Lightspeed (TV Movie 2006) Poster

(2006 TV Movie)

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Should have been Called 'Python'
mrguy20326 July 2006
For starters,if I had to venture a guess, I think Stan Lee only created the characters, which are pretty good, in general. The director, while highly competent, can't save this terrible screenplay. For Pete's sake, this was written by the same scribe as Jack-O. Ecch! How do these guys get into the business? Anyway, this entire film would have been much better if the Python character became the superhero (He could have fought crime by night and then shed his snake skin the next day). A highly forgettable hero, poor sound, lame fights, a story line that depicts events that should have happened at night going on in the day, and the lack of any discernible city-scape work are too much for solid actors and nice make up to overcome. Better luck next time, folks.
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The Flash via Marvel
rstef127 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Epileptic fit inducing editing and flashy directorial flourishes can't save this hollow piece of super-hero fluff from the mind of Marvel comic head Stan Lee. The movie begins fairly promisingly with the creation of the villain, Python. Decent special effects help this portion of the film, as well as heavy doses of violence and blood. Ultimately though, it can't sustain a silly Rube Goldbergian plot involving the villain's desire to destroy Washington D.C. due to his sister's death (don't ask). The actor playing the Python does it with relish, however, the hero, as played by Jason Connery barely registers. He is not aided in any way by a silly skintight ski costume and goggles. His only superpower is being able to run very fast, a la D.C. Comics The Flash. (Do I smell a plagiarism lawsuit?) He is constantly bested by Python, making him look like a wimpy hero at best. His girlfriend fares no better.

****Major Spoiler Ahead**** Lee Majors has very little to do except look ineffectual as the leader of the hero's "Ghost Squad", until a foolish twist ending which has him in league with the Python for no discernible reason. Quite laughable really.

Go rent the DVD of television's The Flash, it's much better.
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Stan Lee has too much free time
LRPharm542 September 2007
Lightspeed is about a superhero, not unlike the excellent TV super hero, Flash, but with a lot less "flash". Python, his nemesis has great makeup, terrible lines and not a great super villain, who provides the typical strains of a bad guy gone rampant. Lightspeed is one of the worst movies I have had the displeasure of watching since Alien Apocalypse. Mr. Lee is one person I have the greatest respect for, especially with his Spiderman and Hulk movies showing some excitement, but Lightspeed is a dud at best. I had trouble watching the poor acting, and the actor, Connery, although Sean Connery's son and a good actor, just couldn't make this movie click for me. The plot was typical and droll, and the imagination of the special defects ( I mean effects) are silly and graphically lacking anything close to exciting. I would think Stan Lee could have done more with it and maybe have done a remake of Flash with a bit more flair and improved special effects, a plot, and better acting. All in all, Lightspeed is not worth watching a second time. Stick to Who Wants to be a Superhero, this movie is not even laughable, but leaves one to only groan and remain disappointed.
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Derivitave junk
danrogy28 July 2006
This is The Great Stan Lee we're talking about so I hesitate to say anything bad. Nonetheless Mr. Lee has decided to do trash for cash. First of all the music throughout the whole film is low grade 80's movie synthesizer. This music is so bad and so distracting it makes your eyes roll. It also sets a tone of b-movie cheapness. Honestly I do love cheapo b-films but you have to be able to laugh at it. Lightspeed tries so hard to take itself seriously but has nothing good or fun to offer. The script is horrible, the acting is a joke and the characters are preposterous. Worst of all, ALL the superhero elements are derived from other comic book characters to create an uninteresting amalgam with no unique abilities. Again, I love Stan Lee and comics and b- movies, but this is one to avoid.
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So bad I am embarrassed
Secondsix28 July 2006
This was the worst movie I have seen on sci-fi and they are notorious for producing the worst movies ever.

I cannot believe Stan lee put his name on this but after seeing who wants to be a superhero I now know.

I will start with the plot. Flash meets Darkman nuff said, nothing original. Casting, our lead hero has a comb over and looks like he's pushing 50 plus. The henchman look like no-budget porn extras. And the effects were ridiculous, even the Flash TV series from 16 years ago had better effects. If this was made in the 1950's that would explain the really bad special effects. The story and dialog you can imagine is par with the rest of the production value. Okay the worst thing was our hero's costume, he goes to a sporting goods store and the salesman goes in the back and gets his suit, that's it. And it looks like a costume from a homemade comic book fan movie. I would say I liked the python character until his comical fight scenes.

Watching QVC is more entertaining.
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Below any acceptable standard of quality
sexytail6 April 2007
43 year old Jason Connery plays a "ghost squad" agent who must fight his old friend Daniel Goddard who has turned into a snake man named Python. Connery gets trapped in a collapsing building and then irradiated at the hospital which gives him the power to run in fast forward. His costume is a bunch of crap from a sporting goods store. Python has an awesome makeup job and a plot to destroy the government for non-specific revenge, but he's equally silly.

The quality of this production is so crude that it makes most low budget TV movies look good. It's full of choppy slow motion, unnecessary dissolves, and ultra cheap CG special effects. Things blur and ghost a lot in an attempt to hide the unprofessional shooting, even though it just makes it look worse. The camera work is mindless and the score is canned. Not to mention the acting, which is typical of TV movies and straight to video junk. Python is especially bad since the guy under the makeup is trying to do the villain voice the whole time.

Connery never looks like anything but a middle aged loser in a jogging suit. This seems careless as all they really needed to do was put a girdle and a hairpiece on him. Apart from this, his performance makes it obvious he never would have been in movies in the first place if his father hadn't been Sean Connery.

Connery's character, Daniel Leight (leight, light, Lightspeed! Get it?) has a girlfriend played by Nicole Eggert. She's also part of the "ghost squad" (which is supposed to be a kind of special forces meet SWAT team) which is a pretty laughable concept as she is just another disposable Baywatch bimbo. Naturally she winds up as bait later in the film.

It's weak and predictable every step of the way. More than anything it feels like a knockoff of "Black Mask 2" which was worthless anyhow. It's 88 minutes are an eternity for any halfway discerning movie viewer. Oh, and Lee Majors is in it. Enough said.
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Stupid, Stupid, Stupid movie!!
jk9010 August 2006
I know Sci-Fi Channel loves to air the worst sci-fi movies they can find, but they've outdone themselves with this garbage!

OMG, it's not just bad, it is stupid! The low budget Captain America and Spider-Man TV movies in the 80s had more imagination and style than this bowl of chum.

Everythting about it was a joke: The stars, the story, the characters, the dialogue, the direction, the not-very-special effects and most of all that ridiculous costume! Sure, every superhero with a bad comb over walks into a sporting goods shop and throws together their costume. Connery looked like a member of some gay stage show.

Jason's dad would be rolling over in his grave if he was dead -- and seeing his son in THIS may kill him.

If you want to see a good show about a guy with super speed, skip this vat of pee and pick up the DVDs of the Flash TV series from the 90s. It's a HELL of a lot more netertaining.

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Think very bad indeed, then double it
neil-47610 August 2007
The good news is that the Python makeup is quite good.

Shame that they used up the entire budget on it. If you've been paying attention you will now know:

1. Leading man projects middle age; 2. Lee Majors projects old age; 3. SFX - rubbish; 4. Hero's super costume - truly rubbish; 5. Plot - risible; 6. Dialogue - execrable; 7. Heroine - having been extracted from trouble immediately puts herself right back in it; 8. Acting - at best no better than average. At worst (Python guy) - absolutely awful. And I COULD do better, and I'm no actor; 9. Python's death scene - huh? What happened?

I suppose Nicole Eggert is moderately decorative.

Stan is going to wear out his not inconsiderable goodwill in the comics community if he continue to put his name to drivel like this.
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Horrible movie
boah-222 May 2007
Stan Lee owes me 90 minutes of my life back. It's a simple story: two men are both changed by experiments and science gone bad. one becomes a snake man and the other develops super speed and a heart problem. Whacky high-jinx ensue.

Here are the problems with the movie:

1) Plot is horrible. The writers borrow plot points directly from Spiderman and The Flash.

2) The acting is even worse, but it's not all the actor's fault: dialogue is laughable. Nicole Eggert and Lee Majors are both in this movie, nuff said.

3) The directing is just bad. There are scenes where a person is talking and the shot does not have their mouth in it, just their forehead and nose, then the camera zooms out and re-frames.

4) There is nothing special about those special effects. The main character wears a ski suite as a costume.

All and all this movie looks and feels much cheaper and cheesier than a made for TV movie (that's saying a lot). It's pretty much like someone bought a camcorder and filmed it on weekends with their buddies.
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Truly Awful
owitcomb12 January 2007
I wonder why film studios make these low budget versions of superhero stories, everything about it was mediocre, acting, effects, story. Having seen the likes of Spider-man and Sin City this felt like I went back to the early 90s and not in a good reminiscing way. The main character looks about 50, balding fairly heavily, and not very fit, which didn't give me much confidence in his running ability, the python chap was quite good though, and i'm guessing they spent 90% of the budget on his average make-up.

The best bit of this film was the high speed running sequences, my misses thought it was a straight up comedy. I beg you not to waste your time on this, watch something else, BUT if you do have to watch it, enjoy the running.
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It sucks in a superhuman way!
okiehomey27 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I actually only caught about the last 15 minutes of the movie. It was enough.

I saw it billed as "Stan Lee's Lightspeed" on Sci Fi, and thought I'd give it a whirl. It's basically another Stan Lee version of the Flash (he's tied to several super speedsters, all that failed at varying levels of living up to the Flash's popularity). Lightspeed can, as the name suggests, supposedly run at the speed of light. He's a government agent on track of a sinister bad guy. I think the villain's name is Python. Basically, if a human and crocodile had a child, you'd have the bad guy.

The dialog is terrible, the acting isn't much better, and even for a superhero story, there's a lot that's hard to swallow. Nicole Eggert, playing Lightspeed's love interest, fails to run at various opportunities when the villain's trying to kill her. In the climatic scene, Lightspeed has to run several miles to take care of one situation before he can come back to fight his nemesis in a final showdown. If he can run at the speed of light, what takes him so long in getting there and coming back? Why does he stand there and let the villain beat the crap out of him? And why is his girlfriend tougher than he is? If you enjoy bad flicks, give it a whirl. But if you enjoy decent movies, good superhero stories, or anything else that's somewhat normal, stay away.
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With better actors, a better script and better production, this could have been great
srepolt1 January 2015
I know everyone on this site hates this movie and I can completely understand why. With that being said I actually found this movie extremely entertaining in it's; so bad it's good category. Good old Stan loves creating superheroes and with his POW Entertainment company, Stan is taking his newer comic creations and bringing them to life via live action or through animation. The plot for this film is as cliché as it gets but if you are as big of a Stan Lee fan as I am, you won't care. Lightspeed lights up the screen with heroics, fighting against the Evil Python. Fans of Lees work will find this movie entertaining because it's so bad it's good.
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Worse then Catwoman,and the highlander sequels combined.
gentihawk12 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I was interested in this movie because it had one of my fav actors..(Lee Majors) and was hopeful that it might be good. Well, within the first 5 minutes of the show, I knew that it was going to be total garbage. I still sat there watching it though, just soaking in the bad special affects, bad acting, horrible plot, and the cheesy sets. I myself having spent several years in the military, and associating with government types over the years, I have never, never, met a gorgeous woman in a special ops unit, special forces unit, or one that is on a crack commando team, that was one of the warning flags flying during this movie. This movie is not even worthy of a Razzy award it is so bad. The sci-fi channel...or should I call it the SG-1 channel..(because that seems like the only show it wants to play now), should be ashamed. Bring back the Invisible Man show!!!! Invest in some more quality shows again! Nuff' said.
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No interest in telling a story.
whippsa28 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Did anyone at scifi watch this? I understand low costs but it does not cost more to speak lines clearly. With all the out of work actors, could they not find one to play the part of Python? I feel for the guy, really, I'm not an actor and would do just as bad of a job but there ARE actors out there somewhere, waiting to be hired -- right? I'm not expecting or asking for much, just 'what did he say?' Lee Majors and Jason Connery are not getting Emmy's for this but good lord, they at least moved the story along and said the dialog in a credible way. It wasn't just talking through false monster teeth either, it was the a problem in the pre-monster backstory (and actually WORSE there!).

As for the direction. What was that initial (can't be a spoiler, it is in the first seconds) scene supposed to do? Python is in pain, his hands below, writhing . . . what the . . . ? Was it going to be "Phython's Complaint?" And what exactly, besides being ugly, was the nature of Python's super powers? Fuzzy, unclear, bad story telling.
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Looking Podgy in Lycra
PhilipGHarris26 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Python: my God he's evil. He batters cups of water out of people's hands.

Following the titles, which left me wondering how much Stan Lee was involved in the character creation we open on a picture of a building by day.

Suddenly flicking to night you wonder why we ever had the shot in daylight but wait someone is talking to Tanner (Lee Majors) and he's telling them they can't see his troops because no-one can.

Given as we discover later his troops, "Ghost Squad", are infiltrating a building some distance away it's no surprise they cannot be seen. Ghost Squad itself and see them tooling up by the side of a busy street. Covert ops at its best.

Python however disguises his snakey-ness with a hood. Great disguise (possibly the costume designer had fallen out with the actor – he also has some place he gets outsized black T-Shirts).

Any way Ghost Squad's Daniel Fleight (Connery), a joke that isn't ever pulled off because you never really get to hear his full name, and his team get into the building to find all security dead. One body comes up the escalator and I was left wondering just how long it was given the fact everyone seemed very much dead.

You do wonder why this, "crack", team are using night vision goggles in a brightly lit building but no fear because Daniel comes across Python and, shock, horror they know each other – although I'm sure Python called him "Vic"? Then as we watch the building be destroyed we find out why they know each other. Daniel seems, for no good reason to be a friend of the stupidest scientist going who gives himself a nasty burn on the arm before finding his snake skin tissue repair doesn't work.

Daniel goes on to question why the lethargic looking snakes are not happy, looked fine to me, to be told that they are bred for aggression, physical strength and endurance. These the best snakes to use for skin grafts then? Who breeds snakes for aggression? The involvement goes further when we learn Pre-Python (Edward Bartlett) has a sister with horrific burns. We also discover he has been working for 5 years to perfect his treatment – has his sister been in the burns unit that long.

Our hero calls his friend in the government to stop Bartlett's funding being cancelled only to be told it is being pulled. Daniel makes a vague attempt to reverse this decision (I'm still at a loss to see what job he was doing and how he joined Ghost Squad) and then tells Bartlett he tried all he can. Lliar.

Bartlett's sister dies and he blames Daniel for pulling the funding, for no adequately explained reason. He then breaks into his lab – talks to his skin grafts (as you do) and then the lab catches fire (I couldn't really see how and it seemed that the whole lab was made of incendiary material anyhow). Bartlett becomes Python.

I hope you're following because I'm lost.

In the present Daniel survives and is taken to hospital where he's given a dangerous treatment of radiation and chemicals (even after they've put metal plates in his hip and leg – radiation!).

Python tries to kill him in another impractical way, just shoot him in the head will you, but fails and in his stupidity creates Lightspeed , via montage.

Back to the bad guys and Python who also proves he hates successful generals and kills one. He then goes on to warn the others round the table (where we see one of his squad who looks 14). Leaving them and talking to his brother, who the leaves, we cut to the silliest bit of the film where Python enters a pen with rabbits. It just looks like he's going to stroke them. Awww. Possibly there is a more gory cut here but I think it was just bad editing.

Lightspeed gets his costume and looks like a downhill skier. It's also the point where you realise that spandex/lycra/whatever doesn't really hide the fact you're a bit podgy.

We then have his first fight where even though he is really fast he allows a criminal to die and then finally (almost at the hour mark) we find out what Python is after. A weather machine he'll use to burn Washington.

After this the film follows a painting by numbers sort of plot.

Still there are some amusing moments as Ghost Squad shows their complete inability to do anything right. Tanner shows his "evil" side when he starts to drink on duty and Daniel disguises himself as a doctor to get out of hospital to put on his Lightspeed gear. Although he can super speed…yeah! One quick word for Python's henchmen who turn their backs on Ghost Squad allowing them to infiltrate through the main gate.

We discover Tanner is working with Python (never explained and I think they'd have difficulty as I was wracking my brains to consider why) and end with a race against the clock which has as much tension as making a bowl of cereal.

Direction is clunky and acting isn't much better, no-one is really wooden. The script writer should be sent on a course (unsure of what) as constantly things remain unexplained or are explained too much later in the movie. Unfortunately what Lightspeed starts as (a movie so bad it's funny) it fails to complete. I found myself hoping it would end.

The music isn't bad for the piece and if anyone goes on to get further work I would hope it's the composer.
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I don't care what Stan Lee did in the past
Nick_Denife11 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The guy has burned whatever credit he had with me when he put his name on that abortion known as WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO. Tonight, since I was at an absolute loss to find ANYTHING I wanted to watch on satellite, I took a gamble and tuned to the Sci-Fi channel (universally known as home to the the absolute worst films ever made) and watched STAN LEE'S LIGHTSPEED, figuring it would be good for a laugh, if nothing else. Well, it WAS good for a laugh - for about five minutes. Then it just got worse and worse until I was finally ready to pull my eyes out and throw them at the TV. My GAWD, how can a man with Stan Lee's reputation put his name on this pile of excrement and still look at himself in the mirror? The legions of comic book geeks out there consider Stan Lee a god, and while I agree he's come up with many unforgettable superheroes, he's clearly way past his prime. Not being a comic book geek myself, I don't deify Lee like so many others, but when your name is supposed to be a guarantee of quality and you put it on a piece of crap like this, your spitting in the faces of your fans, the people who made you what you are today. I don't care how much money they offered Lee. He sold his integrity and sold out his fans when he put his name on this junk.

"The Ghost Squad"? How the hell these guys got that name is beyond me, since they can't get anywhere undetected and they get killed at an alarming rate. It looks as if total incompetence is the only qualification for admission to his squad.

The bad guy, "The Python" or whatever he calls himself, is the most ridiculous villain I've ever seen. As I'm writing this, he's screaming something about never hurting anyone, how they took his Annie or something, "They made me do this, why did you do this to me???" and the only thing I'm feeling as I watch it is a sense of sickness at the fact that this thing ever got a green light to be made.

And Lightspeed... there's really nothing I can add to the other posts here about him. The character is idiotic, the way he got his suit is moronic, his powers are laughable, the FX used in the movie suck, the acting is horrendous, the deluge is stupid, the script and story are rotten... there just are not enough bad things to say about this movie. It sucked from beginning to end, and Stan Lee should be ashamed of himself.
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Who wants to be a super zero...?
poe42622 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Something got lost in the translation... From what I was able to gather from the series WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO?, the contest winner was supposed to star- or at least appear- in a telemovie based on his (or her) character. The rightful winner of this "competition" (who called himself Major Victory, and who seemed to understand the super-hero concept better than anyone involved in this debacle) wasn't going to be allowed to win, however: Stan Lee, bending over backward for his choice, Fat Momma, saw to that. In the end, his disregard for his own rules resulted in "Lightspeed" "winning" the "contest." Maybe I blinked at the wrong moment, but I don't recall seeing the guy who created the title character anywhere in the movie. Which isn't a bad thing, in this case, but denying a co-creator his fair share of the split isn't exactly kosher, now... is it? (As the foregoing clearly demonstrates, I'm more than capable of putting my foot in my mouth. The winner of the telecontest was called FEEDBACK, not LIGHTSPEED. I goofed. Unfortunately, I don't really care one way or the other. My half-baked review/comment stands. So there.)
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Anyafan1413 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I admit the idea probably had good intentions; creating the Marvel version of The Flash has good potential but really, this is just gross. There was a bloodbath within the first 6 minutes and of course this was the family dinner movie. You meet the villain, flashback and learn his story, and then the hero is created. The hero is and interesting sort who makes the normal new superhero mistakes, but his background should prep him some. There were some interesting parts in finding a secret bad guy, but otherwise it was just a bunch of red paint. My brother and I are Stan Lee fans, but this movie definitely was no tribute to his amazing work. We made fun of it whenever we weren't covering our eyes from the gross parts. Unless you like gruesome movies or are looking for an easy diet plan, don't waste your time- just rent Spider-man and enjoy your evening.
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Decent idea, not great in execution
michael-51-88199422 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you've read this far, you have a general idea of what you're in for if you watch this flick. I'll just add this to the mix:

(possible spoilers below, but nothing huge)

1) Connery approaches the role as if he's wearing an "I'd Rather Be Watching The Weather Channel" tee shirt. There's not a lot of passion here, and those of us in the audience understand why.

2)He gets his powers from lying in bed under a bulb or something. It's like being able to fly after going to the tanning salon a few times.

3)The special effects team needed to borrow a few ideas from Lee Majors' "Six Million Dollar Man," where slow motion with strobe effects equaled super speed. Connery's jerky, sped-up motion makes it seem as if "Yackety Sax" from the old Benny Hill show should be playing in the background.

4)The idea of getting your super suit from a sporting goods store has been the cause of a lot of snark here, but it immediately put me in mind of the Guardian, a 1940's hero created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon who did much the same thing. It's an idea that could have worked if it had been scripted better, acted better, and if the suit on the actor had looked better. The audience will buy into a lot if it actually works.

5)A speedster covering his face because his little jaunts give him an awesome case of windburn? That's a cool little idea that makes sense, one that I'd never thought of before.

6)As everyone says, Python's makeup stole the show. Violent dude, though. If he likes Lucky Charms and you're a Cap'n Crunch fan, you could wind up with a bullet in your head. Just sayin'. He's that kind of guy.
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A superhero movie but without the flash
TheLittleSongbird22 May 2012
I like superhero movies just as much as the next person, but I was dubious about Lightspeed considering it was SyFy, notorious for making bad movies. As far as SyFy movies go, Lightspeed is not their worst, and not quite bottom-of-the-barrel quality. And that is only because Python looked cool. However, it was to me a terrible movie, with unimaginative and often cheap-looking special effects and choppy editing. The writing is of a corny and clunky quality throughout, the story is dull and predictable with no real excitement or thrills and the characters have no likability to them, coming across as either annoying or dull. The acting is also very wooden, with Jason Connery an uncharismatic lead and everyone else not faring much better. All in all, it may be a superhero movie but it lacks flash, any genuine excitement, a convincing lead or imagination. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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shido-san25 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie suffers from a low budget.

It seems almost unfair to criticize other elements because with better production values many of the faults simply wouldn't exist. Think of the Mission Impossible TV series compared to even the oldest of Bond films made in that time period.

The truly substandard element in the production is the faster-than-light running. It is just fast-motion movie magic of a man jogging, not running. Jason Connery's 'acting' is fine. Lee Majors 'acting' is fine. But, to really enjoy this picture, you have to suspend a lot of disbelief. And, that isn't easily done.

There are weaknesses in the Python-Lightspeed story-line. Python: code-name for an industrial terrorist, who just happens to be a man turning into a snake (and this hearkens back to the movie Sssssss) might be stronger than Lightspeed but there are inconsistencies. In no way could he be as fast, even as a fully-developed reptile, which he isn't. And, if we were to follow that idea to its logical end, after he did expend the energy to move faster than men, he would need to stop for lengths of time to recharge his anaerobic reptilian muscles.

In some ways, Lightspeed (the movie), suffers from being live-action on a very limited budget. But, let's face it - animations just aren't as much fun, and animations take longer. This is a quick-and-dirty TV movie.
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I just...I don't know.
AerosmithNirvana22 July 2014
I am honestly not certain if I have ever seen a movie worse than this in my entire life - ever. It almost physically hurt my brain to force it to continue to the end. I imagine the only way Stan had anything to do with this is that somebody said to him, "Hey, Stan. Can we make a movie out of this vague character idea? You just have to pay for it", and Stan replied, "Oh, yeah, that looks okay. Sure, do it", and never had anything else to do with it. The way he gets the powers is awful. The way he gets his suit is awful. The way he uses his powers is awful. The acting, all around, is awful. Good grief, man, even the soundtrack is awful. The whole thing is just...yeah, awful. Even remembering having watched this film a few years ago is bringing on some PTS. If you have already watched this, I am so, so sorry.
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It Has Stan Lee's Name on the Title but the Comic Book Creator Doesn't Appear in It!
zardoz-136 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Sean Connery's son Jason has an even worse track record for picking good movies. He stars as the eponymous protagonist in "Today You Die" director Don E. FauntLeRoy's execrable superhero saga "Stan Lee's Lightspeed" with Lee Majors and Nicole Eggert. Stan Lee must have collected a good paycheck for the Sci-Fi Channel to plaster his name all over this tedious tripe about a super hero who resembles the D.C. Comic's hero "The Flash" as well as Marvel Comic's "Quicksilver." This shoddy, shoe-string budget, made-for-cable actioneer is short on thrills and chills, and scenarist John Gray's screenplay regurgitates the same dull dialogue that you've heard ten-thousand times. Indeed, the cast could have done this lame, larger-than-life epic without rehearsing because they've used the same dialogue in so many films. Apparently, lenser/helmer Don E. FauntLeRoy took a break from directing Steven Seagal thrillers so that he could pick up a quick paycheck. He made this predictable potboiler between "Mercenary for Justice" and "Urban Justice."

Jason Connery of "Casablanca Express" stars as the hero, Daniel Leight, a member of an elite government group called "Ghost Squad" headed up by Tanner (Lee Majors of "The Six-Million Dollar Man") that hunts down terrorists. When these heavily-armed guys hit the road, they cruise around in big, black, SUVs. Another member of the team is a pretty little thing named Beth (Nicole Eggert) who keeps her clothes on this time unlike she did in her television series "Baywatch" where she played Summer Quinn. Mind you, poor Nicole is around primarily to serve as a hostage later on for the villain to hold because he hates the hero.

Daniel has a close scientist friend, Edward (Daniel Goddard), who has been laboring long and hard in his laboratory to use snake DNA to help regenerate skin for burn victims. A tragic car crash burned his girlfriend from head to toe and looks like the mummy in bandages at the hospital. Typically, as it is with these comic book style scientists, Edward uses himself as a guinea pig in his own experiments. When Daniel learns from Senator Paul Davis (James Jamison) that Congress is going to pull the plug on Edward's research, he pleads to let Davis allow him to break the bad news to Daniel. Daniel is so consumed with his research that he takes the news in the worse way possible and blames everybody when the government suits show up to wrap yellow DO NOT CROSS tape around his building.

Edward refuses to take no for an answer. He breaks into his own building, destroys everything and in the process he turns himself into the reptilian Python who wears a hooded cloaked not unlike Dr. Doom from the "Fantastic Four" films. You can tell that the venerable Stan Lee plagiarized himself for his larger-than-life characters here, but they end up looking like caricatures of anything that he created in his prime at Marvel Comics. On the other hand, some Marvel Comics enthusiasts might cite Spider-Man's nemesis, The Lizard, as the model for Edward as Python. The Lizard been scrutinizing the regenerative properties of lizards as a cure for the loss of a limb. Anyway, Daniel turns up in the building at the same time that Edward destroys it and fights the villain who is covered in snake skin and likes to hiss. Meanwhile, the Ghost Squad arrives on the scene and pulls Daniel out of the rubble. Indeed, Daniel appears done for until Dr. Finlay (Michael Flynn of "Con Express") gets his medical mitts on him and replaces his crushed legs with titanium substitutes. Nevertheless, Daniel's chances of survival much less his future with the Ghost Squad looks in dire jeopardy. The fiendish Python tries to finish off our hero at the hospital when he gives him a super dose of radiation. Hmn, sounds like "Hulk?"

Miraculously, the radiation doesn't kill Daniel. It helps him recover. As it turns out, Daniel can race around like nobody's business and so he takes the name of Lightspeed. Initially, Dr. Finlay is puzzled by those mysterious burns on Daniel's face. He believes that it is the side effects of the radiation. Daniel knows better and the next time he goes to an athletic store and has a stoner make up a suit of existing material that will protect him when he hauls ass around in an effort to save lives and stop the malignant Python from realizing his aims. Ultimately, the Python concocts a plan to blow Washington, D.C. to kingdom come that he calls 'Operation Firesky' as revenge for those dastards that cut his funding.

Jason Connery lacks the charisma of his famous father and he brings nothing to the role of "Lightspeed." Moreover, he looks absolutely ridiculous as the hero in a blue suit racing around with bad special effects that provide little help. Daniel Goddard is only marginally better as the hopelessly misguided villain. Lee Majors delivers his lines without bumping into any walls and it takes the surprise finale to realize why he plays everything so straight. Nicole Eggert adds nothing to his farce. Save yourself 88 minutes of shame and pain and skip "Lightspeed." Although he served as one of the producers, Stan Lee must have realized when he saw the final product that a cameo was out of the question.
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The Reviews That Said How Awful This Film Is...
jmorris23613 January 2007
...didn't go far enough.

But nobody seemed to notice that Lee Majors, at 67, looks about 15 years older throughout, and has nothing to do but grimace and pretend to be in charge of an elite group of government agents called the ghost raiders, or some such silly nonsense.

I bought this at my local video store because I have thing for "super hero" movies. The fact that it was on-sale for $9, the same day it was released at $14, should have warned me.

Easily the poorest excuse for an action fantasy hero I've ever seen - it made The Fantastic Four look like Spiderman.

Dreadful. DO NOT waste your time or money.
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Not for children! Such a waste.
coasterwes16 January 2007
Well the box looked good, should be a good movie right?

This movie is such a knockoff of The Flash and it is also surprisingly violent.

This is NOT a movie to show children. It is very bloody.

The acting is rather boring except for a few actors.

I was also disappointed in the Lightspeed suit. It was basically a ski speed suit with white markings on it. Blah.

Nothing more than a SciFi made for TV movie.

Skip it.

I'd say rent or buy the old Flash TV series... it's a lot better!
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