The Opposite of Sex (1998) Poster

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An Intelligent Black Comedy
Quinoa19848 August 2000
This film has laughs, but they are not all clumped in together. Which is good, because with a story like this, it is neccesary to have comedy in just the right spots. The film shows us Deede (played to perfection by hot Christina Ricci), a 16 year old going on 17 who is having a baby soon, but the results of the next 9 months will surprise everyone (which includes a cast of Martin Donovan, Lisa Kudrow, Johnny Galecki, Lyle Lovett and Ivan Serguei). A good idea becomes a close to very good film by vhaving a good lay out of a story and good sarcastic humor to match. One of the better films of 1998. A-
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Loved every bit of this movie
desi_nemesis2 February 2010
I selected this movie on an impulse and ended up loving every bit of it. It isn't as black a comedy as most people profess, you laugh at some very witty scenes and a few conversations are very poignant and insightful. Note these bits: Lucia and Bill at the hotel in LA when they have a conversation about relationships, Matt and Bill at the log cabin in Canada and lastly, when Dedee delivers the last voice-over. I will remember this movie for quite some time. We have a trash-talking southerner: Christina Ricci (in one of her better roles) who takes some pretty illogical decisions in life and affects so many lives around her. Martin Donovan shines as her half-brother, seemingly very pacified and unnerved about things in life (a doormat personality, perhaps?). Watch out for Lisa Kudrow: she steals the show with her expressions and acting.
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See this film for Christina Ricci!
shaft-2717 July 1999
Overlong, and at times dull and confusing, 'The Opposite of Sex' appears to be one of those films which tries too hard to impress the viewer, perhaps due to its independent nature, making the director want to scream, "Look what I did with so little money!". Although designed to be a comedy, the story was too unbelievable which really causes it to lose its "indie" appeal, as the draw of these movies tends to be its true to life nature. This said, Ricci's portrayal of the bitchy Dedee Truit is a joy to watch as once again she puts in a first rate performance. This movie shows how much she has matured and developed her ability since her early days in 'The Addams Family' and 'Mermaids' to name a few. Her narration of the film is unique and extremely humorous, and this actually makes this a film worth renting for those lonely days of Winter.
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sjr593 October 2004
The Opposite Of Sex – 1998

The Opposite Of Sex stars two of my favourite actress' – Lisa Kudrow and Christina Ricci. Needless to say, they were my main motivations for seeing this film. Expecting a fairly average film you might say I was a little shocked when this turned out to be a well scripted, well acted, suitably gritty and compelling drama. The Opposite of Sex is narrated by the appropriately cynical lead character, Dede Truitt (Christina Ricci). The narration is highly amusing and witty and provides the audience with a release during tense and heavily themed situations. Dede Truitt basically walks into her half brothers life (Martin Donovan) and causes a stir among his sister in-law (Lisa Kudrow) by stealing his boyfriend who was originally thought to be gay and now decides he is bisexual. The whole film is constantly asking questions about Sex and what it has done to humanity. It works on two levels, one being that it has heavy themes and can be coarse at times. However Lisa Kudrow offers comic relief playing a straight square teacher who disapproves of everything and everyone in life especially sex. That is until she finds Sex on her doorstep. The Opposite of Sex is a brilliant film, when Christina Ricci was in her prime. It deserved much more praise than it got which is such as shame. 9/10
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Twisted and outrageous
Agent1013 August 2002
Christina Ricci as a sexy vixen? Who would have guessed life imitates art? In a role that seemed meant for a plump sexpot as herself (who isn't so plump anymore), Ricci fully embodies the conniving attitude of Deedee. Told in a rather unusual manner, this film featured some deadpan performances by Johnny Galecki, Lyle Lovett and Lisa Kudrow. While the film needed some help in regards to the pacing and structure, it was still a fun movie to watch, especially in regards to Deedee's voice overs.
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Simply hilarious
danielll_rs22 December 1999
"The Opposite of Sex" starts with Dedee Truitt (Christina Ricci) in an off narration, saying absurd things and complaining about everything, while she is shown at her stepfather's funeral throwing things on the grave. This marking characteristic of hers and the narration will continue till the end of the film, while the story is shown. So you'll hear many strong words and absurd sentences and see Dedee and the other characters doing absurds. Well... This is "The Opposite of Sex". And guess what... I loved it!

One of the reasons for explaining why I liked it so much is its cinynicism. There are some hilarious lines- specially in the beginning of the film, when Dedee talks about her mother and her stepfather, and when Lucia tells that she seems like the villain of "The Sound of Music". The movie is a satire about people in unusual situations, doing the same that "Election" did this year of 1999. In some moments it is even a road-movie, and in others there is a dramatic side. It's a very unusual film, and independent movies should follow this one and Kevin Smith's movies.

Many people complained about Dedee's narration, but I think it is one of the best points of "The Opposite of Sex". She is able to manipulate everyone, including the audience. In some moments she cheats us, telling lies to show the truth after.

Christina Ricci, in a very, very inspiring performance, show that she is a great actress, besides her age. As Dedee she deserved to be nominated to the Oscar, and Lisa Kudrow also did as the annoying Lucia. Some characters of the film are not to be taken very seriously. The gay men are the most normal ones, believe.

I highly recommend "The Opposite of Sex" if you want some fun. It is funny, it is dark, it is wicked. Have yourself a great moment with Dedee Truitt, Lucia Darlury, Bill Truitt, Carl, Matt and Jason.
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Moderately Amusing, Refreshingly Candid Observations
RJBose23 February 1999
In movie reviews and commentary much has been made of the scathing commentary provided by Christina Ricci's character throughout "Opposite of Sex". This aspect is one of the more memorable and interesting parts of the film's construction. While somewhat overdone to make the point, most of "Deedee's" observations are rather humorous, and (certainly to the dismay of some viewers) quite accurate.

The story itself is rather engaging, but slows down considerably towards the end. A sexually precocious (i.e. slutty) 16 year old leaves her pathetic and newly widowed Mother in Louisiana to invite herself to her half-brother's fine house in Indiana. Her half-brother is a homosexual, but of the "regular guy" mode now popular in such entertainment venues as television shows and the movies. The half-brother's live-in "boyfriend" is a bit more goofy, and soon succumbs to the feminine wiles of Deedee, whom we learn has motives other than sexual companionship sparking this sudden interest in his conversion. Conveniently for the storyline, the half-brother has been left financially well-off by the death of his previous "boyfriend", a successful stockbroker; (one guess as to the nature of the fatal malady).

The now pregnant Deedee and the half-brother's former "companion" vanish, setting into motion a plot which introduces various other characters, and a frantic and often confusing search for the runaways. Other love interests and potential love interests of varying sexual preference enter the tale (as it were).

Suffice to say that everything is neatly tied up by the end of the story, which seems about 15 minutes too long. The movie is moderately amusing, but the reprehensible nature of Christina Ricci's Deedee becomes somewhat overpowering by the midpoint of the film, and all the rest involved seem more like losers than anything else, despite any politically correct posturing which starts to become a bit thick towards the end.

It is interesting to watch Miss Ricci's career continue to blossom, however, and for that reason alone the movie is worth a look.
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Anybody really paid to see this???
marine-314 January 1999
Ricci was really good. Has talent & will be seen again. The movie was so thoroughly unbelievable. Rented it on video when my local store had a "two for one" night. Big mistake. When will hollywood wake up????
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One of the best films in years
Bill-14720 October 2000
I absolutely love this film. Christina Ricci is perfectly cast and gives a great performance as a 16 year old who tries to manipulate and bully all of the other characters into bowing to her sick and twisted view of the world. While Ricci's character is not immediately likable she is somehow compelling and is effecting in driving the film. Ricci's character does and says hateful things throughout the movie but the film is successful in maintaining it's own view on these topics without squelching her characters voice. Hopefully what we see through her character is that despite the hateful things people do, there are real human beings behind these actions. I ended up liking the character for her survive at any cost mentality and her resolve.

The movie is hilariously funny and at times touching. Lisa Kudro turns in another great performance as a lonely single girl who is pining for the affections of Ricci's gay half brother. The humor is not of the joke a minute or slapstick variety but grows out of the situations and relationships between compelling characters.

The writing and directing are also superb. I especially liked scenes where the director showed how easily we can be manipulated by mood and music as well as the points that we show in a character's life. Ricci's narration is biting, wicked, clever, bitchy and witty. I can see however, how one could be offended and turned off by it. But the narration is not for shock effect but rather to frame the main character.

I wouldn't change a frame or a line in this film. It's funny, intelligent and warm in a strange sort of way. A definite must see.
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Didn't Like the Voice-Over, But Loved Lisa!
flk3 January 1999
Wow! What a great performance by Lisa Kudrow. Who'd a-thunk she could make this prickly, difficult character so understandable, if not likeable? As for the rest, I thought the self-conscious voice-over commentary sabotaged a very clever story and otherwise good writing.
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A dark comedy that misses the mark
ormich10 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As Dedee Truitt (Christina Ricci) begins to narrate the film, after warning us she's no good, she promises "there's other people a lot nicer coming up". Unfortunately, she doesn't make good on that promise. Not a single likeable person is ever presented to us. She remains the only interesting character (and the only capable actor) and her deadpan, unconventional narration is the movie's sole saving grace. When the story pushes her to the side and demotes her to a supporting role, we have nothing left to focus on but the plot itself. And that's not a good thing.

The movie throws quite a few things at the wall in its attempt to be a provocative, dark comedy and maybe it did stick in 1998 (seemingly, it didn't), but it certainly doesn't now. It would be hard to single out 20 minutes of this movie that haven't aged terribly. Half of it would be seen as mundane and fail to make any impression and the other half would be seen as tacky and problematic. A young gay student lying about being molested by his openly gay professor to blackmail him really didn't sit right with me.

Sadly, the movie lives and dies by the scandalizing nature of its source material, so when that fails to single-handedly make the film interesting, it doesn't have anything else to offer. It just meanders its way through uninteresting and uninterested characters doing illogical things until it reaches an unearned happy ending : After the troublemaker has shaken up their lives, a group of people who were previously lost and confused in their pursuit of sex, love or both, now get everything they never knew they wanted. Except the troublemaker herself, who leaves them behind to follow her own, undisclosed path. Can't say it made an impact.
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Ground Breaking? Well... yeah.
Bradley-drake31 December 2002
The Opposite of Sex does what Don Roos set it out to do. It brings the subject of homosexuality in all its forms to light in a hard hitting, funny in your face joy ride - but yet it's not a 'gay movie'. Ricci is wonderful as Dedee, our young 'tour guide' to this strange journey. Through her eyes we see her world of lies, deception and confusion. At times you might not like her, but thats what is great about the movie, it pulls you in. If your into witty one liners, a fast story line and terrific acting (two thumbs up to Lisa Kudrow!)than this movie is for you. After a movie that makes you think about other peoples lifestyles and situations? give it a try. As an eighteen year old, I recommend this movie for older teens and up and give it a 8/10.
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Great performances
Cbert28 February 1999
Ricci is dead on as the wicked little sister...Kudrow truly should have been nominated for an Oscar. Clever writing and solid performances make this a surprisingly good film.
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axsmashcrushallthree3 August 2003
This movie starts out feeling a bit like "Ghost World". And then, poof! While "Ghost World" is one of the best movies that I've seen in the past five years, this is one of the worst!

The so-called "pomo" material is fresh and beckons for a heckuva good treatment, but poof! Don Roos, he of the "Diabolique" debacle, lays a pretentious egg! The movie feels episodic and disorganized, which some people might call an indie movie feel. I call it "crap". Nothing is really said or accomplished, and there is no attempt to scrap the surface of any of the characters.

All of sudden, after good performances in "Casper", "The Addams Family", and particularly "Buffalo 66", poof! Christina Ricci can't act! Her one-note whine is insipid and dull. The rest of the acting is quite bad, as a matter of fact, it may be one of the worst ensemble acting performances I've ever seen! Lyle Lovett is miscast, if that is possible. Lisa Kudrow has the most potentially juicy part, but poof! She is too weak to pull it off!

This reminds me of the excellent director Henry Jaglom's most indulgently bad movies. I had to struggle to make it to the exceptionally unsatisfying ending.

And poof! It rates 2/10!
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Intelligent and thoughtful
Boyo-220 November 1998
I avoided seeing this movie for a long time but finally gave in last week. It was very funny, touching and insightful. It did occur to me that Lyle Lovett could use an acting lesson or two, and that Ivan Sergei is way too good looking; its borderline annoying. Martin Donovan and Kudrow make the movie; their characters were completely believable. Last but certainly not least is the best young American actress, Christina Ricci. She really makes every part she plays her own. I suggest the Christian Youth or whoever they are stay away; everyone in this movie has too many human qualities for you to tolerate.
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Christina Ricci's best performance
MyDarkStar6 January 2002
This film shows that we have so far only seen the tip of the iceberg of Christina Ricci's full talent. This is not an easy role, and she pulls it off perfectly. She plays the cynical, caniving, two-faced, pregnant teenager perfectly. One line she acts like a saint, the next she has a mouth that cuts like a dagger.

Truly great performance from her...put her on another level.
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A mixed bag, but good enough
Tito-81 July 1999
This was a fun film, and I'm certainly glad that I saw it, but I was still hoping for something a little better. I especially liked the characters played by Donovan and Kudrow, but I didn't like the one played by Ricci, and so I felt that the movie was generally better when her voice was absent. That's not to say that she gave a weak performance, in fact, I would say that the whole cast was great. But I would say that her narration really wasn't all that funny, and I only liked her when she was introducing new characters or summarizing the basic story. This wasn't the gem that I was hoping for, but thanks to a brisk pace, some intelligent writing, and a few likable characters, I can still marginally recommend this one.
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Ricci all the way!!!
Primtime10 March 1999
If there ever was a film in which one character not only stole all of the limelight, but was rather all of the limelight - this is the one. Christina Ricci gives one of her best performances to date as DeDee Truitt, the 16-year-old who is full of herself and thinks of all others as losers (only those who are nice).

Don Roos, who both wrote and directed this film gave a valiant effort only to see his film lose its focus (everyone eventually skipping off to Canada for no apparent reason) after having a powerful and interesting first half hour. This film is unabashed in its truthful display of people and how others can step in and ruin everything for them. It just happens that the catalyst for all events to come is when DeDee decides she no longer feels right living with her mother in Louisiana, so she decides to go move in with much older half-brother (Martin Donovan) who just happens to be gay. DeDee eventually steals his boyfriend and takes his whole livelihood with her, also taking the film downward from here.

Some of the most interesting casting choices were made for this film, all dull in their own manner and each having nothing to take anything away from Ricci. Many have complimented Lisa Kudrow on a "wonderful" performance - I think this comes after so many have seen her so often as a simple blond, the likes of Friends. She really offers no more to this film than simple one-liners that had me groaning at each mention. Ivan Sergei (Matt) could use a little more experience before trying to step into a role such as this, he seemed lost throughout the film. Johnny Galecki (Jason) made me think of Roseanne each time he was on screen and Lyle Lovett (Sheriff Carl Tippett) should most definitely stick to singing.

If only this film could have stayed on the course of its first half-hour, then we would have had something special here. Unfortunately, it swayed too much and took its focus off the true center of the film: DeDee.

6/10 stars.
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Bags of attitude, but precious little charm...
Howlin Wolf4 March 2004
This is a movie that delights in shocking, but there seems no emotional core to hang the acidity onto, and thus encourage the audience to stick with certain characters throughout their bouts of misanthropy. The tagline as well as Christina Ricci's narrator heralds the nastiness contained within, but it rarely rings true except to gain a cheap laugh. It's transparently affected.

With such a smugly knowing film, it's incredibly hard to care. The talented cast do what they can with the mere 'mouthpieces' they are given as characters, but even some interesting observations present themselves in almost wholly unappealing ways. Ricci and Kudrow get the best lines, but that's all they are - one-liners - a crippling lack of investment behind them from either the writers, performers, or most crucially, the watcher themselves.

Too 'frothy' a subject to be truly dark, yet simply too unpleasantly acerbic to engender even a smidgen of good feeling toward any of its characters. If its aim was to be sharp, it's a shame to report that it's mostly just painful.

(**/*****, or 'fair' on the "Empire" ratings scale. See 'Boards' profile.)
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The Opposite of Audience's Expectations
Lee_Baker16 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, now I understand the reason why many people will dislike this movie. It deals with many taboo issues, such as underage sex/pregnancy, homosexuality in a unfavourable light, murder, profanity, mischief and illegality. Writer/director Don Roos gambled the movie's entire ideologies in order to get the important message across. Lets face it, it's not as if Roos is an inexperienced scriptwriter of this ilk. After all, he penned the screenplay to another "Anti-women's liberation" movie, 'Single White Female'. He seemed the perfect guy to translate the honesty of lower/middle class America to the screen; and the style he chose to produce the movie in needn't be mentioned at this stage. Now, onto the film itself...

Didi Truitt (Christina Ricci) is the most cynical and sarcastic of all teenage girls. She believes the world owes her favours and should pay dividends. Her step-father passes away and so she leaves her mother and goes to find her long-lost step-brother Bill Truitt (Martin Donovan) in hope that he will take her in and give her the life of Riley, which she never had at home. She takes a gun with her...

She knocks at his front door - his boyfriend answers; this shakes Didi up, but nevertheless she is in desperation, although she never lets it transcend. Her step-bother is an English teacher at the local high school: He is a pushover of a man who has no discernible masculinity whatsoever. He lost a very close ex-boyfriend to AIDS a year before which is obvious to the viewers that this wrecked his life, but to his "handsome airhead" of a boyfriend, Matt Mateo (Ivan Sergei), it is not.

Due to the close relationship he held with his ex, he has since adopted a possessive and maniacal "sister-in-law" figure, Lucia (Lisa Kudrow), who wholeheartedly disapproves of Didi right away. Lucia is a dominant presence in Bill's life and she takes the helm whenever any crisis is imminent. Many people hate Lucia - she doesn't care.

Didi and Matt have a crush on each other and basically, they end up in bed together. After months of sneaking around behind Bill's back, Didi announces that she is pregnant, and that Matt is the father. They steal Bill's $10,000 stashed in his safety deposit box and elope to Los Angeles where Matt takes up a minimum wage job to support Didi and the unborn child. Matt quits his job after running into Bill and comes home early one day to find Didi in bed with Randy (the guy with one ball). She announces to Matt that the baby is in fact Randy's. The latter has a terrible temper and he and Matt begin to rumble. Didi and Randy leave together and set up home elsewhere. He and Didi have a confrontation in which she ends up killing him.

Matt visits and they leave together to escape the law. Didi has the baby and the audience's expectations are toyed with again here. The narrator (a monotonous and cynical Didi) tries to convince the viewers that she dies during childbirth. This is held for about 15 seconds, then the truth is revealed.

At the end of the movie, Didi goes back to school - more bad-tempered than ever - and Bill is left with the child, while he becomes involved with Didi's parole officer. The final shot is where Didi shouts "Go!" to the audience. A sign of anxiety and depression, or just plain swings-and-roundabouts for a troubled teen? Anyway, I've missed out a bit involving a character called Jason and the media circus that he erupts on Bill's already sucky life. But just in case you read this before watching the movie, at least there's a couple of surprises in there for ya.

All in all, an excellent, if complicated, movie (of course, in my opinion). There are not enough honest movies like this one. In a time when the only teenagers Hollywood churned out were those from 'American Pie' and 'Cruel Intentions', it was a breath of fresh air. I am a firm believer in that people should be taught the importance of self-discipline when growing up. Knowing how to deal with certain situations, etc. I also believe that Hollywood perhaps shouldn't gloss over things as much as they do. It is really important that some people have access to a film that deals with adolescence frankly; and as far as the message goes - It leaves a deep mark that you won't soon forget.

Great Movie - ****
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see it for lisa kudrow
vikil9 June 1999
The movie has the best intentions and is clever in a way, but the constant narration is making it tiresome most of the time and only the brilliant performance of Lisa Kudrow playing against type saves the film from being too self consious and smart for its own good.
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Another dishonest tag line
redkiwi7 May 2000
laugh? Nope. Cry? Nope. Offended? Nope.

Irritated? Yes.

A very silly and remarkably annoying film, Ricci is a young girl who will sleep with anything. And that's about as deep as it got, stereotypical gay characters withstanding.

Don't bother.
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Terrific Little Indie from 1998
evanston_dad22 June 2010
Christina Ricci plays a brunette Lolita in this charming indie comedy from 1998. She visits her brother, straight-laced Martin Donovan, and then proceeds to seduce and confuse his hunky boy-toy, played by Ivan Sergei.

The film is no big deal, but it made a fairly large impression on me back in 1998. Ricci gives a terrific performance, successfully navigating the transition from childhood to adult actor. But the highest praise must go to Lisa Kudrow, who broke out of her "Friends" character and actually generated a little bit of deserved Oscar buzz for her performance as an uptight prude.

Grade: A
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Vicious & witty
Meredith-715 January 2000
If you are one of those people that has the old fashioned idea of love where you see someone across a crowded room and know that they are the one for you- then this is not the film you should be watching. Its very modern its its approach to sex and relationships, as well as being incredibly nasty. Its one of those films that you really want to hate, because it totally destroys all your ideas and beliefs of what sex and love should be like, but on the other hand it has this biting realism to it that can really grab you. Some of the dialogue is absolutely incredible - and its delivered with a lot of compassion and zest. The actors do a fantastic job of psychoanalysing their characters, they are all fairly believable- not to mention very scary. Certainly not a film for all tastes, but if you want to see something thats a bit twisted- then you'll probably like it.
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One of the worst movies I ever saw.
rjansen29 September 1999
This movie was compared to "Clueless". What a mistake. After the first 20 minutes the story doesn't go anywhere new, it's just more of the same. The "strong" language and gay-theme may be funny and shocking to U.S. audiences, European viewers are probably less easily shocked into laughter.

There's no emotional theme that I could see, or it would have to be the AIDS related death of a main characters partner that gets dragged into the story kicking and screaming.

I'd have walked out of the movie if it weren't for my companion who wanted to see it through to the end.
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