
21 Reviews
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Zach Snyder blows up
21 April 2024
As someone who's long admired Zack Snyder's work, diving into "Rebel Moon" was an experience I was eagerly anticipating. Yet, from the opening scenes to the closing credits, I found myself grappling with a profound sense of disappointment. The expectation of embarking on another epic journey, similar to Snyder's past triumphs, quickly faded, replaced by a realization that this was not the masterpiece I had hoped for.

The casting, usually a strength in Snyder's projects, felt off this time around. Despite the presence of some notable names, the performances were lackluster, failing to captivate or convey the emotional depth typically associated with his films. It was as though the actors were not fully invested in their roles, or perhaps the direction failed to extract the best from this ensemble.

The narrative itself was another point of contention. Where Snyder's storytelling has often been praised for its complexity and depth, "Rebel Moon" presented a plot that felt superficial and unengaging. The storyline seemed to meander without a clear direction, leaving me yearning for the layered narratives I've come to expect from his work.

Comparing this to watching a short film on Dust - an outlet I admire for its innovative and thought-provoking content - might seem like an odd juxtaposition. However, the expectation for a Netflix and Zack Snyder collaboration is naturally set at a much higher bar. Dust shorts, while entertaining and insightful, operate within the realm of independent filmmaking, often with limited resources. In contrast, a project like "Rebel Moon," backed by Netflix's considerable resources and Snyder's visionary direction, should transcend these limitations.

Yet, the experience felt akin to watching one of those shorts, where the constraints are palpable, and the scope is inherently limited. This isn't to discredit Dust's contributions to the sci-fi genre but rather to highlight the disparity in expectations. From a powerhouse duo like Netflix and Zack Snyder, one anticipates a cinematic experience that pushes boundaries and sets new standards, not one that merely echoes the feel of an indie short film.

In sum, while "Rebel Moon" might have had the potential to be another jewel in Zack Snyder's crown, it ultimately fell short of the mark. It's a stark reminder that even the most successful filmmakers can sometimes miss the target, leaving fans like myself in a state of reflection on what could have been.
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Madame Web (2024)
Huge disappointment
17 March 2024
Nothing worse than watching a movie and realizing all of the good parts were in the trailers. And realizing there's nothing about the movie that is even remotely entertaining accept what's in the trailers. They could have made a movie and had flashbacks to create that boring ass origin story. Sony, if you're going to make terrible movies as usual, give up the rights to people that actually want to make a movie. These actresses deserve much better. This was a piss poor attempt at a superhero movie at absolute best. Sad really. And to think I couldn't wait to see this. Waste of $20. Thanks {{{facepalm}}}
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T.I.M. (2023)
Good Idea, Bad story
16 January 2024
As a software engineer and an AI engineer, I found this movie funny and frustrating. They clearly had zero technical advisory on this movie. I hope people are smarter than to believe this garbage. It's not how AI tech works or will work. The Creator, or Robin Williams' Bicentennial man, is much more along the lines of how AI will progress. Provided we don't allow meglomaniacal psychopaths to train them. They're like children. If you abuse them, they will grow up and become bad. If you nurture them, they will grow up good. Do some research, understand the tech before you make a movie about a killer robot. But hey what do I know. 🤷🏻
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Saltburn (2023)
Decent Spin on The Talented Mr Ripley
26 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Saltburn emerges as an exceptional film, presenting a novel approach to a story we thought we knew. Its narrative is uniquely strange and compelling, ensuring it stands out. BK, gives a phenomenal performance that captures the essence of the Joker's chaotic spirit with finesse. His portrayal is a deep dive into the character's psyche, making it a standout aspect of the film. The movie masterfully blends elements of shock and awe, creating a 😳 feeling at times. However, due to its intense and sometimes dark content, it might not be suitable for a younger audience. For those who appreciate cinematic bravery and are ready to handle the weirdness rollercoaster, Saltburn offers an unforgettable experience that pushes the boundaries of a lot!!
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Ultra Amazeballs! Bravo!
27 November 2023
I'm 51, and this was one of the best series I've come across in many years. This was animation done right. The storyline was incredible. The characters were absolutely perfect. The way the various levels of storytelling, intertwined with other was perfectly laid out. The research behind the details was thoughtful and exact. Personally, I don't think that Hollywood should flood the market with 100 animated movies and series because this one did well, like the glut of Marvel and DC stuff. But it wouldn't hurt to have a few more, even ones based on some current and past characters in the space. Bravo to the team that built this glorious show of abilities. Thank you for the small measure of great entertainment!
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
Much needed new Sci-Fi that's...meh
15 November 2023
If you are going to write a science fiction story, at least try to make it believable. Absolutely zero ships, space fairing, water, etc. Will just keep going without verbal confrontation at a stop gate. Light or no light, or blinking color light. A kid killing his own mother, now that's risky. Matricide is not something you see every day, outside of true crime serial killer shows. Lena H is a fan-fkn-tastic actress. The woman that played Harmony, was awesome. Everyone else was blah at best. I don't know where the hell this shows going, but when the world's making movies like Dune, and shows like The Expanse, this feel like a Saturday afternoon Creature Double Feature. And I LOVE a good B Sci-Fi show. But isn't about time we stopped making B Sci-Fi, since we have the ability to make better movies and shows. Open them tight a$$ wallets, stop worry about the stock prices and make something worth watching. TV is getting really sad. {{facepalm}}
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The Mummy (2017)
Very Underrated Movie
1 November 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I've seen it several times now and pick up on new things every time. Tom Cruise crushes his part, even bring in MI'esq excitement. I don't understand the terrible critics views from on this movie. Yes, it was the first movie for the Dark Universe, but not the most famous of the protagonists. I thought it was an amazing start and solid foundation and springboard for future movies. This is exactly what I mean by critics ruining a perfectly good movie. Google reports a 70% like. That's mostly the people talking. You're not going to get Casablanca or Gone with the wind Ratings. It's a horror movie. And a good one. Not moving forward with this l, and moving forward with other useless, non exciting endeavors just ruins it for those that truly enjoy what's movies are at their core. Escape from reality!
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Django (2022– )
What in the Western Hell is this?
15 October 2023
Look, I'm a huge Western fan. Been watching them for my entire 50+ years. This is by far the worst things I have ever encountered. I mean, Noomi??? WTF were you thinking getting involved with this project? Holy Clint Southward 👎. There's several good actors in this show, so I am going to point at the lousy production crew or Netflix for not fessing up enough money to actually capture something meaningful. I am just completely lost in what is happening. I certainly hope this isn't the treatment you're allowing for Three Body Problem. If you guys wreck that show, like you did this one. You are gonna lose Lot of people. {{{Facepalm}}}
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Tom Delonge & TTSA are officially a$$holes
9 October 2023
In a time, when it's been extremely important for society to release its stigma on this topic, Tom delong and to the Stars academy decides their first movie that they should release is Bill & Ted's excellent alien adventure. I have officially lost all respect for Tom delong and to the Stars academy. They are no longer in my opinion a serious agency that should be dealing with the subject. All this movie does is add to the already stigmatized subject matter. It was absolutely nothing interesting about this movie and it was absolutely ridiculous. And for a clown like Tom delong to put something like this out is absolutely disgusting. And then talk out of the other side of his face about how serious he is about this subject. Tom you should be ashamed of yourself.
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Dominion (2015)
Not a terrible movie
28 August 2023
This is a good story. Could it have been better? Sure. Could the movie itself have been better? Absolutely, could have been great as a matter of fact. But for some reason, big stars and big writers want nothing to do with this topic. And frankly it's sad. Especially now, with the recent news of these things coming true. I would hope Hollywood pays closer attention and realizes that people want movies and shows like this. Not mind numbing Kardashian'esq reality. (Insert Vomit Sounds). Thanks for the good movie, or at least the attempt at a good movie. The stories are getting better. Reality is here folks. Makes some movies about our reality now.
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Older Gods (2023)
Decent Movie - Annoying
30 July 2023
Ok, this goes out to all of you movie ppl. Car alarms are wicked fn annoying. Set the thing off, then shut it off. There's no need to let it run for a minutes. There's nothing going on there but you annoying the shite out of your audience. Seriously. {facepalm} Otherwise, the concept was good. I love a good alternative history jont. Good actors, good story, directing could have been better {see facepalm}. What I don't get is, you get these producers to back you and you have the time and ability to make a movie, and 95/100 times, they suck. But this one on its slim budget was good. Thanks for the trip!
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Jung_E (2023)
Great Movie Idea
20 January 2023
I love Korean made movies. Especially the sci-fi stuff. However, the only thing that I wish would happen is they get more gritty and realistic. People do not interact like they write into these movies. Dispense with the goofy material in a serious movie. It's not a comedy. Flipping from super serious to goofy comedy side characters is like cars crashing into one another. The transition is tough to deal with. People like serious movies. They also like comedies. But you gotta pick one. This one should have been all serious. Dispense with the dopey science assistants and improve a bit on the sci-fi effects, and you've got an 8-9 hit! But I don't want to detract from the general story which was still very good.
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Area 407 (2012)
Not worth the time
16 January 2023
Seriously terrible horror flick. From the fake plane, to hearing the crew counting down before action scenes, and copious amounts of blood, it's just a mess. Whomever is counting in the background should be shot. I am a pretty reasonable critic. I actually can't stand regular movie critics, and I generally go with the masses, but this one's getting a thumbs down. This was clearly made in an effort to scrape society for it's last few pennies. And Charlie....don't even get me started on Charlie. What an absolute blundering mess of writing. Poor guy should kick the people that wrote for him. Time I can never get back. 🤦🏻
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Hex (II) (2022)
18 December 2022
It really sux when you spend a ton of money making the cover look so attractive and you don't spend as much on the movie itself. ((Facepalm)). Suggestion: In the future, just make a b&w cover that says (Movie). That would suffice in this case for sure. 🤢. Or maybe just don't make the movie and fake people I to believing that it might be good when it's absolutely not. Sorry to be so harsh, but I didn't not understand how everything passes as a movie these days. It used to be that it was a coveted thing to be called a movie. Now it's whatever you can record on your phone and mass distribution with a fancy cover gets by? Gah!
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War of the Worlds (2019– )
Great show.
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like all good sci-fi should be, it's a slow paced realization of the inconceivable. Smash bang quick action sci-fi is fun, but if you look at all the greatest, Azimov, Simmons, Clarke, they all tell very involved stories. I especially like the crunchy pizza in S03E2. Like who makes crunchy pizza? 🤣. Sound guy/girl needs a little work. I love the spin on the original story. Which was amazing for it's time, but with all we know now, it's a bit more difficult to tell a story that out of this world. All in all, the cast was perfect. Poor Bill gets his arse kicked ALOT. I almost started feeling bad for him. The show is excellent. I think there should be more people in this world that are smart enough to appreciate good thought provoking show.
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Transference (2020)
Could have been great!
28 August 2022
If they went the extra mile and got some decent actors l, this movie would have been fantastic. Good actors will improve the writing and the experience overall. This is the major problem with science fiction these days. Actors shy away from it unless it's paying big buck or has a big time crew, director, producer, etc. Science Fiction would get better, much much better if more indie movies were made with actors that believe in independent films. There's only one Blair Witch. That'll never happen again. There are so many great stories out there that are waiting for life, I wish more would be made.
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Proximity (II) (2020)
Potential to be great...but no.
1 April 2021
This movie literally would have been an 8 or 9 if they had just done something better with the soundtrack. The opening scene trying to sound like a Spielberg movie and then the second scene sounded like pretty in pink just ruined it. Honestly, there's nothing creative about that. Nice try better luck next time stories good though!
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Great movie, fantastic story!
28 March 2021
I'm from the US and I thought it was a fantastic story. Well deserving of the rating I gave it. If you're a history fan like me, this is the type of movie you want to watch.
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Great, fake
20 January 2021
Science fiction is great, but this is more of a mocking of the UAP subject. It would be nice if this type of thing actually happened. Senior scientific members of the establishment coming forward and sharing what they know, risking their careers to share life altering knowledge with their fellow man. This is NOT that. The content is well written, but simply a semantically different spin on the same old data.
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Cosmos (I) (2019)
Fantastic, hit-home, movie all around!!!
28 November 2019
Bravo fellas!!! I'd like to think I'm a decent movie critic. I also like to do a little research before I hit play. When I saw that it was an Indie piece by some newcomer brothers to the industry, I was very intrigued. The Weaver Bros took the all time biggest question humanity currently faces, which also happens to be a huge passion of mine, "Are we alone?" and built a masterful story around it. I loved the way it played out. The cliff hangers and the overall tech/intelligence was very . The slightly overdone drama and accompanying sound track, was super fun. The cast was perfect! Again, well done boys! I gave it an honest 8. I cannot wait to see what comes next.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
I hope it gets better
25 July 2019
How anyone could look at the final cut if this and think, "wow this is AWESOME!" Writing and directing is insanely bad. KS and cast deserve better.
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