
57 Reviews
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Decent Horror Flick
25 September 2022
This movie definitely doesn't break any new ground and can seem amateur at times. But if you're just looking for a horror flick with some jump scares and decent atmosphere then this is not a bad choice. The acting from the lead actress can be over the top at times and one or two of the jump scares are kinda cheap. Also, the movie can feel slow at times but for the most part it's pretty well paced.

If jumpscares and ghost movies aren't your thing then you can skip this one. Overall it was decently freaky with a few laughs. Not nearly as bad as a lot of these reviews would have you believe. I'm giving it an 8 out of 10 as it serves its purpose on what it's trying to be better than a lot of other movies like it.
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Dead Man (1995)
Strange, Obscure, and Enjoyable
27 April 2022
While this movie is set in the old West, I definitely wouldn't refer to it as a Western. Certainly not the typical movies you think about when you think the term "Western". This movie is filled with strange interactions and odd characters and moments that don't make sense yet at the same time, make perfect sense in the context of this film. I'm not gonna say too much about it and I'm sure it's not for everyone but I highly enjoyed it so I would recommend giving it a watch and see if you do too.
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The Mummy (2017)
Not worth your time let alone your money
6 April 2022
First off, I feel I have to admit I am a huge fan of The Mummy trilogy with Brendan Fraser. I grew up with those films and while the third entry (Tomb of the Dragon) with Jet Li is definitely the weakest in the trilogy, I would still take it over this. I even went back and watched the Fraser Mummy trilogy recently before I finally decided to watch this film, just to make sure I wasn't being biased due to nostalgia, and I still stand by this opinion.

From my understanding, this film wasn't meant to really be a remake/reboot of the 1999 film, but rather was meant to be a different mummy movie that was supposed to be part of Universal's attempt to create their "Dark Universe". The movie "Dracula: Untold" was actually supposed to kick off the Dark Universe, then came this Mummy movie, and then I believe they were going tomake a new Frankenstein film to be a part of the Dark Universe, along with others. But if you're going to name it The Mummy, it's basically impossible not to expect it to be compared to the 1999 film.

All that aside, judging this movie on its own, it just lacks so much. The effects are decent and it has the occasional (somewhat) exciting scenes, but overall it's boring and uninspired.

As the title says, not worth your time or money. Unless you're a huge Tom Cruise fan and just enjoy watching him in anything (for some reason lol) then I recommend finding a better movie to sink a couple hours into.
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Signs (2002)
A Misunderstood Masterpiece
5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Signs is one of those movies where if you ask someone their opinion of it, you'll tend to get one of two answers. Either "that movie is amazing and the arguments against it are unjust" or "that movie was so dumb" and the people in the latter category usually give one or two specific reasons why they thought it was dumb. I'm going to provide the examples of those reasons below and explain why I think they are invalid.

Spoilers Ahead:

Example 1: "This movie was dumb because why would aliens go to a planet that is 70% water if water hurts them?"

My rebuttal: At first, yes, I can see why people would think this is ridiculous. However, when you look at the timeline of the movie, it can be explained. The aliens were only hovering above/on earth for a total of around 3 days. I believe it's completely reasonable to believe that the aliens came to earth, realized that water harms them, tried to avoid water while still attempting their invasion, then soon realized that between all the water and human resistance, they were not equipped to attempt an invasion of earth and got out immediately. The movie says they left ina hurry, even leaving many of their own behind.

Example 2: "I thought this movie was dumb because the alien had a hard time getting out of a locked wooden door"

Ok, so I have a couole of things to mention anout this. 1. In the timeline of the movie, the alien only took maybe a few hours or so to get out of the door. Maybe that's longer than people would be able to get out of it but it's not easy smashing down a wooden door.

2. If the alien planet that they came from did not have water, it very likely didn't have trees either. Meaning wood is not a material that they would be familiar with and would take time to understand that it can be destroyed and how to do it.

Now of course, it's very hard to understand how there could be any kind of life on other planets without water. As far as we know, water is essential to life. But that is based on all we know about life based on what we've learned here on earth. As unlikely as it may seem, I'm not going to say that it's completely impossible that life could exist without water on another planet. It serms impossible, yes. But there's no way for us to know for sure.

If you made it through this, thank you. I hope it may have provided some explanations about some of the bigger problems with this movie that people have.
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The Batman (2022)
Dark and gritty yet beautiful and entertaining
12 March 2022
Matt Reeves' "The Batman" is definitely the darkest version of the character that we've seen on the big screen. I know a big complaint that many people seem to have with DC live-action films vs the MCU is how dark and kinda depressing, however, dark does not equal bad. It's all in the execution. Abd I'm happy to say that the execution here with "The Batman" is terrific.

Also, another thing I love about this film is something that I loved about Nolan's The Dark Knight, which is that those two films are far more grounded in reality than any other live-action versions of Batman. There are, of course, some exceptions, but The Batman feels like something that could be possible, as opposed to just feeling like it's comic book goofiness.

The Riddler in this film was transformed from a campy, strange nuisance to a downright scary, dark, mysterious, intelligent, and most of all, very dangerous criminal.

We don't get very much Bruce Wayne in this film, as here he's known to be a recluse rather than the playboy going out with multiple women at a time that we're used to seeing. I imagine he will become that version of Bruce Wayne later on in the sequels.

I also love the amount of detective work that Batman is required to do in this one. I feel like we never got to see much of that even though he's commonly referred to as "The world's greatest detective.

In closing, I know that a lot of people seem to just ask "is it better or worse than The Dark Knight?" and honestly, they are very difficult movies to compare, as TDK was an action-packed blockbuster where this is a mystery noir type film. Of course, everyone will have their own preference. But all I can say is this movie is fantastic and I think it's a great way to portray the characters.
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Freelancers (2012)
14 February 2022
It's like whoever wrote this took every bad, cheesy, cliché from every cop movie they've ever seen and put them all together in the most generic way possible. Every character talks like their lines were written by someone who doesn't know how people talk to each other. Not worth your time.
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Breaking Bad: Ozymandias (2013)
Season 5, Episode 14
Best 48 minutes of anything ever put on film
7 October 2021
If you've watched Breaking Bad all the way through then you already know how good this episode is. All of Walt's mistakes cause utter chaos in the most intense way imaginable. I have never been more glued to a TV than when I watched this episode. Breaking Bad overall is the best series I've ever watched. It deserves all the praise it's gotten. I'm easily distracted and have to rewind scenes from shows quite a bit because I space out and stop paying attention, but with Breaking Bad, especially this episode, there was not a single second where it didn't have my full undivided attention. The showdown and the aftermath in this episode leave you with a knot in your stomach in the best way possible. If you haven't watched this show yet, don't waste any more time not seeing it.
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Charlamagne is part of the problem
22 September 2021
This show and its host are terrible. Just more "white bad, black good" propaganda. Charlemagne is clearly racist against white people and he creates far more division than anything else. There are good and bad people of all races and ethnicities. Black people can be racist too. Charlamagne is proof of that. He's part of the inequality problem, not the solution. Don't bother watching.
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Actually not that bad, Far better than the sequel
13 August 2021
People judge this movie too harshly because it's a prequel to a beloved movie. Yes, the original Dumb & Dumber is far better. Of course it is. No one expected this movie to surpass the original. I honestly think they did a pretty good job. A good number of jokes landed for me and the actors did a great job of portraying what I think a young Harry and Lloyd would act like. They do a better job playing the characters and the actual same actors did in the sequel "Dumb and Dumber To". This movie is way better than that one in my opinion.

Overall, not nearly as bad as people say and deserves more credit. 6/10.
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Only slightly better than the first
12 August 2021
Idk why this movie is getting so many great reviews. It was better written and slightly more entertaining than the first, but overall not worth it. The final battle is lame and the movie goes on about 45 minutes too long. Overall, OK, not great. 6/10.
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Dumb and Dumberer was better than this
6 August 2021
Say what you want about the prequel Dumb and Dumberer, but at least it got the characters of Harry and Lloyd right for the most part. This movie didn't. Which is insane considering this one actually was written and directed by the same people and stars the same two actors in the roles as the original. In the first one, Harry and Lloyd did screw up people's lives, yes. But they didn't do it intentionally, they did it through their ignorance and stupidity, but they usually had the best intentions, for the most part. In this one, they're just a--holes for no reason. I hate them in this movie. In the first one, we could sympathize with them but here, they're just mean. All in all, huge disappointment.
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Miss March (2009)
I don't understand the hate
26 April 2021
Seems that a lot of people really don't like this movie. I don't understand what they wanted out of it or expected but I expected a dumb, raunchy comedy and that's exactly what I got. This movie is no more raunchy than many other teen comedies made around the same time and it actually made me laugh quite a bit. I may be slightly biased because I've been a huge fan of WKUK for a while and really wanted this movie to succeed. I know it's nothing to write home about but if you're in the mood to just laugh at some raunchy comedy then this is a great pick. 7/10.
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Frozen (I) (2010)
This is how you make a lot out of a little
15 April 2021
When the writing is good, you don't need a huge budget and lots of sets/locations to film. This movie proves that. Very intense thriller. Highly recommend.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
A bad ending can ruin it all
10 April 2021
If you've somehow managed to avoid watching Game of Thrones up until now, then I'm sure you've at least heard about the infamous final season and how it ruined what was once a great show. Others might say that the show started to fall off at around season 5. And this is because that's around the time the showrunners ran out of source material to adapt and had to start making up stuff on their own. My personal take: Seasons 1-4 are absolutely amazing, some of the best television I've ever seen and I loved those seasons dearly. Season 5 is where it started to fall a little flat, however, I still enjoyed seasons 5 and 6 for the most part and think they were at least somewhat in the realm of greatness that the previous seasons had been in. However, season 7 and of course, season 8 are where things really started to fall apart. It went from being a show that didn't have "plot armor", meaning any character could die at any moment no matter how popular with fans they were, to pretty much every main character getting in situations where they absolutely should not survive but always manage to get saved at the last moment. It went from having great dialogue to them just making lame genital jokes and dwarf jokes. Not to mention that it completely backtracked and ruined pretty much ever character's arc that had been building up to that moment, especially Jaime. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Jaime's character. And a bad ending can really hurt the rest of the show as well, because now I don't even wanna go back and watch the good seasons because I know how it ends and it ends horribly. So, if you've never watched the show, I honestly recommend you don't even bother. You'll just end up angry and disappointed with the ending and feel like all that time you spent getting invested in these characters was all for nothing.
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3rd Best Film in the Franchise
10 April 2021
Terminator Salvation does what none of the other films did. It gave us an entire movie based on what happens in the "future" when the machines have taken over instead of having them travel "back in time" to present day. It does a great job of showing what it would be like if machines did take over the world and how man can try their best to survive in that kind of world. Think Mad Max but with much more advanced vehicles and weapons. The story was engaging and the action scenes were incredible. I've seen every Terminator movie, including the new "Dark Fate", and out of all of them, this one I enjoyed the 3rd most, after T2 and the original The Terminator. I know a lot of people either loved or hated this movie, personally, I really enjoyed it and if you've been avoiding it, give it a chance.
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Ghost Rider (2007)
Fun and entertaining. Don't take it too seriously
28 March 2021
I see a lot of people really hate on this movie. Like, to the point where they compare it to some of the worst films of all time. And while it certainly isn't a great film or even really a good film, it's a fun, kinda turn-off-your-brain and just enjoy type of film. Sure, Nic Cage does his overacting thing that he likes to do a lot, and I can understand people being turned off by that. But, honestly, if it wasn't for Nic Cage's crazy antics, I don't think this movie would really be watchable. He brings a lot of, let's call it "enthusiasm" to the role and is having fun with it which I really like to see. If you want a fun, don't think too hard, entertaining action flick, there's a lot worse options out there than this one.
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Great film, only one thing I would've preferred...
28 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, this is a great Batman animated film and is on par with the amazing quality of all the other Batman animated films/show that we got in the 90s. I really like the costume for the Phantasm and I enjoyed the story overall. SPOILERS: ---- The only thing I wish was done differently was the Phantasm or just the villain overall. While I love the Joker (of course, who doesn't), I was looking forward to seeing Batman take on a whole new enemy that he hadn't seen or fought before. Instead, the end just ends up being yet another battle between the Joker and Batman. Still very entertaining, though. 8/10.
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Trailer Park Boys (2001–2018)
Original seasons good/Netflix seasons not so good
22 March 2021
As my title says, the original 7 seasons that aired on Showcase in Canada from 2001 to 2007 were great. Yes, I even loved season 7, which it seems most other fans of the show don't really like this season, but I do and honestly, compared to the Netflix seasons, you'll appreciate season 7 a lot more. Also, the original TPB The Movie released in 2006 and was pretty good. The show seemed to have ended with season 7 in '07, but of course, fans wanted more of the boys and due to popular demand, a TV movie was released titled Say Goodnight to the Bad Guys, which was pretty great in my opinion. Then another movie titled Countdown to Liquor Day was released the following year in 2009, which was, just Ok, in my opinion, of course. Finally, a 4th movie was released titled Don't Legalize It, which got mixed reviews but I really enjoyed it. Along with this came the announcement that Netflix was bringing the series back and that same year in September of 2014, Netflix released season 8 of Trailer Park Boys. And..., well, honestly, I didn't hate this season. I actually kind of liked it. Though, Mike Clattenburg's (the creator, head writer, and director of pretty much the entire show/movies up until this) absence from the show was very apparent. It was waaaay more over-the-top than it had ever been before, which was definitely a bad thing...ya my opinion. But it wasn't terrible. However, we then come to season 9 released on Netflix on March 27th 2015 and...dear god, season 9 was was so bad. It was so, so bad. I hated it so much. I found myself cringing so often and maybe let out a slight chuckle here and there. I know as shows go on, characters always tend to become caricatures of themselves, but this was ridiculous. In prior seasons, Ricky was at least capable of speaking at a normal volume sometimes. In this season, he pretty much screams every single word he says. The whole season is just bad. And season 10 is even worse. Not much to say other than it's just god-awful. It feels like it's trying so so hard to be over-the-top and give shock-humor but it's just bad in every way. Seasons 11 and 12 were definitely a huge step up from the previous 2 before it but still nothing great. Seasons 1-7 were peak TPB for me and I'm sure most fans of the show would probably agree.
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4 Hours Long and I Still Wanted More
19 March 2021
This cut is everything that I wanted from a Justice League movie and more. I didn't expect to enjoy this so much. I won't leave any spoilers here. Just watch it. It's great.
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Gotta be honest here
10 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While this is, of course, the original Friday the 13th film that started the whole franchise off, if I'm being completely honest, it's among my least favorites in the franchise. Let's be real, none of the FT13th films are anything amazing, but Jason was the main attraction for them and he's, as we all know, absent from this film, except for seeing kid Jason for that jumpscare at the end. While the Kevin Bacon kill was memorable, it's pretty much the only good kill in the movie that I can recall. All in all, it is a classic, but not even close to being in the top of my favorite in this franchise. 5/10
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Fist Fight (2017)
Just OK
1 March 2021
Don't let any of the really bad or really good reviews fool you. It's just OK. Good for a few chuckles but nothing extraordinary.
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Why Him? (2016)
Non-stop cringefest
1 January 2021
I can't remember the last time I watched a movie and felt so much second-hand embarrassment for the people involved. Almost every scene was uncomfortable to watch. And not in a funny kind of cringe way. It was just cringe. There were maybe 3 scenes total that I thought weren't too bad. The rest was just hard to watch. There were times where I literally had to look away from the screen because I just hated what I was seeing so much. Don't waste your time.
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Thanks for showing me this, Drew
22 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Drew Gooden recently made a YouTube video about this little hidden gem that I'm sure I never would've heard of had he not made that video, and I'm willing to bet the people who made it would've preferred that. It's like an education program except you learn absolutely nothing except how to poorly film and edit something. Oh, and Ted Danson just randomly singing all throughout. I love it. 1/10
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Flawed but decent
4 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers

GOOD: For a low-budget fan film, it does a great job of building suspense and making Jason seem actually scary for the first time in a while. Most of the Friday sequels were just downright ridiculous and it's nice to see Jason actually be scary again. The acting from the one and only character is also decent.

BAD: Suffers from some of the same cliche' horror movie lack of realism that many others do. Specifically, the main character spends a lot of time crawling for some reason when there's no reason he can't just get up and run. At one point he gets a cut on his leg which, yeah looks kinda bad and painful, but in no way would it ever stop someone who's running for their life from getting up and continuing to run. But it does and for some reason this gash on his leg causes him to just start crawling, again, instead of getting up and sprinting away as anyone else would do.

Overall, it's far better than most of the Friday sequels and actually helped to reignite my love for the franchise that's really diminished over recent years. Apparently the makers behind this are making a prequel to this film called "Never Hike in the Snow" which I'm excited to see. 7/10
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Lots of style, not much substance
24 September 2020
Idk if it's just me or not but this film just came off like it was trying way too hard to be artsy and stylish and deep but just didn't have a story that justifies its style. This was a story that could've just been a short film, and probably would've been a great one, but instead it was stretched out to an hour and a half and so many scenes just seem like filler trying to disguise as art.
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