8 Reviews
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The Binge (2020)
Way better than 4.5 rating
7 September 2020
Really, i would rate this a solid 7, but like others I am over rating to make up for the 4.5. I laughed out loud multiple times watching this movie and chuckled most of the way through it. I grew up in the 80's and this definitely reminded me of the movies during that time. Perfect for watching at home.
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Kingdom of Bored
6 September 2020
Watching this movie is a lot like being on a cruise by yourself. It does capture an accurate picture of the typical sailing. Lots of old people on scooters. There are some laugh out loud moments, but you need to have been on a cruise to find them funny. Awkward banter from ship's staff, silly games etc. Everyone probably knows somebody like the Baron, or at least met one at a party. We end up feeling sorry for him, and I imagine he is a good person at heart. I would do my best to smile and laugh at his stories, but then look for any opportunity to escape. The film is just not very good and too long. About 30 minutes in I was looking to escape.
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Away (2020)
Not Sci-Fi, but still good
5 September 2020
This series is more about relationships than aliens or planets. That means it progresses slowly. The acting is done well and the writers did a good job getting the audience to identify with at least one of the astronauts. The characters are all given an interesting backstory. Hillary Swank just hasn't been given the great roles she should have gotten after Million Dollar Baby and Boys Don't Cry. Hopefully she will attract more character roles now that she is older - like Jane Lynch or Kathy Bates have.
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So Disappointing
25 May 2020
I am a huge fan of the original Penny Dreadful. That series is so fine and perfect, that I already knew it could not be topped, so I had no high expectations for COA. I was not prepared, however, for how BAD this show is. I have sympathy for Natalie Dormer- the prospect of filling Eva Green's shoes must have been terrifying in itself. Unfortunately for Ms. Dormer, the rest of the show doesn't do her any favors. It is slow, hits you over the head with politics, suffers from bad writing and special effects.
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Venom (2018)
Fun Watch
22 December 2018
I thought the movie was fun, but I just couldn't get over Michelle William's $5 wig.
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Playing for Time (1980 TV Movie)
Available on Netflix
16 September 2018
The movie is fantastic. Superb acting. Redgrave may not resemble the real Fania, or sing as well as some others up for the part- but this role requires the acting chops few possess. Read the other reviews. I am posting this because the movie is finally available to see on Netflix.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Very Disappointing
14 April 2018
Let me first say that I just could not get over Parker Posey's sad channeling of a grown up Ally Sheedy's Allison from The Breakfast Club. Posey's Dr. Smith is so similar to Sheedy's performance that it is distracting. Same facial expressions, body postures..etc. I realize that Posey and Sheedy do look alike, but that has nothing to with my point. That said, let me get on with the rest of my review. The writing is lacking in so many ways - characters making ridiculously bad choices in spite of their obvious high IQ's and education. Each episode so cringingly predictable, I had to stop myself from fast forwarding through half the show. I think the principal actors did their best with the given material - even the robot was able to convey some emotion. The production value did not look inexpensive so it is a shame the writing doomed any hope of this reboot's success.
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The Titan (2018)
Don't Even
2 April 2018
Don't waste your time. I cannot say one good thing about this movie. I was hopeful in the beginning but it went south fast.
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