
15 Reviews
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Once in a blue moon, I leave a review on IMDb to save others.
22 August 2017
I gave this movie 3/10* as a stand alone movie and went into it with an open and excited mind, to see at the very least one of eight books, finally brought to life.

(I'm not entirely sure what quarter of a single book we actually got?)

All we got was a chopped up mess that if a non reader of the books can makes sense of, then they should start writing their own stories.

Please, I beg of you. Ignore all the other reviews saying that despite all the critics the movie was great. They will only have you waste your cash, unless you have loads to spare and all the time in the world. To be honest, even then, I wouldn't want you to fund such terrible screen writing and direction.

Both the writer and director should be taken as far away from SK's works as possible.

I will finish by saying that I watched the film with two others who had not read the books and what they could make sense of was trash. Half an hour of filler and then an hour of a rat race to reach the end of eight books.
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Son of Zorn (2016–2017)
This show is awesome and for awesome people
27 November 2016
I only normally ever write reviews to save others from wasting their time and money, on bad movies.

I came here to check if there were anymore episodes and found negative reviews?

OK, at first I was offended, being a massive Adam of Eternia fan as a child.

This show is awesome and after the first episode or two, once you become more used to Zorn himself, it rocks.

I look forward to Zorn, as much as I do Game of Thrones.

For once I am not fighting the false hype train reviews and defending against the negative nellys.

This show is awesome, if you are awesome too, you will enjoy it.
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Arrival (II) (2016)
Do not believe the hype
13 November 2016
Just got back from watching Arrival at the cinema. I knew what kind of movie I was going into and was not looking for an Independence day/ Michael Bay destruction one. Slow, drawn out and with only two messages I could take from the film. First was some basic science, the other a real NSS and poorly executed. If I was to compare the movie to any other, I would say it was a diluted interstellar. Not the same story just the feel of it. Wish I could have avoided going to cinema for this one and saved the money.

It is not too late for you to save the money because this is 10 Cloverfield all over again.
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Hardware (1990)
You call this crap a cult classic? Shame on you all!
22 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously Cult classic, i had to write this review to try and save anyone stupid enough like myself to fool for the great reviews.

There are no hidden meanings and nothing other than what you see and hear to get. Its absolute crap and pseudo intellectualism at its best, i couldn't even begin to try and point out the flaws beside the fact its all 100% crap from beginning to end.

Marmite can be loved or hated but this film was just pure crap, don't disrespect Marmite like that! When discussing this film with my partner who i wish i had not watched it with to save her the wasted time. We agreed that the only people we could imagine leaving good reviews to this film share similarities to the fat perve in the film.

Watch this crud at your own despair but do not listen to those saying its a cult classic.

Classic crap maybe but not cult and if it does have a cult following then these people need to be sectioned.

You have been warned!
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Wrong (I) (2012)
For once ignore the serious one star reviews!
8 February 2013
Let me start off by saying this, if you have taken a look at the movie poster and shown interest from that alone you will enjoy this film.

Yes its mental and most of the time makes hardly if any sense but still some how delivers.

All the seriously demented one star reviews must be clueless movie hunters to not have seen what was coming. Did they simply see the title with no trailer or poster and then watch the film. Had you no idea what you was getting into? I am a huge fan of movies from the likes of "Nohing (2003)" and although this is not as good its much more mental. The quality of the production was mint and the content is strangely amusing enough to keep you watching. Unless your a one star reviewer that can only live and breath on mainstream crud.

Overall if you have the time or want to freak out a party of friends that do have patients and don't fear the strange please watch this film.

"I want 90 minutes of my life back" Sure thing why not use your next 90 odd minutes to go see the fast and repeated 6 or Twilight 26 where i heard Bella gets neutered.
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The Master (2012)
As bad as slow drawn out films get
3 February 2013
I would start of by saying SPOILER Alert but there truly is nothing to spoil.

About as much happens in this as "The Happening" and i am a patient viewer. I was not expecting much or as much as the legitimate reviewers for this title.

I would like to say there were some great performances by some of the actors but there was not really any performance to be performed.

Please read between the reviews as you will find there are waaay too many good reviews for such a bad film.

Strangely enough me and my partner both read the bad reviews after reading too many good ones.

Sadly the more realistic reviews are the bad ones, also the bad one are only being honest.

Despite reading the bad reviews i still watched this movie and with much regret.

I'll end this review with the following: Tom Cruz apparently watched this with either the director or someone to do with the film and gave it the thumbs up from a Cultologist point of view.

Nuff said :D
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Lovely Molly (2011)
You sick F&^%^s the lot of you!
29 August 2012
Written Directed and Edited? Should be ashamed of himself! What was the intentions when creating this filth? Was there any point to this crap? Seriously in the beginning it seemed to have potential especially from the creator of Blair Witch.

The fact that people reviewed this with so many stars blows my mind! I mean a bit of gore maybe some sexual content to keep the teens happy but wtf people seriously? Saw, Hostel and the like i can understand why certain people get a kick out of it but even that has a point or kind of story.

If you thought Texas chainsaw massacre or the hills have eyes was too soft watch this crap.

Please if your aiming for a horror or have a general interest in this movie due to the reviews avoid at all costs.

Maybe I started watching this movie with the wrong idea of what it was going to be but the reviews lead me to believe this was worth it.

I think I'm rambling now due to being so annoyed with how bad this film was! Avoid at all costs if you prefer a little story and reasoning to the madness.

I mean House of a 1000 corpses made more sense than this crap! Sorry sick fans but this was really bad!
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Lake Mungo (2008)
Fasten your straight jacket if you liked this Rubbish
27 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you was to compare this Movie to paranormal Activity then you clearly should not be allowed to review any movies.

Think Paranormal without any scary scenes and the only shock value was a jaded past of the character the story was about.

(No scary or spooky scenes is not just a matter of personal opinion its a matter of fact!) Also how on Earth did After Dark release a U rated film, not even sure a kid would get this, let alone an adult? To the people who try to compare this to Paranormal Activity, ignore them and try comparing this to Casper: The friendly ghost.

Even then i would verbally slap you as Casper had a story worth watching in comparison.

Overall this pretend documentary was a complete waste of time, watch this movie if you are stupidly bored.

I give this rubbish a -10 for wasting money,time and an open minded viewers patients.

You have been warned!!!
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Torchwood (2006–2011)
Torchwood is back and better than ever
23 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
High fellow Touchwood fans! What a brilliant season this is!! We have Cheesy acting with no real plot or point. With each episode taking a leaf from Seth Mcfalens Filler especial that is family guy. So far nothing truly nothing has happened except for a few agre moments for the cast and as usual being touchwood you get your full on man on man action.

Makes me miss all those times the Doctor was off shagging his friends and crew members. Ahhhh bis to those were the episodes :) Wait a minute the Doctor didn't do any of the above lol The new season of Touchwood is so far and promises to be for those that do not like to think hard. Imagine if you will a stupid persons "Lost" but played in slow motion (Gave up on Lost after season 3, i got away on time :D) Russell T from your previous works we all fully understand your not exactly this thinking persons creator but come on what the hell lol.

One day hopefully in the future someone will actually care about the franchise and give Doctor Who the batman begins revival that it deserves.

NO no Russell don't even consider it because apparently you do have the balls for the project. Too much balls apparently hehe ;)
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Hang all involved
16 July 2011
Let me start off by saying i have given this crap heap one more extra star than it should get due to being allowed to be shown on TV. That alone is so laughable that it earns the second star.

Also like the front review shows this is by far thee most brilliant attempt at ruining a classic. It's as though Leigh Scott was paid with the strict intention of crapping on a classic.

The cast must of hated the originals sooooo bad that they just felt it was their job to create "The Witches of Oz" A power rangers special lol.

Effects = Terrible, Acting = A joke, Editing = poor, direction = what direction? Overall if a child is entertained by this filth seek immediate attention as you child may be in need of serious help. No seriously the kids wont even have a fighting chance at life if they are exposed to this.

Put it this way i am not one to usually care for leaving IMDb reviews and i am sad enough to be entertained by the likes of "Smallville" and "Supernatural" Even "Vampire Dairies" So i am very easily pleased :D Please do not give any further funding or projects to this production. It seems as though someone made it their life's work to out do Uwe Boll shame on you hehe Oh and whilst kind of being on the subject, Uwe you need your head checked you sell out slime ballo lol
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Scare mongering for five year olds
16 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I would have given this film a minus ten but apparently IMDb does not support my expression.

What was the purpose of these three films and to end the way it did lol Hey kids God was with them all the way, watching them die and to then have the bad guy walking out of flames smiling, seriously.

At first I thought besides being a really badly interpreted bible fiction this has to be Classic Christian scare tactics to get the gullible into church.

Now I am starting to believe maybe there is an anti Christ as surely only he, she or it would have created this crap.

Then again I don't think this film does either side of the religious camps any favours.

Apparently unifying all faiths to stick to the simple concept of "hey we all believe in God within each individual religion" is a bad thing??? Obviously you may be able to tell that I like to think out of the box instead of solely giving my attention to a dusty old book written by homosapes and one of many.

I view my self to be a Goodly person but not one of faith, the fact I made it through all three films should at least show I have an open mind and give even the biggest pile of crap a chance.

(Truth, I viewed the first for research on a story of my own and had to give the other two films a chance and regretted it) Watch this trilogy if your the type that has or could find themselves joining a registered cult like Scientology.

I couldn't imagine a Christian or person of faith (not registered Enterprise) understanding the purpose or point of this film.

Overall save the time watch one of the worse films in history "Legion" and save having to watch another two films in a trilogy that is "Left rear end" Before any registered Jedi try to have a moan the first two books sucked ball z and unlike the films I was smart enough to know when to give up ahhh the headaches.

You have been warned!!!
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Scare mongering for five year olds
16 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I would have given this film a minus ten but apparently IMDb does not support my expression.

What was the purpose of these three films and to end the way it did lol Hey kids God was with them all the way, watching them die and to then have the bad guy walking out of flames smiling, seriously.

At first I thought besides being a really badly interpreted bible fiction this has to be Classic Christian scare tactics to get the gullible into church.

Now I am starting to believe maybe there is an anti Christ as surely only he, she or it would have created this crap.

Then again I don't think this film does either side of the religious camps any favours.

Apparently unifying all faiths to stick to the simple concept of "hey we all believe in God within each individual religion" is a bad thing??? Obviously you may be able to tell that I like to think out of the box instead of solely giving my attention to a dusty old book written by homosapes and one of many.

I view my self to be a Goodly person but not one of faith, the fact I made it through all three films should at least show I have an open mind and give even the biggest pile of crap a chance.

(Truth, I viewed the first for research on a story of my own and had to give the other two films a chance and regretted it) Watch this trilogy if your the type that has or could find themselves joining a registered cult like Scientology.

I couldn't imagine a Christian or person of faith (not registered Enterprise) understanding the purpose or point of this film.

Overall save the time watch one of the worse films in history "Legion" and save having to watch another two films in a trilogy that is "Left rear end" Before any registered Jedi try to have a moan the first two books sucked ball z and unlike the films I was smart enough to know when to give up ahhh the headaches.
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Altitude (2010)
sphere meets Donnie Darko
19 October 2010
First off the main page reviewer is either very young or very easily pleased and I am only being honest.

The Acting was poor the characters you couldn't associate with at all and the entire plot really unreasonable.

The characters reacted how not a single human being allowed in their situation would act.

It was all a tad bit too predictable and completely unoriginal (So no idea where the main reviewer got the original part hence they must be young and have not seen much to compare) I never bother to right reviews but feel that the main reviewer is a tad bit miss leading and helped me waste some time I can't get back.

Instead of one star ill give it three as the movies it ripped off were good lol

Overall if your very, very easily entertained and can swallow all kinds of rubbish this is the movie for you.
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Kick Boxer reinvented - MMA mixed with Soft Porn
18 April 2009
I give this flick 1* because GSP is i the film. Other then that it is simply Kick boxer spliced into MMA with loads of soft porn.

Through every second of this film my partner and i couldn't figure out why anyone would make this crap?

It was so bad we turned it off near to the end.

I love UFC and ill say this much, If you have no brain cells and get off on thee most unrealistic fights scenes ever and like your soft porn = Buy and cherish this flick ;)

Although if you are a die hard UFC fan then you will obviously have to add this one to your collection.

Unwrapped and dusty it'll be though ;)
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What is this filth?
12 April 2009
I am the type of person who looks at his latest download site, researches a title to see if its worth downloading.

Peasie the authorities obviously need to catch on to you sooner rather than later.

I downloaded this because of the above mentioned name. Their review made me think OK, good review. Ill have to download this one.

What a filthy pile of plot less scum! This movie is made for the type of person that no longer knows what turns them on anymore! This is simply one of those films you would naturally be ashamed of mentioning.

One because of the filth it is and two because, would you really let some one know you have seen this kind of crap.

I'll end my review on this, anyone who is a fan of 8mm and its actual hosted material, this will be right up your street.

I would also like to add i am not a fan of either Saw or Hostel and think any movie built intentionally like the two mentioned should have directors and writers shot.

You read me SHOT! "hey im bored this weekend and with enough disgusting things that happen in the world, im gonna get a kick out of watching massacre, rape and ultra violence on the big screen" These are the people we need to question, society crumbles when this crap becomes or became shall i say acceptable.
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