
21 Reviews
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Great Docu Drama as close to the truth as you can get
22 October 2023
First off I take my hat off to Lifetime Movies for such a great docudrama movie. Although there is a disclaimer at the start of the movie that some of the content has been "reconstructed" I have to say as an avid follower of the actual case this docudrama has to be around 98% accurate with only 2 sequences that seemed not to be mentioned in the trial. It must have taken a lot of soul searching for the producer(s) to show the actual shooting as none of the documentaries I have watched show the actual shooting except in "cartoon" or "model" mode. Bill Pullman is excellent but so are the other supporting cast. I really enjoyed this move and at 2 x 1.30 Hours Long it never seemed that. It comes highly recommended if you are interested in true crime and the Murdaugh storyline.
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Surrounded (2023)
Terrible movie with no real purpose
22 June 2023
I gave up after 35 minutes.

The one-dimensional story gives the actors little to work with, the characters themselves are given no complexity by the filmmakers, and there's no amount of iconic western cinematography can salvage things at that point. Given the enormous amount of money that was spent to make this, it should be telling that it's being released pay-to-rent on a single streaming platform. Save yourselves some time and avoid!. Shame really as it had potential but when we got to the tree scene you just know it was gonna get boring really quick. I cannot recommend it to anyone and to be honest there are not many movies I gave up on.
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The Mother (2023)
I did enjoy this
15 May 2023
Brilliantly fun movie, well paced and action packed. There was really nothing I disliked about it. I would watch it again due to the entertainment factor. In a sea of average and below average movies this is a shining light amongst them all. Acting was excellent, story was fun and over the top of course. I did wait in anticipation for this movie and I was not disappointed in fact it exceeded my expectations. It's one of these movies you wish would not end and I never touched my watch once. What more can I say watch this one it is well worth it Jennifer Lopez is excellent in it, is it an original movie no but still a fun way to spend almost 2 hours.
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Cocaine Bear (2023)
I loved this Movie
23 March 2023
Well a great movie in my opinion, CGI was excellent, story was zany and fun, acting was great, quite a bit gory at times but not over the top.

Never once glanced at the clock and will definitely watch it again. With so many sub-par creature features this was a refreshing change from the usual rubbish. It even had a few chuckles here and there. If you read the title you would think that sounds stupid but it did work I feel, especially for me. Not sure I recognised any of the actors or actresses but that didn't seem to make much difference they were all excellent. So to sum up a fun movie, maybe not for the kids but a great way to spend a wet rainy evening.
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Clean (IV) (2021)
I really enjoyed this
26 February 2023
Mr Brody seems to adapt to any role and is very watchable, so it's Rambo meets Die Hard meets Death Wish, who cares. Some reviewers say it's a slow start, maybe I agree but never boring. Characters are believable well cast and fulfill their roles very well. Back story won't win any Oscars but who cares was I entertained yes absolutely. Did you hate the bad guys (yes) did you root for the good guy (yes) well that's the point of the movie isn't it?. A solid revenge movie that won't have you reaching for the "off" button. I like AB in action movies I think he does them really well. A really nice action/revenge movie that is never boring, have an solid 8 from me Mr Brody.
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I Am a Killer (2018–2022)
What a Pile of Poo Poo
23 December 2022
We are supposed to connect with these people, most can't even talk properly, that's why they went into the military as no one else would take them. Series is full of under achievers that god knows who cares what happens to them. I watched 2 episodes even fast forwarding did not make a difference. Netflix if that's the best documentary you can come up with I am glad I don't have a subscription. I have watched thousands of documentaries for the last 45 years and I have to say this sucks big time. I am really not sure what the docu makers are trying to achieve apart from a cure for insonmia, move and press delete or cancel your subscription it doesn't matter it's a load of crap no matter how you look at it.
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Violent Night (2022)
What a fun Movie I loved it
20 December 2022
Brilliantly fun movie, well paced and action packed. A few gruesome kills but nothing over the top. A very different Xmas movie, there was really nothing I disliked about it. I would watch it again due to the entertainment factor. In a sea of average and below average movies this is a shining light amongst them all. Acting was excellent, story was fun and over the top of course. There were a few laughs along the way also. I did wait in anticipation for this movie and I was not disappointed in fact it exceeded my expectations. It's one of these movies you wish would not end and I never touched my watch once. What more can I say watch this one it is well worth it.
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On the Line (II) (2022)
I enjoyed this even although Mel has had some previous problems
16 December 2022
So I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I know Mel Gibson lost it a bit in the past but from what I saw of him in this movie I saw amazing acting from him and all of the cast.

The ending for me was a bit of a double edged sword. It was fun and revealing but also maybe a bit of a let down but does that actually make it a very good movie?. I think so yes. What makes a good movie?, were you entertained?, did you check your watch?, was it a fun story?. In today's world of over the top CGI I think this movie works because of a few things.

Excellent acting, decent story, top class acting by all actors/actresses, fun ending although I would have longed for the usual ending but a different ending gives you a surprise on a few levels. Great movie, great acting, well done Mel I really thought your acting was top notch.
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This Is It (2009)
Well Lovely Documentary, Lovely Music, Pity He Seemed to be the King Over people and not the King of Pop
30 November 2022
Great music, undoubtably great music, but tinged with a desire on Jacksons side to be the King of his Rehearsals and not the King of Pop even though we never saw him touch an instrument, was that a hidden talent to write songs with never being near or even been seen playing an instrument. After 40 years in bands playing the drums, keyboards, guitar, singing harmonies it is difficult for me to understand that no-one has EVER seen Jackson being near ANY instrument and he can create so complex layers of music without it seems any understanding of even the most basic of musical instruments (like a guitar). Here is my thoughts, maybe Jackson did not actually write his songs but "Paid Off" ghost writers to do his dirty work. Also from Kenny Ortega there seems to be a lot of forelock pulling and cowing down to Jackson just watch the video and you can see how Kenny Ortega did not want to piss off Jackson, "Mr Jackson" is everything ok Michael, well he pulled a fast one on you Kenny he died !!!. Saves a lot of hassle and energy.
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Really Werner, 1 hour and 20 minutes of opera
20 October 2022
Fast forward to 1 hour 15 minutes and basically you have seen the whole documentary, it's an hour and 5 minutes of volcanoes erupting and once you've seen one you've seen them all. I really enjoyed Grizzly Man but this is on a level of boredom I have not seen in a while. It runs for 1 hour 20 minutes and really the whole story (the title of the documentary) could have been told in 20 minutes. Sorry Werner but your incessant use of opera, stock footage of volcanoes got me fast forwarding after about 35 minutes and that was with the documentary in the background. 2 people got too near a volcano and died after not heeding the previous warnings they had. Well let's pad it out to 1 hour 20 minutes with useless video. I am not sure who related volcanoes erupting to opera songs, new one on me. Herzog seems to have an attraction to "found or archived" footage and while it worked in Grizzly Man it certainly did not work here. A boring mess of regurgitated video. I think a 2 rating is being kind.
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Shark Bait (2022)
I actually enjoyed this movie
15 May 2022
Of course there is only so much you can do with "shark movies" and I would imagine it's very difficult to come up with an original plot. However "Shark Bait" was an ok movie where at least the shark was believable and the actors and actresses were very good. I wasn't bored and was quite entertained by this movie.
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Why all the high scores ?
9 May 2022
After getting through almost 3/4 of this documentary I turned it off. Tedious, boring, uninteresting and unintelligible at times. What should have been an interesting documentary turned out to be one of the most boring docus I have watched in recent years. I have no idea where the high scores are coming from maybe they did not watch the same docu that I ALMOST finished.
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What a snoozefest
19 August 2021
No idea how this movie got such a high rating, well shot I suppose well acted but zero action and all they did was sit about chatting throughout the whole movie. Very uninteresting movie that I could not recommend to anyone.
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Painfully slow story line with animations that looked like it came from the 80's
2 April 2021
I lasted about 35 to 40 minutes, this is one of the worse animations I have ever seen. I had to check the release date and was shocked when it said 2015. It looks that it was from the 80's, the characters have zero expressions, the story line is slooooooow and boring it is really just terrible on all levels and that's from me a big fan of halo but this is just a joke avoid avoid avoid.
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Opportunity lost I think
3 October 2020
I have to agree with rws_20's review. The whole documentary lacked something and seemed to be put together quickly and without a lot of love and thought. It is a tragic story but to throw together about 1 hour of phone/bodycam/social media footage with little or no narration made the whole experience for me not a pleasant one. It is at least 30 minutes way too long. Pity it was such a bland experience as Netflix usually produces some high quality TV Movies/Movies/Documentaries. I did watch a much more riveting version of this story which I think was made by the crime and investigation channel. I was sorely disappointed in this version.
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I really enjoyed this
12 August 2020
Good acting, good story (if not original) no over the top superhuman housewife becomes a vigilante. Solid house invasion movie that works well and I never looked at the clock once. With a decent ending it made my whole movie experience a very good one. Great movie, great acting, good solid story with believable characters and a well paced taught thriller, well done I was thoroughly entertained.
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The Shallows (2016)
A gem of a movie which shows really how to make a good exciting movie
11 May 2020
I respect all reviews here and of course everyone has their own opinion which is what reviews are all about. I won't decry anyone's review but I will post my own opinion. I loved this movie, I did not want it to end. One review said it's the best shark movie since jaws and I think that is a fair comment. I am planning to watch it for a second time this week even though I know what happens. With all the cheap horror genre movies being thrown out almost on a weekly basis it's nice to see a good movie well acted, well shot and your never looking at your watch. Well done to all involved in THE SHALLOWS excellent work.
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Well worth the watch
29 October 2019
Sure some inconsistencies like how come they all got scuba gear that fitted them exactly etc etc and certain shark bites were deadly while others were survivable but overall a very fun movie which I did really enjoy. Actors/Actresses were in my view excellent and clearly had at least some basic understanding of scuba diving, scenes near the end were a bit over the top but i have to say it didn't spoil the movie for me, well done to all involved great movie and it kept me entertained throughout.
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Frozen (I) (2010)
Yes a good film and well made
8 September 2010
Well I enjoyed "FROZEN" for lots of reasons the acting was good the whole idea was a tough cookie to bring off but they did it. Its a kind of film that sneaks up on you and afterwards you think jeez that was actually really entertaining.

No special effects to speak of and its always hard to "ACT" within a confined space and make the movie interesting and never boring.

The actors/actresses looked like they could have been below average as per a lot of "low budget" movies but in my opinion pulled off a very difficult and claustrophobic movie in a way that both satisfies and genuinely thrills the watcher.

I've seen a lot of movies in my 49 years and I thoroughly enjoyed "FROZEN" I hope the makers/directors/actors/actresses read this and take heart. Well done !.
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Altogether an unsatisfying watch
24 February 2008
This movie started out well enough with a high interest value in the first 50 minutes or so - explaining the struggle of the early oil pioneers with their lack of knowledge and equipment - it took a fair nose dive after that with Daniel Day Lewis's acting just becoming extremely annoying and the soundtrack becoming so shrill and distracting that at times I found myself covering my ears until the passage in question had moved on to quieter times. If DDL was up for an Oscar for this (and i'm no way sure of this) I have to say that the overall quality of Oscar nominees must be slipping - the storyline just got lost in an over-long rambling mess of a film. I have to say that mile for mile DDL's films SEEM to run into an overlong mess (see Gangs of New York) and it seems at times the direction of this movie gets waylayed. This is of course just my opinion and maybe you might get something out of this movie that I did not - Satisfaction - satisfaction that I longed to crave especially after a good opening - but ultimately its promise was larger than its delivery - one for the straight to video I fear with boredom a high factor in the latter stages of the movie and DDL just becoming an annoying inclusion in a thus ultimately unsatisfying experience
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AVH: Alien vs. Hunter (2007 Video)
Terrible all round
8 December 2007
Oh dear Oh dear Oh dear - low budget nonsense - Alien looks like it was knocked up in someones lunch hour ! - a kind of Blue Peter Alien made out of tape and sticky back plastic Sadly it's films like this that give aliens a bad name ! - avoid if at all possible.

Acting is terrible - fight scenes are just awful - the special effects were obviously programmed on a Sinclair Spectrum or was it a BBC-B ?.

Its a kind of kid next door film - not starring the kid next door - but filmed by the kid next door ! using his 8mm cine camera - I have to admit to not watching the film the whole way through - it was just to painful.

Its the kind of film that gets an actor/actresses career off to totally the wrong start
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