The Gestapo's Last Orgy (1977) Poster

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Romance in a Nazi death camp
Red-Barracuda28 June 2006
The Gestapo's Last Orgy concerns an unlikely romance between a Nazi death camp commandant and a Jewish female prisoner, Lise Cohen. Shortly after the war they rendezvous at the dilapidated remains of the concentration camp they met. From here, the story is told in flashback. We discover that the camp was used to incarcerate Jewish women. These women were subsequently subjected to all manner of sexual degradation, torture and death. Lise refuses to be broken by her Nazi oppressors and, subsequently, becomes the object of the camp commandant's obsession. This leads to her being treated in increasingly degrading ways. But the commandant's obsession also offers her hope of salvation.

As an example of the Naziploitation sub-genre, The Gestapo's Last Orgy is a more hard-edged entry than the very silly SS Experiment Camp. Unlike the latter film, there is more of an attempt at authenticity. The victims are clearly referred to as Jews and the treatment meted out to the women is often very disturbing. That is not to say that the film is a convincing depiction of events in a Nazi death camp - it is pretty ridiculous a lot of the time. However, there is a definite mean-spiritedness about this exploitation movie. The women seem to be constantly undressed. There is a great deal of sexual assault, humiliation and torture. The victims are hung naked from chains, fed to dobermans, drowned in quicklime - you name it. This, of course, all sounds extremely lurid and nasty. And it is. But the film isn't terribly well-made, so it isn't quite as shocking as it sounds. The crazy dubbing does not help matters either. Nevertheless, I would be very surprised if this film finds itself released uncut on DVD in the UK. With it's combination of sex and violence, this is one of the infamous 'video nasties' that would still pose some problems to UK censors. So, if that is enough of a recommendation for you then go for it.
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When `Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS' Meets `The Night Porter' and `Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom'
claudio_carvalho31 August 2004
The beautiful blonde (Daniela Poggi) is sent to a concentration camp for female Jews to be sexually used by the German soldiers. She is not afraid of dying, since she believes she provoked the death of her family in a ghetto. Commandant Conrad von Starker (Marc Loud) feels challenged by her behavior and decides to torture her, making she faces the horror of death. Later, she becomes her sexual slave of along the period of war. In the post-war, they meet each other, with this meeting ending in a tragic way. This type of 'exploitation movie' recalls `Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS', with a shallow drama which recalls `The Night Porter' and violence like `Salo, or The 120 Days of Sodom'. At least, Daniela Poggi, who works naked along all the movie, has a beautiful body and the violence is limited, therefore it is watchable. I do not like this genre, but there are movies worse than `L' Ultima orgia del III Reich'. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): `As Condenadas' (`The Condemned')
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"What fun would it be to kill you when you have no desire to live." Dull Nazi exploitation film.
poolandrews29 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich, or under it's more common Gestapo's Last Orgy & the ridiculous Caligula Reincarnated as Hitler (there's nothing about reincarnation & Hitler never makes an appearance, talk about false advertising!) English titles, starts with ex Nazi prisoner Lise Cohen (Daniela Poggi as Daniela Levy) several years after she was freed meeting up with sadistic camp commander Cammandant Conrad von Staker (Marc Loud) at the abandoned ruins of the prisoner of war camp where they first met many years ago. This was no ordinary prison camp however, this was a prison camp for Jewish women who were there to be used & abused by various German officers & soldiers during the war, some of the women were killed while others were systematically raped & humiliated by the Nazi's & some were even thrown to the Doberman's by evil female Nazi Alma (Maristella Greco) to be torn apart. Lise was one such Jewish prisoner but her attitude was different somehow, she was not scared to die or by anything that Staker & his guards could throw at her. This made Staker unhappy & he decides to make it his personal mission to break Lise for reasons too petty to go into here. Although Staker dumps her best friend in quicklime & threatens her with killer hamsters eventually they begin to fall in love, but surely an affair between a Nazi officer & Jewish prisoner during World War II will never work out...

This Italian produced film was co-written, produced & directed by Cesare Canevari & found some undeserved notoriety by being banned in the UK & placed on the 'Video Nasties' list. Despite it's reputation & subject matter L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich isn't anything to get too excited about, maybe the contents of this film were considered shocking & offencive back in the 80's but today with graphic sex & violence common place on our cinema & TV screens this film might turn out to be a bit of a disappointment for exploitation fans. The script by Canevari & Antonio Lucarella is a little slow, somewhat dull, monotonous (it never leaves the confines of the camp) & uneventful while it also takes itself far too seriously, there are plenty of Nazi speech's about their superiority & that these Jewish women must suffer. I quite liked the idea of a wrap around story set in the present with the bulk of the film told through flashbacks & I also liked the ending which at least showed a little thought. The character's are sparse with Lise & Straker taking centre stage for the most part with everyone else coming & going very abruptly, the kind Doctor for instance has a subplot where he befriends Lise but is then dropped a good 20 minutes before the end never to be seen or heard again just after they have had sex together. Technically L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich is not too bad at all & is really the only thing it has going for it, the sets & production design are nice enough, the effects, music & cinematography are decent & it's better made than most other films of this type. There is far more sex & nudity than violence & gore, the version I watched appeared to have a brief hardcore masturbation shot too as well as lots of soft-core sex & rape. The gore is limited to a few blood splashes there is a silly looking shot where Lise is hung upside down & threatened with flesh-eating rats which in reality are obviously just hamsters. The acting is OK but the dubbing is, as usual, not up too much & some of the English dialogue is just plain stupid. I can't say I enjoyed L' Ultima Orgia del III Reich that much, despite it's reputation & a few sweaty sex scenes there isn't much happening here, to give it some credit it's well made & at least tries to tell a story between the average exploitation elements even if it didn't quite succeed in entertaining me that much. If your looking for a women in prison film that delivers the exploitation goods then may I suggest you track down the Ilsa films, Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS (1975), Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks (1976), Ilsa, The Wicked Warden (1977) & Ilsa, The Tigress of Siberia (1977) or the similar-ish Salo, or the 120 days of Sodom (1976) instead. For the Nazi completest only.
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massiveapple5 August 2003
It takes something special to shock those of us who chew popcorn through Hong Kong gore movies and watch the bulldozer decapitation scene from "Island Of Death" to cheer ourselves up. Blood and guts won't do it: if you've ever seen a movie like "Flower Of Flesh And Blood", you hardly blink at a badly-acted torture scene or two. Nastiness isn't enough: those who've sat through the rape scene in "I Spit On Your Grave" won't find any of the sexual violence in "Gestapo's Last Orgy" remotely disturbing. So why is this strange, strange movie more unsettling than any of the other obscure trash/gore/exploitation flicks some of us love so much?

Unlike "SS Experiment Camp" or "The Beast In Heat", "The Gestapo's Last Orgy" isn't quite ridiculous enough to be camp...unlike "Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS", it's not an outrageous bad-taste romp for whooping drive-in punters. Influenced more by "The Night Porter" than anything else, this unsavoury bucket of softcore death-camp swill actually thinks it's A Proper Movie.

Director Cesare Canavari has a ball ripping off Fellini, Godard, Pasolini and Tinto Brass on a college-project budget, while the script attempts to explore Sadeian themes with some level of seriousness. Uniquely among the Nazisploitation films, the movie specifically refers to the prisoners as Jewish. But this is a movie in which Nazis sit round a dinner table saying "there's nothing better than a pot-roast of unborn Jew!" - in a "dramatic" boat scene, a technician can be seen kneeling in the back of the boat. It's a cheapo, badly-made schlock shocker just like all the others! Its pretentions are what make it so mindbogglingly shocking - what the hell were these people thinking?
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A good film to see before you kill yourself
daniel-mannouch28 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Mother of God

I know it is never good to write about a film just after watching it, but for this, this...this! I'll make an exception. Not since Salo has a film given me the feeling of kidney stones slowly forming inside my stomach.

This Night Porter clone is an art film disguised as exploitation. Know this going in, if you must. This... is not... fun! It is not trash. It is a well made, darkly imaginative piece of softcore pretencion that is a real challenge to get through in one sitting. Wall to wall human misery, depravity and sexual abuse picture-booked together by a bluntly executed sadean love dynamic that has no place in-between such depressing scenes. The film's hap hazard approach to narrative content and arrangement makes me question the intent and morals of the creative minds behind the camera. I mean, what the hell happened!? Was it a rough shoot? Producers interfering? Too many re-writes? Or just a gun-ho faux visionary looking to shock the masses and make a name for himself?

Whatever it was, the result is clumsy, decadent and fails at providing any sort of potency other than simple truths like there is the potential for evil within us all. Ideas so matter of fact do not deserve to be expressed in scenes so oppressively effective. The result is nothing but shock value, no matter how technically competent they are, which considering this film's themed brethren and the Italian's idea of a low budget are quite well accomplished.

Again, that's all there is to say. It's well made. Other than that, it's emotionally and morally bankrupt and doesn't deserve nothing more than the accolade of being the most well made of the nazisploitation films.

If you want like enjoyably bad films, see SS Girls, if you like laughably bad films, see Beast in Heat, if you like nothing, nothing in life, see Gestapo's Last Orgy. One of the most depressing films i've ever seen.

Your life can do without this.
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„Schindler's List" for depraved sadists
t_atzmueller1 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Hey – you! Yes, you: reader. Are you so jaded already that you consider "Salo – 120 Days of Sodom" a feel-good movie and the Marquis De Sade a decent chap? Do you think yourself as an animal-friendly and philanthropic because you enjoyed watching "Cannibal Holocaust"? Think yourself as the sickest of all sick-puppies and consider the term "depraved sadist" an honorary title? Yes? Well, then you've come to the right place.

Unless you count snuff-films and the hardest, most illegal forms of pornography cinematic art, films don't come lower or sicker than this. In the 1970s, "exploitation" was the word of the day and film-makers were ever hard-pressed to find ways to cater to a rapidly jading audience. From the "Zombie"- and "Cannibal"-genres to "Witch hunter"- and "raped nuns"-sub genres, the "Nazi-exploitation"-films were more or less the logic conclusion.

As such we could imagine the dialog between a C-movie producer and his underling in the 1970s, possibly somewhere in an office by the outskirts of Rome:

Underling: "Boss, the sales of Rape-the-nun-films have gone down 40 percent last month." Producer: "Well, then film the butcher of some animals and splice the scenes in between the rape scenes". Underling: "No animals left in the back-lot and the zoo refuses to sell us any more turtles."

Producer thinks for a few moments, taking a deep drag from his hashish-laced cigarette.

Producer: "I've got it! Dress the nun up as a concentration-camp prisoner and put the rapists in some SS-uniforms. Then get filming." Underling: "But you really think our audience will consider SS-prison-guards as bad guys?" Producer (after another moment ofthoughts): "Then film a scene where the protagonists dine on "pot roast of unborn Jew", that should do the trick." Underling: "We still have some footage of incest and coprophilia, shouldn't we use them before the negatives start to fade?" Producer: "Make it so and be quick about it. I want to distribute the film next Friday."

Think of "Schindler's List" being crossbred with "Caligula" by a psychopathic director (indeed, this movie has alternatively and aptly been named "Caligula reborn as Hitler") and you'll get the picture.

In terms of exploitation-films I'd give it 10/10 points – compared to anything else, I'd simply call it dirt.

Oh, by the way, if the answer to the question above is a distinct "no" and still find the strength to push the "play"-button (perhaps being a psychologist or have an interest in anthropology), keep a stack of barf-bags nearby.
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If only it really was the Gestapo's LAST orgy...
The_Void25 October 2006
If it's a bad film you're after, then I recommend seeing anything from the abysmal Nazisploitation sub-genre, as unless I'm missing something; they're all terrible! Never has there been a film type so moronic and redundant, and The Gestapo's Last Orgy doesn't do anything to make me reconsider that notion. I suppose in fairness; it has to be said that this isn't as bad as the completely crap SS Experiment Camp, but it really isn't too far off. My only reason for bothering with this film is because of the fact that it was a part of the DPP's Video Nasty list back in the eighties, and I'm pleased to say that now I've seen three of the four Nazisploitation flicks on the list, I only have one left to go (the almost certainly mind numbing Love Camp 7). The Gestapo's Last Orgy is slightly more epic than most of the rest of the sub-genre, but that's not a good thing as it only means that it's even more boring. The plot has something to do with a prisoner of war whom various sick Nazi's see fit to experiment on, only for her to start playing her own game with them...or something. The storyline is too meandering to be satisfying, and most of the film is caught up in showing how sick the Nazi's were - like we need a film to show us that! I'm a big fan of cult cinema, and almost all the sub-genres have some decent films among them - that is, except Nazisploitation. Overall, I have to say that unless you're working your way through the Video Nasty list - this is one to avoid!
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Pretty Bad
arfdawg-110 April 2017
The Plot. Lise Cohen is taken to a special prisoner-of-war camp for female Jews, a camp run as a bordello to entertain the German officers and troops going in to battle. The camp is run with an iron fist by Commandant Starker and his minion Alma. Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear, and devises cruel experiments to scare her, to no avail. Once she realizes her guilt is unfounded, Lise begins to play Starker's game, but even though she begins living a better life, she doesn't forget the atrocities she has seen and experienced.

The titles are the best part of this film. Other than that, I fast forwarded to the atrocity parts because it's really boring.

Frankly, so are the atrocities. They make no sense.

Not one of the better exploitation movies.
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mmthos31 August 2021
I don't believe any entertainment should be derived from the depiction of Nazi atrocities. I saw this as i attempt to see all Britain's video nasties of the 1980's to better understand the censorship of the time, and i can certainly understand how it wound up on that list. Regrettably, it is quite well done, well-shot with professional actors in accurate period costumes and sets and, of course, beautiful victims. It's not just the mishmash of sex and violence you'd expect from run of the mill exploitation films, but contains a well-measured plot, events meted out deliberately, if excrutiatingly, but dramatically valid. I can't resist mentioning a mostly unintentionally comic orgy scene where a group of soldiers are lined up naked and exhorted by their commandant to violate the prisoners to revitalize themselves for battle. After a quick full-frontal flash of the line, the camera then switches to close-up going down the line of their hairy backsides, the first of which farts (comic relief?) the last of which gets a thumb up it from his next in line., then cuts to frames of flailing naked arms and legs and torsos, the most full-on sex in the movie, for a few frantic seconds But unless you're studying censorship or have a sick fascination for Nazisploitation, i wouldn't recommend it.
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More nauseating Nazi nastiness.
BA_Harrison11 March 2007
Unlike the extremely camp exercise in bad taste that is 'Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS' , Gestapo's Last Orgy is a more unflinching look at the atrocities committed in a Nazi concentration camp, shot in a quasi-serious style. With its harrowing scenes of sexual abuse and violent death and torture, it is easy to understand why this movie might be considered more shocking than other similarly themed flicks from the same era; but is delivering a rawer and nastier (but still very exploitative) movie any more distasteful or disrespectful than making light of the subject matter?

In my opinion, all Nazisploitation movies are treading on dodgy ground and if you're going to use such a touchy subject to make a film that is designed to titillate and disgust, then you might as well go the whole hog. Director Cesare Canevari certainly thinks so; with Gestapo's Last Orgy, he delivers an often sickening piece of no holds barred cinema that should satisfy most fans of extreme movie-making.

Daniela Poggi plays Lise Cohen, a beautiful young Jewish woman being held in a Nazi 'love camp'. Believing that she is responsible for the death of her family, she has lost the will to live and offers no resistance when tortured by evil Commandant Conrad von Starker (Adriano Micantoni). Frustrated by the lack of emotion shown by the woman, Conrad makes Lise his special project and tells her that she will learn to love life once she has experienced real fear.

When a friendly doctor discovers that Lise was not actually to blame for the death of her loved ones, he tells her, thus restoring her will to live and, in turn, her fear of death. In order to survive, she must now pretend that von Starker has succeeded in breaking her, and become his lover...

With scenes of mass extermination, violent rape, and general lack of respect for human life, Canevari's sick flick is certainly disturbing; although not packed with the the wall-to-wall gore that one might expect, the sheer nastiness of some moments make this one hard to stomach at times. When the head honchos at the camp tuck into a meal made from 'unborn Jew', or douse a woman in Cognac and set her on fire, it's not necessarily the visuals that will make you gag, but the idea being portrayed.

Occasionally the pace of the movie lulls and sometimes Canevari sees fit to get rather pretentious with his direction, but, on the whole, the film is a decent enough watch for those seeking some sleaze. And although I imagine the makers never intended to provide any laughs, I defy anyone to not giggle at the moment when Lise is suspended above flesh-eating rats (actually rather disinterested gerbils) or the 'sex' scene between Lise and the doctor, which consists of several minutes of them rolling around together naked, but never actually seeming to bother with any serious boning!

6.5 out of 10 (rounded up to 7 for IMDb).
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Particularly unpleasant
Leofwine_draca12 November 2022
THE GESTAPO'S LAST ORGY is a particularly unpleasant slice of Italian Naziploitation, even by the grubby standards of this gruelling genre. The hinted-at relationship between the Nazi officer and the Jewish camp inmate sticks in the craw, and what perhaps makes this so disturbing is that it's well shot throughout, with a classy, arthouse look to it. The plot is minimal, and like many women in prison movies, this is just a series of unpleasant clips: rape and sexual violence, humiliation, torture and violent death. It's creative at times but it really does wallow in the sleaze, with no stone left unturned in its depiction of abominable crimes.
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love seen through a glass, darkly
andrabem9 May 2007
I've read some reviews of this film and I think they are missing something. OK! This is a nazisploitation flick - there's a concentration camp for Jewish women (for coincidence, most of them young and pretty), there is a scene in which a woman is thrown to the dogs for feeding them; in another one young girls are standing side by side waiting to be raped by German soldiers; and there's also a sadomasochistic relationship between Commandant Starker and a woman officer and so on..... But beyond these attractions, "L'Ultima Orgia del III Reich" is about a love relationship between Commandant Starker and a Jewish girl, Lise. It is a love relationship born first from fear - the omnipresent death surrounding and threatening everything had succeeded in drowning hate in a lake of numbness - Lise had hardened herself into indifference and Starker's violence stirs something in her. A dark love affair ensues, and nonetheless it is in some ways a truer depiction of love than the one that is usually given by the average film, where everything is clean and white.

Commandant Starker had made everything he could to break Lise (she had even been tied upside down, her head near a floor crowded with mice). But he had noticed he couldn't make her lose her mind.

And then Lise she seduces Starker. They start a love relationship, fed by opportunism, hate, fear and luxury and driven by power and death. There's a moment in which Starker says to Lise: "I showed you death, now you can start to really live".

But this a a doomed relationship - born in a concentration camp, fed by fear and numbness, aroused by death and violence and corroded by hate and quiet despair. It is an interesting story. Try to leave your prejudices at the door and you may be surprised.
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Mediocre "Nazisploitation" Attempt
EVOL66626 September 2005
CALIGULA REINCARNATED AS Hitler is a decent, yet somewhat dull Nazi flick in the same realm as ILSA and all the other copy-cats. Basic story- Lise is taken to a camp where the head Nazi-guy tries to break her will with torture. Lise is a strong-willed young lady and won't be broken so easily. Eventually, Lise realizes she can turn the game on it's head by cooperating and giving the head Nazi-guy what he wants. She finally pretends to fall in love with him so that she can act out her revenge... The main difference between this film and many of the other "Nazisploitation" films is that this one appears to take itself pretty seriously. It doesn't have the "campy" feel of the ILSA flicks and every thing is played straight-faced. I think this adds to the atmosphere of the film, but to be quite honest, there isn't much to this film anyway. The torture scenes are pretty tame and there's a few lame sex scenes. There are a few decent moments. The human-flesh-dinner-scene comes to mind...but overall this film is rather dull and not very shocking. A decent attempt but all-in-all a rather forgettable film. If you are looking for a real shockfest or bloodbath - this isn't it. Obviously CALIGULA REINCARNATED won't be for all tastes due to the subject matter, but for the exploit/horror enthusiasts out there, this one will seem rather bland. A generous 6.5/10
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No wonder it was their last...
paul_haakonsen23 June 2023
...Because this movie was just ludicrous.

Sure, I wasn't harboring much of any hopes when I sat down to watch this 1977 Italian exploitation movie here in 2023. I had actually never heard about it before I stumbled upon it. And with it being a movie that I had never seen, nor heard about, of course I opted to check it out.

And I just wasted 49 minutes of my time on this rubbish. Yeah, I managed to endure a staggering 49 minutes out of the 96 minute runtime that the movie had. I just couldn't take any more of the boredom and the pointlessness that was supposed to pass as the storyline in "L'ultima Orgia Del III Reich".

I am struggling to figure out just what possibly came over writers Cesare Canevari and Antonio Lucarella to come up with such a ridiculous script for a movie. I found no entertainment in the dumpster fire that is "L'ultima Orgia Del III Reich". And believe you me, when I say that I have zero intentions of returning to attempt to finish watching the movie. I just don't care about the story, nor of the characters.

Needless to say that I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in the movie, as I have had very limited exposure to the 1970s cinema.

Something that worked in favor of the movie, and yeah there was actually something, was the costumes, the props and the sets. It looked pretty authentic and had that German vibe to it from World War II. But without a properly interesting storyline, it just hardly did make much of any difference.

And one thing that really was an anchor around the movie's feet, was the language. Sure, I get that it was filmed in Italy and Italian produced, but it just was so laughably stupid that they had German soldiers speaking in Italian. Zero credibility to the movie right there.

"L'ultima Orgia Del III Reich" is a lewd and bizarre movie, and that is perhaps why it failed to entertain me.

My rating of director Cesare Canevari's 1977 movie "L'ultima Orgia Del III Reich" lands on a two out of ten stars. Definitely not my cup of tea in terms of proper entertainment.
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One of best nazi sleaze flicks!
Jens-288 September 1999
This sickie has very good production values, decent acting and an exciting storyline for this kind of trash. Them deranged nazis is at again in one of those generic "women's work camps". It's not as graphic as others but the vile tone is unbelievable harsh as the officers torture and humiliate young jewish girls and...(hold tight!)...EAT THEM AND THEIR UNBORN BABIES!!?! It's unsettling as hell cuz it's so well made. There's also a lot of De Sade-like master/slave games going on. Only for the most jaded thrill seekers (like me) who're tired of Hollywood's PC blockbusters.
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kirbylee70-599-52617923 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are some movies that require two points of view to be presented. One would be your own point of view and the other the point of view of someone who finds the genre being discussed as differing from your own. For example someone who enjoys porn would have a different viewpoint on a pornographic film than say a minister. They might both agree about the quality of the production but not the content. So let me try and present both sides when discussing THE GESTAPO'S LAST ORGY.

Like most films in the genre the story revolves around a concentration camp. The film opens with Conrad von Starke (Andriano Micantoni) driving through the countryside of Germany as the voice over plays of a trail of an ex-Nazi at Nuremberg. Starke arrives at a meeting with a woman named Lise (Daniela Levy an Italian TV presenter and future UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Daniela Poggi), a woman who provided the evidence needed to get him off of the charges. Lise was one inmates at the concentration camp Starke ran. She takes him to the remnants of the camp where they make love and then a series of flashbacks begin.

The camp is not your normal prisoner of war camp. To begin with only women are taken to this camp. They are separated between those who will work the camp and those who will become playthings for those in charge and soldiers brought there on leave. These soldiers are allowed to do whatever they want with the women with the exception of getting them pregnant since the Nazis believe that Jewish women are beneath them.

As time progresses Commandant Starke takes on Lise as his own personal pet. She seems unable to break and he has made up his mind that he will be the one to break her. But this task will not be as easy as it seems.

On the plus side, 88 Films has done a fantastic job with this release. The quality of the film scan remastered in 2k from the original camera negative looks cleaner than one would expect from a film that mainly showed in grindhouses in the US and art theaters in Europe. In addition to that this offering presents the film in its uncut form. This is the first edition of this film to be released in the US and fans of Nazisploitation films will be flocking to add this one to their collection.

Those fans will delight in the fact the films offers them everything the genre has offered in the past and more. In addition to that the folks at 88 Films have included some great extras as well. One of those is a reversible mini-poster for the film. There is also an audio commentary track by critic and author Samm Deighan and another audio commentary track by Italian movie specialists Troy Howarth and Nathaniel Thomson.

Now the downside, keeping in mind this is my personal opinion. If you find a movie filled with rape, incest, cannibalism, people sodomized by bats, sexual deviancy and worse to your liking then I have to wonder what world you were raised in. This film features all of that. A woman who is menstruating is found unworthy of being raped and degraded so instead they feed her to the starving Dobermans. A group of Nazis having a fine dining experience have no issue when finding out the meat in the meal is unborn Jewish infants. Not only that, when one of the prisoners passes out, they coat her in the meat and roast her there on the table.

The film is considered one of the more "artistic" films of the genre. This is in part because there are momentary sequences where there is less taking place visually and instead we hear about how the Jews are less than and unworthy of existence.

There is a story here and it's one of degradation, torture and sexual deviancy. Being Nazis one has to assume this was a group that no one would complain about as being depicted this way. The story all of this is wrapped around is thin at best. It does have a method to the madness at the end of the film but it is still a depressing feature to have to wait for that one moment to happen.

I have no doubt that this film will be making its way to the hands of collectors long waiting for a US release. One of the UK's video nasties it will also do well there. For the more average movie buff watch this at your own risk.
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THE GESTAPO'S LAST ORGY (Cesare Canevari, 1977) **1/2
Bunuel197626 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is the fifth Nazisploitation film that I've watched after the arty THE DAMNED (1969) and THE NIGHT PORTER (1974), and the more exploitative NAZI LOVE CAMP 27 (1977) and THE RED NIGHTS OF THE GESTAPO (1977); it's reputed as the most infamous of the lot, but I was disappointed to discover that the version I ended up with was shorn of about 10 minutes of "sick footage" (which, reportedly, includes a woman being burned alive and a cannibalistic sequence where the prisoners serve as dinner for the Nazis)! That said, what's left in would still alarm and profoundly disturb most conservative viewers.

The film opens with an audacious voice-over of a Nazi war-crime trial as a man (later revealed to have been the Commandant of a concentration camp-cum-makeshift brothel for German soldiers returning from the front!) is making his way by car to a rendezvous with his lover (a Jewish girl he frequently victimized during the war); the meeting place, in fact, is the ruins of the camp itself - thus resembling most closely the central relationship within THE NIGHT PORTER. During the course of the film, we're treated to several instances of inventively depraved physical torture - most memorably, one where the heroine, hanging upside down, is hovered above a slew of hungry rodents and another in which a character is made to slide into a deadly lime pit. Characterization is particularly of interest here (though this element was even more successful in the afore-mentioned NAZI LOVE CAMP 27): the protagonist faces the myriad beatings and constant degradation with utmost stoicism - believing herself responsible for her family's capture, she has no desire to live (she's played by Daniela Poggi - who, years later, would become the conductor of a long-running TV show about the search for real-life missing persons and now, obviously, prefers to totally exclude the picture from her curriculum!); the Commandant is a closet masochist who's frequently willingly dominated by his female (if masculine-looking) warden; the latter, then, is a standard figure in this type of film - though she's curiously absent for much of the mid-section (returning, in fact, merely for her hasty comeuppance).

Events constantly switch from the present, as the two lovers wander about the place and then give in to their passion for one another, to the past (including the girl's liberating bed-romp with the sympathetic camp doctor, her eventual ascension to position of the Commandant's favorite - even turning down a plea of help from her former prison companion - and culminating in the 'loss' of her child because it has no place in the Nazi-ruled 'perfect' world of the future); incidentally, the abrupt downbeat ending is predictable virtually from the get-go. Despite featuring a haunting theme, augmented by half-spoken German lyrics, I reiterate that the end product (pompously renamed CALIGULA REINCARNATED AS Hitler in some quarters!) is inferior to NAZI LOVE CAMP 27 - or, for that matter, the director's other work that I've come across. Incidentally, I'll be checking out presently another notorious example of the Nazisploitation genre i.e. Tinto Brass' SALON KITTY (1976)
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bevo-1367821 June 2020
Awesome rom com. Great cast awesome soundtrack. Some really funny bits
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sick, depraved, and occasionally arty. contains spoilers.
jakodah9117 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
having just watched this nasty Nazi film i wanted to get my feelings out before they left me. i am actually a fan of these Nazi exploitation films for whatever reason. i have only seen around seven titles in the genre and while the films are undoubtedly poorly made there is a certain charm and fun to be had with them. having first read about The Gestapos Last Orgy close to three years ago in a book titled Eaten Alive!: Italian Cannibal And Zombie Films,i had always wanted to see it but could never find a legit DVD. i recently found this film as part of shriek shows SS hell pack 2 which contains this film with the beast in heat and red nights of the gestapo. i opened the package and popped the DVD into my player, ready to see some nasty, sadistic Nazi violence. the review in the book had made this film sound like a truly outrageous exercise in bad taste. after the end credits rolled i must say that while the film does have a number of sick, grisly and offensive scenes, the overall picture is quite boring and uneven. the story is told in flash back and flash forwards as a female survivor of a concentration camp revisits the now abandoned camp with her former Nazi captor and lover. it is revealed that in an attempt to break her will through physical and mental torture, the Nazi and prisoner developed a bizarre relationship. this opens the door for the films scenes of sexual depravity and violence, the highlights being a massive rape/orgy, a woman fed to vicious attack dogs for having her period, and of course, the films most infamous and talked about scene, the dinner scene. this fifteen minute sequence contains incredibly offensive dialog (although it is a bit over the top) about how the Jews could be made into an alternative food source, a woman being lit on fire, and the Nazi higher-ups chowing down on the roasted corpse of a Jewish baby. this incredible scene must be seen to be believed and is with out a doubt one of the most vile scenes ever put on film. there are a few other bits of violence and sadism including women being dissolved in quick lime and tormented by hungry rats and of course a huge amount of graphic sex and nudity including one of the most ridiculous sex scenes i've ever seen between a female prisoner and Nazi doctor that really comes out of nowhere and goes on for what feels like ten minutes. after watching the film i can see why this film is so infamous but the parts are better than the whole. as stated earlier i found the film quite uneven, both in content and production value. this entry in the Nazi exploitation genre occasionally shows a bit of class and moves into art-house territory with some truly fantastic editing and camera work. the films use of montage and inter-cutting images in some scenes is very, very effective and it nearly makes you forget you're watching an exploitation film. some of the camera work and photography is also astounding. the opening shot of the dinner scene features a beautiful crane shot that swings down and pans across the dinner table, smoothly moving into a mid shot of one of the Nazis. there are other well executed shots that really had me impressed. the problem is that these moments of class don't come often and feel out of place when the scene that follows is poorly shot/edited, creating a dizzying sense of confusion and aggravation. films like The Beast In Heat are total pieces of crap in terms of direction and editing so there are no moments of class, but the whole film flows better because of this. this film just looks strange as a whole. the mix of high and low production values just don't come off well. the acting is better than what you're used to seeing from the genre. the head Nazi gives a good performance and the cannibalistic doctor delivers a wonderfully hammy performance that just works. the other actors aren't to great but i cant complain. you don't watch Nazi exploitation films for good acting or production values, you watch them to see sick, sadistic, depraved, perverted, and bizarre acts of human cruelty and outrageous sleaze. The Gestapos Last Orgy delivers the goods in terms of exploitation with the exception of a few dull spots and the moments of "art" film making are still nice despite feeling uneven. in closing, any fan of Nazi exploitation and Italian exploitation as a whole will want to seek this film out. its not an awful film and if you've got the stomach for the touchy subject matter then you may get a kick out of it. personally, i'd take the more colorful Ilsa or hilariously inept Beast In Heat over this, but its worth a watch. i recommend buying the SS hell pack 2 as you get three movies for the price of one.
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sicko Nazi kitch
pazuzu55 June 2000
Out of sheer lurid curiosity I rented this Naz-xploitation flick and it fully lived up to its shocking promise. This treats the Nazis not just as "sadists" commonly understood, but true sadists, i.e., those who are sexually excited by inflicting pain, mental toment, anguish and death on others. So, it serves up not just the violence expected in concentration camp storytelling, focuses exclusively on sexual cruelty. It's production values are uneven, but it's obvious someone spent a fair amount on producing this, and it makes one wonder: did the filmakers really think there would be a wide audience for this depravity? I can't imagine any cinema programming this. The banquet scene, where some debauched "doctor" proudly and leeringly announces the evening's entree, "pot roast of unborn Jew", is out there on the disgusting scale with the banquet scene in "Salo". In other words, this is extreme stuff. Yikes.

It's also obvious that the screenwriters did their homework on the writings of DeSade; the speeches some of these characters make could have been transposed from "The 120 Days of Sodom". Plus, the fact that the depravity all takes place on an isolated castle ground, on an island in the middle of a river, is yet another Sadean tableau.

Not for weak stomachs.
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What a rough movie!
BandSAboutMovies25 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
R. D reviewed this one back on September 21, 2021, but now that 88 Films has released it, it's my turn. Yes, this is one of the first releases from this label in the U. S.

"For the last decade 88 Films has been one of the leading physical media collector's labels in the UK specializing in cult film releases packed with bonus features in beautiful packaging," said Eric D. Wilkinson, Director of Home Video Sales and Acquisitions for MVD Entertainment Group. "For years, consumers here in North America had to import these releases if they wanted to add them to their collections, but all of that is about to change. MVD is the leading independent distribution partner of physical media collector's labels, and we not only proudly welcome 88 Films to our family but are thrilled to help introduce 88 Films to American consumers."

Richard Elliott, Managing Director of 88 Films, commented, "We are enormously excited to bring our 88 Films brand to the United States and in MVD we have found the perfect distribution partners. We will be releasing our usual fare of Slasher classics, Italian Genre titles and Martial Arts Cinema and we are so pleased to be joining the pantheon of amazing American indie blu-ray labels."

Well, they started off strong!

Still banned in the UK as one of the infamous Video Nasties -Section 1 - this might be the roughest of all Nazisploitation movies and that's saying something. I mean, they don't call it Last Orgy Of The Third Reich and Caligula Reincarnated As Hitler because it's a family movie.

Cesare Canevari made nine movies, from giallo (A Hyena in the Safe and Killing of the Flesh) to westerns (Matalo!) and erotic films (A Man for Emmanuelle, The Nude Princess). None of these will prepare you for this film.

Conrad von Starke (Marc Loud, who is really Adriano Micantoni) has agreed to meet in the ruins of an old death camp with Lise Cohen (Daniela Poggi, the only actress that I know who went from Nazi movie star to UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador), whose testimony may have saved his life at a war crimes trial. They make love inside the walls of the decimated camp as Lise remembers when this place was a soul destroying machine. I mean, where else would they line up an army of SS troopers and make them watch videos so disgusting that even I was taken aback and then unleashed upon unsuspecting women?

Between the idea taking directly from The Night Porter and this scene being Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom on a small scale, this movie obviously does not care at all about your sensibiities.

As if the movie heard you wonder, "Can it get any worse?" then the officers eat a stew made out of babies before roasting a woman by coating her in brandy, throwing her in an open coffin and setting her ablaze before eating her. I mean, this movie has enough to offend you in two of ots minutes more than just about everything that will come out in the next five years.

Why is Lise so strong in the face of torture, unlike everyone else? Because she gave her family over to the SS and wants to die to atone for her sins. When a camp doctor tells her that this was not her fault, she finds that she wants to live by any means she can, so she becomes Starke's woman. After his jealous German girlfriend assaults him with his own whip, he strangles her and proclaims his love for Lise, who shows hers by wearing a belt made of the scalps of her fellow prisoners. Yet when she has his child, a half-Jewish infant has no place in the Fatherland.

This wakes her from her memories and after they finish making love, she murders him.

Man, this movie!

Seriously, this is not for everyone. But there's definitely some class here. I mean, there's also a scene where a woman eats her own waste and poses with it, so there's that. But this has a production budget, great costumes and an attempt at telling an actual story when it's not doing all it can to either make you run screaming or desensitize you for life.
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Bordello of sadistic abuse.
HumanoidOfFlesh21 September 2010
Lise Cohen is taken to a special Nazi camp for Jewish women,a camp run as a bordello where the most depraved sexual fantasies can become sensual reality.The camp is run by sadistic Commandant Starker and his revolting minion Alma.Starker becomes frustrated when Lise demonstrates no fear,so he subjects her to torture and sexual humiliation."Gestapo's Last Orgy" is a sleazy Nazisploitation flick with enough torture and depravity to satisfy any self-respecting smut-peddler.The banquet sequence with 'pot roast of unborn Jew' is especially memorable as is the sequence of Lise being tied up naked,by her feet over a glass container of rats.If you are into depraved 70's Italian exploitation cinema "Gestapo's Last Orgy" is one to watch.8 out of 10.
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Reviewing this is proving difficult..
Stevieboy6666 February 2021
.. not because of the film, that's easy, but I appear to keep falling foul of IMBD's rules and guidelines. So I will make it short and basic - Italian exploitation movie set in a Nazi concentration camp. A beautiful young Jewish woman forms a relationship with an older and cruel SS commandant. Expect lots of sex, nudity and violence, which includes torture and executions. There is also some cannibalism and a few sexual fetishes. As Nazispoitation movies go this one is fairly interesting and well made. Banned outright in Britain.
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Demented Naziploitation
Dr. Gore12 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers

"Gestapo's Last Orgy" is the touching story of a blonde prisoner of war and her determined and sadistic Nazi captor. He is taken by her lack of fear of dying and decides it would be fun to break her. He talks on and on about how one must fear death to appreciate life etc. He decides to try many little games to get her to shriek. My personal favorite was hanging her naked upside down while the rats jump for her head. AH-HAHAHAHA! "Scream! Cry out!"

Yes, it was one demented little movie. Not bloody or gory, just reveling in it's own twisted nature. Many speeches are given bashing the Jews and how the Germans have every right to rape, torture, do whatever they want to them. Plenty of nudity and yes, there is an orgy.

It's very well made. Surprising for this level of exploitation. I don't think you could get much lower than exploiting the Holocaust. If you like this kind of stuff, "Gestapo's Last Orgy" is worth seeing. Sick and twisted.
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Superior Nazisploitation entry
Woodyanders5 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sadistic and merciless concentration camp Commandant Conrad von Starker (splendidly played with venomous aplomb by Adriano Micantoni) runs his camp as a brothel for Nazi soldiers seeking rest and pleasure from combat. Starker becomes determined to break the fierce iron will of beautiful blonde Jewish prisoner Lise Cohen (an excellent performance by the lovely Daniela Poggi). Many years later Starker and Lise get back together at the crumbling remains of the camp for a decidedly less than happy reunion. Director Cesare Canevari, who also co-wrote the twisted and depraved script with Antonio Lucarella, ably creates an appropriately grim and depressing all-hope-is-lost atmosphere while relating the sordidly engrossing story at a steady pace and further jazzing things up with occasional snazzy freeze frames and stylized use of strenuous slow motion. Moreover, Canevari presents several inspired moments of shockingly harsh and unflinching brutality: the guests at a lavish banquet gleefully eat an unborn fetus, these same sickos drench a passed out lady with booze, set her body on fire, and devour her charred remains (!), another luckless lass gets fed to a pack of ferocious dogs, and a poor gal is dunked into a deadly pit of caustic lime soda. The fact that these mean-spirited set pieces are done in a completely serious manner makes them that much more disturbing and upsetting. Of course, there's also a handy helping of steamy soft-core sex and a plethora of tasty female nudity (some guys show us their stuff as well). Why, we even get a potent and provocative central message about the ruthless and desperate things people will do to stay alive and survive in a bleak situation. Micantoni and Poggi do sterling work in the lead roles while Maristella Greco contributes a memorably chilling portrayal of Starker's vicious assistant Alma. Claudio Catozzo's glossy cinematography gives the picture an impressively slick look. Alberto Baldan Bembo's moody'n'melodic score likewise does the trick. The hauntingly downbeat tragic ending packs a wicked punch. Highly recommended for fans of this controversial and much-maligned exploitation sub-genre.
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