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Green Snake (2021)
One of my favorite movies
24 December 2023
I'm astounded by how much plotline they can fit into this runtime. I finish the movie feeling like I just watched an entire season of a tv show, and yet it doesn't feel rushed either. The acts, locations and plotpoints are diverse and unique. A big journey happens, with an ending that I feel went against the basic moral I was expecting to see and pulled an interesting twist.

I love Light Chaser animation and feel like they are a unique source of animated action movies that are thrilling but kid-friendly. I love seeing their quality develop; the animation and modeling/texturing quality of Green Snake has come very far after White Snake.

This movie also has way more diverse characters and character interactions than the first. White Snake felt more like a generic lovestory (which is fine for what it is) whereas Green Snake does more to explore the concepts of interpersonal relationships with a bigger focus on a bond between siblings. I'm a killer for stories that emphasize that platonic relationships are just as powerful as romantic ones and this movie is like a holy grail in that aspect.

The worldbuilding is unique and engaging in of itself and I feel inspired by its mystery and creativity, yet that doesn't overshadow the stories of the characters themselves and the movie remains very character-driven at the same time.

No movie is perfect, but if I were asked to make a suggestion that could improve Green Snake, I'd be hard pressed to think of any. Overall this has become one of my favorite films, and is now something I go to whenever I'm sick in bed and need a comfortable, engaging thing to return to.
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My Daemon (2023– )
awful writing. and yet it compels me
26 November 2023
I think an accurate summary of how I feel about this show are that there were many concepts that were genuinely so interesting and creative they caught me off guard, and yet there is also a scene at which I immediately paused the show and looked up to find out if they used AI generation in the writing because I felt like no human being would ever write something so bizarrely nonsensical.

A lot of the plot beats and ideas used are incredible; it's a very unique world and unique story that I wish I could've seen more finely articulated. The creature and environment design are all unique and impactful, with an important and powerful overall message. Simultaneously the story is riddled with plotholes and awful dialogue that simply makes no sense sometimes. The world's lore is poorly explained, and the target audience is a complete mystery; the characters talk as if the show is made for children and proceed to get gruesomely mutilated.

One thing thoroughly wonderful is the animation. The studio has a lot of skill with being able to choreograph and animate exciting fight scenes and dramatic moments that are visually engaging. There's a lot of small details in the creatures' movements that I noticed that make them feel like emotive, living things, and the soundtrack is wonderful.

Overall I feel like a skilled studio took some creative, emotional ideas with a lot of potential and fumbled to make it into a coherent narrative, but the emotional impact is there if you can push aside all the flaws. It's worth watching if you think it looks interesting.
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really good but not perfect
15 March 2019
It definitely stands out against other superhero movies. The plot is atypical and with twists and turns that are unexpected but flow very well. There's a perfect balance of action, tension and comic relief, with many very skilled actors.

Some scenes and jumps in character development feel rushed, as they're definitely trying to fit a lot of exposition into a short time frame... but for the amount of story they get, it's hard to do it that well. The soundtrack overall also wasn't impressive and there's a few scenes where the music choice is a bit jarring.

Still, it's definitely a good film to recommend.
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no plot just dragons
10 March 2019
As I was leaving the theater I heard several people asking each other what they thought of it... and the positive answer was always "It was cute." That's all it was. It was cute. It critically lacked the emotional depth to the characters and stories that the first two movies were filled with, there was no story, no well played moral or lesson, nothing that left you thinking like the past films did. It was just.... cute, and if that's what you're looking for then so be it, but I was expecting the creativity and mastery the first two movies had set us up with.

Everything about it simply lacks depth. The plotline meandered: There was no growing tension, no climax, no falling action. Things just happened, and one scene followed another with no cohesion or sense of progress. The characters act out of character: There was no careful planning, no cleverness, no deep insights into their minds and what they were going through, aside from a very brief inspirational talk here and there that is also out of character or is uncharacteristically forgotten later. The very world and setting itself lacks any complexity; the plot has more holes than a block of swiss cheese put under a machine gun. There are concepts and implications that completely contradict what we learned in the lore of the past two movies, or lore that we learned earlier in this movie itself. It is painstakingly obvious that the creators hadn't planned for these films to be a trilogy, and shove in bits and pieces that simply contradict any connection between the films. The ending is generic, forced and out of character. The entire existence and design of the White Nightfury is exactly as generic as you'd expect it to be.

If you're easily amused by cute dragons then sure give it a chance... but while the first two films had a sense of maturity and depth that made them enjoyable to all ages, this film feels like it's been dummed down for kindergartners.
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3Below: Tales of Arcadia (2018–2019)
generic story held up by strong characters
19 January 2019
I think this is a classic case of a rather boring premise being put in the hands of great writers. The story itself is about as simple as you can get: another classic tale about aliens secretly taking refuge on Earth. As such I feel like I've already seen the story many times before. There's also a lot of plotholes, easily-confusing details and scenes that feel rushed. However, there are a few unique twists, and in addition the animation and actors do a really good job of portraying a mood that keeps you immersed in an otherwise shallow premise. I feel the voice actors, in particular, do a phenomenal job of making the world feel alive. Definitely interesting but only if you don't look too deep into it.
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Aquaman (2018)
pretty good
2 January 2019
I didn't like the first trailer so I wasn't expecting much, but it was actually a pretty good movie. It's not anything astounding that'll leave you amazed, but it'll keep you occupied and interested. The visuals are amazing for the most part, but when they try to combine CGI with real-life scenes the difference can be pretty jarring. The acting is great, though I don't think the movie spends much time actually looking at or developing its characters--it focuses on the story, and kind of throws simple character archetypes into it, but the story itself is great enough to cover that. The soundtrack is often amazing but there's this one tune that they kept playing whenever something Significant happened and I started getting sick of it. There was a total of 4 times that characters were chilling when they were suddenly surprised by a fiery explosion. All in all it won't be the greatest movie you've ever seen but I'd definitely recommend it if you have time.
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Watership Down (1999–2001)
not accurate to the original story but a good kid's show
28 December 2018
This show is made for kids, of which the book was not, so those don't really matter to its audience. It's an exciting adventure for kids probably ages 8-15 but if you are just really easily amused by kids cartoons like I am then sure. It has a lot of themes that I wish kid's shows incorporated more often; it's an actual adventure, with creative lore and danger and peril, and would have definitely been a lot of inspiration for me if I grew up on it. It's definitely made for a more specific audience but for what it is, it's great at it.
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not perfect
27 December 2018
Tl;dr it's exactly like the trailer. if you liked the trailer then you'll like the series

Animation/CGI - A lot of people are downrating it for the CGI and let me tell you that if you look at the trailer, and think "I would not like this," then you are not going to like it. But if you looked at the trailer and thought "This looks great," then you will probably like it. Reading through the reviews I find a lot of people are downrating it because they watched something that simply wasn't made for them from the very beginning. The CGI could have different styles, but it is otherwise a style that they went for that they achieved. The only real problem I have with the CGI is the rabbits have sideways facing eyes which I suppose is realistic/rabbit-like but makes them less like characters and more like normal animals. Additionally some of the fight scenes aren't really dynamic, and there is the occasional odd scene that seems poorly animated compared to the rest. Other than that, people should respect it for what it is: it's not lazy, it's not soulless, it's a style that they achieved which simply doesn't appeal to the widest audience.

Character design - They did a good job at making visibly recognizable characters out of realistic animals. One thing I love is how all the rabbits from different warrens/places have a distinctive look about them--each warren has rabbits with colors or themes that link them together, and it's cool to see the variety standing together in the end, all from notably different places. Nonetheless there were times when I had no idea who someone was and got similar-looking characters mixed up

Characters - A lot of the characters and their personalities are really well written. They almost all have distinct and recognizable characteristics, which is a feat to achieve in such a large cast. Nonetheless there were a few that were lacking depth

Voice acting - Really great, a large part of what makes the characters into Characters

Story - nice. It's truer to the book than the other adaptations, but with enough twists that you're still watching something new, with unexpected surprises. However while some of these surprises fit the story well, they did make a lot of changes that removed the tones originally intended in the book. I really loved their interpretations of the characters and especially what they did with the Black Rabbit. I just wish there was more of the lore, as this version lacks a lot of the depth that their world could really have.

Writing - Mostly great, though there were a few scenes where the plan or course of action don't really make sense.

Tone - A lot of the tone is really well implemented. The chase scenes are Fast and full of energy, they imply foreboding or ominous threats really well, there's a lot of tension that's really well made. Nonetheless it does hit that weird zone where it's too dark for kids but not dark enough for adults, and I have no idea what ages they're targeting. While it hits tones well when it tries to, it maybe shouldn't have tried to in the first place.

Themes - There's a lot of subtle morals I think they put in there well. Little twists to cliches that make you go "whoa, that's wack". Yet there is definitely some out-of-place forced whimsy, especially involving the humans.

Soundtrack - hell! yea!
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the most visually stunning film I've ever seen
20 December 2018
There's hardly anything I would improve about this film. The visuals, concepts, soundtrack, characters, pace, humor and animation are all some of the best I've ever seen in any film; I was worried the hype would ruin it for me, as it always does, but not even the group of kids in the theater who wouldn't stop loudly talking could ruin it for me. It is visually engaging and beautiful in every scene, not to mention with an incredibly unique art style, and is honestly something other animated movies should have to look up to for a long time. The only real issue I can think of is the flashing lights, which really alienates any epileptic audience, but even then it's done so in a beautiful and artful way.
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I want to love it but it's like a stale corn chip
8 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's the kind of movie where things just kind of happen. I'm not sure why they happen, and the characters don't seem to be sure why things happen, but they happen, and they somehow make a story. Characters act out of character in a way that detaches me from the story and just in general the plotline has a very strange pace that never really keeps me interested. A lot of 'emotional' scenes seem kind of forced due to how out-of-character the build up was, though some emotional scenes still manage to be great. In particular I feel like the story spends a lot more attention towards building its characters than Disney ever did. This film spends a lot of time emphasizing the relationships between Mowgli and the other characters as well as the characters with each other; every character feels alive and unique with brilliantly-animated emotional depth. Ironically though I feel like Mowgli is the one lacking the most depth, and he just kinda does things, and I am almost constantly confused as to why he is doing anything. He's implied to be a great hero but to me he appears much more like a fool being a fool, except it somehow works out in the end and everyone else goes along with it; there are several times where he does something and the entire time I am thinking "no, you absolute garbage boy, why are you doing that." The same applies to Shere Khan, who often just appears, and I'm never sure why he's there, or how he's there, or what he's doing or why he's doing it, but he's there and he does what he does. Aside from that, I also feel like the world itself is much more alive than the Disney interpretations. You really see a lot of the culture and traditions, in both the animals and humans, in ways that are both darker, brighter, and more lively than Disney, though I just feel like these things are roughly put together in a choppy disorganized plot. There are several scenes where I feel like the writers didn't actually know where to put the scene, they just wanted it in the movie somewhere, and so they haphazardly shoved it in.

In all I'd say it's another iconic example of a movie with a teaser trailer that is much better than the actual end result, but I guess I'd recommend it if you're as easily amused by CG animals as I am.
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Venom (2018)
we almost left the theater
22 October 2018
The movie is filled with subplots, especially near the beginning, that just drone on and on and on and on. The trailers make it seem like a monster movie, but it is equally a boring reality show about a guy's life and relationship that is very shallow, uninteresting and poorly developed. Even things that are relevant to the plot meander along in a way that simply left me confused, not in the "slowly unraveling mystery" kind of way but the "alright, get to it already" kind of way. Then when it finally does Get To It, I find the action hard to enjoy because by that time I'm bored out of my mind thinking "Jeez, FINALLY." I find Venom's character very likeable and Eddie's character to be deeply developed and realistic , but every other character in the movie serve as shallow, stereotypical plot devices that are hardly explored.

On the plus side, it has a good soundtrack.
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a pretty good movie with imperfect moments
30 September 2018
  • Really great CGI and cool alien beasts
  • Explores a variety of characters. I appreciate how they show that everyone has their own story, and unlike most generic alien movies the main characters aren't always the center of everything that happens. There's a lot that goes on
  • A certainly unique premise, though I suppose props to that goes to the original Skyline
  • They play bloopers over the credits which is like worth a point on its own
  • Well-handled suspense and mystery

  • It has some moments with poorer CGI than others, which is confusing
  • Very little time is taken to actually develop the characters. Though almost everyone feels unique in their own way, that uniqueness is hardly ever explored. They're plopped in, given a respectable backstory, and then things just kind of happen
  • A lot of moments of dialogue that just seem mildly off or out of character. Or is it out of character? I'm not sure because their character has never really been explained, but it sure feels off to me
  • A few generic, sappy, "well now that's just plain goofy" moments, and weirdly convenient things happening just for The Plot
  • The camera just cannot stand still, it keeps shaking around, it doesn't make the action more exciting it just makes me angry and confused and unable to follow who's punching who
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