Beyond the Pole (2009) Poster

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A Not-so-serious look at a Serious Subject
tim-764-2918568 February 2012
I viewed Beyond The Pole as a comedy first and ecological message second. Starting off with an idealogical dream, out two intrepid heroes (Steve Mangham and Rhys Thomas, both displaying flair for comedy) come up with an idea of combining a dream to reach the north Pole with getting into the Guinness Book of Records. They're going as the first non-supported, carbon-free and vegetarian team.

After selling flats and leaving a pregnant wife, the duo get to the Arctic (a beautifully dramatic landscape, filmed in Greenland) and correspond with home, via an amusing and always eating Mark Benton, whom, along with Rhys' wife, talk to them via satellite from a caravan in the middle of a field. Mangham's wife, meanwhile, jollies it up in the south of France with his old school-pal.

Back in Greenland, the team's cameraman shoots an inquisitive polar bear and things start to fall apart and frictions arise between the two pals. Hot on the their trail are an organised and professional Norwegian team, competing under the same rules. When they catch up with our motley duo, they find that out that they happen to be a gay couple. Or were. A couple, that is.

It's fresh and breezy, but never THAT funny and I found some of the relationship bickering a bit trying though overall, a fair stab at something a bit different and ultimately quite enjoyable.
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A really great film
beeny711 July 2010
We watched this on DVD today (too hot to go out) and the whole family loved it!

It's not often you see a film that really stays with you but we were all talking about it right through dinner and my brother and his friends have already started quoting their favourite lines - a sure fire indicator of a cult hit if ever there was one!

Everyone loved Stephen Mangan and Rhys Thomas who are just the most wonderful friends in it (bickering their way across the ice was just hilarious and a bit like a dysfunctional marriage!) but personally my favourites were Rosie Cavaliero (not an actress I'd seen before) and Lars Arentz Hansen. These two were so truthful and funny I just loved watching them every time they came on screen. Real stars in the making (if they're not already - I don't know!!)

Also I have to say that the DVD extras just are lovely. The actors are so, so funny and the story of the making of it just so great. Thankyou!
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Misses the mark
mastanfordma28 March 2010
Few films prompt me to walk out within 30 minutes of viewing. However, I fought my urge to leave and saw it through to the end.

A mildly amusing premise, two organic, vegetarian, inexperienced, childish men set out on a carbon neutral expedition to the North Pole, may have looked good on paper, but the net result was seriously lacking and the expression "wasted potential" springs to mind.

The lead characters were irritating throughout, especially the leader of the expedition. It is fine if the protagonists are a couple of idiots who can be irritating at times, but the clever part is making the audience actually like them and enjoy watching them make a fine mess of things. Laurel and Hardy got it right. As did both the irritating, embarrassing, but highly watchable characters of Alan Partridge (played by Steve Coogan), and David Brent (Ricky Gervais) in The Office in their respective television shows.

All that could be overlooked if there was a strong intelligence and plot line driving the film. It wasn't evident. Having seen powerful films highlighting environmental issues and prompting change in one's own life (such as An Inconvenient Truth, and End of the Line), this film has next to nothing to say on this important topic. Whilst not expecting it to give as much detailed information as these films, it had little to offer other than "Save the planet!" and "The planet is dying!". Here was a missed golden opportunity to poke fun at and satirise the Eco-evangelists whilst still promoting the case to care for our environment. My reason for not walking out earlier was the hope that by watching it through to the end I may either learn something, or at least be entertained. I drew a negative on both accounts.

Although billed as a comedy the comedic scenarios and lines missed the mark. The audience of half a dozen in the usually busy cinema where I saw this film sat in silence throughout, with one singular exception; a juvenile joke was told about a Frenchman and shoes. The other attempts at comedy fell flat. A scene involving squabbling over biscuits nearly worked. But was the audience supposed to laugh at the scene when after a falling out with each other, one of the two-man team seemingly on the brink of death is in need of mouth to mouth resuscitation, so his annoyed partner simply opens his mouth and spits in it? Quite unpleasant.

It may well be that the comedy elements would work well for some people, just not for me. People went to effort to make the film. Using authentic looking locations to double up as the Arctic, it is shot well enough, and the irritation factor aside, the actors do a fairly competent job. The slobbish best friend manning the radio, and the girlfriend of one of the protagonists left worrying back home in England provide welcome relief from the main story, but again are wasted potential.

Another IMDb reviewer for this film has made the observation that there are batch of reviews singing this films praises to the hilt, often giving it 10 stars. Reading these reviews has given me far more laughs than the film ever did. One called it a good British comedy. Another suggested it has the potential to be the next Full Monty or Four Weddings and a Funeral. Both of which are fantastic films filled with humour, intelligence, and an emotional heart. A comparison of Beyond the Pole with these films will only serve to illustrate how weak this film truly is. They are as far apart from each other as the North Pole is from the South Pole.
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Nice Try but Could Be Better
razorsharp2505-111 July 2010
The premise for this movie sounded like it could be fun if done well: a mockumentary based on an eco-friendly vegetarian expedition to the North pole by two best friends with no experience whatsoever of what was about to come. What a shame that it fell flat on both the comedy and drama front.

Neither of the two lead characters were particularly likable - one an egotistical ego-enthusiast, the other his cheerful but brainless best friend. When inevitable misfortunes hit them, it was hard to feel much sympathy given how under-prepared and arrogant they were. That of course was supposed to be part of the comedy but it just didn't get there.

I've given this movie 4/10 based on the fact that I stuck with it to the end and it wasn't so bad I'd tell people not to watch it themselves. There are, however, far better movies out there to spend your time and money on. Or be eco-friendly and stay home with the power off for 1.5 hours instead!
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tries too hard, achieves nothing
moveny3 April 2010
If you like comedies with funny slapstick, witty dialogues, heart- warming characters and a well argued yet not too obvious message, then avoid this film at all costs.

The script is abysmal. It is full of jokes involving such incredibly funny things as frost-bitten penises or the motto "don't be impotent, be important", it contains plenty of unwarranted slapstick and almost boasts a quite predictable and otherwise totally flat storyline.

I see that other reviewers have highlighted the supposed "message" that this film conveys. The message the film seems to promote is "people who care about the environment are utter morons".

The acting is actually not too bad, and I liked the song of the end credits, hence they gain an extra point from me. 2 out of 10.

By the way, it is surprising the number of 10/10 reviews (about 15) when only 36 people have given a vote to this date, and its average is 6. Hmmm, something does not quite compute here. And by the way, not a single one of the 10/10 reviewers has ever posted any other review on this site. Oh dear oh dear...
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Sadly a weak film that isn't a bunch of laughs...
greenfrozenpeas26 May 2010
With a superb cast and a different idea, this had great potential but driven by a weak script it eventually goes nowhere. With no depth to the characters you don't care what happens to them as the story drags on.

Missing the mark, this unfortunately did not make me laugh & did nothing to educate about climate change.

The most entertaining moment was when four men wrestled over a single biscuit.

Due to the numerous 10 star reviews, I had to write this honest review. Sadly I will not be recommending this film to friends.
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Funny and so much better than the STOOPID poster!!
lookingfortrouble14 June 2010
I had NOT heard a thing about this film and I nearly didn't go in because of the poster but some friends of ours had told us under NO circumstances to miss it because they'd gone in and seen it when some film or other was sold out and were so glad they did! BTW I hated the poster - something to do with reminding me of Dumb and Dumber - but our friends had sworn by it and we went in.

We LOVED it! Really funny,really touching in places, great drama, language that was fruitier than your mother might approve of (if you see where I'm going with this!) and really a wonderful story of two friends who try to do their best and just frankly, get a bit out of their depth! Rhys Thomas (who I had not heard of) and Stephen Mangan (who is a genius) are so good in this I hope they do lots more together because they seemed born to play opposite each other. Quite a double act! And Alexander Skarsgard, who I recognised but couldn't place is apparently a huge star in True Blood (which I haven't seen) but I have to take my hat off to him. He was HILARIOUS. Really, go see this movie. It's not a Hollywood blockbuster but when was the last great comedy that came out of that place?! Really, do yourself a favour, go see this and then tell me how great a night you had!
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Another waste of time !!! Another banch of people trying to save the world
drklabs8 July 2010
What to discuss about films like this? absolutely nothing , every impotent untalented people in those days going out getting a camera in their hands and make movies and they also make a lots of promises, we doing this to save the world , to save the politics system to save hungry people , to save the plants , to save dolphins ,monkeys etc , what a shame Don't YOU EVER PEOPLE THINKED WE KNOW ALL OF THIS? Don't YOU EVER THINKED THAT THIS ARE THINGS THAT EVERYONE KNOWS? Don't YOU UNDERSTAND THAT HUMAN RACE Doesn't WANT TO SAVE PLANETS PLANTS NATURE ETC? WE Don't WANT TO SAVE ANYTHING ! WHY? Because we just don't care and this exists in our nature in our DNA ,YES WE ARE SELFISH B ASTARDS THATS WHAT WE ARE, WE CARE ONLY ABOUT HOW WE LL FILL OUR POCKETS WITH MONEY,OUR STOMACH WITH FOOD AND TO F ... Everyone AND EVERYTHING ON THIS PLANET , SO ACCEPT IT ...And if you really care use some art to express this things because in the way you doing this you waisting your time and our time ,because i m saying again we know all this things we just need to look at it in the good looking way and to say AHH! thats a nice point of view.
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Excellent film, lots of fun, well balanced
stephen-669-70120123 February 2010
The climate-change camp of environmentalists have over the last few decades moved from hippies in trees to suits in boardrooms, from Greenpeace ships to parliament and from chaining themselves to construction site fencing to highly paid city-based consultants. Some would argue a long-oppressed and "inconvenient" movement has now swung right through the centre ground, and like many oppressed but important issues, now gone too far, and there is a need for amending the balance.

Enter "Beyond the Pole". While not losing sight - or in my view trying to criticise or offend the climate debate - this film is an hilarious look at where idealism simply goes too far. In a small screening at the ICA we laughed, cringed and cried on a roller-coaster of emotions from the Chelsea Tractor streets of London to the harsh, barren and cold reality of the Arctic North.

This is essential viewing for all. I left amused, entertained and felt some much needed humour (and humility) had been injected into the climate debate.

Not least as I leave for the North Pole at the end of March. And yes, I did go to Public School. Sorry.
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Go See This Film!
david-579-29777611 November 2009
I had the pleasure of seeing this film at a preview a few months ago. As a perfect counter balance to Mr Al Gore's film it's serious subject matter is handled with care and belly laughs. More fun at delivering the message than 50 politicians banging on. A must see for film buffs and white van man alike. In fact it should be shown in Westminster! A classic British film that takes on the issue of the day and makes you think "what can i do to change things?" Great writing and well cast. Good use of soundtrack music pushes the story along to good effect. Forget showing in Westminster, get it to schools and Uni's. "Beyond The Pole" is a very now film that you wont forget in a hurry.
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Beyond the Pole
emij6 December 2009
This film made me laugh from beginning to end. Beyond the Pole has brilliant cast of the top British actors, add to that the beautiful scenery, and the mockumentary style of story telling and you have all the right ingredients for a fantastic British film. The script is superbly written with heart warming characters over-coming adversity by attempting to be the first Carbon Neutral, Vegetarian, Organic expedition ever to reach the North Pole. Rhys Thomas is hilarious as Brian and the interaction between him and Stephen Mangan (Mark) as they pursue their heroic trip feels natural. I think that this could have all the success of "Full Monty" and "Four Weddings". I would love to go and see this film again and take my friends along for a really great feel good evening.
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British comedy actors at their best.
info-650-5101771 February 2010
Went to see this film at a preview last week. The cast is superbly put together. I love to see a good British comedy and this has everything you want in it. Well known British comedy actors at their best.

The storyline is cleverly written, current & emotive besides being very funny. It puts over the issues of climate change in a way that will make you think about what is happening to the planet and what you can do about it. There are some very memorable scenes that want to make you go see it again. Loved the hilarious scenes between the Brits and the Norwegians.

Beyond the Pole 2 should be considered by the producers. Maybe vegetarian Salsa dancers go the pole next!

D and R.
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Great Film, a hilarious and surprising journey. Yes you can be a revolutionary!
thethingsidou26 October 2009
I had the advantage of seeing this film at the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival yesterday and it was wonderful. A must see movie. A boys adventure with two misfits taking on a serious subject matter (Global Warming). Lightheartedly challenging all of us to do something about the way we live to bring attention to the ill-effects of climate change whether it be big or small. Have you ever gotten on you hat-box about an issue and wanted to do something about it but never did? Well here's an inspirational example of two guys nervously following there gut and making us all laugh while doing so. Saving the planet isn't easy so "Don't be Impotent" "Be Important". Go on now see the film!
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Funny yet serious.
mogilvie-692-76422123 March 2010
Beyond The Pole is a tongue in cheek movie about climate change, among other things. It also deals with friendships that are strained to breaking point and the strength of human spirit, albeit with a comedic feel.

This independent mockumentary style film made me think while I laughed and at times, cringed. I never felt that it preached to me about the whole climate change debate, but somehow at the end I felt that I had been enlightened slightly.

Maybe it is because the film was actually shot on floating ice caps, with the whole handy cam feel, that it gives you a sense of actually being with the characters as they struggle with their adventure, through the good times, and the bad.

With twists and turns at many points, this film kept me guessing till the end.

A definite must see, even if it's only for a laugh.
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Very Funny!
RayMillsMedia23 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was able to see this very original film over the summer as part of the reviewing process for a festival. I wished that we could have screened it, but we just didn't have enough programs to fit it in the schedule. The idea that a couple of guys who have never tried anything like going to the North Pole are going for it is interesting enough, but that they want to be the first vegan, carbon neutral team to make it adds a whole other layer of bizarreness to this wonderful mockumentary. The Norwegian team they are, sort of, competing against in their quest for the pole add a whole other layer of hilarity to this wacky comedy. This is very funny film and I hope will do well in the theaters. Go see it!
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Great British comedy that works on several levels
Cheese5830 March 2010
This film is a great comedy and the characters are really well written, their interaction makes the film work. It's roots in radio comedy are a positive strength in the depiction of the characters, there is a great cast too. This sends up several of the 'adventure documentaries' that are currently prevalent on the TV. It also puts across the environmental message regarding global warming, but not in a 'tub-thumping' way. There are several scenes that I am sure are very like the real life experiences of people who do this sort of thing and the pressure of spending a lot of time, with a limited amount of people, in a fight for survival boils over several time in some hilarious scenes. This is a great film, carefully crafted. If you get the chance to see it with a Q&A make sure you take it, we saw it at Wells and David L. Williams was brilliant, very interesting and open, his passion for film-making and this film in particular is very clear and infectious.
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Laugh out loud funny
Simon-665-10417119 February 2010
David L Williams has directed such a funny and in places touching movie. It does have a message, but it wears it lightly thanks to the excellent script, direction and a superb cast of British and Norwegian comic actors.

The film has an excellent soundtrack and a very witty script, but in the end the film's biggest strength is its excellent cast of British comic actors headed by Stephen Mangan and Rhys Thomas who are superb.

Very rarely does a whole cinema laugh huge belly laughs but this was the case at the ICA last night. One of the best films I've seen all year - my tummy muscles are still aching from all of the laughing I did last night. Go and see this...
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Very funny disaster film
nikkiecostume11 November 2009
This is a hilarious film, with an excellent cast. The scenery is unbelievably beautiful and really brings the point behind the plot home...that global warming is out of control and this natural beauty may not be around for much longer. Given the important message within the film, it is very funny and has lovely eye candy with Alexander Skarsgard, who plays his character as a gay explorer brilliantly – his biscuit scene is incredibly funny! There is an abundance of fine British comedy actors, Mark Benton is, as usual, brilliant but Stephan Mangan and Rhys Thomas undoubtedly steal the show. I left wanting more! I can't wait for this to be released, I'll definitely be buying the DVD when it, finally, gets released. So Don't Be Impotent – Be Important and go see this film!
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Very funny, relevant and moving
jimbacon5711 November 2009
I really love this film. Its a spoof eco doc about one man's attempt to walk to the North Pole. The first carbon neutral, vegetarian unassisted attempt. The cast are familiar to followers of British comedy and the performances are universally excellent. It certainly has moments of low budgetness but then that is also part of its charm. It reminds me of other great spoof docs like Spinal Tap but with a very clear environmental agenda. It is very good at laughing at itself while still staying on message. It is very funny in a very British sort of way but also manages to be profoundly moving at times as well which is a very difficult thing to pull off. If you get the chance, see it.
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Great Film! Great Fun! Great Message!
emily-clements12 November 2009
I'm lucky enough to have seen Beyond The Pole at a preview a few months ago and it was absolutely fabulous. A thought provoking message wrapped up in a hilarious plot, the story is well told and the characters are excellent. The film is incredibly well cast and the locations are stunning.

I know everyone mentions it, but the scene with the biscuit is so funny I could hardly breathe, and yet there are other parts in the film that are incredibly emotionally charged.

I hardly stopped laughing all the way though! All in all I left feeling energised and positive - a great uplifting film that everyone must go and see! Bring on the release!! (I'll go again!)
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Be somebody, "BE IMPORTANT."
vijienentertainment11 November 2009
I just loved this film. I love movies that have great messages embedded in them. Yet, you are so captivated by the characters, that you don't really know you are being taught a very valuable lesson at the same time. This film has that kind of effect on you.

It is a great message about undertaking a call, and the experiences that come along with taking responsibility for your life and what happens to your world. As with every great story, a tragedy does take place, and your emotions are exposed. However, the tragedy brings awareness to the reality that some people are not strong enough to carry the torch; but the one who is able can. I left the film feeling empowered and challenged to "BE IMPORTANT," and so will anyone who sees it.

I can't wait for it to come out in the theaters and on DVD so that I can add this masterpiece to my collection.
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Fantastic Film!
KissMyMustang18 February 2010
I flew to San Francisco to see this film...and it was well worth it! I can honestly say a majority of the audience enjoyed it as much as I did. Lots of laughter! And for Alexander Skarsgard fans, you get to see his comedic side once again as a gay Norwegian Olympic champ.

Stephen and Rhys do a remarkable job portraying best friends; their chemistry together makes one think they have known each other for ages. Rosie Cavaliero who plays Brian's wife, Sandra is fantastic - while she is riddled with worry about her husband, she is also supportive of his decision. Helen Baxendale and Mark Benton do a great job as key roles throughout the movie.

All in all, I give the film ten out of ten stars. You will find yourself laughing out loud with the audience and learning an important lesson on global warming as well. Director and co-writer, David L. Williams had the right idea to use comedy to raise awareness to the masses on the issue.
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This film is crap
sebpopcorn16 February 2010
In this completely unfunny and self-consciously quirky pile of tosh some faces who you'll recognise from some equally unfunny TV shows trek to the pole. Aside from the big dollop of populist anti-scientific cult- like global warming nonsense the film just isn't funny at all.

What is funny though is that the cast and crew have been STRAIGHT onto the IMDb to post a load of totally unconvincing fake reviews. I mean check them out, most of them are saying they can't wait till the DVD is released or praising this as a masterpiece. Yet weirdly, not one of them have written another review for any other movie. Naturally they found this one so good they had to dash on to register and give it a 10 though. They aren't the first crappy movie to do this, they're just the most blatant. Check out the internet and you'll find them begging people to come on and give them a good review, pathetic. I appreciate that our film industry is on its arse but we aren't that desperate yet. Come on guys, a 10 from everyone? At least throw in a couple of 8's and 7's to make it look a bit more convincing.

This film is a waste of time. It's not funny, it's not entertaining and it doesn't deserve more than three stars. I gave it one since the cast and crew have decided it's a 10. Why is it everything to do with global warming (re-branded as climate change) has that air of scam about it? I hope this one loses more money than it makes, it deserves it for boring the hell out of me and riding the liars bandwagon just as the wheels fall off.
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