Life or Something Like It (2002) Poster

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I Got Some Satisfaction! Because I Got Some! Because I Got Some!
moviewizguy20 September 2007
A reporter, Lanie Kerrigan, interviews a psychic homeless man (Shalhoub) for a fluff piece about a football game's score. Instead, he tells her that her life has no meaning, and is going to end in just a few days.

The moral of this story has been told ever single time from "It's a Wonderful Life", to "Last Holiday", even to "Click". Each of these movies have always won me over because I love moral stories and I certainly love this movie!

Sure, you've seen this so many times before. Sure, it's filled with clichéd, Sure, it's predictable what's going to happen before it happens. But it's a feel good movie. It puts a smile on your face when it ends. Don't go on the movie too hard.

I loved the performance by Angelina Jolie. The supporting characters give us some laughs along the way, although the film isn't too funny but more like a drama. I like the score for the film. I liked the film a lot but not as much as I thought it would be. Still, it was a pretty good film if you like moral movies. "Live everyday like it will be your last."
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Despite a myriad of satirical possibilities, a shallow comedy about TV news-people...
moonspinner5521 December 2002
Nothing like real life! Fancy directorial touches--and Angelina Jolie looking sexy in a Marilyn Monroe platinum 'do--cannot save innocuous, superficial film about a TV news-anchor being told she will die in a week by a street psychic with an impeccable record. Romantic side-plot between Jolie and cameraman Ed Burns never heats up, although Jolie is quite an intriguing presence all on her own (her performance is generally uneven, but her beautiful face is always worth reading). Has a few strong scenes, and an interesting supporting performance from Stockard Channing as a Barbara Walters-type, however the script doesn't dig very deep. **1/2 from ****
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Confused But Watchable
Theo Robertson30 October 2005
LIFE OR SOMETHING LIKE IT has a premise of reporter Lanie Kerrigan being told by a homeless man that she's going to die in a few days from now and right away I was expecting some bitter-sweet angst , a sort of present day morality tale inspired by Frank Capra and I guess very early in production this was the idea but I was left confused . Is it a redemption tale ? If so then why does Lanie start out as a not unlikable person and remain a not unlikable person throughout the movie ? You see there's little in the way of character development and the situations and soul searching never seem to draw the audience into Lanie's fears . None of this is helped Stephen Herek's shallow direction either

In short this is a shallow film but while being confused as to what it's trying to say it's also fairly watchable too . Angelina Jolie is breath takingly beautiful and in many ways she's like a female Leonardo Dicaprio in that her good looks disguise she's a much better actress than critics give her credit for and imagine how worse the movie would be if her role was taken by say Sandra Bulloch while Dave Newman's haunting score also helps the movie greatly
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falls short of its potential
Buddy-5127 April 2002
`Life, or Something Like It' is a romantic comedy with a better-than-average premise. It attempts to address the question `if you suddenly discovered that you might only have a week more to live, how would you spend that remaining time and what changes would you make to your life?' Perhaps because this IS a romantic comedy, the best the film can manage to do within the tight strictures of the format is to raise a few of the more provocative issues surrounding the theme – those dealing with the meaning of life and the vagaries of fate, for example – then drop them so it can address itself to the customary clichés one would expect to find in a film of this genre. One only wonders how a more serious-minded European filmmaker, for instance, might have tackled the same subject matter.

Angelina Jolie plays a beautiful, but thoroughly superficial and self-absorbed TV news reporter living a near-perfect life in Seattle. Indeed, when we first meet her, Lanie Kerigan seems to have everything going for her: stunning good looks, a glamorous profession, a handsome major league ballplayer fiancé, and now a major career advancement in the form of a regular spot on a national morning news program. One day, however, her world comes crashing in when she meets up with a homeless man on the street, a self-styled `prophet of God' who tells Lanie that she will die within a week. When all his other predictions begin to come true, Lanie realizes that this man may not be quite the lunatic or charlatan all her friends and acquaintances keep assuring her he is.

Given this setup, `Life, or Something Like It' can't help but grab our attention. We wonder how we too would react if such a horrifying scenario were to suddenly present itself in our own lives. The problem is that the movie doesn't really do much with the material it has to work with. Nothing Lanie does seems particularly thoughtful or meaningful when she is confronted with potentially imminent death: indulging in some halfhearted attempts to reconcile herself with an estranged sister and father, giving up her health-obsessive diet and exercise regimen, and dumping the fiancé with whom she discovers she has nothing in common. Considering the thematic potential of this material, the film always seems to be lagging several intellectual beats behind where it should be. This is particularly true in the predictable love/hate relationship she shares with Pete, one of her cameraman coworkers. Yet, oddly enough, it is this very pairing of Jolie with Edward Burns that gives the film its moments of greatest charm. Both performers are so likeable in their understated warmth and vulnerability that we can't help liking and rooting for their two endearing characters. Paradoxically, then, the film satisfies us most when it is at its least innovative. The movie is at its worst in an embarrassingly unconvincing scene wherein a boozed-up Lanie, sans makeup and carefully groomed coiffure, leads a contingent of striking workers in a rendition of `Satisfaction' in the middle of a live TV interview. Cloying moments like these merely serve to remind us that we are stranded in movie fantasy land when the film could, with a little more effort, have ascended to a much higher level. (The film, incidentally, endorses a rather reactionary view of women in the workplace, arguing that a woman needs to consider whether achieving success in the corporate world is worth sacrificing a chance at achieving marital and familial happiness – a quandary that never seems to be posed to male characters in movies).

Despite the fact that it has moments of quality and charm, the film, ultimately, feels like a case of lost opportunity. One finds oneself leaving the theatre in a state of frustrating ambivalence: acknowledging that the film works on a level of superficial entertainment but knowing that, with a little more depth and insight, it could have amounted to so much more.
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Nice Romantic Comedy
whpratt113 February 2006
This film had a little bit of everything all rolled into one story and it was entertaining. Angelina Jolie,(Lanie Kerrigan) was a news reporter and gets involved with a homeless man that she interviews and this man predicts without any hesitation on his part, that Lanie is going to die on a Thursday, a week away. There are other details about the weather conditions and most of his predictions seem to come true. Lanie has lots of trouble getting along with her camera man on the job and they fight like cats and dogs. Lanie is looking for a better position in the TV industry and has her goals set very high, and at the same time wants to meet Mr. Right. There are very cute romantic scenes and Lanie has great conversations with her girl friends. However, Lanie begins to look at herself as a person other people see and she starts looking in other directions. Nice entertaining film.
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Not that bad
Call_726 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I like that movie: for the story, not so original but always working, for the hair of Angelina Jolie (she should stay that way), for the photography, and the way it is framed. However, in line with some comments, it's the type ofmovie where American producers and directors are not at ease, or notskilled to make (sorry for them). It would have been at the top, made by a Claude Lellouch, Bertrand Tavernier, Patrice Leconte, or even Begnino Begnini (as a real comedy) Angelina is credible as an egocentric ambitious but hollow young lady. Her boyfriend, Cal, is up to the task. Pete could have been more convincing, but I give a high grade to the "prophet". I retain the quotation "live every day as if it is your last day, because one day it will be" - Who said that? It remains a pleasant, but at times, dull movie.
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If I were going to die Thursday...
mlbou30 April 2002
I wouldn't watch this movie.

I gotta start off by saying that I'm still not sure if Jolie's character was a brunette or a blonde naturally. All the "young Jolie" pictures show her blonde (I thought) but she's obviously not a natural blonde.

Honestly, when I leave a movie that's supposed to make me re-evaluate my life and what it means to live (like American Beauty did) and the only thing I can think about is the hair color of the star I think the movie failed. Sure, it wasn't too hard to watch and it worked out well as a Saturday afternoon hang-out w/ the lady-friend flick, but w/ Jolie I was really hoping this movie would fulfill its promise and be the engaging, interesting, thought-provoking film that it could be. Instead we see very strong similarities to American Beauty w/ a little "To Die For" thrown in for good measure and a helpin' heapin' of a John Cusack film (doesn't really matter which)

What really bugs me about this film though is that I really thought the cast was great. They were so believable (well, except for Jolie's hair, which really is a character in its own right) and their performances were so strong that as I look back on the film I really don't understand where it went wrong...maybe it tried to hard at the end, maybe all the logic fell apart just to bring about the thrilling climax, maybe it felt too much like a parody of tv news to also be the love story/life lesson that it also sought to be. Sure parodies can have morals and realistic love stories but this one doesn't.

I wouldn't avoid this film, but I wouldn't seek it out either.
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Yup, That's Seattle
bijhan-reverend27 September 2007
So the plot is thin, the characters not entirely likable, and some scenes knuckle-bitingly awkward when you know they're trying to be cute. Some of the dialogue is pretty good, and most of the acting if superb.

But what I really want to talk about is Seattle. In a world where my hometown is turned into a shallow replacement for New York, or just stereotyped to DEATH (see - Fraiser, Sleepless In Seattle, The Ring etc) it's nice to see a film that actually gives a crap about the city.

Holy doo-doo pants! Is that KOMO 4 News?! Okay, so they made one of the Os and Q, but those are the faces I watched every Saturday before the morning 'toons.

We see all kinds of places in Seattle that aren't international landmarks - Leschi Elementary School, Alki Beach, the Downtown Transit Station, the Queen Anne Easy Street Records, giving the viewer a realistic representation of the simultaneously snooty and gritty City of the Sound.

There are no slip-ups of speech. No one says anything about Lake "CHELL-un" (Chelan is pronounced "sha-LAN", Fraiser!) nor is the Sound ever accidentally referred to as a bay.

So basically what I'm saying is that if you want a movie that took its time to understand the character of the city it was taking place in, this is it. And avoid The Ring at ALL COSTS!
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A comedy...or something like it
mattymatt4ever27 April 2002
If it weren't for Angelina Jolie, I would've fell asleep through the whole damn movie. Jolie delivers another spirited performance, and she is an extremely beautiful woman with a smile to die for. But the movie is just dull, dull, dull. First of all, if the director wanted to make this a straight drama that's fine. Just don't market it as a COMEDY! If sentimental schmaltz with few or no laughs is your definition of comedy, then you're in for a treat. The director is Stephen Herek, who also directed the dull, forgettable Eddie Murphy vehicle "Holy Man." Like that movie, "Life..." is horribly uneven, taking a serious turn way too early in the film and never recovering. Despite extremely poor attempts, I'm pretty sure Herek intended this to be a comedy. Herek just has no sense of timing! And may I add, there are certain scenes in the previews that weren't used in the final cut--Why the hell do directors tease us like that?!!!!!! For example, there's supposed to be one scene where Jolie is on the set of a TV show and a light from the ceiling falls down, inches away from killing her. But there are no scenes where her life seems threatened. Instead, the movie gets preachy and sentimental about the subject of carpe diem and developing the all-too-predictable love affair between Jolie and Edward Burns. Like always, they start out hating each other's guts and about 20 minutes through the flick, they're practically soulmates. The character arcs are so quick and stilted.

I like Edward Burns, but he should definitely stick to independent film. I don't usually say this about directors, but he should stick to starring in his own movies. His writing is obviously much more creative than that of Hollywood screenwriters, who get paid 10 times as much as him. OK, he was fairly good in "15 Minutes" and quite good in "Saving Private Ryan," but he should try to steer clear of Hollywood.

Every scene is so dull and downbeat. Herek tries to redeem himself with pretentious fast-motion shots, identical to those of Madonna's "Ray of Light" video. If Jolie weren't the star, this film would be dead in the water. And Tony Shalhoub deserves better as well. I'm not surprised to see him in a corny flick, but he is an underrated comic actor and I loved him on "Wings."

Jolie decided she would take a break from movies after done with "Tomb Raider." Why, oh why, did she change her mind and star in this ultimately forgettable pseduo romantic comedy? She should've saved the blonde hair for a much better movie.

My score: 4 (out of 10)
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A movie viewers thoughts
BornAVirgin3 January 2005
I have seen this film and enjoyed it! So it is not a must-see romantic comedy but I could at least sit through this one and understand it, unlike something acclaimed such as English Patient.

A self absorbed, egocentric, perfectionist journalist interviewed a homeless man claiming to be a prophet, learned her fate is sealed 1 week from the date of interview.

As he predicts the local baseball team win, a weather forecast & natural disaster...she starts to become aware that her fate may yet be fulfilled come Thursday.

She is conflicted and emotionally upset during the first few days then learns to live life as it should be while desperately trying to prove the prophet wrong.

The time winds down and the suspense of whether she will live or dies keeps you guessing. Will the plane crash, will she get hit by a bus, will something else happen? Up until the point where it happens! Very enjoyable movie most certainly better then tonight's current choices.
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Just Okay To Me- Not As Original As Expected, or As It Should Have Been
D_Burke9 February 2009
"Life or Something Like It" is a romantic comedy that wants to be a drama about reevaluating one's life circumstances. It was a movie with a lot of very good actors in it, particularly Angelina Jolie, Ed Burns, and Tony Shaloub. However, in the end, it wasn't as original as it could have been, and its message is far from unique. If I had a nickel for every time a movie used the hackneyed phrase, "Live life to its fullest", I would probably never have to shell out my last ten dollars to see a movie at the movie theater again. For those reasons, the movie was really just okay to me; not great.

Angelina Jolie stars as Lanie Kerrigan, a young ambitious TV reporter who is already well-recognized and credible in her local Seattle network affiliate. Her ambition is to be a reporter on the "Today Show"-like network morning news show "AM USA". When she gets the opportunity to audition for the show, a street psychic (the great Tony Shaloub) "prophesizes" her death effective seven days from the day she asked.

Admittedly, it is nice to see Jolie in a role that doesn't involve her being a tough-as-nails action hero or a sex kitten. Also, she had some good parts in this movie that were a bit heartfelt, such as when she reflects on her rebellious childhood, or reconnects with her blue-collar father. However, as good an actress as Jolie truly is, my guess is that she must not have done much research for her role. Why? Because she is completely unconvincing as a TV reporter. When asking questions (particularly in her last interview), she practically whispered her questions, which is something TV reporters (at least good ones) should not and do not do. Jolie probably should have studied Katie Couric or Meredith Viera, and she wouldn't even have to leave her trailer to do it either.

Her romance with Ed Burns' character was also really hokey, not to mention predictable. He's a good looking guy, and they fight constantly in the beginning of the movie. Such a setup is so overdone (even dating as far back as Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing") and so unoriginal that I was not surprised at all when their romantic scene came up. It surprised me too, because Burns is not only one of the more likable lead actors in the history of romantic comedies, but he has also starred in, written, and directed some of the most original romantic comedies ever ("The Brothers McMullan", "She's The One"). Burns is still likable in his role, but this romantic subplot is so cliché that it really ruins the film.

The plot involving Jolie trying to deny or avoid death was also completely unbelievable, particularly towards the end. First, without ruining anything, Jolie's character realization of her fate in the very end seemed a bit contrived given her circumstances. Second, I didn't really get involved with her character enough to care if she died in the end. I guess the character wasn't developed enough, or the plot was too flimsy and archaic. I can't decide which.

This movie was certainly not terrible, and it had its moments. For the most part, though, there were too many scenes in this movie that went beyond the laws of common sense that it was just too unbelievable. Other scenes, if not unbelievable, were just too predictable. If the movie had decided to just be a movie about a successful woman's pre-midlife crisis based on false prophecy, and not a romantic comedy in "Deep Thoughts" clothing, it probably would have gone on to more accolades. Instead, it's just marginally good. I can't give it a stronger recommendation than that.
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Life every day of your life as if it were your last...
AliceKlein21 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, first of all, I don't know why in the world people would give bad reviews to this movie. Someone doesn't like Angelina Jolie? Well, she actually did a pretty good job in this movie, although I won't even comment on the blonde hair. Let's just say that brown is her look, that's all. As for the movie, the story is great. The story is amazing, a skeptical journalist, anchor woman gets a warning of some sort, a prophecy from a random homeless guy and then tries to prove him wrong for the whole week that's left for her to live. Those who plan to or already have made their careers the only thing they know will relate to this movie like no one else. I actually admire Lanie for both of the lives she lead: the career woman and then a family gal with a career that, let's face it, much smaller than the one she would've gotten in New York, but still amazing. It pretty much took her a death to live through to throw out the highest peak of a journalist possible that she was offered in NY. And then again, it's impossible to live such a life without any regrets for all the things lost because of that career, and so she chose happiness over a dream. Kinda shows an example of when you really, really want something and then when you get it - it's not as sweet anymore. You realize that wasn't the thing that would make you happy at all. Ahh, that's why I absolutely love this movie and will continue on making my career my life, until something better comes along, and then to fully appreciate it I'll throw everything I ever dreamed of becoming away...and live every day, as if it were my last one. Gosh, if we only got to know the future. If only our plans turned out to become true without any heavy sacrifices.
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There was something missing here!
meeza23 May 2002
What would you do if you knew you only had one week to live even though you felt totally healthy? I will tell you what I would not do- I would not see the movie `Life or Something Like It' or any other film that is something like it. I say this statement to the lifeless unimaginative writers who should have revived the movie's dialogue with more creative energy. Angelina Jolie plays a bumbling reporter who is informed by a bum prophet that she has one week to live. Jolie's character observes that the prophet is perfect with all his predictions then she becomes fearful of dying or something like that (at this point, I needed some strong coffee to wake me up or some other strong stimulant like it). Edward Burns co-stars as the sarcastic cameraman who clashes then romances our lady protagonist. As big as an Eddie fan that I am, the character he plays in this film is the same old stereotypical one he plays in his own directed films. Eddie! This type of character is great in your movies, but do not `overburn' it in other director's movies. I do have to say that what did satisfy me about `Life or Something Like It' was a funtastic and energetic scene where our delirious semi-stoned (or something like that) reporter is covering a bus strike story and ends up leading all the strikers in singing along to the Stones' classic ` I Can't Get No Satisfaction'. It will not kill you to see `Life or Something Like It', but then again you could see another romantic comedy that is a bit more original and nothing like it. *** Average
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Prophet Jack Says this Will Not be a Hit
docm-323043 January 2022
This movie missed the mark. It's classification as a comedy is being generous as at best you might have a few snickers. Tony Shaloub is good in his part as usual, but everything else just seems so so and doesn't have the focus to be a good movie.
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I tried not to like it….
plumberguy663 May 2002
Life, or Something Like It. Dumb title if you ask me. Angelina Jolie as a blond? I don't think so. Ed Burns as the love interest? Sounds like a chick-flick or ‘something like it.' All this needed was Greg Kinnear and I think we'd have something like ‘Someone Like You', right? Well not exactly. Although this movie was obviously aimed at the female crowd and used just about every chick-flick cliché under the sun, there was more here than I expected. I found this movie very predictable for the most part but the characters are so engaging (especially Jolie's) that you find yourself getting wrapped up in them and the story that surrounds them. The thing that stood out for me where a couple of scenes that had the audience so quite you could have heard a pin drop. One was when Angelina Jolie's character asks her fiancé what it is between them that dictates they should be together. Utter silence. The theater, in anticipation of what lame answer is about to spew forth from her jock boyfriend, was silent. The other was when Angelina's character is interviewing Stockard Channing's. Again total silence from the crowd. Those two moments in the movie made it worth while for me. The rest is just as you would expect. I didn't find any above caliber performances here, just the really good ones you'd expect from this cast. You wont see this one on Oscar night but I thought it was worth the ticket price and it didn't feel like a waste of time. That's my take. What's yours?
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Lacks real feelings or situations, but your girlfriend will probably like it
siderite30 October 2005
It is not a bad movie, but then again it is not a good one. Clichés and unreal situations spoil what would have otherwise been an easy going "what if I changed my life" movie.

Angelina Jolie is a news reporter that wants to hit it in life. She then is put in a situation where she realizes that her perfectly built life is meaningless and that she need a good man and happiness instead of good money and unhappiness (suposedly).

What made the difference between boringly average and this slightly better average rating is Tony Shaloub.

Conclusion: if you are watching the movie to see if she dies, yes, she does. Stop wasting time. If you are watching it to see if she lives, then yes, she also lives. How come? It's the Hollywood way. It is also not terribly romantic, while the feelings you 'should' feel are created via soundtrack than via script.
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Deserves a bit better score
Yes it's an old well worn plot. Yes it's predictable, but as a feel good movie when you don't want something violent or deep, it has its place.

The Barbie style can't be by accident. Frankly a good movie for a flight that you can watch with your wife.

Acting, well, Angelina Jolie process a classic Angelina Jolie performance. I'm not sure if AJ is ment to have a brain or not.

As a shift feel good it did question the age old diachotomy of career versus family.

Still, it is cheesy, it is slim on plot, the characters are 1 dimensional but it still works.

In short you get what it says on the tin , a very light hearted rom con feel good.
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A tale of how women are the ones made to choose b/w love and career
dariakest1325 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand this was made in 2002 but still it ended like any other rom com about a woman making life choices. One more movie romanticising the woman choosing her love life (man) over her career. It somehow subtly tells women that apparently their career is inferior to their love life.

Angelina looks stunning and brings soul into this tired and predictable movie.
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You Can Have Everything You Want
blissey_s12 August 2021
I think of this movie as a message to those who think they can't have it all. You can. You have to believe that it's possible and then life will grant it to you. I also think there's a message in here for those who have lost hope. Lanie thought she was going to die, but she didn't. She survived. I think this shows that anything can happen and to lose hope is to give up on the possibility that life can get better. So, I think it's important to always keep that hope alive within yourself in order to illuminate yourself and your life. The minute you give up life is over. So never give up, ever!
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A shallow comedy...
Thanos_Alfie26 November 2021
"Life or Something Like It" is a Comedy - Romance movie in which we watch a reporter learning from a psychic that she will die in a week. She then realizes many things about her life and she starts questioning it.

I did not have high expectations from this movie so, I was not disappointed by it. It had a simple but boring at many moments plot that contained also many cliché moments. The interpretation of Angelina Jolie who played as Lanie Kerrigan was below average and she did not succeed to reach her potential. In addition to this, the direction which was made by Stephen Herek was also below average and he did not present very well his main characters in order to better understand them and relate to them. To sum up, I have to say "Life or Something Like It" is an average comedy movie filled with romance that contains many cliché so, I do not recommend you to watch it because I am sure that you will waste your time.
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Her network news.
michaelRokeefe11 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Romantic comedy starring Angelina Jolie. A Seattle TV reporter, Lanie Kerrigan(Jolie), should be happy with her life. The platinum blonde charmer has looks to die for and is married to the most popular of the Seattle Mariners baseball team, Cal Cooper(Christian Kane). In preparation for an interview for a morning show job in New York City, she is teamed with a past emotional interest, cameraman Pete(Edward Burns). Lanie does an on the street interview with a homeless man, Prophet Jack(Tony Shaloub), who predicts she is going to die within a week. When his other forecasts turn out true; Lanie must decide if her life has had any meaning at all. Supporting cast includes; Melissa Errico, James Gammon and Stockard Channing.

It takes a while to get use to Jolie as a blonde...its really not that damn hard to do. My favorite scene is where she is having batting practice and breaking up with her husband. Something about that batting helmet and flowing platinum blonde locks. And how many times does she have to ask "are you trying to have sex with me"? Hello, cold sweat.
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I think they were trying to make the worst movie ever
picante7723 July 2003
Horrible. Angelina Jolie and Ed Burns are all right but the writers spoil the film. The plot is completely illogical and you have to love the cheesy baseball park and deathbed scenes. I think they were trying to make the worst movie ever.
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Great Acting & Story...
motormouth3417 January 2006
I don't know why people have given this movie bad reviews - I really enjoyed it! I don't think the product placement was at all bad... who cares??? Those are things we all use everyday anyway, right? The movie was absolutely wonderful and all of the actors played a great role. The only thing I didn't like was Angelina's hair - she does NOT do blonde very well. Other than that, she did a wonderful job with her character, Lanie - who feels she has to be perfect in order to be "special", she has the perfect boyfriend (or so she thinks), the perfect body, the perfect apartment, and hopes within 5 years she can achieve success in her perfect broadcasting job. Until she meets "Prophet Jack" played by Tony Shaloub (who also does a wonderful job - as usual) who tells her she will die in 7 days. She starts to realize everything she has been working for is superficial and meaningless. You have to see this movie to see what she does in her last week --- & IF she even dies. Two Thumbs way, way up! ;)
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Not bad but less original that most *Minor Spoilers*
stevepkp410 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Predictability is common in even a great movie, so that isn't the problem. There are movies with similar premises, but it was a decent film. You'll have a chuckle now and then and jack the homeless prophet always having is predictions come true was somewhat interesting.I guess this is more for someone who likes a simple chick-flick or any person who goes ga ga over Jolie.

Its not the best, but there are many worse.Any movie is worth watching if you have the time, so if you come across this movie watch it just to watch it.You might just like it!
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I fell into the bad movie trap once again
FilmOtaku20 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
In a fit of desperation to watch something other than something that was in my own personal DVD collection, I found that this film was just starting on HBO so I figured, in a fit of solicitude that I would give it a shot.

Again, I let myself wander into the bad movie trap. The only thing that made me decide to even try this film is that it had a reasonable cast: Angelina Jolie – yes, she has had some sub-par films lately, but she does have the ability to act. Edward Burns – a mediocre actor and filmmaker but not hard on the eyes at least, and Tony Shalhoub – a brilliant character actor. What I didn't realize is that this Olympic podium of actors, (gold, silver & bronze – get it?) would be ignorant or desperate enough to be in such a stupid film. Jolie plays an ambitious and vaguely bubble-headed Seattle television reporter who, while taping a fluff piece with her nemesis of a camera man (Ed Burns) she is told by a homeless `prophet' (Shalhoub) that she has a week to live.

*Possible Spoiler Alert*

Let the mayhem ensue. Of course she at first goes through denial and skepticism, and then she goes through the obligatory `I don't care so I'm going to do the worst things ever to myself' which pretty much boils down to eating a pizza and wearing her glasses instead of contacts. We are supposed to believe that she is deep because we find out that she wasn't always ultra-glamorous, and that now that she doesn't care what happens to her, she has now changed and cool because she walks around in a black Suicidal Tendencies t-shirt. Along the way she realizes things about her life that should be changed (we should all be so lucky to be counseled by a fake homeless guy in order to sort out our lives) and breaks and mends various relationships in her life.

While we do learn the answer to a question that plagues us all, that Angelina Jolie should never have platinum blonde hair, I think the most disappointing thing about this film is that it had the potential to be decent and fell so short that it borders on offensive.

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