Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow (Video 1993) Poster

(1993 Video)

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Second part with most known and the best cast of the trilogy
ma-cortes11 November 2005
In year 2074, a technological, deathly planet earth, in an urban, dirty post holocaust world, Cyborgs have replaced humans and the earth is caught in the grip of high powered corporate warfare . Kobayashi Electronics (Japan) and Pinwheel (USA) struggle to control the software programming and manufacture of Cyborgs . Cyborgs have substituted humans in every respect from the soldier in the field to the prostitute in the brothel . Billions of dollars are at stake and as usual the love of money proves to be the root of all evil . A mean enterprise (ruled by Allen Garfield) which makes Cyborgs orders to get rid of his competitors by means of murdering them . They plan introduce to Cyborg ¨Cash¨ (Angelina Jolie) , a liquid explosive, a McGuffin denominated ¨The glass shadow¨ that blow up . Technology specialist (Jack Palance) clues to Cash and she flees with the help of the human ¨Colt¨ and they have converted prey for a band of nasty bounty hunters (Billy Drago and Ric Young).

It's an old fashioned B movie with lots of fights , stunts , struggles and chases among protagonists and their pursuers . The film has some visual sophistication along with a ridiculous plot and even a minor romantic subplot between machine-cyborg and man . Despite a few nice touches is average and this is strictly fodder . ¨Cyborg I¨ (Albert Pyun) was a poorly made action movie , it was only known by Jean Claude Van Damme acting , however ¨Cyborg II¨ has much better casting . It stars Angelina Jolie , she told The New York Times about this movie : "After I saw it, I went home and got sick¨ . The motion picture was regularly directed by Michael Schroeder who at least tries some spectacular scenes . He also directed ¨CyborgIII¨ with Malcolm McDowell , Zach Calligan and Richard Lynch . Rating : Mediocre but entertaining .
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Cyborg 2 Glass Shadow: Not THAT bad
Platypuschow13 November 2018
For those unfamiliar this was Angelina Jolie's very first feature film, and one that she has said on numerous occasions she seriously regrets. In fact in one interview she said she was proud up until the moment she actually watched it, then she rushed hope to be literally sick. Hardly a ringing endorsement for a film that may well have been integral in the progression of her career!

At the tender age of just 18 she demonstrates why she became one of the most sought after actresses in Hollywood.

Also starring the legend that was Jack Palance, the excellent Billy Drago and handy character actor Elias Koteas the movie certainly has a competent cast if nothing else.

Glass Shadow is the 4th movie in the Cyborg/Nemesis franchise. The whole series is deeply confusing and poorly put together, they really should have stuck numbers on the end of one title and left it be.

It tells the story of a cyborg who is meant to be used in a plot to force a hostile takeover on a rival company. This cyborg however is in love with her trainer and together they plan on fleeing with the help of a mysterious stranger.

I can see why Jolie isn't proud of this but it certainly isn't THAT bad, it's just another Cyborg movie that fails to impress. Truth be told this is the best one yet (Mostly thanks to the cast).

Just barely passable but incredibly dumb stuff.

The Good:

Outstanding cast

The Bad:

Plot was a tad wasted

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

14yr age differences don't matter when one of you is a cyborg

The problem isn't cyborg or human envy, it's weiner envy!
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Nothing great here
LebowskiT100015 August 2002
I read a bunch of the other reviews on this site for this film and at first I was a bit shocked that people liked this film better than the original "Cyborg". But, the more I thought about I guess I might have to agree, the special effects are better, Angelina Jolie is in this one (need I say more?), the fights scenes are about the same, the acting is about the same and the story is equally bad. So, I guess I'd agree that this film is a little better than the original, but they're both pretty bad movies.

I think it's safe to say that Sci-Fi is my favorite genre and I think this movie was just awful. It had some cool things here and there, but overall was not very good. The only reason I can see to sit through this movie is to see the beautiful Angelina Jolie (she looks incredible in this film!)!!! The rest of the cast was ok, but definitely nothing special. I did enjoy seeing Sven-Ole Thorsen in the film though (from "Gladiator" and a good amount of Arnold Schwarzenegger films).

Unless you're a die-hard sci-fi fan and/or an Angelina Jolie fan, I wouldn't recommend going out of your way to see this film. But, if you do end up seeing this movie, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading,

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Jack Palance (voice) is put to good use.
strongman611 January 2004
Seems this movie had a very low budget hence the reason it looks like it was filmed in someones' garage. I loved the looks of the younger Angelina Jolie - I'd never have known if I hadn't seen this!!!!!!!!

Michael Shroeder also included (about 5 seconds)footage of Van Damme and Dayle Haddon from the original 'Cyborg' which was a nice touch. It's a bit of honesty on his part as well I think, because Shroeder is acknowledging the pre existing story line. Not that this matters at all.

Jack Palance is the highlight though because of the way he says his lines - it is hilarious. No one ever speaks that way, (even though he's not a human character) but it sounds so cool. Even Angelina Jolie smiles at some of Palances' lines (Ie: The scene in the lab with the 'cyborg monkey'.)

Good as a diversion - nothing more. Thinking more about it, it's one of the few movies I've seen where the actors seemed to be having a fun time with the 'out there' script and plot.
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Angelina must have disowned...for no reason!
jackf194625 February 2009
I was channel surfing on Cox Cable and decided to try 'Cyborg 2' (1993) on "Showtime," on the strength of Jack Palance. What to my wondering eyes do I see but Angelina Jolie! With those lips, it's got to be her.

The cable blurb (very brief as you may know) mentioned only Palance and Elias Koteas. Clearly, the movie - not too bad, Jolie made it fun - would have gotten tons more viewers if A.J. had at least been mentioned in the cable blurb.

Jack Palance was a great addition to the movie, but he could have been more effective if he'd been on screen (instead of the Glass Shadow) earlier. One thing about him, he always gave every movie he played in, every part he played, his very best.

I enjoyed the film...pretty campy!
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Son_of_Mansfield4 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It's a kinder, gentler Cyborg movie with a love story. Awww. It's not as bad as it sounds. The action, when it is there, is decent and Jack Palance, Elias Koteas, and Angelina Jolie are always dependable. It's the fact that this is a sequel to the terrible Jean Claude Van Damme film, or is that the capper to the Masters of the Universe trilogy? I'm still confused about that. Either way, there was really no need for this movie. What was there a need for? Angelina Jolie. She may play an assassin robot that can explodes mid-coitus, but, what a way to go and even though this is her first movie, she still has the presence that made her an award winner.
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Cyborg 2: Get Ready for Feelings
Sgt_Feelings19 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a cyborg in and of itself: half nonsense/half Lifetime Original Movie.

As a cyborg, this movie has but one objective: to make you wish that you had spent the duration of the film in a dark room punching yourself in the testicles.

Unlike many people, I did not rent this movie because of Angelina Jolie(I'll explain why I rented it shortly). I am not a big fan of Ms. Jolie's, though I will say that her performance was stellar! Her blank stare and robotic acting really did have me believing that she was an android hooker. If anyone has a clip of her on 'Inside the Actor's Studio' explaining how she prepared for this role, please send it my way. I'll make sure to use it when I try James Lipton for Crimes against Integrity.

So what drove me to rent this movie? One would think that it was the hope of seeing Angelina Jolie's nipples, but it wasn't. No, the reason behind this rental rested solely on one of the images on the cover of the DVD; that of Jack Palance's face! HALF OF HIS FACE WAS ROBOTIC! When I saw that, I imagined legions of "Palances" slowly marching through a fiery wasteland, laying waste to any humans that were foolish enough to resist. In my mind's eye, every member of this Unholy Army of Palances had a red, glowing eye; a red, glowing eye that looked at humans and saw only "meat". They were to be the Architects of Oblivion...a cold, steely Apocalypse...a Nightmare from which Humanity would never awaken. It's a beautiful image that I will cherish till the end of my years.

Like most things in my life, the actual movie did not live up to my expectations. No, there was only 'one' Jack Palance, and the only visible cybernetic enhancements that he had were located on his legs. Sadly, those enhancements didn't really "enhance" anything. That is unless, you count WALKING LIKE A POLIO VICTIM as a super power. At least their was a scene where Jack--grinning like a trigger-happy Alzheimer's patient--got to shoot the hell out of some people. I was waiting for him to yell, "I'm damn tired of paying too much for prescription medication!" Unfortunately, any outbursts of geriatric rage were few and far between.

What the movie did have an abundance of was a poorly developed love story about a man(Elias Koteas, a.k.a. poor man's De Niro) and a cyborg(Angelina Jolie, a.k.a. Demon Spawn of John Voigt). Oh man, can the love between a Romeo of Flesh and a Juliet of Silicon ever be able to last?!?!?! It can if you follow Jack Palance's simple advice: "You have to TASTE each other's TIME".

Yeah, I'm not sure what that means. However, I am sure that I do not want Jack Palance to be the one to explain it to me. I sure as heck don't want him to show me! As an experiment, I suggest that you ask your significant other if he/she "thinks that we have reached a level in our relationship where we can begin to TASTE each other's TIME?"
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Not even Angelina Jolie can save this disaster
jack_thursby11 November 2005
As a sci-fi and casual Angelina Jolie fan, I thought this obviously low-budget movie might be worth a look... maybe it had a few scenes or a storyline that would make up for all its other faults. Plus, it might be interesting to watch Angelina as she was embarking on her star-bound career.

Oh how wrong I was. One thing I learned -- at 18, Angelina Jolie couldn't act. So, to make her comfortable, the producers cast this entire movie with people who couldn't act. Seeing this, Jack Palance (who can actually act) decided to overact. Watching 10 minutes of this happen is enough to burn your eyes out.

To the horrible acting and overacting add a nonsensical script, insipid dialog, bottom-of-the-barrel cinematography... in fact add bottom-of-the-barrel everything.

The story features Angelina as a cyborg programmed by her corporate overlords as an assassin. She escapes the corporate HQ with the help of her combat instructor. The corporation sends bounty hunters after them. Stupid stuff happens. The end. I would tell you more but I didn't want to waste my life watching this dreck.

I implore you -- this is not worth watching. Its not even worth thinking about watching. Save yourself the pain and move on.
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Beware Of Bad Movies
Theo Robertson25 November 2003
Two things are always signs that you`re going to be watching a bad movie :

1 ) If you`re instantly reminded of other movies like THE TERMINATOR, HARDWARE or BLADE RUNNER during the title sequence

2 ) If there`s a death during a sex scene straight after the title sequence

There`s actually a third warning sign and that`s a caption indicating lazy exposition warning the poor ignorant naive audience of the dangers of corporate greed . Guess what ? CYBORG 2 starts with a caption warning us of corporate greed in the future , followed by a title sequence that reminded me of THE TERMINATOR , HARDWARE and BLADE RUNNER followed by a death during a sex scene ! Hey you don`t suppose I`ll be watching a bad movie by any chance ?

As you can guess this is a bad movie . It`s basically a series of action scenes written around a thread bare plot of a cyborg on the run from a greedy corporate company . It`s badly written , directed and acted and most especially it`s badly lit which means it`s very difficult to see what`s happening on screen , though I`m not entirely sure this is actually a bad thing . The only interest to be had is that it`s the film debut of Angelina Jolie who plays the cyborg on the run and who says the prophetic line " They`re lovely , I wonder if they`re real ? " which is something I ask myself whenever I see one of her movies
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Cyborg 2, more like Cybore 2
Seth_Rogue_One16 October 2016
Not seen the first one and as this is a standalone movie set decades later I didn't feel I needed to either.

The only reason I watched it really is because Angelina Jolie was in it, who is one of my very favorite actresses.

She doesn't show much acting-talent in this though I have to admit, but she was 17 when she did it with extremely little acting experience previously so she's forgiven.

There have been a lot of talk about her love scene in it but frankly by today's (and Angelina Jolie's later movies) standards it's a pretty mild one, that's also frequently interrupted by a old man crying over his dead daughter (which takes away any sexiness that scene could have had otherwise).

Anywayssss... The movie boasts of awful dialogue throughout, with some exceptions "If you want to dine with the devil, you need a looong spoon" made me laugh so there was always that.

Storywise meh, acting wise oh lord no.

So yeah overall give this a big pass, unless you really enjoy poorly written lowbudget sci fi flicks from the 90's with bad acting etc.
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avoid at all costs
jorgenpfhartogs18 January 2015
Avoid at all costs - had to put it off halfway through. Bad acting, worse dialogues, lousy story and some of the worst lighting ever witnessed in a movie. The story is as weak as the first one, but the sequel isn't even watchable as horribly bad B-movie. Not even Angelina Jolie in tight outfits makes it any better and the acting by Angelina is just painful to watch. It looks like it was filmed in a storehouse over the weekend and edited by a 7 year old. I gave it 2 out of 10 and that was only because I think it will have a certain cult following, but it is just not for me. Allegedly even Angelina Jolie didn't like it and got sick after watching it. I feel your pain, Angelina, I felt the same and I didn't even watch the whole movie.
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3.1 with Angelina Jolie sex scenes? Are you CRAZY!?
awood-2417 February 2007
I'd like to point out these excellent points in favor of this movie:

#1 Angelina Jolie sex scene

#2 Foley artist outdid themselves

#3 plot was quite thick

#4 DVD does includes trailers and chapter stops

#5 no animals were harmed in the making of the movie

#6 homages to blade runner through out the film

#7 burning trash cans

#8 funny guy with no legs

#9 Voice overs by Jack Palance added a real dynamic element to the film.

#10 Sage advise, for example "When you dine with the devil bring a long spoon".

#11 Angelina Jolie was only 18!

To sum it up: an evening of entertainment was provided.
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Surprising B-Movie
quincy-white28 June 2003
There are 3 different kinds of B-movies. Most of them are just bad. Horribly, painfully bad. Some are just the right kind of bad to be fun to watch. And a select few are surprisingly well done.

Cyborg 2, like the original, falls into the third category. Yes, it has uneven fight scenes and some terrible dialogue, but it also has involving moments. You probably wouldn't want to pay a lot of money to see it, but it's good to watch on TV, especially late at night.

And of course, it feature Angelina Jolie in her debut performance, not counting Looking to Get Out. She does very well with the sometimes spare material, as does Elias Koteas. Both of them always manage good performances with even the worst scripts, and this script is actually decent.

Non B-movie fans should avoid this, but the rest, and I know you're out there, might actually like it.
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"If you want to dine with the devil, you need a looong spoon!"
TheLittleSongbird19 May 2015
Not quite as bad as the rating suggests and has enough to make it watchable, but at the end of the day it just felt like a waste of potential. I forgive that it has little in common with the original Cyborg, the cheesiness and (sort of) the low budget, but not so much that it didn't do enough with its intriguing concept or let its talented cast properly shine.

The best asset for me about Cyborg 2 was the performance of Jack Palance, most of his screen time is voice only but that does not once stop Palance from still being a blast as Mercy, one of the few in the cast who actually sounded like he was having fun. Who can't help love his lines either, on the most part the script was not that great at all but the outrageous surrealism of Palance's dialogue and the way he delivered it(literally just going for it no matter how little sense it made) made for enormous entertainment. Billy Drago is a sneeringly over-the-top but also chilling villain and Allen Garfield brings a little wit to his role.

Cyborg 2 starts off promisingly, showing some imaginative visuals and some intriguing story set-up. Some of the futuristic special effects are nicely done too, there is a good attempt at a dystopian futuristic atmosphere that can come over effectively and the photography succeeds in being both dream-like and nightmarish.

However, with the exception of Mercy's lines the script is rather weak, a lot of it reminiscent of gibberish that was in serious need of a proof-read or two. Some of it only succeeds in confusing the story even further and the characters are literally less-than-one-dimensional stereotypes, Mercy was the only character that actually seemed like the writers cared about halfway developing and even he was severely underdeveloped. The story concept-wise is intriguing, but while effort was made into giving the film atmosphere not as much attention was paid giving it momentum and such. Cyborg 2 drags a lot and changes tone shifts and plot points so frequently the story felt tonally weird and structurally choppy, which just didn't feel right. The action scenes are uneven, some have verve and fun but too many others are sloppily choreographed and lazily performed.

While Cyborg 2 is not a amateurish looking film, there are instances where low budget is obvious, the sets are dreary and generally unimaginative, some editing lacks polish and the film is frequently lit far too darkly. The synthesised music score just felt at odds with the film, it sounded cheap and like it would belong more at home in a film from the late 70s-early 80s, plus to me it lacked energy. While it's true that Cyborg 2 has little to do with the first Cyborg it does incorporate a few flashbacks to tie them together, the trouble was they were rather brief and at the end there was not much need for them to be there. It was completely understandable why they did it and it was laudable, but with the way the story was written here their inclusion didn't add very much. Palance, Drago and to a lesser extent Garfield were fun, but Angelina Jolie's(in her lead role debut) acting inexperience shows no matter the effort in as sparely written a role she could have possibly gotten and Elias Koteas is even blander than his very underwritten hero character, while the rest of the cast were average or below.

Overall, watchable but mediocre. Notable for it being Jolie's lead actress debut and those fond of Palance and Drago will find pleasure. But at the end of the day, with not enough done with the story and the cast not having enough to shine, it felt like a waste of potential. 5/10 Bethany Cox
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HUGE improvement over the first film
Tin Man-56 September 1999
When I heard about a sequel for Van Damme's absolute worst film "Cyborg," I rolled my eyes and thought, "Oh no....Why did they make this? To cash in on the success of a movie that WASN'T a success? There's no way this will be good...."

Well....I was eating my words about fifteen minutes into it.

"Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow" is by no means a masterpiece, nor is it an especially inspiring thriller, but I was surprised how entertaining it was. This might be due to the fact that it completely abandoned the plot of the first film and started from scratch, thus it can be viewed as a completely original motion picture. The plot is pretty standard: late into the 21st century, a company calls PINWHEEL have developed cyborgs that look and act just like real humans, even down to emotions. "If God didn't make you, we did," one of the big business men quotes.

But what if one of the cyborgs begins to recognize independence, as Cash (a beautiful Angelina Jolie) does? That's when Mercy comes in. Mercy is a freelance cyborg who, after the death of his wife, has dedicated his life to helping renegade cyborgs beat the system and flee to another country. The part is played by Jack Palance, who actually does a good job, though he spends most of the time on a computer screen with closeups of his mouth.

At any rate, Cash decides to flee, and she takes along a human to guide her (and he also happens to be in love with her...). His name is Colt, a skilled warrior (Elias Corteas, who bears a close resemblance to Robert DeNiro). Pinwheel sends two people to track them, Danny (a chilling Billy Drago) and Chan (the standard oriental-warrior-cyborg chick). So it's a desparate race for the two to survive in an odd, futuristic city.

It's pretty much a standard plot from there, which is predictable and easy to figure out. But at least it HAS a plot, something the first film can't claim. And this film has good qualities in other areas. The special effects are above average, including the awesome shots of a battery-charged city of 2170! The characters are also well drawn out and defined, with nice chemistry between the two leads and a chilling performance by Drago....That man is evil incarnate. Good score, too.... Does anyone know if the soundtrack is available? Lastly, the action is well-choreographed with some nice settings.

Summing it up, the director knows what he's doing, and he managed to make a so-so plot get lifted by an excellent cast, great, memorable characters, top-of-the-drawer dialogue, okay special effects, and good stunts. Recommended if you're like me: I hated the first film. It's worth taping if it ever comes on TV again...I know I will....

**1/2 out of ****
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cheap futuristic sci-fi
SnoopyStyle10 May 2015
It's the year 2074 and corporate warfare dominates. The PinWheel corporation creates cyborg Casella 'Cash' Reese (Angelina Jolie) to infiltrate the rival corporation and self-detonate using a new explosive called Glass Shadow. Colton 'Colt' Ricks (Elias Koteas) is her human trainer. The mysterious Mercy (Jack Palance) helps them escape. PinWheel leader Martin Dunn is a double agent who intends to get Cash for the Japanese. He sends Cyborg Tracker Danny Bench as well as Japanese cyborg Chen.

At least the original has Van Damme fighting. It was still not a good movie. This has even less. Jolie is hot but limited in action. The whole style is a cheesy vibe with a disembodied Palance on the TV screens. There is a lot of overacting. It's pretty boring with a feel of cheap futuristic sci-fi.
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Low rent sci-fi nonsense
Leofwine_draca18 June 2015
Although set in the same world as the Van Damme original, CYBORG 2: GLASS SHADOW is a low rent, low budget B-movie that has very little to do with the story, look, or feel of that action film. Instead this is a movie that models itself closely on BLADE RUNNER, with a dark and moody look of shadowy buildings, rain-lashed streets, and fluorescent lighting.

The erstwhile hero of the piece is a youthful Elias Koteas, who finds himself on the run with a young female cyborg when she's assigned a suicide bombing mission. Angelina Jolie plays the cyborg, which will be the most interesting thing for today's viewers; this was her debut adult role and she's surprisingly decent playing a robot conflicted with human emotions. This is a Jolie before she was encumbered with extensive tattoos and plastic surgery; at 17 years old she brings a breath of freshness to her role, one which would be missing just a few years later in her career.

Sadly, the usual shortcomings of the B-movie genre are here: action scenes ruined by poor choreography, a clichéd story, poor dialogue, and a general cheapness to the production. Koteas gives an assured performance but it's not enough to save the film. There are supporting parts for familiar players like Ric Young, Arnie double Sven-Ole Thorsen, and the underrated Billy Drago playing a typical villain. Jack Palance is also here, albeit briefly, chewing up the scene in an over the top cameo. Fans of robotic stuff will find the sci-fi elements kept to a minimum although there's at least one good fight scene to enjoy when Koteas and Drago go mano-a-mano late on in the proceedings.
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Angelina in an early film--a sorry sequel
atlasmb29 October 2014
When you watch this film, you can see that the participants were trying. There is evidence of real effort. But all you need to know is that Angelina Jolie says when she saw the film, she went home and was sick.

The film scores very low on this site and deservedly so. Much of it is boring. And much of the dialogue is cheesy.

There is a fine line between an homage and a derivative. "Cyborg 2" mostly has the feel of the latter.

Overall, this film is very uneven. Sometimes the music sounds impressive, sometimes annoying. Sometimes Angelina does a good job; most of the time she cannot overcome the script or her own inexperience. The plot has little to tell us. The action scenes cannot sustain the film on their own, though mostly they too are tedious.
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Jon Voights favourite movie....
FlashCallahan24 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the year 2074 the PinWheel corporation creates a 'almost-human' cyborg Casella Reese, aka. Cash.

She is designed specifically to charm/seduce her way into a rival manufacturer's headquarters and then self-detonate.

Things go awry, when she starts to have feelings for a human Colson Ricks, aka. Colt 45 who works for PinWheel as a martial arts instructor.

He falls for Cash as well, and with the help of Mercy, they escape.

PinWheel Corp. sends Danny Bench, a 'Cyborg Tracker' after both Colt and Cash...

There is only one reason to see this movie, and that's the debut of Jolie. For anybody else, it's a turgid, lifeless sequel which features a flashback of Van Dammes so they could nick the name.

On the plus side, we have Billy Drago doing the bad guy thing he did in almost very single straight to video release between 1990 and 1993. He's worth watching in almost anything,a nd the little screen time he has brings this from the mundane to the below average.

Jolie is nothing special, but I fear that the majority of people who want to see this movie are only interested in one scene, I must warn you, every ten seconds or so the scene cuts to Jack Palance looking moody.

A worthless movie, rightfully dismissed now by Jolie
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boring flick but one to see for Angelina Jolie fans
trashgang16 February 2012
This was the follow-up of 1989's success Cyborg. If you haven't seen the original one than it isn't a problem to watch this part because in the first minutes it is explained with fragments of the original what it was all about. But the second part is for me just a piece of crap.

This flick has really nothing to offer storywise. And some scene's are way too long. On part of the editing there are a few jumps that I thought, hell, I can do better. Michael Schroeder, the director, who also did Cyborg 3 tried to make a good flick, everything is in it but it just didn't work out.

What makes this flick worth hunting down for so many geeks is the list of actors in it. The biggest name must have been Jack Palance who I knew from so many blockbusters to independent to even trash flicks. But he's maybe 2 minutes in this flick. And see, his face is on the cover of the VHS/DVD even shown in a cyborg face that isn't in the flick, go figure out. Further we have Billy Drago from for example The Untouchables (1987) or Elias Coteas who went further to Shutter Island (2010) among other blockbusters. So much ability but it just didn't work out like it should.

But there is one name that makes this flick also worth watching and that is Angelina Jolie. Back then she was 18 years old and it shows on her voice and face but you can see that she had it in her to become a major actress. This was her second flick, Looking To Get Out (1982) was her first one and was credited as Angelina Jolie Voight, and immediately became the leading star. But for the perverts there's another thing why people hunt this bad movie. Angelina goes topless and it is clearly hers to see and no stand-in. It's funny to see an 18 year old Angelina having sex.

This flick proofs that even with good acting a flick doesn't work like it should be. A script is the beginning. But it's cheap to find (under 1 euro) and if you like Terminator rip-offs or post apocalyptic flicks then this is a must.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 1,5/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Me and Mercy down by the school yard...
fmarkland3230 June 2006
Cybrog 2:Glass Shadow stars Elias Koteas as Colton Hicks (Rhymes with kicks!) a karate instructor who helps a Cash (Jolie) escape from Pinwheel, her creators who look to detonate her and destroy a rival company. Along the way Billy Drago and Karen Shepherd show up to displace the duo, while Jack Palance is there to deliver guidance to the duo on the run. One of the things that is quite shocking about the Cyborg franchise, is how the series has managed to have quite prolific and off beat actors in the cast. The original had Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dayle Haddon (Don't know her? Well she was in a bunch of 70's pornos) this one has Jack Palance, Elias Koteas,Billy Drago and Angelina Jolie. The third one has William Katt, Zach Galligan and Malcom McDowell. (Okay so, Cyborg 3's cast isn't that impressive.) I've never seen Cyborg 3, but I did see this on Sci-Fi channel and must admit I wasn't impressed. Actually strike that, Cyborg 2 is an often lovely looking movie, it's shot with excellent style and the visual detail make this easy on the eye. However Cyborg 1 was the same way, indeed the movie was directed with a certain amount of style, slow motion and music that made it all easy on the eye. Unfortunately like the first, this one doesn't have any new ideas or anything resembling a plot or texture. Most of the ideas are taken from Blade Runner and Max Headroom, so for various reasons the movie doesn't have much to offer beyond it's look. Another aspect is the terrible acting. Karen Shepherd and Billy Drago are absolutely terrible and Angelina Jolie isn't much better. Elias Koteas and Jack Palance come off fine but seriously Palance is playing a cyborg warrior and Koteas is a karate instructor. I guess on the positive side you can't accuse Michael Schroeder of not being ambitious with casting. Still the movie is dull and I for one lost interest in the story fifteen minutes in. Also why did they tie it in with Cyborg anyway? It has nothing to do with it's predecessor, which this manages to be worse than.

* out of 4-(Bad)
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Interesting comparison
raymondcowie45521 January 2013
Just caught this on the horror channel and I definitely reckon Angelina Jolie's rack has got bigger since then. That is pretty much the most salient point I took from an otherwise unremarkable rickety old straight to DVD Terminator inspired late night TV channel filler. You know the score. Now apparently the minimum requirements for a review is ten lines, which leaves me in the embarrassing position of desperately trying to fill those ten lines. Which, given my fairly absent state of mind after watching this title, will be difficult, and I apologise in advance to anyone unfortunate enough to read this expecting at the very minimum, for the words to relate in some way to the film. I make that nine and a half lines, so now we should be...........there.
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I like it quite a bit...a lot more than the first Cyborg.
Aaron13757 June 2005
I was just looking at the 100 bottom movies according to IMDb users seeing if there was anything to review that I haven't yet and I found this little screen gem. One of those occasions when you see a movie ranked as one of the worst and you just have to be one of the few that actually likes it. Darn, well I guess I will get ridiculed and spat upon here, but for me this was a pretty good flick when I saw it. It has been awhile however, I remember it used to come on HBO late at night and I watched it two or three times and I haven't seen it really since and I would love to watch it again now knowing Jolie was in it. The story follows a cyborg and a guy trying to escape the clutches of this corporation and some bounty hunters after them. I think that is basically all there is to it, throw in a few scenes with Jack Palance and we have our movie. Some good action here and there, and some blood and violence as well. There is also a love story at play as well as the female cyborg and the guy who trained her to fight kind of fall in love with each other. The dialog sometimes becomes rather bad at times and it is by far not a top notch film, but for a b-movie it is really good. I don't know if it was a theatrical release though because it does not seem high quality enough for that, but it does make for one of the better direct to videos if it was one of those.
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Underrated, interesting sequel
Vomitron_G5 September 2011
How many sci-fi/action B-movies from the '90s featuring cyborgs do you know of that are actually any good? "Cyborg 2" is a shamefully underrated sequel to Albert Pyun's original from 1989 and it actually succeeds in surpassing its predecessor. The story has more heart & thought put into it (you get a little bit less action sequences because of this), the production values were decent and the special effects quite impressive for this type of production (especially the wide shots of a futuristic, post-apocalyptic city are well-crafted, echoing some of the visuals seen previously in Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner"). It wasn't until producers read the script of "Glass Shadow", they decided to turn it into a sequel to Pyun's film. But "Cyborg 2" is pretty much a standalone film, merely just referencing the first film by adding some footage of it. A female cyborg (Angelina Jolie) and her trainer (Elias Koteas) form a leading duo we actually care about, while they're on the run from the corporation that employed them. Being hunted down by a bounty hunter (Billy Drago) and another female cyborg assassin (Karen Sheperd), the mysterious entity Mercy (Jack Palance) guides them through the city. There are many far worse cyborg movies out there, which usually revolve around showcasing some martial arts & blowing things up. "Cyborg 2" has some of that too, but still manages to be a little different.
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Have Mercy... Get it? Jack Palance's character...
paul_haakonsen15 October 2016
For some reason I never got around to watch the first "Cyborg" movie, the one from 1989 starring Jean Claude Van Damme. It just always reeked of low budget, and thus I avoided it as if it was on fire. I didn't know that they had made a part two and three to the movie, before I stumbled upon "Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow" by sheer random luck, and now saw that there is a "Cyborg 3: The Recycler" as I looked up "Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow" here on IMDb.

If the first movie is anywhere near as catastrophic as this second movie is, then I have been avoiding it for a good reason. Because, while this sequel has Elias Koteas and Angelina Jolie in it, as well as the iconic voice of Jack Palance, then the movie was a shambled mess of a chaotic movie trying to make sense.

The story is about cyborg Casella Reese (played by Angelina Jolie) whom is carrying a high-explosive compound inside her, as she is designed to be the ultimate espionage cyborg. With the assistance of Colton Ricks (played by Elias Koteas), the renegade cyborg is freed into the chaotic world outside the confines of the PinWheel corporation.

Right, well I am sure that the storyline worked well enough on paper and for the ones who wrote it. But it didn't really translate all that well on the screen. I found the movie to be a somewhat cluster of random scenes put together in order to achieve a wholesome end result. But it wasn't successful.

I felt my interest in the storyline dwindle quite shortly into the movie, and director Michael Schroeder failed to lead me back on track, because the movie never progressed into something that had any real interest in terms of an attractive storyline.

The acting in the movie was actually good, despite the talents having virtually nothing to work with.

As for the special effects, which are quite important in order for a Sci-Fi movie to prove effective, then the special effects department that worked on "Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow" didn't really achieve anything worthwhile, impressive or memorable. And for a futuristic movie, then I was really amazed with what had to be a very antique phone booth with a rotary wheel dial standing in a junk yard, fully functional and operational, and requiring no coins or other payments to use.

After having seen part two, then I still feel discouraged from actually sitting down and watching the original 1989 "Cyborg" movie, despite having it in my DVD collection. And I am even less interested in watching part three after this disastrous movie.

"Cyborg 2: Glass Shadow" scores a mere three out of ten stars here from me, and I do feel very generous with that rating.
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