Frank McKlusky, C.I. (2002) Poster

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The new Jim Carrey
SinjinSB17 October 2002
I guess if Jim Carrey is going to make serious films like The Majestic, they need someone to fill his old shoes. They found him, David Sheridan. This movie was definitely Jim Carrey-esque...not only does Dave Sheridan act exactly like Jim Carrey, but he happens to look remarkably like him. Unfortunately, the script is ridiculous. A few laughs are provided, but mostly it's groans. If you've been missing the funny Jim Carrey, you might want to try this film for a fix.

*1/2 (out of 4)
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Well This movie is about a man and his over protective mother!
tjcrsj8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I just got done watching the movie and and all I can say is the only good acting is from Dolly Parton.Who ever wrote this movie needs to have a little more brains. they did't even release it in the USA it was so bad. I am a big fan of Dolly Parton but why would she pick a movie like this. well it been her only movie since Then I hope she comes back to acting. As for the rest of the cast they can not act a bit. For the acting I would give it a 2 out of 10 for the story line 1 out of 10 and for the whole movie 3 out of 10. So stick to movies like Nine to Five. I mean I am bored out of my mind watching it. The movie pretty much stinks.
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Some good laughs, but mostly a waste of time.
Hey_Sweden8 February 2019
Comedian Dave Sheridan doesn't seem too concerned with forging his own identity here, largely content to ape Jim Carrey (the resemblance between the two is undeniable). Unfortunately, the script here (based on a story by Sheridan & screenwriter Mark Perez) is third-rate material. Occasionally it IS good for chuckles (such as Sheridans' choice of disguise at one point), and some people will appreciate the tendency of the movie to go for broke and not worry about political correctness.

Sheridan plays the title character, who's the son of a failed daredevil (Randy Quaid). After dad has a VERY bad accident, Frank grows up to be an ultra-safety conscious claims investigator for an insurance corporation. He loves what he does, and in his own incredibly goofy way, he's good at his job. Ultimately, he's out to nail two shameless ambulance-chasing lawyers (Kevin Pollak and Tracy Morgan), as well as a paraplegic (Enrico Colantoni) whom he suspects isn't disabled at all.

There are non-stop celebrity cameos in this one, which may help to make the movie palatable for otherwise unimpressed viewers. The funniest may actually be the late Joanie Laurer (a.k.a. wrestler Chyna), a hoot as an oversexed file clerk. By nature of the plot, Quaid gets precious little to do once the set-up is over, and country & Western sweetheart Dolly Parton adopts a "grin and bear it" attitude as the over-protective mom, who's given to calling Franks' new junior partner Sharon (the gorgeous and adorable Cameron Richardson) a "hussy".

Ultimately, a ridiculous movie whose cartoonish nature would have suited Carrey just as well. Sheridan has his moments, but the fate of this movie rather put an end to any chance he might have had for headlining future vehicles. As it is, it barely got a theatrical release.

Four out of 10.
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Trying to cash in on Jim Carrey's popularity?
khanawalt21 September 2004
This guy is trying to be Jim Carrey. Maybe it's not his fault. Maybe the director made him do this. Facial expressions and mannerisms are Jim Carrey rip-offs. He even looks a little like Jim Carrey>

Some good comedy talent in the cast, but if they had it to do over again, I'll be they'd all pass. Too stupid to be funny. I don't know if it was a lack of money, time, or possible the director was inept, or the editing was done at the Hemp Users Society Annual Expo.

Whatever it was, it resulted in a movie that is a waste of time. Fortunately, I didn't pay to buy or rent this flick. It was on one of my cable channels. Not recommended.
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claudio_carvalho21 August 2004
Today I have lost about two hours of my Saturday afternoon watching this crap. This trash is so awful and ridiculous that does not deserve my review. It is enough to read the summary of other IMDb users:

  • No toilet bowl is large enough to hold the crap this movie produces

  • Avoid this movie at all costs

  • So Unfunny

  • This movie is so bad the producers would not let it be released into theaters

  • The worst movie I've ever seen...

  • Avoid at all costs

My vote is one.

Title (Brazil): 'As Aventuras de Frank McKlusky' ('The Adventures of Frank McKlusky')
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The worst movie I've ever seen...
legolas714 December 2002
I would've given this movie a negative-1, but the voting scale here doesn't go that low. What a waste of perfectly good film this movie was. All those responsible for this cow-flop movie should be forced to serve jail time. That's an hour-and-a-half of my life I'll never get back. I could've spent that time doing something way more constructive, like staring at the wall. My mother rented this film for my brother and I because she said she thought it looked funny. The only thing even remotely funny about this movie was that I didn't vomit while watching it, because it certainly made me sick. Don't make the mistake I did by watching it. If you see it at the video store, whether it's on sale or for rent, do whatever you can to buy it so that you can smash it, stomp on it and burn it, thus averting the possible disaster of some other innocent layman who might be considering the possibility of watching it. Louis Braille could've made a better movie than this, and not only was he blind, he's dead! If there is one movie in film history that should never have been made, I can think of no better candidate than this movie which I even refuse to call it by its name. I will call it, however, by the name I think it deserves: "PUTRID & VILE."
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jim carrey is rolling over in his grave
roky-erickson24 December 2002
the dumbest idea, movie, script, you name it how did this movie get funding?? I would have rather seen "glitter part deux"

I have never seen a movie where not a single scene works

or one with a cast with less comic timing

how did they con all of these stars to be in this pig?

when they were filming the gymnastics scene did anyone on the set say "does anyone remember jim carrey doing almost the same thing when he was on in living color?"

every actor in this will delete this from his/her resume'

if the director gets another film deal it might be the 1st sign of the apocalypse

I would like to buy the rights to this movie and make sure it is never seen again
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Avoid at all costs
Erewhon24 September 2002
May be one of the least funny comedies ever made. Ghastly, badly timed, laughless and boring. Gay jokes abound, and for some reason, the writer seems to think that just mentioning Scott Baio is intrinsically funny. There's no conceivable reason to subject yourself to this stupefying film.
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Avoid this movie at all costs
udeaasykle2 June 2004
It is hard to write 10 lines of crap without saying the same thing twice. But i will do my best. I bet the only group of people who actually like this movie has some serious problems. I have been hoping for a while that Hollywood would stop make utter crappy movies, but this is the prove that that hasn't happen. Why? What are they thinking? Hmmm i wonder if the world is ready for one piece of SH*T movie? Yeah i think they are ready for that. Lets get some people, not actors, but people and throw them together with a script that sucks and see what we get. I will tell you what you get, you get Frank McKlusky C.I. If you are over the age of 14, don't see this movie. You will not like it. And if you do, read the second sentence of this comment. I rate this movie 2/10
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Goofy, "Ace Ventura"-style fun
Brian Jaudon28 April 2002
I guess I am the only person to see this movie. I think it's only playing in about 10 markets right now, all of them in Florida. I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I thought I would from the ads- the star, Dave Sheridan, is a very funny comedian who is an alumnus of Second City and appeared in small roles in "Scary Movie" and "Ghost World". He is reminiscent of a young Jim Carrey in the role of the helmet-sporting Frank McKlusky. During the movie, he dons several "disguises" that are pretty funny- the female gymnast scene probably being the best of the bunch. For some reason, there were a lot of '80s references in this movie too- from Scott Baio to Willie Tyler and Lester to ALF (ok, a poster of ALF on a wall in one scene), there are a lot of cult icons in this movie that give it a kitsch status. Cameos by funny people like Saturday Night Live's Tracy Morgan and an embarrassed-looking Andy Richter help make it watchable too. In fact, I think this is probably the single weirdest cast ever assembled for one movie- and wait until you see female wrestler Chyna in her assortment of "sexy" outfits throughout the film.

So if it is playing in your area, take a chance on this movie and you might just get some laughs out of it. Or look for it on video in a few weeks where I am sure it will soon appear. Maybe next time Sheridan will be given a chance rather than having his movie dumped into a handful of theaters with little promotion.
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Stupid Movie, but with some funny parts
swat61126 October 2003
Yea overall, this movie does suck. BUT it does have some funny parts. The guy at the Hanson concert was kinda funny. and it had a few other funny parts. but all in all it does suck, and thats why it never made it past the 10 city test release. i give it a 3 out of 10.
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Great Flick
dwmonty178 September 2005
If you liked Office Space, you should enjoy this film. I first saw this on cable and had to buy it. Many celebrity cameos including Scott Baio, Gary Coleman, the singing group Hanson, Emmanuel Lewis, Andy Richter, Tracy Morgan, Joanie Laurer (ex pro wrestler Chyna) and others along with semi-starring roles by Dolly Parton and Randy Quaid. I loved it from start to finish. There are few unfunny attempts at humor, but mostly hilarious.

Frank McClusky is an insurance fraud investigator looking for the person who murdered his partner. He uses disguise after disguise and gets into some odd and funny situations in his quest.

I have showed this film to a couple of friends. One LOVED it and the other had a mixed review, but did laugh several times and mostly enjoyed it. Give it a try!
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Yeah, but it's got Dolly Parton and the Wrestler Chick
elgrego30 September 2006
Good concept that was not realized. It has some charm and giggles though. Mostly this is a bunch of really silly sight gags and physical comedy gags. In something like this the plot could actually get in the way. But you do need some plot to set the gags up. No plot here, the writers should have watched some old Marx Brothers or Bob Hope movies for some guidance.

The gags are all over the place and some are funny. The 20th repetition of a fart joke

started to stink after the second time.

The director and writers were truly obsessed with sexual orientation, from the obligatory gay bar scenes to locker-rooms. It isn't horribly offensive, but these are very, very, very tired. Perhaps if these had been just slightly more offensive they would have been funny. OK, in this film the jokes are things like just like saying the word "gay" or finding out someone was gay. This is only funny to 15 year olds (or 30 year olds with sexual orientation issues). Oh, the leather pants on a fat gay guy has been done a gazillion times. In British comedy skits I've even seen it be very funny; but when the point is just to make being gay be silly (I guess so that being gay is not so scary (i.e., attractive), it is just dumb.

That scary pretty muscled wrestling chick (who never really seemed like a chick) Joanie Laurer appears in a variety of unbelievable scary sexy get-ups and actually is extremely funny. She is a comic gem.

Okey Dokey, the real reason I gave this a six is cuz Dolly Parton is in it, kind of believable as the paranoid Mother. Credible acting and her comedic timing was better than the lead Dave Sheridan. It is really too bad that more parts aren't around in the comedic arena that can use her ability to laugh at her persona. Dolly is both good and funny looking, she knows it, and totally works it. She looks great here (in her late 50's looking and playing someone in her mid-40s). (Oh, I just saw her in concert up pretty close and she really does look amazing in person. This is a woman who is fully in-charge of her physical presence, it is just fun to look at her.)

About the leads--Cameron Richardson is the "straight guy" in the film. She is a very blond sexy girl-next-door type; unique pretty face and great body. Real boobs. With better material she could be the next Cameron Diaz type. Mostly here she is just the love interest of the guy with the jokes. She is better than Dave Sheridan (the male lead) with the few jokes she has, and this probably would have been funnier if they could have used her talents better. There is a lot of funny face making kind of comedy and she is better at that too--looking goofy sexy. Ya have to suspend reality for any film, and for a silly bunch of gags like this, even more so. But no one could suspend their belief enough to think for a silly this woman would be remotely interested in the Dave Sheridan character. Since the ongoing theme of this flic is male sexual insecurity, perhaps this is supposed to be the resolution of that tension (as in many films of this ilk).

Dave Sheridan plays a part that is a good ten years younger than he actually is (I think he was mid 30's when this was made and the part is a mid 20's-ish part.) He plays a super dork, lots of silly outfits, silly face making, disguises running from celebrity black-face (amazingly not as obnoxious as you might think, but also surprisingly unfunny when it could have been), straight-guy being amazed at masculine gay men (that being a revelation, and like the black-face surprisingly not obnoxious (and also not funny when it conceivably could be); and mostly a 4rth rate Will Ferrell. He was very approachable though, and the total lack of anything but ultra-nice guy probably made this less funny than it could be. Well he is a nice looking guy and without his shirt on has really nice upper body definition.

There are a surprising number of 2nd string cameos that are mildly interesting. Scott Baoio is relentlessly ridiculed and he finally makes an appearance in tights with a broken nose. His "package" is apparent and they must have given him salt peter to make it so small. Other than some very, very skinny legs looks pretty much like he did 25 years ago. It was so very, very small that one has to wonder just how nervous the director really is about male genitals. (Honest.)

Enrico Colantoni (you will recognize as Elliot from the TV show "Just Shoot Me") has a major role in this film. Totally not funny, whereas in Just Shoot Me he consistently was funny. The physical comedy and sight gags of this film (even accounting for the bad writing) may just not be his forte. He is an actor whose performances are all over the place (quality-wise) and in this film he just isn't funny. Or any good in his unfunny parts. He is a sexy barely middle aged bald guy in Just Shoot Me, in this film his physical presence is totally gone. Funny given that film folks are generally better at making the "stars" (he is really more of a "featured player" look great.)

It is watchable, ultra-silly, and the concept was better than the execution. But it has Dolly and the wrestler sexy-scary chick and their roles take this from a 3.5 to a 6. Barely.
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Good Money Gone Bad
stellarbiz11 October 2005
For the LIFE of me, I cannot understand how or why ANYONE ever thought to put good money towards making the kind of crap that turned out to be this movie. Those who made cameo appearances had to be really hard-up for money to put their standards aside to appear in this piece of ... excrement.

I was hoping beyond hope there might be some redeeming joke or gag that might salvage my time watching this "thing," but there wasn't. I can't believe I watched the entire movie, but for some morbid reason, I couldn't shut my eyes. I was in shock. It was like watching a train wreck in progress; you know what you're watching is horrific, but you can't blink.

It is unfortunate that IMDb does not have NEGATIVE ratings in their voting, for this piece of cinematic dung deserves no less than a -1000. Oh, I shouldn't have described it as dung... that's insulting dung. At least dung can be used as fertilizer. This celluloid creation has no redeeming value whatsoever.
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Well...I thought it was funny! =)
theBrink25 July 2003
I'm surprised so many reviews trash this film so much, because honestly despite it's obvious flaws and unoriginality (this film rips on Dumb and Dumber and Ace Ventura like no other). Honestly though, I think if you liked either of those films, you can enjoy many parts of this one. The list of stars making cameos in this film are numerous and sometimes save the scene (eg. Tracy Morgan as a bogus claim con). Sadly many jokes in the film fall flat on their face, and when they do, it's like hitting a brick wall. To compound this so much of the film is a direct ripoff of Ace Ventura, such as the numerous disguises the McKlusky uses. His character is also too similar to Jim Carrey's Dumb and Dumber character, which doesn't help. Overall I think the film is worth watching, but don't be prepared for greatness.
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No toilet bowl is large enough to hold the crap this movie produces
scootrah17 June 2004
I've sat through some really bad flicks, but this has to be the worst piece of garbage I've ever suffered through. A director friend of mine once said "Nobody sets out to make a bad movie," but in this case, I don't think they knew WHAT they were really trying to make.

Stupid, juvenile and mind-numbingly STUPID, the bad script, terrible directing and lousy acting somehow combine to make the whole even worse than the sum of its parts. You've seen all these bits and gags before and heard the bad puns. Dave Sheridan's Jim Carey-esque look and style aren't an homage or even a spoof to Carey's "Ace Ventura" work, it's just lousy.

You'll never get the 90 minutes of your life back that it takes to watch this bomb, and believe me, you'll feel the producer, director and actors OWE IT TO YOU if you bother to sit through it.
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Not bad.....not good....simply Funny !!
elo-equipamentos16 July 2019
Indeed a low profile comic picture, a dumb father (Randy Quaid), a dumb family, schizophrenic mother (Parton), living a ultra-safe system of life, but has some priceless moments, few them of course, for instance, when Frank was warned by his Romanian coach to take easy on those hormonal pills, due his show up too much (that thing) and afterward he stumble upon his backside unwittingly, no money can pay such insanity, l'd to stop and go back to watch it again a couple times, I have laugh one's head off, when she realized that his friend actually is gay, what a scene, outrageously funny, when he find out his facetious co-worker in a Gay's bar is another gem, without to forget the nynpho naughty girl who work at file's room at insurance company, who has a strange wont to charge his duty, looking this point the picture make sense, also the cast are aged but renowned stars as Randy Quaid and Dolly Parton who no longer had those huge air bags as in the past, but works as plus attractive!!!!


First watch: 2005 / How many: 3 / Source: Cable TV-DVD / Rating: 6.25
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funny all the way
EDBAYES20 October 2003
A good spoof on investigators creating laughs throughout and darn good acting by the cast. Its good for a nite of enjoyment with a side order of popcorn, soda and don't forget the juju beads...
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Frank McKlusky is an incredibly funny movie if a bit stupid....
iveseengarlicbread13 April 2006
Frank McKlusky is by no means a serious movie. It is a film made for laughs and it delivers. This joke is loaded with very funny jokes and stupid comments. There are some obvious attempts to be funny which fail but they are few and far between.

It is the story of a 25 year C.I (Claims Investigator) who's father was a daredevil. After his father is blown up and paralysed in an accident his mother sets out to protect him and his brother... the end result is "a 25 year old virgin in a safety helmet." But after his C.I partner is murdered on the job he has to take risks to track the murdered down. With the help of a risk-taking rookie C.I he gets out of his shell.

I couldn't stop laughing at some points of this movie. I showed it to several friends and they all agree this is a very funny film.
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A very funny film. I enjoyed every minute of it.
joshbroadwell2125 July 2006
I don't understand why this movie has gotten so many bad reviews. This movie is hilarious. The plot overall isn't that great, but then again, many comedies do not have great plots. This film was made strictly to be funny, but so was Airplane!, as well as the hit show, the Andy Milonakis Show. What I'm saying is that just because it is indeed stupid doesn't mean it's not funny. This is personally one of my favorite films (as is Airplane!) and I would recommend this film to anyone who likes mildly crude humor. I've watched the movie at least 15 times and I still laugh every time I see it. There is a joke in this movie everywhere you look (The Rosengold's; one of them is black and one is white) and it brings back stars from the 80s such as Scott Bayou from Charles In Charge. There are a couple of parts in the movie that i didn't like, such as him pulling the dog across the sidewalk (which was stupid, and not funny), but it more than makes up for it with the rest of the movie. This movie has a "surpise" funny kind of flow to it. For example, when the announcer said, " This is a man that Evil Kinevil himself once called... a god damned crazy bastard!...Madman Mcklusky!"...I expected him to say something completely different. Overall this is a extremely funny movie and anyone thinking about watching it should go ahead and do it!
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I may be weird
joelbc8312 March 2006
You know I may be some sort of freak for saying this but I thoroughly enjoyed the immense corniness of the film. A likable lead and adorable love interest make for a pretty decent comedy when shown on late night television.

It starts off being mildly amusing until it continues onto terrible joke one after the after all lamer the last, yet somehow it is enjoyable all the same. Chyna's role in the film was rather disconcerting and really she should of stuck to acting poorly at wrestling events then ever trying for film. Overall though if you have a taste of corny comedies then give it a chance, you will only have me to blame if you do and I can live with that.
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Forget your troubles, come on, get happy....with this film!
inkblot112 June 2004
Frank MCluskey (Dave Sheridan) is an insurance claims investigator who refuses to take any risks. With good reason! His father, an Evel Knievel imitator, was permanently injured during a performance and his mother refuses to let her son live life without a safety net. Instead, Frank's partner must do all the dirty and dangerous work. When the partner dies, however, it's up to Frank to go for broke when the job turns hairy. New partner Sharon (Cameron Richardson) is there to lend her support, also. Will Frank be transformed from a chicken little into a daredevil?

This is a film that falls into the category of a true guilty pleasure. Certainly, Sheridan does a knock-off Jim Carrey imitation while the script vacillates between funny and mundane. Yet, the movie still delivers an upbeat charm that is an antidote for those days when the car breaks down or the dinner burns. Randy Quaid, for example, plays the comatose father of Frank...and he's still funny! If you want to forget your troubles, come on, get happy then spend a couple of hours with Frank. He'll plaster a silly grin on your face in no time.
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Underrated comedy
ImmortalKnight11 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Having just finished watching this movie, I can understand the divided reviews. Those that hate this movie, are those who can't stand stupid comedies. That is what this movie is 100 percent.

If you like those kinds of movies, (movies like say, Bio Dome or even dare i say, Chairman Of The Board) Then you will like this movie.

I actually consider myself to be a middle ground type of person. I enjoy "stupid" comedies. I suppose this would be because i mostly can ignore plots, and obvious flaws and instead, enjoy the action that is going on. I also enjoy various other kinds of movies, even "serious" ones, which are probably the only kinds of movies that most of the negative reviewers enjoy.

So yes, I found the idea of a horse named "Horny Hal" which ends up humping a statue of a horse funny.

Or the idea of Ex wrestler "Chyna" (who goes by her real name of Joanie Laurer in the credits) as a reverse of the character she portrayed in Wrestling. As a wrestler, she portrayed a manly woman. Here, well...lets just say she is probably the only woman who could pull of looking like she used to be a man.

Anyway, if you like slapstick humor, or corny jokes, or pointing out celebrities (you'd be surprised at the amount of famous (at the time) actors and comedians in this movie!) You'll like this movie.

And if you're wondering why I'm not even going into the plot of the movie, it's because as i stated above, i largely ignored the plot and instead focused on what was going on in the movie.
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This movie is so bad the producers would not let it be released into theaters.
pctappy10 January 2003
This movie is so bad that the producers would not let it be released into theaters. Although it is awful I would suggest that you watch this movie because it is very entertaining. Entertaining in the sense that it is so bad. The movie's bad acting and cameo appearences will make you laugh, not the plot or punchlines.
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Funny, but could have been a lot funnier!
jellyneckr22 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
From what I heard about this movie beforehand, I was expecting it to be hilarious. Dave Sheridan cracks me up and the story seemed to have potential to be a great comedy in the Ace Ventura vein. While it was funny, it could have been a lot funnier. The main problem with the movie is that it ends up resorting to low-brow and tasteless jokes way too often. I don't mind a few gay jokes here and there, but this movie just keeps making more and more gay jokes as it goes along. It got annoying very fast. Some of the crude humor was funny. The scene in which Randy Quaid's character (who is in a coma) keeps farting had me cracking up and the part where all the people in the wheelchairs fall off the stage at the Hanson concert had me laughing so hard my sides began to hurt. In a movie like this, I was expecting more slapstick than there was, especially since the slapstick scenes were the ones that worked the best. Another problem I had with the movie was that it had such great cast members as Kevin P. Farley and Tracy Morgan, but they hardly had enough screen time to show off there comedic talent. Perhaps what bugged me the most was that the movie was way too short. Not counting the credits, it has a running time of 77 minutes. It should have been about 15 minutes longer. Anyway, it still is an enjoyable picture filled with some pretty solid laughs so overall I'd give it **1/2.
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