Marriage on the Rocks (1965) Poster

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Dean Martin is the highlight of this film
TBear60006 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to pinpoint just exactly what's wrong with this film. I think it's a combination of script problems and poor performance, mostly on the part of Frank Sinatra. Sinatra gave great performances in many other films but, as other reviewers pointed out, he seems to be sleep walking through this film, as if he's eager to get a take so he can leave. Nancy Sinatra is young and fresh and gives a sweet performance. Deborah Kerr does her best with what she's been given. Unfortunately, that isn't much. Dean Martin is the highlight of this film. As always, he's fun and charming, and his presence breathes into this film what little life it has. Needless to say, it suffers heavily when he's not on screen and the focus shifts to Sinatra. The plot has many problems. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense but, after all, it's just a film. I could have gone along with the plot, but the main problem is that this film's just plain boring. The basic plot goes something like this: Sinatra and Kerr have been married for 19 years. He ignores her. She complains. At Martin's urging, they go on a second honeymoon in Mexico. Once there, they get in a huge fight, and wind up with a quickie divorce. By the end of the night, both have second thoughts and decide to remarry. However, first Sinatra is called away on business and the wedding must wait until he returns. Martin is Sinatra's best friend and business partner. He leads the free-wheeling life of a swingin' bachelor, dating a bevy of girls but, mainly, his private secretary, Lola. When Sinatra's business detains him longer than expected, he decides not to fly back to Mexico to marry Kerr, who is waiting for him. Instead, he sends Martin (who professes to be an old hand at telling women he's not going to marry them) to break the news to her. In a case of mistaken identity, and before either knows what has happened, Kerr and Martin end up married (the ceremony was in Spanish). He quickly signs annulment/divorce papers, but she refuses to sign, thinking she can use Martin to make Sinatra jealous, and then he'll pay attention to her (Martin & Kerr used to date several years ago). Sinatra finds out her plans and calls her bluff, taking over Martin's pad and dating "Martin's" girls. Kerr acts as if she's mad for Martin and refuses to divorce him. Poor Martin only wants his house, life, and girl friend (whom Sinatra refuses to let him see) back. Sinatra & Kerr's poor children are stuck in between, and Martin is the only one who actually shows some responsibility towards them. Sound confusing and contrived? It is. The ending is incredibly rushed and haphazard. Sinatra & Kerr reunite, but we never get to witness their remarriage. We never get to see if Martin, who is the only one who did nothing wrong, gets his old life back. It's a very disappointing ending that leaves you flat - as this film, in general, does. If you're a fan of Martin's, you'll want to see this just because his performance is so fun, but be prepared to be bored when he's not on screen. For a better Sinatra-Martin pairing try "4 For Texas" or "Robin and the Seven Hoods".
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Musical Comedy Material Without Music or Comedy
jayraskin110 July 2010
This movie stars Deborah Kerr, one of the greatest actresses in history. She was nominated for Academy Awards six times and should have been nominated a few more times. I just saw her in "Night of the Iguana," and I thought that was another performance she should have gotten an academy award nomination for. I have never seen her give a bad performance. She gives a charming and funny performance here, keeping the movie together. Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin are spotty, good in some scenes, not-so-good in others.Sinatra is mostly sleepwalking, with Martin occasionally giving some funny lines, but Sinatra doing one-take -- let me out of here,is it 5 o'clock yet -- readings.

This could have been a good movie. There are a couple of ways they could have gone with it. First, they could have turned it into a real musical. They already had two of the greatest singers of the time and Deborah Kerr who had starred in "The King and I". How hard would it have been to hire a couple of songwriters to knock out eight songs and get a choreographer to stage a few numbers. This would have added some energy to the slow,plot.

Okay, if they didn't want to turn is into a musical, they could have made it into a more realistic comedy. In the movie, Deborah is tired of her marriage to dull Frank and wants to marry swinging Dean. Fine, lets do it. Only in the movie, Deborah gets a fake divorce from Frank and a fake marriage to Dean. This is silly, not funny. In order for the movie to work, the divorce and marriage had to be real. This would, no doubt, have made Frank really sad, and not just pretend sad, as in the film, but that would have made us care about him. Because it is not a real divorce, and Frank and Deborah's marriage isn't really threatened, nor is Frank and Dean's friendship, there is no intensity to the film.

Divorce is a painful process. The filmmakers, and, I suspect, Frank Sinatra, didn't want any of that pain in the film. They just wanted a breezy comedy. Unfortunately, fake pain from a fake divorce does not equal comedy. Slipping on a banana peel is funny, faking slipping on a banana peel is not.

Most of the film is hit and miss. Joi Lansing as Dean's curvy secretary was funny. Having 21 year old Davey Davison as a Go-Go dancer lusting after 49 year old Frank was not.

You know the direction is not very good when you have Nancy Sinatra playing a scene as Frank Sinatra's daughter and you're convinced by the end of the scene that they have never met each before.
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No surfer dudes and no 007 rips offs. What else could they do?
bear195530 September 2014
Watch it once at least; Frank Sinatra in any role is worthy of that. The film is really a curiosity; a look at an America that wasn't quite real but somewhat was, especially to the principals and producers I'd say. I don;t like that at all in films unless it is presented knowingly or can be accomplished with a wink. It is not, here. The stock players are OK because they don't get to shine here, unfortunately. The stars seem to me calculated to be a draw back then and were surely needed for an "adult" film of the day that was NOT one of the Bond 007 rip-offs of the time. The story depends on too many stereotypes and silliness that are worthy only of an average sitcoms. It can tend to be cringe-worthy, now. There are other, better 'war of the sexes' comedies instead, even with Sinatra as in "Come Blow Your Horn" and a couple of the best Doris Day movies of the period that truly are funny.
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Janet-Morrison319 July 2002
I love this movie; wish I could get a video tape of it. It's lite, funny, sad and has wonderful actors/actresses in it. It's a good movie to just sit back and veg out to!. Dean and Frank just ham it up and Deborah Kerr just fits right in and goes along with it. That's what makes it so good!
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Kerr is great at least and the bachelor pad is awesome
sol-23 November 2015
Complications arise after an unhappily married couple are "accidentally" divorced whilst on their second honeymoon in this amiable comedy with echoes of Hitchcock's 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith'. The film takes quite a while to build up to the "accident" and the resulting humour is hit and miss, but a perfectly cast Deborah Kerr and Frank Sinatra keep the film afloat. Both were well past 40 at the time and they capture two complete flip-sides well; Sinatra has become complacent, all too settled into life, whereas a high-strung Kerr is in the midst of a midlife crisis, worried by the very certainties that Sinatra finds comfort in. The supporting characters are not terribly interesting; as his best friend, Dean Martin is too much the polar opposite of Sinatra and while John McGiver, Cesar Romero and Hermione Baddeley have their good bits, they never register strongly. Martin's bachelor pad is something else though, and -- alongside the likes of 'Under the Yum Yum Tree' -- it is a testament to the imaginativeness of early '60s interior decoration with jutting stone walls, several indoor plants and a fireplace in the centre of the living room. The nightclub sets are nifty too. Of course, excellent sets alone are not reason enough to watch a motion picture, but they are certainly an extra delight in this big screen showcase for Kerr's comedic talents. Her very proper and refined British vocal mannerisms render her indignation all the more amusing, and imperfect as the film may well be, it certainly offers an acute look at a middle aged couple both learning to reevaluate what they want in life.
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A fun lesser film from Frank Sinatra
Tweekums26 December 2018
This comedy is centred on ad-man Dan Edwards and his wife Val. They have been married for nineteen years; he is content but she is feeling a lack of attention from him. It doesn't help that their friend, committed bachelor, Ernie Brewer always jokes that not marrying her was this biggest regret. Eventually she wants a divorce; something that comes as a surprise to Dan. Friends suggest they take a second honeymoon in Mexico to put a spark back in the marriage... events lead to everything getting even worse.

Comedy is one of the more selective genres; what makes one person laugh might leave another cold... while this was definitely corny at times it certainly made me laugh. There are decent jokes throughout especially once they head to Mexico... even if the depiction of that country is less than flattering in a way that probably wouldn't be allowed in a modern film. Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin were fun as friends Dan and Ernie and Deborah Kerr was equally solid as Val. Cesar Romero's performance as the Mexican who seems to do everything; easy marriage, easy divorce, run the town hotel etc., is a highlight. Also notable is Frank's daughter Nancy who plays Dan's daughter Tracy. On the down side I could have done without Dan's 'comedy Scotswoman' mother in law... she even played the bagpipes! Overall this won't amuse everybody but I found it to be a fun and inoffensive comedy.
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Going through the motions.
planktonrules27 November 2013
In recent months, I've watched quite a few films by the so-called Rat Pack. Some, such as "Oceans Eleven", were very good. However, quite a few really look like the actors were just going through the motions with substandard scripts--and "Marriage on the Rocks" is clearly one of these.

The film is supposed to be a kooky comedy about marriage and divorce. However, comedies, unless I'm mistaken, are supposed to be funny! This one lacks humor and more importantly any charm. The characters are all unlikable and very one-dimensional. Dean Martin plays an executive who NEVER works and chases women. Frank Sinatra plays an executive who ONLY works and is humorless and annoying. And, Deborah Kerr hates his wife who hates her marriage but NEVER tells her husband. As for the kids, they're all self-absorbed jerks.

As for the plot, it's bad but is made worse because you hate the characters. While in Mexico, Frank and Deborah ACCIDENTALLY GET DIVORCED and SHE ACCIDENTALLY MARRIES Dean!! This is pretty far-fetched and contrived. Overall, it's a tiresome film that might have worked had it been better written and had the stars (who had HUGE clout in Hollywood at the time) insisted they be given a competent plot. Tiresome.
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Marriage on the Rocks- I'll Drink to that **1/2
edwagreen17 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Tedious Frank Sinatra and Deborah Kerr film. I think they made up for the fact that they had no scenes together 12 years before in "From Here to Eternity."

Despite a great cast, the film sags as Frank Sinatra plays a family man who is boring Val (his wife Deborah) after 19 years of marriage. He has a swinging business partner Dean Martin, who was rejected by Val when she married Dan (Sinatra) instead.

The picture becomes nonsensical when the couple go to Mexico for a second honeymoon, quarrel and wind up divorced by the unscrupulous Cesar Romero. The laughs begin when the two immediately decide to retie the knot, but when Dan can't join Val, Dino flies into Mexico instead only to wed Val by a Spanish speaking priest instead.

The film then deals with the change of roles brought on by this marriage as it affects all 3 characters. You see, Val is hesitant in signing the divorce papers with Dino so that she can remarry Dan.

Hermione Baddeley steals the show as Val's Irish Rose of a mother. Nancy Sinatra appears in the worthless role of the daughter of Dan and Val, who is looking to spread her wings with a room-mate and eventually marry nerd psychiatrist Tony Bill. Bill, who was so good as Sinatra's kid brother in "Come Blow Your Horn," has little to do here.

The film is good for a couple of laughs but is highly predictable. Also, Kerr is just too British to assume the role of Val.
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A flat, dull attempt at humor
SimonJack11 May 2016
Watching "Marriage on the Rocks," it's hard to image that it was made by a studio that turned out so many great movies in the 35 years prior to this one. But then, Warner Brothers wasn't alone in making such dull and boring fluff in the 1960s and beyond.

The only reason I give this film four stars is because of two performers – Deborah Kerr and Cesar Romero. They give it their best with the material they have. Kerr plays Val Edwards. Why in the world such a talented actress would agree to make this movie is beyond me, but she does try to put some life into her character and make her somewhat interesting. Cesar Romero plays Miguel Santos. I don't know if the script called for the level of excitement and energy his character provides – but I suspect he pushed it some in an effort to elevate the film.

Other reviews have noted that Frank Sinatra as Dan Edwards and Dean Martin as Ernie Brewer are pretty much playing their everyday roles in life. At least the roles that were for their public image. Martin was not a late night carouser with the pack, but went home to be with his family. Neither actor does anything to lift this film beyond boredom. Sinatra just isn't believable as an ad agency magnate. And, Martin's playboy role is way over the top so that any humor it might have otherwise is lost in tedium.

The screenplay is blasé for this film. There can't be even half a dozen clever or witty lines. The film just sinks without any real humor. We know that all the leads could act in dramatic roles, and the males could croon some lovely tunes. As one other reviewer noted, had they put some songs in here, the studio would have boosted the film and made it at least entertaining.
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Frank Sinatra as Mr. Roper
masercot3 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There are a lot of recognizable names in this one: Sinatra, Dean Martin, Deborah Kerr, Caesar Romero, Nancy Sinatra, Deforest Kelly ("Bones" McCoy on Star Trek) and Kathleen Freeman (one of my favorites).

Problem is Dean Martin is a mediocre actor; Frank Sinatra is a mediocre actor; and, Nancy Sinatra is the worst actress to ever come out of Hollywood. All three are singers and not one of them sings in this movie.

To be honest, I read the plot before watching and had to see how they pulled it off. They pulled it off okay... it didn't seem contrived much...

Caesar Romero is funny in this and speaks pretty good Spanish. Kathleen Freeman is always good. The rest of the cast is dull and lifeless.

Watch this only if the act of watching it will save a puppy's life.
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Marriage Sank Without A Trace
bkoganbing17 February 2007
The only reason this film gets as high as four is for all the talent involved. If Frank and Dean had sung in this film it might have rated higher. But the plain fact is that Marriage on the Rocks just ain't that funny.

Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin are best friends and partners in an advertising agency. Sinatra is married to Deborah Kerr with two kids and a mother-in-law in the house. Dino is a carefree bachelor and all around swinger and boozer. Basically these two really play themselves so there's no great stretch of any thespian talent.

Through an odd combination of circumstances, Sinatra and Kerr whose marriage is going through a rough patch go to Mexico on a second honeymoon and through the machinations of divorce attorney Cesar Romero they get an instant Mexican divorce. Then when Sinatra can't make it back to Mexico, he sends Dino back to pick up Kerr and offer an explanation and Martin winds up married to Kerr.

Now their roles are reversed and Martin is now a stepfather to Nancy Sinatra and Michael Petit and Sinatra's having a whale of a good time leading a swinging, ring-a-ding life. Of course all gets righted in the end.

We've seen it all before from Frank and Dean. This would be their last joint film appearance for 17 years until Cannonball Run II. Mainly because of the critical roasting this film got. Both of them just walk through the parts here. Dean Martin was just starting his highly successful television series which would be his main venue for the next decade and Frank was doing some very nice television specials around that time.

It would have been nice if both of them had sang some more on the big screen, but no more movie singing for them, except for Dino in the first Matt Helm film.

In any event the Rat Pack was breaking up as the two of them plus Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Joey Bishop all started doing their own thing more and more.

Deborah Kerr looks like she's wondering how she got there with the boys, she certainly doesn't have the right spirit to be a Rat Pack broad like Shirley MacLaine or Angie Dickinson or Barbara Rush.

In fact Marriage on the Rocks is one colossal waste of an incredible assembly of talented players.
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I loved it!
pwtrn011 April 2006
I remember watching this movie when I was young.I have watched for it to come on again but I haven't found it yet.I thought it was very funny.It also shows people to appreciate what they have in life,not envy the other person's life. It seemed to me that the cast had fun doing this movie. There are so few movies to watch now that don't have too much graphic sex and violence that I wish more people would watch these older movies. They were extremely funny and could be viewed by the whole family. Laughter is truly the best medicine. It makes you feel good, happy, and decreases stress. I recommend it.Hey out there! Give it a chance with an open mind! You'll enjoy it!
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Often fun marriage-go-round farce, with a set of stunning women to ogle at
estherwalker-3471011 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Frank Sinatra plays a boring middle-aged family man and workaholic, who has forgotten how to be romantic with his wife of 19 years, played by striking redhead Deborah Kerr, who talks to her lawyer about the possibility of getting a divorce, on grounds of boredom. She claims that 95% of divorces happen due to boredom, whatever the official grounds may be. She also opinionates that marriage is a bad archaic institution that should be done away with, as promoting boredom. Frank tells swinging bachelor friend Dean Martin "I don't have to be romantic, I'm married", which backs up her thinking. Yet, near movie's end, she is shocked that her teen daughter, played by Nancy Sinatra, is planning on moving in with her boyfriend, exposing her basic conservative nature, and contradicting her former pronouncement.

Meanwhile, Frank's bachelor workmate and best friend, played by Dean, is enjoying playing the field in his plush bachelor's pad. This provides some relief during the middle of the film, when Frank and Deborah are having arguments, and Frank is being a couch potato bore, claiming he's too tired from work to do anything except watch TV and sleep. Also, we meet Jim, Nancy's boyfriend(Nancy was 25, playing a late teen). As a psychiatry student, he ventures some relevant psychological insights to the older generation.

It's only when Frank and Deborah are talked into taking a trip to Mexico to renew their wedding vows that the main comedy portion begins. Without going into details, things don't exactly go according to plans, partly because of the meddling of Cesar Romero's hyper character, who specializes in drawing up marriage certificates and divorce papers. And Dean supposedly ends up married to Deborah, in a farcical ceremony in Spanish they didn't realize was taking place until it was over! No ring and no kissing. Is Frank upset? No! He takes over Dean's bachelor pad and harem, while Dean tries to take his place as the head of his family, tending to take on Frank's undesirable traits, fighting with the kids. Deborah's Scottish mother, who plays the bagpipes when she feels like it, moves in with Frank. Of course, we 'know' that, before the film ends, things will get back to normal.

While Frank is enjoying being single, Nancy's 22yo blonde roommate meets Frank, and immediately likes him. Soon, she's talking marriage. Of course, 50yo Frank knows this is ridiculous, but plays along with it for a short while. NONETHELESS, only a year later, Frank married 21yo Mia Farrow - perhaps the dumbest thing he ever did!

Now, what about all those beautiful dames? Of course, Deborah wasn't bad looking, going with her aristocratic British bearing. Davey Davison, as Lisa, was a good looking blonde. We barely got a good look at Sigrid Valdis, but it was clear that she was a knockout blonde. But, the prize was 36yo blonde bombshell Joi Lansing, who was often compared with rather similar blondes Jane Mansfield and Mamie Van Doren, although she never achieved their level of fame. She was also a nightclub singer. Her sizable breasts were one of her notable assets, but eventually she developed cancer in one and it killed her at 43! She had 3 unsatisfactory marriages and numerous affairs, but in her last 4 years, she became a lesbian when she discovered 20yo actress Nancy Hunter, who wrote a book(available today) about their life together, called "Joi Lansing: a body to die for".

Incidentally, I calculated that 60% of the ratings by reviewers are below the median value of 6, which contrasts to only 38% of all raters. Thus, the reviews, as a whole, are skewed toward those who didn't like the film. For me, seeing Joi Lansing several times, sometimes in a bikini, was worth the price of admission!
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moonspinner5525 June 2001
It's a marriage merry-go-round when Deborah Kerr rather inadvertently divorces workaholic hubby Frank Sinatra while on vacation in Mexico; when he fails to make things right, she (once again) inadvertently winds up hitched to boozy best friend Dean Martin. Made during the time when films had become second priority to Ol' Blue Eyes. It quickly becomes apparent his heart isn't in this...and how could it be, really, with such a leaden script? Although plush and well-produced, the movie is just a throwaway--a shame since the premise did have some interesting possibilities. Nancy Sinatra (barely out of her teens) and Tony Bill add some appeal as the youngsters in love, but the rest is a snooze. Happy Hour for the Rat Pack is over...closing time, guys! *1/2 from ****
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Frank And Dean Put In An Appearance
atlasmb3 December 2015
This film intends to be wacky, I think, but ends up being nothing more than annoying. Where is the comedy in this comedy? Comedies should be fun. This one saunters through some boring situations, with lackluster performances, and expects laughs, apparently.

Frank Sinatra plays the role of the married man, firmly entrenched in responsibility, with a family that doesn't appreciate him. He goes through the motions, except when it comes to his job.

Dean Martin is best friend and bachelor--another cliché of the mid-sixties. He is constantly juggling the attentions of sexy women, providing a stark contrast to his "square" buddy, Frank.

Deborah Kerr's talents are wasted as Frank's wife--feeling unfulfilled and starved for attention.

The entire story revolves around a reversal that is as unfunny as it is improbable--Dean mistakenly marries Deborah. Oh, what will they do? How can they possibly extricate themselves from this situation that is filled with life lessons and comic banter?

I cannot recommend this film to anyone. It is mirthless.
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South Of The Boredom
writers_reign11 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Though you'll go a long way to find a bigger Sinatra fan than me I'm not the besotted type who thinks the idol in question can do no wrong and I'm well aware of his substandard work as both singer and actor or, to put it another way, Mama Will Bark was not the only dog with which he was associated. It's hard to imagine exactly who and at what obviously early stage ever thought there was a scintilla of merit in this turkey which relies on the audience 'getting' the joke that Sinatra, a celebrated swinger in real life, is here cast as a boring husband so much so that wife Deborah Kerr seriously attempts to use boredom as grounds for divorce. Nepotism is certainly alive and well with roles for daughter Nancy and real-life (at the time) son-in-law Tommy Sands. Best buddy Dean Martin plays himself and flavor of the month Tony Bill - Sinatra cast him in Come Blow Your Horn and None But The Brave - also turns up cast against type. There's minimal chemistry between Kerr and Sinatra, Cesar Romero does his best as the stereotype foreign jack-of-all-trades and to add insult to injury Sinatra allows Trini Lopez to stink up the screen when he himself could have supplied a real vocal interlude. For completists only.
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How Not To Make A Comedy
jdsuggs21 October 2016
This is a depressing exercise of that mid-sixties genre in which the Greatest Generation skewers the Swinging Sixties and its own middle age at the same time. You've seen it plenty: Mom or Pop makes the scene, does the Frug, and flirts with infidelity, embarrassing the teenage daughter, while humoring her pretentious boyfriend as he spews pseudo-modern, pseudo-intellectual psychobabble. The marriage is in some kind of mid-life jeopardy and we get lots of racy dallying with modern morality before- (surely this is not a genre-wide spoiler!)- reaffirming traditional values in a final clinch. Actually, some of these are kind of fun, and they're nearly always fun to look at and listen to.

Not this one.

The comic situation here takes way too long to develop, spends a great deal of that time telling you exactly what's going to happen before it happens, and isn't even a little bit funny or believable. Whatever comic opportunities are there just aren't delivered upon, and the pacing is excruciating. The characters are such loose sketches that we aren't tempted to buy them either. Perhaps worst of all, the comic talents of a great cast are wasted, and not just the principles- while Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and a very game Deborah Kerr are striking out, great talent like Reta Shaw, Kathleen Freeman, John McGiver, and Parley Baer are left to ride the bench in a film that's thirty minutes too long.

The Scottish mother-in-law and Cesar Romero's shyster, both broadly stereotyped, bring the only really lively support, and it's mostly just bellowing and posturing.

The only redemption here, if any, is Dean Martin's bachelor pad, a wonderful set on which nothing really happens. And the color is pretty nice and lively for the most part, as per the period. And brunette Nancy Sinatra gives it her best and is always fun to watch. She has great chemistry with her dad and Dean.

To cleanse your soul of this, pull out Preston Sturges' immortal "The Palm Beach Story" and see how a marriage comedy should move and breathe.
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HotToastyRag14 September 2017
I'll be honest: I wasn't expecting much from this movie. I'd had a hard week and wasn't in the best space with my sweetie-pie, so I wasn't completely in the mood to watch a movie entitled Marriage on the Rocks, but popped it in nonetheless. The next morning, I went out and bought a copy. Turns out, Marriage on the Rocks is a comedy—and a hilarious one at that!

Frank Sinatra and Deborah Kerr are married. I know, it seems incredibly unlikely; especially since they weren't paired up romantically in From Here to Eternity eighteen years earlier, but somehow it works! They're absolutely darling together, but they've reached a rut in their marriage. He works too much, and when he comes home, he's bombarded by family quarrels, so when Deborah wants to go out dancing all night, he doesn't have the energy.

Dean Martin does, though. He plays Frankie's best friend, and he constantly teases Deborah Kerr that she married the wrong man as he joins them for dinner, boogies with her in a go-go nightclub, and picks out jewelry for Frankie to give her. Although on paper, the plot sounds like a drama, the move is chalk-full of quick gags, hilarious jokes, and situational comedy. Even the tiniest touches are funny, like hearkening back to Deborah Kerr's Scottish roots and having her mother, played by Hermione Baddeley, march around the house playing bagpipes. And when Frankie lays down the law with his teenaged daughter and refuses to let her move in with a cage dancer, it's extra cute because Nancy Sinatra plays his daughter! It's no surprise that Frank Sinatra's comic timing is superb, but who would have thought Deborah Kerr's would be, too? She's just delightful in this comedy, and since I don't usually like her, that's quite a compliment. I usually cringe whenever forced to sit through a Dean Martin movie, but if this was the first movie of his I'd seen, I wouldn't dislike him at all. Everyone in this movie is funny and adorable, and the plot hops from one hilarious, impossible situation to another.

This is the perfect movie to rent with your spouse or sweetie-pie if there's trouble in paradise. It'll inspire you and give you lots to laugh about!
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Ring-a-Ding Don't
wes-connors28 September 2009
"Fuddy-duddy" Frank Sinatra (as Dan Edwards) runs an advertising agency, with "drinking man" Dean Martin (as Ernie Brewer) assisting. Mr. Sinatra thinks housewife Deborah Kerr (as Valerie) is happily married, but she wants a divorce "on the grounds of boredom." Sinatra thinks, "I don't have to be romantic." Ms. Kerr wonders what life would be like if she married Mr. Martin, who romances a succession of busty secretaries. Through a series of misunderstandings, Kerr gets her wish…

Sinatra, Kerr, and Martin do not live up to the marquee value of their names. At least, Kerr seems to be alert. Teenage daughter Nancy Sinatra (as Tracy) and Honda hopping son Michael Petit (as David) are much better than the big stars. Boyfriend Tony Bill (Jim Blake) and an able supporting cast help… a little. Strangely enough, Sinatra and Martin sing no songs; instead, their "Reprise" label is represented by Trini Lopez doing "Sinner Man", a minor hit after the film's original release.

**** Marriage on the Rocks (9/16/65) Jack Donohue ~ Frank Sinatra, Deborah Kerr, Dean Martin, Nancy Sinatra
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machine-48 February 1999
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A great drinking game movie
feralladybug17 January 2014
Plot: A man and his wife (Frank Sinatra and Deborah Kerr)accidentally divorce,and his wife accidentally marries his best friend,a confirmed life-long bachelor. (Dean Martin) Hilarity Ensues.(supposedly)

This movie is 45 yrs old, and boy has it not aged well. While it LOOKS handsome on a modern TV, with elegant set design and wonderful costumes (examples:Dean Martin's stylish bachelor pad, & Deborah Kerr's gorgeous emerald cape/dress ensemble) the plot and social values in the film are creakier than Gilligan's boat.

However,as my sister and I discovered, it is vastly improved with the addition of alcohol. A hilarious drinking game can be played by imbibing each time a character spouts a value that simply would NOT fly in a modern movie.Just a few examples:

Frank Sinatra:"I believe a girl should stay at home until she's married."


Deborah Kerr:"What a beautiful (Polar Bear!) rug. " Dean Martin: "It's real fur."

DK: "I would expect as much from a big game hunter like you."


Young Woman: "I can't swim." DM: "Helpless,eh? All the better."


Young Woman:" Do you want children?" Dean Martin: (holds her hand and leers suggestively) "Try me."


Frank Sinatra(in bed with his wife of 19 yrs,who is making the moves on him and wearing a glamorous negligee on their anniversary): "TV's off,you don't want to talk,what else is there to do in bed?" ('cos you know,people over 40 don't have a sex life)


Dean Martin: "It's easy to tell a woman you're not going to marry her. I've done it dozens of times!"

And so on.

Of course these quotes may be slightly incorrect. By the end of the movie,I had played the game so many times,my faculties were more than a little impaired.

I know it's largely unfair to judge the movies of old by the standards of today, but sometimes their promotion of old world values is so leaden and infuriating, it's hard not to be both amused & enraged while watching them. And unfortunately,there is simply not enough wit or style in the script or performances to make one forgive the cringe-worthy elements that haven't aged well.

Deborah Kerr is the one bright spark in this uninspiring debacle. She acquits herself well despite the thin material,with a comic finesse that does more with the lacklustre script than it deserves. Frank and Dean pretty much dial in performances of the "ain't broads exasperating" variety.(A shame,as Frank demonstrated in 'The Man With the Golden Arm' he was an actor of range and subtlety).Hermoine Baddeley, so funny in 'Maude'' can do little with the battle-axe mother-in-law stereotype she's been handed.This film is a good reminder that 'the good old days' were not always so good. While the 1960s produced a plethora of 'sex comedy' films that while dated,still sparkle with panache and charm, this is not one of them.
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Absolutely Witless "Comedy"
BoomerDT22 June 2019
Hey, I like Frank and Dino. They really did personify cool and hip in the 50's and early 60's. But MOTR is just a disaster and would be the 6th and final pairing of the two (except for a cameo in CannonBall Run 2, another POS) Frank did do a few more mostly bad movies in the 60's, the Tony Rome series and Dean did some westerns and the amusing Matt Helm spy spoofs, but by mid-60's they were no longer the movie presence they had been.

About the only reason I can find for watching-I admit I fell asleep for about .20-is the interesting cast. Not sure how Deborah Kerr, one of the most respected actresses of the period agreed to this, but she's playing Frank's wife. Cesar Romero, John McGiver, Hermione Baddelly, DeForest Kelley (Dr McCoy, Star Trek) Nancy Sinatra-before she went blonde-plays Frank's daughter and Trini Lopez performs a song. One wonders why they didn't get Frank or Dino to do it. Or why Sammy Davis didn't play a butler?
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Excellent Comedy Better than most
onesweetguy2 February 2018
I really don't understand the harsh treatment given this 60s comedy. Dean Martin gets all the laughs and Frank Sinatra plays the straight guy. But Cesar Romero is even funnier as a priest/lawyer. Thats a standard comedy ploy. They are all playing to type. Dean played the same role in all his Matt Helm films. Romero played a similar role in (comedy wise) Weekend in Havana. What really surprised me was how well Deborah Kerr acted her part. My only objection is that the movie took too long to wrap up.
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Where's Doris Day?
Guad422 March 2022
I caught this on TCM the other day. I missed the introduction and the first fifteen minutes. I was lucky. I watched the movie as I like Kerr and Martin (getting the movie two stars instead of one). I continued watching so I could write a bad review and save other unsuspecting viewers from this experience. This movie is godawful. It might be one of the last zany comedies that has a totally ridiculous situation prolonged by stubborn characters who drags things out for no apparent reason other than to teach each other a "lesson". It touches on sex, changing social standards and mores while professing to be funny. It ain't even close to that last part. If you want to see it done better, watch any Doris Day movie from the previous ten years. It is the same type of show. In fact, Doris would fit right into the Kerr role. Since neither Dean or Frank sing, they can be replaced by Rock Hudson in the husband role and James Garner as the playboy. Throw in Tony Randall as the lawyer and keep Ceasar Romero and we have just fixed the movie. Not really, it is unfixable.

Not sure why Kerr would do this. Check out her career. She had serious game. She must have wanted to act with Sinatra since they shared no scenes together in From Here To Eternity. Or maybe she lost a bet. See her in Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, a personal favorite. Or any of her other movies, I haven't seen them all but hard to believe any are worse than this one.

See Sinatra and Martin in about anything else, either together or separately. I guess they were going to do buddy pictures until the well went dry. It is dry now, bone dry. Time to move on and both of them did.

There are a few remarks in the dialogue that draw a slight smile but anyone who thinks this is funny probably thinks My Mother, The Car is at the top of the comedy food chain. Cesar Romero might be the best thing in this as he is priming himself for the Joker role in Batman. He has energy if nothing else.

Can't say enough bad things about this outing. Skip it at all costs unless it is being riffed by the MST 3K gang.
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Nostalgia Road Trip
gkimmarygleim23 June 2019
I watched this film yesterday on TCM as part of Deborah Kerr Day. The 1960s don't hold up very well in this one. Silly plot, stilted dialog, visible back lot locations. Until the end. Frank Sinatra pulls up to a beautiful pale stone house with a wide sweeping driveway. I immediately recognized it as Dean Martin's former house in Beverly Hills. Always drove by in the 1960's hoping to see Dean Martin Jr., aka Dino from Dino, Desi, and Billy. Funny that Dean Martin wasn't in the scene!
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