The Apprentice (TV Series 2004–2017) Poster


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Used to love it - now it's just embarrassing to watch
Hansemande24 February 2007
For the first couple of seasons, I thought The Apprentice was a highly engaging and exciting show. The combination between reality TV and a 16 week job-interview was innovative, and the producers of the show managed to keep the show relevant and not too "out there".

The new season 6 is nothing more than a big joke and it has absolutely nothing to do with business - at all. In the earlier seasons they used to put a lot more emphasis on the business-related tasks - now the focus is mostly in the boardroom where the contestants are expected to do EVERYTHING to keep them on the show (that means lying, trash-talking, backstabbing etc.). The boardroom can be entertaining to watch, but it's entertainment at it's low-point - Sometimes you wonder if you are watching a repeat of an old Jerry Springer episode. The tasks on the show are, at most, boring and mostly a showcase for the companies who are dumb enough to pay NBC for the publicity. And what is the deal about half of the contestants living in tents in season 6? That is just plain stupid and has nothing to do with business in real-life.

I have absolutely NO respect for any of the contestants this season, they all seem like idiots to me. In earlier seasons at least some of the contestants had a bit of integrity, now it seems like the contestants would kill their own mother to keep them on the show. It also seems like Donald Trump's massive ego becomes bigger and bigger for every season that pass by and to be honest, I can't see why anyone with a common sense would want to work for him. His rationality in the boardroom mostly doesn't make any sense at all and sometimes it seems he just like to trash people for what it's worth.

R.I.P The Apprentice. Please NBC, for God's sake, get the show off the air as soon as possible. It's just too embarrassing to watch. The Apprentice was once a great TV-show, but now it's just a big fat joke.
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and it gets worse and worse
activemoviefan20 February 2007
I LOVED the Apprentice for the first two seasons.

But now with season 5? (or is it 6?) things are getting just plain too tiring.

I used to like the show, but its become Donald Trumps own ego fest. Granted its his company you'll be working for, but come on! some of the things says "You're FIRED" is just insulting.

after watching the show, I would not want to work for him. not because he is arrogant, pompous or such. Its just that the show is unrealistic and the way he handles things makes me just squirm. Good Entertainment? YES, but tiring as the back stabbing gets so tiring.. its not team work, its not personal, its just business. watch your back jack.
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a good start
dragokin4 March 2014
Prior to watching The Apprentice i knew hardly anything about Donald Trump. He was a guy with a funny haircut who went bankrupt and managed to get back on his feet, basically one of those characters adding to the allure surrounding New York.

I devoured the first season in a weekend and went on to find out more about this guy. He was portrayed as a boss everyone would love to have. It went that far that at a certain point i've almost stopped caring about the participants and their tasks.

After reading a book or two and watching him running for president at least once i got a better picture of Donald. And a couple of years down the line i've accidentally ran into new episodes, i guess Season 5. By then my perception changed, since i witnessed just another reality show. Donald didn't get younger, either, and became almost a caricature of himself.

In any case, the first season was great, the rest not so...
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This "Celebrity" Apprentice is staged!
urbancohort7 February 2008
I bet you Gene Simmons and Vincent Pastore negotiated in advance how many episodes they would be willing to appear in. Isn't just too contrived for Gene to switch to the ladies team and then throw himself on his sword? And Big Pussy? What the hell was that "look at me, I'm a rat!" double episode crap? All that cliché mafia banter- COME ON! The big names voted off just happened to already have received money for their charity and got a custom tailored exit. Hmm... This is not reality but staged drama! Mark Burnett's other show, "Survivor" also raised questions for me when Johnny Fairplay stages his departure when he clearly had just a short time before his child is to be born.

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A Rigged Scam
ericsaxon2528 March 2012
I've only watched 3 or 4 episodes. Here's what I've learned: 1. If you used to be a Miss Universe, you won't be fired because Donald Trump can't fire his actual employees on TV.

2. If you won't drop your sponsors like Michael Andretti to promote one of the Trump friendly companies you will be fired. You see Michael Andretti was fired for not putting his name on the Cadillac brand for $20,000 for his charity and thus he didn't loose his endorsements with whoever he is currently endorsing. But if you refuse to whore yourself out for Trump so that he can get millions instead of you, You're Fired.

What a joke of a show.
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You're Fired
koziki200314 April 2007
I can't stand most reality shows and this one is worst than the one with Paris Hilton, and sure it's his company. But "you're fired" or "you're hired", for how many seasons now? After watching the show I wouldn't want to work for the guy with his ego and all and I think watching paint dry has more entertainment valve.

I'd love to hear just one person get up and say "Donald I quit and take some of your money and buy a decent hairdo". I see he's even trying to buy fame in the wrestling WWE. I hope he gets hurt so I don't have to see his pathetic face anymore. It must be sad to want fame so bad and have no talent and make an ass of yourself trying to buy it. I'd give this show a negative mark if I could but it gets a 1 and it doesn't deserve that.
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An ongoing masquerade
raymond-massart7 April 2005
I am at present following the series in the British version on BBC 2. It's exciting and fun but once one starts to realize that this is the reflection of the real world out there it tends to make one despair. Those guys "in the fast lane" who or what are they really? Very shallow people who are extremely insecure in the sense that they are always trapped in the game of sucking-up to their superiors and/or treading on their inferiors. Their main concern is that nobody sees through their fake approach and this attitude alone consumes an enormous amount of personal energy.These are the guys and ladies whom when you catch them on one of those rare occasions when they're off-guard, will convince you that there is essentially nothing truly exceptional about their personality and that they are basically constantly frustrated by the nagging thought that the price they pay for their ongoing masquerade, might not be worthwhile at all. As to the concept of this "reality" game itself, one can remark that there are obvious shortcomings as to its effectiveness: granted that the idea of opposing two different teams in order to achieve maximum results is acceptable, one has to take into account that the "ego" competition between each member of both groups is so predominantly present that it is without any doubt detrimental to the concept of team-building in general and consequently also to the achievement of the preliminary defined objectives.On another level, one wonders if it isn't precisely this form of "work ethic" that has also contributed to the collapse of the financial urban jungle we are witnessing at present (previous sentence added April 2009)
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Trump is wealthy but annoying!
bellab19729 March 2013
I watched several series of this show and the one that got to me the most was when pierce Morgan won even after his morals, honesty and integrity was non existent ! If that is what is required to make money and trump respects creepy slimy men that have no honor, well I am disgusted! How can trump run around with his head up his ar...e when his idea of success is stabbing people in the back and when it comes to money it doesn't matter how you get it as long as you make money! This disgusts me! There are a few series where I thought trump was out of line! He kept on telling Jesse James that he didn't deserve to be with Sandra bullock and he was surprised how a classy woman was with him! You could see Jesse was effected! I couldn't care less about James but what trump said was stupid! I wish there was more honor between the contestants!

I did like the series where Joan rivers won!
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The best reality show in history but also the most sadistic.
y_turks23 June 2006
Season after season, the players or characters in this show appear to be people who you'd absolutely love to hate. Is this show rigged to be that or were they chosen for the same? Each episode vilifies one single person specifically and he ends up getting killed off. You enjoy seeing them get screwed although its totally wrong and sick. You enjoy seeing them screwing others, getting screwed themselves, playing dirty, getting it back, escaping and finally getting kicked out by Trump. The amount of tears also seems to be increasing by the season.

The rewards which attempt to compensate for past humiliation and suffering are also heavily reduced. In the newer seasons, its like "You get to meet xyx who'll lecture you about uvw" who freaking cares? The characters are so hateable, collectively and individually, that you wonder if they're paid actors? The only sane one gets to win.

Watch with caution and maintain a conscience. Those are your fellow human beings in the firing line.
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healer-24 September 2016
i just want to make some observations about this show. I never watched Celebrity Apprentice, as I was otherwise occupied, but did see some of the first 5 or 6 seasons. It started out as unique and diverting, and seemed like a good concept for reality TV.

The quality seemed to decline maybe by season 4 or 5, because there was more focus on the competing teams and individuals talking about the experience while it was going on. I was wondering, "Why are you busy talking and wringing your hands when you have only a few hours to build a skyscraper (slight exaggeration, but not by much.) So it was becoming everything I hated about The Survivor or shows about people stranded on an island. They sit around as if in an encounter group when they should be out chasing down wild animals and gathering food. The focus was on "feelings," and that seemed to be the direction of The Apprentice.

The selection of the winners became increasingly ridiculous. They'd "fire" the best candidate and justify the decision in a way that didn't make sense. By this time I found it easy to let go and stop tuning in. All the encounter group style backbiting was wearing me out.

Still, I give my entire viewing experience an "7" because it was diverting enough. It wasn't Law & Order, but it kept me watching for the first few seasons.
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A made up character for redemption
dingyblondegurl9 February 2022
I tried to watch. I wanted to understand why so many people thought he was such a great businessman. And thinking he's a great businessman is contradictory to what we have seen over the decades. I couldn't even make it to the end of the first season. Everything I seen contradicts what we've always known about him.

With all his real life failures he decided to further his "brand" with a reality show and people fell for it hook line and sinker. He ran all his ventures into the ground. Then he scammed people with his university. And the only reason he ended up in the White House is because people believed what the network sold them. Reality TV has helped make the world dumber. He has fans not supporters. I can't wait to see all the outtakes of this ridiculous reality show.
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Exposes People's Strengths, Weaknesses, Inner Demons and Ultimate Ego
classicalsteve11 October 2007
The interesting aspect of "The Apprentice" is it demonstrates that the traditional job interview and resume do not necessarily predict teamwork skills, task dedication, and job performance. And they certainly don't reveal any hidden agendas. In other words, a good indicator of potential may be to see a job applicant in action which is the point of "The Apprentice". People vying for a corporate position may hand over a sugar-coated resume and put on their best personality attire for the interview, but these are not necessarily the best indicator of strengths, weaknesses, and performance.

Briefly, "The Apprentice" involves 16 job candidates competing for the ultimate career opportunity: a position in real estate magnate Donald Trump's investment company. "The Apprentice" refers to the winner who will win a salaried position, learn the art of high stakes deal-making from the master himself, and, presumably, gain prime corporate connections. The position is a dream-come-true for those wanting to make more money than the GNP of some foreign countries. To entice the candidates, Trump shows off his private jet, his private luxury apartments replete with statues and artwork, his limos, his connections to celebrities, and other aspects of the life of a billionaire magnate.

The road to success is not easy. The group is divided into two teams that compete against each other. Each has a corporate-sounding name, such as Versacorps and Protégé Corporation. The teams are assigned tasks that entail an entrepreneurial venture such as creating advertising, selling merchandise, or negotiating. Teams select a project manager who provides the leadership and organizational skills to complete the task. If they win, the manager receives a lot of credit, particularly in the eyes of the final arbiter. If they lose, the manager may also become the scape-goat. Some of the tasks are monumentally difficult with only a day or two to complete. Tasks may involve creating a TV commercial, or print ad. Others may involve selling at a retail outlet or on the street.

The tasks bring out the best and worst in the participants. They often show immediately who is the most reliable, who is the most trustworthy, and who is hard working. And the tasks also expose who is not a good team player, who is inefficient, and who seems only out for themselves. The tasks invariably reveal in unexpected ways the strengths and weaknesses of the participants and in particular the project manager. How well the manager communicates with the team, delegates work, organizes time, and sets specific goals will largely determine the outcome, but it does not necessarily predict the winner.

The single-most telling aspect of someone's potential is when he or she is assigned as a project manager. Their real abilities as opposed to their self-propagated abilities immediately show through the veneer that cannot be hidden by a $100 silk tie or a beautiful makeover. Leadership qualities and/or weaknesses often become agonizingly obvious after only a few minutes. Those promoting themselves as top-notch leaders are not always as strong when put into a real-life leadership situation. It is always easier to "toot your own horn" than to actually engage in leadership. Project managers, even those on the winning teams, often do not formulate a cohesive strategy. They often believe that by diving off the deep end to complete the task at the first minute rather than taking a little time to organize and discuss how the task will be completed is more efficient. More often than not, members of an ill-strategized team are running around like headless chickens figuring it out as they go along, and in the long run they end up wasting far more time.

The winning team gets a taste of the high life, such as eating dinner at an exclusive restaurant, flying in a private jet, and/or meeting a celebrity. The losing team comes to the dreaded board room where Trump hears the lame excuses of the members and knocks off one or more of the contestants like pieces off a chess board with the now infamous "You're fired". Often, the project manager is held partially responsible for the team's loss, and may be the target of Trump's accusatory rhetoric. Every week, at least one person becomes a casualty from the losing team.

My least-favorite aspect of "The Apprentice" is the board room. While the tasks themselves bring out the strengths and weaknesses in the candidates, the board room often brings out the worst. Unfortunately, the rules of the game insist there is one winning team and one losing team, even if the competition was close. Members of the losing team start accusing each other, often ruthlessly, about who was at fault. And sometimes more than one person gets fired. I seldom see an under-performing candidate take responsibility for their actions in the board room. Kristi Frank and Kwame Jackson were possibly the only candidates who took full responsibility for her team's losses and received no recognition for this selfless act. For me, Kristi Frank and Kwame Jackson had the most integrity of all the candidates. However, Trump saw Kristi as weak and fired her, claiming she wasn't standing up for herself, which may mean he values ego more than integrity. No one should sacrifice their integrity for this. Kristi Frank may not have become the apprentice but she can live with herself knowing she did not blame others unjustly. Isn't that worth as much as "winning"?

The strength of "The Apprentice" is also its weakness. Because team performance is evaluated strictly by winners and losers, other evaluation opportunities are overlooked. Barring huge gaps between the winning and losing teams, sometimes a losing team exemplifies a high standard of teamwork and efficiency. I have seen losing teams sometimes appearing better organized than the winning team. We Americans are so often obsessed with winning and losing that we often overlook excellence.
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Engaging and Provides a few Learning Curves
sarah-43213 September 2019
Ok, well having heard cultural references to "The Apprentice," and having no idea what they mean, I finally decided to watch several episodes--all the way through the end of the first season. While there is a bit of what seems to be as-if "false drama," it is engaging and has a lot of "intrigue." There are some planning, execution, and definitely some communications learning curves. The intros and outros are excellent, and the atmosphere and cinematography (camera shots) are almost hypnotic. In the Board room, the use of light, dark, and shadows is highly effective--almost Hitchcockian in nature.

The whole series is a creative and effectively executed idea (based on other similar programs), and those of us who have been in leadership, management, and organizational/governmental/ministerial coordination are likely to be intrigued and drawn in by the projects and how the teams and individual persons manage them, as well as manage uncertainties and "chaos."
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Worst show ever
jstrain7010 June 2020
Terrible show with the worst, most idiotic host in the history of television. Who greenlighted this dreck?
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Tonight it should have been "The Donald" to be fired.
daybreaker-17 October 2004
How can Donald Trump be so clouded in his judgment? He expects, when putting a new leader in a group of bickering women with little backbone, that she should immediately know what their expertise is and to be able to assign them in the tasks instead of her asking them what they each felt their best skills were and that she was going to hold them accountable for that. I thought she did a great job of taking that group and making three times the sales as the men. At the end of their tasks, they were all working as a team and for a minute they forgot about stabbing each other in the back. But when it was time to get ready to go to the boardroom, no one had a clue as to what integrity was, or what a good leader they had. She tried to explain her strategy to Donald but he never seemed to want to really LISTEN to her. I have noticed this in other shows. He likes to interrupt and in my estimation acts as a bully. Yeah, he can do that with the money he has. But does that say anything about his character? People can make money and make themselves powerful that way, but that does not make them a big person. And thats what really counts. After seeing this last episode, I was not sure what to do - - - laugh at the farce that this show has now become or to be ashamed for the women, and ashamed for Trump.
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Bad decisions all around.
trevormoore-181309 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this show as a kid and now I'm a sad adult.
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honest-movie-tv-reviews22 October 2019
Even worse than the UK version and that's saying something!
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Season 6
loveumair00719 August 2012
well everything was fine till season 5 but suddenly everything changes and season 6 is not as good as it was before. season 1 to 5 shows executive theme but suddenly the theme changes to something i would never want to watch. this season is the least anyone want to watch. the season 6 very discriminating and advantage to certain people. then Mr Donald trump come up with her daughter its like a family show in which he just want to make her family more popular. come on people what is this, a season or family play.all the policy are changed in Season 6 and it was not good.otherwise i learn a lot till season 5 and i was hoping to see all the seasons
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Great show about human nature
user-1515912 May 2019
Love this show. It's an exploration of human nature when people lose and when they win. It teaches you how to succeed in business and life. I love how Trump judges the losing team and chooses who to fire.
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Used to be good
greekmuse30 April 2012
The entertainment value of Celebrity Apprentice largely depends on the caliber of the "celebrities". That's right, most of the these people, particularity this season, are not celebrities (although not quite as bad as Dancing with the "Stars").

Aubrey O'Day thinks she is the most famous of the group--which again doesn't mean much--but I don't know anyone who's heard of her. I did, however, google her Playboy photo: if she didn't raise her arm and two pounds of makeup and coloring had not been applied all around the fake smile, she might have actually looked half decent.

Who else? Lisa Lampanelli is an old hag. Like the cat lady, but far uglier, and to be avoided at all costs. Remember the fat girls that got picked on in school? This one never got over it. And unfortunately for Pizza Lampanelli, her comedy routine is outdated and just not that funny anymore compared to Amy Shumer or Whitney Cummings.

Arsenio Hall? Passive-aggressive. And grow some cojones, man. Clay Aiken? Obviously no cojones, and will go with the flow, like Penn Jillette.

Last season we had the class and mental acumen of John Rich and Marlee Matlin, the creativity of Lil Jon among others, and the comedy of Gary Busey and Meatloaf. This year, not so much.
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Trump should fire himself
dogteal26 August 2004
I was at my friends house watching this, and it was the worst show I have seen in a long time. Uneventful, and lacking of any drama, I could easily slept through this. After I watched a couple of episodes I demanded my money back, which is crazy since I didn't spend any money to watch it. I wouldn't wish this on my enemy. I give this a 2, just for the fact that it gave Conan some material to make fun of Trump with. If your idea of a good time is to watch people act like they are the center of the universe, then this is for you. Otherwise this is a complete waste of time, not to mention money. Personally I would rather have a colon exam then watch this show again.
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I hate reality T V, this one is still awful!
mm-3920 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Apprentice I like better then most reality tv, but I hate reality T V, this one is still awful! The Apprentice has contestants doing silly tasks and I just get bored watching. Then celebrities' I watched some but you maybe good at your craft but does not mean a singer, actor is smart at everything. Well mix the tasks with personalities and arguing we get watching my work place with people not getting along; I get a headache more than being entertained. What makes the show more entertaining then others is Trumps non scripted evaluations of people. Well the concept of arguing about who could get more people into the restaurant is so silly even Trump's charisma could not save The Apprentice for me. 4 Stars. The Apprentice is fired lol!
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It's pretty much the same "Apprentice" mentality except
MovieCriticMarvelfan3 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The cast is different and now they took a different approach we have the street smart team "Networth" vs . the supposed professional team "Magna" but boy if you think the street smart team would have trouble you'd be right. While the Magna team has struggled at times, the street team has simply disintegrated week after week.

First some things to reiterate as far as the "Apprentice 3" first of it continues the same absurd mentality (from Trump) and the game in this series: if your a good project manager, but you lose, the team will turn on you and you will be fired, despite the fact that your backstabbing teammates are often the ones who do half ass jobs. Simply absurd, that a game show that claims to hire the best candidate actually "weeds" out the best while the dysfunctional candidates stab each other until one is left and that person is the best . lol

Anyone this season, weve seen a total of cursing, backstabbing and even gay offensive stereotypes carried out as teams try to do campaigns.

The list of victims so far Cast Tara Dowdell , Audrey Evans , Danny Kastner those three are the only that I feel were unfairly fired by Trump, the rest really had it coming as they only incited conflict, anger and suffering. It's just amazing as one candidate Audrey Evans said as how she who did a good job was fired and how some of her worthless teammates are still in the game.

Yes its the game, it's "The Apprentice" where manipulation, backstabbing, and always popular "everyone gang up on the project manager" mentality rules.

It has been an entertaining ride, though, the candidates are given a wide array of assignments from photo shoots to the construction of mini golf courses, to building of new apartments.

Still though it's still the "Apprentice" though so all you can do basically is laugh the whole time as the insanity and chaos insues until lucky person is the winner.
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You're Fired, I'm Fired, We're All Fired - - -Up
PartialMovieViewer13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Talk about a stroke of genius, this is a great show, created by good people. The writing and directing is excellent and the main star has the pedigree of an excellent President (of a company of course....what were you thinking?) But first lets talk about the rest of the performers. The cast of this show is outstanding. Ivanka Trump is so superior…I actually thought she was, 'Thee Real Ivanka Trump.' A beautiful woman with a beautiful mind. I have no clue where she comes from but her presence is style-personified. A very classy person with epic boardroom skills. I could almost see her as 'The First Daughter' (of that President of that Company I was talking about - was your mind wandering again...stop...get back on track?). Now Donald Trump Jr. he is one person who carries himself with dignity and charm emitting a natural respect for others...I think diplomatic is the proper term. With his strong interactive skills, I could easily picture him living in a big White House (come on, its the house that President of that company I was talking have to stop taking this all wrong). Whoever casted these folks was spot-on. Now we must not forget about augur of prosperity and deliverer of real hope - yes - I mean, 'The Donald', 'The Boss', 'The Man', 'The C……E….O', 'The Star of Stars', and a just plain classy kind of guy, yes, that would be Mr. Donald Trump. When he says something, anything - there is no PC twiddle or pause, just honesty. Granted, sometimes that truth is painful, but necessary. If you hear it and don't like it...fix it. Every time he is on, I am glued to the flat-screen. This man's presence is both unequaled and natural. Obviously there is no script or teleprompter, every word is spontaneous. His quick and concise conclusions reflect a rare and unequaled decision-making talent...the kind of thought process needed in times of strife. Now friends and real and badly missed talent. Sadly, I know that Donald is off the show for now, but I sure hope he returns…in about eight years, after he finishes a successful stint at his new mission. Good job one and all…excellent program - keep up the good work.
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Good season, stupid people
ajennaro31 October 2005
I think the worst part of the Apprentice is that it takes an excellent concept (finding the next Apprentice by putting the contestants in real-world situations where they have to show project management skills and business acumen to survive) and places the dumbest contestants where intelligent, ambitious people should be. It particularly angers me that the women on the show are always chosen solely for their looks and lose their tasks because they are vapid, engage in cat fights and have air in the space where their brains should be. Of course, this has to be contrasted with the male contestants who are (usually) immature and have superegos, but at least have some sort of brain power. The blatant sexism on this show is obvious. But at least the concept of a reality show for the business world is engaging and you can feel slightly better about watching reality TV when it isn't about TV romanticism or really bad singers. Let's just hope that eventually they can find competent contestants to fit the bill on the show. Now wouldn't that be interesting?
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