic true story about an ex marine whose denied disability money and takes it into his own hands not to just accept it. The acting is superb but don't expect anything too fast paced. Its a well drawn out story with great character development.

John Boyega and Michael Kenneth Williams give a performance worthy of an applause, as well as many of the supporting actors and actresses.

It felt very John Q but didn't give me the want to rewatch it - one watch and done for me.

Don't skip it though, as it definitely wasn't a wasted watch.
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it's about respect
ferguson-625 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. Bank robbers are commonplace in movies, and some focus on the planning stage, while others look to the actual robbery or the escape. Writer-director Abi Damaris Corbin and co-writer Kwame Kwei-Armah tell the true story of a man who went into a bank, made a bomb threat, and took hostages ... all while having no intention of stealing the bank's money. A former Marine went to this extreme to make a very visible point about how veterans are mistreated, especially by the VA.

John Boyega (Finn from "Star Wars" franchise) stars as Brian Brown-Easley, a veteran struggling in a day-to-day existence, when a clerical error at the VA results in his latest disability check being withheld. This leaves Brian homeless, and the only assistance the VA offers is a brochure. Brian chats lovingly with his young daughter Kiah (London Covington), but their conversation is cut short because he can't afford to add more minutes to his phone. Brian is so disturbed by the situation that he builds what appears to be a bomb and heads down to the local Marietta Wells Fargo branch.

The tension escalates quickly when Brian drops the handwritten note at the teller window, "I have a bomb." Rosa (Selenis Leyva) tries to stay cool, but, Estel (Nicole Behari), the Branch Manager, notices the panic in her eyes and quickly ushers out as many customers and employees as she can. Brian allows everyone to leave except Rosa and Estel, and he encourages them to call 911. It turns out he wants all law enforcement and media to show up so he can tell his story and relay the lack of respect from the VA.

Soon, Brian is chatting with a local TV news producer (Connie Britton), and then, after a delay, the hostage negotiator (the final big screen appearance of the great Michael Kenneth Williams). Brian and the negotiator form a quick human connection that is contrasted with the macho SWAT team leader played by Jeffrey Donovan and his world class condescending smirk. Brian is likely the most sympathetic stick-up man you'll ever see. What we quickly realize is that the movie is a bit manipulative in making its point that the VA is the villain here, but some tremendous work by the actors keeps us engaged and caring about Brian. His interactions with Rosa and Estel are terrific, and the chats with Williams' negotiator are even better. All four actors go above the material, and Ms. Behari is a standout. Additionally, this is one final reminder of how Michael Kenneth Williams made every role his own, and every show and movie just a bit better.

Opening in theaters on August 26, 2022.
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Decent Drama Reminiscent of "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Fruitvale Station"
IboChild15 September 2022
Based on a true story, "Breaking" is competently made with generally strong performances by the cast, but doesn't quite live up to its potential. The problem seems to be one mostly of structure and pacing. The tension builds in key moments, but doesn't sustain itself throughout the film. The elements are there, but the filmmakers don't quite have a handle on how to incorporate them into the film. The limited use of locations is very effective. Unless you're really interested in the subject matter or are fans of John Boyega or other members of the cast, it's perhaps best to wait until it reaches the small screen. In other words, it's not a film that demands to be seen on the big screen.
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Awful boring movie
maksymmuntyan5 September 2022
Performances were great, some shots were interesting.

However, everything that could happen in a movie like this that would make it interesting did not happen. There are no events that propel the story forward. You don't learn anything new about the characters. Nothing happens that has any consequences for future events. You learn everything there is to know about the main character in 10 minutes, then comes scene after scene of things ALMOST happening, with absolutely no consequence. Maybe he talks to someone, maybe he doesn't, maybe someone almost tries to escape, that's it. It doesn't matter. No event has any consequence because NOTHING happens in this movie. You don't find anything important out. Then there is an ending. Complete waste of time. I could summarize what happens in this movie in 3 sentences, and actually watching it would give you no further value.
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mwillis-9222914 September 2022
LOW RATINGS FROM THOSE WHO JUST DON'T CARE Anyone who understands the human condition of dealing with a society that doesn't care about the most vulnerable people who struggle day after day, will appreciate the message of this important movie. It's not only veterans who face homelessness, it's also those who suffer from mental illness. In any case, they are mostly alone and struggling to figure out how to get the help they need. By the time they get any direction on where to go and who to ask, they are already beaten down and their spirits are broken. This is the point for them in which death means peace and freedom.
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A Great Effort Fallen To Mediocre Structure
statuskuo5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Those of you who worried about John Boyega's career post "Star Wars" fame, need not worry. He is at the top of his game in portraying Brian Easley Brown, a Marine who enters a bank and holds its employees hostage. Two employees to be exact: Estel (Nicole Biharie) & Rosa (Selenis Leyva). Based on a true story, this hostage taker isn't there for money but some greater message he had conjured up in his mind would gather attention (which is seems to have been lost, even though it only happened in 2017). Boyega's Brian is respectful and courteous which will lead to a lot of comparisons to "Dog Day Afternoon" but that also has some of the flaws. We know he isn't "dangerous" simply because he makes it very clear he isn't going to hurt anyone just himself. What he is drawing light to is that he is a veteran and that he is incensed when discovering he had been cut off from veteran benefits due to an issue created by him (real life story). In the movie, they depict it as a clerical issue. There isn't much more to say here because there isn't much more going on. He feels tied to his ex-wife and most definitely to a daughter that he made promises to and need to fulfill those promises.

They frame Brian as a very kind soul. A gentle warrior who came back to cold heartless bureaucrats. Which most of us who deal with government entities can relate. If you have dread going to the DMV, multiply that by 100 and that is your experience as a veteran. Though the U. S. government is overwhelmed, the reverse engineering of a simple man who is fed up and just wants what he is owed a very straight forward story. The frustration isn't exactly portrayed perfectly here. Director, Abi Corben had a large order to cover here...make a terrorist sympathetic and...nice. Not an easy task. If that were his intentions, this is very much the best one could do.

I would've liked maybe a little more of an idea of his service in Iraq. Though, the real story is that he was a supply guy, and that isn't exactly visually interesting. I think it could be debated as to whether or not his actions were justified. Or that we feel great pity for those who served in our military and who have to continue to wait to be served. The late, Michael Kenneth Williams, who plays the negotiator blurts it out...they weren't taught that way.

A lot of this could also be compared to "The Negotiator" Fairness and justice-wise. This is no action film and doesn't want to be. The trailer sells it as such but really plays like...well, a stage play.

Kudos to John Boyega for choosing a project that showcases his range of humanity rather than slingshot into another dumb green-screen affair. This is why they got into acting. These are the types of movies they don't make anymore. Only wish they could make it maybe 10% more interesting.
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This movie was just ok
darylnisi26 August 2022
It had no major highs I'm still waiting for it to take off and it's over lol

It was kind of flat and boring it's not a action film in any way like the trailers make u think

U can pass on this one wasn't bad but definitely wasn't good.
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Gripping and Powerful
kjproulx16 September 2022
As I've said many times about one-location films in the past, they can be very hit or miss for me. When done well, they're some of my favourites, but one that's not engaging can also just be boring from start to finish. Breaking is one of the latest films to basically take place in one location, and while it may not be the best one I've ever seen, it's still one of the best films I've seen this year. Breaking is so well-crafted that the run time felt non-existent to me. Here are some of the many reasons I believe this film deserves way more attention than it's getting.

Based on a true story, this film follows Brian Brown-Easley (John Boyega) as he returns from war and tries to become a regular citizen again. Having to deal with not being paid what he's owed for his trauma/disability, he decides to try and publically get himself heard by holding up a bank. The majority of the film takes place in a bank, with just himself and two bank tellers. He is not a bad person in the slightest which makes the film that much more compelling. There were multiple sequences where I forgot I was even watching a film and that's due to how good John Boyega sold this performance.

I've always been a fan of his since Attack the Block and have also enjoyed him in the Star Wars franchise, as well as Detroit, but this is easily the best he's ever been. You can tell he was passionate about this project and the story being told and it very much shows on-screen. From the subtleties he brought to the character to the downright powerful lines of dialogue he says throughout the film, he kept my eyes glued to the screen. I had no idea how this story played out in real life either, so I was floored by the time the credits rolled. It's an eye-opening experience.

In the end, the pacing, overall message, great editing, and amazing central performance all sold this film for me. Having not directed much before this, Abi Damaris Corbin is someone I will always be on the lookout for, from here on out. Her work here and the performances she was able to get out of everyone involved just blew me away. Breaking is a special kind of film that has kind of gone under the radar, but I believe it's worthy of much more buzz. I personally believe Boyega deserves some award consideration for this film, but I don't know if he will be recognized. Aside from a couple of scenes that I felt were needed to flesh out a couple of things more, this movie completes its mission of impacting its audience.
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Breaking Shatters Hearts and Expectations
Well, Streamers, it seems like we are scraping the bottom of the barrel in these last gasps of the summer movie season. At this time of year, we catch up on the little movies that are premiering and whatever else we've missed until the fall movie season starts up. Last weekend, Breaking was released in theaters to little fanfare. Yours truly caught up with the crime drama/thriller. Here's whether this bank heist stole my attention.

Breaking seems like one of those crime dramas like Denzel Washington's John Q. John Boyega plays Brian Bown-Easley, a former Marine Corps veteran, who is down on his luck and struggling just to get by. Brian is having trouble receiving his benefits from the VA, which is causing him to face impending homelessness. He has a daughter to support and no prospects. Brian takes desperate action by taking a bank hostage in an attempt to get the money he's owed. It sounds like a riveting story and a good foundation for a thriller. However, the audience is told at the very beginning that this is story is based on true events, which just makes everything that happens afterward that much more tragic.

Yes, this is a harrowing story. The movie is intense from the moment Brian steps into the bank. John Boyega has such great control of the screen. He taps into the desperation of his character and his circumstances. It is a very heightened situation that feels like it will end badly. Boyega does a great job in showing the inevitability of all that's gone on. Nicole Beharie and Michael K. Williams (RIP) have supporting roles that are impactful as well. Beharie and Williams have been good in about everything they've done and this is no exception.

Mercifully, Breaking has a very short runtime. It has to be tight in order to portray the intensity of this moment. The morality of what Brian is doing is front and center. The fact that the movie is based on true events is never far from your mind. However, the ultimate indictment of the issue with the VA isn't handled that well, which is a missed opportunity. Nevertheless, due to Boyega, Beharie and Williams the audience feels it all and that at least makes it seem worthwhile.

Ultimately, Breaking is a well-intentioned movie about a pretty serious subject matter, but it is packaged as an intense thriller. It is intense and very emotional, but it's not the blockbuster, bank heist, thriller that it has been promoted to be. The cast is good and conveys the heartbreaking part of this story. With that warning, Breaking is effective, even if a bit deceptive in its approach. A bowl of popcorn for a matinee viewing is my suggestion.
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Based on a True Story, first 5 mins borrrring
Ckn4816 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Feels like this is going to set the tone for the whole movie Threaten a bank with a bomb 2 hostages and an empty bank.

To make a point, to get a story out.

However hes acting screwy because he's an ex war vet.

His pension from the VA has been stoped, by mistake, which they won't own up to or rectify.

We know there are reported problems with the VA so its not surprising this is based on a true story.

Its just very slow without much to hold the attention.

It probably speaks more to the families of Vets than the general public but it is disgusting when governments do this to people who need help and support not vilification.

Since when do snippers take out the perp without permission from the negotiators, who, as far as ive always understood it, is in control.

The Plot is Very Slow The Script is Very Slow The sound is Very Slow The Photography is Very Slow The Acting is Very Slow

Its a passable but slow watch 👍👎
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A heist-hostage thriller with more-than-usual depth! [+70%]
arungeorge1315 September 2022
Breaking/892 is a film I'd like to refer to as an emotionally candid hostage thriller. The storytelling follows a non-linear style, slowly giving us details into what went wrong in ex-Marine Brian Brown-Easley's life and what led him to "hold up a bank". Writers Abi Damaris Corbin (who directs) and Kwame Kwei-Armah punctuate the screenplay with sharp, hard-hitting dialogue that convey its upright (but underlying) intentions. John Boyega's performance as the protagonist is terrific, slowly and steadily drawing you in. He also gets good support from Nicole Beharie, Michael Kenneth Williams (RIP), and London Covington. The telephonic exchanges between Brian and his daughter prove to be the film's emotional spine while the somewhat thrilling hostage situation keeps us rooting for Brian's survival. The climax is moving too, even if you can predict a particular aspect of it.

If this story left a mark, I'd recommend watching an Indian film - Pada (2022, Malayalam), currently available on Prime Video.
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