Awake (2007) Poster


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A crafty little thriller
Smells_Like_Cheese29 May 2008
Thanks to what was the craziness of how hot hot hot Jessica Alba was this past year, a lot of people, including me, really didn't wanna see a movie with her. Yes, she's beautiful, but can she act? The eternal question where I finally saw something, Awake, she actually did a decent job. I rented Awake the other day and watched it, this was actually a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I have to say, this was a first, I really did not see that conclusion coming. It was awesome to see a movie that had a clever script, was it realistic? I wouldn't necessarily agree, the movie and story does have it's flaws here and there, but if you let them slide, it's a fun little thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat.

Clay has everything: money, a loving mom, a company of his own, a world in his hands, and a beautiful woman, Sam. But unfortunately, his heart isn't so lucky, so much so that he needs a transplant, and his trusted friend Jack Harper is going to do the transfer for him. But his mom is begging him to re-consider and have another surgeon do the operation, but Clay says she just has to trust his instincts, which may be the biggest mistake he can make.

Awake is a pretty cool movie, the actors, some things are over done, but it's a thriller, it's supposed to keep you scared and tense, so I am willing to over look the non-existence of reality, I think this movie meant to be that way. I also just hate to say it, Jessica Alba is decent in the movie and covers herself well in her role as Sam. But the top performance of the film was without a doubt from Howard, he was so convincing and almost made you feel bad for him, well, I don't want to give too much away, you'll just have to see what I mean. But I do recommend Awake, it's a good movie, I'm impressed.

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A good little thriller
moviesleuth22 May 2008
Some of the hardest reviews to write are the ones where you don't know what to say. "Awake" is one of them. Let me just start with the basics. Do I recommend it? Yes. Is it GOOD? That's what's hard to say about this movie. Some parts of "Awake" are good, but some are merely okay.

Like many thrillers, telling much about the plot defeats the purpose of seeing the movie. However, I will tell as much as I can.

The story goes like this. A rich young man named Clay (Hayden Christensen) goes into the hospital for a heart transplant, and he suffers from anesthetic awareness (meaning he can feel and hear everything, but can't do anything about it). This is key because what he hears changes everything.

That's about all I can say. "Awake" is an entertaining little thriller, and Jody Harold certainly has potential as a writer/director. His low-key handling of the film makes for an interesting, almost dreamy approach, but I don't know if it works like it's supposed to, because I have a feeling that it decreases the amount of suspense that the material warrants. That said, the unusual tone makes up for this deficiency.

The acting is solid too. Hayden Christensen became famous for his portrayal of Anakin Skywalker in the second and third "Star Wars" episodes. His first outing wasn't great, and called into question his acting ability. However, his second round with the light saber was terrific, and his performance here shows that "Episode 2" was more likely to be an anomaly than the norm when it comes to his acting ability. His co-star Jessica Alba isn't as good, but it proves that she has more acting ability than many people give her credit for (her reputation for being a tabloid sensation and the limited acting options that result from it are probably to blame). Terrence Howard is solid, but he isn't given much to work with. Same goes for Lena Olin.

Personally, I think it sucks when you like a movie but a lot of that feeling disappears when someone points out something that causes that to decrease. Such a thing happened with me and reading a review after watching "Awake," but I won't say it because it's still a good movie to see.

So, is "Awake" a good movie, or just a movie with enough good points to warrant a viewing? I'd say it's somewhere in between, leaning more towards good.
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This movie will definitely keep you awake
nicolovvassil27 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hey,that wasn't bad at all!!Very good story, excellent crime movie plot, unexpected turnings: this film has all that a film needs in order to be entertaining.And of course a great ending, that is may be 70% of why one should watch the film.Don't read any reviews with spoilers!It woudn't make sense seeing the film after wards.It would be like watching "The sixth sense" and knowing from the beginning that Bruce Willis is dead.The best acting in the film came from Lena Olin (mom Beresford).The rest of the cast was average but the plot makes you ignore that.If you come across that one, see it!Seven stars because its still mid-quality Hollywood.
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Caught a preview screening of this tonight and I'm awfully excited about it
pgelatt27 September 2006
I'm not going to put any spoilers in this review, but this is certainly a movie with some great twists and turns. I haven't been this excited about an upcoming release since The Sixth Sense or Memento. Hard to believe this is the director's first feature (although it's possible he cut his teeth in the commercial or music video world... I'm not sure) I mean, certainly the film has a few problems, some of the moments didn't ring exactly true to me and the music was a touch maudlin at times. But when this film gets it right, it gets it really right. I was on the edge of my seat from the second act on. It's the first film I've seen in awhile that manages to balance a genuine emotionality with a strong thriller aspect. Even Hayden Christensen, who I think we all had our doubts about after Episodes I-III, puts in a memorable and affecting performance. Definitely a film to see and a director I'll be keeping my eye on.
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A genuinely disturbing thriller
Tweekums4 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Clay Beresford is a young high-flying New York businessman with a beautiful fiancée, Sam Lockwood. He is also in need of a heart transplant. His overbearing mother wants him to be operated on by one of the country's top surgeons but Clay is determined that he will be treated by Dr Jack Harper; the doctor who first diagnosed his condition and has since become his friend. His unusual blood group has meant he has had to wait a while but finally; on the night after he marries Sam he gets to call he was waiting for, rushes to the hospital and prepped for surgery. He is given the anaesthetic but soon realises that something is terribly wrong… he is still awake but totally paralysed! He tries to think of other things but then he hears his friend talking to the other medical staff… in is their intension that Clay will never leave the room alive. As the story progresses he learns the extent of the conspiracy against him all the time knowing that there is nothing he can do about it.

While this film isn't exactly great it isn't bad either; there are plenty of red herrings to misdirect the viewer as well as some good twists… it is also a fair bit more disturbing than many horror films. The idea of being awake during major surgery is bad enough without the knowledge that one's doctor is intending to kill you. The way we see Clay having some sort of out-of-body experience to witness events taking place outside the operating theatre wasn't really necessary but it didn't spoil my enjoyment either. The cast does a decent enough job making us believe the somewhat far-fetched situation. Overall this is worth watching if you want a good scare without seeing a traditional horror movie… just don't watch it if you are awaiting surgery!
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Thougthful plot
madi1232 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The plot of this movie is interesting and tense. Besides terrifying surgery scenes and innocent love of two young people, this movie brings unexpected turn of the story. Guys might go to see this movie because of hot Jessica Alba. But be aware, you might be disappointed, she is not that nice girl anymore.

In general, this movie make you thing about the real nature of beauty, when being rich is dangerous, and mother's true love can indeed do miracles.

The play of actors was great. Cristensen,Howard, and Olin were very natural.
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bob-rutzel-17 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Clayton (Christensen) undergoes heart transplant surgery, but something goes wrong and he can hear the medical team talk about him……about killing him. He is paralyzed, can feel the pain of the operation, but cannot react. What to do, what to do………….what can he do? OMG, is it over?

The first thing new doctors are taught is: DO NO HARM. After seeing this movie, the first thing a prospective patient, about to undergo any surgery, should ask is: how many malpractice suits are filed against the surgeon who is to perform the surgery. This is the gist of it all in a nutshell, but how we get to that conclusion is quite entertaining. I thought this would be a horror-type movie, but it was actually not that and was quite good giving us all something to think about before we will be faced with a surgical blade while out under anesthesia.

The acting by all was first rate and let's give Jessica Alba her due. She is a good actress when there is a good director about. See her Dark Angel TV shows of years past…..she did good there, and she did good here too. And, of course, she is beautiful.

And, Terrance Howard has a most soothing voice and delivery that no matter what the occasion is that voice assures you he can be trusted and what he says is the absolute truth. Oh, to have a voice like that. Pure gold.

There are some twists to all of this and the entire cast sells them solidly. I was entertained and cautioned too.

Violence: Not really Sex Heavy make-out in some early scenes Nudity No Language Yes
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Glad I don't have to get surgery anytime soon
deloudelouvain13 April 2016
To me this was an entertaining mystery thriller. In the beginning I thought it was a bit slow but it was just necessary to let you know the characters. Once the surgery started it got interesting. Just the thought of being awake while under narcoses gives me the creeps. Glad I don't have to have surgery anytime soon. About the mystery itself i have to admit I didn't see it coming. And I'm glad about that because that's what makes a movie in this genre successful. About the cast they might not be the best actors ever but they still did a good job, nothing bad to say about any of them. Conclusion, if you do like a bit of thriller with a couple of twists that you don't see coming then you will enjoy Awake.
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Mother's Heart
claudio_carvalho14 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The twenty-two year old Clay Beresford (Hayden Christensen) is a genius of finance secretly in love of his mother's secretary Sam Lockwood (Jessica Alba). Clay has a complex, expecting recognition from his mother Lilith Beresford (Lena Olin) that he is as capable as his father was, and he needs heart transplantation. When Clay finds a donor compatible with his rare blood, he requests his friend Dr. Jack Harper (Terrence Howard) to operate him under the protest of his mother that wants the famous Dr. Jonathan Neyer (Arliss Howard) responsible for the procedure. On the eve of his heart surgery, Clay marries Sam and during the surgery, he experiences an "anesthetic awareness" that leaves his conscious but paralyzed. Clay witnesses the dialogs in the room and discovers dark secrets about his surgery.

"Awake' has a simple but effective story about a wealthy young man that needs to be submitted to heart transplantation and experiences an anesthetic awareness discovering that things are not like he believes they are. The cast is excellent, leaded by the still gorgeous Lena Olin, Terrence Howard, Jessica Alba and Hayden Christensen. The plot point was a great surprise for me and I really like this original movie. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Awake: A Vida Por um Fio" ("Awake: Life in the Edge")
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This science thriller is a real white knuckle film
cmovies-996744 September 2017
PROS: AWAKE had a lot of great qualities to it, but acting would be the trademark for its good qualities. What I liked about the acting was how the characters interacted as the film progressed, this allowed the movie to be dynamic. Each event or issue that occurred had a cause and effect in the meaning of acting, which is talented. The other thing that I really liked was the ending. The last few minutes of the film were by far the best. It provoked the most emotion, and it was the most engaging part of the film. In a mystery movie you really rely on the resolution of the film to be the catch all. The ending should be memorable, with or without the answer, and it should also be able to connect to the rest of the film, this movie did both.

CONS: The biggest flaw in this movie would have to be the build up of tension. This film dragged on and on. Although you needed to follow along to enjoy the movie, you also weren't at the edge of your seat while you were following along. There were scenes that made you cringe, some made you scream, and some made your heart beat race, but the proportion from boring scenes to engaging ones was unbalanced.
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Laughably horrible plot
sawyerheights19 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What follows are 16 examples of absurd plot points: (1) The film immediately makes a big deal about the family conglomerate's potential merger with a mob-connected Japanese company, receiving world wide notoriety, but then this point is completely abandoned. (2) Hayden, the young heir to a gigantic business fortune, is only 22. Too young for an MBA, and probably just out of college. Yet, he's got a major role running a huge company and making deals himself. (3) Hayden's heart is so bad that he learns his new heart is ready, just before he's going to have honeymoon sex with Alba. Up to that point, except for one wheezing incident on some steps, Hayden sprightly bounds about, looks 22 and rigorous, and even looks great on the gurney going into the ER. Don't transplant candidates have a hard time breathing, much less walking, and much less contemplating sex? (4) Hayden's Mom is very beautiful but looks the 50-52 years of age this website says she was when filmed (born in '55). Yet, a big deal is made about her having Haden extremely young; so young they're more like friends than son and mother. An actress about 40 should have been cast. (5) The evil transplant team consists of just 3 surgeons (is the Australian actress a doctor or a nurse?), and a drunk anesthesiologist. Don't transplant teams have upwards of 10 professionals in the OR? (6) No hospital staff ever enters or checks on the OR during what is supposed to be a long transplant procedure. Where are the other staff and patients at this hospital? The hallways are deserted, except during "second Hayden's" wanderings. Mom and Hayden's new evil bride sit alone for most of the time in the hospital's waiting room. (7) Hayden's announced goal for his conglomerate is to create more jobs, as he proudly proclaims to Mom following that week's new acquisition. What rich entrepreneur ever wanted to create more jobs (i.e., more overhead)? (8) The evil transplant surgeon is being sued in 4 malpractice suits yet the hospital continues to allow him to freely operate, even on a 22-year-old Billionaire. (9) As seen in a photo on the evil surgeon's office wall, evil Alba looks exactly like she did when she recently worked at that very hospital as a nurse, but amazingly no one except maybe one doctor remotely recognizes her even though she spends hour after hour sitting in a public space in the waiting room. (10) Success for the evil conspiracy hinges on the completely far-fetched scheme of convincing Hayden to use this much-sued surgeon, Alba somehow getting a job as Mom's secretary, and Alba marrying Hayden before the new heart is ready, so that the evil surgeon can kill him on the OR table; yet they have no control over when a new heart will be available. (11) The decision to marry Alba, marrying her, and receiving the notice of of the availability of the new heart all took place within a matter of hours; way too short a time for Hayden to change his will (not mentioned one way or another) prior to her marrying him, so for all she knows he's going to leave his fortune to the American Cat Society. (12) Mom makes a call to her friend the world's best heart surgeon just before killing herself so he can put her heart in Hayden. No indication whether anybody bothered to check if she'd be a suitable donor. (13) As his new wife, evil Jessica would have had power of consent to take him off life support after the new heart failed, but the movie gave that power to Mom, and Jessica never objects. (14) The world's best heart surgeon somehow responds, with his team, about 5 minutes after receiving the call from now-dead Mom. His team is just about as tiny as the evil team, but at least there's a nurse. This puny team by itself manages to prep dead Mom, remove her heart and plop it into Hayden in record time. No wonder he's the world's best! (15) The world's best heart surgeon immediately figures out that the new heart failed because the evil surgeon injected it with poison, when there are probably 10,000 better and more obvious reasons. (16) The drunk anesthesiologist figures out the conspiracy despite never asking a question and not being present for much of the procedure, and calls the police. Maybe the world's best heart surgeon also provided the police details he got from Mom. Unclear. Whatever, even before Hayden is out of the OR with his new-new heart, the police have all the facts and assemble a big team to arrest everyone at the hospital. (17) Sorry, I just don't have the courage to address the ridiculous "second Hayden" and his many conversations with both alive and dead Mom.
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Unexpected "Awake"
jon.h.ochiai2 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"Awake" makes it crystal clear from the very beginning that 1 out of 300 people under anesthesia remains awake during surgery—an unfathomable outcome. Hayden Christensen plays Clay Beresford, who discovers that he is awake during heart transplant surgery. Having an out of body experience he screams, "I am so f---ed!" However, Clay's conscious state is the least of his ensuing tragedy. In director and writer Joby Harold's unexpected "Awake", all is not at all what it seems in a surprising tale of love and betrayal. Hayden Christensen and Lena Olin are awesome and electrifying as they elevate "Awake". Christensen proves that he was victim of the script writing in the "Star Wars Episode" movies. He is electrifying in "Awake". Lena Olin, who plays Clay's mother Lilith, is amazing as she reveals her character's power. There is such grace and poignancy when her Lilith confesses to her son, "I am so proud of the man, you have become…" Jessica Alba struggles here as Clay's wife—his Mother is unaware of their relationship and marriage. As Sam, Alba plays a key pivotal role; however, does not yet possess the dramatic gravitas or depth to carry this off. Terrance Howard is strong as Clay's surgeon, but his performance is flawed in its emotional ambiguity. For the most part these failings do not distract, only because of the power of Christensen and Olin. Even with some of the narrative shortcomings, I really applaud "Awake" for its story of love everlasting and acknowledging the greatness in others before it is too late.

Hayden Christensen is Clay Beresford. He is a young, brilliant and wealthy New York philanthropist. As successful as Clay has become, he still thinks he pales in comparison to his late business mogul father Clay Sr. Clay's beautiful and protective mother Lilith relentlessly pushes her son toward greatness. We discover in a Japanese business conversation that Clay's heart is literally failing—he is a transplant candidate. Much to his mother's chagrin instead of choosing her world class heart surgeon friend Dr. Neyer (Arliss Howard), Clays has chosen his dear friend Dr. Jack Harper (compassionate Terrance Howard) for the critical procedure. Clay is loyal to Jack, who first saved him from a heart attack. Unbeknownst to Lilith, Clay is in relationship with Sam (Alba) and wishes to marry her which would inevitably enrage his mother. The melodrama eventually arrives at its tipping point: Clay goes under the knife to receive his new heart. Remaining awake under anesthesia turns out to be the least of his worries. Here director and writer Joby imaginatively crafts his story and our consciousness.

At less than an hour and 20 minutes, the narrative is riveting with pathos and convolution, before arriving at its affirming conclusion. Christensen is absolutely amazing. He displays a tangible humanity and disguises a quiet force and power. Lena Olin is phenomenal. She is rock solid as the "Awake" emotional anchor. Her dramatic turn is beguiling and touching. With the graphic open heart surgery sequences, "Awake" may not be for everyone. Keep in mind that "Awake" is more than just its medical scenario. "Awake" is a moving story of love and greatness, well worth a watch.
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Everything is not what it seems!
There is never a dull moment through out the entire movie... When we first meet the various characters in the movie we quickly form first impressions of them...a young couple in love, a dominant mother not wanting to let go of her son, a friend you can trust, and then halfway through realize that oh boy...were we wrong or what?! I had goosebumps when the protagonists heart is cut open and he could still feel and hear the doctors!!! A part of me hopes that this never happens to someone i love!!! Love makes the world go around. And yes, money too :( The story centers around a business tycoon ,Clayton,who has to undergo a heart transplant. But due "anesthetic awareness" he is awake and can feel and hear the doctors during the surgery. But what is more painful....feeling or hearing? Watch it!!
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Not the worst, not the best
blackcat3243 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It seems that the comments have been one extreme or the other - people have either loved it or hated it. I'm right in the middle. I'm glad I saw it, I don't want my money back. But I won't add it to my DVD collection, either, though I admit, it's mostly the genre.

The major problem for me in this movie was the script. I kind of felt like it was a waste for Lena Olin and Terrance Howard. Believe it or not, Hayden underplaying it worked. I just wish he'd get more consistent. He was brilliant in "Shattered Glass" and "Life As a House," but flat in the Star Wars movies. This performance was in between. While his voice can be somewhat monotone, his facial expressions continue to knock me out.

Who surprised me was the much maligned Jessica Alba. I've never seen her in anything, so I was expecting the worst. I was pleasantly surprised. Though she could have upped the ante a little bit at the end, she did infinitely better than I thought. And no one does the human weasel like Fisher Stevens! There were some macabrely funny moments and some nice twists. The problem is the plot also had one twist too many. I thought the final twist with Clay's father was totally unnecessary.

The movie might not be for the squeamish. I had to look away more than a few times and half way through the movie I realized I had put my hand over my heart in several scenes. I have to say in that sense, it worked.

I know this movie has caught some slack for medical inaccuracies. I'm usually a stickler for accuracy, but really, are people going to see this movie to learn how to be a surgeon or to get the crap scared out of them? I say if it's the later, it works!
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Worth the Ending
gengar84330 November 2007
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"Awake" begins slowly and continues on that pace until you feel as if you've been cheated, but about 2/3 of the way in, it picks up speed, and then rumbles to its jolting conclusion. Plenty of red herrings along the way, but you won't see them unless you know the ending! Jessica Alba looks fantastic, as usual, and this film showcases many of her charms. The cinematography has the grainy feel of a cheaper late-70's-to-early-80's quickie, which adds a little to the neat charm of this lean mystery/chiller. There's not enough meat on the bones of this storyline to rate "Awake" higher than 7, but the surprises along the way may encourage you to increase that number.
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okay suspense thrillah
ksf-26 December 2023
When clay beresford needs heart surgery, his mother wants him to use another doctor, who she feels is more experienced. And on top of that, his own mother refuses to acknowledge clay's girlfriend samantha. Rough day all around. So clay and sam get married right away. When the surgeons are working, clay can hear the entire conversation in the room. But he is paralyzed from the anesthesia, and can't do anything to let them know. A patient's nightmare... being awake during a surgery! And not being able to do anything about it. It's described in wikipedia, so it must be a real (scary) thing. It turns out there's a conspiracy to knock clay off for his money, and make it look like an accidental death. So who exactly is in on it?? And what can he do to stop it? It's pretty good. Full of medical safety violations, incorrect terms and procedures, but if you put that aside, it does have pretty good suspense. With a whole lot of backstory given out.. right at the end. Shouldn't we have gotten a lot of that info earlier? Written and directed by joby harold. This appears to be the one and only project he has directed to date.
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Good Hitchcock type Thriller
nicholls_les18 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad film at all. I am surprised some didn't like ti but then I suppose that you can't please everyone.

Jessica Alba is outstanding in this and appears sweet and innocent right up to the twist. Did you see it coming?

Terrence Howard is very good and again acts the schizophrenic character down brilliantly.

Parts of the film are confusing and of course there are plot holes and medical inaccuracies, but this is a movie after all.

It is hard to review this film without giving it all away, but I recommend anyone who likes movies with twists to give it a go.
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Preposterous Entertainment
homoplasmate-125 March 2008
Awake, the new thriller by first-time director Joby Harold, takes off from a grisly real-life phenomenon called "anesthetic awareness." This is when patients are unaccountably left fully conscious—and physically paralyzed—during surgery, and Harold (who also wrote the script) has spun a preposterously entertaining yarn from this grisly germ of an idea, and manages to hold us in a vice-like grip for pretty much the entire film. How often can you say of a Hollywood thriller that you don't have a clue what's going to happen next? Awake is brazenly indifferent to plausibility, but you can't help but admire the film's audacity. Along with fantastic plot twists, Harold throws Hitchcockian flourishes and elements of Greek tragedy into the mix like a crazed chef. In lesser hands, Awake would have been a tawdry melodrama, but Harold believes in his material so fervently (in a way a more seasoned professional never could) that the film works on several levels at once. Ingenious as it is, it's not mechanical—it has soul.

Harold brings such energy and focus to the scenes that he transcends the subject matter and gives it an almost surreal intensity, and the performances are strong enough to keep the film's nuttiness from capsizing it. Jessica Alba is suitably luscious and beguiling (her role gives new meaning to the term "heartbreaker"), and Lena Olin and Terence Howard are both in fine form. As the unfortunate victim of anesthetic awareness, Hayden Christensen comes into his own as a performer (having mercifully managed to escape the Mark Hammil curse: that of being horribly miscast by George Lucas). Christensen has an unusually expressive face (the camera takes to him), and he can convey emotion without ever appearing to do much—fortunately, because the film hinges around his internal struggle, and on our feelings of empathy for him.

Awake is a white-knuckle movie experience if ever there was one (it even carries a viewer warning), with some of the most sheerly visceral scenes of horror ever committed to celluloid. Watching someone undergoing open-heart surgery while fully conscious (and able to feel the incision) is enough to frazzle the nerves of the most hardened horror veterans, and this film is certainly not for the squeamish. Too bad the loopy plot (and the melodramatic character revelations, which are really just tired genre conventions) finally stretches our credibility to breaking point. As a result, Awake lacks a strong climax, and as a roller-coaster ride it doesn't have enough emotional depth to be fully satisfying (its shallowness is at odds with its rather contrived attempts at pathos). But for most of its length it's close to a pop classic, and probably the best metaphysical thriller since The Sixth Sense (a film I didn't much care for). In fact, Harold better watch out or he may wind up as the next M. Night Shyamalan. Awake has so many twists it makes you dizzy.
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Hitchcock lite, but not bad
sackjigler1 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's a shame that this movie has gotten very little publicity and probably will tank at the box office, because if you go into this with an open mind and not trying to figure out every little twist and turn, you,ve got yourself a very nice little thriller on your hands. The cast ill admit are not all top notch in the acting field, but believe it or not, work rather well. Terrence Howard is always good, Jessica Alba actually turns in a very decent performance, and Hayden Christensen is Annakin Skywalker as a billionaire. The movie is short and yet still does a pretty good job developing the characters. There are several twists and turns in this film; some easy to see coming, others surprising, and some not necessary. But you should appreciate the attempt whether or not you saw it coming. The story goes that Hayden is a billionaire who buys and sells companies and also continues to assure people work in the city. He has a heart attack at a young age so must be placed on the list for a donor heart. His father died when he was young and he now takes care of his mother who does not want to let him go. He has been dating Alba for a year and still has not told his mother for fear she will not approve. Skip some things to not give away too much plot details and they find him a donor heart. Once in surgery, they put him under for the transplant yet he can hear everything and feel everything that is happening to him while the surgery is going on. That is all I can give away. Please check this out if you can, it is a good thriller and deserves a look. Im sure some will be disappointed, but most should go into this and come out with a smile on their face.
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A plastic imitation of a good thriller
lagriff052 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a bit of a disappointment. It's got a heavy, slick gloss over the whole thing, with big name actors and a touching soundtrack and a happy ending and all, so what happened? This is all very calculated and fake, like a soap opera rather than a riveting drama. It is especially good towards the middle, but sort of falls apart at the end with a half baked conclusion. It is good enough to keep you interested, but this is not a very well written movie overall. The script is just terrible, for one, and the suspense is nonexistent because of this. Hayden Christiansen is not a terrible actor, but he is incompetent and definitely not fit for a role in a gripping hospital drama such as this, for that needs actual emotion.

Awake is an underwhelming and substandard film without enough emotion or realism to keep this whole thing compelling. Only recommended if you're bored, really. NEXT!
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Ludicrous movie with plot holes you could drive a monster truck through .....
ayora_195 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the most ludicrous and laughable thriller I've ever seen. Oh....where to start....

Plot (what little there is): Clayton Beresford Jr. (Hayden Christensen), a young billionaire, with a bad heart is desperately in need of a transplant. Clay has been secretly engaged to his mother's PA, Samantha, played by Jessica Alba. On the night that these two secretly get married, it just so happens that a heart donor with the same rare blood type is found. Go and figure the odds of that one! Once on the operating table, Clay finds out the anesthesia isn't working, and he can feel everything and hear everything.

Fortunately Clay seems to be able to filter out the pain of a razor sharp scalpel cutting open his chest by simply concentrating on his memories of Samantha, which we are told he's doing through an annoying voice-over which never seems to stop.

If you didn't burst out in laughter yet, you will surely start to when you see the surgical scenes.

How could a young billionaire agree to have a heart transplant performed by one surgeon, one nurse, an attending physician and an drunk anesthesiologist? There were more people in the room when my wisdom tooth was getting pulled. Not to mention the medical behavior, which is too preposterous to be taken seriously...the operating room isn't even kept sterile...people are practically able to just walk in and out of the room without even having washed up... During the operation the viewer gets to hear Clay's thoughts, none of which are too fascinating. Ah...but here's what it's all about ...the doctors are trying to kill him in order to take his money. Believing him to be unconscious, the villains speak freely. Gosh! What will happen?

Well... at least there's no interference from anyone else in the hospital, while an incompetent doctor who's got four malpractice lawsuits running against him is performing major heart surgery. Not even Clay's overprotective mother seems to be able to check on his status. The only one interested in keeping updated is Samantha...but oh no...could sweet Sam be in on it....You'll quickly find out through some Scooby Doo dialog...

In the end, it wouldn't even matter whether or not Clay underwent anesthesia awareness, because the end would have turned out the same way in both cases.

If you can ignore the feeling that the director/writer is trying to make fun of the patients who fell victim to anesthesia awareness, maybe there's some dumb fun to be had...

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Old Fashioned Entertainment: Awesome!
bpl90831 December 2007
I keep thinking about this movie. There are all these "awards" movies out there, and some of them (think JUNO) are really great, but others are just pedigree films that we "should" see but we don't actually really want to see or enjoy seeing. Then there is AWAKE. This is a movie with a capital M. This is a movie where you just have a roller coaster great time. Leave your inner critic at home and just sit back and enjoy the riveting entertainment. It has amazing twists that even the lame critics who said "they didn't like this film", sheepishly admit was incredibly well done. I did notice that Roger Ebert didn't follow the crowd and said it was great. Because it is. Awesome.
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It Was a Good Thriller (With Love!)
GirishGowda28 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was flipping through the channels when I saw that 'Awake' starring Jessica Alba was coming. I hadn't seen it and thought, hey let me try it. Is it actually true that every year 30,000 people are awake during their operations? I don't know about that. But this was a good believable thriller which didn't follow the normal routine path in these types of movies. The editing is taut, but the background score seemed out of place in certain scenes. Still, it was entertaining. This is not a romantic movie, like my title makes it seem, I was telling about Hayden's love and his mom's love. My mom and me both love each other, but we don't exactly talk about our thoughts, you know. 'I have to tell my mom I love her more often' - that's what was going through my head in the climax.

The Beresford family are billionaires and own many firms. After the death of Mr. Beresford, the mother and son stabilize the empire. The story focuses on Clay Beresford (Hayden Christensen) who suffers and finds himself awake and aware, but paralyzed, during heart surgery. His mother, Lilith Beresford (Lena Olin) must wrestle with her own demons as the drama unfolds around them, while trying to unfold the story hidden behind her son's young wife, Sam Lockwood (Jessica Alba). The son's new best friend Dr. Jack Harper (Terrence Howard) and his staff are very nice to them. But, everything is not as it seems and there is a dark secret hidden behind it.

We have Hayden Christensen who gives a terrific show here. When he is stuck in between the after-life and the present, you can see how much he goes through emotionally. He sees things through a true perspective. His eyes are opened when he is stuck here. When he is with Sam, he blindly loves her, he is free as a bird. When he is near his mother, he is a mamma's boy and refuses to acknowledge Sam as his fiancée. I always liked Jessica Alba, mainly because she's insanely hot. I didn't think she was much of an actress, but here she was wonderful and realistic as the cunning backstabber, opportunistic Sam. She can act really well when she puts her mind into it. This is the reason why most rich people don't want to marry someone who is poorer than them. They can be easily taken for a ride when it doesn't work out (pre-nup is there, I know). The film also showed that mothers do love their children very much, even though sometimes they don't show it. Lena Olin gives such a tragic portrayal of a loving and strict mother, I really loved her. Terrance Howard, as the doctor is rocking as always and easily pulls of this man who is torn in his decisions. A worthwhile entertainer.

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You can't be serious
hoju_3125 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie last night and, being someone who had very low expectations to begin with, was still disappointed. The most glaring error in this abomination of a movie is that the main plot point (the guy being awake during the surgery), had NOTHING to do with the outcome. It would have ended the same way regardless. So, what was the point of this? Who knows. Also, this surgeon had 4 malpractice suits against him and he didn't think people would ask questions if a patient died on his table? Give me a break. Jessica Alba is completely talentless and Christiansen is almost as bad. The whole thing was just laughable from start to finish. I'm fairly certain that if you could feel someone cutting through your chest with a scalpel, you would be in more pain than that.
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Wake the heck up!
ctomvelu126 July 2009
Now here's an odd little thriller, reminiscent of STAY, for those who remember that truly odd little thriller. A young married man (Hayden Christenson) undergoes a heart transplant, only to find he is awake during the surgery. Somebody messed up on the anesthesia, obviously. He does his best to let the surgeons know he's awake, to no avail. The movie has all sorts of unusual flashbacks and Christenson goes outside his body (in his mind, at least) as he tries to confront various people. Jessica Alba is his bride, and Lena Olin is his mother. Now, if all that happens i this flick was what I just told you, the movie would be over pretty quick. But in fact, there is a whole other plot that slowly reveals itself, and without giving away this jaw dropper of a subplot, I will tell you that Christenson's life is in a lot more danger than he thinks. Terrence Howard plays one of the surgeons, who also is a personal friend of the poor soul lying wide awake on the operating table. Worth a look. And it is no more gaily than an episode of HOUSE or BONES.
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