R.I.P.D. (2013) Poster


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Exactly what I expected
Hockey-Girl-199520 July 2013
R.I.P.D. is exactly what it looks like. The plot was not mind-blowing but it was good enough to hold my attention, the acting was not Oscar worthy but they did a very good job in their respective roles and it wasn't the funniest thing I've ever seen but I did laugh. I would almost categorize this as an action before a comedy, it's got quite a bit going on!

I liked the second half of the movie more than the first, though that's not to say the first half was bad. It just felt a little repetitive and right about the time I began to feel like it was going to go in circles, it kept moving and saved itself. The second half steps it up in both action and comedy and the climactic ending was great.

Overall I enjoyed R.I.P.D. It was just a fun movie that you don't need to think about!
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Not even close to as bad as the reviews made it seem, watch it & make up your own mind. Funny & entertaining. I liked it. I say B.
cosmo_tiger27 October 2013
"You gonna sit there and mope or do you want to help me stop the, you know, an apocalypse?" After things go very very wrong while out on a bust Boston PD officer Nick (Reynolds) is killed but before he heads to his judgement he is swept into an office and offered a new job. He is now a member of the R.I.P.D. and along with his new partner Roy (Bridges) they set out to capture the Dead-O's that roam free. When Nick finds a connection between the Dead-O's and his death things turn personal. I have to start off by saying that I wasn't really expecting this to be good at all. I'm not sure why but when I say the preview I immediately expected another Men In Black and didn't think it was needed. While I won't say this wasn't Men In Black like, it was much better then I expected and did laugh and was entertained most of the way through. This is very much geared toward a young teen crowd but I still found it funny. I do have to say though that without Reynolds and Bridges this may have been unwatchable. I did like it and am glad I saw it but this isn't something I'd watch again, but keep in mind I expected this to be as bad as all the reviews it got. A combination of Men In Black with a dash of Howard The Duck thrown in. Watchable but really only once. Overall, not even close to as bad as the reviews made it seem, watch it and make up your own mind. I give it a B.
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Way Underappreciated Popcorn Flick
WhatcanyaDo24 May 2019
I don't understand all the hate for RIPD. I get that it's invariably gonna be compared with MiB because they share the same theme, but just because MiB is the superior movie doesn't mean RIPD isn't enjoyable. It has a great cast, good special effects, and an interesting premise. Take it for what it is.... If you go into it looking for a masterpiece, prepare for disappointment. If you just want to be entertained by a pretty good sci-fi movie with some solid laughs, try RIPD out. Just my 2 cents.
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Far better than the critics claim
BloodyLance3 August 2013
Yes, it's formulaic in some areas. As a writer, I could see several of the plot elements more or less from the beginning. But this movie isn't intended to be complex, or at an "Avenger" level in terms of characterization. It's just plain good summer fun, with an interesting cast and a lot of laughs. Jeff Bridges is priceless, and he & Ryan Reynolds work well together. Ryan, with his trademark choirboy looks and deadpan delivery, is definitely watchable. Mary Louise Parker, with a scarily perky character who gets to chew the scenery with a load of offbeat lines, is wonderful as the Proctor.

Some reviewers seem to insist on portraying the film as a poor man's ripoff of Men In Black, or Ghostbusters. It's neither. It's just a fun, wisecracking film based on a well known genre comic from independent publisher Dark Horse. Go, have some popcorn, laugh a lot, and enjoy the summer.
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Somewhat Generic and predictable, but I still enjoyed it.
runner-1519 July 2013
The movie basically follows the three act formula, and although the crusty veteran and out of element rookie has been done before I enjoyed Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds on the screen together. There is plenty action and a fair amount of comedy. there were some plot holes and the ending left a few unanswered questions. Even with these flaws my wife and I both feel like there are many worse ways to spend a few bucks on a hot afternoon. This is not a blockbuster or a classic movie, I would classify it as a good popcorn flick. Contrary to many other opinions here we both recommend this as a watchable movie, as long as your expectations are reasonable.
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The "M.I.B." we never asked for.
Eh. Listen, if you've seen any of the Men In Black movies, then there's no need to see this, because it's basically THE SAME DAMN MOVIE. Swap Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones out for Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges, swap aliens for ghosts/undeads, update the CGI a bit, replace a few letters from the title, and you have R.I.P.D. It's as close to a blatant rip-off as you can get without naming this "M.I.B. 4". "But D, Men in Black is such a great movie, wouldn't that make this one good, even if it's just a copy?" No, and here's why: the execution. You can have the New England Patriots' entire playbook, but it don't mean a thing if you don't have Tom Brady running the plays. (Being a Giants fan, I gave myself a little chuckle with that analogy...lol) Ryan Reynolds is witty enough, but he's not Will Smith. Jeff Bridges is great, but this script isn't strong enough, and even he starts to lose his appeal towards the end. Oh, by the way, did you know Kevin Bacon is in this? Neither did I! Why is that? Have we reached a point in our world where we officially hate this guy to the point where we avoid telling you that he's in the film? I thought he was on a comeback since his show on FOX was doing well...strange. For what it's worth, he plays a solid villain, but he can only do so much with this script. Graphics are nice, but 3D is largely unnecessary. The action is OK, but even the guns feel like a M.I.B. rip-off. There really aren't any strong points to talk about with this movie...nothing that justifies shelling out hard-earned $$$, especially when Pacific Rim is still out there. R.I.P.D. scores a 2 out of 5 on The BDBOS. Don't waste your time.
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Not nearly as bad as a lot of people like to say it is.
Hellmant24 July 2013
'R.I.P.D.': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

One of the summer's biggest expensive casualties is this Dark Horse comic adaptation starring Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges as two police officers in the after life fighting undead ghouls. It was directed by Robert Schwentke (who also directed the action films 'RED' and 'FLIGHPLAN') and written by Phil Hay, Matt Manfredi and David Dobkin. Peter M. Lenkov created the comic book it's based on and also executive produced the film. The film also co-stars Kevin Bacon, Mary-Louise Parker, Stephanie Szostak, Marisa Miller and James Hong. Oddly both Reynolds and Parker had two big films opening the same weekend (Reynolds also can be heard in the animated family film 'TURBO' and Parker reprised her role in the sequel to Schwentke's 'RED'). All three films bombed and Reynolds now has a pretty big reputation for constantly delivering box office misfires. That doesn't mean they're bad films though and I actually enjoyed 'R.I.P.D.' to a certain degree (definitely not an especially good movie though).

The film opens with a Boston cop named Nick Walker (Reynolds), having a dispute with his partner, Bobby Hayes (Bacon), over whether or not to turn in gold they found at a recent drug bust. Walker is shot and killed by Hayes during a shootout and is recruited by the R.I.P.D. (Rest In Peace Department) in the afterlife. The R.I.P.D. specializes in catching 'deados', which are souls who have refused to leave the land of the living. Walker is teamed with an old U.S. Marshal from the Old West, named Roy Pulsipher (Bridges), while he attempts to track down his old partner and clear his reputation with the love of his life, Julia Walker (Szostak).

The biggest complaint I've heard about the trailer for the film is how much it resembles the film 'MEN IN BLACK' and I have to say, after seeing the film as well, that it very much resembles a 'MEN IN BLACK' movie. It's of course not nearly as good as that campy sci-fi classic but it is better than it's first sequel (arguably 'MEN IN BLACK 3' as well). The fact is the movie is not nearly as bad as a lot of people like to say it is. It's a lot of fun, funny at times and the visuals are spectacular. It had a budget of approximately $130 million and as a purely visual treat it paid off; as far as the special effects go, plus the women are all super hot (Szostak and Miller are breathtaking in the flick). Watching Reynolds and Bridges together (as an odd couple duo) is a treat as well and it's funny to see Reynolds being mostly the straight man while Bridges mostly hams it up (Bacon is also once again a great despicable villain). Not a great film by any means but not a bad one either.

Watch our movie review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: https://youtu.be/NdWU81GeyN4
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Ouchhh very boring
heynnjea12 June 2022
A dime a dozen movie. The script is just really bad, more over the top than funny and so are the characters, unfortunately. It is more of a film for children up to the age of twelve, certainly not older! Story is very predictable you know from the start that the 'bad guy' will not succeed, they could have cut off an hour of the movies time.
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What did you expect?!
loyal-on122 July 2013
Seen this 5 days ago and I loved it! Don't really understand what the hate is about or whats the deal with the critics and the awful 25 rating on metascore. The movie does what its supposed to,it entertains,its fun,its not heavy,just plain summertime fun. And all the comparisons with MIB?! They ONLY replaced the alien angle with the deados angle,and its not agent K and J,but its ONLY 2 dead guys,and one of them is a Wild West lawman. This has nothing to do with MIB,plus its a better movie than the last two sequels of MIB. And people say they took the rookie/veteran mismatch from MIB,although it was already done in a million different movies before MIB. I know i've mentioned MIB quiet a few times in this review,but all for you to see that it is nothing like it. Go see it and you won't regret it. Jeff Bridges is hilarious and Ryan Reynolds is cool as always. Its fast,its fun,the special effects are great. Do yourself a favor,buy a lot of popcorn,sit back and enjoy the ride!
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Goofy, but fun!
Listen, I'm a sucker for films like this even if they are a bit Corny. I can often forgive a lot if they're at least entertaining. So often, I want nothing more than to just shut my brain off and watch something simple and goofy.

RIPD falls into that exact category. The plot, premise and so much of the story in this is goofy but fun. The acting is a bit over-the-top but enjoyable. The score fits and it's shot well. The FXs are super cartoon and CGI, but work (think Men In Black) Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds have a good chemistry and Kevin Bacon works as the asshole

I'm not saying this is a good film by any means. I also 100% understand why people don't or won't like it, but I find it enjoyable for what it is. For me, it harkens back to the Sword & Sorcery films of the 80's, same idea in on the enjoyability level. If you like these types of films, you'll probably enjoy this one and can take it for what it is. If that's not your cup of tea, then it's a good idea to skip this one.

My Rating: 5/10
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Good summer entertainment
Rage-Kage18 August 2013
When I first saw the trailer for R.I.P.D. there were 2 things that made me wanna see it. 1. I love Ryan Reynolds Jeff Bridges and Kevin Bacon. 2. It just looked really entertaining. Thats not to say of course that this movie is without it's flaws.

You do get a feeling like in a way you have already seen this movie before and thats because in some ways it's a lot like Men in Black. that does somewhat pull you out of the movie at times but it really is not that big a problem. In my opinion the pros in this movie far out weigh the cons. It is a fun movie with interesting and likable characters. A cool idea that is fairly well writtin and just an overall fun movie to watch.

Thats really all I have to say about R.I.P.D. I don't really understand all of the hate thats it has gotten it really does not deserve all of that. Have people forgotten how to just have fun sometimes? I give R.I.P.D. a 7.5/10
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Starts well but gets boring
aheaven200519 March 2021
The first act of the movie with the discovery of cop's new life is fun and brings great moments between Reynolds and Bridges. The rest of the movie is more than average with poor special effects and a predictable story.
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imseeg26 November 2021
I was wondering how I could have missed this movie? Well, it aint worth a watch, that's why.

The bad: many other reviewers (rightfully) already complained about the fact that this movie is nothing else but a cheap and inferior copy of the Men In Black.

More bad: the acting by Jeff Bridges is quite annoying. And I love this actor in many other movies, but this time around I just cant stand his cheesy, superficial performance.

Even more bad: it is indeed (as many others also have mentioned) not really funny, while it is definitely suppose to be funny.

Not any good? Well, the photography and the special effects are good. Lots of money was spent on this movie. And for those who never have seen the Men in Black movies, perhaps some might even think this movie is "okay-ish"...
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RIPD review
Al_The_Strange19 July 2013
From the trailer, I had high hopes this film would deliver a smashing spectacle with great humor and a unique premise. Alas, this turned out to be one of those cases where the trailer is better than the movie itself.

To be fair, the film has its moments. The comedy never made me laugh outright, but there are amusing lines and situations throughout. Some of the most amusing moments emerge from the interplay between the characters, and the clever gag in which everybody sees them as different people. As far as the action goes, there is quite a bit of mass destruction and plenty of shoot-outs and fights. However, it is very manic, over-the-top, and strangely cartoony. The overall tone felt really uneven; the movie was fairly serious at times, deadpan in others, and overblown the rest of the time. I was never bored, but I was never fully engaged or invested in things.

It is a shame, because the film has some unique ideas here and there. The overall premise of an undead police department is pretty neat, they use a lot of cool weapons, and they have some really quirky rules and ideas. It's a weird world where Indian food causes the villainous "dead-o's" to "pop" into gaudy monsters (if you remember the beginning of Van Helsing, with Mr. Hyde...pretty much all the monsters look like that, perhaps cross-bred with the zombies from I Am Legend). Everybody perceives the two main characters as a hot blonde chick and an old Chinese dude. Sounds fun, right? For whatever reason, it all comes off as a superfluous effort to build comedy from being weird; it worked so well for the Men In Black films, but it all falls rather flat in RIPD.

The story overall is pretty fast and compact. It does a fine enough job of introducing the characters, slapping them together, and crafting some dynamic chemistry between them. However, the plot is pretty standard fare, and it never takes the time to truly invest the audience in the world it portrays. It shows just enough to make the plot work, but it never explains much, never builds on the things it briefly touches on, and never really makes us care.

The film uses a lot of stylish camera moves, fast-zooms, and slow-motion effects, which you could either see as being really cool or really dumb. Editing is okay in general. Acting is a mixed bag: Ryan Reynolds is strangely flat and emotionless throughout, save for the few love scenes, while Jeff Bridges steals the show repeatedly, in a role that almost seems to parody his role from True Grit. Kevin Bacon is pretty much himself, and I loved watching Mary-Louise Parker. Writing is not that great. This production uses okay sets, props, and costumes. Special effects look cool, but are on the cheap side. Music is hip and fun.

In the end, I couldn't help but to think of other films and how much better they are than RIPD. For stories that involve parallels between worlds of the living and worlds of the dead, I couldn't help but to think that the Bleach anime was a better story, and the Dead Like Me TV series was funnier. For that same concept with the perfect blend of action and comedy, the two Hellboy movies are effectively perfect. For comic-book-inspired stories about enforcers tackling the supernatural without the general public knowing, the three Men In Black movies succeed in everything RIPD tried to do, but failed. And even with the climax, with the dead threatening to rise up and end the world, I couldn't help but to remember how much better Ghostbusters was in this field. RIPD even has a brief staircase gag that reminded me of GB. All of those come recommended, but RIPD, not so much.

Given its poor box office reception, I think it's safe to say that RIPD will Rest in Piece, buried alongside such equally marginal pictures as Jonah Hex and Priest.

3/5 (Entertainment: Average | Story: Marginal | Film: Average)
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Predictable? Yes. Fun? Yes!
kosmasp1 September 2013
I mean I get it. People were comparing this to Men in Black even before it was released. Unfortunately for the producers and the makers of the film this didn't make nowhere near that kind of money (box office wise). Instead it seems that Ryan Reynolds is Box Office poison. The superhero movie (Green Lantern) and now this.

He might have been the hope for some studios but I'm not sure if they are still willing to bet money on him. And it's unfortunate, especially because his chemistry with Jeff Bridges is really amazing! There are quite a lot of funny moments in this and it would be fun to see where this would be heading. Having another A-Lister with Kevin Bacon you do wonder why this went south. Great special effects too (they had a good budget to do this though)
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Yep, it's as bad as people say.
SteveStockholm7 March 2022
Top review read "not as bad as the negative reviews says" so I watched it. But the fact is, it's just as bad as the negative reviews say. It really is.

This movie is cliche, unfunny, sappy and boring at the same time. Meanwhile, the concepts, characters and dialogue are all mediocre at best and downright cringy at worst. It's also no way near as clever as it thinks it is. Put simply this is just a poorly written movie. The actors do their best with what they're given but, well, that only go so far. And yes, it is absolutely a ripoff of MIB, but not a good one.

To summarize: Don't bother. Not even on Netflix. There are so many better films.
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Almost loved it
evkier20 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the scenes where time stopped and the dead character witnessed reality without time. Also, the entire theater was laughing when Bridges character spoke about his personal witness of his own death. They patterned his character after his Wild Bill role. I truly enjoyed it, made me laugh out loud many times and the entire theater did as well. Yes, it is similar to MIB, but I got more laughs out of this than ANY of the MIB series. It was funny to see a man hit on Jeff Bridges and his reply to it. I will surely watch this again on DVD. Great movie...a 7 out of 10 at least. And the ending is great as well. A much more intelligent movie than MIB.
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Disgraceful CGI, 3D and unlikable characters, this really is evidence that not even the great Jeff Bridges couldn't save "R.I.P.D". A movie car pile up, of epic proportions.
ScottGentry22 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
"R.I.P.D" (12A) Directed by: Robert Schwentke. Starring: Jeff Bridges, Ryan Reynolds, Kevin Bacon and Mary-Louis Parker. Rated: 12A, for containing moderate fantasy violence and threat, with uses of moderate bad language. Running time: 96 minutes. Out now in UK cinemas.

Plot synopsis

After stealing some gold during a drug bust, policeman Nick Walker (Ryan Reynolds) makes the difficult decision to return the gold which is evidence, to the police department. However, his partner Hayes (Kevin Bacon) has other ideas and shoots Nick during a raid on a warehouse. Following his death, Nick's spirit drifts into the sky and arrives in the office of the R.I.P.D (Rest in peace department). Once there, Nick is recruited to capture wandering spirits or face judgement. On accepting, Nick is partnered with Roy (Jeff Bridges) an 18th century Marshall with a disturbing obsession with hats.

From the first five minutes, it was clear that "R.I.P.D" was an absolute piece of cods-wallop. The 3D effects were shoddy, there was terrible acting from both leads and even the action was dull.

You may be saying to yourself, the film can't be that bad surely? Well, it was. "R.I.P.D" is every film critic's nightmare.

I'm going to be honest, I really wanted to like "R.I.P.D" but Hollywood has gone a step too far. The script was terrible, containing a straight copy-cat role from "True Grit" for Jeff Bridges and the casual one note performance style for Reynolds. Kevin Bacon (who is usually very good) delivered possibly the worst performance of his life, acting lifelessly at every possible moment.

Having viewed "R.I.P.D" in 3D (why, oh why!?) there were no 3D effects whatsoever. Not even one creature jumped out from the screen. With most films including (decent-ish) 3D effects, you expect (at the very least) a few effects from a 3D film. The CGI was especially shoddy, boasting large set pieces and never delivering on quality.

Honestly, "R.I.P.D" has an interesting story, but (in my opinion) was never intended for a big- screen debut. It shares so many similarities with the "Men In Black" franchise, that it's hard not to recognise them. Really, it should have been left alone.


Disgraceful CGI, 3D and unlikable characters, this really is evidence that not even the great Jeff Bridges couldn't save "R.I.P.D". A movie car pile up, of epic proportions.

1 stars out of 10
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Silly but Entertaining M.I.B. and Blade Runner Rip-off
claudio_carvalho15 November 2013
In Boston, the dirty cop Nick (Ryan Reynolds) hides gold that he has stolen from drug-dealers with his partner Hayes (Kevin Bacon) in the backyard of his house. However, on the next morning, Nick tells Hayes that he will deliver the evidence to the police since he loves his wife Julia (Stephanie Szostak) and he could not face her acting that way. Nick and Hayes are assigned to a raid against a dangerous gang and unexpectedly Hayes kills Nick.

Nick is drawn by a tunnel and based on his previous experience in the police department, he is assigned in the afterlife by the Proctor (Mary-Louise Parker) to join the Rest in Peace Department that protects the living world from the undead and work with the old- fashioned agent Roy (Jeff Bridges). Roy and Nick accidentally find that Hayes in plotting a scheme to revert the sense of the tunnel to the afterlife and bring the Apocalypse to Earth.

"R.I.P.D." is a silly but entertaining M.I.B. and Blade Runner rip-off combined with the clichés of a rookie cop that is assigned to work with a veteran one. Why Hayes had split the gold with Nick if he intended to use in his scheme is one of the many holes in the plot that alternates funny with silly and annoying moments. However, "R.I.P.D." is an entertaining popcorn in the end. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "R.I.P.D. - Agentes do Além" ("R.I.P.D. - Agents from Beyond")
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Just to watch as a Trailer
zenicit19 July 2013
Man, I gotta seriously say about this, Even if you have time and really don't have anything to do, please don't waste the time by watching this movie.

A trailer is worth a watch but nothing is better to do with that movie.

Some parts from Van Helsing, some from MIB, some concepts from MUMMY. Oops that's enough for the movie.

Screenplay writer would have never read his script again, which has brought the movie to a dead pace.

CG was good. But didn't had any effect for the movie

Once again, I'm wasting my time in writing up about the movie. Enough of this
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An effective spoof of the Men-In-Black genre.
PWNYCNY1 August 2013
Foghorn Leghorn comes alive in the person of Roy in this hilarious spoof of the Men in Black series. After reading a slew of reviews that trashed this movie, I decided to watch the movie and judge for myself. Apparently, what I watched significantly differed from what these other reviewers had seen. This movie is obviously a spoof on the Men-In-Black movies, with Jeff Bridges reprieving his Rooster Cogburn role, this time in a character named Roy, with highly amusing results. Indeed at times Bridges performance is hilarious as he and his sidekick Nick bicker and exchange taunts and insults when not destroying "Deadies" who have escaped back to earth. Although Ryan Reynolds co-stars, Bridges dominates the movie. His performance is so strong that he overshadows every other cast member in the movie. Although some of the special effects are cheesy and most of the story is hokey and contrived, such as the love interest between Nick and his wife which really stretches literary license to the limit, the movie nevertheless is engaging and keeps the audience's attention. This is the case because despite his gruffness, Roy is an engaging character. Mary Louise Parker and Kevin Bacon perform wonderfully in supporting roles, with Parker demonstrating a talent for dead-pan humor and Bacon playing a bad guy with much effectiveness. Furthermore, the movie ends on an upbeat note, with the two main characters having resolved the interpersonal issues that had initially strained their relationship. Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds work well together; also, Bridges sings two songs, revealing an excellent singing voice. If one is expecting a sci-fi classic, you will be disappointed. But if one is expecting a well-crafted comedy that will keep you entertained, then you will be gratified.
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Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges Definitely Don't Make a Team as Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones,But I Found This Movie Very Fun and Enjoyable,
lesleyharris3030 September 2013
RIPD is a good movie with a decent but weird storyline and good performances.I don't think this film deserved all the negative criticism it received,it definitely isn't brilliant,but I thought it was very funny at times and overall an enjoyable film.It had that same kind of Men In Black theme to it that I enjoyed,definitely not as much but I still found it very fun.The main thing I really didn't like was getting Jeff Bridges character disguised as a young blonde women,it was very disturbing,especially with an actor as talented and well known as him.RIPD definitely misses a lot,but I found it enjoyable and would recommend it as a fun action movie to anyone over the age of twelve.

Nick (Ryan Reynolds),a recently murdered police officer,is murdered and is forced to return to Earth as part of the RIPD,along with a longtime dead cowboy Roy (Jeff Bridges) who helps Nick take his killer Hayes (Kevin Bacon) down.
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I'm embarrassed for the entire cast
darthsteele-3933830 December 2021
First of all I couldn't understand a word Jeff Bridges was saying. He's a total mushmouth! The script, the premise, everything is so far beneath all of these actors. I can't understand for the life of me why they chose to do this film. It's a miracle any of them still had a career after making this garbage.
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Great idea, poor execution
carriath2-490-54906618 July 2013
As promised in the trailers the plot follows your standard apocalypse dead coming back to life theme. And the mechanic of a P.D. made up of the recently deceased who appear as other characters to the living provides a solid "hook" to work around.

The Bad news, they failed to deliver. The film gets lost in the action and special effects, and the potential comedy doesn't get the focus it deserves. I would give this 3 stars out of 5, and agonize over whether to take one of those away on principle for getting my hopes up.

Worth 1 viewing, bring tissues if you are an action fan or liked Ghost-busters, because you'll walk away saying "I wish they had given up on making it serious."
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Formulaic Romp Through the Afterlife
wademasquerade22 July 2013
I'll start off by saying that I did enjoy this movie, and it kept me entertained throughout. I was not quite sure what to expect from this movie as I hadn't seen any trailers beforehand, only the seemingly poor ratings it was receiving. I don't agree with those low ratings.

As predictable in it's story as it may seem, it was well executed anyways. Jeff Bridges is there in all of his campy western glory, and Ryan Reynolds plays the stereotypical polar opposite of his partner. The best way that I would be able to describe this movie to people is a "buddy cop film set in the afterlife", because that's very much what it is. This is where it seems to be formulaic to me. You see so many movies nowadays about two partners who are greatly different from each other (i.e Cop Out, The Other Guys, etc.).

I saw this film in 3D and it was done well. Nothing to write home about, but it was a satisfying 3D experience. Maybe I had simply been desensitized to the format, having just seen the 3D Jurassic Park revamp. Still, however, it had all those cool "look at how close the gun is!" moments nonetheless.

In short: Nothing you haven't really seen before. Just your average buddy cop movie, aside from the interesting afterlife element that's been put into it. I'd wait for the Blu-Ray.
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