7 Reviews
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Locke & Key (2020–2022)
Its really annoying when the "good" protagonists are so dumb
2 February 2023
We all know the horror movies where the blonde girl walks into a dark room where a dark laughtering voice is coming from and we screem "dont go inside there". But she does and gets killed and we all think "oh gosh, she was so dumb, this movie is unrealistic".

Well in the World of Locke and Key this blonde would be an intelligent genious!

Meet the Lockes, a family which members are so socially incompetent, that they cant talk to each other. You just stare at the screen and think "okay, why cant you just tell it?!" And this is the main problem of the series: its nowhere near authentic. In the climatic points of the story the characters suddenly dont talk with each other, forget to fight and do other stupid things you can just laugh about. A teacher, that was a box-champion doesn't defend himself against a skinny boy? Sure! A woman holding a gun at a man and has the whole time of the world loses it suddenly? Sure! Here is everything possible (i want to share more, but cant spoiler...) There are movies that find very tricky problems and let their protagonists find intelligent solutions. And there is... this one.
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Good show but
29 January 2023
Its a really great show.

The storyline seems straight and brings a few twists, the design is adequatly picked, acting of characters ist pretty well. They achived to create a good horrific/mystic atmosphere.

Problem: the character of lucy.

She is very insecure and limited (not the classical female mastermind) - so its a little boring that her "mental instability" gets so much screen time - but on the other hand very arrogant, and most improtant: argues all the time with the other main characters.

I dont know if this was a weak try for a "strong female lead"-stuff, but they failed completly, creating an outstanding annoying subject within a harmonic group, that causes negative tension all the time and prohibits to enjoy the show.
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well well...
28 April 2022
A few good laughs.

But i find it in a morale-manner very embarrassing, that a cheating and family-destroying woman is the head of feminism and voice of reason.

There is an argument about everything, but cheating is instructed as a good manner for a strong independent women. Sorry, i cant give a higher rating for a movie that doesnt get its morale compass straight.
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The Batman (2022)
nothing special
28 April 2022
The movie offers great post production and scenery. The actors are picked good, too.

Bit thats all. The story is very flat, streched to 3 hours and forsightable. It constantly boils with old qulichees and 08/15-dialouge.

Nothing new, not enough for a batman-movie.
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could someone kill the anoying daughter please
1 June 2021
Feminism, refugees and bad cliches. Effects are gut though.
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bad play ruins interesting script
24 February 2021
Mostly interesting for scifi, good effects etc, but... i dont know what kind of trend it is nowdays that everytime the actor should play "frightend" he just opens his eyes and breathes like he ran 40 km straight! Very unauthentic play! What are they teaching them in acting acadamies!? So sad.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
And there goes another series...
22 June 2020
I think we all can agree, that Season 1 was kind of a masterpiece. Astonishing design, fresh ideas, many turns, very good character interplay, and on and on. But season 2 mutated to a 08/15 pseudo-scifi series with a very flat story-line and over-dramatic clichees. You can script a series like this, that is meant for buffer on television, but NOT for continuation of an A+ title! Author should never get a job again.
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