
17 Reviews
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Operator (II) (2016)
Give it one hour...
16 June 2021
The slow pace and neurotic nature of the lead male character made me almost turn off this movie. What made me keep watching was the 'independent' style of insisting on telling the personal stories of both main characters, by keep drilling in to their weaknesses and ideosyncracies - I was not 'allowed' to leave them mid-stream... After an hour the characters broke out of character, and the movie took off... Enjoy.
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Dumbo (2019)
"This is where the possible is impossible..."
7 January 2020
5 stars if I were indifferent to this Burton film, but a mere 4 stars because it was a disapointment. I couldn't find any 'Burton'esqe' touches in what seemed a life-less, bland, magic-less green-screen exercise. Even with 'King Kong' (2005), the green-screen acting seemed believeable with all the ingrediences of an adventure movie. Here, a brilliant director, a flying elephant and an original story couldn't bring me to forget I was watching Burton's least accomplished production to date. But, hey Tim - at least it can't get any worse. And I'll be awaiting for you to resurrect, and for me to forget myself for a couple a hours... Edit: This movie is for audience over 7 which is misleading; within 10 minutes the lead adult(father of the 2 leading kids) has punched another male in the face -WHAAAAAT???
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Washed out genre piece...
21 February 2019
Never caught the 'fantasy-fever' - 'Lords Of The Ring', 'Harry Potter' etc. This movie never took off from the fine concept, only to disappoint further as runtime piled up... Ended as it started: A promising concept! 'nuf said...
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...wait... wait...
13 January 2019
...wait until 'get on your knees' to convince yourselves that this was NOT a waste of the last 30 minutes of this impactful (Hollywood) movie..! "A must see", others writes, and yes- Marstons(both) contributed to the understanding of sexuality that I, personally(56 y of age) still am wondering how to realize... Thanks to writer, director and everybody making this piece of art... TY
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Fixed (III) (2014)
...physical punishment in a short- really?
15 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Well, just saw this on Youtube and started at 1:28 for a quick preview, and saw a teen boy being slapped hard in the back of his head by an adult for, apparently, no reason but momentary frustration on part of the adult - and in the present of a little girl/sister!!! And with some jolly kiddie soundtrack in grotesque contrast! Whaaaat? How was this even considered for a Short Film Festival? Well, a step back for the fight against child abuse, when physical punishment is normalized in the public domain, is my verdict. Would have given this shameful Short Film zero stars...
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Cheesy American mess, I think...
2 May 2016
NOT a love story, as you're expected to believe. Just a patchwork of Hollywood clichés and gender role stereotypes. Dialog started smart but soon dissolved into trivialities. Story and narration likewise lost momentum into ridiculous juvenile Hollywood nonsense. Could have been something wonderful, if the movie had stuck to the initial premise of the supernatural, instead of attempting to evolve into a modern(by conservative standards) love story. Should've been handed to the Brits... Disappointing. And just the more sad to have to witness trivialities coming from the mouth of Harrison Ford! 5/10 is for leaving me indifferent to both story and characters.
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Wonderfully captivating...
13 April 2016
Who needs Hollywood? No political correctness, no censoring, just a portrait of a young family living in the 70'ties France in the aftermath of the '68 revolution. Feeling an obligation to follow up and contribute in the overturn of the dictatorships in Spain and Chile. Gives me personally a perspective on a time, where I, myself being 10-12 years old like Anna, the main character, only sensed the 'strange' music and colorful clothing. So captivating, that I forgot to randomly check my smart phone during the entire movie. As a story told from a child's perspective in a certain period of time, 'Fidel' falls in the same category as El Espiritu de La Colmena (1973) and El Laberinto Del Fauno (2006)
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Uncut diamond...
16 March 2016
...meaning that, in my opinion, this adaptation of "Testament of Youth" has potential on several levels: Leading characters doing a good job of portraying young men and womens lives, dealing with both love and death at a young age, at the same time. Both Vikander and Haringtons performances, being somewhat rough in their dramatization, which curiously enough adds credence to the portrayal of teens/young adults. Not the hefty realization of drama as Knightly and McAvoy in "Atonement" of 2007, an all time favorite of mine, but certainly a wonderful interpretation of uncut human feelings under complex terms of existence.

In fact I think, that ToY has enough dramatical potential to make it in to a series; a new "Brideshead Revisited"(1981), with another narrative outset- a youth's perspective.

Such promises from a flock of young British actors in this movie, which gives me yet a reason to face the future of European cinematography with a smile!
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Sassy Pants (2012)
Listen in, America
2 January 2016
..."Jimmy Christmas", still laughing, oh my, oh my... This movie does so much more for educating American youth, 2015, on life than anything you can find on cable these days :-) There's hope for the future after all ha ha ha, keep up the good work, let art resemble life, not Republican knuckleheads resemble life. Greetings from Denmark :D ... still laughing. Well, have to do the 10 lines, so let me elaborate: Anything coming out of America, these recent years, which points at critical human self awareness, comes in handy: Satire, art and humanism all points at evolving mankind, so praise You, fellow human, Coley Sohn... Life's great
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Gone (I) (2012)
Amanda Seyfried shines...
31 December 2013
Just viewed "Gone" for the second time, and I find the movie a strong genre piece. "The Fugitive" is another great thriller, but in "Gone" the supporting roles are much less developed and the storyline comes with minor flaws and plot holes- but that's no bad thing: Thus Amanda Seyfried's character becomes the main driver, and You are lead to see things from her (maybe/maybe not)distorted viewpoint. A lot of facial close-ups, showing her ability to portray a genuine sense of both fear and determination, puts You right inside her mind. You want to like her, but she keeps You skeptical of her sanity till the end. Great thriller with a strong Amanda Seyfried, on par with Witherspoon's performance in "Freeway". 6,5 stars.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Do not watch this on home TV-set...
29 November 2013
Went in to the viewing with overall low expectations, and movie didn't disappoint me! Expected great CGI with mediocre story and acting, and got exactly that. As great visuals demand more than a 51" screen with built-in speakers to carry through on it's own, though, uninvolving acting and predictable plot just dragged overall viewing experience all down. My recommendation is therefore to watch "Pacific Rim" in the movie theater where the audio-visuals comes to their rights, and leaves you with the final impression.

In any case: Leave your brains in the wardrobe...

Del Toro had full control on both writing and directing "El laberinto del fauno"(Pans Labyrinth), and made a masterpiece. Hopefully upcoming "Pinocchio" will pay tribute to his ability to make art when both writing and directing. Till then, "Iron Man" ticks all the right boxes, and leaves this rip-off in (and together with) Oblivion.

CGI= 7 Contence= 2 Viewing experience on home TV= 3 Overall= 4
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Half sci-fi plus half romance does not equal a whole movie.
25 May 2012
I expected a high credibility movie on Mr. Damon's name alone, but only got a copy-paste no-brainer of a genre mix. As with "Shutter Island" it doesn't move me emotionally or intellectually- it just tries too hard to be intriguing by mixing genres.

Even trying to make the poster resemble that of "North By North West" doesn't recreate the unique thriller movie romance between Grant and Eva Marie Saint, neither makes Nolfi Hitchcock. And where Nolfi's idle running "The Sentinel" (2006) is carried through by solid acting(Douglas, Sutherland) as a more classic genre piece, Bourne, oops, correction, Damon and Blunt has not a quality mixed genre screenplay to work with.

Now, only "Code 46"(2003, Winterbottom) or "Blade Runner"(1982, R. Scott) can now erase my memory of a bad executed sci-fi romance. Even "Minority Report"(2002, Spielberg) could do that, replacing romance with a level of development of Mr. Cruise's character.

2 for the sci-fi, 4 for the romance, 3 for the screenplay

9/11Truth- ask questions
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Watch the (supposed) cashflow...
20 March 2010
This is a biased review, biased on repeatedly having enjoyed watching Peter Sellers BE Insp. Cleuseau: Dear Hollywood- DON'T...

I just watched app. 10 sec. of a movie trailer with Steve Martin, and he is not to blaim! It's the movie-brokers on the outlook for vintage material to capitalize on who're to blaim/condemn/redicule/punish(pick Your word). I can hardly think of a more sacrilegious movie adaption of a classic. YUCK -enough to make me feel physickly sick, to be honest(sorry)!!!.

Hint: Why has "Casablanca" never been remade ;o/ (Leonardo De Caprio as Rick???)? Maybe thats why "Taxi Driver" is expected to be remade with Robert de Niro once over...?
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...cliché, cliché, cliché....
9 January 2010
First, I'm so sorry! Tried for so long to grab the core , but was mislead by... -cliché. ... At once, the movie hints at "Bangkok Hilton" e.g., as one of three lead characters is imprisoned for drug related offences, but movie soon loses every trace of "depth" being developed of either character or story: You jump from a 'hint'hint'(we don't want to lose anyone of you spectators)wastebasket-drop of a chuck of "weed" on an Asian island, to a limo in New York(thinking': What happens when the "weed" is discovered as it was so obviously dropped, and framed by camera- can we cope?). Then: "You never had a beer with him..", meaning: You don't know a person at all..?? -aaaaaarghh, maaan... how am I able to review anything on a cliché like that?? Who knows; maybe they had a barbecue at sometime??? As pointed, I tried hard to hang on, through juvenile "buddy-rituals" in far Asia, to cliché-modern-America: 'OK, 'I have got myself a job and a wife, so now I have no moral obligations to...' life, myself, friends, or who-ever?? So, again, I'm sorry- it's not fair at all, to write a review on basis of NOT having seen the movie through.. -you have to excuse me, I got the B-movieflu... Form concurred matter! How did it end..? And sorry, again, my friends- bare over with me; I just pre-re-watched "Pulp Fiction" after, say, 12 years.... don't EVER start with supreme and then go(this far)below ;o)
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Only You (1994)
Hollywood vs. real art...
31 August 2009
...yes, why can't I just take it for what it is? A flimcy-flumcy childish fairytale on hallucinogenics?? Why??? I'll tell You why; it's a complete waste of location(Rome, Italy), talent(Tomei, probably director too), genre(romance) and my time. Not at any time, the director pays any respect to.... -anything. The stressed pace of action, lack of development of character, Rome set as a stereotypic background prop for romance(I love Rome) etc. etc. etc. Stereotypic century sexual roles without any hint of either adult love affair or sexual attraction. Just a predictable mass Hollywood production. Why does Tomei even consider playing any part of this? (I couldn't watch till the end just utterly crap crap crap- sorry(not)). Watch some Jane Austen(1995 Pride & Prejustice) or just Casablanca, and You'll lose the bad taste of.... crap in your mouth(sorry again). 100% disappointed
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Unfaithful (2002)
Most disturbing...
24 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers experience 'again' the ambiguisnesses of Hollywood film-making; why must a murder be the only way of driving on the plot of a HW movie? And why must a promising portrayal of the mind-and-body-wrenching emotions of a mature love affair be turned into biblical female guilt? I was on the brinch of turning off my TV when Geres character made the 'inevetable' killing-in-affect revenge, but had to see where Diane Lane would go with HER character. The plot was ruined(by crime-and-police and female sexual role stereotyping elements=guilt), but both Gere and Lane made wonderful performances within the giving limits of script and direction. One other movie performance, though not so restricted by Hollywood norms, but never the less subsequently not appraised due to the portrayal of woman sexuality, is Meg Ryan in "In the cut" Keep on doing your wonderful magic, beautiful actresses.. don't let holy wood keep you back...
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Cavedweller (2004)
There is love, there is love, to be found
24 April 2009
This gem of a human/adult/child/family relationship movie is based upon a Dorothy Allison novel. A search through my favorite library web base revealed, that another social-realistic novel turned into film,"Bastard out of California", is also her writing, and as well executed as this one.

Here the search for lost love(to a husband and two daughters) brings a woman to cross barriers of social prejudice and fear of losing love again. A beautiful pretrial of courage to believe in the love in the world. Where "Bastard..." is a story of child molesting, this in a more subtle story about love and forgiveness. Really makes me believe, that there is love to be found. Beautifully directed and cut.

Soundtrack lyrics:

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