
2 Reviews
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
Perfect Summer Movie!
23 June 2009
Ever since the trailer came out I was over-excited to see this movie. I simply adore both Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock and wanted to see the chemistry between them on the big screen. And I was NOT disappointed.

I went Saturday night with a friend, expecting it to be like Miss Congeniality or like Definitely, Maybe; acting wise not plot wise. Being a romantic comedy fool, I was on a constant roller coaster of laughs and 'aw' moments.

Both leading actors pull of their rolls perfectly, dipping into their natural talents as well as performing off each other. The chemistry from the very beginning of the bitterness road to the very ending was believable and very entertaining. And the supporting cast was completely on the ball, from the hilarious Betty White to the doting mother, Mary Steenburgen. I did love the IRS agent in the sense of the "bad" guy type figure.

The best part about the movie was the laugh-out-loud scenes and the little moments between Bullock and Reynolds (Especially his facial expressions!). I laughed about 90% of the time, along with the rest of the filled theater. Very few people in that theater walked out disappointed.

If you're expecting some Oscar-Award winning movie, you might want to go see something a little less funny and a tad more serious. And while I know that The Proposal has gotten some flank, I would like to say that it was a feel-good, laugh-out-loud, go home satisfied experience. And I've been harassing everyone from work to the cashiers at Target to run out and watch it. Lord knows I've already seen it twice! It's the perfect summer movie, with absolutely AMAZING actors and actresses! A total worth to go see on a hopping Friday night, rainy Saturday, or a lazy Sunday!
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Clichéd, but Interesting
9 January 2009
I agree with what a lot of people are saying, it's clichéd and preachy, BUT I also find in completely fascinating. That's my opinion, of course, but the whole premise is fairly new for TV. Sure, sure, we have about a bazillion lifetime movies about underage girls having babies, their parents wanting them to give the baby up or have an abortion and the father of the baby wanting or not wanting to be in the picture. But I can't recall watching a TV show about it.

For such a young cast, they're not half bad with the acting. Shailene Woodley is very cute, as far as annoying, well, I hate to break it to you, but she plays the typical fifteen year old, to a 'T'. She seems selfish and vain and emotional, because, stereotypically (which this show is all about, stereotypes), she is the perfect example of a fifteen year old, and to top the sundae off, she's pregnant. Ken Baumann is absolutely adorable. He's the perfect boy next door, geek chic, that a girl would like to have around. The rest of the cast is on the ball, for the most part. Molly Ringwald is a little stiff in my eyes, but that could be because I'm so use to watching her in her 80's glory.

The Characters are pretty much predictable and completely set in their stereotypical roles, and there are moments where you want to slap every single one of them. I don't remember being like that at 15, but that was way back in the day. Ricky... Ricky just blows my mind, that boy needs to be hosed down. And for most of the episodes I want to beat Adrian with a stick. But Amy's two gossiping gal pals crack me up, and the adorableness of Henry and Ashley (individually/together) is entertaining. The parents are all having just as much drama as their kids, which is somewhat mind blowing, but it leads to an entertaining quality.

Personally, I love it, my brand new addiction for the season. It's mind blowing, especially when Amy and Ben talk about forever and true love, but highly entertaining. I want to know what's going to happen next, for all of them ;) Worth a watch if you're bored. I think it's def a hit or miss program. Either you'll love it, or hate it. (Shrugs) ;)
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