
2 Reviews
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Singularity (I) (2017)
John Cusak has gone from bad to terrible to worse
7 November 2017
I hardly *ever* offer a rating, preferring to just rate the movies I watch. But this one is special... so very special.

3 minutes in, and it had my country's CBD skyline. All blurry like, which lead me to suspect an el-cheapo picture substitute. 8 minutes in and it already started to feel like a turkey of a movie. 17 minutes in, and I was compelled to read the reviews.

Every single review is correct. This is so bad, it's on another level altogether.

John must have needed the money to fix his house or something because this is the worst of all the bad films he's done. I particularly remember the turkeys which were Cell, and 2012.

Don't waste your time. And if you're curious nevertheless, don't say you haven't been warned 0.o
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Not quite what I expected
7 June 2009
The movie started out quite promisingly. But after the first 30-odd minutes, I could tell it was going to be a drag.

The stunts got old really fast, the slowmos got quite irritating (and there were *plenty* of them), the monsters that pop up do so in copious amounts for what seemed like a really small scene, the REAL monsters look like badly made puppets - and the finale was... hhmmmm. Quite a let down. Trite comes to mind. Oh, and a LOT of WTF moments.

Sorry, I'm quite prepared to leave my brains at the door for a good action flick, but this is really not it. I would have to leave my brains on the moon to find this an exciting weekend-type movie.

And I cannot for the life of me figure out how the hell this movie got an 8 rating at this point in time.
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