Cannonball! (1976) Poster


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those wacky races
movieman_kev30 May 2005
David Carradine takes part in an illegal anything goes cross-country race from California to New York. Paul Bartel's second attempt at the race movie, while good isn't as fun as his previous "Death Race 2000". It's still fun in parts, but lacks the pacing and memorable characters (except for Carradine and the always watchable Dick Miller)

My Grade: C+

DVD Extras: Interviews with David Carradine, Mary Woronov, and Roger Corman; Poster and Stills gallery; 3 TV spots; and Theatrical Trailer

1 Easter Egg: Highlight a hidden car in the Extras menu for a Carquake/ the giant spider invasion combo trailer
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New meaning to the term "Put your brain in Neutral"
Craig JS8 September 1999

The movie that broke the dam and started a flood of films revolving around illegal coast to coast car races, really isn't half bad. That is so long as you don't forget its a B grade film. There are moments during it's one and half hours of engine revving running time that you are could be duped into thinking that the film makers had something higher purpose in mind they fleshed out the script on an empty pizza box to this masterpiece. The opening scene (a dream scene no less) just oozes style and stinks and I mean that in a (it reeks like gym socks kind of a way) of finesse. It comes complete with a cryptic voice over and a heart beat soundtrack...enthralling.

David Carradine plays the titular Cannonball. He's the strong silent type with a dodgy past, he's out to win the Trans American to get his life back on track, after spending some time in the slammer for a crime he didn't commit. In what 70's film didn't he play this guy? There's your token bad guy complete with a black Dodge Charger that is looking to do him (being titular Cannonball) in at any cost. Why? Because you can't have a movie like this with out a bad guy. Its like sex with out the wet patch, they come hand in hand.

Made in that 70's dirty "we couldn't afford to buy better film" style that is normally reserved for Porn films and early sword and sorcery flicks the film makers have covered off all the stereotypes that we have come to know and love from these kinds of movies. We have a European with an exotic car, a couple of girls in a car going fast and wearing little, a ethnic minority character with little luck when it comes to cars or women. The a fore mentioned brooding anti-hero good guy type, the maniacal bad guy and a host of token others that matter little to the grand scheme of things, oh and of course more than its fair share of stupid cops.

The real stars of this movie however are the cars, let's be honest it's the only reason this movie was made. A showcase of some of the most popular American and a token European muscle car, ever to make their way on to the road. Let us review; Dodge Charger, Trans Am's (must be popular because there are two of them), a Corvette, Mustangs and all the hotted up customs you could ever want. They are all thrown though their paces but though the budget prevented any real fancy camera work really show off their moves. However there is some really decent action sequences here, that exceed the movie's standing as an the aforementioned 'we couldn't afford to buy better film' and make it memorable even by today's blockbuster standards. The highlights to look for, the massive car pile up on the interstate towards the end and the trashing of the Detomaso Pantera. So as you can imagine there's enough car carnage to make even the most Blues Brother hardened fan giddy with excitement.

To sum up, Cannonball is a bit of Tuesday night fun and to be enjoyed at its best, watched with a few friends and some strong liquor. Don't for get to look for Martin Scorsese and Sylvester Stallone in early cameo roles.
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Horsepower and Car Wrecks, the Theme of the 70's
view_and_review6 December 2019
David Carradine races again. His first race was in Death Race 2000 (1975). It was not too unlike this movie in that the racers were trying to get across the country in an anything goes race. The monumental difference is that in Death Race the race was wholly sanctioned and they aimed to kill people along the way for points. Check it out if you want to see Sylvester Stallone as a bad guy.

Cannonball is about an illegal cross country race starting in sunny California and ending in the streets of New York. There is a lot of horsepower and metal in this film which seemed to be a theme of the 70's (Gone in 60 Seconds, Smokey and the Bandit, Death Race 2000, Cannonball, etc.). The 70's was all about massive car pile ups and explosions too. Today we've replaced that with destruction of entire cities by either superpowered beings or large creatures. We've replaced one destruction porn with another.

Cannonball was OK. It was fine for looking at nice cars, some nice women, and some wreckage. There were occasional laughs but overall the product was mediocre. It wasn't a strong plot, it wasn't funny enough, and none of the characters stood out. Entertaining? Yes. Would I recommend it? No.
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Classic 1970s Drive-In fun with an eye-popping supporting cast of cult favourites.
Infofreak23 January 2003
'Cannonball' is one of the least remembered of the short-lived but successful 1970s car race/car crash genre begun by 'The Gumball Rally'. What really makes this one stand out is that it was directed by the late Paul Bartel (in between his immortal black comedy classics 'Death Race 2000' and 'Eating Raoul'), and features an impressive supporting cast of cult actors and Bartel buddies. 'Death Race 2000's David Carradine once again stars, this time as "Cannonball" Buckman, an ex-con who desperately wants to win the illegal Trans American road race. His older brother Benny (the legendary Dick Miller) gets him set up with a car, and bets enormous sums of money on him, mainly with the eccentric but ruthless bookie and amateur songwriter Lester Marks (played by Bartel himself). If Cannonball loses Benny will enter into a world of pain, so Benny tries any and every trick he can think of to ensure Cannonball's competitors lose. Cannonball's main competition is the borderline psychotic Redman ('Deliverance's Bill McKinney), but the race also includes Cannonball's sidekick Zippo (Archie Hahn), his parole officer girlfriend (Veronica Hammel), a bus full of babes led by frequent Bartel co-star Mary Woronov, an aspiring country singer (Gerrit Graham), and surfer types Robert Carradine and Belinda Balaski. 1970s exploitation fans will recognize these actors, and several others that make appearances throughout this stupid but fun movie, and buffs will also spot various film makers in cameos including Roger Corman, Martin Scorsese and Joe Dante. The whole thing is very incestuous and self-indulgent, but the cast looks like they're having a lot of fun. Maybe not as much as the viewer will, but it's still an entertaining ride if you kick back and have a beer or two when watching it.
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Asleep at the wheel
DEPRESSEDcherry2 March 2021
It's very hard to recommend this movie beyond a general nostalgia for the '70s. It's a limp lazy effort that offers very little in the story, characters, humor, or even action. The race itself feels small, despite what we're meant to believe. There's very little interaction between the few participants we see in the movie, the focus more so being the personnel duel between just a couple of them. If you're thinking the crashes make up for things, think again. The stunt work is nothing special, mostly just fireball explosions and a final ridiculous pileup. A pleasant surprise was the screen time afforded to Dick Miller, a familiar face who pops up a lot during the '80s and '90s as a character actor. He actually has something to work with here and takes his chance well. Carradine seems to spend most of the movie falling off the road, he does what you expect of him, but it's very by the numbers. Ultimately this feels like a long boring car ride despite its short running time.
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A Nice Ride
bensonmum215 July 2005
  • The basic premise of Cannonball has been done several times - a diverse group of drivers compete in a cross-country race where anything goes. Sound familiar? Hal Nedham ripped the guts out of Cannonball for his Cannonball Run made five years later. The difference, though, is that while Cannonball is often funny with some great action, Cannonball Run is often too over-the-top and unwatchable. It's too bad that Bartel's movie isn't as well known as Nedham's. While it will never be confused with Citizen Kane, Cannonball is a thrill-a-minute, cheese-filled good time.

  • Bartel's direction is one of the highlights of the movie. You would think that a 90+ minute movie of watching cars race might get boring. It's not. Bartel keeps things moving and there's never a dull moment. Bartel does a great job of mixing race action, comedy, fight scenes, and a little drama to create a well-balanced, enjoyable movie.

  • As far as acting goes, David Carradine naturally stands out. He's a car driving, butt kicking machine. Carradine is able to add a little authenticity to the movie by doing a lot of his own driving. There are a couple of spinouts where you can actually see that it's Carradine sitting behind the wheel.

  • My biggest complaint with Cannonball involves the spectacular pile-up at the end of the movie. It gets off to a good start with cars plowing into each other followed by explosion after explosion. The problem is that it goes on for so long that it started to have a morbid feel to it. It bothered me that, as a viewer, I could only assume that there were people supposedly driving those cars that were bursting into flames and I didn't see any survivors. I can only assume that everyone was burned to a crisp. Sure it's a little picky, but it bothered me.
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Cross Country Road Race Yawnfest
hokeybutt11 February 2005
CANNONBALL (2 outta 5 stars) Pretty dreary low budget car chase movie starring David Carradine and directed by Paul Bartel who teamed up for the classic "Death Race 2000" the year before. This time out inspiration seems to be have been replaced by desperation. The movie isn't really terrible... but there isn't much of it that you'll remember afterwards. Carradine plays the title character, the hottest and the coolest driver in the world who is determined to win an illegal cross country car race. Well, the plot is pretty much the same as "Death Race" and a lot of the same actors show up... but it's a pretty tepid follow-up. The wit and the satire of the previous movie are missing in action... this movie tries to be funny but it's the same kind of cheap, cornball gags you saw in practically *every* car chase flick in the '70s. The stuntwork is particularly unimpressive as well. The chief rule seems to be: "When in doubt, run someone off the road." Brief cameo appearance by Martin Scorsese and Sylvester Stallone... probably the only time the two will ever work together.
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Classic New World Pictures Seventies Car Flick
ShootingShark8 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A motley collection of petrolheads compete in an illegal trans-America coast-to-coast car race from Santa Monica in California to downtown New York City.

This movie is stupid, completely irresponsible, has no redeeming qualities and is terrific fun. It's also probably the definitive seventies Roger Corman / New World Pictures cult classic (although Death Race 2000 is more famous), featuring virtually every cult actor and director who ever worked for the great Corman (and later for Joe Dante) in its large cast. Everyone is terrific in it, though my favourites are the elder Carradine, Miller, the adorably cute Balaski, and Woronov. Keach has a hilarious bit as a professional German racer with a Von Richthofen accent, Arkush and Dante are equally funny as a couple of goofs who lend Carradine their car, and Scorsese and an unbilled Stallone have cameos as two mafia hoods. There really isn't much to say about the movie except that if you like B-movie stars, nutty stunts, fights, bad jokes and girls in nurses' outfits (all of which I do), this is the film for you. Written by Bartel and Simpson, along with The Gumball Rally it kicked off the spate of big studio road-racer movies (most of which were made by Hal Needham). Featuring great guerilla-style hand-held photography by Tak Fujimoto, high-octane stuntwork by Alan Gibbs, some very bad songs by David Axelrod, Bartel and Graham, and lots of corvettes, pontiacs, mustangs, lincolns and caddies. In the UK, this was given the stupid alternative title of Carquake.
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Cult written all over it
Leofwine_draca20 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
CANNONBALL aka CARQUAKE! is a typical car chase flick of the 1970s, written and directed by Paul Bartel but with Roger Corman's fingerprints all over it. It has the same cult feel as DEATH RACE 2000 but less of the destructive mayhem, aside from the incendiary climax. David Carradine once again plays the lead, a fighting driver going cross country up against various kooks and oddballs. The car scenes are okay although noticeably low budget, and the most interesting thing about this today are the brief blink-and-miss-'em cameos from no less than Martin Scorsese, Joe Dante and Corman himself. Dick Miller also has a small role and makes the most of it.
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Way better than Cannonball Run!
BandSAboutMovies25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cannonball is why I watch movies.

It stars a cast of people that honestly, only someone like me would care about, and it's made by people just as colorful, a crew of folks that would go on to dominate the film industry after emerging from the Roger Corman film cycle. It's everything great about Cannonball Run, but both more serious and ridiculous, sometimes within the very same scene.

This is everything I want to watch.

Much like the aforementioned Cannonball Run, as well as Speed Zone and The Gumball Rally, this movie was inspired by Erwin G. "Cannonball" Baker, who raced across the United States several times and by the race named after him, the Cannonball Baker Sea-To-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash. This illegal cross-continent road race was started by Car and Driver editor Brock Yates to protest the 55 MPH speed limit.

David Carradine plays Coy "Cannonball" Buckman, who has just been released from serving time for the death of a girl while he was driving drunk. He's been entered into the illegal Los Angeles to New York City Trans-America Grand Prix in the hopes that he can get his racing career restarted.

That's because Modern Motors has promised a contract to either him or his arch-rival Cade Redman (Bill McKinney, Deliverance, First Blood). Meanwhile, Coy has to somehow convince his lover/parole officer Linda Maxwell (Veronica Hamel, When Time Ran Out) to allow him to race.

Redman doesn't have it easy either - his expenses are being paid by Sharma Capri (Judy "The Ozark Nightingale" Canova, who hosted her own national radio show from 1942 to 1955) and client, country singer Perman Waters (Gerrit Graham, amazing as always, just like he is in Terrorvision and Phantom of the Paradise).

Other racers include:

Young lovers Jim Crandell (Robert Carradine, Revenge of the Nerds) and Maryann (Belinda Balaski, every Joe Dante movie), who take her daddy's Corvette and enter the race

Terry McMillan (Carl Gottlieb, one of the writers of Jaws!), a middle aged man driving a Chevrolet Blazer

Beutell, who has taken a Lincoln Continental from a kindly old and rich couple and promised to get it to New York City safely

A tricked out van driven by three waitress - Sandy (Mary Woronov you have my heart), Ginny (stuntwoman Glynn Rubin) and Wendy (Diane Lee Hart, The Giant Spider Invasion)

German driver Wolfe Messer (James Keach, Sunburst) in a De Tomaso Pantera

Zippo (Archie Hahn, who was one of the Juicy Fruits in Phantom of Paradise), who is Coy's best friend and drives a Pontiac Trans Am just like his buddy.

What Coy doesn't know is that his brother Bennie (Dick Miller) has bet that he will win and will do anything to ensure that happens, including killing Messer. Meanwhile, McMillan has his car - and mistress Louisa (Louisa Moritz, Myra from Death Race 2000) - flown to the finish line.

Redman kicks Perman - who becomes a big country star when his song about the race takes off - and Sharma out of his car, but in his final battle with Coy, a piece of Perman's guitar gets stuck in the gas pedal and he dies in a big crash. While all this is going on, Zippo is in the lead, so Bennie sends out a hitman to off him. Coy had put his girl in that car as he felt it was safer - actually it was Zippo who did the drink driving and Coy covered for his friend - but a major crash ensues and Linda is taken to the hospital by Jim and Maryann.

Terry and Louisa arrive first at the finish line, but Louisa accidentally tells the judges that they flew most of the way. The girls in the van get lost and crash, while Coy makes it to the finish line. Just before he's about to win, he learns Linda is in teh hospital and races off to see her. This leaves his brother to be killed by gangster Lester Marks (Paul Bartel, who also directed the film) and his men (Sylvester Stallone makes a cameo, as does Martin Scorsese, as mafioso).

Jim and Maryann win the race and the $100,000, while Coy gets his racing contract and the girl, and Beutell delivers the now destroyed Lincoln to its owners.

Other actors who show up for the madness are John Herzfeld (who was in Cobra and wrote and directed the films Escape Plan: The Extractors and 2 Days In the Valley), Patrick Wright (Wicked Wicked, Caged Heat, Graduation Day), future directors and at the time Corman assistants/editors Allan Arkush (Rock 'n Roll High School) and Joe Dante (more movies than I can name, all of them wonderful), Roger Corman himself as a District Attorney, Jonathan Kaplan (director of White Line Fever, The Accused and The Student Teachers), Aron Kincaid (who was the voice of the Iron Sheik and Bobby Heenan on Hulk Hogan's Rock 'n' Wrestling and Killer Croc on Batman: The Animated Series), Joseph McBride (writer of Rock 'n Roll High School), Read Morgan (The Car), John Alderman (New Year's Evil) and even superproducer Don Simpson, who co-write the movie with Bartel. This movie is what happens when everyone working for Corman at the time all gets together so the budget can have extras.

Paul Bartel did not enjoy making this film because he felt he was being typecast as an action director. But after he only made $5,000 after spending a year of his life making Death Race 2000, it was the only kind of movie people wanted from him. "Corman had drummed into me the idea that if Death Race 2000 had been harder and more real it would have been more popular. Like a fool, I believed him."

Bartel wasn't a fan of cars and racing, so he loaded the movie with cameos and character gimmicks. His favorite scene was when he plays the piano and sings while two gangsters beat up Dick Miller. And the end is pretty rough for a movie that's so funny, so star David Carradine tried to talk to Bartel about how disturbing he intended it to be.

When Joe Bob Briggs did his How Rednecks Saved Hollywood show, he mentioned that this movie destroys The Cannonball Run. As always, he was right.
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Big Disappointment
garyldibert4 July 2008
This picture was released on July 6 1976 starring David Carradine as Coy Cannonball Buckman, Bill McKinney as Cade Redman and Veronica Hamel as Linda Maxwell. A former employee rips off his own Death Race 2000 in this mindless car-crash saga, containing more twisted metal than a bombed-out steel mill. The nominal storyline concerns an illegal auto race from Los Angeles to New York that promises the winner 100,000 dollars. Coy "Cannonball" Buckman, is the race leader who drags his girlfriend, Linda along for the ride. Linda is not very happy to be the passenger in this race because she has has a job and a boss to answer too. Cade Redman tools around in a loud red Trans Am, while Cannonball's nemesis barrels along in a big, black Plymouth, trying to outsmart Cannonball at every turn and exit ramp. Things start to go wrong as cars start breaking down and you need money to fix them. The only way to fix them is with your sponsor's money but there's no which means no money. I bought this movie because of Veronica Hamel and she was a big disappointment. Even though this movie had a leading actress her performance was not good so I give this movie 4 weasel stars.
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One of the best car movies
stevenfallonnyc25 November 2001
Of all the movies about cross country road races (Cannonball 1 and 2, Gumball Rally, et all) I always thought this was easily the best, even though you tend to hear about it the least. David Carradine is great as the star driver, trying to reclaim some past glory and get another shot at a racing career. And Dick Miller as his corrupt brother? Magnificent! Other New World Pictures stars abound!

Lots of great cars, and car action as well, especially the final chase between Carradine and the film's villain, driving a wicked Dodge Charger. Sure there's some bad acting and some bad direction, but as far as being a 70's car/B-flick, it ranks high. One interesting note - the very last image shown in New World's "Death Race 2000" was of an incompleted elevated highway road section, just like the kind Carradine jumps his car across during the big chase. You gotta buy an old used video if you wanna see this one, which would be great on a widescreen DVD. I actually saw this in the theater and would love to see in widescreen again!
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Crash! Boom! Bang! Carquake!!
Coventry18 January 2010
Here's yet another reason to accentuate the 1970's was the absolute greatest decade for cult-trash cinema output (as if we weren't convinced enough already): Carsploitation movies! There are only a handful of them, they all look alike and most film-loving audiences will probably detest them, but … damn, are they ever entertaining! "Cannonball!" – although I must say I prefer the much cheesier video title "Carquake" – is brought to us by the same team that made the brilliant and unequaled "Death Race 2000" one year earlier, and it many ways it feels as if writer/director Paul Bartel injected all the silly comedy that he couldn't put in "Death Race" into this film instead. This film is more of a straightforward comedy whereas "Death Race" was a black comedy (apparently not everybody finds the idea of wiping pedestrians off the road for points funny). The concept of this film is much simpler: bunch of eccentric people participate in an illegally organized cross-country race from California to New York City. Ex-convict Coy Buckman is obviously the most talented racer, so his competitors will have to revert to ingenious cheating if they want to stand a chance. The main storyline as described here is obviously very simplistic, but one could also claim there are numerous little sub plot story lines that are all terrific and imaginative. The lead character Coy Buckman is already quite intriguing. He dragged his sexy female parole officer along in the race and has a mechanic who idolizes him so much that he literally wants to be Cannonball! Every contestant in the race is worth mentioning, like the obnoxious German in his canary-yellow sport car and the psychopathic Redman and his country-singing and guitar-playing co-pilot. Outside the race there's quite a lot going on as well, like Coy's sleazy brother Bennie trying to sabotage the most important rivals because he bet a huge some of money on the winner. Although the comical ambiance definitely overrules, "Cannonball!" nevertheless remains a bona fide action/spectacle movie with copious crashes, macho showdowns, explosions and violent painful deaths. The climax, which features a mass accident with cars piling up seemingly forever, exactly demonstrates the blending of humor and action. The cast is full of pleasingly familiar faces, especially if you know a thing or two about B-movies. Apart from the brothers Carradine (David and Robert), there's Mary Woronov, Dick Miller, Carl Gottlieb and director Paul Bartel himself (in a hilarious role). Buckle up for some sheer cult-excitement!
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Crummy low-budget flick.
gridoon18 August 2001
Director Paul Baurtel's follow-up to his cult hit "Death Race 2000" was this pretty awful little action picture that has all the amateurishness of the previous film but about half the budget - which wasn't so high to begin with! It's a crummy-looking, unfunny, unexciting film, but at least it has some beautiful women and some fast cars..... (*1/2)
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Great laugh!
DJ Inferno14 April 2002
The story of "Cannonball" is about an illegal coast-to-coast car race in the USA. Of course, also some saboteurs are on the road to guarantee a not smoothly course of events...

Obviously not as great as Paul Bartel´s predecessor "Death Race 2000" "Cannonball" is a trash classic and cheese de luxe: cheesy acting, cheesy stunts, cheesy humour, cheesy dialogues... take a lot of car chases, explosions and add some campy humour and you´ve got "Cannonball"! But it´s always great fun to watch! A highly entertaining C-grade movie which is also very interesting for the prominent supporting cast, because Roger Corman, Martin Scorcese, Jonathan Kaplan, Joe Dante or Sly Stallone have small roles in this funny gem!

Fasten your seat belts and enjoy!!!
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Gets stuck in first gear
pmtelefon28 September 2022
I'm not of fan of Burt Reynolds' "Cannonball Run" or Cannonball Run II" but they're both leaps and bounds better than "Cannonball". "Cannonball" is lame pretty much every step of the way. Why did they want it to be rated PG? If this movie had some nudity (or at least more sexiness) and rougher language it would have been better. The cars look cool but the chases are dull. The cast is filled with familiar faces but even those pros can't overcome the weak material. I found "Cannonball" to be a very long watch. (Now I have to kill time because of IMDB's 600 character minimum. How was your day? Mine was fine.)
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More like cannon(car)boom
kosmasp10 April 2021
Not to be confused with the widely popular Cannonball Run series - with Burt Reynolds, which came a few years later than this. This has a different approach and is more serious or let's say the comedy is more subtle at places. And it can get quite violent to say the least. It also does contain a lot of really well known actors too though.

The Carradines for example. But also some cameos (from Martin Scorsese and Sylvester Stallone no less, to name two of them). All that may not help elevate the movie further in your mind. What does elevate (the cars) are the multiple explosions you can witness here. If you are into that stuff you will be satisfied ... while most watching may wonder if this is spoofing the whole notion of cars exploding for no reason at all others may rejoice in that and celebrate it.

The movie has its nice moments, but also has its downfalls ... it has not aged too well (apart from the exploding element I reckon, again if you are into that stuff) ...
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
sportsfanatic-129 April 2005
Not sure what to say. i saw nothing at all good about this movie. Not funny, not interesting, not anything. And the "crash scene" at the end might be the most stupid thing I've ever seen in a movie. It lasts forever, as one car after another drives into the wreck. And each one, even the ones going slow, explode like they have a hydrogen bomb in them. The most fake and worst special effects I've ever seen. And it seems like it's never going to end, not realistic at all. The characters are not interesting at all, it was hard just to stay awake through it. I was thinking it might have some connection to the Cannonball Run movies when I first saw it come on, but it doesn't. Don't waste your time watching this pile of crap.
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Watch The Burt Reynolds Version Instead
slightlymad2223 February 2015
continuing my plan to watch every Sly Stallone movie in his filmography in order, I come to Cannonball aka Carquake

Plot In A Paragraph: Based on an actual event, the Cannonball Baker Sea to Shining Sea Memorial Trophy Dash, organised by Brock Yates to protest the 55 mph speed limit then in effect in the U.S.

Does that plus sound familiar?? Of course it does, it's also the plot to "Cannonball Run" the Burt Reynolds movie which was considerably more successful than this one.

This must been a frustrating time for Sly, as he had decent parts in "Capone" and "Death Race 2000" before a non speaking part in "Farewell My Lovely" whilst here he has one scene with Martin Scorsese and another character, where they sit eating Kentucky Fried Chicken and he is is uncredited in a movie where 'reporter at finish line gets a credit'.

Thankfully this was the last time this happened, as he struck gold with his next movie. A little movie about a boxer from Philadelphia.
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Racing car bedlam
PeterMitchell-506-56436411 January 2013
Yes, Carradine is back in the driver's seat in this overrated Corman classic. An unruly cross country road race, some of it's contestants that desperate to attain that big windfall, they will stoop to some dirty play, and even murder, one of the contestant's brother's relying on this jackpot to get him out of a jam. A zealous German driver is one such victim, who's car blows up, when he exceeds 160. This fittingly suits the moment, while reaching the crescendo to a familiar anthem he sings at deafening volume. Cannonball has enough color in it's characters to make it entertaining, some of them engaging to watch. Watch for Robert Carradine, before his 'Nerd' days as a Live saver chewing hit-man who takes out a driver on a freeway, and nearly Carradine's girl. This hit, backfires on him, where he get's crushed by a jacked up car that comes off it's springs and falls atop him, in it's only scene of gore, which earns it it's R rating. McKinney is great as Carradine's nemesis, a suicidal driver who doesn't stop, except for beer. He has company in the form of a big country singer, and his agent I think. One scene sees him get tanked, when he's set upon by Carradine and this liquor store is turned upside down, Carradine paying for damages of course, with what little he has. He sabotages Carradine's chances of winning a few times, where in the end, Mckinney meets his deadliest fate. What goes around, comes around. One family guy playing around on the side, has a cargo plane fly his jeep most of the way, so he can afford other luxuries. God knows how he didn't get spotted. I guess you can't have spying eyes on everyone all the time. His bimbo mistress, blurts out something she shouldn't of, resulting in his elimination, I thought was one of Cannonball's few funny moments. Check out the black dude driving this old couple's car to New York. See what becomes left of it, as our driver, void of guilt, meets the couple, then saunters across the city street, all hip too. Not a bad Carradine actioner.
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The law is trying to stop them, but they may stop themselves first.
mark.waltz6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The great race has some nice cameos, not much of a surprise anymore because they are listed in all the credits available, but this drive-in movie is fun still for the type of film it is. It's the only film you'll ever see thar mmt features 40's and 50's cornball star Judy Canova and the star of the same year's "Rocky", Sylvester Stallone, obviously playing a mobster in his single scene. Along with "The Gumball Ralley" released the same year, an action packed adventure of an illegal cross country race where anything goes. Coincidence that there were two similar films? Check out 1977's "Black Sunday" and "Two Minute Warning" for similar coincidences.

The focus is on rival drivers David Carradine and Bill McKinney in two different vehicles, knocking each other off the road several times and causing other accidents along the way. A foreign contestant isn't so lucky with his car exploding violently when he hits 100 mph. Victoria Hamel has the role of Carradine's girlfriend who's also his parole officer, thus trying to keep him out of jail. For the most part, the location footage is pretty boring but it's action packed and frequently humorous.

I wonder if Canova ever got to the bathroom, at one point told to use a funnel because McKinney, the driver of her cat, refused to stop. Paul Bartel who wrote and directed also gets to sing in this, and didn't have a bad voice. His pal Mary Woronov pops up in a bit. Enjoyed it for what it is, your standard 70's drive-in movie where the customers probably didn't see much of the film, just looking up every time there was an explosion.
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Another car crash-tastic classic!
wierzbowskisteedman24 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
'Cannonball' tells the story of a motley crew of determined racers as they battle against each other in a cross country road race with no rules.

It doesn't really need a plot. This film is about one thing and one thing only: cars, and the wondrous ways in which they can be wrecked. A year after Death Race 2000, Bartel and Carradine team up again here, probably just cashing in on the cult status of their pedestrian chewing masterpiece. Carradine plays a sort of anti-Frankenstein; Cannonball might be the title role, but he isn't as cool and devious as he was in DR2000. The supporting cast are all fine, keeping their tongue firmly in cheek and never letting the campy attitude of the film slip. But the cast in general plays second fiddle to the cars and explosions.

Brains aren't required, but that only adds to the fun. It's particularly hilarious when the German driver gets blown up, and five minutes later someone is reading a newspaper with his death as the headline. The fact that the cars in this film tend to explode after colliding with something moving at two miles an hour tells you what kind of mindset you need to watch this. But if you don't laugh at the truly monumental, explosive pile up that takes place near the end of the film you need some help. Plus, watch out for the Stallone - Scorsese cameo that lasts literally seconds.

If you enjoyed similar road racing classics like Death Race and Grand Theft Auto you should love this. Everything that is enjoyable about B movies is here, and I will never get bored of films like this.
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Amazing stunts and a thin plot are perfect for this drive in classic.
timber-3010812 April 2024
Several eccentric teams partake in an underground anything-goes cross country race from the Santa Monica Pier to NYC for a $100k prize.

Paul Bartel directed this between 2 of his best films, Death Race 2000 and Eating Raoul. It's absolutely the lesser of those 3 but still an enjoyable drive-in flick. This was released the same year as The Gumball Rally kicking off the cross country race genre.

David Carradine stars as the title character driving a Trans Am. He's the best actor here but there are some talented character actors backing him up. Dick Miller, Mary Woronov, Gerrit Graham, Bill McKinney, Robert Carradine, and Paul Bartel are all fantastic even if they've got small roles.

There's not much of a plot but the action scenes and gags carry the movie. The car stunts are both great and numerous. Carradine had a couple of good fight scenes. You get some absurd comedy and a giant multi-car pileup that had to have killed dozens.

It's a Roger Corman production so you know the budget was tiny but they made it feel a lot bigger. If you don't have an appreciation for low budget 70s grindhouse fodder then this isn't for you. If you do then this is a must watch.
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SGECKO6710 September 2003
This film is proof positive that you do not need a large budget, an A-list cast, or a complex script to entertain. Some times ya just need Fast cars, beautiful girls, and quirky characters(some played way over the top). Cannonball delivers just that,and becomes a joyride of a film. One of the first two car films based on the real"CANNONBALL SEA-TO-SHINING SEA RACE",(the other being"THE GUMBALL RALLY")it is far better than Hal Needhams "CANNONBALL RUN" films. Where they are goofy,and unintresting, "CANNONBALL" and "GUMBALL RALLY" are funny, and entertaining.

The acting,and directing while not awe inspiring is consistent.(comon we have seen much worse). And I love the seventies(porno film) stock that this was shot on. Maybe im just too sentimental, but at two in the mornin,fix some hot pockets, open a cold beer, and start your engines. Unfortunately this film is not available on dvd, and even Amazon doesnt show a copy on vhs.
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Highly amusing cult film.
lost-in-limbo25 December 2021
Made a year after the 70s cult b-film Death Race 2000. Paul Bartel (as director) returns to the genre with another Corman produced feature of the same ilk. Instead of the futuristic dystopian setup of Death Race, it goes for a randomly breezy and thinly plotted Cannonball Run route of an outlaw cross-country racing event. However it was made years before Burt Reynold's iconic film, but around the same time as the similar plotted 'Gumball Rally'. One thing though, those aforementioned films never matched the striking tone of this very Bartel film.

Leading the way was the impressive amount of mass destruction occurring on the roads, sometimes quite violent, dangerous and disturbing in the details. Making it somewhat jarring with it also wanting to be humorous in its characters struggling to catch a break, or a comedy of errors turning lethal. The tip of the iceberg was the climatic vehicle pile-up which doesn't shy away from casualties and how they're presented. As the humour is strangely dark with ironic shades mixed with a cynical morality tale in some character fates. While sort of generic in what happens, the levity of the script and outrageous set-pieces can amuse, but at the same time shock. While the ensemble cast (led by David Carradine's fashion sense) really do push it along. So many familiar character actors, film-makers from Corman's staple show up. And it's quite fun picking up on them.
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