
13 Reviews
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Better Call Saul: Dedicado a Max (2020)
Season 5, Episode 5
Not nearly as clever, funny and believable as it thinks it is...
6 June 2024
Saul's creative underhanded antics are just not funny, credible or entertaining at the TV show's creators think they are. Kim's willingness to possibly destroy her career on a whim is totally unfounded. It reminds me of past episodes where Saul did crazy stunts and antics to get removed from a perfectly good and high paying job. Little to no character build up to explain such insane life decisions. Oh wait, his old travel mug didn't fit in his new expensive German company car! Oh wow! Does that explain him sabotaging his job? In a word...No.

On the subject, why does Kim do so much probono that she jeopardizes her sworn one client? Again, no character build up to explain any of this. Why do Saul and Kim agree to working opposite sides of the same case? Not believable at all. The show just throws things against the wall to appear interesting but it's seriously not sticking.
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Better Call Saul: Inflatable (2016)
Season 2, Episode 7
A real let down episode, failing at comedy
26 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I've been buying into the show. Full binge-watch mode. I'm at season 2 episode 7 and now I'm wondering if I need to throw in the towel. My spoiler is that Jimmy tries to get himself fired from the big legal firm his only recently joined. His efforts are, in my opinion, not funny, not realistic and lowering the overall series tone. Where is the build-up to the decision to leave the firm? Surely it can't be tied into the very lame excuse that it's for Kim's sake! Jimmy wanting to leave the firm has had no basis to be even remotely believable. His unbelievable attempts to get fired only serve to make it all the more glaringly stupid and bad writing. I'm very disappointed. It's a struggle to keep watching. I'll try to hang in there but the show's gotten bad.
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Brilliant biting mixed with Hallmark Card
21 April 2024
As been said eliquently before me. It's two story lines (clever attack on the hypocrisy of progressive society and a well made, yet intensely average disfuctional family drama). Occasionally the two mix well, other times it's a bit like stripping gears in a car. I decided to go along with it because the dark satire is very good. This is not a spoiler but the ending left me confused and hollow. This is why I don't give a higher rating than a solid 7. I also found some of the plot and characters too far fetched (such as the brother who's a doctor yet behaving decidedly irresponsibly). Crass and broad brushtroke, other words exactly what this film is supposed to be rallying against.
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Very good with a few gaffs
4 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a metal musician myself with significant induced deafness I was particularly interested and apprehensive to watch the film. All in all it is an excellently filmed drama with a powerful story arc. The actual metal performance scenes and music are very powerful and emotional. I was worried it would be unrelatable (dumb, drunk skinheads or hairspray guys) and it wasn't about that. Okay the main gaff is regarding the actual process of the cochlear implants. In the film it seemed like one minute Rubin is thinking of getting them and two minutes later he's walking the streets wearing them and confused by the imperfect results. I personally have considered the process and know that much time, explanations and alcimatizing is expected. None of that was indicated by the film's writers. Consequently, Rubin is visibly surprised in the aftermath of his implant procedure regarding the results and that is not realistic. I was also confused that Rubin presumed to be able to borrow over $20,000 from a rehab counsellor that he had disrespected. What the hell! I still fully recommend this very good drama film.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Doesn't deserve to be a flop at all
10 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm no expert on superhero movies. Not much a fan of multiuniverse stories etc but I basically did like this film. I almost did not go due to the bad reviews and it being labeled a flop. I'm VERY glad I DID go.

Okay, a bit of the CGI fight scenes looked like rough-draft early demo versions to be enhanced later. But to be honest, I don't know really what a guy being thrown 1000 feet in 2 seconds is supposed to really look like. Maybe it would look kind of like they showed it in the film. People complained about the cameos appearances. I immediately assumed they were intended to look a bit comicbooky. Great! Job done IMO.

Okay, I was very dissapointed that it was so easy to kill Superwoman/girl. I didn't really understand the plot at the end fighting the guy in the time vortex thingy.

The main baddies seemed two dimensional. I didn't like that Clark Kent didn't grow up on Earth.

I was confused with the whole 'we can't really change things' ending because Flash DID save his mother after all. Didn't that count as a success in any way?

I found myself laughing out loud repeatedly throughout the film. Why people insist it's really bad is beyond me. Maybe they saw it without the popcorn or something. I had mine and was very entertained.
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Maryland (2023)
Perfectly fine family drama
12 June 2023
Perfectly fine little family drama. I do have a handful of misgivings. Surranne was actually the weakest link in my opinion. Mugging, overacting "Oh dear, I'm nervous...". Frittering about... If anything this show was rather "play with the viewers emotions 101". Okay here's the sad scene with the violins. Cue the violins... literally. I'm a fan of Surranne already so it didn't take any prodding for me to watch this. All the other complaints sound rather searching for fault or grumpy reviewer syndrome. People complaining that Stockard Channing wasn't a good they are experts on what random people should be living in a costal village. Yikes. For the record Stockard Channing has such a cool name that I was happy just mentioning it. By the end I'd gotten over Suranne's acting complaints and even felt that the ending was satisfactory (which is amazing if you read half of the other reviews).
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Lots of popcorn fun but plot holes.
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I had some fun watching the film but I was disappointed quite often as well. I'll start positive. Keanu is kind of cool so that helped a lot. Now to some criticism. As others have mentioned, most of the fight scenes were choreographed so embarrassingly bad that I spent most of the film watching bad guys standing off to the side and waiting for their turn for John Wick to kill them. We see literally hundreds of trained assassins pointing and shooting high powered automatic weapons John at (who is usually standing out in the open) and yet non ever strike John. John falls flat on his face from the top of a building, gets hit 5 times by speeding cars,rolls down 6 flights of stairs after being pummeled relentlessly and in every case gets up almost none worse for wear. Even his suit never got dirty. At some points I accidentally laughed out loud.

A huge, huge plot hole was the radio announcer stating John's every move and update (including the increasing bounty money for killing John Wick). There was never any indication how they received the information instantaneously or why all the assassins happened to be listening to the radio at the same time. Who listens to radio now anyway?

The ending!?! Did he die? Did I miss it? One minute he's shot but still walking, talking needing a little rest and bath. The next scene shows his tombstone. Totally disappointing vague ending.

I had no idea how long the film was. It actually went fairly quickly although most of the fight scenes were double the length I felt they needed to be.
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Funny Woman (2023– )
A pleasant baby boomer, pop culture romp
17 March 2023
Gemma Arterton shines brightly. Most of the show is wonderful. I was underwhelmed with bits here and there. Yes, it successfully illustrated the non-woke mentality of society 50+ years ago. The show is a peculiar blend of lightweight fluff and drama. Sometimes I wished it was more comedic or more dramatic. As I said, a peculiar blend. There are dramatic scenes and I didn't feel that level of drama carried through from scene to scene. Likewise there were comedic scenes that were rather slight. In fact most of the comedy was regulated to the sit-com segments itself. Again, I wasn't sure the dramatic aspects really punched through enough to glue it all together. A pleasant baby boomer, pop culture romp but I'm hesitant to commit to watching a season 2.
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Lot's of glimmers of magic
21 January 2023
Some very harsh reviews here. What's the film about? Race? Mental illness? Cinema? Why have to decide!

It's about two very different lost souls finding momentary reprieve and solice with eachother amidst a variety of the mundane, the sublime and the hostile world (basically life).

Yes, the cinematography and soundtrack definitely elevated to flick.

All these complaints about Firth being underused or the writing not being focused enough... I don't get. The very fact Firth agreed to a supporting role illustrates just how much he believed in the film IMO.

I give myself points for correctly guessing the specially requested film selected near the end (for the private screening scene).

Will I remember this film 20 years from now? Probably not. Was it filled with countless glimmers of magic and humanity? Absolutely!
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Granite Harbour (2022– )
Predictable, cliché, lacking any subtly and nuance.
22 December 2022
An example of dumbed down, over acting and cookie cutter characters. Predictable, cliché, lacking any subtly and nuance. TV script writing 101. This makes the recent James Nesbit drama Bloodlands feel like Breaking Bad or Sopranos in comparison. I suspect the cast and crew here were ordered to be this bad due to corporate bosses intentionally over simplifying and pandering to lowest common denominator demographics. The actors are probably competent but the exaggerated sad, long faces and jaw grinding to appear uncomfortable were so over the top it distracted from the actual story. Acting class 101 quality. All this just in the first 20 minutes.
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Peaky Blinders: Black Tuesday (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Great start to long awaited new season.
8 September 2019
I was not dissapointed after the long wait between seasons. Goof... Someone mentioned "The Hollywood Oscars." It's late 1929. Yes the Academy Awards ceremony had already taken place, however, calling the statuette Oscar did not happen until several years after this was supposed to have taken place. Still, great episode.
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Deep Water (2019– )
Unpredictable, sexy and intense
8 September 2019
Good, solid, dark drama. It kept me guessing and interested throughout. Top production values. Maybe not an all time classic but still perfect for a rainy night.
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Extremely charming monster
23 August 2019
Excellent film. It nailed the concept of Bundy (a cruel and vicious monster) being able to seduce almost anyone and everyone. A true master minipulator. Well done! All through the film I was thinking "... but how could he do those things? He seems so cool in every way." That is the point of the film and it succeeded wildly.
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