The Girl Next Door (2004) Poster

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Strange but appealing
MikieMD3 February 2004
The Girl Next Door is just simply an entertaining movie. It's got plenty of flaws - almost every single scene of the second half of the film seems to act as the climax, and then the movie keeps going - but it's also got one of the most appealing casts I've seen in a while. Emile Hirsh (Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys, Emperor's Club) is the central character Matthew, about to graduate from high school. He's just plain likable. The drop-dead gorgeous Elisha Cuthbert (Kim Bauer on 24, in a very different type of role here) is the title character, Danielle. Matthew's two friends and one of Danielle's associates played by Tim Olyphant are particular standouts in terms of comic relief; the movie is genuinely funny. Funny, a bit silly, and at times honestly sweet, it's an entertaining movie that's harmless and worth seeing.
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Wicked Sexy Comedy
Sparrowmaniac2 September 2005
Wicked Sexy Comedy, thats just what may sum this movie up... Its not quite just another punk movie from Hollywood, but this one's different... It's about devotion and love...

I bought the DVD expecting just another teen movie, but was quite surprised... Elisha Cuthbert looked like a goddess... Totally cool... The plot is also nice, about a porno star who falls in love with just another ordinary kid... Emile Hersch also does a nice job, playing that ordinary kid... His friends especially 'Eli' is totally cool, and will bring you on your knees with his antics... I wont say much, cos it will spoil your anticipation... Buy the DVD, its loaded with special features, fully packed with it... Its worth every penny...
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Reminds me of what teen films used to be
gregsrants11 April 2004
Oh, to a neighbor like Elisha Cuthbert. Not that my neighbors are bad. Want a cup of sugar? Just knock. Want help will the ball cock in your toilet? Ring next door. All of this is incredibly beneficial, but oh, to have a neighbor like Elisha Cuthbert!

Elisha plays the 'girl' in the new teen film The Girl Next Door directed by Luke Greenfield (The Animal). Her name is Danielle and she arrives just when neighbor Mathew Kidman (Emile Hirsch) is writing a speech in hopes of getting a scholarship for his portrayal of moral fiber. But one look at the stripping Danielle from his bedroom window to hers leaves every fiber pointing in a different direction.

This small act of voyeurism leads to all sorts of trouble as Danielle notices her admirers' gazing and immediately heads next door to confront young Matthew. The result of their new courtship would lead to public nudity, breaking and entering, skipping school, taking drugs and everything else that we used to brag about without merit in High School.

And just as everything seems to be going extremely well for the young Matthew, one of his geek buddies reveals her true identity, that of an up-and-coming porn star. This revelation comes shortly before the arrival of her pimp film producer Kelly (Deadwood's Timothy Olyphant) who throws a wrench into the infatuational plans of the two neighbors and leads Matthew down a path that jeopardizes his endeavor to win the scholarship. Soon, Kelly and Matthew are attending strip clubs, meeting in Vegas and eventually, the two are involved in a robbery where Matt tries to win the freedom of the young Danielle.

Much has been made of The Girl Next Door's resemblance to the 1983 Tom Cruise film Risky Business. Truly, the comparisons cannot be more obvious. Instead of hookers, we have porn stars. Instead of a house party, we have a prom, and where there is a family heirloom in play with Cruise's film, Hirsch must pull out all the stops in order to obtain a $25,000 bank account that was amassed to bring a Cambodian teenager to America.

But with all these comparisons evident, I enjoyed The Girl Next Door more. The High School situations have been updated, and I believed in how Matthew could be easily drawn into his world of love and admiration, something I didn't feel with Cruise and DeMornay.

Don't get me wrong, The Girl Next Door will not have the impact of Risky Business nor will it be the catapult for either Hirsch or Cuthbert that Business was for Cruise. But it still was a rather enjoyable film. Not filled with situations bordering on the asinine (see American Pie's 2 through 3), The Girl Next Door was a smart film that resembled a John Hughes film of the early 1980's. I enjoyed all the characters from the geeks who are trying to find their sexual niche to the awkwardness and mature awakening of Matthew through the ordeal of following his dreams. Whereas adolescent films recently have skewed into gross out comedy in such entries as The New Guy, American Pie and Van Wilder, The Girl Next Door gives us something fresh, a progressive out of character plot backed by the love of a beautiful woman.

All these funny and interesting struggles lead to the senior prom where the result might seem far fetched, but at least it seems as if the director meant it not to be taken with any notion of seriousness. We understand the good guys from the bad guys and the movie makes no attempts to throw a surprise or two our way. Maybe in its simplicity, it has found the answer to rejuvenating the youthful film movement.

So, back to my original blabbering. Oh, to have a neighbor like Elisha Cuthbert! First noticed wearing pink panties in the 2003 popular film Old School, she is something to behold. But can she fix a ball cock? Don't answer that!
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The sweetest R-rated (or 15 certificate) movie in recent memory.
Victor Field23 April 2004
Responsibility for "The Girl Next Door"'s poor performance at the US box office - as well as over here - can be laid firmly at the feet of Twentieth Century Fox's marketing people; the tagline "Matt never saw her coming - but all his friends had!" made it seem like a full-on sex comedy, when it's actually a lot more than that; director Luke Greenfield and writers Stuart Blumberg, David T. Wagner and Brent Goldberg put more emphasis on the characters than the raunch, which makes all the difference. There's more to the movie than the sight of Elisha Cuthbert in a thong (in interviews she revealed that it is indeed her there... if not elsewhere in the movie).

The debt this movie owes to "Risky Business" - starting with the score by ex-Tangerine Dream member Paul Haslinger (Tangerine Dream scored "Risky Business") - is pretty clear; both movies have bright but slightly life-challenged graduate students given to fantasising about things that go wrong as their main characters (step forward Emile Hirsch as the sympathetic hero), both have sex-obsessed best friends, both have women in the sex business as the main female characters who come into the hero's uptight life and help to liberate him, and both have sleazy male bosses (Timothy Olyphant plays the Guido equivalent). The movie also has the same mostly restrained view of its story where other movies would have played up the farce aspects - the only real hi-jinks come when the movie's plot takes in the Adult Film Convention in Las Vegas - but "The Girl Next Door" is a lot more engaging and has a lot more heart than "Risky Business" (good though that movie is, charm is not its strong point), with the title character seen as more of a person than a masturbatory object both by our hero and by the movie. When she goes with a motel with him and starts to play up The Porn Star, you really hope they don't go through with it.

The mood set up in the early stages is so convincing that when Olyphant's porn producer character turns up the movie seems to turn into another one entirely (and if you go to see this because of Elisha's "one for the men" status, I must warn you that she spends alarming amounts of time off-screen); it's still a good one, but it damages the overall movie's tone, and for most of the rest of the movie it veers back and forth between sweet and sleazy... but the amazing thing is that "The Girl Next Door" actually manages to find a happy balance of the two by the time the prom climax arrives (with more echoes of "Risky Business" en route, for sure).

True, there's no actual sex seen and little nudity, but the cast works so well and the movie's so sincere that by the end it doesn't seem like a ripoff. With good use of songs blending with the score, well-done fantasy sequences, and a welcome dose of intelligence in its writing, "The Girl Next Door" is probably the most adorable movie to get an R rating since "Pretty Woman," and well worth seeing even if you don't have a thing for Kim off "24." But this isn't for the "Daily Sport" crowd. Which is their loss.

"The juice was worth the squeeze."
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Not bad...
drcable3514 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Initially, I was simply lost in the world of late night pay television, and stumbled across this just as it started. After reading the description; (plot summary on the interactive program guide); I figured that this would be just the sleeping pill I needed to go to sleep with. Thankfully enough, I was wrong. As others have mentioned, this film pays homage to Risky Business, but in its own quirky way. Emile Hirsch simply comes across as a very likable high school kid who's never taken any kind of risk, has always had his life planned out, has his future all lined up... Until SHE moves in next door. Elisha Cuthberts' character starts out promising, but falls flat. There isn't enough development into her back-story, (aside from one quick reference to her high school days), no real telling of her story overall. Which isn't to say her performance was flat, it was well above par, and a whole different direction from the character she played on "24". Timothy Olyphant is perfect. He has enough depth in his character to make up for any other shortcomings this film suffers from. Overall, this is a mostly harmless film, that will leave the viewer with a smile, and maybe a chuckle or two. If you find yourself with a case of the late-night-can't-sleep-blues, go ahead, watch this. You won't be sorry.
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Stavros_Anag17 June 2022
The movie starts with all the vibes of a classic teenage movie with high school prom, football events, popular kids vs unpopular etc.... but after Danielle(the girl on the poster) starts to establish herself in the movie everything changes..... The story becomes original by using sexy situations in a different, more naive ways, showing the love between a senior in high school and a young girl with an interesting past through some weird situations.

It's a funny sexy comedy with actors well guided by the director. Feels like a better edition of american pie movies and i think is oriented on the same audience.
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Definitely Not Another Teen Movie
ferdiaob15 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In a world wrought with unoriginal and humor-lacking teen movies, The Girl Next Door provides a beacon of light. The director's hardest battle was to insure that although 90% of the cast are teenagers, that this movie should not be labeled as a teen comedy.

The first comparison that should be made between your average Hollywood teen offering and this movie is the humor. Some movies (American Pie 1, Road Trip) are genuinely funny, but in a slapstick way. The Girl Next Door provides more intelligent jokes (Eli saying that Matthews's motel advances towards Danielle was a little forthcoming, for instance).

Even after this fact is acknowledged, it is still tempting to accuse The Girl Next Door of being a teen movie, but suddenly the thought springs to mind. "Hang on; did that movie have a story line?" And the answer is of course "too right it did". The story line revolves around a life changing loss of innocence for: primarily, Matthew and Danielle, and secondarily: Eli and Klits.

Matthew starts the movie in a tether of his scholarship acquirement's, he spends hours studying and speech revising. Enter Danielle, in the space of 2 weeks she turns Matthew from a text book geek, into the king of the school (I refer of course to his control over the jocks on prom night.). Danielle, for all her real world experience, is an emotional black hole. Matthew, in the movie breaks threw this, and Danielle "makes love" for the first time.

Eli, the local porn king, thinks he (sexually) knows it all, however, even the slightest sexual conduct, and he turns and runs (i.e. The porn star asking Eli/Klitz to feel his girlfriends breasts). Klitz, like Matthew, is a text book nerd and lacks any confidence in his appearance, what so ever. With the help of April, he breaks through this, gaining a silent reputation for the prominence of his manhood.

So let's compare these major story lines to some admitted teen movies. American Pie 2: The story line (singular) in this story is to go on vacation and get laid. WOW. Not exactly a feast for the thought. Road Trip: This time round the storyline (singular) is that a guy suddenly realizes that his pen pal is a girl and sets of on a several thousand mile trip to profess his undying love.. Rubbish.

One similarity I am happy to point out between this work and the self-proclaimed teen movies, is that it has an excellent sound track. A few examples of the excellent choices in music would be David Gray's This Years Loving. This song perfectly matched the budding affections of Danielle and Matthew, both while they share their first kiss, and when there have sex for the first time. On a smaller scale Lapdance by NERD, perfectly captures the moment when the new and improved Matthew, strolls into the Prom and officially becomes the Godfather of the school. On the topic of the sound track, I could go on for pages, so ill just stop that now.

The best movie to compare this piece to is Risky Business. You've all seen it I'm sure. The academically perfect Tom Cruise's parents do away for the weekend. And Cruise erupts. Going wild for the weekend, he dance around the house, pants-less (easily one of the most famous scenes in movie history) and more importantly (from a story line point of view), meets and falls in love with hooker Lana (Rebecca De Mornay). On comparison I preferred The Girl Next Door. The relationship between Hirsh/Cuthbert is far more convincing then that of Cruise/De Mornay, and more importantly, there was no real foundation for the change in Cruises character, whereas Matthew is forced out of his shell by the life-of-fun character of Danielle.

Unfortunately, Risky Business is unshakable from it pillar as one of the best movies ever. But the Girl Next Door deserves to stand right up there beside is it.

If you haven't seen this movie but have read this. Sorry., but go get the movie anyway, trust me, i didn't talk about, about 90% of the content of this masterpiece. If you have seen it, then I hope you agree with my synopsis.

This movie is worthy of much more recognition then it is currently receiving. And ill bet that the reason is in the first eleven words of this review.
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This movie actually managed to surprise me!
vithiet22 July 2021
I went in for what I thought would be the typical teen rom-com of the early 2000s, with the usual pattern (common to many movies actually): 1. Protagonist isn't satisficed with their situation 2. Something unexpected happens and things are starting to get better 3. When things are good they start falling apart, culminating with a real bad thing leaving them worst off than when they started but 4. In the last act they figure out what went wrong and fix everything; happy ending. That movie went through that cycle twice when I realized I was only halfway through and I really didn't know where they were going with it, which was refreshing. The story is fairly original, and the actors are all doing a decent job. Fun, entertaining, and original; recommended!
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marketing is of the sweetest movies in years
The_Amazing_Spy_Rises3 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Girl Next Door's tagline "Matt didn't see her coming...but all his friends have!" is very deceiving, because the movie is not like that at all. When you see this, you'll expect a raunchy, borderline porn movie, but what you get is a refreshing, adorable, and sweet love story with great performances from Emile Hirsch and Elisha Cuthbert.

Matthew Kidman (Emile Hirsch, The Emperor's Club, Lords of Dogtown) is not a geek by any means. He's your everyday nice guy who's never really 'lived'. He is the top student, the class president, and he's in charge of bringing a teenage super genius to the U. S. A. Everything is going fantastic, because he even gets accepted to Georgetown. Only problem is, he needs the money to get to the school, and this can only be paid by winning a scholarship. A few days before his speech on why he deserves the scholarship, Matt meets Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert, '24', Weezer's 'Perfect Situation video), a breathtakingly beautiful girl who (after a hilarious few scenes where they meet) he instantly falls for, and she falls for him.

For the first part of the movie, you see Danielle, the near unfairly sexy girl, push Matt to limits he hasn't gone to, such as running in the street naked, swimming in a stranger's pool, and skipping school. They're falling in love, and it's easy to see on screen, and it's adorable.

Just when it can't get any better for Matt, things take a turn for the worse. One of his best friends, Eli (the hilarious Chris Marquette), who is a massive porn addict, goes through his collection, and finds a tape...and who is the star? Danielle. Turns out, Danielle had just quit her job as a porn star and decided to turn over a new leaf. After a near tear-jerking scene, Danielle returns to her old career by contacting her old boss, a gritty and suave porn producer named Kelly (Tim Olyphant). It's at this point that Matt decides that he doesn't care about Danielle's past, and he's in love with her. He decides that he'll do anything to get her back, including taking on Kelly, the porn industry, and some very weird people.

After some events, the plot strays away from just Matt and Danielle, and thickens to become a real movie, not just a teen movie. The movie does an excellent job of keeping us interested, because just as the plot becomes serious, Eli and Matt's other friend, Klitz, add some very funny moments and ideas. Yes, the movie does sound like the classic Risky Business, but it does things that separate itself from that movie. The chemistry between Hirsch and Cuthbert is magical, and despite her gigantic sex appeal, the character of Danielle is so lovable for how sweet and caring she is to Matt. There are some great plot twists that keep you interested, not to mention hilarious in jokes and one liners, and not to mention a classic quote: "The juice was worth the squeeze". You'll understand. Tim Olyphant is great in a somewhat opposing role, and veteran actor James Remar makes a few appearances as a porn producing giant. The movie's ending is so great and funny that you can't help but enjoy, not to mention mysterious, keeping you hanging by a thread the whole way through.

Luke Greenfield has directed a movie that is so well liked and cherished, that I have never heard a bad thing against this film (I'm 17, and all my friends, guys and girls, loved it). I own it on DVD, and have watched it at least 10 times. I've finally gotten around to writing a review, because writing this has reminded me of how great this movie is. In a few one word sentences, The Girl Next Door Hilarious. Sweet. Lovable. Classic. I recommend this movie to anyone from the ages of 13 to 30, because this is the age group it is intended for.
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Simple Fun
Tweetienator14 March 2022
One of those simple but fun teenage coming of age comedies they don't do anymore - a movie everyone straight can relate to, carried by heartwarming characters and a super sexy and funny Elisha Cuthbert. No Oscar material but one of those simple fun movies that take you back in time to your own school days, if you, like me, belong to an older generation. The Girl Next Door = funny, sexy, entertaining. Not as strong as 10 Things I Hate About You, but almost.
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Appearantly only for a certain audience...
illegal_alien5129 December 2010
...namely those featured in "Jaywalking" (in the Jay Leno show, you know??) How cave-man do you have to be to enjoy this tripe? "A teenager's dreams come true when a former porn star moves in next door and they fall in love." Is this really what teenagers dream about nowadays? Hooting at hooters, isn't that just a tad too low? Maybe this is somehow fulfilling for those who suffer from sexual repression, but then I think if they had that sort of problem they wouldn't watch this movie in the first place.

Or maybe I'm just too old for this. If this is trying to send a message that "Pretty Woman" tried to convey, then it surely fails amongst all the breasts, porn references and the mention of the F-word. It has no class, and thus clearly fails to make a serious point, even at the end. Truly, a movie for young people who can not yet see or understand depth in human relationships.
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The juice is definitely worth the squeeze
Rogue-3220 April 2004
Here we have a great example of how decent writers, armed with creative juice to spare, can take a well-worn plot and rework it to make it seem fresh. Just when you think you've got the next twist figured out, you're surprised. This happens throughout the movie, making The Girl Next Door one of the most charming, smart and subversive teen comedies I've seen in a long time - beautifully written, perfectly cast, a real pleasure from start to finish.

Emile Hirsch, Elisha Cuthbert and Timothy Olyphant shine in their respective roles as the young man at a crossroads in his life, the girl next door of the title, equally confused, and the scuzball with a heart who knows he has to do the right thing even if it goes against his 'business instincts.' These characters are not one-dimensional, thanks to the superb writing, nor are they caricatures; they come across as genuine individuals, and the comedy in the film comes not at their expense but rather organically, as part of their journey. As Olyphant's character asks Hirsch at one point: "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" In this case, it most definitely is.
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Timothy Olyphant shines
JWBly1 December 2010
This is an enjoyable yet ultimately forgettable film. The "boy rescues cute girl from terrible life" plot has been done many times before, no doubt in many better ways. Emile Hirsch performs passably well with the material he is given, and the luscious Elisha Cuthbert provides plenty of eye candy that she could not show in 24. The rest of the characters are one-dimensional and barely worthy of mention. But the show belongs to Timothy Olyphant. Although he does not even appear until halfway through the film, his role makes the entire movie worth watching again. He screen presence is palpable as the ultra-cool bad boy that every man secretly wishes to be. Scruffy, chain-smoking, alternately funny, friendly then dangerous, he owns every scene in which he appears. Seeing this film makes one that much more anxious for the next season of JUSTIFIED to begin!
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Random plot, not fun, just dumb
lewiswill25 November 2004
Why did I see this movie? Why did someone make this movie? I can't answer either of these questions. This movie had an unsatisfying, disturbing, boring and demented plot. Partially funny moments were mixed with disturbing scenes of cruelty and randomness (lots of adults being mean to kids - lovely). I came out of the theatre feeling annoyed and extremely uninspired. The themes in this movie were incredibly superficial - what about the "I'm so ashamed to be a porn-star" theme - all I have to say about this is "what!?!" The acting was bad and there was no subtlety or beauty. I strongly discourage the viewing of this movie - I'd rather blow my nose with sandpaper (continuously).
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Engaging Homage to 80's Teen Flicks...
cariart6 October 2004
THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, Luke Greenfield's sexy yet sweet teen angst flick, owes a lot to both the RISKY BUSINESS premise (HS Senior, his goal a prestigious college, has his life turned 'upside-down' by world-wise 'Pro'), and the internal structure of John Hughes' 80's teen 'classics' (geeky hero, and his two geekier friends, gain acceptance and prestige through his relationship with a 'dream girl').

Close your eyes, and you could easily picture the young Anthony Michael Hall or John Cusack filling Emile Hirsch's role, with Rebecca De Mornay or Kelly Preston replacing Elisha Cuthbert as his ex-porn star girlfriend. THE GIRL NEXT DOOR, however, actually works quite well, thanks to Greenfield's 'tongue-in-cheek' approach to the naughtiness, and a flawless supporting cast, particularly Timothy Olyphant as a likable but ultimately ruthless porn producer, and Timothy Bottoms and Donna Bullock, as Hirsch's clueless but blindly supportive parents.

Emile Hirsch shows a propensity towards 'soulfully earnest' expressions, but does provide one of the film's funniest scenes, as, while high on Ecstasy, he attempts to navigate through a crowd awaiting his speech on 'high moral fiber'. While some critics tended to brush off Elisha Cuthbert's performance as just another skin-baring 'boy toy' variation, she actually conveys the vulnerability and pain of her character's past quite effectively, balancing it with sly humor and a LOT of 'sex appeal', done within the restraints of her "No Nudity" contract clause...Sorry, guys, while you'll see a LOT of her skin, you AREN'T going to see Elisha 'bare all'...

The film is a very funny, breezy lark, and while it never achieves the heights of insanity of RISKY BUSINESS, it certainly stands as one of the better 'teen' comedies of the past few years!
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Listen up minions.
hitchcockthelegend28 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Matthew Kidman is a straight 'A' student, goodness pours from his every pore, but something is missing in his life. Then one day the unthinkable happens, the sultry and sexy girl next door becomes his girlfriend. But a skeleton in the closet and a voyage of discovery will ensure that their destinies are about to hit a riotous road.

The Girl Next Door is bawdy, smutty and, plot wise? As stale as two week old bread, it's also excellently written, charming and as funny as heck! The teen sex comedy is by and large a tired old genre, so how nice to visit this 2004 effort to find that it wears its heart on its sleeve and clearly wants to be a message movie with brains as well as heart. Featuring the "Adult Movie Industry" as it does, the piece could so easily have been an excuse for garnering cheap sexy laughs out of flesh for fantasy situations, oh they are there for sure, but for every nerdy wet dream gag, we have it cloaked in intelligence of thought provoking interest.

Taking the lead female role, and positively oozing sexuality, is Elisha Cuthbert, wonderfully essaying the working girl who really does just see her profession as a means to an end, with true love seemingly passing her by. On top nerd form we have Emile Hirsch {Matthew}, Paul Dano and Chris Marquette, with Timmothy Olyphant doing a smashing weasel turn as a troublesome producer and ex boyfriend of Cuthbert. Bonus comes in cameo form from the ever watchable James Remar, for the ladies his thong wearing skit is of interest surely, for us blokes his sequences are comedic joy only! It's interesting looking at the respective careers of those involved, Cuthbert was the draw card here, yet she has gone on to become something of a C movie star, starring in such poor fare as Captivity. Whilst Hirsch has since wowed audiences in films like Into The Wild and Milk, while Dano of course featured heavily in the hugely successful There Will Be Blood. Sometimes it's obvious that beauty can only get you so far.

I personally really enjoyed this film for a number of reasons, so give it a try and you might just feel the same. 7/10.
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The Girl Next Door
dolllee-4711924 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie a few times when i was younger but now that im older i actually get the jokes now lmao. Of course i only watched this for the handsome Paul Dano, who plays the nerd friend which of course he plays well. He was in the movie for about 20 minutes in total maybe i don't know? Maybe that's generous. But nonetheless the parts he was in were hilarious and he's very cute, he even ended up being in a "porno" well deserved. A Good nostalgic movie :) but very cliche pretty much every movie in this time period were like this ya know early 2000's "teen" movies. You know what I mean. :)
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Just Go With It
arthurmauk5 January 2006
The Girl Next Door isn't a riotous, laugh-out-loud comedy, à la American Pie or Road Trip (don't get me wrong, I think they are fine movies of a different genre), nor should it be treated as such when being reviewed. It's much more mature, a sweet delight of a story that has you chuckling in amusement rather than rolling on the floor guffawing. For that, I would hardly even classify it in the generic 'comedy' genre. I must admit, I did go in thinking that I'd spend two hours of my life enjoying yet another teen comedy, with an overdone plot, jokes bordering on distasteful, and up to the brim with gratuitous nudity. However, I came out with so much more.

It's a classic tale of boy-meets-girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy lives happily ever after with girl. But what makes The Girl Next Door stand out from the rest is the superb cast. The casting director did a great job, placing Emile Hirsch opposite Elisha Cuthbert (both very talented young up-and-coming actors, I wish them well in luck, love and life). The pair's on-screen chemistry is undeniably electric. They portrayed Matthew and Danielle's relationship perfectly – loving and tender, yet fragile. This boy has fallen hopelessly in love for the first time, with the girl of his dreams. He has no past experience to draw on, he's terrified and confused, and he doesn't know what to do! As director Luke Greenfield pointed out in his commentary (Unrated DVD is a must-have for the hardcore fans), Emile and Elisha were chosen for their ability to act without dialogue, simply with their eyes. The subtleties in each expression brings so much more to the characters when watched closely in detail – every nervous bite of the lip, every slight mischievous arch in the eyebrow – you can tell exactly what they're thinking. Now, I've seen my fair share of movies/TV shows, and I'd be confident in saying that I have not yet seen another actor/actress able to fill those roles as perfectly and effortlessly as Emile and Elisha did. They must've poured their hearts out into these characters, bringing them to life, their romance blossoming on-screen.

And how can we ignore the superb supporting cast? Timothy Olyphant and Chris Marquette's work on this movie was simply priceless. They provided the comedy and laughs, and it would be impossible to list all of their hilarious one-liners here. A lot of people claim that they made the movie, and though I disagree, I can sure see where they're coming from.

And the music, oh, the music. I came of no great surprise to me to learn that Luke Greenfield writes all his projects to music. It is this unique trait that embellishes the movie with such a vivid background. From Bowie & Queen's "Under Pressure" opening montage to The Who's "Baba O'Riley" closing credits, every single song is perfect for its scene, particularly David Gray's "This Year's Love", mine and many other's favourite song in the soundtrack. It kicks in at the exact right moment and manages to capture everything about this innocent, pure, high school romance. Also, Paul Haslinger (second to none at composing scores) wrote some of his best work for The Girl Next Door. Simply put (again, stealing lines from the director) Haslinger is deadly with a piano. Each score enhances and fills the moment with such tension and suspense, most notably "Peeping Matt", when Matthew watches this gorgeous creature undressing through his window for the first time. There is an element of voyeurism and the excitement of the danger of being caught, as he watches the female movement and form unravelling with fascination and awe. He simply can't keep his eyes off her. It's a scene that many of us can connect with.

This is indeed one of those movies that ought to be watched on a DVD, at night, alone, rather than on a huge screen in the cinema with others. You'll find yourself leaving the end with a bittersweet aftertaste – will I find that special someone like Danielle? Do I need to be broken out of my shell? Is the juice worth the squeeze? Sure, it is an idealist fantasy, but it's also sweet, endearing and full of heart. It's how an old-school love story ought be done. Just suspend your belief for two hours, and watch the magic happen. Hell, just go with it.
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I like it
Skipfishh28 August 2023
Ok, far from being the best movie in the world, it has many gaps in rhythm and narrative, especially in the second half of the script, which is confusing and poorly constructed. Let's just say the plot lacked ideas to resolve the story and pushed too hard to create a final rom-com solution in any way. Basically, the movie started with a very good premise, but got lost and invented some solution to end it.

Having said that, I still loved the movie. A great soundtrack, wonderful and handpicked songs, very well fitted in each scene, and a work of practically perfect actors. I can't really explain why Elisha Cuthbert didn't become a celebrity, she is simply beautiful and an excellent actress in the film, working in a measured way, without exaggeration and perfect in the role. The same can be said about practically the entire cast, all very well, the actors' direction is great.

My final rating is 7 out of 10 because it really lacks a solid story to follow up on the sympathetic initial idea of the first 30 to 40 minutes of the film.
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Kind of a homage to Risky Business but much more than that
mullermike13 February 2005
I did not see this movie in theaters. I usually wait for teen films to come out on video before viewing them. I must say, the way this movie was marketed, one would figure that this flick is along the lines of such classics as Bring It On and Can't Hardly Wait. Though this movie definitely is now part of the illustrious teen film library, it runs a little bit deeper than the average adolescent flick.

As the title suggest, this movie does have Risky Business written all over it. The characters (the pimp vs the adult film director) the props (glass egg vs the golden "trophy") as well as the music and language definitely give this film an updated twist on RB. However, it would be erroneous to write this film off as a rip-off, it just isn't afraid to show it's influence.

Emile Hirsch is great as Matthew Kidman, the ambitious high school senior (who actually looks like he's in high school) with an Ivy League future. Straight and narrow, his life is spun on it's head once Danielle (Elisha Cuthbert) enters the picture. Cuthbert, playing a free-spirited porn star, actually gives a rather understated performance that is sincere and sweet. Matthew's once planned out life is now lived more on the edge, and with that, he encounters some interesting characters, such as Kelly, the shady porn director, played flawlessly by Timothy Olyphant.

However, as the film progresses, the movie didn't delve as deeply into Cuthbert's character as it should have. No insight into her background, how did she get to where she is right now, etc. She also takes a back seat to the growing tension between the Matthew and the sleazebag Kelly. I must say, Olyphant is great in this film. He goes from being hilarious to charming to scary in the span of about five minutes and steals almost every scene he's in. The other supporting characters are great. Chris Marquette (Eli) and Paul Dano (Klitz) are funny as Hirsch's dorky friends, and hopefully Marquette will land more roles like this. They too seem to become more adventurous once Danielle enters the picture, what an influence one person can have.

So in the end, this does have a lot of the typical teen flick campiness. There are jocks, hot chicks on campus, geeks, and the movie itself has plenty of swearing, bathroom humor, slapstick, you name it. There is a sweetness to the movie, as it's amazing what a person will do when they fall in love. This movie has plenty of twists and turns, so come along for the ride and have some fun.
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Underrated romantic comedy.
Keemshave7 June 2021
In many respects, this film is overlooked and underrated.

Emile Hirsch and Elisha Cuthbert have fantastic chemistry and make for an easy couple to root for throughout the film. Timothy Olyphant plays a charismatic and enigmatic villain who is also entertaining to watch.

Some of the scenes aren't well-written, but they're compensated for by a strong message and highly well-written verbal cues, which include callbacks to lines from earlier in the film.

This film has far higher reachability than most, and I applaud it for that.
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Could have been a really good movie.
elephantman12 April 2004
Sadly this movie is centered around the pornography industry and therefore tries to promote their own self interests. Hollywood using another movie to try and justify all the sex and profanity it likes to push off on the American public and call it art. Instead of portraying the porn industry and it leaders as the sleeze balls they are who pray on young women, it makes them out to look like honorable people with a heart for others. Take out the nudity, the profanity, and change the scenario around a little and this could have been a really good movie. I would hope parents will keep their teenagers away from this movie and send a message to Hollywood. The most popular movies ever made that grossed the most income were not movies of this type. When will movie producers ever get that?
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juliopedrassolli24 April 2020
A great storyline, a lot of funny moments AND an awesomely pretty girl. What are you waiting for? JUST GO WITH IT. It definitely worths the squeeze.
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Adolescent fantasy coming true. Nicer than what I expected.
siderite13 August 2005
Have a look at this funny teenager movie. It's about a geekish boy meeting a porn star, having her fall in love with him, then ending up together. The plot was unusually thick for this kind of movies and not too cliché.

Timothy Oliphant (who I think shows a lot of promise as an actor) stars in this one in a secondary role. Beautiful Elisha Cuthbert is playing the porn star. James Remar also has a part.

I have to say that overall the movie was too fantastic to be believable, but then again, it is about adolescent fantasies and "power to the geek" things, so it wasn't supposed to feel real. I do hate when they put good lookers in the role of losers and they tag them as losers with weird glasses, thick shirts or pull-overs. I mean, all you have to do to be popular is loose the glasses, clothes and half a brain. Yeah, right! No wonder so many American teens are screwed up.

Conclusion: cute love story, nice movie for its category, must see with girlfriend.
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Don't waste your time
sbw12322 March 2005
A porn star moves next door to a high school nerd. The story practically writes itself as the hilarity ensues. Unfortunately, the exact opposite happens. This movie was so hard to watch, despite the presence of one of the hottest leading lady's around, that I had to turn it off after 45 minutes. And it was some of the most painful 45 minutes of my movie watching career! I'm embarrassed to have rented it. My questions is, who wants to see a serious, feel good, porn star gone good movie when this could have been a comedy classic? There were a few "dream sequences" that were funny and had pretty good camera work, but unfortunately, those were far and few in between. Don't waste your time with this schlock.
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