Logan's Run (1976) Poster


Michael York: Logan



  • Box : Regular storage procedure. The same as the other food. The other food stopped coming. And they started.

    Logan : What other food?

    Box : Fish, and plankton. And sea greens, and protein from the sea. It's all here, ready. Fresh as harvest day. Fish and sea greens, plankton and protein from the sea. And then it stopped coming. And they came instead. So I store them here. I'm ready. And you're ready. It's my job. To freeze you. Protein, plankton...

  • Logan : Who are you?

    Box : I am more than machine. More than man. More than a fusion of the two. Don't you agree? Wait for the winds. Then my birds sing. And the deep grottos whisper my name. Box... Box... Box...

  • Old Man : You mean to say that those people know ahead of time when they're gonna die?

    Logan : That's right.

    Old Man : Oh, that's silly. What's the reason for that?

    Logan : That's the way things are. The way things have always been.

    Old Man : Yeah, it takes all the fun out of dying.

  • Logan : Killed? Why do you use that word?

    Jessica : Isn't that what you do? Kill?

    Logan : I've never killed anyone in my life. Sandman terminate runners. What's your name?

    Jessica : Jessica.

    Logan : You're sad enough. You're beautiful. Let's have sex.

    Jessica : No.

    Logan : Then why are you wasting my time, hmmm? Why did you put yourself on the circuit?

    Jessica : I thought I had to do something. I told you it was a mistake. And I've changed my mind.

    Logan : Because I'm a Sandman? Am I your first?

    Jessica : Yes. And I'm curious.

  • Logan : NO! Don't go in there! You don't have to die! No one has to die at 30! You could live! LIVE! Live, and grow old! I've seen it! She's seen it!

    [shows the crystal on his palm] 

    Logan : Well, look! LOOK! LOOK, IT'S CLEAR!

    [crowd laughs] 

    Computer : Lastday, Capricorn 29's. Year of the City: 2274. Carousel begins.

    Jessica : No! Don't! Don't go! Listen to him! He's telling the truth!

    [more laughter] 

    Jessica : We've been outside! There's another world outside! We've seen it!

    [Sandmen grab them] 

    Logan : Life clocks are a lie! Carousel is a lie! THERE IS NO RENEWAL!

  • Jessica : [seeing the sun for the first time]  What is it?

    Logan : I don't know. Whatever it is, it's warm.

  • Logan : Question?

    Computer : Hold. Unaccounted runners: One Zero Five Six. You may state your question.

    Logan : One thousand and fifty-six unaccounted for?

    Computer : The number is correct.

    Logan : That's impossible. Question: Maybe they weren't all runners. Maybe most of them reached life renewal on Carousel. Question: Nobody reached renewal? But, everybody believes that, that some...

    Computer : The question has been answered, Logan 5.

    Logan : You mean, nobody's ever been renewed?

    Computer : The question has been answered.

  • Jessica : A friend of mine went on carousel. Now he's gone.

    Logan : Yes, well, I'm sure he was renewed.

    Jessica : He was killed.

  • Logan : Did you ever see Francis 8?

    Francis : I never even visited Nursery before tonight.

    Logan : You know, when you question, it slows you down.

    Francis : I don't know. What makes you so curious? Do you know who his seed mother was?

    Logan : Of course not! I'm curious, not sick!

  • Logan : Run, runner!

  • Logan : Question: What is it?

    Computer : That is the name of the object: Ankh. Do you identify this word? Sanctuary?

    Logan : Negative.

    Computer : Sanctuary is a pre-catastrophe code word. Used for a place of immunity.

    Logan : I don't understand?

    Computer : The object Ankh has been identified with the code word Sanctuary. The object and the word both relate to runners who have not been accounted for.

  • Logan : Everything made sense... until Box.

  • Holly : I like dark hair

    [whispers into Logan's ear] 

    Holly : Tell him to give you dark hair.

    Doc : All set! Did you have anything special in mind?

    Logan : Oh, I don't care just...

    Holly : Dark hair.

    Logan : Oh yes! Holly would like dark hair.

  • Logan : They lived together? All their years?

    Old Man : Yeah. Oh, well, before I come along, I don't know what. But, after, I, oh yes. They did.

    Jessica : So, people stayed together for this feeling of love? They would live and raise children and be remembered?

    Old Man : Yeah. Raised me, didn't they? Right in there. Yeah.

    Jessica : I think I'd like that, Logan. Don't you?

    Logan : Why not?

    Jessica : Beloved husband.

    Logan : Beloved wife.

    Old Man : Beloved son.

  • Doc : [shaking hands]  This is a real privilege Sandman!

    Logan : For me too. I, I thought you'd be older. I mean, I was expecting a Red.

    Doc : [smiling, holds up hand to reveal life clock]  I am.

    Logan : Your own work?

    Doc : Yes, I did it myself.

  • Jessica : You can have any woman in the city. What do you really want?

    Logan : You know.

    [both begin laughing] 

    Jessica : The choice is still mine?

    Logan : Of course.

    Jessica : This time, the answer is yes.

  • Logan : [after Francis looks angrily at a Red]  Look, why were you so angry just now? What did he do to you?

    Francis : That Red's gonna run, I can always tell.

  • Logan : This place is a link to Sanctuary, isn't it?

    Box : Link? Hmmmm...

    Logan : How do you think we got here?

    Box : Same as the others. Don't you remember?

    Logan : Why do you think we're here?

    Box : [very confused]  Why? Why?

  • Francis : Aw, what the hell took you so long?

    Logan : It was the debriefing, uh... it ws more complicated than usual.

    Francis : Well, c'mon. Get in the water.

    Logan : Francis, did you - did you ever SEE anybody renew?

    Francis : Ha ha! I think you've been skulking out too much. First nursery, now silly qustions.

    Logan : No, but - did you?

    Francis : Did I what?

    Logan : See anybody renew.

    Francis : Of course!

    Logan : Anybody we know?

    Francis : Look, get into the water. You need it. More than I do.

    Logan : Francis, I have to talk to you... Well, I'll see you.

  • Holly : [Logan and Jessica enter laser cosmetic center]  Hello Sandman! We don't get many Sandmen here. I think there's only been one other since I've been here.

    Logan : Well, a Sandman can get just as sick of his face as any one else.

  • Doc : Well Sandman, what will it be? Face job or full body job?

    Logan : Just the face.

    Doc : Fine, Holly will get you ready. You're in expert hands Sandman

    [looks at Holly] 

    Doc : believe me.

  • Holly : [prepping for a new face]  Will you get on the table please?

    Logan : Do you need me to take my clothes off?

    Holly : Not for your face.

  • Francis : Sandman always renew, I know.

    Logan : But, you don't know. You just assume. One for one. What everyone's been taught to believe. One for one.

    Francis : Well, why not? That's exactly how everything works. It keeps everything in balance. One is terminated. One is born. It's simple, logical, perfect. Do you have a better system?

  • Computer : You will find Sanctuary and destroy.

    Logan : Question: What if I need help from another Sandman?

    Computer : Negative. You will begin assignment by becoming a runner seeking Sanctuary.

    Logan : Question: I'm only Red 6 now. Well, how can I pretend that I'm approaching last day?

    Computer : Identify.

    Logan : My life-clock.

    [it's blinking] 

    Logan : Question: my life-clock?

    Computer : Retrogram complete. Proceed: Zero Three Three Zero Three.

    Logan : But? Am I still Red 6? But, I have four more years. I will get them back, won't I?

    Computer : You will take the object Ankh with you for identification.

    Logan : Question: Do I get my four years back?

  • Jessica : I never heard of a Sandman running, ever.

    Logan : And I never heard of Sanctuary.

  • Jessica : Logan, look! Look at your palm! The crystal - it's clear. What does it mean?

    Logan : The life-clocks have no power outside. We're free!

  • Logan : [looking at a statue on the outside]  I've never seen a face like that before. That must be the look of - of being old.

  • Jessica : Look at his face and his hair. Is that what it is to grow old?

    Old Man : Well, I guess so. Yes.

    Logan : How old are you?

    Old Man : I'm as old as I am, I suppose.

    Logan : Your hair is - your hair is white?

    Old Man : Yeah. Well, it wasn't always that color. I got my color someplace here. It wasn't your color and it wasn't much like her's either.

    Jessica : Those cracks, on your face, do they hurt?

    Old Man : No.

    Jessica : Can I touch them?

    Old Man : Oh, my! Try.

  • Logan : What's wrong? Do you prefer women?

    Jessica : No.

  • Logan : No Cubs over 15, Billy! Look, have you ever seen a Cub that's gone to green? You'll have to leave Cathedral then, Billy, because they won't let you stay here. And if you do try to stay here, Billy, your young friends here will rip your guts apart!

  • Logan : There... is... no... sanctuary.

  • Logan : Well, has, uh, anyone else ever passed through here?

    Old Man : No. Oh, there may be a few out there. I don't know. No, I don't know.

    Logan : What makes you think that?

    Old Man : Well, my parents told me. My mother... and my, you know, the... um, father.

    Logan : You knew your mother and father?

    Old Man : Sure. They raised me. Uh, you know... They raised me.

    Jessica : How were you grown? Inside your mother?

    Old Man : Right in there.

    Jessica : Are you sure?

    Old Man : Well, that's what she told me. I have to, I have to believe her. I don't know.

  • [first lines] 

    Logan : [tapping on a glass window of maternity room]  Wake up.

    Francis : Logan, you are here. I couldn't believe it when they told me. What are you doing?

    Logan : [indicates baby]  Logan 6. Well it's not everyday that they authorize a new sandman. I tell you Francis,

    [indicating baby] 

    Logan : that's him.

    Francis : Well maybe, maybe not. What does it matter? Anyway, he isn't yours anymore.

    Logan : [continues tapping lightly on the glass] 

    Francis : All right, you want me to wake him?

    [bangs loudly on the glass with his baton] 

    Francis : [alarms ring and lights flash] 

  • Jessica : [looking at the sun]  What is it?

    Logan : I don't know. Whatever it is, it's warm.

    Jessica : We must be outside!

  • Logan : [walking through a graveyard on the outside]  They've all got names and numbers on them. I wonder what they are?

    Jessica : "Beloved Husband", "Beloved Wife." I wonder what it means?

  • Jessica : Are the Cubs really as wild as they say?

    Logan : You've never been there have you?

    Jessica : No, of course not.

    Logan : Well, you wanted to come with me. You'll find out. Oh, they're wild, alright. They're the violent ones. There's no place else for them, unless they change.

    Jessica : Some people say its because they're born in breeders. Had you heard that?

    Logan : We're all born in breeders. But, most of us don't end up running wild in Cathedral.

    Jessica : No, but they say human mothering might be better. I wish I'd known my mother.

    Logan : Where do you get these crazy ideas?

  • Old Man : [admiring Logan and Jessica's time crystals]  Can I have one of those?

    Logan : I'm afraid that's not possible.

  • Logan : Who are you?

    Old Man : Who are you?

    Logan : I'm Logan 5. This is Jessica 6.

    Old Man : Well, I never much cared for my name, even when I could remember it.

    Jessica : We're from the city.

    Logan : Yes. Yes, we came through the ice. We got past Box.

    Old Man : Box?

    Jessica : This is Sanctuary, isn't it?

    Old Man : Sanctuary?

  • Logan : Runner terminated. Zero point three one. Ready for clean-up.

  • Logan : I might look in on the New You myself. Number 43.

    Francis : Why?

    Logan : It was that runner. I think he got a face change on last day. So, somebody in 43 was trying to help him.

    Francis : Check it out.

  • Logan : Hello.

    [kisses his selected companion for the night] 

    Logan : Welcome.

    [leads her over to the couch, and wants to start making out immediately] 

    Jessica : Please, no.

    Logan : Please? No?


    Logan : Come on.

    [leads her upstairs to what is clearly going to be the bedroom] 

    Jessica : No.

    Logan : What's wrong, hmm? Oh, you prefer women?

    Jessica : No.

    Logan : [snickers]  Well?

    Jessica : Nothing. I felt sad. I put myself on the circuit. It was a mistake.

  • Jessica : You can have any woman in the City. What do you really want?

    [he approaches her, holds up his palm with the blinking red crystal] 

    Jessica : Why show me?

    Logan : Because I've got to run.

    Jessica : Why tell me?

    Logan : You know something.

    Jessica : About running? Dying? What?

    Logan : Both. But... running is what I'm interested in.

    Jessica : I know what everyone knows. Try like hell for renewal. You have the same chance as anyone else. Carrousel.

    Logan : Look, don't you understand? It's difficult now because it's me! My life. Help me.

    Jessica : How can I?

    [he shows her the Ankh cross] 

    Jessica : Where did you get that?

    Logan : I got it from a runner.

    Jessica : And then you killed him, right?

    Logan : It was my job. But now... now it's different. Believe me.

    Jessica : I don't.

See also

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