
43 Reviews
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Sucker Punch (2011)
Spoiler Action Is Good...BUT!
9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So the action is cinematically pleasing to the eye. They ensembled a great cast of characters, and yes even the ones you will hate. For me it's where it ends... This story is disturbing, abusive, uncomfortable. None of the people who deserve to die get their comeuppance. (Justice) Two hours of little girls getting abused by a sanitorium, but they can fight back in their minds... Such a frustrating film. Final conclusion the girls are attractive the story is sadly not.
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Kristy Swanson saying "I will always love you"
13 October 2020
Having this "enchanted peasant girl" laying in my baed saying that she'd always love me...Wow! That's basically what I'm going to ask for when I got to Heaven. Kristy Swanson is not only lovely beyond compare, but her attitude was spot on for a 1000 plus year old girl out of touch with 1991. (To be fair most kids watching this movie would feel out of place seeing 1991 as well.) It's funny, silly, romantic, action filled, and all around sweet movie. Safe for your date or your kids to watch. Wholesome and beautiful. I wished Hollywood made more like this one.
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What movie were you guys watching?..
2 September 2020
I get it, classical prison escape movie. "17" prison escape attempts! SHOOT HIM RIGHT NOW! This story makes for a better comedy in 'Hogan's Heroes'. Probably because this script is laughable. In real life the Nazis shot people all through this ordeal where these soldiers were being held.

(Stupid German accent) "Alright men you have surrendered, and now you are going to be taken to a Nazi prisoner of war camp!.. So make sure to bring your baseball gloves, leather coats, scarfs, pom-aids and combs for your hair, extra socks, starch for your shirts, tools for building, or tunneling... and a good sense of humor."

I don't care how many famous people you put in your movies, They are only famous because Hollywood says so. I'm not brainwashed with calling a movie a classic because everyone else says so. ie: 'Barry Lyndon' or 'Doctor Zhivago' this movie was classically horrible.
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Short Circuit (1986)
It's 1986 sillyawesome!
30 August 2020
So it's silly, but 80's optimism, robotics, old school computers, and computer jargon made up and so old and silly sounding it makes you smile. Ally Sheedy was so cute in this. Number 5 is adorable, and he really does come to life in this movie adventure. The only two critiques I have are the super unnecessary religious blasphemies and the military personnel, both start to really get annoying. However a good story, characters, and a innocent message save the film. I give it an 8.
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I'm sorry I don't get it.
30 August 2020
I tried for an hour, people said it gets going eventually, but this was unbearable. The story is dull, the voices are annoying, the characters I couldn't care less about. I give it a couple stars because of the sets and puppeteering.
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The Super (1991)
No wonder this bombed!
30 August 2020
This was strait out of racist stereotypical pass at humor playbook. I Had to turn it off. I liked him better when he was a landlord it made me smile, but after the ludacris sentencing, his sad but panic state of living in a crappy apartment was a joke (but not in the funny kind of way). Every one in the movie talked about being broke and poor but none talked about a job. Sounds like a movie for a communist. If one has ever rented an apartment they'll quickly realize this story makes zero sense. Pesci & Gardenia tried but the screen play failed them.
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The Thing (1982)
I simply don't get it...
25 August 2020
It moves like a virus.. It could be anyone... Suspense? Maybe a little, but I could not get passed all the gross, vulgar, blasphemy, slimy, disgustingness of the film to enjoy it. If you like gross alien movie this one's for you. I found it to be disturbing and uncomfortable. Not scary just gross!
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I'm glad The Never Ending Story ended.
21 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So over all it's a winner for me, full of beautiful artistry, music, animatronics and good little actors. That's the good, but the actual story, or plot is so very convoluted. Too many ideas, it felt like 30 different people on an acid trip sat around a room and decided where the story should go next. I get it that the story is about you, and you two are supposed to share each other adventures. This movie should have had a better ending, involved the princess (never said how she got better from the sickness, or where the rest of the servants were.?) Atreyu this great warrior never fights, Bastian is still not brave. (should have had him stand up to the bullies himself not ride by on the silly luckdragon.) The quest was vague. The action was missing. I'm glad the Never Ending Story ended.
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The Lion King (2019)
The original is so much better!
15 August 2020
I like remakes generally speaking, most of the time they add a nice twist and a little different feel...But this had beautiful CGI mixed with attitude, that made me and my family uncomfortable. Not exactly the emotion that a Disney movie is supposed to evoke. On top of that, there are actual racial undertones and references (the kids won't notice thankfully). Who the heck is running Disney these days? Do yourself and your family a favor and watch the original 90's production of The Lion King it is so much better.
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I love Indiana Jones....However!
15 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
If you love the original 1980's Indiana Jones movies, you need not even see this one. I won't give ... Okay I will... Swinging with the monkeys? ... ALIENS? This is just silly. The action, dialogue, accents, CGI, the story and clues. It was missing everything that made the originals so good. I give it a one because I liked the wardrobe. It's "Indiana Jones and the Family reunion" sososo bad!
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Overboard (1987)
Makes you feel good!
12 August 2020
This is another one of these 80's classics that just make you feel good. When America laughed at Goldie with her two hands super glued to plates, or cutting the head off a scarecrow with a chainsaw... my only real critique would be a few moments of unnecessary blasphemy.

This movie is nothing like the garbage "Get Hard" and the stuff they are calling humor these days. It's predictable but not sophomoric. If you like classic down to earth humor and romance, this one's for you.
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Get Hard (2015)
Comedies didn't used to make you feel uncomfortable!
12 August 2020
Making people laugh has all sorts of artforms, and different comedians have their own way of creating humor. Ricky Gervais did so at the Emmy's while offending the liberal left with some off color humor... So I get it.

But this nonsense was childish. The script must have been written by 8th grade boys who know nothing better to do than write filthy language and lowbrow humor. (and then he will push his naked hairy rear up against the glass) This was so bad. This film has almost non-stop curse words and dirty language. "Dumb & Dumber" had me laughing just two guys dressed in blue and orange tuxedos dueling with walking canes before entering a party "TIMEOUT!.."

Forced gay rape isn't funny. Screaming isn't funny. The "white boys better not go to prison" theme not funny. This movie is not funny.
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House of Wax (2005)
This one's a little too over dramatic!
28 July 2020
Way melodramatic! I understand there is scary things happening...No spoilers, but come on get a grip and solve your way out of this. Also some of the camera work makes me feel like I'm watching one of those bad Rob Zombie seizure flicks he calls movies. The dialogue slash language is just 'bluh' not a lot going on here for details. A little too much gore for my taste. I like my scary genre with story, plot, twist, and characters I really care about. IE: "What Lies Beneath". This was lacking in all departments for me to give this a good review. I'll give it a couple of stars because of the beautiful girls.
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I have watched this movie many times!
28 July 2020
I love this movie, it's Mel & Goldie at their best! Their chemistry on screen looks cute, flirty, frustrating, funny, and romantic. I found this movie was action packed with comedy, but not at the expense of gore and dirty language. You will find yourself smiling throughout the film.
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The Kind Of Adventure I Can Watch Over Again!
27 July 2020
For me this is not going to be the kind of movie where the twist or story plot will make you gasp, somewhat predictable, and the CGI is pretty old school (borderline lame). Those are the bad things, but this movie for me is timeless. It offers a sense of "Blade" like action without all the gore. It's a traveling adventure movie, which I absolutely love. Great characters and a great job for the casting of this movie, all of the characters fit well in this story. I love the fact that there is action and some violence without going over the top with gore, or language. I can't think of a curse word or religious blasphemy in any dialogue. It's really refreshing.
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1917 (2019)
The best part of the movie is the preview!
23 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I was going to be in for a real treat, but sadly It was so bad! Cinematography sure it looks cool (looks as if it's all filmed in one shot) but It could have been a better movie with cuts. The plot is absurd. That the only way to save all these men, is that two men go on ahead to said group and hand their leader a piece of paper?... They carry all these supplies hardly none that can help them (bayonets & shovels) never stopping to actually read the map, or a compass. No military dialogue. They point their gun barrels at each other whilst traveling. Not shocked over the dead bodies everywhere (rats crawling out of) but actually stop the take Jesus' name in vain when they see cherry trees chopped down. Not looking to see who squeezed the milk out of a random cow, but hap hazard fills the canteen (that later comes into play to feed a random baby) Where is the girl getting kerosene for her lamps, by the way? Single chopped down trees that block the road way, when a child could just drive around them... Or swimming through dozens of dead bodies when you could have swam another few feet and avoided all of that mess. A random guy singing in the woods whilst a whole platoon is entranced by his angelic voice... The "F" word through out this movie does not fit at all, and Christ name would have been said out loud in those times, but more because of prayer that they might be going to meet their maker. The more I think about it the more I disliked it. This was a complete mess, filled with inaccuracies. How in the heck is this movie rated so high?
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Spies Like Us (1985)
You're The Diplomat!
28 June 2020
Ninjas attacking... (Dan) Say something to them. (Chevy) If you guys stop now I'll bring back the sun.. Here's my sister, you can have her, I hear she's good. (Dan) Let's get these guys. (Chevy) You hear that he threatened us, let's get him! (Dan) Oh come on, show some balls! (Chevy) I think it's too late to impress them. Classic!
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More movie like this please!
28 June 2020
Outstanding acting from everyone involved. I can see why it won so many awards. Such a beautiful piece of artwork this film. I can watch it over and over. The dialogue is superb, the costumes are spot on, and the musical score is charming. Great film.
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Sahara (2005)
This had such potential.
20 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It started with an adventure, the plot turned into a quest... then is railroaded by "Nobody cares about Africa" unlined story with weird story lines, about waste disposal, self destruct boat and building (James Bond type). Random cave paintings. A helicopter that chases them all over the desert passing them hundreds of times in pursuit...(it's a helicopter. Meaning it can hover, and not have to do fly byes.) The doctor played by Penelope acts in no way like a doctor would with an outbreak epidemic possibility in the works. But she does shoot AK-47 full auto. Throw dynamite from a moving car, driving through a bumpy desert with no roads. Far fetched I can live with, but why would a millionaire African warlord have to be the one in the co-pilot seat flying all over the Sahara to chase down these good guys? "we can't fight them they have tanks"... In less the bad guys climb out of their dozen tanks for no apparent reason. Ask yourself this one simply question movie goers.. If the wells and rivers are poisoned with this deadly highly infectious water. Then what in the world are the good guys drinking this whole time whilst traversing the SAHARA? Try walking down just a Florida beach for 10 minutes with out water in the heat... This movie was silly.
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Knives Out (2019)
I wished they'd make more movies like this
17 June 2020
This is the kind of movie that I wished Hollywood would start to put out, I love mystery movies, and the who-dun-it in this movie had all the things I like in my movies. Good characters, next to no CGI and great story drives the film. And a wonderful reveal of the crime in classic Hercules Poirot style for the ending of the film.
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Her Alibi (1989)
I absolutley loved it!
17 June 2020
I have watched this movie quite a few times, and I never get tired of it. The cast the story the scenery, heck even the time period just makes you feel good when you watch this movie. Tom Selleck plays a writer so not super tough Magnum P.I. he's funny in this role, and Paulina Porizkova is just enchanting from the moment you see her, strolling across the court room being accused of murder. Her Alibi is a romantic comedy with some action and a great story. The true hero of this awesome film are the writers.
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So at first I was like... Cool!
17 June 2020
I'll try to not give too much away. The first part of this movie is pretty cool western cowboy tough guy movie, it was solid. It then goes into a really cool dark and twisted what the heck is going on kind of film, leaving you in suspense. Frontier men women an children being taken or abducted by fast flying aliens is somewhat the premise, but the middle of the movie is really entertaining. Then... (sigh) I won't critique too bad because I liked them film, but I wasn't per-say a fan of the aliens design/look. Olivia Wilde character...? Who or what the heck is she? A lot of the dialogue feels forced and unnatural between certain characters. Furthermore their explanation of why the visitors are doing this is (sigh)..? It's worth a watch it just could have been so much better.
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Serving Sara (2002)
Didn't Match The Budget For A Reason!
12 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off if you want to see Elizabeth Hurley looking beautiful, and strutting around in a ridiculous but sexy outfit most of the movie, you are in for a treat. If you think this is a comedy, or romance, or even action...You'll be disappointed. I think the plot had potential, but the dialogue is painful to hear, predictable to guess, and make next to zero sense. (I'll give you one example) Matthew Perry's character said he was a lawyer who just couldn't work defending lowlife characters for the money, so he quits to become a court process server... OMG you could go prosecution or another type of attorney (contracts, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, procedural, evidence, and property.) your character passed the BAR exam! It's non-stop lying with unrealistic scenarios. Also you'll genuinely enjoy the movie better if you'd fast forward every scene that has Vincent Pastore or Cedric the Entertainer in it! These guys are the definition of annoying! I felt zero romance, and frequently felt let down by the back story and dialogue through-out the entire film. I give it a three because Elizabeth looks fantastic, and Matthew's character gets better as the movie goes. All in all let down for me.
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Barb Wire (1996)
I'm putting 10 because I'm balancing out you mean reviews!
22 April 2020
First off this movie is underrated, and before all the CGI generation stuff, it's an okay movie, no it's not a 10 but I had to after everyone's worst movie ever crap. It's not the worst movie, either that or you've only seen a couple movies. Are you kidding me after "call me by your name" and "50 shades of grey" have higher reviews, whatever! It's a niche cheesy noir film with nice action scenes, the dialogue is a bit off and cheesy, but she looks so darn good! Pamela's acting was spot on for this type of role. I thought she was great! It's a fantasy genre, it's not believable or accurate, so relax and take in the silly story, and a beautiful blonde chic in a leather corset!
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Lucy, Cameron & Drew did it better.
13 April 2020
When I'm going to start by saying it at least Kristen Stewart looked like she had fun kicking some butt! This plot though, come on. I understand it's Charlie's Angels so what kind of plot could it have, but really at least keep it somewhat close in the world or believable. Also as far as believable goes. These girls (all well under 150lbs) are trained with martial arts and fighting techniques, so write that I the fights. What makes them super power like strong? They are not she hulk, and no human can jump that high. If Elizabeth Banks the writer would ever try to move a man 200lbs she would know you have to write better fight sequences than that. They are not Wonder Women/amazons. Also in the 70s/80s didn't the Angels at least try to be sexy playful and provocative... Where was it in the film? This me too crap where they solve problems wearing pantsuits, they might as well been filming an episode of CSI. (at least it would have been based in reality.) No Mrs. Banks it not that "Men don't wanna watch female hero's on the screen" We watched Wonder Woman, the original Charlie's Angels (2000) Hunger Games, (you were in it you should know) we love strong female characters we just hate the lazy crap writing that went into this story, characters, scenes, plot, actions and dialogue. Stick to making 'Pornos Miri'!

P.S. Silver lining I thought Kristen Stewart did a great job!
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