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Six Feet Under: Tears, Bones & Desire (2003)
Season 3, Episode 8
A lesson in acceptance
17 November 2021
What a refreshing episode, after two seasons of stellar narrative (driven mostly by drama and contradictions), season 3 is off to show us (so far) what happiness looks like (bit boring and uneventful). This episode adds on top of it an interesting layer of acceptance, of how you mature happiness, without breaking it apart. Everything seems so fragile, people go out of their comfort zones to learn something new about themselves and others and Daddy's unconventional family serves as a running commentary to the plot. Family which we think will be ridiculed for the way of life they chosen is given a fabulous, wise, and clearly relevant for the Fisher's speech during the funeral. A beautifully written episode.
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The Babadook (2014)
Horror of the Mind
23 January 2021
"The Babadook" isn't your cookie-cutter, fit the genre picture, to an extent it is a movie (like i.e. "The Sixth Sense") with a 'twist', and that's where the main viewing focus should be applied, monster itself becomes in this case a support character.

To make "The Babadook" director Jennifer Kent took the horror genre and bent it to fit her creative vision. "The Babadook" is in the first place a movie about going through and recovering from grief, loneliness and depression, only shown through a lens of horror and madness. The movie constantly challenges us with the perception twists, questions our point of view, without holding our hand asks us to decide what is real and what is just an illusion of a poisoned mind.

As for the 'horror' aspect of the movie, although it has some scary and intense moments, thrill seekers will be largely disappointed. Like I mentioned before the movie follows it's own rules of conduct, which is also where in my opinion it's greatness comes from. It won't satisfy some viewers, but the ones that 'click' with it will enjoy it.
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Everything sounds big in the woods.
23 September 2020
If you want to watch this movie for an accurate representation of Appalachian Trail and/or hiking culture you will be disappointed. If you want to watch this movie for interesting plot or relatable characters you will probably also be disappointed. If you want to listen to a good soundtrack.. no this one is also pretty bad :)

So what's good about A Walk in the Woods? Well it's always good to see Nick Offerman on screen, Kristen Schaal (or Mabel from 'Gravity Falls') manages to portray the hiking companion from your nightmares and Nick Nolte's voice is so gritty and coarse you could substitute him on Tom Waits album. Best character in the movie is played by Emma Thompson but she has about 5 minutes of screen time. Ending is also quite surprising.

To summarize, if you are into hiking or Appalachian Trail you are probably better off watching a documentary on YT, if you like Robert Redford well perhaps watch him in a different movie. If you want to watch a comedy about two old friends reminiscing about past while pulling off their 'one last' big adventure then give it a go.
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Normal People (2020)
The only normal people you know are the ones you don't know very well.
23 September 2020
Are there any flaws in this show one can hold against it? Sure.

Screenwriters could have got a little bit more freedom, as some of the retrospectives and parallels are a bit too obvious and tailored towards less invested audience. Second plan characters aren't 'fleshed out' enough for us to think about them other than in a very stereotypical way, which leaves us thinking about 'what are they really like'. And that's about it, we can easily leave those issues in the nitpicking department.

Because to be fair.. WHAT AN AMAZING SHOW! Superb acting, love story done right (although some will call it sentimental), most genuine sex scenes I've seen in any movie (difference between 'making love' and 'having sex' tutored), fantastic cinematography and beautiful Irish accents!

10/10 will recommend to friends and family.
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The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Bulletproof vests, hugs from holy men, tattoo's to cover up.
29 July 2020
Just watched the entire show (all 3 seasons) and it surely was a rollercoaster. There were a lot of moments and even entire episodes where I was getting annoyed with it. Completely abandoned the show after watching first few episodes of season 2, where the plot starts to become supernatural. I really enjoyed realism of the first season - people trying to deal with something they cannot logically explain.

I picked the show up where I left it after about a year as it still left me curious about the ending. Did it deliver? Yes, but if you are a viewer that expect all the answers by the end you will be disappointed. On the other hand if you treat it with a grain of salt it and let it disappoint you every now and then it will deliver. "The Leftovers" is more of a poetic, psychological drama than a sci-fi thriller and the most poignant scenes in this series involve people sitting down and talking to each other.
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The Leftovers: Crazy Whitefella Thinking (2017)
Season 3, Episode 3
22 July 2020
Like "Fly" in Breaking Bad every show needs to have it's worst episode, and I dare to say that "Crazy Whitefella Thinking" is the one for The Leftovers.
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The Corner (2000)
Remarkable miniseries
27 February 2020
I'm assuming a lot of people will come to watch this show after seeing 'The Wire', and for all good reasons. 'The Corner' seems to me like "The Wires' test tube, you can see many ideas, characters (and actors!) woven into the story, that will pop up in the latter of the shows. The documentary drama approach works really well and it has a truly amazing pay off at the end of the series, so stick with it even if it may feel a bit 'slow' at times. 'The Corner' has a more intimate feeling than 'The Wire' it focuses on one family and their close environment, so there is not many thrilling moments in therms of action but rather those of character development. Overall an excellent miniseries, I wish I watched it before 'The Wire'.
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The Wire (2002–2008)
22 February 2020
It's the kind of show you can turn up to 11. Flawless.
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The New England Folktale
10 January 2020
I'm not gonna lie, I decided to watch this movie because of Robert Eggers new release "The Lighthouse" which I really enjoyed. I'm not particularly fond of horrors (or lobsters) and the last one I actually enjoyed was "A Quiet Place".

After watching "The Witch" I had a scroll through other people reviews, and one thing that struck me was that a whole lot of one star comments came from people where "The Witch" is their only written review to date. With a lot of horrific movies out there, this movie defied their expectations so hard that they wrote this one and only review, that's pretty telling!

Main reason to review it badly was that "It wasn't scary". In my opinion the trailer for "The Witch" is at fault in this case, the movie is described here as: "One of the most genuinely unnerving horror film in recent memory" David Ehrlich or "A nightmarish picture that will make your blood run cold" Rodrigo Perez, accompanied by the "scariest" images taken from the movie and dramatic score, sadly trailer did this movie a big disfavor.

Meanwhile on the poster we can only read "The New England Folktale. Evil takes many forms" well that's more like it!

To get things straight, "The Witch" It is not a horror movie, although it contains many elements of good horrors like the sense of dread, despair, distrust, confusion or doom. But never are those emotions played to please the audiences need to be scared. It is rather the contrary, where the movie dissects and tries to explain where all those emotions may come from, meandering at the same time between reality and fable-tale, challenging you to answer what is true, and what really disturbs you as a viewer. If you approach "The Witch" like this you shouldn't walk away dissapointed, but if you are looking for jump-scares and visceral images look somewhere else.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Simple yet elaborate
9 January 2020
Feel like this movie is heavily inspired by the work of Samuel Beckett, Andrei Tarkovsky and David Lynch and that's a really good news! We need more of our mental space to be occupied by the narratives like these instead of being spoonfed reasons and interpretations. Think about this movie like a piece of poetry or an abstract painting rather than your usual: intruduction - confrontation - resolution kind of story, as this movie has multiple or non of these depending of how you decide to aproach it. Acting is absolutely top notch, accompanied by very theatrical and minimalist approach to a degree that every item and scene matters. Great cinema overall.
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Airplane! (1980)
Aged badly?
7 December 2019
I understand why many people might like this movie and there is probably different factors why, at this point nostalgia might play an important role in their opinion, but for me and my 12 year ild son it was a first viewing of "Airplane!". It was recommended to us as "the best comedy ever", but after watching first 20 minutes of it, neither of us (other than opening credits with mocking "Jaws") laughed at all (more of a nervous grins if anything). I kind of felt I was meant to be laughing from people rather than with them, which I typically don't like to do. I switched the movie off after the scene in witch little girl declared: " I like my coffee just like my men, black", was the joke inappropriate yes, but was it funny?

Long story short, we decided to watch "Jaws" instead and to be honest we found it way more humorous than "Airplane!". Looks like killer shark horror story aged way better than its counterpart, even in comedy department.

To summarize: I find " Airplane!" a very dated movie, which quite often what it feels like, forces you to laugh at even intervals, which ends up being a similar feeling to getItng your picture taken when photographer says "Cheese!". I would only recommend watching " Airplane!" as a relic of it's times, and perhaps as a lesson to the younger generation of how some humour does not age particularly well.
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Perhaps not for you
30 November 2019
If you are looking for cheap thrills, positive messages or inspirational content, this movie won't suit you. But if you approach it with willingness to experience the lifestyle of people very different to your own, and perhaps just try to understand it, then go ahead and give it a watch!

Florida Project runs almost like a documentary but without the knowledge of people portrayed that they are being recorded, as if they made their decisions without the good or bad influence of the camera/crew/recording itself. It's hard to explain, but this movie feels more realistic and honest than any 'reality show' can ever dream to be, with a veil of empathy covering it so thinly, you have to watch really close to see it. That ultimately is what in my opinion gives Florida Project credibility, raw intensity and makes it a worthwhile watch.
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Decent flick
19 February 2019
Likeable main character motifs of whom we can understand and perhaps some of us can relate to.

Interesting spin on the 'end of days' movies, without glitter and unnecessary plot twists.

That last car ride through the city at the end nicely ties it all together also as a social commentary.
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IO (2019)
19 February 2019
Lets face it most people will watch it for Margaret Qualley, if you watching for any other reason get ready to be dissapointed.
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The Staircase (2004–2018)
5 February 2019
Watching a documentary that isn't trying to be objective is like watching a comedy that isn't funny, what's the point?

After watching 8 episodes I feel like producers are trying to sell me a point of view, and prove it by any means necessary - that includes omitting facts, excluding unfavourable opinions, persons and events, magnifying the moments that are meant to make us sympathise with Michael Peterson and suggestive, subliminal editing (especially in the courtroom).

I'm very disappointed with this biased work. The only merit in watching it, is to turn over to alternative source materials afterwards and expose it's own manipulative nature. As others mentioned before BBC 5 "Beyond Reasonable Doubt?" is a good start.
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