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Wasp (2003)
A Film that Made Andrea Arnold famous
27 May 2024
Wasp is a 2003 British short film written and directed by Andrea Arnold. Released in 2003, it stars Natalie Press as a struggling single mother determined not to let her four young children prove an obstacle in the pursuit of starting a relationship with an old acquaintance, played by Danny Dyer. Set in Dartford, England it follow the story of A struggling single mother is determined not to let her four young children be an obstacle in the pursuit of starting a relationship with an old acquaintance, the film was An outstandingly excellent piece of short story telling, benefitting from the compression effect that can only be achieved by a shorter rather than a longer narrative.
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Timbuktu (2014)
A Bleak Movies about an Occupation of Timbuktu
20 May 2024
Timbuktu was a Movies about a City in Africa known as Timbuktu that was Occupied by a Militant group Ansar Dine. The Movies show the Brutal look that how this ruthless militant group uses sharia law to suppressed people. I know that the director Abderrahmane Sissako made this movie like how people live under an autocratic government. Still, I know that they show musicians and a singer facing arrest and flogging while a couple is stoned to death for their alleged romance. A girl found with a cell phone is forcibly married against her will, disregarding the Imam's plea for intervention, and in the end, Just before Kidane's execution, the water seller brings Satima to the site. As they rush towards each other, they are fatally shot. As the water seller escapes into the desert, Toya and Issan are left wandering, grief-stricken.
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A Brutal and Erotic
8 May 2024
Love, Lies, Bleeding was a Mixture between James Ellory and Cormac McCarthy. This Film was follow the story of a Romantic relationship between A Daughter of a Crime Lord and a Muscular Woman that led to a Horrific Incident. I know that this film was so brutal and Disturbing. But I Like it because This film was so beautiful and Horrifying. Nevertheless Rose Glass inspried this film from an 80s cult film, and you know that because I love how the director. Made this movies like this, and I know that because am a Film Critic and I know that. Loves, Lies, Bleeding was brutal and erotic too. I GIVE IT 7.1/10.
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Unrest (2022)
Beautiful Swiss Arthouse film
30 April 2024
Much like the clockwork timepieces over which its protagonist hunches in exacting scrutiny, this piquant tale of socialist activism is a jewel of precision engineering. A Berlinale prizewinner from Swiss rising star Cyril Schäublin, Unrest is as fastidiously conceived as it is stylistically playful. It follows the story of Josephine, a young factory worker who produces the unrest wheel, swinging in the heart of the mechanical watch. Exposed to new ways of organizing money, time, and labor, she gets involved with the local anarchist movement pace like a needle in a time machine. So, we can touch on the forwarding of a revolution that changes history. Beautiful movie.
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The Plains (2022)
Boring but better
10 April 2024
David Easteal serves as writer, director, producer, editor and actor on the project. A Melbourne-based barrister and film maker, Easteal would give Rakowski a lift to and from work, their commute conversations served as the basis for the film, which were then scripted and filmed. Drone shots in Horsham, Victoria are also used as well as commuter traffic in Melbourne. And Richard Kuipers in Variety described it as "thematically rich and quietly compelling". Ben Kenisberg in The New York Times said that "fans of structural film, Jeanne Dielman and Google Maps will find much to treasure. Luke Buckmaster in The Guardian described it as a "tremendous achievement and, in a subtle way, an amazing work of art" and that it demonstrates that "drama can exist without the dramatic and that engaging narratives are everywhere around us, observable with the right eyes."He later included it as number one in his list of the top ten Australian films of the year.
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Prae dum (1961)
A Perfect Film that show the evil of humankind
25 March 2024
Rattana Pestonji finest film that talk about the story of Seni, a club owner, is under pressure from a rival, Wan, to pay an outstanding loan. Upon hearing that he has a long-lost brother named Sema, Seni sends his loyal lieutenants Tom and Pon to visit Sema, only to find that Sema has died. The movies was great and show how evil the human was and I know that because this film was the greatest Thai film of all time. I know that this film is one of the greatest of all time and The sets are very basic, and the fight sequences were made with no sound effects. Nonetheless, the performances are praised as generally good, especially Senee Wisaneesarn as Senee/Sema. There are even some musical numbers.
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An Ambient film that depict a Nazi Family
18 March 2024
The Zone of Interest is Jonathan Glazer's First full-length film in over ten years since Under the Skin. That follows the story of Rudolf Hoss the Commandant of the notorious Auschwitz who bring his family on his new home that he created from Suffering of Jewish Prisoner. Think that this movie was different from Mou Tun-fei Men Behind the Sun, which depicts the Commandant of Unit 731, Shiro Ishii. But this movie was too gruesome than Ambient; I love how Glazer made this Harrowing film about the Holocaust given a Nazi Family. I love how this film is better than the infamous 1988 film Men Behind the Sun.
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The Cut (I) (2014)
Armenian Genocide Answer to Blood Meridian.
13 March 2024
Set in WWI, it is about an Armenian Man who survived the Brutality of the Ottoman Empire. This film was a mixture of Western and War films. I love that Tahar Rahim's Performance is better than Madame Web's because Rahim plays a Mute Man who adventures from the Ottoman Empire to Cuba and then to the United States; I love this film, and this film has Realistic Violence, including some Rape Scenes, and the Execution scene, I love that how the movies was similar to Cormac McCarthy Blood Meridian, with depict the Brutality of the Genocide and hope that the Character want to see his Twin Daughter and I love it.
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A Debut film by Steven Soderbergh.
26 February 2024
Steven Soderbergh made this film about own failed relationship. "I drove the most important woman in my life to leave because I didn't want to be in the relationship but couldn't just say, 'I don't want to be in this,'" Soderbergh told Film Comment. "So I was very deceptive about how I got out of it. And then once I was out of it, I couldn't even allow it the dignity to die properly. I kept stringing it out and not letting it go and then I got involved with some other people." After, Soderbergh was able to reconnect with that person; "We were able to be friends," he noted. The Film was better and Soderbergh was the Youngest directer to win Plam D'Or.
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The Recent Hayao Miyazaki film that I ever watched
21 February 2024
The Boy and the Heron is one of the first films by Studio Ghibli that I watched at the Movie Theater. The movie is about a young Japanese boy named Mahito who yearns for his mother and ventures into a world shared by the living and the dead. There, death comes to an end, and life finds a new beginning. The film is about life and death, and I know that. I have watched many Miyazaki films since I was a child, but no film is more perfect than this film. The Boy and the Heron will be one of the Perfect Miyazaki films I have ever watched since The Wind Rise, a film about the life of a Plane Creator during WW2.
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City on Fire (1987)
A Perfect Film of Ringo Lam
15 February 2024
City on Fire was one of the Best HK films of 1987. The film was about an Undercover Cop who infiltrated a group of Jewelry Robber Gangs. This film was the most Gunplay film that I ever watched, with Realistic Violence in this film. Nevertheless, City on Fire was the Main Inspiration for Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dog, and we know that. This film is one of the most perfect films that I ever watched. If you know that City on Fire was the most excellent 1987 action film that I ever watched behind 007 The Living Daylight, but City on Fire was one of the finest if not the most finest Heist Film of all time.
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Import Export (2007)
A Perfect and Realistic Depection of Immigrant
11 February 2024
Import/Export was a film that shows a realistic look at people bored with their lives. Olga, a young Ukrainian Woman, travels to Austria and works in a Care Home. Pauli, a young Austrian man, travels with his stepfather to Eastern Europe. I know that Import/Export was a Perfect film that the director Ulrich Seidl made. I know How director Depiect like this and I know that the film was so ambient. I love that this film was good and I know of that. Who knew that Import/Export was one of the perfect films that I had ever watched and the ending of the film made me shock that this film was cut to the black screen.
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One of the Best film about Squatting
31 January 2024
Miracolo a Milano was a film that follows Toto Man's story. Who Created a Slum in Milan? This Film was perfect, and I know that Miracolo a Milano is one of Vittorio De Sica's finest films of 1951. The Movies was the finest and I know that Miracolo a Milano was more better than Bicycle thief. I love that Vittorio De Sica's made this film about squatting that I love it. The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage's 100 Italian films to be saved, a list of 100 films that "have changed the collective memory of the country between 1942 and 1978. That why this film should be the best of the best of the Italian Cinema.
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This TV Show is very Perfect
29 January 2024
Deutschland 83 was a Cold War TV Show that follow the story of Martin Rauch, a man whom his Aunt sent to West Germany to be a Spy for their regime. This Show is very. Perfect, the 80s Cold War Espionage is better than the 60s or WW2 Espionage. I love that this show depicts the life of both West and East Germany Realistically. If you are a 007 fan, you should not watch this, and I know that Deutschland 83 is better than 007. This show is excellent and they depicted the most realistic spy of all time. I know that Deutschland 83 are Germany answer to FX The Americans and I love both this show because I love Espionage during the 80s Era Cold War era.
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One of the Perfect Film that I will wrote a Novel Inspried from this film
4 January 2024
Anatomy of a Fall was a Perfect Crime Thriller by Justine Triet that followed the story of a German Woman who was accused of Murdering a Husband. I Love this Film and. I planned to write a crime novel inspired by this film set in Minnesota in the winter of the early 2000s during the American invasion of Iraq. I know that this film is perfect and should win an Oscar-Anatomy of a Fall was a perfect film that should won an Oscar and Golden Globe and I know that this film is one of the most ideal crime thrillers films that came from this Country France, one of the Cinema Captial of the world and Europe.
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Sweetie (1989)
This Film is a Perfect Debut from Campion
24 December 2023
Jane Campion was considered to be one of New Zealand's Finest Directors. I watched her film, The Piano. This film focuses on the hazardous relationship between the buttoned-down, superstitious Kay and her rampaging, devil-may-care sister, Sweetie-and their family's profoundly rotten roots. The film was good, a perfect debut for this female director. I love how this film was colorful photography and captivating, idiosyncratic characters; the rugged and tender Sweetie heralded the emergence of this gifted director and a renaissance of Australian cinema, which would take the film world by storm in the nineties.
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Traffic (2000)
A Perfect Film About War on Drugs
18 December 2023
This film was made before the Mexican Drug War. Traffic was a Movie that was based on a British TV Show of the same name, relocated from Afghan Heroin Trade to Mexican Cartel. The Movies in Question is Good, and the Director hase made one of the drug films that was considered to be the best film of him. And 11 Year Later, he made another hyperlink film titled Contagion; Traffic was an Example of Hyperlink Cinema; Various TV Shows, Films, and Video Games were inspired by this film. Like Heavy Rain, Fauda, The Wire, and More. Of Course the film was Great And I want you to watch one of the Great Drugs Cartel film of all time.
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Israel answers to Come and See
12 December 2023
Waltz with Bashir was a Movie that depicted the Harrowing story of a Man who witnessed the Horror of the Lebanese Civil War. Director Ari Folman made this film not to criticize the IDF but to show the Brutality both sides committed in War Crimes during this 70-year Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. I know that this film was the best, but you should not watch it again. Like Come and See, this film was so disturbing that many critics say that this film was Israel's answer to Come and See, But this animated film was very good and I love it because this film is one of the Perfect Anti-War film of all time.
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Betty Blue (1986)
This film is Perfect
3 December 2023
Beatrice Dalle's Debut performance is perfect; the movie was a Perfect Erotic film, and I loved it. I know that this film has a lot of Nudity. Nevertheless, this film was another JJB film that I watched another one is 1981 film title DIVA but this film was Perfect, Many People say that Betty Blue was better than DIVA and I know however, I loved both Betty Blue and DIVA because I am film Critic and you know that why I love both Betty Blue and Diva because the two film is perfect, very perfect. That it I choose the two film Betty Blue and DIva to be one of the Perfect film of all all time by JJB.
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Judgement (1999)
A Perfect Park Chan-Wook Film
24 November 2023
Before he became famous, Oldboy Perfect I didn't exist until Mubi released it; it is like a Psychological Drama. And I know that the movie is entirely to be around 26 minutes. This film depicts the dark side of human nature; I love how the director, Park Chan-Wook, Depicts it, and I love how this film is perfect. I know why this short film is perfect for watching. The movie is great and I know it because Judgment can depicted the Darkside of Human Nature how wrath the human is and PC-W put this ided on his Masterpiece The Revenge Trilogy and Handmaiden in 2016 both are them are very masterpiece.
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The Most Perfect Dolan Film of all time
16 November 2023
Laurence Anyways is one of the films that I want to watch; it is a Film that follows a man who wishes to be a Woman, and this film is one of the Perfect Dolan films of all time. It is a Movie from the late '80s to '90s, and the film is perfect; I love it. Dolan made this film, and I know it is great to watch, but it is too long. This film is one of the Perfect film that I ever watched and many people know that because. I love this film and many people should love it and because this film is the greatest Dolan film that I watch I gave this film to 9.2/10 because this film is perfect, very perfect.
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Blood Meridian meet Heavy Rain
6 November 2023
This movie is one of the most perfect films that I ever watched. Killers of the Flower Moon is a Movie about the Osage Nation, one of the Richest Native American groups who was the victim of the murder. This is the First time that Martin Scorsese made Western Movies; many people know that He Made a Gangster Film. But no, this movie is one of the films since Goodfellas. At the End of the film, they can show Scorsese Cameos and I love that this film depicted the Harsh Reality of the American Dream. I love that The Killer of the Flower Moon should Watch The Best Picture again after the Departed in 2006.
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A Bleak Film about Auschwitz
25 October 2023
Wanda Jakubowska's brutal look on Auschwitz was very disturbing and Horrific; this movie is one of the Early depictions of the Brutality of the Holocaust; in 1948, this movie was very shocking and realistic, and Many people didn't watch it, but it was great movie watched if you are in film school or not. I know that this movie is one of my favorite films of all time. To this day, this film is one of the finest films about the Holocaust. The Event This movie is still quoted extensively by succeeding directors, including Steven Spielberg in Schindler's List One of Spielberg his famous and one of the greatest film of all time.
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Vagabond (1985)
One of the finest film by Agnes Varda
21 October 2023
Agnes Varda made this movie, which is very realistic to watch; the Movie follows the story of a young French girl who was found dead by a local winemaker. I heard about this film when it screened on TV5 Monde, but I didn't watch it this film was perfect, and I know how Young Women. Many people don't know why the protagonist escaped her home. Some Said that She was the victim of Abuse. I love How Anges Vardas made this movie. I love it; Vagabond was a Perfect movie by a Perfect French Directer, Agnes Varda, A Perfect Director and A Perfect wife of the most Beautiful Director of all time, Jacques Demy.
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Chico & Rita (2009)
One of the Finest Spanish Language Animation film of all time
7 October 2023
Chico and Rita was an Animated film about two Cuban musicians; one was a Chico a Pianist. Who falls in love with a Cuban singer named Rita, but things turn bad when Rita becomes more Famous and Chico sees that there are many men who want Rita, I love how this Animation uses a perfect Rotoscope, and I love this animation not only that, this is one of the most perfect animation films that I ever watched and You know Chico and Rita is one of the First Spanish Animation to be nominated an Academy Award for Best Animation. Nevertheless I love this Animation because it is very beautiful and very seductive for me.
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