Them (2006) Poster


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Excellent atmosphere, no story
snuhmcsnort29 July 2006
As previous reviewers have mentioned, at the start of the story you are never quite sure what genre the film is, which works in this film's favour. In many ways this film reminded me of 'Wolf Creek' in that there was next to no story at all, but instead the film focuses on character's trapped in a life or death situation and the seemingly prescient nature of the pursuer(s). In addition, there's the appeal to the 'based on a true story' line that seems to reel in some gullible viewers while causing a good eye-rolling for the rest of us. To believe that the events that transpired in this movie are based on fact is not implausible, it just seems to be an excuse for a threadbare story. That said, the movie that it is is highly suspenseful. As another reviewer mentioned, I spent most of the film cringing. Surprising lack of violence which was very refreshing, which helps make an even stronger case for this film. The final shot was very chilling in it's implications, but perhaps portrayed the antagonists as being somewhat too detached, which for me, seemed to nullify the overall impact of the film. I gave it a 7/10. I would definitely recommend it for the masterful creation of suspense.
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Short, but well filmed and full of tension
The_Void23 January 2007
This film proclaims that the events contained within are based on actual happenings. I can easily buy this as the plot isn't so outlandish that it becomes impossible for it to have actually happened. The way that the film treats it's subject matter is good in that it focuses on atmosphere and tension to get across what is only really a variant on the same sort of story used in films such as Night of the Living Dead and Assault on Precinct 13, and the film does manage to remain interesting for the most part despite the fact that it gives you no real reason to care for the characters and the plot is incredibly thin. IMDb only lists two actors for the cast - there are actually more, but these two are the central characters. Clementine, a schoolteacher and Lucas, a writer live together in a picturesque little country house. They believe themselves to be isolated within this nice little home, but upon hearing a noise one night, the pair venture outside and discover that, in fact, they are not alone in their living area and soon realise that they have been invaded by a group of murderous 'visitors'...

The film only runs for seventy minutes, so there's not much time for plot building anyway. It would seem that directors David Moreau and Xavier Palud were keener to focus on themes of the plot rather than telling an actual story, and the ideas contained within mostly concern the pointlessness of violence and an invasion of a family home. The film benefits from a nice glossy cinematography, which looks nice and gives the film more of a high quality feel. The acting is decent enough, and both Olivia Bonamy and Michaël Cohen give interesting portrayals of their characters. The murderers are the most interesting part of the film, and this is true in spite of the fact that they're kept off screen as much as possible. The same idea behind the murderers of this film has been used before, to a better degree in some films, and is used well here also. The film falls down on the fact that it doesn't run for long and it doesn't really seem to have an actual plot. This isn't particularly important considering what the film obviously sets out to portray, but it does leave Them feeling rather empty. Still, this is a quality French horror film and comes recommended.
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Good one
misko1410 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Watch out for the spoilers...

This one was a nice surprise. It started out as a ghost movie with a strong paranormal feeling, chilly mood and great surroundings. Furthermore the movie managed to cloak the real identity of the home invaders for some time, and additionally add a cool twist in the end.

The movie (and particularly the ending) is quite disturbing so people with weak nerves should be warned.

I would actually like to summarize the atmosphere of this one as a mix of "The Descent" and "Blair Witch".

7 out of 10 Molotov cocktails
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They don't often get as scary as this.
The_Dead_See12 April 2008
As some other comments have pointed out, "Ils" really doesn't have much of a story to it. A young couple are terrorized by a gang of mysterious, hooded assailants in a country house, that's about all there is to it. But this film takes suspense to whole new levels. It has possibly the scariest opening sequence I've seen in two decades of being a horror movie fan, and I barely breathed throughout the entire first hour. The third act lightens up on the tension a bit (and I mean only a bit), but that's actually a welcome relief... It's nice to feel your heart slow back down to normal levels after being taken on such a ride.

It isn't a horror film that relies on gore or shocks for its frights. Fans of movies like Hostel and Saw probably won't find much to entertain them here; but if you enjoy tight directing that builds layer upon layer of anxiety, then this is for you.
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Scariest horror movie in years
jason_1318 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Ils is a great addition to the otherwise terrible 2006 - a bad, bad year for horror. I doubt we even expect fear in the "new" horror. At least, I surrendered long time ago. That is why Ils is something more than a positive surprise. It's a golden mine.

Lucas and Clementine are a happy couple, living in a distant house. One night, Clementine is woken up by the sound of strange noises, coming from the front of the house. Uninivted guests have occupied the place, but the main characters are not able to see them. They have no choice, but to run and hide in a night full of craziness and terror.

Ils delivers a level of realism, I honestly, haven't witnessed in a long time. Usually, we have monsters that are first kept in mystery in order to fool the viewer that a killer is going after the characters. Basically, Ils's plot is not all that original and never seen before, but the first scene builds up tension and mystery, supporting the rest of the movie. There are only two characters which leaves more space for visual beauty. Nature around the house, the house itself, the night - very nice location. It's like the creators have tried to create a specific atmosphere, fitting into the later introduced strain.

Ils is scary in a way that could hardly be described. As I said, storytelling is not that impressive, nor revolutionary, but the authors are obviously talented enough to turn it into a scary experience. The viewer is curious to find out what or who is behind the murders. By murders, I mean the first scene where unknown woman and her daughter are killed off screen. What is their motive? All that stuff is not just a mystery, because the film is rather silent and tensed than slow paced with lots of dialogs.

It is said that the movie is based on true events which leaves even more questions. Personally I don't have faith in this kind of stuff anymore. I mean if a similar event has occurred, it is always different than the movie. I suppose it's the same story here. The movie's weakest point is exactly that attempt to influence the viewer by a made-up story. Horror makers should stop this. It has been original 30 years ago with TCM. Now, it has become annoying.

Ils is definitely among the best horror movies in years. A European, scary flick, you will appreciate the least.
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There's life in the stalk and slash film yet
trpuk196829 January 2007
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This puts a new spin on the stalk and slash movie by eschewing previous devices such as supernatural beings, reincarnated murderers or chainsaw wielding psychopaths. The antagonists terrorising a bourgeois couple are a bunch of hoodies. A 'hoodie', for the benefit of non British readers, is a youth who wears, as the name suggests, a hooded sports top. This garment is frequently associated with youngsters up to no good.

A year or so ago several members of a street gang in London, average age fifteen, were convicted of the brutal murder of a middle aged man on London s South Bank. So this film reverberates contemporary fears and the current moral panic in Britain. Reading our newspapers you'd imagine all under sixteens were off the rails.

The film uses its settings really well, there's a chase through some tunnels which brought to mind television footage of 1989, after Romania's dictator Ceaucescu, was brought down. For several weeks his secret police, the Securitate, went underground in a series of secret tunnels underneath Budapest, terrorising people with sporadic violence.

Sound is used brilliantly, in a disembodied way, there's all sorts of cries, shrieks. Its unclear whether they are part of the diegesis. There's a rattling sound throughout which has the effect of making you jump. Its source is revealed at the films end.

The standard settings for the stalk and slash film are used really well - the house, as in Halloween, the woods bring to mind stuff like The Evil Dead or Texas Chainsaw.

Tightly edited, well paced and jolted me several times, its good to see Europe stand up to Hollywood in the entertainment stakes.
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Very effective and surprising movie
pmdawn10 April 2008
This movie is a mystery-horror hybrid, and one of the best at maintaining tension and suspense. Definitely not recommended for those with heart problems - honest, this had my heart racing. No special effects or big budget necessary, this movie is simple but told from the point of view of the victims as well as 'their' POV, and this keeps the movie interesting and makes it a different entry in the horror genere.

Much like Run Lola Run, "Ils" is effective, yet it is clear that is more of an exercise in style (that works very well) than any attempt to truly innovate. I can't help but wonder that this movie could have been awesome with a different, more intricate plot. But since it claims it's based on true facts, it does a good job of telling the story with a twist and putting us in the place of the two main characters. There isn't much gore at all, which is a good thing and works in favour of the movie's atmosphere.

And the ending... well, let's just say it was a big surprise for me. Just try not to read any spoilers about this movie, don't assume anything beforehand and you're set.
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Tense as hell...
MrVibrating9 December 2006
...but in the end you realize this is something you'll only watch once or perhaps twice. It's a perfect cinema experience however.

The sound work works really well in a theater. There is clearly a very eager and talented sound designer and editor responsible for creating most of the tension. Every single creak and footstep is perfectly placed for the best scares. The plot is the "weakest" part, but it's nothing you'll care about. The best thing is that it mercifully steers clear of all "jump" scenes we know and hate from American scary movies.

After the first act, lightning starts to come in more and more and almost replaces sound as the tension-maker. This is also done extremely well. Actually, this is probably one of the most well- made horror movies in a long time. Everything plays out perfectly; lightning, sound, camera-work(modern, but not annoyingly so) editing and cinematography.

Definitely worth watching for the technical aspects alone, but more so for the tension and the scares.
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Amazing suspense, mediocre everything else.
Shattered_Wake10 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
At a large, secluded house in the countryside, a teacher and her writer husband are terrorized by a group of hooded strangers. The couple attempt to seek shelter at home and away, but the strangers have different ideas.

I decided to give this a watch and post a review for it before the (suspiciously) similar 'The Strangers' was released here in the states. 'Ils,' along with a few other French films, have been the talk of the recent foreign horror market. 'Ils' doesn't stand up as high as some of the other more popular modern French horrors, like 'À l'intérieur' and 'Haute Tension,' but that doesn't mean it's not a worthy addition to the library of well made French horrors. The film, overall, is very suspenseful and exchanges a lot of tension for any kind of violence or gore (which is almost nonexistent). It's not a very original idea, and the technical aspects of the film, including the sparse script and average direction, aren't really anything new. But, the one thing I was pleasantly surprised (and pleased) with was the shocking revelation of the attackers. . . that was one of my favourite parts of the film, especially the almost surreal final shots of the film. To sum up, if you're looking to counteract some of the brutally violent recent French horrors and thrillers, this isn't a bad film to turn to.

Final verdict: 6.5/10.
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A literal snoozfest
jordan224013 June 2017
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I fell asleep several times trying to get through this. Hard to believe a couple of adults couldn't successfully fend off unarmed children. At one point, the adult male is climbing on a ladder, and the child above him starts stomping on his hands, trying to get him to fall off. Stubbornly, the adult continues to try to hang onto the rung where he's being stomped. Here are a couple of ideas - grab the brat's leg and toss him to the ground, or at the very least, move down a rung or two so you aren't being stomped on any longer. And then, after having watched the child stomping her husband, instead of the wife (who was above the child) stomping him off the ladder, she just runs off. STUPID! Anyway, if you want to watch an hour and a half (or whatever it was) of a couple of incompetent adults being chased through the woods, have at it. Or you can make better use of your time by catching up on your sleep (which you'll end up doing anyway, so why waste the electricity).
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Scary stuff, here
slake091 October 2006
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This deserves it's spot in the horror movie pantheon, the latest to come out that is actually scary, in it's own creepy way. I've read that people think it's predictable - maybe so. It wasn't for me.

The plot involves a couple being terrified in their own home by an unknown group of people. Completely unknown, because you never get a look at them. You're not even sure that they are people. The real horror of it comes at the end, when you realize what went on and it sort of fits into the reality horror genre.

In any case, the movie had good pacing, good timing, and certainly good acting. The unknown part is the creepy, scary part; along with the protagonists, you're not quite sure what is going on or why, or even who is perpetrating it. That's the good part of this movie, the way that the unknown remains unknown until the end.

I enjoyed this movie mainly because it employed every means to be scary and creepy without throwing in special effects or a big budget. It's just good film making, and that's enjoyable in itself.
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Solid exercise in suggestive horror
fertilecelluloid11 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Ils" ("Them") begins by establishing some real characters (a couple) in a real setting (their house). Lucas (Michael Cohen) is a writer who seems a little blocked. Sanda (Maria Roman) is his wife, a smart, supportive woman who is having problems sleeping. During an irritating bout of insomnia, in the middle of the night, she hears the first noise. From that moment, the lives of this couple are changed. Their home is invaded by faceless people and they are forced to flee. They fight, too, but because they may be outnumbered, fleeing seems to be the most sensible course of action -- at least initially. This moody French horror film, directed by David Moreau and Xavier Palud, goes heavy on the suspense and light on the mayhem. Once it establishes its simple premise, it is an extended chase through a forest and dangerous subterranean tunnels. The strong, sexy Roman gets the most generous coverage as she is stalked and deceived, her flight paralleling that of Marilyn Burns in the original "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre". When the film reveals who our heroes have been running from, it is a modest surprise. Stronger, though, is a simple sequence of shots that confirm their fate. Made with modest resources, nicely lit and scored, "Ils" is a solid exercise in suggestive horror.
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Awful, just awful.
Souless276 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a joke and quite frankly made me laugh. I was quite bored through out the first half of the film but when it revealed that the actual culprits were children....well that just killed it for me. It is so unrealistic to think that a 10-15 year old (however the oldest kids were killed) year old child could over power an adult. The 11 year old was the kid supposedly holding Clem down. Sorry but I'm a woman who weighs 9.5 stone and I could have easily thrown that kid off my back by simply getting up, kicking, rolling over or all of the above. Especially when one's adrenaline is pumping I imagine it would be quite difficult to pen them down if you're a full sized adult much less an adolescent youth. The atmosphere was scary & 'tense' for about 30 minutes. After that it bored the hell out of me. The plot was ridiculous, full of holes and quite uninteresting. The cinematography was pathetic and it reminded me of a bad home movie. It was even worse when the last bit appeared telling you that it was children who murdered them and when asked why 'THEY wouldn't play with us'....trying for the shock value and making the supposed hidden meaning of the title obvious which I found extremely patronising (not unlike the French).

Overall, don't waste your time.
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OK Bare bones horror movie
TdSmth519 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
We have an intro followed by a quick introduction of the main characters, and there are only 2 of them, and then we go straight to the mild horror. The best part really is the introduction which is a very tense and suspenseful presentation of the bad guys. It's the typical intro crime. But it's very well done. A mom and daughter drive in a minivan at night and in the rain (of course) and while they fight, mom runs into a tree while trying to avoid something or someone on the road. Both don't end up well.

Then we meet our main characters, Clem played beautifully by the lovely Olivia Bonamy. She is a French school teacher in Romania. Her boyfriend is a lazy writer. We spend a late afternoon and night with them as they dine, watch TV, and go to sleep. She then starts hearing noises and wakes him up. They realize her car has been moved and when he approaches the car lights turn on and it drives to him making him run back into the house.

From then on they run and hide from the intruders, who shine lights and make odd sounds. For the most part we don't see Them, don't know if they are human or not. Eventually, They injure his leg and she takes on the main role, trying to find a way out as they barricade themselves in a restroom. Eventually we see that one of Them looks like a kid. The passivity and pacifism of our victims is mind boggling as they run in fear from a light or a shadow or the slightest sound.

Later on our couple separates as she wanders into the woods and he can't climb a gate. Eventually they are both recaptured but a friendly kid guides them away from the violent kids. Or does he?

The film is relatively short and lacking in dialogue. Along the lines of most current horror films. Little introduction, no dialogue, lots of running around darker halls / sewers, but this one doesn't have any gore. We don't know anything about the villains or how they can be so fantastically silent yet see everything our victims do. Why this is R-rated I don't know. It's clearly PG-13. The movie is somewhat effective at creating tension and fear but lacks energy, creativity, characters, gore, nudity. This is horror-light.
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Not bad...
Wiss10115 March 2007
This movie resembles in many ways to "The Blair Witch Project". How? Well, by the few characters introduced to the viewers, the way the movie was shot and the heavy atmosphere that surrounds us. It's this kind of general malaise that gives this movie a solid base to stand on. Another important fact, is that this story is based on actual facts and you have to agree that it makes it a lot scarier. For people expecting any gore, forget about it. This is just a horror movie with a heavy atmosphere. The script is minimalist, but has definitely some interesting aspects. The main disappointment of that movie is that at the end of it, we feel like we're missing the "why". But on the hole, if u feel like getting a good chill from a spooky movie, i recommend u then:"ILS"
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This is a man's world...
richard_sleboe1 March 2007
...but it wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl. Although she's not technically single, Clémentine (Olivia Bonamy) is out there on her own. Her man is useless from the minute we meet him. She earns the money *and* does the shopping. Lucas (Michaël Cohen) is a lazy dimwit of a writer who's always tired and can't even cook. Less than half-way through the script, he gets himself injured so Clémentine has to confront the intruders all by herself. When doom closes in on them and they have to flee the house, she drags Lucas along until he collapses like the sissy that he is. Fortunately, Clémentine is a tough cookie (and easily the prettiest scream queen this side of Neve Campbell). The story is set in and around a run-down country mansion outside Bucharest. It's an obvious choice for a horror movie, but it works surprisingly well, chiefly because of Axel Cosnefroy's outstanding cinematography. The camera (mostly hand-held/steadicam) is with the lead characters almost all the time, constantly switching between outside and first-person perspectives.
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Modern Cult Classic
leaningt10 December 2006
The collaborative minds of two French co-directors, Xavier Palud and David Moreau have produced a financially efficient modern classic horror. Based on a true story, the narrative is simple enough: After a mysterious attack, by unknown assailants, on two car-crash victims in the Romanian countryside, a happy French couple, living in a large rented house nearby, are one night terrorised by hooded intruders. With hardly any music, the film relies on diagetic noises and sounds to creep-out the audience, with devastating effectiveness. And combined with a masterful use of darkness to temporarily blind and disorientate the audience, as well as the characters, Palud and Moreau have created a heart-thumping jump-out-of-your-seat gripper with a surprising and chilling twist.
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Edge of Your Seat
jebretail21 July 2006
While I would never classify "Them" as science fiction in the least, it is definitely a keep-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat thriller, but one tastefully made without gratuitous violence or gore. Based on a true life story, this film speaks to the banality of violence, and the essence of fear. I've seen plenty of gripping thrillers, but this one kept me squirming and shielding my eyes for a full hour, with an ending that leaves you stunned. Speaking no French or Romanian and having seen it with English sub-titles, I cannot attest to the value of the script. The performances, however, seem solid and the film is expertly shot and musically scored - all these elements add to the power of the film. I would appreciate more information on the real events on which "Them" is based, so if anyone knows more, please contact me.
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really interesting thriller
daunted_undauntable21 November 2006
Without hesitation, I have to say this is a good thriller. Scenario was simple which made the movie easy to watch. You really find yourself wondering who really they are. There's no much blood used in the movie. I think it is a success to make a thriller interesting without using such gore effects. Meanwhile this is also a drama. Casting's OK and nice shots. The only negative thing I thought about it was that the story could be more developed around "them". Also, throughout the movie, you can't really understand whether "they" are metaphysical or made out of flesh and blood. This also keeps you wondering about the end. So you better watch it. Absolutely not a waste of time to watch.. Congratulations to the production, hands shaken.
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More Boring and Disappointing Than I Hoped
gavin69422 October 2012
Lucas and Clementine live peacefully in their isolated country house, but one night they wake up to strange noise... they are not alone... and a group of hooded assailants begin to terrorize them throughout the night.

From the description, you might think this was a French version of "The Strangers" or something like that. You would be sorely mistaken. The film takes the idea of "less is more" a little too far. The bulk of it has two people reacting to noises in the night. There is basically no real threat to them, at least not so far as I could see.

The film finally picks up in the third act, and treats us to some amazing architecture. If there had been a way to get the story to that point sooner, and perhaps for longer, I think it would have held my interest better.

Most disappointing, the film billed itself as based on true events. How many hundreds -- or thousands -- of films use this gimmick? Please stop. We all know that your story is either not based on true events at all, or is so loosely based on them that it is not even worth saying so. (I appreciate the words "inspired by" even less -- every story ever written is "inspired" by something in real life!)
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Great thriller based on true event
Stskyshaker24 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say i really enjoyed it. With a runtime of only 77mins and less then 50votes here, it's far beyond my expectation.And after watching Ils, i wonder whether this is exactly how long a horror/thriller movie should be.

The setting and excellent score remind me of High Tension, but it turns out to be a even better one. At least higher efficiency in only 77mins, no gratuitous sex violence or gore, all are set to create the breathtaking atmosphere.

Like some other audience, I supposed 'they' had to be aliens and this movie should be a sci-fi before seeing the ending which is short,but reasonable enough,and quite impressive.

Low budget horror at its best.
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Not what I was promised.
tenten763 February 2008
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I remember the trailers teasing whether the trespassers/terrors were real/supernatural or otherwise, and I will admit I was expecting/hoping for more of a modern terror/horror film than the almost understated thriller we are left with. That's not to criticise the film itself, which I rather enjoyed. At a bare 70 minutes, I cannot remember another 'feature film' which is so lean on the cut - no sub-plots, and an opening scene that adds nothing. But the pace of what is left works very well, and never feels too long or too short. The acting is extremely good, with leads that portray very believable & sympathetic characters, and behave more rationally under stress than most thriller/horror protagonists. Anyway, watching Olivia Bonamy do absolutely anything is no chore.. This film is based on real events, which makes the ending all the more poignant. If I had to criticise, it would only be that the film isn't 'bigger' in ambition as they clearly had the talent, but I guess the true story already defines the limitations of the film. A very well-made and engaging thriller, but it doesn't have the luxury of imagination or scope that great (fictional) thrillers rely upon.
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Antagonisten10 October 2006
It seems a lot of people feel that the horror-genre has had some sort of revival in the last few years. That the genre is more alive and vibrant than in a long time. If by that you mean that many horror-movies are made, then i agree. However, if you mean that the quality is better i have to disagree completely.

Sure there are a few of the "new wave"-horror movies that have had some interesting and groundbreaking themes, like for instance SAW. But most of them are the same regurgitated crap that i seem to remember having seen since the 70's or so. This movie is no different. The fact that it's supposedly based on real events matters not, the result is still a load of crap.

This movie is 80 minutes long. That is a very short running time for a movie, i think we could all agree on that. So how do the film-makers manage to make the first 40 minutes unbearably boring? It's beyond me, but almost nothing happens. Not only is it wasted time horror-wise, it's even more wasted since there is no character-development or anything adding to some kind of story. After these 40 minutes (that feels like two hours) have passed the "horror" begins. Mostly it consists of people running around in a pitch black empty house screaming in horror at their own shadow. The pace is picked up somewhat in the end of the movie, but it still makes no sense and never becomes interesting.

The only positive thing i can really say about this mess is that at least it didn't fall into the common gore trap. Most horror movies today seem to think that horror comes from seeing lots and lots of blood. At least here they directors try (and fail) to create some sort of psychological suspense. In the end though i don't think i was scared a single one of the 80 minutes and this felt very much like a huge waste of my time.

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"They wouldn't play with us."
Backlash00715 June 2008
I found Them to be kind of a "meh", take it or leave it film. It's not bad, but it's also not that great. It's much easier to review a movie that you either loved or hated. Strong feelings either way provide a wealth of comments to spout on about. That being said, I don't have a lot of things to say about this French offering. I can say that Them was a tight, tense thriller. It had a short and welcome running time that kept things moving along at a brisk pace. That's just refreshing to see in a world where the most clichéd tripe thinks it deserves 2 hours to tell a story. And this story is very simple: A couple alone in a secluded home being terrorized by "Them." I have waited a while to write this review because I wanted to see The Strangers first. They are almost the exact same movie, but I just connected more with The Strangers. The Strangers frightened me more. It may have something to do with a darkened theater versus a computer monitor though. The two films might compliment each other well in a double feature setting.
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Nastily effective
paul2001sw-17 April 2011
David Moreau and Xavier Perud's brief but nastily effective thriller carriers echoes of 'The Blair Witch Project' - the start is all suggestion and fear, with very little seen, and 'Assault on Precinct 13', with a plot centred on an apparently motiveless, but overwhelming, attack on its protagonists. The film is apparently based on a true story, although I doubt that in reality a Transylvanian manor house would really link up to such an extensive collection of sewers and cellars. True or not, it's not really a story about anything; the final revelation, about the identity of the attackers, is shocking but as we don't see anything from their perspective, also limited. Nonetheless, this is a film that will have you flinching in your seat on more than one occasion.
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