
17 Reviews
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Idiocracy (2006)
31 March 2021
Who knew that when this movie was made, the writers were actually looking into the future with an uncanny ability for accuracy?
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Mosul (II) (2019)
This is a Dull Dramatization, Not Real!
7 August 2020
This is a phony docudrama that uses obvious script lines and reenactments that claim to be real fighting. Anyone with common sense or who have been in actual combat would see right through it. It's also very boring and much of the subtitles scroll too fast to read or comprehend and most doesn't make sense anyways. Sure, a five foot five obese woman in her mid 40's, who is also a "military commander," is going to drag her dead husband 160 feet through a mine field? And people are really going to believe that? (A lot of gullible naive people today! LOL!) Take particular note of the boy that tells a story about "38" barrels, smoke, and "black" sheep ... hilarious! I can only feel that all the high ratings are friends of the producers of this film because this is a really dull, fraudulent, fake, phony dud of a film. The only thing realistic is that it was filmed somewhere in the third world slums of the Middle East. Yeah, there are a few shots of real terrorism, but they comes from file footage that was edited into this disaster.

I'm just glad this was on sale for only $4.99, as I would have never considered paying full price for something with all Arabic names. I'm just laughing at all those individuals who rated this above 2-stars.
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Spartan (2004)
Cheesy Script!
31 July 2020
This story was promising, a good plot, but whoever wrote the script was a movie amateur. And the ending was so implausible, it was cheese city deluxe. Val Kilmer must have really been hard up for cash to take this role!
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Inside Job (2010)
One-Sided Finger Pointing!
20 July 2020
The film loses credibility by having Matt Damon, a leftwing activist as the narrator. Then it highlights George Soros, Paul Volker and Barney Frank, all corrupt globalists and allows them to comment.

It's like a film on abortion, and only using the opinions of Planned Parenthood personnel.
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Drunk Cameramen
4 July 2020
The movie screen jumps and hops around so much, it gives you a headache to watch. One of the poorest filming jobs I can ever remember. The action scenes leave you clueless as to what's going on. A potentially good movie wasted with a drunk director and his cameramen!
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Excellent Material to Reinforce Biblical Creation
30 March 2020
Professional quality film with interviews of Creationist PhD's in the related scientific fields (geology, microbiology, paleontology etc) who put their stamp of approval in the history, accuracy and trustworthiness of the Holy Bible's first eleven chapters in the book of Genesis. The evidence is presented visually, logically and in layman's terms with a number of examples revealing the Biblical adage: "It requires far more faith to believe in man made evolution than the plain reading of God's Word." After all, the only witness to the creation of our universe was God Himself, and He inspired the only narrative available of the events that transpired some 6,024 years ago. Just from life's own DNA structure and what we know of it today proves there had to be an exceptional programmer who wrote the trillions of lines of code that makes us who we are. Denying that means one would readily believe that a book on architectural engineering could write itself without an author or that a 1,000 foot skyscraper could erect itself without a builder. We will all meet our Creator one day, and we'll have already made our choice of an eternity in paradise, or an eternal suffering in hell that will never end. Don't be caught dead in your sins!

Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

Romans 1:20 "For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse."
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Darwin (2011)
Interesting, but sad
28 March 2020
35 elderly souls living in a desolate wasteland of Death Valley, California. Pagans, those who practice witchcraft, a pair of homosexuals and a scratch of parched dry earth that marks out a small cemetery, with most just waiting around to become a part of it. A depressing look at a hopelessly lost community who will die in their sins without Jesus.
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Church of Climatology Nonsense
27 March 2020
It's a one-sided view, a propagandist's smorgasbord of "we're all gonna die" propaganda to combat the "evils" of big oil. They go so far as to try and compare the big tobacco companies to them! Apples and Oranges, eh? The church congregation of this massive deception tour are all hypocrites, and the proof is in their bishop of BS, Al Gore. His Tennessee mansion consumes more electricity in a single month than the average annual consumption of the typical American. This isn't worth the time of day for any objective viewer!
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Why so many episodes missing subtitles?
15 February 2020
I would rate this show at least an 8 if I understood what was going on. Season 1 was great, but this season had some 4 episodes without subtitles, and me being hard of hearing and unable to understand Spanish, the show is like watching Silent Movies with a blindfold. Unfortunate that Netflix can't get their act together, which is becoming par for the course with all the other crap shows this service offers. I dropped their DVD service a couple of years ago and I will probably be doing the same with their streaming service soon as well. Few shows exist without the "F" and "MF" words in every other sentence. You'd think script writers had vocabularies of more than a hundred words under their hats.
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Fear Mongering
30 January 2020
This series is all about instilling fear, to shock the public in to getting the flu vaccine. When I was in the military back during the 70's and 80's, we were forced to get the flu shot every year. A number of people (including myself) always got very sick after taking it. When I left, I swore I'd never get them again and now in my 60's, I've yet to contract the flu or the symptoms I felt when forced to take the shot. What's interesting, my doctor says he's heard the same thing from many former military vets.

The films proponents of the vaccine try to make those opposed to it feel guilty as if they are not conforming to the rules of society. Some even equate them to lawbreakers! Well, the sheep of the world will always be sheep, even though the medical scientists say that the flu vaccine is only 50% reliable.
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20 December 2019
The script appears to have been written in an hour or less. First contact interactions are not plausible. The "Last Blood" is the worst blood and in my opinion, "First Blood" remains as the best story and most enjoyable in the Rambo series.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
What happened?
17 November 2019
Season 1 was great! I only watched 4 episodes of Season 2, what a disappointment!
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Accurate and Detailed!
31 October 2019
This is a brilliant production with excellent graphics detailing the amazing prophetic Word of God. 66 books inspired by our Creator and penned by 40 authors over 1,500 years make up the Bible. But more than that, this awesome story has kept its unique theme from cover to cover over the centuries by writers of different languages and cultures and continents making it the best selling book of all times. With approximately 2,000 prophecies of which nearly 1,800 have been literally fulfilled to precise detail, the odds to its accuracy are calculated at 1 to more than the total number of atoms in the universe.

This hour long journey into Scripture is both fascinating and visually stunning, concluding with God's ultimate purpose ... offering the gift of salvation. "For by grace are ye saved through faith", all made possible by the incredible sacrifice of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection for all those who truly believe!
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Totally Biased with Every Scene
2 October 2019
This is quite the Mockumentary. There is no objective material in it, just anti-Trump slanderers doing their best hatchet job on everyone named Trump, going back generations and making up stories with little if any facts. It's no secret that Hollyweird turned against Trump once he ran for president and this pitiful demonstration is absolute proof of it.
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Teenage Humor and Little Facts
1 May 2019
This was an R-Rated attempt at humor instead of an educational show on the economy. The first episode seemed to suggest this would be an entertaining look at money laundering, then it was followed with cheesy stunts laced with profanity that threw away any useful information into the toilet. The title of this mockumentary is highly misleading. Watch the Panama Papers for a real documentary on money laundering and put this raunchy piece under Tinsel Town garbage.
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Tin Star (2017–2020)
Stupid and Profanity Laced Nonsense
1 May 2019
Poorly written, full of holes and implausible scenarios like a 6th grader was in charge of the script. Just watch the first episode and you'll understand. Then there's the language. Fathers don't use the "F" in front of their children, or at least the fathers I know, clearly marking this series as definitely not "family-friendly." In fact, it's filled with profanity throughout, even among the so-called professional career characters which isn't found in the real world. But there isn't anything real about this show from the start, just another cheap Hollyweird piece of junk that's of no interest past the first 10 minutes. Oh, there is some nice scenery that gets two stars!
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Biased to the Max!
30 April 2019
I don't like the Koch brothers, but this Michael Moore style propaganda mockumentary is so biased and slanted, it's not worthy of any praise. When you try to influence the audience by saying the Koch brothers have bought the government including the Supreme Court by trying to connect some sketchy dots, you've lost all credibility. Sure, power and big money has greatly damaged the respect of our government, but the money comes in from the special interests from all sides. This film unfairly attacks the Republicans without any semblance of balance, in fact all the contributors who comment are far left leaning activists and politicians. If they could have at least mentioned that 98% of all televised media and journalists support democrat policies and candidates, that could have offered a slightly level playing field but no, this effort is 100% activist slant and not worth the time of day.
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