Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave (2005) Poster

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What the...?
doublenickle5912 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw this one was on TV and I hadn't seen the previous one (Necropolis). I passed off the flaws in this move as it just being edited for TV. However, after watching the DVD of both Necropolis and this movie, this one is crap. It almost completely ignores the last movie, even though the same characters are in it. Granted, I've never met a zombie, but I think that it I had to deal with the living dead not only once, but twice, I would remember, and probably remark on it. Plus, the main character getting all weepy and upset about his uncle dying is a joke. In Necropolis, he didn't even seem to like his uncle to begin with. Then, his uncle tried to kill him, was responsible for the deaths of his parents, his little brother, and most of his friends. Plus, his uncle turned his parents in zombie super-soldiers that were programmed to kill him! Why would he be upset when his uncle died? Then there's the character of Becky. Her character completely changed from the last movie to this one, transforming from a smart, nerdy, innocent girl to a ditsy, sex crazed blond bimbo. And then, she dies, and it doesn't matter. She was a main character, and now she's in two scenes and has three lines and is tossed away. Have these filmmakers ever even seen a movie, let alone make one before? They obviously never saw ROTLD 1-3. It's no wonder that Necropolis and this piece of crap don't have any continuity with ROTLD 1-3, since they don't even have continuity between each other.
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What The Hell??
darklordnin220 October 2005
This movie sucked... period. The storyline was so stupid! It wasn't even good in a bad way. The acting is even worse than the story is. The zombies in this movie look really really bad. The gore looks extremely fake, and the zombies are supposed to be unstoppable in the return of the living dead films! They didn't even stay true to the first 3 movies! That's sad that some crappy company had to just throw the "return of the living dead" tag on the movie, and disgrace the old films. I don't know why anyone would allow this movie to be released. As a die hard zombie movie fan, I am offended that someone could possibly think this piece of crap movie was any good.

If your gonna watch a return of the living dead flick... i suggest that it be one of the first 3 movies. Avoid this one at all costs!!!!
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The Nail in the coffin.
argentobuff3 January 2006
After the last one ROTLD 5 sounded bad.In fact it is bad.It is just another recycling of the classic first film.But it seems that the mythos have been trashed this time around.Since when do regular bullets kill the Trioxin Bunch?I can except that in a Romero movie.But seriously this is the ROTLD Series!

The Only plus here are the exceptional Make-up EFX.The Zombies looks pretty good and Imaginative.As for the locations you can tell they filmed this in some part eastern European.

Action-wise.No one here is really engaging or memorable.Bad Lines.Bland Acting.Recycled characters for a Wes Craven Teenybopper flick.It is fun to watch Peter Cyotoe slum it again for a paycheck..

Not recommend.Even on a minimal entertainment level.
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...and you thought pt. 4 was as bad as it gets!
brennan7915 October 2005
Man, there are gonna be some seriously ticked-off fans. I mean, I'm a fan of the first 3 films (mostly 1 and 3) but I'm talking about the "die-hards" who are gonna be even more ticked than me because after 2 years of "in-the-making", THIS is what they come up with.

Sci-Fi channel can make all of the bad movies-of-the-week that it wants but making sequels to cult favorites like "Return of the Living Dead" is, well, they should really just know better.

As if part 4 wasn't bad enough (and it was awful), we get treated to something even worse: part 5. Having absolutely no redeeming qualities, it essentially plays like a 2-hour demonstration of what not to do when making a movie. Not even once does it rise to "so bad it's good" status as it's clear the writer and director aren't aware of ANY of the rules to good "bad movie"-making...such as this one: "Plot holes can exist as long as there is enough action to distract the viewer from focusing on them,"

The makers of this film apparently think every viewer has the IQ of a coat hanger because the plot holes come fast and steady from the beginning through to the end. Within the first ten minutes, we find ourselves asking: "Why is it that some of the high-school students in the P.E. class look to be about 30 years old?", "Where did the note about the guy's uncle come from?", "How can the main character have lived in his house for years (judging by the dust in the attic) without ever knowing about that secret room?" and "What exactly did Peter Coyote do to deserve this?" and then later, my favorite: "What high school lets unsupervised students use syringes on laboratory rats?" Meanwhile, we get mostly bad dialogue scenes instead of action (or camera work, atmosphere, good music, good dialogue scenes...really, take your pick), to go with these glaring questions.

Believe me, I'm not nit-picking. I normally don't mind plot-holes in otherwise entertaining movies. If I was able to overlook them while watching "House of the Dead", I'd say I'm pretty forgiving. I don't think a movie has to be completely in sync with reality, but come on, at least make an effort!

Here, it's obvious that someone was just too lazy or too inept to fix them...and that is just one problem that needs fixing! What about the fact that the zombies not only talk, but when they do, they sound just like...humans?! (Well, actually, that was more the case in part 4. Here, they only really talk when the opportunity for a lame one-liner presents itself.) Still, what about the fact that they feel pain? Or that they run (but only when convenient)? Honestly, I think this was made by people who have never seen a single zombie flick. If you don't agree, then explain the makeup effects because, let me tell you: gray face powder and latex cheekbones do not a zombie make.

Like I said, fans are gonna be ticked and die-hards may well storm the Sci-Fi Channel HQ. They would have been wise to change this to a stand-alone film instead of a sequel, but as it is, maybe "Return of the Living Dead 5: Dig Your Own Grave" would have been a better title.
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Director and writers: What did I ever do to you?
jbeck81718 October 2005
Why..........why............why..........were these two movies made? Why did you get Fangoria to write an article that made these movies seem worth watching? The article was better than the movies. What were you thinking being somewhat reputable as B-movie writers, directors, and actors claiming in Fangoria that "Bill (Butler) wrote the Rave script dealing with the fans directly." What fans? We zombie fans aren't such a hard-to-please bunch, but I think that "the fans" would be offended to be in any way linked with this piece of crap and that other Necropolis disaster. These two movies made me saddened in general, but fortunately, Land of the Dead was being re-released in an unrated director's cut a couple of days later and the interview with Mr.Romero reaffirmed my love for good directors committed to bringing us, the fans, quality zombie film entertainment. Thank-you for listening.
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A great piece of s***
yancyscott127 April 2007
This is a horrible, horrible movie. Do not watch this if you're looking for quality. If however, you are looking for something to laugh at, this might be a good pick. There are some genuinely ridiculous elements, some quotably bad lines, and some comically low-budget special effects. And there are breasts. It is 86 minutes of brain-hungry lab rats, cheerleaders getting bitten in the butt, and ambiguously foreign bad guys that end up dressed like female vikings. The fact that the climax takes place at a rave, and that the movie came out about five years after rave culture effectively died out, makes it even more campy and off-target. I had a hard time deciding whether to give this movie just one star, or all 10. I believe it is a success because it does actually achieve something. It's easy to make a film that is mediocre, say, four or five stars, but you know there's something special when it's really this bad.
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This is the worst sequel EVER to a true Masterpiece like ROTLD
nixongop19 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
First I want to say, I am 22 years old. I first saw Return of the Living Dead (1985) when I was about 2 years old. Since then I have seen it hundreds of times, I have the DVD, VHS, and the Workprint version. I know about every line from the film, and it is my favorite film of all time, bar none. ROTLD 2 sucked, part 3 was not too bad, but lacked dark humor and was not as insane as the first film. I have waited since December 2002 for ROTLD 4 and 5 to come out. All that time...waiting. And finally I see it on the sci fi channel. This piece of garbage falls somewhere below the Preperation H commercials (the bad ones). Joe Versus the Volcano is a masterpiece compared to these "movies". First of all...zombies DO NOT die with a shot to the head!!! Second, Zombies DO NOT get into fist fights with morons, They eat your brains out of your skull! Zombies DO NOT have long conversations!!! And You cannot kill a zombie---you have to burn them completely until there is nothing left just like in part 1!!! Some humor is OK, especially black comedy, but these morons kept bantering on about the stupidest things, and the jokes were not even remotely funny. And 245 Trioxin is not a slime!!! Its a liquid or a gas. This flop had no riots with zombies, no real scary music, no real story, oh and by the way the ARMY should be searching for the tanks, not the Russians searching for them! the writers, director, and anyone who contributed to this piece of garbage should hang their heads in shame. We are the REAL fans, we are the ones who cried out for more sequels...and this is what we get?! Next time hire Dan O Bannon...he's a real director! Why would you destroy such a franchise this way? Next time actually watch the original film before you screw the sequels up. I am outraged and saddened, but I tell you I guess they got in right 20 years ago, and I guess you just cant improve on perfection. Return of the Living Dead Part 1 is and always will be a Masterpiece, unfortunately we cannot even come close to saying that for these two "movies", a waste of 4 hours of my life.
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Horrible Zombie movie
Stalker741 July 2006
This has to be the lowest of the many lows that the Sci-Fi Channel has finally reached. What an horrible, awful movie. This movie is just plain awful. Rats become zombies and then disappear and are never seen again. The special effects are pathetic. Over and over again the zombies bite into the heads of victims and a tiny squirt of blood is occasionally shown.

The actors have thick Russian accents and claim to be agents for the U.S. Government. The moronic efforts at comic relief are insipid and horribly dumb. There is absolutely nothing good about this film. Return of The Living Dead Part III, was an excellent movie, too bad the Scum-Fi Channel did two horrible sequels. ROTLD 5 is a disgrace to all zombie movies.
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Worst movie ever
topojoe8316 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If I could have rated this movie a "0", I would have. First, the movie isn't about high school kids, it's about 30 something college students who decide to mix ecstasy with liquid from the container holding the zombie. This movie was made to purposely make fans upset, with the zombie from the container hitch hiking in all his decayed glory holding a sign that read, "Rave or Bust". the zombie run, talk, the only thing that makes them different from everyone else is the fact that they are pale and have blood on them. Return of the living dead is a very bad title for this movie, as there 9/10 people who became zombies were already alive, the only dead zombies were at the very beginning. If you enjoy wasting time, have nothing better to do, and feel like being pist off, watch this movie. If you have already fallen victim to watching this garbage, please, let the sci-fi channel know how crappy this filth was with an e-mail.
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Worst zombie movie of all times
grafvonbecker23 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts bad, then it get worse until the end. First, the canisters are a cheap version of the originals seen in the ROTLD 2. Second, the acting is just awful, specially from the gangsters. Third, (AND HERE I'M GOING TO ROLL SOME SPOILERS SO YOU'RE ADVISED): what the hell was that weird shaking in Jeremy? Are you serious? Four: zombies doesn't scare, they are silly looking, misinterpreted.

Also, why the gangsters aren't using some hazard protection if they know what are they dealing with? It's not some freon, it's TRIOXIN! Wear some gloves at least for the love of god!

And last: the guitar scene (about 32 minutes) is even worst than the infamous Troll scene (yeah, the Internet meme).


I warn you: don't see this crap! If you're a cult movie lover, consider this garbage as a non-canonical attempt.
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Party time kiddies
Realrockerhalloween27 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Rave to the grave is another made for TV production that tried to be a direct continuation from four and failed miserably. All the kids, even the dead ones, are now in college going to parties, falling in love and trying new drugs.

The gang even witnesses the undead attacking and think its a Halloween prank. I could buy that if Necrophilis hasn't feature them deal with these creatures before, but since they have they could've been more cautious or investigated further into the matter instead of letting it go.

Trioxine has been converted by a school lab into a highly lethal drug once taken gives you the ultimate high until your consumed by the urge to eat brains. I like the idea they were going for, return the series back to its roots, with punk rock teenagers who like to party yet the execution was off from all humor thrown in. Every time a zombie bite someone they were played for laughs or when was stalking near at the big rave an extra would compliment them on their killer costume.

The music consisted mostly of rap which isn't my bag and dates it a bit in terms of what year its suppose to be.

Whatever happened between the break in between the films the chemistry they once had is gone and now feels artificial and phoney. Though it tried to capture what ever spark the last one had it didn't cut it in humor or horror and was a flop. Time to leave the zombies in the graveyard until a truly exceptional script comes along to revive them once more.
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Good Revival movie of the Classics, but no Cult Classic itself!
JohnHolub21 April 2006
This movie entertained me a bit, but this may be from the esoteric amount of love that I have for zombie flicks. I don't know what the first user comment on this was talking about, because they made it sound like Part of the George Romero film series. Back on track, I do think this movie would have made it, if it had hit the big screen. It is better than most Zombie flicks to hit the theaters in the last few years. I think this because most of the Zombie flicks lately have been more of action movies rather than horror, such as Resident Evil (which I consider to be a perversion of great video game art). The movies have completely lost the whole running and scream aspect, which is so much fun. I know this can leave a lack of story line with all the running of storyline, but the running, screaming, things popping out of no place, and random gore is what a zombie flick is about. There is a bit of random humor in this movie as well, which I won't describe because I don't want to ruin it for anyone. Humor has always been a good part to making some horror movies into cult classics; this movie tries to bring that back. I don't think the humor they had in it will make it a cult classic because often the humor that makes movies like this classic are bloopers from the production. In the end I don't believe this will be a cult classic, but I love it and I encourage other zombie flick addicts to watch it.
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Poor ending to a horror series
timhayes-113 April 2007
This final (?) film in the Return Of The Living Dead horror film franchise puts a final nail in the lid of the coffin for this series. The film has little to do with previous entries, except for the Trioxcin gas found in the barrels. Supposedly this is a sequel to part 4. Some of the main characters return, true. They have graduated from high school and are now in college. The problem lies in the fact that they have all seemingly forgotten what befell them in the previous film. So when the barrel with the gas and the zombies do show up, it is as if it is all brand new. Heck, even main character Julian seems to have forgotten that he hates his uncle (Peter Coyote in a very small cameo) after the events of the last film. The zombies are not very exciting visually (mostly some grey skin and latex cheekbones) and the rules of how they act seem to change as the story decrees it necessary. For instance, at times they can run and later on they can only shuffle about. Its too bad that the series had to go out on such a low note. It really did deserve better than this.
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The last nail in the coffin for ROTLD series...
Retrovenger29 October 2011
This is a truly hateful movie, towards fans of the series and zombie fans in general. The ROTLD movies have often pride themselves on being the "true" story of Romero's NightOTLD and have been usually fun to watch for the humor and effects. This one has neither, nor anything that truly ties it together with the past sequels. The only thing this movie is full of is stupidity; pure, undiluted stupidity.

Having found one of the familiar 'zombie' tanks, that just happen to be lying around, a group of college students take it to their campus labs in hopes of understanding what it they use it in making a drug called "Z"(...Ha...ha...). What follows is menagerie of plot holes and thoughtless actions, which are the only way the plot, which is deader than any of the 'zombies' in the film, is able to move along.

As for the reason I mention 'zombies' is because unlike the previous movies, these 'zombies' CAN die from head-shots, or even getting their ears punctured. They smell when they turn, pretty much instantly, even though they aren't really rotting or can sweat. We also have 'zombie' rats that can't tell a real brain from plastic one on an anatomy figure. Then we have a line of up people just meant to be eaten; not batting an eye the panicking people, hear or see the 'zombies' coming, or able to even fight back, to help spread the plague.

As for the 'zombie' drug, it has a random release time depending on weight, age, and other factors of the buyer, which we learn about a quarter into the third act. So even though the drug has been in circulation for maybe week, and consumed countless times by annoying DJ and the dealer, we don't get any 'zombies' until near the end of the second act. Which also gives us time for a bunch of time with the truly despicable characters of the film.

There is not even a single thing laughable in this movie. It tries to be funny, thinking that oblivious characters or ironic T-shirts are humorous, but ultimately falls short of the punchline with both ankles snapped off. It does manage a statically impossibility ability to not make you laugh at the sheer stupidity of anything.

If you are a fan of zombie movies, never watch this one. It's not even 'so bad it's good', more like 'so bad you will be buying a new TV because you'll have put your fist through the screen'. If you find a copy, I implore you to burn it to ashes, never spend a dime on it, rented or otherwise.
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Was this supposed to be a comedy?
wtbe756025 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I finally saw ROTLD5 last night, and I must's AWFUL! Now, I missed ROTLD4, but I should still be able to make out the plot or otherwise comprehend what's happening, but I can't. It starts off stupid - the kids find a canister of the dreaded Army reanimating agent and they...MAKE A PARTY DRUG OUT OF IT?? The movie is poorly acted and shot, the zombies look more like meth addicts than the terrifying undead, and fake accents abound.

The plot, as I could make it out, is that the party drug begins turning people to zombies, some of whom get loose on campus. Two guys in suits who are either Interpol, the Russian Mob, or the Blues Brothers with accents show up, shoot all the zombies in the head, and everyone's cool, right? Oh wait! There's more drugs at the big rave being held in the desert! Watching any zombie movie requires the viewer to suspend some disbelief (the undead walking about and all), but this movie wants you to accept too much: The walking dead show up and no one is scared to death, they just act like "Oh, We should kill them, or something..." After dispatching the ones on campus, the suit guys give the students guns and send them into the rave crowd to mingle. Are they supposed to gun down zombies? Find the drugs? Save their friends? They don't know or care. Among the other stretches is the zombie in the original canister that gets loose, writes himself a sign that says "Rave or Bust" and attempts to hitch a ride; the amazing ability of the students to shoot perfect head shots whether standing, running, or laying down; and the total apathy that everyone shows to the situation at hand.

The ending is absolutely horrible, too stupid and unbelievable to be mentioned here. If you suffer through the movie to the end, you'll understand. Don't buy this on DVD, and if someone gives it to you as a gift, use it for a coaster instead.
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Oh the horror!
HorrorEnjoyer27 December 2009
It pretty much starts from the first second of the movie, when you realize it's direct sequel of ROTLD:necropolis, it suffers from all the same problems as the first one, so I see no point to go on the long rant as I did there, so yeah - this movie takes all necropolis's mistakes and "improves" them(in a bad way). So technically it's worse, but you won't be shocked too much of it's suckery if you'll watch necropolis first and if you're wondering - creators made sure that even that little bunch of people who have found somewhat entertaining in the previous film would hate this one, because it can't even get it's own idiotic story right. ROTLD franchise ended with the third movie(some may say with the first one, but I digest) and 4 and 5 parts shouldn't be even considered being in the same category.
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ROTLD: Rave from the Grave...Please kill me...
dftwilight6 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I felt obligated to rent "Return of the Living Dead: Rave from the Grave" since I've seen the rest of the series. Needless to say the ROTLD series isn't the best in cinematic story appeal but at least the first 3 managed to suspend my disbelief (barely).

The newest ROTLD's are absolutely horrid. One-dimensional characters who do unbelievably stupid things one scene after the other. I kept screaming at the television "WHY??? WHY DID YOU DO THAT???" This stupid film consisted of the same cast from "ROTLD: Necropolis" so you know the acting wasn't going to be any better. The really funny thing was that it's obvious this hunk of poo was filmed in an Easter bloc country so all of the extras who play "American" high schoolers and whatnot have an accent. Yes, I know the filming locations of both parts 4 and 5 are no big secret, but COME ON! The only high moments were the topless Eastern bloc chicks. Very nice. Lamest part? A girl turns into a zombie while in the car with her boyfriend. She turns to him, says "Braaaains" yet instead of attacking him, she starts to perform fellatio. Of course the inevitable happens and she bites bites down. The whole time I'm thinking, "Now wait a minute. If she wants brains, why is she going down on him?? THIS IS STUPID!!!!!" Admittedly, "This is stupid" ran through my head the whole time I watched this snore fest. It's flicks like these that makes me miss Mystery Science Theater 3000.
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Partying Teenage Zombies?
entlerjl2 November 2005
What a piece of crap. I just watched this movie on the Sci-Fi channel this weekend. Although the special effects were cheesy and gross at least they made me laugh. The acting was sub-par. I can't believe someone attempted to make 2 more sequels to the "Return Of" series. (Refer to the other piece of crap Necropolis pt 4) They screwed with the story line too much. Rat Zombies?! Please. The people who made these 2 movies should have marketed them together as Night of the Drunk, Stupid, and Raving Teenagers. Or how about Curse of the Zombified Adolescents? Stay away from both pt 4 and pt 5. Just keep watching the cheesy old parts 1 & 2 and I highly recommend the underrated part 3. Catch parts 4&5 on the Sci-Fi channel and judge for yourself. Be glad you didn't pay to rent these awful pictures.
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Even more of a disgrace than Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis
TheLittleSongbird20 August 2015
As bad as Return of the Living Dead: Necropolis, and it was (very), Rave to the Grave is even worse, few if any horror film series have ended on such a thud as much as the Return of the Living Dead did with this.

Necropolis at least had some pretty good zombie make-up and one cool song saving it from total doom. Rave to the Grave has neither, making all of Necropolis' flaws and amplifying them to worse degrees as well as making more on the way. Like Necropolis, this movie is incredibly poorly made, camera work is haphazard and unfocused, editing is sloppy by making scenes interminably dull and sometimes incomplete-feeling, there is a complete lack of atmosphere and the special effects and pathetic zombie make-up looked like very last minute jobs. The music is once again overbearing and takes one out of the movie completely.

Rave to the Grave's direction is incompetent, to call it anything like flat or sloppy would be insulting to those words and tension, fun (it even manages to be far too tiresome to have any kind of novelty value) and suspense is non-existent. The script is filled to the brim with stilted lines and misplaced and grating humour and what anything remotely resembling a story is thin, dull, dumb and sometimes incoherent with zero scares and even less tension. Once again the zombies, as well as looking bad this time around, are very underused and are both goofy and lifeless, you never feel the menace at all.

The characters are paper thin and irritating and the acting is some of the laziest and most obnoxious of any movie I've seen recently. Overall, Necropolis may be and still is a disgrace but this final entry is even more so and by far the worst of the series. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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REALLY can't believe they make these kind of sequels
fabjoerob23 January 2010
such a TERRIBLY BAD movie shouldn't have been/be made...SERIOUSLY.SUCH A WASTE OF PRECIOUS MONEY,TIME etc...can't BELIEVE THIS!!!1...CAN'T BELIEVE I watched PT.4 and 5 from START TO FINISH as a result from the 2nd half of this movie,i started to think,when will this movie(READ TORMENT)ever end?!!!.the only worth watching factor were the main protagonists,but sadly,even they didn't really take away the Disappointment/BOREDOM FACTOR.and those 2 terribly cheesy FBI wannabes?!!!...i don't even want to mention them.and tar man?!!!...can't the makers just let him ROT IN PEACE?.even after 20 yrs At least still A 'REALLY SHORT LIVED'CAMEO?!!!.oh well...At least he WON'T HAVE TO chase after victims WITH HIDEOUS 80'S FASHIONS ANY LONGER...HEEHEE....I'M SOOO BAD...such a TOTAL DISRESPECT to the 80's ones i feel...they were the best...the makers should have invested the precious money of these movies into something MUCH MORE SERIOUS...I SERIOUSLY weep for those who rent them,better yet,those who WATCH THEM IN THE THEATRES...SOB SOB!!!
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This movie is on par with any Mariah Carey Glitter movie!
causeiwantto200118 December 2006
I am Canadian, and can't stomach low budget Canadian shows, but I would enter those into any festival this movies in, and win hands down!!! I read this interview with the "star" of this disaster, and in it he said. "I have no projects lined up after this one,and will be hanging out in London with my girlfriend" I know exactly why he has no work lined up, and its because this movie will kill any future chances. He better get back to school ASAP! If the budget for this movie was over $12 then it's to much. I should have rented Basic Instinct 2 instead. Sadly I think I have found a way to kill of all zombies, that would do us harm. MAKE THEM WATCH THIS MOVIE. They will certainly be shooting out there own brains! John Tesh, whens your next CD out, cause you look pretty good at this time!
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Not the worst....
lampasas-0586127 January 2016
I've seen lots and lots of zombie flicks. From the original Night of the Living Dead to WW Z. I prefer the slow walking zombies to the faster ones. This movies has some chuckles in it. The premise is the same; breasts and brain craving zombies. I did like the drug made from zombie fluid thing, it's a new wrinkle. There have been such a glut of this genre. From indie to Hollywood, due the success of The Walking Dead (which I find only marginal). I've always wondered were are the obese, limb missing or any other handicapped zombies. Overall if you want too watch a zombie movie while searching around the internet, this one will do.
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not the best, but not bad
hotlips8755316 October 2005
I didn't think that the movies were that bad,I have grown up watching these kinda movies. I mean in these "Night of the living dead" they strayed away from "if u open the containers that anyone in a 20 mile radius will get contaminated". But hey they kept to the brains part, but never the less. You cant just blame them you have to blame the company who originally made the first set of movies for giving permission to conduct these 2 new "Night of the living dead". I love horror movies, and I have to say that I actually enjoyed these 2 new versions. I mean in the end they were kind of stupid, but you have to give everyone credit they deserve to try and bring the "Night of the Living Dead" back into our times and out of the 1980's
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Good movie for what it's meant to be
TdSmth517 April 2007
Granted that none of the sequels compares to the original, this movie is quite good. Filmed in Romania, it has very good production values for a B-movie. The visuals are good, the effects are good, although it looks like some gore may have been edited out; the cast is so so. The re-recording has it's problems. The story worked for me: a college kid discovers tanks of the infamous trioxin at his dead uncles home. His buddies try it immediately to see if it makes them high and then start selling it as a drug. Meanwhile, two goofy Interpol agents are on the search for all trioxin tanks out there. There are a few funny moments, perhaps not as many as the producers intended. The gore effects are excellent, the main zombie that appears later in the movie looks great. Speaking of looking great, there are plenty of hot babes who don't mind getting topless. I guess it takes foreign filmmakers to bring back fun horror movies the way they're supposed to be: bloody, gory, fun, with hot naked chicks. If you're tired of PG-13 "horror" with no gore and no nudity, then this movie is worth checking out.
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Second offering of 2005 Return of the Living Dead films is almost as as bad as the first
The_Void1 March 2006
If you thought that the Return of the Living Dead series couldn't get any worse than the pointless third sequel, you'd be right. While this is still an awful, stupid mess; at least it's a (slight!) improvement over the first of the 2005 offerings; but of course, that isn't saying anything. Quite why someone has had the bright idea to resurrect a series that was never massively popular anyway is anyone's guess; and the fact that the resulting movies are a complete waste of film stock aptly shows what a bad idea it was. The subtitle, 'Rave to the Grave', should be enough to put any sane movie-goer off seeing this film...but anyway, this time the stalwart bunch of teens that always inhabit this kind of movie are having fun getting stoned off their faces with a new drug. 'Z' will get you high...but it will also turn you into a brain eating zombie. It doesn't take long for the whole school to be infested with zombies; and the rave that they've all been looking forward to may well turn out to be what it's name suggests; a rave to the grave.

Ellory Elkayem, the genius behind Eight Legged Freaks, is in the director's chair for this film, and gives us a tour-de-force of forgettable direction once again. The film uses dreary nu-metal trash for its soundtrack far too often; as if the rest of the film wasn't enough of a turn off on its own. The zombie design is nothing to write home about, although in fairness; it's not the worst I've ever seen. There is a zombie in the movie that seems like a nod to the first zombie in the original movie, which would have been nice if this film wasn't a pointless load of crap. The reason why this entry in the series is ever so slightly better than the third sequel is because it takes in more of the humour that the Return of the Living Dead series is notable for. The humour isn't funny really; but at least the film acknowledges its roots somewhat. Most of the cast from the fourth film return, and basically do what they did in that one; i.e. fail to make an impression. To be honest, I can't believe I wasted time on this after wasting time on part four. My only advice where this film is concerned is simple; ignore it!
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