52 Reviews
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Sam Was Here (II) (2016)
Ingenious, terrifying. Far better than the ratings would suggest
15 August 2020
Imagine a journey of self-discovery, but not some candlelit meditation. Join Sam on his journey through hell, as he discovers some very unpleasant things about himself. This cleverly crafted tale of horror develops Sam and his journey to accommodate each new revelation. Our mild-mannered hapless salesman is transformed as the movie progresses. And the ending? Well, it's no mystery, Sam has arrived. Sentence is carried out.... I lovedit, deeply atmospheric, mysterious, violent and subtly horrifying..
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Being (I) (2019)
Well, I liked it. Interesting story and decent-ish acting.
26 July 2020
OK, I did have a Jack Daniels or three which may have helped, and Lance Henriksson was in Alien.. I can't explain what it was all about, it was like an undergraduate maths lecture, understanding seemed much closer than it actually was, It held my attention, and I think I might have actually enjoyed it, try it when it comes to Netflix or Prime, which will be soon. Definitely worth a viewing. Keep the JD handy....
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Woo-hoo what a ride!! Thrills, spills, action, gore and a big dollop of clever, dark humour
29 March 2020
There's no pretense of sophistication here, this is just a roller coaster ride of action, gore and a large dose of wry humour. Unlike most dark humour movies, the humour is subtly woven into the dialogue and plot and doesn't spoil the fun. There's a lot of Kill Bill here, but I don't think Tarantino will complain, it's more a poke-in-the-ribs than plagiarism. Great fun, a must watch. Looking forward to the follow up revealing more of the mysterious heroine
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Clara (III) (2018)
A ride through life love and death. Is it all pointless or is there a plan..?
21 February 2020
OK, it's not profound, and you, like me, may well guess the ending before it arrives. But I still shed a tear of loss and joy at the end. I think the sci-fi is incidental to the story of human relationships. If you can overlook the worn and tired cliches, there is something to enjoy...... if you can summon the patience to see it through to the end. There's a lot of K-Pax here, maybe to the point of plagiarism, but I still enjoyed it.
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The Dawn (2019)
Don't miss this dark, complex, unpredictable and intelligent tale of posession.
19 February 2020
This is an excellently constructed horror that is a surgeon's scalpel compared to the welding mallet of "The Exorcist". Not easy to follow if you don't pay attention. Rather than focus on the cheap thrills of floating beds and pea soup vomit, this movie examines the pain and confusion of the afflicted,as she journeys from child to adult and the final confrontation of an enemy that she's never quite sure is there.. Excellently acted and directed, with great locations and a screenplay that would defy the lesser mortals of Hollywood bubblegum screen writers.

This is a far more believeable story than most tales of posession, and consequently more disturbing. If you're looking for mindless flash bang wallop, move on. If you want something challenging and intelligent, you won't find much better. Highly recommended !!
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Contracted (2013)
Great horror, kept me guessing and tense all the way through.
16 January 2020
The perfect compliment to "Afflicted" (2013), although our heroine suffers from a different affliction. The director kept the story moving along, and the acting was very good. Our heroine is "roofied" and raped at a party. Within 24 hours it becomes clear that something is seriously wrong. By the third day her symptoms are particularly grisly and our movie hurries along the the grand finale. I had guessed the cause of her symptoms, and it was nice to get confirmation at the end. I thought this was an original take on a popular horror topic, and well executed. I really enjoyed this movie and will be adding it to my collection.
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Sweetheart (I) (2019)
Well crafted and well acted - a rewarding horror movie
1 January 2020
How many different ways can you do "Robinson Crusoe"? Well, here's another and and I don't recall seeing it done quite like this before. If you want to be pedantic then yes, you can see Robinson Crusoe, Castaway, Lost in Space and others in this movie, but for all that it stands on its own merit as an original take. It doesn't have the glitz and polish of a big-budget movie, but it doesn't have the tired formulaic script, acting and direction either. Edge of the seat thrills and a satisfying conclusion, well done everyone involved!!
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Ad Astra (2019)
A vain indulgence, a movie without a moral story and reason for its existence.
4 December 2019
Most movies seem to have a relevant story to tell. The triumph of good over evil, love over adversity or even a tale of hopelessness. This movie is entirely self-contained without any relevance to the world we live in. It's an expression of artistic and intellectual vanity. A work of art that purports to have some deep meaning that requires a superior intellect to discern. While I'm willing accept I may be too stupid to appreciate this masterpiece, I suspect it's more "Emporer's New Clothes" than "Gulliver's Travels". A latter-day "2001 A Space Odyssey", a movie which was initially hailed to be a work of genius but later revealed to have no intended meaning. So, having dismissed the hype, what are we left with? Apart from having the usual blatent disregard for Newton's laws of motion, it is mildly entertaining. Try not to think too hard about the logistics of moving everything around by chemical reaction engines, sofas, bird cages etc and enjoy the movie at face value. Keep a look out for Al Minns and Leon james !!
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Gemini Man (2019)
Don't Bother. If You've Seen Bourne, RED, Sixth Day etc, Then You've Seen This.
28 November 2019
Just another spy thriller, virtually identical to past offerings. A well made and acted movie, just boring as hell. I don't know if Hollywood is just trying to play it safe, or whether they really don't have any new ideas. Either way, if you must watch this, wait for it to appear on Netflix (it won't be long). With a wealth of good books out there crying out for a movie, it seems criminal that the studios keep turning out unimaginative rehashed tripe like this. Joker was a brave movie that paid off big, so it can be done. I want MUCH better than this for my hard-earned cash.
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The Fare (I) (2018)
Interesting, but not great
28 November 2019
I probably wouldn't have continued watching if it wasn't for the breathtaking beauty of Brinna Kelly as she climbed into the taxi. A romance, the sci-fi is incidental. The theme seems to be very popular these days, the Koreans thrashing it to death with movies and TV series, some of which are now being remade by Hollywood. An OK choice for a romantic night in (with several bottles of wine),.
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Solver (2017)
28 November 2019
It's been done before, and done much better. This felt like one of those teen movies passable but not nearly as clever as it thought it was. A well worn plot of bad guys pursuing some good guys following a trail of clues to save the world. A wannabe James Bond movie, but without the screen play, budget, actors and director. Kids might enjoy it, but adults will find the disjointed plot frustrating.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Three blokes in a station wagon, but it works!! A good sci-fi movie..
19 November 2019
Three minutes is the time a film has to transport you to its world, I reckon, before the opportunity is lost. Three blokes in an estate car, and a pile of electronic gear takes some skill, but they pull it off. Basically it's Contact (Jodie Foster, Carl Sagan) with British accents and a car full of a telescope and some electronic gear instead of Aricebo. The characters are genuine and easy to relate to, the acting is natural and the directing and cinematography are competent. It gets off to a great start, seems to get a little lost before picking up the pace again and heading towards an ending which left me thinking there might have been a better end story. Nevertheless, I think this is a very good effort from all concerned, the only weak point being the screenplay. A little more effort with the story could have propelled this film into "great movie" territory. I look forward to more offerings from this directing duo.
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Mayday (II) (2019)
Don't bother
5 November 2019
The first thing I noticed was the pile of crap aircraft used. Then after 12 minutes of terrible acting I began to doubt the 6.1 rating. Two more minutes and I checked IMDB. I was right, this movie is a pile of dog vomit.
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Dead Love (II) (2018)
A real gem, original, absorbing and disturbing
4 November 2019
I'm glad I ignored the low rating this movie has on IMDB. This movie is made to very high standards and the script, acting, cinematography and direction will not disappoint. There's no dramatis personae introduction at the start of the movie, so you have work out who the characters are, and their relationship to one another. Keep up, because they're changing! You will need to pay attention to get the best out of this movie, and you will need patience, but your efforts will be rewarded in the end.
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Malevolent (III) (2018)
Much better than the rating would suggest
25 October 2019
Not as slick as some Hollywood offerings, but a decent effort nonetheless. Stick it out through the rather amateurish beginning and it develops into something worthwhile and the equal of most horror films churned out accross the pond. The irrepresable Celia Imrie adds a chilling performance as Mrs Green, once you get visions of the disturbing Mrs Quickly out of the way... Oh, and a satisfying demise for the bad guys.
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Eli (I) (2019)
An entertaining horror, with an unpredictable twist at the end
18 October 2019
The movie held my interest all the way through trying to guess the denoument, with plot elements that consitently sent me off in the wrong direction. Not the best horror, or the most original, but the constant misdirection was impressive and fun.
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Joker (I) (2019)
17 October 2019
Towering performance from Phoenix that launches him into the rarfied atmosphere of exceptional actors. There are only a handful of people who can be compared to him. Any attempt to summarise the plot would be an insult to the movie. Possibly the best movie I have ever seen. Oscars for Phoenix and therapy for the screenwriters and director. You must see this movie...
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Another New Zealand Good Movie
27 May 2019
So much better than the 5.2 it currently rates. The movies I turn off before the end rate 5 or lower, this movie kept me interested all the way through. OK, it's not a GREAT movie, but it is a good one. A fresh approach to the overworked good witch/bad witch theme. A good script, some very competant acting and the backdrop of the earthquake devastated New Zealand cityscape woven together expertly on a meagre budget. This isn't a trashy Hollywood teen-movie, this is a genuine chiller. The versatile Timothy Spall pulls this movie together expertly, and it would be no exaggeration to say the movie would be a great deal poorer without him. That isn't to detract from the skills of others involved, they were all very good. It's just that the storyline wouldn't have worked so well in lesser hands. A good effort all round. Bravo New Zealand, keep 'em coming !!
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Iron Sky (2012)
Satire, subtle like a welding mallet and great fun.
8 May 2019
The world's politicians are like children in a playground, fighting over the biggest and best toy, lying and cheating to get to the top of the pile. And this is how this movie portrays them. Nazis on the moon, morons on Earth and chaos in space. The only thing missing was an ANTIFA spaceship full of placard waving thugs.
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The Interview (1998)
Tense and engrossing, keeps you guessing until the end.
24 April 2019
Hugo Weaving gets to show quite a range of acting skills here, and the other players showed no less skill. I really grew to dislike the interviewing sergeant and his sidekick, and root for his superiors and the "Toe-Cutters" (I had to look this one up, they're the police who police the police.....) But as the film progressed all my suspicions and prejudices got churned into a pig swill of emotions and left me begging for the denouemont so I could settle my poor mind, I even contemplated the fast-forward, but stuck it out. The DVD even has an alternative ending, so this review ends as I head off to eBay... This is one for your bucket list.
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Incarnate (2016)
A decent offering, worthy of a night in with a few beers.
5 April 2019
If you're looking for an action packed supernatural thriller that won't tax the the grey matter, this fits the bill. Aaron Eckhhart hams it up nicely as the "exorcist", and there are a few twists and turns to keep you on your toes. It certainly warrants more than it's current rating, there are innumerable horror offerings that are much, much worse than this. Get the boys (or girls) round for a few drinks, and put this on. You'll easily keep up glancing at the screen in and amongst the conversation, and anything looks better with the aid of alcohol.
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I had little hope for this movie, and was not disappointed.
29 March 2019
There was little that was original or captivating here. You could almost watch the "Green Lantern" and "Men in Black" and save yourself the trouble and expense of seeing this movie. This was never going to be a great movie, the heroine is a one-dimensional soul-less character treading a tired and well worn plot. Even the lavish special effects couldn't spark an interest in the dull, formulaic directing and screen writing. The actors gave it their best, but all they can hope for is that this movie is quickly forgotten.
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Green Book (2018)
A feel-good movie and a message of hope. See it, and be inspired.
22 March 2019
A compelling movie that fulfils your deepest desires for the protagonists. They are both transformed by the encounter. One aloof and isolated, and the other a product of his environment. Both break their prejudices and become all the happier for it. It's a love story. Two very different men' whose conditioning you would think precludes it, develop a very special thing, a lifelong friendship. Yes, this just a movie, and yes, racism is sadly alive and well. But if this movie encourages just one person to look beyond skin colour and see the person, and love them, then it's been money well spent. It's a message for our time, don't just tolerate each other. LOVE each other and your life will be transformed.
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Hollywood redeems itself - an epic superhero movie...
25 February 2019
Action, love and romance all done right. Normally the emotional side of a movie is so badly done, it provides a useful interlude for a beer. It doesn't much worse than the "Twilight" series. But cynical me was swept along by this truly epic movie, even shedding a tear at one point.

It was wall-to-wall CGI, but it's hardly noticeable as you are sucked into the world of Alita and taken for the ride of a lifetime.

Of course, Hollywood scriptwriters stick to one plot, and this one differs little from any other. They picked up the screenplay for the "Hunger Games"' and chucked it at Cameron. But the director has taken this tedious storyline and breathed magic into it, bravo! They left the ending open for sequels, but I'm not sure it will stand a sequel, let alone several. See it on the big-screen if you can, to get the best out of it.
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Jug Face (2013)
Original, dark and intelligent. Unmissable
18 January 2019
Another addition to the slew of superb, original independant movies that are hitting our screens. It is the Americans who are leading the charge with excellent contributions like "Jug Face", "The Ritual" and "Ghost". Not that the Europeans, Koreans and Japanese are dragging their heels. This is truly a Golden Age of cinema for those who appreciate a movie that doesn't assume they're morons. Well written, directed and acted, this is a dark backwoods tale of survival, fighting both the natural and supernatural. As the tale progresses, the good, the bad and the evil are revealed piece by piece, giving the viewer a chance to try and outrun the movie to the denouement. Watch this, and be enlightened...
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